Distr. GENERAL United Nations Environment Programme UNEP/Ozl.Pro/WG.1/11/Inf.112 May 1995 English/Francais/Spanish ELEVENTH MEETING OF THE OPEN-ENDED WORKING GROUP OF THE PARTIES TO THE MONTREAL PROTOCOL Nairobi, Kenya 8 - 12 May 1995 LIST OF PARTICIPANTS LISTE DES PARTICIPANTS. LISTA DE PARTICIPANTES Na.95-5280 2 COUNTRIES ANTIGUA & BARBUDA Mr. John W. Ashe Permanent Mission of Antigua & Barbuda to the United Nations 610 Str. Ave. Suite 311, N.Y. New York 10020 USA Tel.: (+212) 541 41171 Fax: (+212) 757 1607 Email: john-ashe@together.org ARGENTINA H.E. Mr. Jose Maria Cantilo Ambassador, Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of the Argentine Republic to UNEP Town House Kaunda Street P.O. Box 30283 Nairobi Kenya Tel.: (+254 2) 33 52 42 Fax: (+254 2) 21 76 93 Telex: 225444 Mr. Adolfo Rosellini Reconquista 1088-7 Buenos Aires Argentina Tel.: (+540)311 4529 Fax: (+541)311 4529 AUSTRALIA Mr. John Whitelaw Deputy Executive Director Commonwealth Environment Protection Agency 40 Blackall St. Barton Act 2600 Australia Tel.: (+G1 6) 274 1400 Fax: (+61 6) 274 1600 Email: 100355.1166@composeve.com Mr. James Shevlin Assistant Manager Ozone Protection Environment Protection Agency 40 Blackall St. Barton Act 2600 Australia Tel.: (+616) 274 1481 Fax: (+616) 274 1640 Email: jshevlin@mgdestmx0l.erin.gov.au 3 AUSTRALIA (Cont.) Mr. Gregory Lawrence Rose Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Parkes, ACT 2600 Australia Tel.: (+06) 261 27 05 Fax: (+06) 261 21 44 Dr. Jonathan (H.J.)- Banks Head Stored Grain Research Laboratory Division of Entomology CSIRO Clunies Ross Street Action ACT 2601 GPO Box 1700 Canberra ACT 2601 Australia Tel.: +61 1 246 4207 Fax: +61 6 246 4202 Email: jb@ento.csiro.au AUSTRIA Dr. Schally Hugo-Maria Office of the Legal Adviser Ministry for Foreign Affairs Ballhauspl.1 A-1014 Vienna Austria Tel.: (+43 1) 531 15 33 00 Fax: (+43 1) 531 85 212 / 5 Mr. Herbert Aichinger A-1020 Untere Donaustrasse 11 Austria Tel.. (+43-1) 211 32 20 00 Fax: (+43-1) 211 32 20 08 BAHAMAS Mr. Michael E. Turner Deputy Director Department of Environmental Health P.O. Box N-3729 Nassau Bahamas Tel.: (+809) 323 688S Fax: (+809) 322 3607 BANGLADESH Mr. Amiruddin Ahmed Deputy Secretary, Ministry of Environment and Forestry Bangladesh Secretariat Dakka Bangladesh Tel.: (+880 2) 24 66 07 /50 33 07 Fax: (+880 2) 86 92 10 4 BELARUS Mr. Timofey F. Yanchuk Interstate Ecological Council (IEC) IEC, Khorunzei Str. 31-A, Minsk Belarus Tel.: 34 65 22 Fax: 34 63 22 BELGIUM Ms. Coppens Ludgarde Ministry of Public Health and Environment Pachecolaan 19 Bos 7 1010 Brussels Belgium Tel.: (+32 2) 210 46 71 Fax: (+32 2) 210 48 52 BENIN Mr. Akala Yekini Alao C/270 Houinme Porto-Nuvo Benin Tel.: (+229) 31 55 96 Fax: (+229) 31 50 81 BOTSWANA Mr. David Lesolle Meteorological Services P.O. Box 10100 Gaborone Botswana Tel.: (+267) 35 62 81 Fax: (+267) 35 62 82 Telex: 2533 WTHERBD BRAZIL Mr. Jose-Maria de C. Coelho First Secretary Permanent Mission of Brazil to UNEP Jeevan Bharati Building Harambee Avenue P.O. Box 30754 Nairobi Kenya Tel.: (+254 2) 33 77 22 Fax: (+254 2) 33 62 45 Telex: 222498 Mr. Paulo de Souza Coutinho FINEP-MCT Av. Nagoes Unidas, 10.989/15, Brazil Tel.: (+55 11) 829 9510 Fax: (+55 11) 829 9514 -5BRAZIL (Cont.) Ms. Vivian Loss Sanmartin Secretary Division for the Environment Ministry of External Relations Brasilia Brazil Tel.: (+005561) 211 6864 Fax: (+ob5561) 223 7362 Mr. Paulo Vodianitskaia CCSEE CP267/269 Joinville SC Brazil Tel.: (+554) 744 14 514 Fax: (+554) 414 700 Email: VODIA@AX.IBASE.ORG.BR Mr. Servulo Vicente Moreira Ministry of Planning and Budget Secretariat of International Subjects Esplanada Dos Ministerios BL.K -50 andar Brazil Tel.: (+061) 226 99 39 Fax: (+061) 225 40 22 Mr. Francisca M. de Menezes Ministry of Environment 8th Floor Brazil Tel.: (+55) 317~1237 Fax: (+55) 322 8939 Ms. Hora Liamarcia S. Ministry of Environment Esplanada dos Minist6rios, Bl B. 80ANDAR Brazil Tel.: +5561-3171164 Fax: +5561-317 1352 BULGARIA Mr. Tzvetkov Vanguel Ministry of the Environment Gladstone Str.67 W. Sofia. Bulgaria Tel.: (+359 2) 87 61 51 Fax: (+359 2) 81 05 09 Telex: 22145 MOSBG Email: NOS BURKINA FASO Mr. Jeremy Boubie Bazye Bureau de 110zone Ministére de 1'Environnement et du Tourisme 03 BP 7044 Ouagadougou 03 Burkina Faso Tel.: (+226) 30 63 97, Fax:(+226) 30 67 6-7 Telex: 5555 SEGE GOUV CAMEROON Mr. Tonleu Roger Ministere de l'environnement et des forets Cameroon Tel.: (+237) 23 94 61 Fax: (+237) 23 94 61 CANADA Ms. Trish MacQuarrie Manager Stratospheric Ozone Air Issues Branch Environmental Protection Service 351 St. Joseph Blvd, Hull Quebec KIA OH3 Canada Tel.: (+819) 953 1676 Fax: (+819) 994 9938 Email: MACQUARRIET@nrc.dots.doe.ca Mr. Alain Tellier Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Environment Division Lester B. Pearson Building Tower C.-6th Floor 125 Sussex Drive KlA OG2 Ottawa, Ontario Canada Tel.: (+613) 996,42 66 Fax: (+6-13) 944 00 64 Mr. Steve Gorman Head Technology Outreach Section Technoloqy'Development Branch Conservation and Protection *Hull, Quebec KlA OH3 CANADA Tel.: (+819) 953 93 99 Fax: (+819) 953 72 53 5 CANADA (Cont.) Mrs. Linda L. Dunn Policy Branch Environment Bureau Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Sir John Carling Building 930 Carling Avenue KlA OC5 Ottawa, Ontario Canada Tel.: (+G13) 943 1G 11 Fax: (+G13) 943 1G 12 CHILE H.E. Mr. Jose M. Ovalle Ambassador Permanent Mission of Chile to UNEP International House, 5th Floor Mama Ngina Street P.O. Box 45554 Nairobi Kenya Tel.: (+254 2) 33 79 87 Fax: (+254 2) 21 5G 48 Mr. Frank Sinclair First Secretary Permanent Mission of Chile to UNEP International House, 5th Floor Mama Ngina Street P.O. Box 45554 Nairobi Kenya Tel.: (+254 2) 33 79 87 Fax: (+254 2) 21 5G 48 Mr. Juan Francisco Fernandez V. Jefe Departamento de Desarrollo Sustentable Teatinos 40 - 81 Piso Santiago Chile Tel.: (+02) G96 3241 Fax: (+02) 69G 4817 CHINA Mrs. Xiaoyan Tang EEAP Peking University Beijing 100871 China Tel.: +8G 10 250 1925 Fax: +8G 10 250 1907 6 CHINA (Cont.) Mr. Zhang Chongxian NEPA Beijing 100035 Beijing China Tel.: (+861 0) 832 06 72 Fax: (+861 0) 832-80 13 COLOMBIA H.E. Mr. German Garcia-Duran Ambassador, Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of Colombia to UNEP No. 3 Muthaiga Road P.O. Box 30661 Nairobi