Note: The basis for much of this Support Provider Description of Practice is the Continuum of Mentor Development published and copyrighted by the Santa Cruz New Teacher Center in 2009.
Additions (one Standard and nine Elements) and adaptations were made by Sinclair Research Group in order to include best practice from current research, and align language and descriptions to
Induction Program Standards, the BTSA Induction Program and practices in California. Changes are indicated in italics. Further contributions to the thinking were made by the Cluster 6 Regional
Directors, the BTSA South Bay Consortiums, the Monterey COE and San Mateo COE BTSA Induction Programs, and the Tulare City BTSA Induction Program. This tool is in draft format and is not
available for publication beyond its use in association with the Support Provider Self-Assessment.
Standard 1: Engages, supports and advances the professional learning of participating teachers
Level 1: Beginning/Emerging
1.1 Uses reflective conversation
skills to engage the participating
teacher in collaborative problem
solving and reflective thinking to
promote self-directed learning
1.2 Uses a variety of strategies
and resources, including
technology, to respond to the
participating teacher’s
professional needs and to the
learning needs of all students
Learns mentoring language
protocols. Listens attentively to
respond appropriately. Engages
the participating teacher in
collaborative problem solving.
Level 2:
Uses mentoring language to
facilitate positive,
productive, reflective
conversations. Applies
instructive, collaborative,
and facilitative mentoring
strategies consciously to
promote thinking and
problem solving.
Level 3: Advances/Complex
Strengthens repertoire of reflective
conversation skills. Moves fluidly
among mentoring strategies to promote
participating teacher confidence and
autonomy. Effectively addresses
sensitive issues and resistance.
Encourages ongoing reflection, critical
thinking, and risk taking to promote
both self-direction and collaborative
problem solving.
Responds to the needs of the
Selects from a variety of
Seeks and shares new knowledge of
participating teacher by providing research-based teaching
strategies and resources related to
timely access to an array of
strategies to support the
ongoing learning from the professional
teaching strategies, resources, and participating teacher’s
community. Facilitates the
materials. Uses technology as a
pedagogy, content
participating teacher’s strategic
mentoring resource.
knowledge, and instructional integration of those resources to
skills. Models and
influence practice, promote student
advocates for the effective
achievement, and differentiate
use of technology to promote instruction. Facilitates integration of
student learning.
Level 1: Beginning/Emerging
1.3 Uses data to engage the
participating teacher in
examining and improving practice
1.4 Facilitates learning
experiences that promote
collaborative inquiry, analysis,
reflection on practice and the
plan-teach-reflect-apply cycle
1.5 Draws upon the participating
teacher’s background experience
in planning for next steps in
professional learning
Uses formative assessment data to
inform the participating teacher’s
next steps. Records the reflective
conversations on graphic
organizers/tools that help
facilitate data analysis and datadriven conversations.
Collaborates with the
participating teacher to
effectively utilize the inquiry
cycle of plan, teach, and reflect in
order to improve teaching
Is aware of participating teacher
background experiences.
Level 2: Applying/Maturing
Responds to the needs of the
participating teacher by providing
specific formative assessment
data and analysis for both shortand long-term teaching goals,
problem solving and decision
Models the inquiry cycle by
collaborating with the
participating teacher on designing
a lesson, observing the lesson,
and analyzing the student work
and observation data generated
from the lesson.
Is aware of participating teacher
background experiences and uses
these to help participating
teachers address challenges and
Level 3: Advances/Complex
Integrates multiple methods and
tools of observation and data
collection to create and utilize
opportunities for examination and
improvement of practice.
Fosters a habit of mind generating
inquiry questions and consistently
executing the inquiry cycle of
plan, teach, and reflect.
Guides conversations in a manner
that acknowledges and draws
upon participating teacher
background experience, shows
understanding of the unique
context, obstacles and challenges
faced by the participating teacher
on an ongoing basis.
Standard 2: Creates and maintains collaborative and professional partnerships to support participating teacher growth
Level 1: Beginning/Emerging
2.1 Creates an environment of
trust, caring and honesty with the
participating teacher to establish
and maintain strong relationships
and promote professional growth
Builds a positive relationship with
the participating teacher.
