Section 1.1 Patterns in Division Divisibility Rules In this unit we will determine the rules for numbers that can be divided by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 or 10. (When you divide the numbers, the answer is a whole number...not a decimal) 1. Which of these numbers are divisible (can be divided) by 2? By 5? By 10? 78 27 35 410 → by 2 → none → by 5 → by 2,5, and 10 123 2100 4126 795 → none →by 2 ,5 and 10 →by 2 →by 5 How do we know a number is divisible by 2? By 5? By 10? What is the rule? 2: A number is divisible by 2 if it ends in an EVEN number meaning it ends in a 0, 2, 4, 6 or 8. 5: A number is divisible by 5, if it ends in a 5 or 0. 10: A number is divisible by 10 if it ends in a 0 Investigation The multiples of 2 are 302 304 308 312 316 320 ... All numbers are even The multiples of 4 are 304 308 312 316 320 324 328 … If a number is divisible by 4 then its also divisible by 2, because 2 is a factor of 4. *Last two digits are multiples of 4 for the whole number to be divisible by 4. (301,305 are not divisible even though they go up by 4) The multiples of 8 are 308 316 324 332 340 348 356 … All numbers has to be divisible by 4 and by 2 because 4 and 2 are multiples of 8. However 8 is not a factor of 2 and 4 therefore if a number is divisible by 2 and 4 it may not be divisible by 8. Examples: Which numbers are divisible by 8 2064 (64/8) so yes 1032 by 8 16 by 8 1324 (324/8) 4179 (179/8) so no 15400 yes 72 yes 26394 (394/8) no So… A number is divisible by 4 when the last two digits are divisible by 4 A number is divisible by 8 when the last three digits are divisible by 8. Also if number is divisible by 8 then it has to be divisible by 2 and 4 because 2 and 4 are factors of 8 Complete Pages 8-9 #’s 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Venn Diagrams A diagram with overlapping circles to display data. Example #1 Refer to the following numbers: 2 5 6 40 41 55 315 610 9 65 A) Which numbers are divisible by 2? 2,6,12,32,40,70,98,98,610 B) Which numbers are divisible by 5? 5,25,40,55,65,70,105,315,610 C) Which numbers are divisible by 2 and 5? 40,70,610 D) Which numbers are NOT divisible by 2 or 5? 9,41 E) Create a Venn Diagram to display the results. 12 70 25 98 32 105 9 Divisible by 2 Divisible by 5 2,6,12,32,98 40 70 61 0 9,41 555,5,25,55,65,105,315 9,41 Example #2 Refer to the following numbers: 12 24 35 128 765 1048 56 1482 A) Which numbers are divisible by 5? 35,80,90,765,3960 B) Which numbers are divisible by 8? 24,56,1048,128 C) Which numbers are divisible by 5 and 8? 80,3960 D) Which numbers are NOT divisible by 5 or 8? 12,15019,1482 E) Create a Venn Diagram to display the results. 80 3960 90 15019 Divisible by 5 Divisible by 8 35 35, 90, 765 1 B2 80, 3960 24, 56, 1048,128 12, 1482, 15019 Practice In your exercise book create a venn diagram to show..... A) Which of the following numbers are divisible by 4 and 5. 16 97 20 105 33 214 64 216 80 324 95 405 B)Which of the following numbers are divisible by 8 and 10. 115 800 116 928 120 1008 168 1110 450 753 24 35 We can also use a Carroll Diagram to sort numbers. For Example: Use the numbers below to complete the Carroll Diagram: 1 47 11 98 15 100 20 Divisible by 2 Not Divisible by 2 Divisible by 5 20,100 15,35 Not Divisible by 5 24,98 1,11,47 Practice Sort these numbers into the Carroll Diagram below: 17 2632 20 3416 Divisible by 5 Not Divisible by 5 25 94140 1234 2605 Divisible by 4 Not Divisible by 4 20,94140 25,2605 2632,3416 17,1234