Kenya Tel.: (+254 2) 76 76 88 Fax: (+254 2) 76 59 11 Ms. H-jerthen Johanna Ministry of Environment Calle 16' #- 6-6,6 11th Floor Bogota Colombia Tel.: (+57 1) 336 11 66 Fax: (+57 1) 336 39 84 Mr. Paula Caballero Ministry of Foreign Affairs Calle 10 No. 5-51 Colombia CONGO Mr. Marcel Mabele Responsable de 11ozone Minist6re Environnement Direction G6n6rale Environment BP 958 Brazzaville Congo Tel.: (+242) 83 30 46 Fax: (+242) 83 39 87 COSTA RICA Mr. Alvaro Brenes Governmental Ozone Commission Apdo 73350-1000 Casta Rica Tel.: (+506) 2S7 82 87 / 223 18 37 Fax: (+506) 257 82 87 / 223 18 37 7 CROATIA (Cont.) Mr. Damir Brlek State Directorate for Environment Ul.Grasa Veneraca 78 Zagreb Croatia Tel.: (+385) 16 13 063 Fax: (+385) 15 37 203 CUBA Dr. Carlos Noland Empty Ministry of Science Technology and Environment Calle 20 entre 18A y 47 Miramar Habana Cuba Tel.: (+537) 33 05 06 Fax: (+537) 33 05 59 CZECH REPUBLIC Mr. Karel Hruska c/o of Permanent Mission of the Czech Republic to UN8P P.O. Box 48785 Nairobi Kenya DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF KOREA Mr. Ri IL Chul Coordinator National Coordinating Committee for Environment Jungson-dong Central District Pyongyang D.P.R. Korea. Tel.: (+850) 333 8632 Fax: (+850).814 4660 Telex: 5350 KP DENMARK Mr. Ole Plougmann Ministry of Environment and Energy Hojbroplads 4 DK-1200 Copenhagen-K Denmark Tel.: (+45) 339 27600 Fax: (+45) 339 27643 Mr. Jorgen Hartnack Minister Counsellor Environment and Sustainable Development Royal Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs 2, Asiatisk Plads DK-1448 Copenhagen K Denmark Tel.: +45 33 92 00 00 Fax: +45 33 92 05 33 8 DENMARK (Cont.) Mr. John Carstensen c/o Royal Danish Embassy 10 Soi Attakarn Prasit, South Sathorn Road 10120 Bangkok Tel.: (+66 2) 287 1192 Fax: (+66 2) 213 1752 Telex: 87304 AMBDK. Mr. Henri Heron Ministry of Environment and Energy Danish Environment Protection Agency Strandgade 29, DK-1401 Copenhagen K Denmark Tel.: +45 32 66 01 00 Fax: +45 32 66 04 79 Telex: 31209 miljoe dk EGYPT Ms. Salwa Gamal El Tayeb 17 Teba St. El-Mohandeseen Cairo Egypt Tel.: 360 1191 Fax: 361 0764 Mr. Ashraf El Kholy MFA P.O. Box 30285 Nairobi Kenya Tel.: (+254 2) 22 59 91 ERITREA Mr. Kidane Woldeyesus Eritrea ETHIOPIA Mr. Bekuretsion Kassahun Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Meteorological Services Agency (NMSA') P.O. Box 1090 Addis Ababa Ethiopia Tel.: (+251 1) 51 63 08 Fax: (+251 1) 51 70 66 EUROPEAN COMMUNITY Dr. John Neill 200 Rue de la loi Brussels 1040 Belgium Tel.: (+32 2) 295 57 81 9 EUROPEAN COMMUNITY (Cont.) Mr. Raquet Michel 200 rue de La Loi B-104;G Brussels Belgium, Tel. : (+32 2) 296 87 56 Fax: (,+32 2)296 95 57 FINLAND H.E. Mr. David Johansson Ambassador Permanent Mission of Finland to UNEP International-House, 2nd Floor City Hall Way, P.O. BOX 30379 Nairobi Kenya Tel.: (+254 2) 33 47 77 Fax: (+254 2) 33 59 86 Mrs. Vuokko Heikkinen Ministry of Foreign Affairs PL 176 00161 Helsinki Finland Tel.: (+358 0) 13 41 51 Ms. Merja Turunen Ministry of Environment P.O.Box 399 SF-00121 Helsinki Finland Tel.: (+358) 199 11 Fax: (+358) 19 91 97 17 Mr. Ilkka Raisanen Second Secretary Permanent Mission of Finland to UNEP International House, 2nd Floor City Hall Way P.O. Box 30379 Nairobi Kenya Tel.: (+254 2) 33 47 77 Fax: (+254 2) 33 59 86 FRANCE Ms. Delphine Geny-Stephann Minist6re- de 1'Economilie, 139, Rue-, cle Bercy 75572 Paris Cedex 1Z France Tel.:, (+33-1) 44 87 73 58 Fax: (433-1) 40 04 27 16 10 FRANCE(Cont.) M. Christian Dumon Ministére des Affaires étrangéres (DE.ECS) 37 Quai D'Orsay Paris France Tel.: (+33 1) 43 17 51 38 Fax: (+33 1) 43 17 SO 8S Mme. Laurence Musset Ministére de l'environnement (DPPR) 20 Av. de S6gur 75O07 Paris France Tel.: (+33 1) 42 19 15 85 Fax: (+33 1) 42 19 14 68 M. Frangois Loiseau Chef de la Division Développement International Direction Générale des Stratégies Industrielles Ministére de I'Industrie, des Postes et Té1écommunications et de Commerce Extérieur Paris France Tel.: (+33 1) 43 19 39 53 Fax: (+33 1) 43 19 43 69 GERMANY Mr. Karl H. Pieper Federal Ministry of Economics Bonn Germany Tel.: (+49 228) 615 41 96 Fax: (+49 228) G75 34 68 Mr. Heinrich W. Kraus Head of Section Federal Ministry of Environment Kennedy-Allee Bonn Germany Tel.: (+49) 228 305 27 50 Fax: (+49) 228 305 35 24 Mr. Peter Christmann Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 40 53113 Bonn Germany Tel.: (+49 228) 535 37 53 Fax: (+49 228) S35 35 00 GERMANY (Cont.) Mr. Rainer Munzel Focal Point Permanent Mission of the Federal Republic Of Germany to UNEP 4th Ngong Avenue Williamson House 8th Floor P.O. Box 30180 Nairobi Kenya Tel.: (+254 2) 71 25 27 Fax: (+254 2) 71 48 86 Telex: 22221 AA NARB HOLY SEE Mr. Edgar Pefia Apostolic Nunciature Manyani Road Westlands Nairobi Kenya Tel.: (+254 2) 44 29 75 Fax: (+254 2) 44 67 89 INDIA Mr. N.R. Krishnan Ministry of Environment & Forests C.G.O. Complex Lodi Road New Delhi-110003 India Tel.: 436 0721 Fax: 436 0678 Mr. Gurjit Singh Permanent Mission of.India to UNEP. Jeevan Bharati Building Harambee Avenue P.O.,Box 30074 Nairobi Kenya Tel.: (+25~4 2) 22 25 66 Fax: (+254 2) 33 41 67 Telex: 22079 Mr. Anil Agarwal Ministry of Environment & Forests ozone Cell, India Habitat Centre Lodi Road New Delhi - 110 003 India Tel.: 464 21 76 Fax: 464 21 75 12 INDIA (Cont.) Mr. C. Gururaj Rao Second Secretary Permanent Mission of India to UNEP Jeevan Bharati Building Harambee Avenue P.O. Box 30074 Nairobi Kenya Tel.: (+254 2) 22 25 66 Fax: (+254 2) 22 45 00 Telex: 22079 INDONESIA Dr. R.T.M. Sutamihardja Ministry of Environment JI Merdeka Barat 15 Jakarta Indonesia Tel.: (+62 21) 37 43 07 / 37 43 71 Fax: (+62 21) 37 43 07 Mr. Asianto Sinambela Third Secretary Permanent Mission of Indonesia to UNEP Utalii House, 3rd Floor Uhuru Highway P.O. Box 48868 Nairobi Kenya Tel.: (+254 2) 21 58 48 Fax: (+254 2) 34 07 21 Telex: 23171 INDO KE IRAN (ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF) Mr. Seyed Amir Ayafat Department of Environment No. 187 Ostad Nejatollahi Ave. Tehran Iran (Islamic Republic of) Tel.: (+98 21) 89 82 33 Fax: (+89 21) 89 82 46 Mr. Mohammed Soleimani Ministry of Foreign Affairs Tehran Iran (Islamic Repubic of) Tel.: (98 21) 31 12 ITALY Mr. Clini Corrado Ministry of Environment V. Ferratella 33 Rome Italy Tel.: (+39 6) 70 36 24.22 