Rochester Institute of Technology Rochester New York College of Science Department of Physics Course 1017-318 1.0 Title: Vibrations and Waves Date: September 25, 2008 Credit Hours: 4 Prerequisite(s): 1017-312 or 1017-306, 1016-282 or 1016-273 Corequisite(s): Credit or co-registration in 1017-313 Credit or co-registration in 1016-283 2.0 Course information: Classroom Lab Studio Other Contact hours 4 Quarter(s) offered (check) _____ Fall __ __ Winter Maximum students/section 50 __X__ Spring _____ Summer Students required to take this course: (by program and year, as appropriate) Majors in the Department of Physics Students who might elect to take the course: Students majoring in Imaging Science, engineering, and others with the appropriate background. 3.0 Goals of the course (including rationale for the course, when appropriate): To communicate the idea that waves are the natural excitations of any medium and that you should expect to meet waves in nearly all branches of physics. Students will gain a basic understanding of the physics of vibrations and waves, including simple and damped simple harmonic motion, the forced oscillator and resonance, coupled oscillations and normal modes, transverse wave motion, longitudinal waves, waves in more than one dimension, Fourier methods, nonlinear oscillations. 3/8/2016 4.0 Course description (as it will appear in the RIT Catalog, including pre- and corequisites, quarters offered) 1017-318 Vibrations & Waves An introduction to the physics of vibrations and waves. (Prerequisites: 1017-312 or 1017-306, 1016-282 or 1016-273, Corequisites: Credit or co-registration in 1017-313, credit or co-registration in 1016-283) Class 4, Credit 4 (S) 5.0 Possible resources (texts, references, computer packages, etc.) 5.1 Main, I. G. Vibrations and Waves in Physics, CUP. 5.2 French, A. P., Vibrations and Waves, Norton. 5.2 Pain H. L, The physics of Vibrations and Waves, Wiley. 6.0 Topics (Outline): 6.1 Harmonic motion (~7 lectures) 6.1.1 Simple harmonic oscillator (mass/spring system) Justification (Taylor’s series around potential minimum) General solution (sine/cosine) and initial conditions General solution (complex exponential) Energy 6.1.2 Damped harmonic motion 6.1.3 Forced damped harmonic motion Resonance Q factor Phase angle 6.1.4 Periodic driving force 6.2 Fourier Series (~ 6 lectures) 6.2.1 Basis vectors, orthogonality, completeness (use analogy with 3D Cartesian unit vectors) 6.2.2 Fourier sine / cosine series 6.2.3 Fourier exponential series 6.2.4 Fourier decomposition of wave pulse Classical uncertainty relationship 6.2.5 Damped harmonic oscillator with periodic, but not sinusoidal, driving force 6.3 Coupled oscillators (~ 6 lectures) 6.3.1 Mass/spring system Symmetric and anti-symmetric solutions Normal frequencies Normal coordinates 6.3.2 N coupled oscillators Dispersion 6.4 Oscillations in continuous media (~ 6 lectures) 6.4.1 1D wave equation Derivation of 1D wave equation for stretched string Separation of variables General properties of solution Initial conditions 3/8/2016 Boundary conditions Vibrating string Superposition and Fourier series Standing waves Normal modes 6.5 Waves (one-dimensional) (~ 4 lectures) 6.5.1 One-dimensional traveling sinusoidal wave Energy and intensity 6.5.2 Boundary effects (reflection, transmission) 6.5.3 Longitudinal waves 6.6 Wave pulses (~ 2 lectures) 6.6.1 Superposition of two waves 6.6.2 Phase and group velocity 6.6.3 Dispersion 6.7 Waves (two-dimensional) (~ 6 lectures) 6.7.1 Huygens Principle 6.7.2 Plane waves Reflection and refraction Double slit interference Multi-slit interference Diffraction 6.7.3 Applications Mechanical waves Electromagnetic waves Matter waves 6.4.2 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 8.0 Intended learning outcomes and associated assessment methods of those outcomes Learning outcome Exams and Homework quizzes assignments Set up and solve the equations of simple harmonic X X motion, damped and forced harmonic motion Explain elementary concepts in waves: wavenumber, X X frequency, travelling and standing waves, the role of boundary conditions in determining allowed modes of oscillation Handle the mathematical description of sinusoidal waves X X Approximate more realistic anharmonic vibrations with X X SHO Perform basic harmonic analysis of a wave and solve X X problems involving pulses and wave groups Program or general education goals supported by this course 8.1 To develop in students a basic understanding of the physical world and mathematical descriptions of it. 8.2 To develop in students skill in applying mathematics to different physical situations. 8.3 To develop a capacity for critical thinking and analysis. 3/8/2016 9.0 Other relevant information (such as special classroom, studio, or lab needs, special scheduling, media requirements, etc.) 10.0 Supplemental information - NONE 3/8/2016