Senate Calendar THURSDAY, MARCH 2, 2000 59th DAY OF BIENNIAL SESSION ORDERS OF THE DAY ACTION CALENDAR UNFINISHED BUSINESS OF TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 29, 2000 Third Reading S. 296 An act relating to explosives and fireworks. AMENDMENT TO S. 296 TO BE OFFERED BY SENATORS BAHRE AND CANNS BEFORE THIRD READING Senators Bahre and Canns move to amend the bill as follows: First: In Sec. 1, in §3135 of 20 V.S.A., by striking out the following: “§3135. CRIMINAL PENALTIES” and inserting in lieu thereof the following: §3135. CRIMINAL AND CIVIL PENALTIES Second: In Sec. 1, in §3135 of 20 V.S.A., subsection (a), subdivision (1) by striking out the following: “1-999” and inserting in lieu thereof “51-999” Third: In Sec. 1, in §3135 of 20 V.S.A., by adding a new subsection (d) to read as follows: (d) A person who violates this subchapter relating to the sale, possession or use of up to 50 single units of fireworks shall be subject to a civil penalty of up to $100 for each violation. The complaint shall be issued and filed with the judicial bureau pursuant to chapter 20 of title 4. Fourth: By adding a new section to be numbered Sec. 2. to read as follows: Sec. 2. 4 V.S.A. § 1102 is amended to read: § 1102. JUDICIAL BUREAU; JURISDICTION (a) A judicial bureau is created within the judicial branch under the supervision of the supreme court. (b) The bureau shall have jurisdiction of the following matters: *** - 356 - (8) Violations of 20 V.S.A. § 3135(a)(1), relating to the sale, possession or use of 1-50 single units of fireworks. Second Reading Favorable H. 768 An act relating to recording and reporting local indebtedness. Reported favorably by Senator Maynard for the Committee on Government Operations. (Committee vote: 5-0-1) H. 786 An act relating to election of road commissioners. Reported favorably by Senator Ankeney for the Committee on Government Operations. (Committee vote: 5-0-1) Favorable with Proposal of Amendment H. 204 An act relating to standards for privatization of state jobs. Reported favorably with recommendation of proposal of amendment by Senator Brownell for the Committee on Government Operations. The Committee recommends that the Senate propose to the House to amend the bill as follows: First: In Sec. 2, § 342 of 3 V.S.A., subsection (a), subdivision (1), by striking out the following: “, including any requirements that work be performed during a specified hour” Second: In Sec. 2, § 342 of 3 V.S.A., subsection (a), subdivision (2), after the word “employees”, by adding the following: “within the agency” Third: In Sec. 2, § 342 of 3 V.S.A., subsection (a), subdivision (4), subparagraph (E), after the word “years”, by adding the following: “or provided on an intermittent basis for the duration of the contract” Fourth: In Sec. 2, § 342 of 3 V.S.A., subsection (a), subdivision (4), by striking out subparagraph (H) in its entirety and inserting in lieu thereof a new subparagraph (H) to read as follows: - 357 - (H) Efforts to recruit state employees to perform work, authorized by law, have failed in that no applicant meeting the minimum qualifications has applied for the job. (Committee Vote: 5-0-1) (For House amendments, see House Journal for February 8, 2000, page 218; February 9, 2000, page 232.) UNFINISHED BUSINESS OF WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1, 2000 Second Reading Favorable with Recommendation of Amendment S. 240 An act relating to the management of stormwater runoff. Reported favorably with recommendation of amendment by Senator Ready for the Committee on Natural Resources and Energy. The Committee recommends that the bill be amended by striking out all after the enacting clause and inserting in lieu thereof the following: Sec. 1. 10 V.S.A. § 1253(d) is amended to read: (d) The board shall determine what degree of water quality and classification should be obtained and maintained for those waters not classified by it before 1981 following the procedures in sections 1254 and 1258 of this title. Those waters shall be classified in the public interest. The secretary shall revise all 17 basin plans by January 1, 2000 2006, and update them every five years thereafter. At least one basin plan shall be completed per year beginning in 1992. On or before January 1 of each year, the secretary shall report to the house committees on agriculture and natural resources and energy and to the senate committees on agriculture and natural resources and energy regarding the progress made and difficulties encountered in revising basin plans. By January 1, 1993, the secretary shall prepare an overall management plan to ensure that the water quality standards are met in all state waters. Sec. 2. 