Fax: (+39 6) 77 25 70 16 13 ITALY (Cont.) Mr. Valeria Rizzo Ministry of Environment Via Della Ferratella 33 Rome Italy Tel.: (+39 6) 702 92 10 Fax: (+39 6) 77 2570 16 Mr. Guido R. Guidotti Ministry of Environment CRE Casaccia, 301 Anquillarese 00060 S.M. Galeria, Rome Italy Tel.: (+39 6) 30 48 63 21 Fax: (+39 6) 30 48 42 03 Dr. Silvia Molinari observer to Italian Trade Commission Via Tuscolana 12-00044 Frascati Rome Italy Tel.: (+39 6) 942 11 33 JAPAN Mr. Akio Tateya Deputy Director Second Inspection Division Agricultural Chemicals Inspection Station Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries 2-772 Suzuki-Cho Kodaira-Shi Tokyo 187 Japan Tel.:(+8l 423) 83 2151 Fax: (+81 423) 85 3361 Mr. Yasutaka Satou Director Office of Agricultural Chemicals Administration Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries 1-2-1 Kasumigaseki Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 100 Japan Tel.: (+81 3) 3502 81 11 Ext. 4157 Fax: (+81 3) 3591 66 40 JAPAN (Cont.) Mr. Zuiten Tsukamoto Deputy Permanent Representative to UNEP Permanent Mission of Japan to UNEP ICEA Building, 15th Floor Kenyatta Avenue/Wabera Street P.O. Box 60202 Nairobi Kenya Tel.: (+254 2) 33 29 55 Fax: (+254 2) 21 65 30 Telex: 22286 Taisi Mr. Shiger Takahara Japan Mr. Shigehiro Suzuki Permanent Mission of Japan to UNEP ICEA Building, 15th Floor Kenyatta Avenue/Wabera Street P.O. Box 60202 Nairobi Kenya Tel.: (+254 2) 33 29 55 Fax: (+254 2) 21 65 30 Telex: 22286 Taisi Mr. Osamu Mizuno Deputy Director Environment Agency Air Quality Bureau, Wide Area Atmospheric Protection Office 1-2-2 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-Ku Tokyo Japan Tel.: (+81 3) 3581 33 51 Ex 6562 Fax: (+81 3) 3580 71 73 Mr. Masahiro Miyazaki Director Ozone Layer Protection Office Ministry of International Trade and Industry 1-3-1 Kasumigaseki Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100 Japan Tel.: (+81 3) 3501 47 24 Fax: (+81 3) 3580 63 47 JORDAN Mr. Ghazi Faleh Odat Department of Environment Amman P.O. Box 1799 Jordan Tel.: 69 56 26 Fax: 69 56 27 15 KENYA H.E. Prof. Sam K. Ongeri Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of the Republic of Kenya to UNEP Kenyatta International Conference Centre Harambee Avenue P.O. Box 41395 Nairobi Kenya Tel.: (+254 2) 33 72 90 Fax: (+254 2) 33 23 83 Mr. Gilbert Kibata KARI National Agriculture Research Laboratories P.O. Box 14733 Nairobi Kenya Tel.: (+254 2) 44 41 44 Fax: (+254 2) 44 41 44 Mr. J.R. arap Lelei Kenyan Embassy in The Netherlands P.O. Box 30551 Nairobi Kenya Prof. H.M. Thairu Kenyatta University P.O.Box 41395 Nairobi Kenya Tel.: (+254 2) 22 10 55 Fax: (+254 2) 21 51 05 Ms. Rose Sirali Antipa National Environment Secretariat P.O. Box 67839 Nairobi Kenya Tel.: (+254 2) 22 92 61 Mr. George 0. Owuor First Secretary Permanent Mission of the Republic of Kenya to UNEP Kenyatta International Conference Centre Harambee Avenue P.O.Box 41395 Nairobi Kenya Tel.: (+254 2) 33 72 90 Fax: (+254 2) 21 51 OS Dr. David M. Okioga P.O. Box 14441 Nairobi Kenya Tel.: (+254 0154) 32 880 Fax: (+254 2) 56 42 97 16 KENYA (Cont.) Mr. Hezekiah B. Okeyo Ministry of Commerce and Industry P.O. Box 30430 Nairobi Kenya Tel.: (+254 2) 34.00 10 Fax: (+254 2) 21 79-16 Mr. Francis Kihumba Njuguna National Environmental Secretariat P.O.Box 67839 Nairobi Kenya Tel.: (+254 2) 22 92 61 Ext 35101 Mr. Simon K. Mugera Department of Research Development Ministry of Research, Technical Training and Technology P.O. Box 30568 Nairobi Kenya Tel.: (+254 2) 21 94 20 Dr. Timothy U.K. M'Mella Permanent Mission of the Republic of Kenya Kenyatta International Conference Centre Harambee Avenue P.O. box 41395 Nairobi Kenya Tel.: (+254 2) 33 7~ 90 Fax: (+254 2) 21 51 05 Mr. Marindany Leonard Kirui National Environment Secretariat P.O. Box 54 Kabarnet Kenya Tel.: (+254 0328) 22 055 Mr. David N. Kinyanjui Director National Environment Secretariat P.O. Box 67839 Nairobi Kenya Tel.: (+254 2) 22 92 61 Ms. Sally J. Kibos National Environment Secretariat P.O. Box 67639 Nairobi Kenya Tel.: (+254 2) 22 92 61 17 KENYA (Cont.) Mr. David N. Kabiga National Council for Science and Technology P.O. Box 30623 Nairobi Kenya Tel.: (+254 2) 33 61 73 Mr. Justus T. Ituli Department of Research Development ministry of Research Technical Training and Technology P.O. Box 30568 Nairobi Kenya Tel.: (+254 2) 21 94 20 Dr. Joseph Chacha Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology P.O. Box 62000 Nairobi Kenya Tel.: (+0151) 226 46 Dr. L. Wongo P.O. Box 41395 Nairobi Kenya Tel.: (+254 2) 22 10 55 Fax: (+254 2) 22 51 05 Ms. Rose Wanga Nairobi Kenya Tel.: (+254 2) 21 80 89 Prof. Dr. P. K. Ndalut Moi University Eldoret Kenya Tel.: (+254 0321) 430 42 Ms. Winnie Rogers P.O. Box 41395 Nairobi Kenya Tel.: (+254 2) 22 10 55 Fax: (+254 2) 21 51 05 Ms. Rebecca Kerubo Angwenyi Ministry of Public Works and Housing P.O. Box 11873 Nairobi Kenya Tel.: (+254 2) 54 15 00 18 KENYA (Cont.) Mr. Milton G. Mwago Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology P.O. Box 62000 Nairobi Kenya Tel.: (+OlSl) 226 46 - 9 Mr. Gregory Muia Munyao Ministry of Commerce and Industry P.O. Box 30418 Nairobi Kenya Tel.: (+2S4 2) 34 00 10 Dr. P. Kutima Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology P.O. Box 41395 Nairobi Kenya Tel.: (+2S4 2) 22 10 S5 Fax: (+2S4 2) 21 51 OS KIRIBATI Ms. Tererei Abete Ministry of Environment P.O. Box 234 Bikenibeu, Tarawa Central Pacific, Kiribati Tel.: (+686) 28 000 / 28 071 /28 211 Fax: (+686) 28 202 MALAWI Mrs. Etta Mmangisa Mini-stry of Research & Environmental Affairs P.O. Box 30745 Malawi Tel.: (+26S) 78 11 11 Fax: (+26S) 7.8 14 87 Telex: 4S311 Email: J.chuma@unima.wn.apc.org MALAYSIA Dr. K. J. John Director, Industrial Policy, MITI l0th Floor, Block 10 Government Office Complex, Jalau Auta Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Tel.: 2S4 3405 19 MALAYSIA (Cont.) Mr. Ismail Ithnin Principal Assistant Director Department of Environment 13th Floor Wisma Sime Darby 50662 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Tel.: 294 7844 Fax: 293 1480 Mr. Hasila Awang Legal Advisor Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment 14th Floor, Wisma Darby 50662 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Tel.: (+603) 293 89 55 Fax: (+603) 293 60 06 Mr. Ong Ewe Hock Chairman of ODS Working Group 