Explains the role of the support
provider/mentor. Listens
actively, maintains
confidentiality, and honors
commitments. Celebrates
2.2 Uses time with the
participating teachers, effectively
implementing procedures and
routines that support the
participating teacher’s learning
Respects the participating
teacher’s time, meets individual
needs, provides ongoing
collaboration, and completes
program requirements.
2.3 Assists the participating
teacher with understanding the
local context and building
relationships with school and
community members, to foster the
participating teacher’s success
and student achievement
Gathers information about the
classroom, site, parents, students,
and community/ cultural context.
Fosters an ongoing relationship
with the site administrator and
other site and district personnel to
communicate program
expectations. Supports school
and district goals that target
student academic success.
Level 2: Applying/Maturing
Builds and maintains an effective
relationship of trust, caring, and
honesty. Practices ongoing
conversations about what is
working, what are the
concerns/issues, what are the next
steps for the participating teacher
and for the support
Anticipates the needs of the
participating teacher and is alert
to entry points that will open up
dialogue around a teaching
concern or issue. Prioritizes and
balances program requirements
and the participating teacher’s
immediate needs.
Collaborates with the
participating teacher on ways to
promote ongoing communication
with parents. Strengthens
relationships with administrators
and staff by being knowledgeable
about school plans and programs
and making connections to
Level 3: Advances/Complex
Fosters a sustained trusting,
caring relationship based on
professional honesty and mutual
respect. Collaborates with the
participating teacher to move
from the status quo to a
willingness to take responsible
risks in addressing complex
teaching issues and concerns.
Provides seamless integration of
the program requirements,
mentoring processes, and the
participating teacher’s needs.
Uses procedures, routine and
tools that increase efficiency and
help energize the mentoring
Embraces the role of
transformational leader at the
school/district by possibly
attending department/grade-level
meetings with the participating
teacher, facilitating professional
learning communities, and/or
providing professional
networking opportunities for the
participating teacher.
Level 1: Beginning/Emerging
2.4 Promotes development of the
participating teacher’s
professional responsibility and
collaboration with families and
the broader school community
Shares information about
professional expectations such as
e-mail etiquette, parent
conferencing, protocols, student
pre-assessment data collection,
Back-to-School night
presentations, participating
teacher-created website policies,
classroom policies, homework
expectations, attendance at school
events and more.
Level 2: Applying/Maturing
Supports the participating teacher
in working collaboratively with
families, resource personnel,
colleagues, and community
members. Supports the
development of the participating
teacher’s leadership skills and
contributions to the learning
Level 3: Advances/Complex
Engages the participating teacher
in applying leadership skills and
utilizing a wide variety of
strategies that ensure effective
interactions with the site
personnel, families, and
community groups.
Standard 3: Utilizes knowledge of student content standards, teaching pedagogy and the California Standards for the Teaching Profession
Level 1: Beginning/Emerging
3.1 Utilize knowledge of
pedagogy and instructional
strategies to advance
participating teacher development
and student learning.
Provides support to the
participating teacher on lesson
design that engages all students,
assesses students, and addresses
one or more student content
standards. Offers a variety of
instructional strategies for
differentiating instruction.
Level 2: Applying/Maturing
Uses student assessment data to
guide lesson design. Shares
research-based teaching strategies
to meet the needs of all students.
Supports the participating teacher
with analysis of student work to
inform next steps.
Level 3: Advances/Complex
Supports the participating teacher
in using differentiated instruction
strategies tailored to the needs of
the participating teacher and the
students. Tracks the effectiveness
of the strategies through
formative assessment
conversations with the
participating teacher. Offers
ideas about subject-specific
pedagogy during lesson design.
Level 1: Beginning/Emerging
3.2 Utilizes knowledge of content
standards to advance
participating teacher development
and student learning.
Provides comprehensive structure
for the participating teacher that
ensures efficient, effective
acquisition, clarification and
integration of student content
standards into unit and lesson
3.3 Uses knowledge of the CSTP
to advance participating teacher
development and student
Understands the classroom
application of the CSTP. Collects
appropriate data, based on the
CSTP, to be used during
reflective conversations regarding
student learning outcomes.