10 V.S.A. § 1264 is amended to read: § 1264. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT (a) The runoff of stormwater that is collected and discharged to the waters of the state and which may be deleterious to the surrounding waters shall be subject to the provisions of this chapter. The general assembly finds that the management of stormwater runoff is necessary to reduce stream channel instability, pollution, siltation, sedimentation and local flooding, all of which have adverse impacts on the water and land resources of the state. The general - 358 - assembly intends, by enactment of this section, to reduce the adverse effects of stormwater runoff. The general assembly determines that this intent may best be attained by a process that: assures broad participation; focuses upon the prevention of pollution; relies on structural treatment only when necessary; establishes and maintains accountability; tailors strategies to the region and the locale; assures an adequate funding source; builds broad-based programs; provides for the evaluation and appropriate evolution of programs; is consistent with the federal Clean Water Act and the state water quality standards; and accords appropriate recognition to the importance of community benefits that accompany an effective stormwater runoff management program. However, the The term "stormwater runoff," as used in this section, is limited to collected discharges from large scale developments to sensitive water quality areas, means precipitation that does not infiltrate into the soil, including material dissolved or suspended in it, but does not include discharges from undisturbed natural terrain or wastes from combined sewer overflows, and does not include ditching, tiling or the creation of grass waterways within agricultural lands. (b) The secretary shall prepare a plan for the management of collected stormwater runoff found by the department to be deleterious to receiving waters. The plan shall recognize that the runoff of stormwater is different from the discharge of sanitary and industrial wastes because of the influence of natural events of stormwater runoff, the variations in characteristics of those runoffs, and the increased stream flows and natural degradation of the receiving water quality at the time of discharge. The plan shall be cost effective and designed to minimize any adverse impact of stormwater runoff to waters of the state. By no later than April 1, 2001, the secretary shall prepare an enhanced stormwater management program and report to the general assembly on the content of that program. In developing the program, the secretary shall consult with the water resources board, affected municipalities, regional entities, other state and federal agencies, and members of the public. The secretary shall be responsible for implementation of the program. The secretary’s stormwater management program shall include, at a minimum, provisions that: (1) Indicate that the primary goals of the state program will be to assure compliance with the Vermont water quality standards and to maintain after development, as nearly as possible, the predevelopment runoff characteristics. (2) Allow for differences in hydrologic characteristics in different parts of the state. (3) Incorporate stormwater management into the basin planning process conducted under section 1253 of this title. - 359 - (4) Assure consistency with applicable requirements of the federal Clean Water Act. (5) Address stormwater management in new development and redevelopment. (6) Control stormwater runoff from construction sites and other land disturbing activities. (7) Indicate that water quality mitigation practices may be required for any redevelopment of previously developed sites, even when pre-redevelopment runoff characteristics are proposed to be maintained. (8) Specify minimum requirements for inspection and maintenance of stormwater management practices. (9) Promote detection and elimination of improper or illegal connections and discharges. (10) Promote implementation of pollution prevention during the conduct of municipal operations. (11) Provide for a design manual that includes technical guidance for the management of stormwater runoff. (12) Encourage municipal governments to utilize existing regulatory and planning authority to implement improved stormwater management by providing technical assistance, training, research and coordination with respect to stormwater management technology, and by preparing and distributing a model local stormwater management ordinance. (13) Promote public education and participation