6th Floor, Wisma Budiman Kaula Lumpur Malaysia Tel.: 232 3522 MAURITIUS Mr. Sateeaved Seebaluck Ministry of the Environment and Quality of Life C/R. St. Georges and Barracks Streets Pachlands Sprits clubs Port Louis Mauritius Tel.: (+230) 212 71 81 Fax: (+230) 212 83 24 MEXICO Mr. Audencio Contreras First Secretary Permanent Mission of Mexico to UNEP Sinyalu Road 107, Loresho P.O. Box 14145 Nairobi Kenya Tel.: (+254 2) 58 26 29 Fax: (+254 2) 58 15 00 20 MOZAMBIQUE Mr. Francisco Mabjaia Ministry for Coordination of Environmental Affairs Av. Acordos de Lusaka No 2115 Maputo Mozambique Tel.: (+258 1) 46 58 48 Fax: (+258 1) 46 58 49 NETHERLANDS Mr. Jan-Karel B. H. Kwisthout Ministry of Environment P.O. 30945 2500 GX The Hague Netherlands Tel.: (+31 70) 339 4377 Fax: (+31 70) 339 1293 Dr. J. Van Haasteren Ministry of Environment P.O. Box 30945 2500 GX The Hague Netherlands Tel.: (+31 70) 339 4879 Fax: (+31 70) 339 1293 NEW ZEALAND Ms. Clare Fearnley Deputy Permanent Representative to UNEP New Zealand Permanent Mission to the U.N at Geneva 28A, Chemin de Petit-Sconnex P.O. box 334 1211 Geneva 19 Switzerland Tel.: (+41 22) 734 1'9 20 Fax: (+41 22) 734 30 62 Mr. Iain McGlinchy Ministry for the Environment P.O. Box 10362 Wellington New Zealand Tel.: (+64 4) 473 40 90 Fax: (+64 4) 471 01 95 Email: im@mfe.govt.nz Dr. Tom Batchelor P.O. Box 1101 Hastings New Zealand Tel.: (+64 6) 878 1865 Fax: (+64 6) 876 8597 Email: lob035.3402@compuserve.com 21 NIGERIA Ms. Anne Ene-Ita Federal Environmental Protection Agency PMB 265 Garki Abuja Nigeria Tel.: (+234 9) 52333 75 Fax: (+234 9) 523 33 73 NORWAY Mr. HAvard Toresen Ministry of Environment P.O. Box 8013 Dep, N0030 Oslo Norway Tel.: (+47 22) 34 59 73 Fax: (+47 22) 34 27 55 Mr. Geir Sjoberg Ministry of Foreign Affairs Victoria Terrasse, P.O. Box 8114 Dep, N0032 Oslo Norway Tel.: (+47 22) 34 36 06 Fax: (+47 22) 34 27 82 Ms. Monica Ness Ministry of Environment P.O. Box 8013 Dep. N0030 Oslo Norway Tel.: (+47 22) 34 59 90 Fax: (+47 22) 34 27 55 Email: monica.ness@mdpost.md.dep.telemax.no OMAN Mr. Najeeb Ali Al-Rawas Ministry of Regional Municipalities and Environment P.O. Box 323 Postal Code 113 Muscat Oman Tel.: (+968) 69 64 41 Fax: (+968) 69 64 60 PAKISTAN H.E. Mr. S. Shafquat Kakakhel High Commissioner, Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of Pakistan to UNEP St. Michael's Road, Westlands (Off Church Road and Waiyaki Way) P.O. Box 30045 Nairobi Kenya Tel.: (+254 2) 44 39 11 Fax: (+254 2) 44 65 07 Telex: 25097 22 PAKISTAX(Cont.) Mr. George Clement Member National Assembly of Pakistan 9-B, Street 67 Sector G-6/4 Islamabad Pakistan Tel.: (+92 51) 22 34 71 82 21 06 Fax: 1+92 41) 71 66 07 Mr. Noazzam Ahmed Khan Head of Chancery Permanent Miss-ion of Pakistan to UNEP St. Michael's Road, Westlands (Off Church Road and Waiyaki Way) P.O. Box 30045 Nairobi Kenya Tel.: (+254 2) 44 39 11 Fax: (+254 2) 44 65 07 Telex: 25097 Ms. Leena S. Moazzam Second Secretary Permanent Mission of Pakistan to UNzP St. Michael's Road, Westlands (Off Church Road and Waiyaki Way) P.O. Box 30045 Nairobi Kenya Tel.: (+254 2) 44 39 11 Fax: (+254 2) 44 65 07 Telex: 25097 Mr. Jiuher Husain Press Attache Permanent Mission of Pakistan to UNEP St. Michael's Road, Westlands (Off Church Road and Waiyaki Way) P.O. Box 30045 Nairobi Kenya Tel.: (+254 2) 44 39 11 Fax: (+254 2) 44 65 07 Telex: 25097 PERU Mr. Mario Lopez Chavarri Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Lampa 535 Lima 1 Peru Tel.: (+51 14) 27 39 26 Fax: (+51 14) 27 39 26 23 PERU (Cont.) Mr. Alfredo Ruiz de Aranibar Consul-General Permanent Mission of the Republic of Peru to~ UNEP Lagutrop House Enterprise Road P.O.Box 59446 Nairobi Kenya Tel.: (+254 2) 53 01 56 Fax: (+254 2) 55 43 17 PHILIPPINES H.E. Mr. Nelson D. Lavina Ambassador and Permanent Representative to UNEP Permanent Mission of the Republic of Philippines to UNEP State House Road, Off State House Avenue Next to Hillcrest School P.O. Box 47941 Nairobi Kenya Tel.: (+254 2) 72 58 97 Fax: (+254 2) 72 17 91 Telex: 22912 PUBLIC NRB Mr. Nestor N. Padalhin Deputy Permanent Representative to UNEP Permanent Mission of the Republic of Philippines to UNEP State House Road, off State House Avenue Next to Hillckest School P.O. Box 47941 Nairobi Kenya Tel.: (+254 2) 72 58 97 Fax: (+254 2) 72 17 91 Telex: 22912 PUBLIC NRB Ms. Rachel A. Vasquez Environmental Management Bureau Topaz Bldg 99-101 Kamias Rd. Quezon City Philippines Tel.: (+632) 924 7540 Fax: (+632) 924 7540 POLAND Mr. Purski Ryszard Ministry of Environmental Protection, Natural Resources and Forestry Wawelska St 52/54 Warsaw Poland Tel.: (+48) 25 45 60 Fax: (+48) 25 20 03 24 POLAND (Cont.) Dr. Janusz Kozakiewicz Associate Professor Director's Plenipotentiary for OzoneLayer Protection Affairs Head of Ozone Layer Protection Unit Industrial Chemistry Research Institute ul.Rydygiera 8 01-793 Warszawa Poland Tel.: (+48 2) 633 84 81 Fax: (+48 2) 633 82 95 Telex: 813586 ichp pl REPUBLIC OF KOREA H.E. Mr. Soon-Dae Kwon Ambassador, Permanent Representative to UNEP Permanent Mission of the Republic of Korea to UNEP Anniversary Towers, 15th Floor University Way P.O. Box 30-455 Nairobi Kenya. Tel.: (+254 2) 33 35 81 Fax: (+254 2) 21 77 72 Telex: 22300 / 25243 Mr. Lee Chong-Ku Director General International Trade Policy Bureau Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy 1, Joongang-Dong, Kwacheon Kyungki, 427-760, Sucho-Ku Seoul Republic of Korea Tel.: (+82) 503 94 42 Fax: (+82) 503 94 44 Mr. Jong-Chum Kim Environmental Attach6 Permanent Mission of the Republic of Korea to UNEP Anniversary Towers, 15th Floor University Way P.O. Box 30455 Nairobi Kenya Tel.: (+254 2) 33 35 81 / 2 Fax: (+254 2) 21 77 72 Telex: 22300 / 25243 Mr. Sung-Ki Bae Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy 242-13, Nonhyondony Kangnam Gn. Seoul Korea Tel.: (+02) 547 5757 25 REPUBLIC OF KOREA (Cont.) Mr. Sung7Mog Hong Environment Cooperation Division Ministry of Foreign Affairs Seoul Republic of Korea Tel.: (+82 2) 725 07 89 Mr. Donggyou Choi Ministry of Trade Industry and Energy Kwacheon .Seoul Republic of Korea Tel.: (+82 2) 500 25~53 Fax: (+82 2) 503 94 44 Mr. Chin Chong-wook Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy Seoul Republic of Korea Tel.: (+82 2) 500 28 46 Mt. Y.Y. Lee KIST 39-1 Hawolgok-Dong, Sungbok-ku Seoul