3.4 Uses knowledge of equity
principles to deepen the
participating teacher’s ability to
make subject matter accessible to
all students.
Promotes the participating
teacher’s understanding, valuing
and building upon student
cultures, knowledge, languages
and experiences. Uses data to
guide the participating teacher’s
awareness of achievement gaps
for groups of students.
Level 2: Applying/Maturing
Offers specific differentiated
instructional strategies to use with
students who need interventions
to master student content
Supports participating teacher
reflection to self-assess and
prioritize areas for growth.
Facilitates the professional goalsetting process based on the
CSTP. Co-creates a learning plan
with the participating teacher.
Guides the participating teacher
in assessing how their own life
experiences, perspectives, culture,
language and racial identity
impact their teaching and their
students’ learning. Uses data to
guide the participating teacher’s
examination of contributing
factors affecting student access to
Level 3: Advances/Complex
Supports the participating teacher
to consistently use essential
questions, graphic organizers, and
ongoing formative assessment to
ensure student mastery of content
standards. Focuses participating
teacher in developing academic
literacy appropriate to content.
Guides the participating teacher
in collecting evidence/data that
validates and celebrates the
effective execution of the CSTP.
Encourages participating teacher
to share with colleagues artifacts
that demonstrate the CSTP.
Enhances the participating
teacher’s abilities to identify
inequities in curricula and to
avoid identified inequities in
lesson design. Supports the
participating teacher in ensuring
equal access to content for all
Standard 4: Assists and facilitates the selection of professional development activities for participating teachers
Level 1: Beginning/Emerging
4.1 Builds on and values prior
knowledge, background, interests,
experiences and needs of the
participating teacher.
Plans professional development
with basic knowledge of the
participants. Recognizes the
importance of formally and
informally assessing prior
knowledge of the participants.
4.2 Promotes professional
development that aligns with
district and program
Designs and presents professional
learning that models practical
teaching strategies that can be
used in the classroom to achieve
program requirements.
4.3 Creates an effective
environment for professional
Arranges physical environment to
enhance the learning experience.
Ensures equity of voice, protocols
that enhance participation,
accountability to one another,
resources that move practice
forward, and time to reflect on
Level 2: Applying/Maturing
Is mindful of diversity of learners,
adult learning theory, and the
importance of clear objectives.
Connects new learning with
participants’ current
understandings, knowledge,
experiences, interests, needs, and
purpose for learning.
Offers professional learning that
encourages participating teachers
to share their teaching experience
(what is working, challenges,
goals) with colleagues.
Encourages participants to bring
classroom artifacts to share with
colleagues and learn from each
Uses strategies to promote inquiry
and dialogue. Promotes
collaboration, risk taking,
problem solving, leadership, and
application/demonstration of best
teaching practices.
Level 3: Advances/Complex
Designs professional
development that includes
deliberate and multiple
opportunities for participating
teachers to build on their own
knowledge, experiences, and
interests to improve their practice.
Designs and presents professional
learning that engages
participating teachers in multiple
activities that explicitly and
seamlessly teach and apply
program requirements.
Provides a safe environment that
encourages participants to take
ownership of their own learning
by participating in facilitation,
suggesting topics for discussion,
sharing information, and bringing
artifacts of practice.
Level 1: Beginning/Emerging
4.4 Understands the needs of
the participating teacher and
their developmental readiness
and assists then in selection of
differentiated professional
4.5 Uses the participating
teacher’s Individual
Induction/Learning Plan to assist
them in planning for their
ongoing professional
development activities.
Recognizes that participants have
different levels of experience,
interests, and needs. Offers
participants a range of choices
(for example, of literature or
content) to ensure differentiated
professional learning.
Awareness of the format and
purpose of the IIP/ILP.
Level 2: Applying/Maturing
Provides options for grouping
based on developmental needs,
learning styles, interests and
individual professional learning
Completes the IIP/ILP with the
participating teacher.
Level 3: Advances/Complex
Provides professional learning
flexibility in order to address the
immediate needs of the
participants. Integrates thorough
knowledge of research-based
practices and strategies based on
identified needs, levels and goals
of participants.