among citizens and municipalities about cost-effective and innovative measures to reduce stormwater discharges to the waters of the state. (c) The secretary shall submit the plan program report to the house committees on agriculture and natural resources and energy and to the senate committees on agriculture and energy and natural resources and energy. (d) The board shall consider the plan, and may amend it. It shall adopt the plan as a rule under the Administrative Procedure Act. No later than July 1, 2001, the secretary shall file with the secretary of state a proposed rule which contains the regulatory elements of the program. (e) After the plan program takes effect as a rule, the secretary shall issue require a discharge permit for discharge of collected stormwater runoff which achieves the goals of the plan consistent with, at a minimum, the December 15, 1997, agency of natural resources stormwater management procedures. The secretary may issue, condition, modify, revoke or deny discharge permits for - 360 - collected stormwater runoff, as necessary to assure achievement of the goals of the program and compliance with state law and the federal Clean Water Act. The permit shall require as a condition of approval, proper operation and maintenance of any stormwater management facility and submittal by the permittee of a semiannual inspection report on the operation, maintenance and condition of the stormwater management system. The permit shall contain additional conditions, requirements and restrictions as the secretary deems necessary to achieve and maintain compliance with the water quality standards, including but not limited to requirements concerning recording, reporting and monitoring the effects on receiving waters due to operation and maintenance of stormwater management facilities. The secretary may issue general permits for classes of stormwater runoff permittees and may specify the period of time for which the permit is valid other than that specified in section 1263(d)(4) of this title when such is consistent with the goals provisions of this section. General permits shall be adopted and administered in accordance with the provisions of subsection 1263(b) of this title. No permit is required under this section for stormwater runoff from fields used for normal agricultural activities farms subject to accepted agricultural practices adopted by the commissioner of agriculture, food and markets or for stormwater runoff from silvicultural activities subject to accepted management practices adopted by the commissioner of forests, parks and recreation. (f) Where the secretary determines the water quality standards are not met in receiving waters due, in whole or in part, to collected stormwater runoff, the secretary may issue a general permit specific to the watershed or a permit for an individual project, but not a statewide general permit for such receiving waters. Any permit issued pursuant to this subsection shall include a compliance schedule of no longer than five years reasonably designed to assure attainment of the water quality standards in the receiving waters. This compliance schedule shall not require a permittee to take actions regarding discharge of collected stormwater runoff that are not subject to the control of the permittee. Sec. 3. 24 V.S.A. § 4407(20) is added to read: (20) Stormwater management and control. Any municipality may adopt zoning and subdivision regulations as necessary to implement stormwater management and control consistent with the program developed by the secretary of natural resources pursuant to 10 V.S.A. § 1264. Sec. 4. TRANSITION (a) Until the secretary has adopted rules implementing the enhanced program for management of stormwater runoff, the secretary’s existing - 361 - program shall remain in effect, and may be amended by the secretary, under the authority of this section prior to the amendments included in this act. (b) The secretary shall conduct a study of stormwater management responsibilities suitable for implementation by municipalities and shall present to the legislature recommendations for promoting increased and cost effective municipal involvement in stormwater management. The study shall be conducted in cooperation with representatives of: municipal governments, conservation groups, fishing groups, the construction industry, agricultural interests, and the earth moving and shaping industry. (Committee vote: 6-0-0) House Proposal of Amendment J.R.S. 88 Joint resolution honoring Ruth Finn on her retirement as Barre Town Clerk and Treasurer. The House proposes to the Senate to amend the resolution by striking out all after the