Republic of Korea Tel.: (+82 2) 958 58 06 Mr. Ik-Ha Choi Seoul Republic of Korea Fax: (+82 2) 784 03 21 Telex: (+82 2) 784 03 27 Mr. Han Joo Song 113-8 Samsungdong Kangnanku Seoul -Republic of Korea Tel.: (+82 2) 554 41 08' Fax: (+82 2) 555 81 96 ROMANIA Mr. Pavel Suian Charg6 d'Affaires a.i Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of Romania to UNEP Harry Thuku Road Norfolk Towers A-42 P.O. Box 48412 Nairobi Kenya Tel.: (+254 2) 22 75 15 Fax: (+254 2) 33 43 04 Telex: 2S519 Roanib-ke 26 ROMANIA (Cont.) Ms. Carmen Dumitrescu Expert Ministry of Water, Forests and Environmental Protection 12, Libertati Bd. Bucharest - 5 Romania Tel.: (+401) 312-14 36 Fax: (+401) 312 14 36 RUSSIAN FEDERATION Mr. Evgueni F. Outkine Ministry of the Protection of Environment and Natural Resources of the Russian Federation 4/6, B. Gruzinskay St., Moscow, 123812 Russia Tel.: (+095) 254 48 47 Fax: (+095) 254 82 83 Telex: 411692 BOREI RU SAUDI ARABIA Mr. Mayer Mostafa Mossalli First Secretary and Focal Point Permanent Mission of Saudi Arabia to UNEP P.O. Box 58297 Nairobi Kenya Tel.: (+254 2) 76 27 81 Fax: (+254 2) 76 09 39 Mr. M. S. Alsahafi Environmentalist, Ozone Committee Advisor Meteorology and Environmental Protection Agency P.O. Box. 6649 Jeddah 21452 Saudi Arabia Tel.: (+966 2) 651 23 12 Fax: (+966 2) 651 78 32 SOUTH AFRICA Mr. M. R. Steyn Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism 11 East Ave., Irene 1675 South Africa Tel.: (+27 12) 31 20 15 Fax: (+27 12) 21 53 92 27 SRI LANKA Dr. Janaka Ratnasiri Coordinator Montreal Protocol Unit and Chief Technical Advisor Ministry of Transport, Environment and women's Affairs P.O. Box 1583 Colombo Sri Lanka Tel.: (+941) 59 29 27 Fax: (+941) 59 29 27 / 50 25 66 Email: janaka@minien.ac.lk SWAZILAND Mr. R.P. Khumalo First Secretary. Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of Swaziland to UNEP Trans-National Plaza P.O. Box 41887 Nairobi Kenya Tel.: (+254 2) 33 92 31/3 Fax: (+254 2) 33 05 40 Telex: 22085 SWAZI SWEDEN Mrs. Ulrika Habarth Swedish EPA Smidesv 5 17185 Solna Sweden Tel.: (+468 8) 799 1000 Fax: (+468 8) 799 1253 Mr. Husamuddin Ahmadzai Swedish EPA SNV, Swedish EPA, S-17185, Solna Sweden Tel.: (+46) 799 1145 Fax: (+46) 799 1602 Email: hua@environ.se SWITZERLAND Mr. Blaise Horisberger OFEFD Hallwyl str. 4 CH-3003 Bern Switzerland Tel.: (+41 31) 322 90 24 Fax: (+41 31) 324 79 78 28 SWITZERLAND (Cont.) Mr. Norbert Barlocher EDA, DDIP Bunderhaus West CH-3003 Bern Switzerland Tel.: (+41 31) 322 30 84 Fax: (+41 31) 322 78 66 THAILAND Mr. Virah Mavichak Ministry of Industry 75/6 Rama 6 Road Bangkok 10400 Thailand Tel.: (+662) 202 40 05 Fax: (+662) 202 40 15 Mr. W. Rajadannuraks Department of Industrial Works 75/6 Rama VI Road. Bangkok 10400 Thailand Tel.: (+662) 202 40 11 Fax: (+662) 202 40 15 Mr. Thanavat Junchaya. Department of Industrial Works 75/6 Rama VI Road. Bangkok 10400 Thailand Tel.: (+662) 202 40 12 Fax: (+662) 202 40 15 TUNISIA Mr. Hassen Hannachi Directeur du Contréle et de la Dépollution Agence Nationale de Protection de 1,Environnement Ministére de I'Environnement et de l'amenagement du Territoire Centre Urbain Nord 2080 Ariana Tunisia Tel.: 708 O52 Fax: 708 230 TURKEY H.E. Mr. Balkan Kizildeli Ambassador, Permanent Representative to UNEP Permanent Mission of the Republic of Turkey to UNEP Gigiri Road Off Limuru Road P.O. Box 30785 Nairobi Kenya Tel.: (+254 2) 52 04 40 Fax: (+254 2) 52 12 37 Telex: 22346 29 TURKEY (Cont.) Mr. Nuray Inontepe Focal Point Permanent Mission of the Republic of Turkey to UNEP Gigiri Road Off Limuru Road P.O. Box 30785 Nairobi Kenya Tel.: (+254 2) 52 04 04 Fax: (+254 2) 52 12 37 Telex: 22346 UGANDA H.E. Mr. Joseph Tomusange High Commissioner, Permanent Representative to UNEP Permanent Mission of the,Republic of Uganda to UNEP Uganda House Kenyatta Avenue P.O. Box 60853 Nairobi Kenya Tel.: (+254 2) 33 08 01 Fax: (+254 2) 33 09 70 Mrs. Jane Kavuma Ministry of Natural Resources Department of Environmental Protection P.O. Box 9629 Kampala Uganda Tel.: (+256 41) 23 23 47 Fax: (+256 41) 24 12 46 Mr. Michael Katungye Third Secretary Permanent Mission of the Republic of Uganda to UNEP Uganda House Kenyatta Avenue P.O. Box 60853 Nairobi Kenya Tel.: (+254 2) 33 08 01 Fax: (+254 2) 33 09 70 UKRAINE Dr. Vladimir Demkine Ministry for Environmental Protection and Nuclear Safety 5 Khreschatyk St., Kyiv-1 Ukraine Tel.: (+380 44) 228 07 86 Fax: (+380 44) 229 80 50 Email: demkin@mep.freenet.kiev.ua 30 UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND Mr. Dykins Department of Environment 32.54 Romney House 43 Marsham St. London SW1 United Kingdom Tel.: (+171) 276 8239 Fax: (+171) 276 8285 Mr. Benjamin Mellor 94 Victoria Street London SW1E 5JL United Kingdom Tel.: (+0171) 917 0129 Fax: (+0171) 917 0679 Ms. Jean Lamont Deputy Director Environment Unit Department of Trade and Industry 1 Palace Street London SW1E 5HE UNITED KINGDOM Tel.: (+0171) 238 3000 Fax: (+0171) 238 2793 Mr. Geoffrey Tierney DOE Romney House Marsham Street London United Kingdom Tel.: (+171) 276 8621 Fax: (+171) 276 8285 Ms. Maria G.P. Nolan DOE Rohney House 43 Marsham St. London United Kingdom Tel.: (+171) 276 8284 Fax: (+171) 276 8285 Mr. R. W. Taylor Insect Control Specialist Natural Resources Institute Central Avenue, Chatham Maritime Kent ME4 4TB United Kingdom Tel.: (+44 1634) 88 37 88 Fax: (+44 1634) 88 00 66 Telex: NRI Chatham Email: BOB.TAYLOR@NRL.ORG 31 UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND (Coat.) Mr. Patrick Sz6ll Department of the Environment 2 Marsham Street London SWI United Kingdom Tel.: (+44 171) 27642 30 Fax: (+44 171) 276 66 58 Telex: 22221 DOEMARG Mr. B. Chakrabarti Central Science Lab. Ministry of Agriculture. Slough, Berks SL3 7HJ United Kingdom Tel.: (+1753) 53 46 26 Fax: (+1753) 8~ 40 58 UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA Mr. Charles L. Swai Division of Environment Ministry of Tourism, Natural Resources and Environment P.O. Box 72243 Dar es Salaam Tanzania Tel.: (+255 51) 250 84 / 35501 Fax: (+255 51) 250 84 / 23230 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA H.E. Mr. William Milam Ambassador and Special Negotiator Bureau of Oceans and International Environment and Scientific Affairs Department of State Washington DC 20520 USA Tel.: (+202) 647 15 55 Fax: (+202) 647 02 17 Mr. Steven