Completes the IIP/ILP with the
participating teachers, revisits the
IIP/ILP several times during the
academic year to rewrite goals
and create strong links between
those goals and participating
teacher professional learning
Standard 5: Utilizes assessment to promote participating teacher learning and development
5.1 Implements formative
assessments to advance classroom
Follows guidelines for
implementing formative
assessment system. Integrates
formative assessments into
ongoing work with the
participating teacher using
natural entry points.
Plans and organizes for
integration of formative
assessments in ways that are
matched appropriately to meet the
individual participating teacher’s
needs. Supports the participating
teacher in reaching long-term
professional development goals.
Matches needs and interests of the
participating teacher by
embedding formative assessments
into coaching conversations.
Integrates the CSTP, studentcontent standards, and program
requirements into formative
Level 1: Beginning/Emerging
5.2 Uses results of formative
assessment evidence, including
classroom observation and
analysis of student work, to guide
mentoring and support
Develops an understanding of the
role of formative assessments
related to the participating
teacher’s professional
development. Uses formative
assessments to focus
conversations with the
participating teacher and to
identify immediate needs and
mentoring next steps.
5.3 Develops the participating
teacher’s ability to assess their
practice based on evidence, set
professional goals, and monitor
Guides the participating teacher
to develop professional learning
goals and to assess progress based
on collaborative analysis of
formative assessment data.
5.4 Assesses teaching practice
based on standards (CSTP and
Induction standards) using a
variety of tools at multiple times
during the academic year.
Familiar with the CSTP and the
tools in the formative assessment
system that provide for the
collection of evidence.
5.5 Engages in ongoing training
in formative assessment to
increase the understanding and
skills required to effectively
support participating teachers in
meeting program requirements
Participates in initial formative
assessment training and is
familiar with formative
assessment tools and processes.
Level 2: Applying/Maturing
Expands skills, knowledge, and
use of formative assessments to
promote participating teacher
growth. Uses results of formative
assessments to analyze progress
in the CSTP and program
requirements. Based on analysis
and reflection, selects next steps
to achieve short-term goals for
Builds the participating teacher’s
capacity to reflect on evidence of
practice of strengths and areas for
growth and to design short- and
long-term professional growth
plans. Builds the participating
teacher’s capacity to use
formative assessments to reflect
on practice and develop next
Assesses teaching practice using
the tools in the formative
assessment system, and aligns the
collection of evidence to the
Level 3: Advances/Complex
Deepens understanding of
potential and limitations of
formative assessment processes
and tools. Collaborates with
participating teachers and mentor
colleagues in ongoing analysis
and reflection on formative
assessments to gauge and
calibrate participating teacher
progress toward both short- and
long-term goals.
Supports the participating teacher
in ongoing self-assessment
process. Redirects to promote
participating teacher
development as needed. Engages
participating teacher in selecting
appropriate formative assessment
tool to gather desired data. Builds
self-assessment processes as a
habit of professional practice.
Compares assessment evidence
(including analysis of student
work and classroom observation)
with the CSTP several times
during the academic year.
Engages in ongoing training in
form ative assessment and skill
building and effectively
implements all formative
assessment tools and process with
participating teachers.
Reflects on personal practice in
using the tools and processes of
the formative assessment system
and develops personal
professional growth goals based
on evidence.
Standard 6: Develops as a professional leader to advance mentoring and the profession
6.1 Develops professional goals
and pursues opportunities to grow
Uses support provider/mentor
standards to self-assess and
reflect on strengths and areas for
growth. Develops professional
goals. Participates in professional
growth opportunities as part of
the program requirements.
6.2 Works with colleagues,
administrators and school
communities to advance the
teaching profession
Builds a network of professional
contacts and collaborates with
colleagues and administrators.
Advocates for working conditions
that promote participating teacher
success. Understands the policies
and procedures of the school
6.3 Reflects on the practice of
mentoring and support within the
BTSA Induction Program
Learns from reflecting on analysis
of practice and welcomes
constructive feedback.
Collaborates with support
provider/mentor colleagues to
analyze participating teacher
feedback to make program
Shares professional goals with
colleagues and program leader.