title and inserting in lieu thereof the following: Whereas, a town’s clerk and treasurer is entrusted with enormous responsibility for a municipality’s administrative and financial well-being, and Whereas, the competence of town clerks and treasurers is reflected in the quality of services provided to their citizens, and Whereas, while Vermonters have elected many highly reputable and respected town clerks, a few stand in a class by themselves, and Whereas, without question, Ruth Finn of Barre Town merits inclusion in this special category of extraordinary town clerks and treasurers, and Whereas, since 1984, when the voters of Barre Town first elected this Randolph native, as the municipality’s leading administrative and financial official, they have experienced the highest caliber of local government service, and Whereas, Ruth Finn ideally prepared to assume this important administrative position having graduated in 1957 from Simmons College in Boston where her studies included courses in government and subsequently familiarizing herself with the law by attending Portia Law School, and Whereas, she enhanced her knowledge of legal matters by working as a paralegal in her father’s and brother’s law office, and - 362 - Whereas, Ruth Finn is the wife of attorney Richard M. Finn, and they are the proud parents of a son and a daughter who in 1976 served as a legislative page, Whereas, the International Institute of Municipal Clerks has certified her as a municipal clerk in recognition of her successfully completing the institute’s training curriculum, and Whereas, Ruth Finn mastered the intricacies of Barre Town’s government and finances to such an extent that she was recognized as an encyclopedic expert on the town’s public administration, and Whereas, she has always exercised her official duties with the utmost care and professionalism, and Whereas, Ruth Finn’s colleagues in the Vermont Clerks and Treasurers Association, who hold her in the highest regard, elected her to serve as the association’s president, and Whereas, she was also elected president of the Vermont Government Officers’ Association, and Whereas, in recognition of her expertise on matters pertaining to the organization and preservation of municipal records, the governor appointed Ruth Finn to the Vermont Historical Records Board, and Whereas, aside from her duties as Barre Town Clerk and Treasurer, Ruth Finn has led an active and fulfilling life having served as a Vice President General of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution and as an Incorporator of the Hillside School for Boys in Marlboro, Massachusetts and Whereas, after 16 years of exemplary municipal service as Barre Town Clerk and Treasurer, Ruth Finn has decided that she is ready for a change of pace, and has decided not to stand for reelection on Town Meeting Day, now therefore be it RESOLVED BY THE SENATE AND HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES: That the General Assembly is pleased to honor Ruth Finn for her 16 years of outstanding service as Barre Town Clerk and Treasurer, and be it further RESOLVED: That the Secretary of State be directed to send a copy of this resolution to Ruth Finn in Barre Town. - 363 - NEW BUSINESS Third Reading S. 48 An act relating to registration at the polling place and early voter absentee ballots. Joint Senate Resolution for Action J.R.S. 91 Joint resolution designating May 2000 as Osteoporosis Awareness Month. (For text of resolution, see Senate Journal for Wednesday, March 1, 2000) Joint House Resolutions for Action J.R.H. 193 Joint resolution in memory of former Representative Homer Delmar Perkins. J.R.H. 194 Joint resolution congratulating former Representative Kermit Richardson on his reelection National Master of the National Grange. W. J.R.H. 195 Joint resolution in honor of retiring Bridport Town clerk Clifford J. Huestis. J.R.H. 196 Joint resolution congratulating the recipients of the year 2000 local storekeepers award. (For text of resolutions, see Senate Journal for Wednesday, March 1, 2000) NOTICE CALENDAR Favorable H. 597 An act relating to children working at baseball games. Reported favorably by Senator Greenwood for the Committee on General Affairs and Housing. (Committee vote: 6-0-0) (For House amendments, see House Journal for February 23, 2000, page 300) - 364 - Favorable with Proposal of Amendment H. 234 An act relating to student members of the state board of education. Reported favorably with recommendation of proposal of amendment by Senator Maynard for the Committee on Education. The Committee recommends that the Senate propose to the House to amend the bill by adding a new