Final Draft Independent Accountability Committee Terms of Reference Introduction Working politically as an open platform, the CSO Partnership for Development Effectiveness (CPDE) requires effective governance and accountability system that fulfills the Istanbul Principles, human rights-based approaches and the specific requirements of developing a comprehensive open platform operating at all layers from the country to the global. In promoting values of accountability at all levels and inculcating these CSO principles in horizontal and vertical accountability, the CPDE will establish an oversight Independent Accountability Committee (IAC). The IAC will be distinct from the governance bodies and operate at global level. Its’ members will be drawn from CSO membership worldwide be elected to ensure all aspects of accountability of CPDE to its principles and objectives in the conduct of its work including governance, representativeness and financial functions. The IAC shall ensure that evaluation and audit mechanisms are in place along with other relevant elements for applying accountability. Role The purpose of the IAC is to ensure accountability of the CPDE at a strategic and operational level. Specifically, the IAC will aim to ensure: The CPDE’s effective governance with the following characteristics: participatory, consensus oriented, accountable, transparent, responsive, effective and efficient, equitable and inclusive and follows the rule of law The CPDE is working towards its overall goals and objectives as defined in the CPDE while respecting its values The CPDE is doing so in accordance with its overall strategy The various bodies of the CPDE are functioning according to its mandate and accountable to each other The funding raised in CPDE’s name is spent and managed as efficiently as possible. The IAC promotes fiscal integrity and sound financial practices by the Financial Agent and among member organizations The IAC will do this by: Reviewing major documents that contain strategies and plans. Monitoring and evaluating compliance of the performance information and/or reports from the various bodies of the CPDE including the Coordination Committee, the Secretariat, the regional and sub-regional coordinating committees, sectoral/major groups and the working groups Receiving financial reports from the Fiscal Agent(s) on expenditure including reasons for any exceptions and significant variances to planned expenditure Assessing accountability mechanisms of CPDE at various levels and dimensions (vertical and horizontal). Issuing an annual or biannual report of its analysis of CPDE’s accountability. Proposing recommendations on adjustments in functions, ways of work, new initiatives, actions and tasks relevant to this analysis to the General Council. 1 Final Draft Selection & Terms Sectoral and regional constituencies will each nominate an organization to compose a pool of nominees from which three CSO representatives will be selected by the Global Council to serve for a term of two years. In selecting the members of the IAC, the GC will ensure gender and geographical balance as well as the combination of skills that will enable the IAC to perform its functions. Composition Representatives of CSOs that are members of CPDE Members should have at least one of the skills/background/specialisation in governance, program, and financial functions 3 members for a period of 2 years A chair elected by its members Frequency and venue of meeting The chair of the IAC attends as observer of the GC meetings. A representative of the IAC may request or maybe requested to attend the meeting of the Global Coordinating Committee as appropriate. The IAC physically meets once a year after the annual financial audit of the Fiscal Agency. Support The Program Manager and/or Finance and Administration Officer of the Secretariat support the IAC in its role. 2