Seidel Acting Director, Stratospheric Protection Division Environmental Protection Agency Washington DC 20460 USA Tel.: (+202) 233 91 61 Fax: (+202) 233 95 77 Mr. Ralph Ross Assistant of the Administrator Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Department of Agriculture Washington, DC 20250 USA Tel.: (+202) 720 50 15 Fax: (+202) 690 42 65 32 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (Cont.) Mr. Mark Murphy Department of State Washington, DC 20520 USA Tel.: (+202) 647 48 42 Fax: (+202) 647 01 91 Mr. Pdul Horwitz International Advisor Stratospheric Protection Division Environmental Protection Agency Washington DC.20460 USA Tel.: (+202) 233 91 09 Fax: (+202) 233 95 77 Mr.. H. Lee Graham Deputy Director Office of Global Change Department of State Washington DC 20520 USA Tel.: (+202) 647 40 69 Fax: (+202) 647 01 91 Ms. Sue Biniaz office of the Legal Advisor Department of State Washington DC 20520 USA Tel.: (+202) 736 71 15 URUGUAY Mr. Luis Santos Director of Global Affairs Ministry of Housing, Territorial Ordering and Environment 25 de Mayo 402 Monte Video Uruguay Tel.: (+5982) 96 18 99 Fax: (+5982) 96 18 95 VENEZUELA Mr. Luis Nifio Jefe de la Division de Medio Ambiente Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Av. Urdaneta, Torre MRE, Piso 16 Caracas 1010 Venezuela Tel.: (+58 2) 806 14 55 / 862 81 97 Fax: (+58 2) 83 16 62 33 VENEZUELA (Cont.) Ms. Carmelina Lombardi Ministerio del ambiente Torresur Centrosimon Bolivar - Piso 10. Caracas Venezuela Tel.: (+58 2) 408 14 97 Fax: (+58 2) 408 12 10 Email: UNEPNET.NODO VENEZUELA.CARMELINA LOMBARDI ZAMBIA Mr. Mathias Banda Natural Resources Department P.O. Box 50042 Lusaka Zambia Tel.: (+260 1) 22 21 17 ZIMBABWE Mr. D.A. Marongwe Ministry of Environment and Tourism Causeway Private Bag 7753 Harare Zimbabwe Tel.: (+263) 75 78 80 / 5 Fax: (+263) 75 78 77 34 UNITED NATIONS SPECIALIZED AGENCIES AND OTHER ORGANIZATIONS A. ORGANIZATIONS UNITED NATIONS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME (UNDP) Mr. Frank Pinto Chief. Montreal Protocol Unit, SEED Room FF-9116 One United Nations Plaza New York NY 10017 USA Tel.: (+212) 906 50 42 Fax: (+212) 906 69 47 35 B. SPECIALIZED AGENCIES INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION ORGANIZATION (ICAO) Mr. B. Sekwati P.O. Box 46294 Nairobi Kenya Tel.: (+254 2)62 23 70 Fax: (+254 2) 22 67 06 Telex: 25295 Mr. G.P. Moshabesha ESAF office - Kenya P.O. Box 46294 Nairobi Kenya Tel.: (+254 2) 62 23 75 Fax: (+254 2) 22 67 06 UNITED NATIONS INDUSTRIAL AND DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION (UNIDO) Dr. Tcheknavorian Asenbauer Vic, Wagramer Strasse P.O. Box 300 A-1400 Vienna Austria Tel.: (+43 211)31 37 41 Mr. S.I. Ahmed Vic, Wagramer Strasse P.O. Box 300 A-1400 Vienna Austria Tel.: (+43 1) 211 31 37 82 Fax: (+43 1) 230 74 49 WORLD BANK Dr. Ken Newcombe 1818 H Street Washington D.C. 2043'3 USA Tel.: (+202) 473 60 10 Fax: (+202) 522 32 56 Mr. Ajay Mathur Ozone Operations Coordinator - GEF Projects Global Environment Coordination Division 1818 H Street N.W. Washington USA Tel.: (+202) 473 58 77 Fax: (+202) 522 32 58 Telex: MCI 288423 WORLDBANK Email: AMATHUR@WORLDBANK.ORG 36 WORLD BANK (Cont.) Mr. Bill H. Rahill 1818 H Street N.W Washington D.C USA Tel.: (+202) 473 78 89 Fax: (+202) 522 32-58 37 UNITED NATIONS ENVIRONMENT PROGRAMME - ASSESSMENT PANEL MEMBERS I. AEROSOL TECHNICAL OPTIONS COMMITTEE Dr. Ashley Woodcock Wythenshane Hospital M239LT United Kingdom Tel.: (+1 619) 49 23 98 Dr. Francis M. Cuss Schering-Plough Research Institute Kenilworth NJ USA Tel.: (+908) 298 51 90 Fax: (+908) 298 76 83 II. METHYL BROMIDE TECHNICAL OPTIONS COMMITTEE (MBTOC) Mr. David Okioga Mocheo P.O. Box 14441 Nairobi Kenya Tel.: (+0154) 328 80 / 1-6 Mr. Gary L. Obenauf Consultant Agricultural Research Consulting 3425 N. First Suite 101 P.O. Box 5377 Fresno, CA 93577 USA Tel.: (+209) 244 47 10 Fax: (+209) 224 26 10 III. SCIENCE ASSESSMENT PANEL Dr. Daniel L. Albritton NOAA 325 Broadway, Boulder Co 80303 USA Tel.: (+303) 497 57 85 Fax: (+303) 497 53 40 Dr. P.J. Aucamp University of Pretoria Pretoria 0002 South Africa Tel.: (+27 12) 420 28 71 Fax: (+27 12) 420 36 96 Email: Aucamp@ccnet.up.ac.za 38 IV. TECHNICAL AND ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT PANEL (TEAP) Mr. Gail A. Sheaffer Project Engineer, Environmental Programmes Space Technology Applications The Aerospace Corporation 5302 W. 127th PI, Hawthhorne CA, 90250 US A Tel.: (+310) 336 00 13 Fax: (+310) 336 64 35 Email: gail_sheaffer@qmail2.aero.org Dr. Stephen 0. Andersen 6205 J, 401 M St. SW Washington DC 20460 USA Tel.: (+202) 233 90 69 Fax: (+202) 233 95 76 Mr. John Wilkinson 1899 L St. NW., Ste 500 Washington D.C. 20036 USA Tel.: (+202) 293 06 35 Fax: (+202) 659 31 19 Dr. Robert Van Slooten DTI London United Kingdom Tel.: (+44 171) 238 28 00 Fax: (+44 171) 238 35 72 Dr. Gérard Liné Dé1égué Gen6ral Syndicat des Halogénes Derivés Syndicat de la Chimie Minérale 14 rue de la R6publique 92800 Puteauax France Tel.: (+33 1) 46 53 10 41 Fax: (+33 1) 46 53 10 48 Dr. Lambert Kuijpers Technical University WS-404 Eindhoven Netherlands Tel.: (+31 40) 47 24 87 / 503 797 Fax: (+31 40) 46 66 27 Dr. Suely Carvalho Cetesb/Av. Prof. Frederico Herman Junior, 345 Sao Paulo Brazil Tel.: (+55 11) 813 97 27 Fax: (+55 11) 815 33 76 Telex: 55 11 83053 39 IV. TECHNICAL AND ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT PANEL (TEAP)(Cont Mr. Husamuddin Ahmadzai Swedish EPA S-1718S Solna Sweden Tel.: (+46) 799 11 4S Fax: (+46) 799 16 02 Email: hua@environ,se V. TECHNICAL AND ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT PANELIRTOC Mr. Gary Taylor 19 Pleasant Avenue Willowdale, ON, M2M IL8 Canada Tel.: (+1 416) 222 97 15 Fax: (+1 416) 250 09 67 Email: Gary_Taylor@taylorwagner.com VI. TECHNICAL AND ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT PANEL/STOC Mr. John Shirtz 33 Titan Dr. Sanpedro CA 90732 USA Tel.: (+310) 363 00 10 Mr. Doug Van Mullem 33 Titan Dr. San Pedro CA 90732 USA Tel.: (+310) 363 00 13 Fax: (+310) 643 71 69 VII. PANEL ON ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS OF OZONE DEPLETION Dr. Jan C. Van der Leun Institute of Dermatology University Hospital Utrecht Heidelberglaam 100 NL-3584 CX Utrecht The Netherlands Tel.: (+31 30) 50 73 86 Fax: (+31 30) 51 83 28 Dr. Xiayon Tang