Sec. 3 to read: Sec. 3. EFFECTIVE DATE This act shall take effect on passage. Upon passage, the governor shall appoint the student member who is to become the full voting member in school year 2001 as quickly as possible. The student may then attend meetings of the state board in order to observe, and shall become a full voting member on July 1, 2000. (Committee Vote: 5-0-0) (For House amendments, see House Journal for February 2, 2000, page 190.) ORDERED TO LIE S. 237 An act relating to minors and alcohol. PENDING ACTION: Second reading. Public Hearings Wednesday, March 22, 2000 – Room 11 – 7:00-9:00 P.M. – Re: EMS Emergency Medical Services – House Committee on Commerce. Thursday, March 23, 2000 – Room 11 – 7:00-10:00 P.M. – Re: Air Quality: Vermont Agency of Natural Resources Proposal to Increase NOX Emissions Through a Federal Waiver – Senate Committee on Natural Resources and Energy CALENDAR NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON V.I.T. Monday, March 20, 2000, 7:00 P.M. - 9:30 P.M. BILL #: (FY 2001 Appropriations Bill) - Senate Appropriations Committee The Senate Appropriations Committee will hold a public hearing on Vermont Interactive Television. The purpose of the hearing is to give Vermont citizens throughout the State an opportunity to express their views about the - 365 - State’s fiscal year 2001 budget. Eleven (11) V.I.T. site locations will be used for the hearing: Bennington, Brattleboro, Canaan, Colchester, Middlebury, Newport, Randolph Center, Rutland, St. Albans, St. Johnsbury and Waterbury. For further information concerning studio site locations, contact Rebecca Buck in the Legislative Fiscal Office at 802/828-5969. Requests for captioning should be made to Ms. Buck at the Legislative Fiscal Office no later than 4:00 P.M. on Thursday, March 9. REPORTS ON FILE Pursuant to the provisions of 2 V.S.A. §20(c), one (1) copy of the following reports is on file in the office of the Secretary of the Senate: 67. Petroleum Cleanup Fund Status Report for calendar year 1999. (February 2000) (Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Environmental Conservation) 68. Vermont State House Study of Space Needs. (February 2000) (Agency of Administration, Department of Buildings and General Services) 69. Vermont Educational & Health Buildings Financing Agency 1999 Annual Report. (February 2000) 70. Vermont Fuel Assistance Report (LIHEAP). – (February 2000) (Agency of Human Services) 71. 2000) Vermont Municipal Bond Bank 1999 Annual Report – (February CROSSOVER DEADLINE The Crossover deadline has been set for Friday, March 3, 2000. This deadline means that all Senate bills must be reported out of the last committee of reference (excluding the Committees on Appropriations and Finance) on or before Friday, March 3, 2000, and filed with the Secretary of the Senate so that they can be placed on the Calendar for Notice the next legislative day. All bills needing consideration by the Committees on Appropriations and Finance must be reported out by those committees on or before Friday, March 17, 2000, and filed with the Secretary of the Senate. - 366 - These deadlines may be waived for any bill or committee only with the consent of the Committee on Rules. Note: The House has chosen not to impose any crossover deadline. It is the intention of the President pro tempore, nevertheless, that the Senate not act on House bills that do not meet the Senate’s crossover deadlines, without the consent of the Senate Rules Committee. Joint Resolutions – If copies of joint resolutions are directed to be sent to any persons, the proposers of the resolutions must provide the office of the secretary of the Senate with the names and mailing addresses of the recipients. INFORMATION NOTICE The following items were recently received by the Joint Fiscal Committee: JFO #1903 - Land donation of 91.56 acres from the Hinesburg Land Trust to the Department of Fish and Wildlife. This parcel, which has a value of $112,000.00, is mostly wooded and holds an extensive network of recreation trails that connect the Village of Hinesburg with Lewis Creek. It should be noted that while this parcel does not have Lewis Creek frontage, it is connected to land that does and is already owned by the Department of Fish and Wildlife. [JFO received 02/25/00] JFO #1904 - Land donation of 1.6 acres from the Town of Morristown to the Department of Fish and Wildlife. The residential home on the property was removed in May 1999 after being repeatedly flooded. This land, which has a value of $23,600.00, will provide meaningful public access to the Lamoille River and nearby publicly owned lands. [JFO received 02/25/00] - 367 -