Selects evidence that show goals
have been met, and completes the
goals in a timely manner. Seeks
professional development
opportunities within and outside
the program. Participates in field
observations with another support
provider/mentor to enhance
mentoring skills.
Communicates, problem solves,
and advocates to build effective
working relationships between
colleagues, administrators,
parents and other partners. Uses
knowledge of the school’s
policies and procedures to foster
collaboration, inquiry, and
reflection on practice.
Elicits feedback from colleagues.
Collaboratively reflects on both
mentoring practice and program
elements to make ongoing
improvements and to ensure a
high-quality program.
Uses and models research-based
mentoring practices to grow as a
support provider/mentor and
educational leader. Designs and
leads professional development
for other mentor participating
teachers and participating teacher
leaders to support their growth
toward professional goals.
Collaborates with others to
initiate innovative practices that
support the professionalization of
teaching. Advocates for equitable
professional opportunities and a
diverse teaching population.
Actively seeks constructive
feedback. Contributes to the
professional growth of self and
others to elaborate on and extend
professional practice. Routinely
uses multiple sources of feedback
to analyze impact of mentoring
practice and induction program
with support provider/mentor
colleagues. Leads collective
actions to elaborate on and extend
professional practice.
Standard 7: Demonstrates commitment to the role of support provider/mentor
Attended nearly all of the
meetings and trainings, engages
in reflective interactions with
fellow support providers about
issues concerning participating
7.1 Participates in all required
trainings and meetings and
pursues additional professional
development opportunities to
improve skills.
Attends some required trainings
and meetings and has some
interaction with other support
providers regarding current
7.2 Understands the Induction
program requirements, support
provider/mentor responsibilities,
and participating teacher
completion requirements for the
clear credential.
Understands support provider
responsibilities, the Induction
program and the requirements for
obtaining a professional
Guides participating teachers in
analyzing strengths and areas for
growth, and in completing the
program requirements and
obtaining a professional
7.3 Conducts regular meetings
with participating teachers
(averaging one hour per week) to
engage in support and assessment
Meets formally for support and
assessment activities twice per
month or less with participating
teacher, meetings are 45 minutes
or less, if needed.
Meets formally for support and
assessment activities three times
per month with participating
teacher, meetings are 45 minutes
to one hour.
7.4 Observes the participating
teacher and provides evidencedbased feedback aligned to
Observes participating teacher
classroom and writes synopsis of
Observes participating teacher
classroom, identifies areas of
focus, collects data in focus area.
Schedules time to attend required
trainings and meetings, actively
engages, shares and reflects with
other support providers to gain
insights regarding guiding
participating teachers, actively
seeks opportunities for other
professional development.
Uses reflective conversation to
help participating teachers
develop their IIP/ILP, monitors
progress toward participating
teacher completion of program
requirements and obtaining a
professional credential.
Sets aside dedicated,
uninterrupted and protected time
to meet weekly with the
participating teacher for at least
one hour to work on support and
assessment activities. Keeps
Observes participating teacher
classroom. Evidence collected
clearly reflects prior reflective
conversations/focus, records and
uses observation data to guide
reflective conversation and
7.5 Communicates effectively and
develops a professional, collegial
relationship with participating
Reports that participating
teachers are having multiple
problems meeting the challenges
of teaching under existing
working conditions, affirms the
challenges are insurmountable,
points to “the system” as the
cause for many of the problems.
Helps the participating teacher
prioritize concerns and develop a
plan to overcome each obstacle
systematically while giving
support and assistance. Shares
own experiences in solving
similar situations, drawing from
practical examples that work.
Instills a perspective that each
person is a part of the “system”
and makes a difference in
improving it.
Verbalizes and acts on a belief
that participating teacher’s are
capable of transcending present
challenges to accomplish success
in future. Capitalizes on
opportunities to affirm potential
by becoming effective teachers to
help participating teachers build
confidence. Shares own struggles
and frustrations and how these
were overcome through use of
strategies. Conveys genuine
caring and concern to build trust.
Provides participating teacher
with reflective conversation
strategies to guide them in
problem solving and
Sinclair Research Group - Version 2 - January 2011