Center of Environmental Sciences Peking University Beijing 100871 China Tel.: (+86 1) 250 19 2S Fax: (+86 1) 250 19 27 40 INTER-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT FACILITY (GEF) Mr. Ken King 1818 H St. N.W, Washington D.C USA Tel.: (+202)473 10 75 Fax: (+202) 522 32 40 GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT FACILITY (GEF) Mr. Frank Rittner 1818 H Street Washington D.C 20433 USA Tel.: (+202) 458 50 44 Fax: (+202) 522 32 40 Email: FRITTNER@WORLDBANK.ORG 41 NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS AFRICAN CENTRE FOR TECHNOLOGY STUDIES (ACTS) Mr. John Mugabe P.O. Box 45917 Nairobi Kenya Tel.: (+254 2) 56 51 73 Fax: (+254 2) 56 99 80 Email: acts@elci.gn.apc.org Mr. Andrew Jonathan Mcleod P.O. Box 45917 Nairobi Kenya Tel.: (+254 2) 56 51 75 Fax: (+254 2) 56 94 89 Email: acts@elci.gn.apc. org ALLIANCE.FOR RESPONSIBLE ATMOSPHERIC POLICY Mr. Gerald A. Hapka DuPont 1007 Markert Wilmington, DE USA Tel.: (+302) 774 94 66 Fax: (+302) 774 11 89 Mr. Tom Werkema Director, Regulatory Affairs Industrial Chemicals Group Elf Atochem North America, Inc, 2000 Market Street Philadelphia, PA 19103-3222 USA Tel.: (+215) 419 78 51 Fax: (+215) 419 70 57 Email: MCI MAIL 685-6827 Mr. William F. Walter Project Leader Refrigerant Technology Carrier Corporation, P.O. Box 4808 Syracuse, New York 13221 USA Tel.: (+315) 432 62 67 Fax: (+315) 432 31 55 Mr. David F. Lewis Lennox International Inc. P.O. Box 799900 Dallas USA Tel.: (+214) 497 53 16 Fax: (+214) 476 52 68 42 ALLIANCE FOR RESPONSIBLE ATMOSPHERIC POLICY (Cont.) Mr. James E. Wolf American Standard Inc. 2020-14th Street, N Arlington, VA 22201 USA Tel.: (+703) 525 40-15 Fax: (+703) 525 03 27 Email: ASDWOLF@AOL.COM Mr. Tony Vogelsberg Environmental Manager DuPont Chemicals Fluorochemicals 10th and Market Streets B-13220 Wilmington, DE 19898 USA Tel.: (+302) 774 32 67 Fax: (+302) 774 20 82 Mr. David J. Stirpe 2111 Wilson Blvd., Suite 850 Arlington, Virginia 22201 USA Tel.: (+703) 243 03 44 Fax: (+703) 243 28 74 Mr. Edward McInerney General Electric Co. Appliance Park 3-21S Louisville KY 40225_ USA Tel.: (+S02) 4S2 59 87 Fax: (+502) 4S2 08 2S Mr. James G. Crawford Director, Regulatory Affairs The Trane Company 2020 14th Street North Suite 408 Arlington VA 22201 USA Tel.: (+703) S2S 40 15 Fax: (+703) 525 03 27 Ms. Rene6 Hancher Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute 4301 North Fairfax Dr. Suite 42S Arlington, Virginia 22203 USA Tel.: (+703) S24 88 00 Fax: (+703) S28 38 16 43 ARAB BANK FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN AFRICA (BADEA) Mr. Kamal Gaafer Advisor Director General's office P.O. Box 2640 Khartoum Sudan Tel.: 77 37 62 Fax: 77 06 00 Telex: 22248/22739 BADEA SD CENTRE FOR SCIENCE AND ENVIRONMENT (CSE) Mr. Ravi Sharma Associate Director 41 Tughlakabad Institutional Area New Delhi - 110062 India Tel.: (+91 11) 698 33 94 Fax: (+91 11) 698 58 74 Email: RAVI@UNV.ERNET.IN CLIMATE NETWORK AFRICA (CNA) Ms. Monica Omulo P.O. Box 76406 Nairobi Kenya Tel.: (+254 2) 54 52 41 Fax: (+254 2) 55 91 22 Email: CNA@ELCI.gn.apc.org ENVIRONMENT DEFENSE FUND (EDF) Ms. Annie Petsonk International Counsel 1875 Connecticut Ave. N.W Washington DC 20009 USA Tel.: (+202) 387 35 00 Fax: (+202) 234 60 49 Email: annie@edf.org ENVIRONMENTAL LIAISON CENTRE INTERNATIONAL (ELCI) Mr. Jean-Marie Fayemi Ndemi Road Off Ngong Road P.O. Box 72461 Nairobi Kenya Tel.: (+254 2) 56 20 15 / 5G 20 22 Fax: (+254 2) 56 21 75 44 ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ANALYST Ms. Melanie Miller P.O. Box 665 Napier New Zealand Tel.: (+646) 835 35 01 Fax: (+646) 835 35 01 Email: m-miller@ramhb.co.nz FOUNDATION FOR SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT RESEARCH (FSDR) Mr. Esrome T. Kuruneri Chief Executive 18 Dacomb Drive. Chisipite P.O. Box CH283 Harare Zimbabwe Tel.: ' (+263 4) 49 66 72 Fax: UNDP Harare FRIENDS OF THE EARTH Mr. Joseph Mendelson III Director Ozone Protection Project 1025 Vermont Avenue, NW, 3rd Floor Washington DC 20005 USA Tel.: (+202) 879 42 91 Fax: (+202) 783 04 44 Email: foedc@igc.apc.org. Ms. Susan Tanner Executive Director 701-251 Laurier Avenue West Ottawa, Ontario KIP 5J6 Canada Tel.: (+613) 232 43 54 Fax: (+613) 230 33 52 GREEN AFRICA SOCIETY INTERNATIONAL Mr. William E. Elachi Secretary General P.O. Box 54566 Nairobi Kenya Tel.: (+254 2) 33 46 00 Fax: (+254 2) 21 15 31 GREENPEACE Mr. Arjet Stevens Keizergracht 176 1016 DW Amsterdam The Netherlands Tel.: (+31 20) 523 62 09 Fax: (+31 20) 523 62 00 45 GREENPEACE (Cont.) Mr. Yasuko Matsumoto 4th Floor, 1-35-1 Yoyogi-Shibuya-Ku Tokyo Japan Tel.: (+81 3) 53 51 54 00 Fax: (+81 3) 53 51 54 17 Ms. Tracy Heslop London United Kingdom Tel.: (+44 171)833 06 00 Fax: (+44 171) 837 66 06 Mr. Emiliano Ezcurra Estrada Mansilla 3046 (1425 CAP.FED Argentina Tel.: (+54 1) 962 04 04 Fax: (+54 1) 963 71 64 INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF ENVIRONMENTAL LAW (ICEL) Amb. D.M. Miller P.O. Box 52330 Nairobi Kenya Tel.: (+254 2) 52 04 31 Fax: (+254 2) 52 04, 31 INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF HOUSING AND PLANNING (IFHP) Mr. Joel E.D. Nyaseme Cannon House, Parliament Road P.O. Box 21537 Nairobi Kenya Tel.: (+254 2) 21 06 03 Fax: (+254 2) 21 83 34 KIST ,Mr. Y. Y. Lee KIST 39-1 Hawolgok-Dong, Sungbok-ku Seoul Republic of Korea Tel.: (+82 2) 958 58 06 METHLY BROMIDE WORKING GROUP (MBWG) Mr. L. McLaren 59 rue du Bourdon B-1180 Brussels Belgium Tel.: (+32 2) 376 64 54 Fax: (+32 2) 217 41 02 46 METHYL BROMIDE WORKING GROUP (MBWG) (Cont.) Mr. Peter G. Sparber 1319 F St. Washington D.C 20004 USA Tel.: (+202) 393 32 40 Mr. Christopher Hicks 11SS l5th., N.W. Suite 611 Washington D.C. 20005 USA Tel.: (+202) 223 44 11 Mr. René Weber P.O. Box 2200 W. Lafayette IN 47906 USA Tel.: (+317) 497 62 17 Fax: (+317) 497 62 87 Mr. William Hayes 7SO Linda Vista Blvd Tucson AZ85737 USA Tel.: (+S20) 797 26 42 Fax: (+520) 544 42 33 PESTICIDE ACTION NETWORK., NORTH AMERICA Ms-. Anne 9chon'f'ie2.& 116- New Montgomery St No. 810 San Francisco, CA 94105 USA Tel.: (+1 415) S41 91 40 Fax: (+1 415) S41 92 53 Email: panna@igc.apc.org 47 INDUSTRIES AEROSPACE CORPORATION Ms. Gail Sheaffer Project Engineer Environmental Programs Space Technology Applications The Aerospace Corporation P.O. Box 92957 Los Angeles, CA 90250 USA Tel.: (+310) 336 0030 Fax: (+310) 336 G435 Email: gail-sheaffer@qmail2.aero.og AIR CONDITIONING AND REFRIGERATION EUROPEAN ASSOCIATION (AREA) Mr. Brian Claude Dé1égué auprés de la Commission Européene Groupement Europ6en des Fédérations et syndicats Nationaux D'installateurs Frigoristes dans tous Syst6mes et Applications S.D.S av. du Petit 94683 Vincennes Rue César Franck, 43 B-1050 Bruxelles Belgium Tel.: (+33 1) 43 98 75 00 ALLIED SIGNAL Mr. Joseph McGuire Director Legislative and Regulatory Affairs AlliedSignal Inc. 1001 Pa. Ave. N.W. Suite 700 Washington, DC.20004 USA Tel.: (+202) 662 24 57 Fax: (+202) 662 26 74 ASSOCIATION OF HOME APPLIANCE MANUFACTURERS (AHAM) Mr. Charles A. Samuels Government Relations Counsel 701 Pennsylvania Ave. NW Suite 900 Washington DC 20004 USA Tel.: (+202) 434 73 11 Fax: (+202) 434 74 00 ASSOCIATION OF METHYL BROMIDE INDUSTRY JAPAN (AMBIJ) Mr. Tsuneo Sakurai Director Teijin Chemicals Ltd Daiwa Bank Tornomon Bldg 6-21, Nishi-Shimbashi, I-Chome Minato-Ku Tokyo Japan Tel.: (+81 3) 35 06 47 14 Fax: (+81 3) 35 08 95 28 48 METHYL BROMIDE WORKING GROUP (MBWG) (Cont.) Mr. Peter G. Sparber 1319 F St. Washington D.C 20004 USA Tel.: (+202) 393 32 40 Mr. Christopher Hicks 1155 15th., N.W. Suite 611 Washington D.C. 20005 USA Tel.: (+202) 223 44 11 Mr. René Weber P.O. Box 2200 W. Lafayette IN 4790G USA Tel.: (+317) 497 62 17 Fax: (+317) 497 G2 87 Mr. William Hayes 750 Linda Vista Blvd Tucson AZ85737 USA Tel.: (+520) 797 2G 42 Fax: (.+520) 544 42 33 PESTICIDE, ACTION, NETWORK. NORTH AMERICA Ms. Anne S.chonfle-I.A., 116 New Montgomery St No. 810 San Francisco, CA 94105 USA Tel.: (+1 415) 541 91 40 Fax: (+1 415) 541 92 53 Email: panna@igc.apc.org 47 INDUSTRIES AEROSPACE CORPORATION Ms. Gail Sheaffer Project Engineer Environmental Programs Space Technology Applications The Aerospace Corporation P.O. Box 929S7 Los Angeles, CA 90250 USA Tel.: (+310) 336 0030 Fax: (+310) 336 6435 Email: gail-sheaffer@qmail2.aero.og AIR CONDITIONING AND REFRIGERATION EUROPEAN ASSOCIATION (AREA) Mr. Brian Claude Dé1égué auprés de la Commission Européene Groupement Européen des.Fédérations et syndicats Nationaux D'installateurs Frigoristes dans tous Systémes et Applications S.D.S av. du Petit 94683 Vincennes Rue César Franck, 43 B-1050 Bruxelles Belgium Tel.: (+33 1) 43 98 75 00 ALLIED SIGNAL Mr. Joseph McGuire Director Legislative and Regulatory Affairs AlliedSignal Inc. 1001 Pa. Ave. N.W. Suite 700 Washington, DC.20004 USA Tel.: (+202) 662 24 57 Fax: (+202) 662 26 74 ASSOCIATION OF HOME APPLIANCE MANUFACTURERS (AHAM) Mr. Charles A. Samuels Government Relations Counsel 701 Pennsylvania Ave. NW Suite 900 Washington DC 20004 USA Tel.: (+202) 434 73 11 Fax: (+202) 434 74 00 ASSOCIATION OF METHYL BROMIDE INDUSTRY JAPAN (AMBIJ) Mr. Tsuneo Sakurai Director Teijin Chemicals Ltd Daiwa Bank Tornomon Bldg 6-21, Nishi-Shimbashi, 1-Chome Minato-Ku Tokyo Japan Tel.: (+81 3) 35 06 47 14 Fax: (+81 3) 35 08 95 28 48 ASSOCIATION OF METHYL BROMIDE INDUSTRY JAPAN (AMBIJ) (Cont.) Mr. Yuji Saitoh Manager Sales & Development Dept Nippoh Chemicals Co., Ltd CM Bldg 3-3-3 Chome,- Nihonbashi-Muromachi Chuo-Ku, Tokyo 103 Japan Tel.: (+81 3) 32 70 53 45 Fax: (+81 3) 32 46 03 46 Mr. Takamitsu Muraoka Advisor, Research & Planning Sanko Kagaku Kogyo Co. Ltd 3-2-6 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-Ku Tokyo Japan Tel.: (+81 3) 35 80 08 61 Fax: (+81 3) 35 93 34 06 Mr. Noriaki Kuwata Executive Director Teijin Chemicals Ltd Daiwa Bank Toranomon Bldg 6-21, Nishi-Shibashi 1 Chome, Minato-ku Tokyo Japan Tel.: (+81 3) 3506 47 14 Fax: (+81 3) 3508 95 28 CHLORINATAL RUBBER Dr. Hans Kerres Bayer AG Dormagen Germany Tel.: (+02133) 51 44 93 Fax: (+02133) 51 34 79 DOWELANCO Mr. Tesfu Mesfin P.O. Box 49470 Nairobi Kenya Tel.: (+254 2) 71 36 24 Fax: (+2S4 2) 71 85 60 EUROPEAN CHEMICAL INDUSTRY COUNCIL/EUROPEAN FLUOROCARBON TECHNICAL COMMITTEE (CEFIC/EFCTC) Mr. Maurice Verhile Manager Elf Atochem La Defense 10 Cedex 42 92091 Paris la Defense France Tel.: (+33 1) 49 00 84 76 Fax: (+33 1) 49 00 75 67 49 EUROPEAN CHEMICAL INDUSTRY COUNCIL/EUROPEAN FLUOROCARBON TECHNICAL COMMITTEE (CEFIC/EFCTC)(Cont.) Mr. Nick Campbell ICI The Heath Runcorn P. 0. Box 13 WA7 4QF United Kingdom Tel.: (+44 1928) 51 31 4S Fax: (+44 1928) 51 14 18 HALOZONE Mr. Errick Willis 270 Adelaide St. W. Suite 201 Tel.: (+416) 599 90 60 Fax: (+416) 599 51 87 ICF INCORPORATED Mr. Peter D. Linquiti Vice President 1850 K. Street, NW Suite 1000 Washington DC 20006 USA Tel.: (+202) 862 11 60 Fax: (+202) 862 11 44 INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH INSTITUTE (ITRI) Ms. Shen Shu-Jan 321 Kuang Fu Rd. Sec. 2 Hsinchu 30042 Taiwan, Tel.: (+886 35) 72 46 46 Fax: (+886 35) 73 20 00 Mr. Lee Kuo-Chen 321 Kuang Fu Rd. Sec. 2 .Hsinchu Taiwan, Tel.: (+886 35) 72 46 46 Fax: (+886 35) 73 20 00 Mr. Liang Yeon-Fong 321 Kuang Fu Rd. Sec. 2 Hsinchu Taiwan, Tel.: (+886 35) 72 46 46 Fax: (+886 35) 73 20 00 INTERNATIONAL PHARMACEUTICAL AEROSOL CONSORTIUM (IPAC) Mr. Ballard, Jameson 1301 K St. Washington D.C USA Tel.: (+202) 408 71 89 50 INTERNATIONAL PHARMACEUTICAL AEROSOL CONSORTIUM (IPAC) (Cont.) Mr. Claudine Steyaert 29 Ave. Des Chalets Brussels Belgium Tel.: (+32 2) 375 12 90 JAPAN ASSOCIATION FOR HYGIENE.OF CHLORINATED SOLVENTS (JAHCS) Mr. Hiroshi Kurita 2-40-17, Hongo, Bunkyo-Ku, Tokyo Japan Tel.: (+81 3) 38 14 34 12 Fax: (+81 3) 38 14 34 13 JAPAN FLON GAS ASSOCIATION (JFGA) Mr. Umeki Hiroki 40-17, 2 Chome, Hongo, Bunkoyo-ku Tokyo Japan Tel.: (+81 3) 56 84 33 72 Fax: (+81 3) 5G 84 33 73 JAPAN INDUSTRIAL CONFERENCE FOR OZONE LAYER PROTECTION (JICOP) Mr. Odagiri Tsutomu Deputy Secretary General, Director, Science and Technology Hongo-Wakai Bldg, 2-40-17, Bunkyo-Ku Tokyo 113 Japan Tel.: (+81 3) 56 89 79 81 Fax: (+81 3) 56 89 79 83 JAPAN REFRIGERATION AND AIR CONDITIONING INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION (JRAIA) Mr. Hidetoshi Sagawa Vice Director of Engineering and International Kikai Shinko Bldg 201 3-5-8 Shibakoen, Minato-Ku Tokyo 105 Japan Tel.: (+81 3) 34 32 16 71 Fax: (+81 3) 34 38 03 08 MEDEVA INC. Mr. Terrance C. Coyne Vice President Clinical Medical Affairs 14801 Sovereign Rd FT. Worth, TX USA Tel.: (+817) 354 22 25 Fax: (+817) 545 62 34 51 SCHERING-PLOUGH CORPORATION (Cont.) Mr. Lee Braem Senior Specialty Counsel - Environment 2000 Galloping Hill Road Kenilworth, NJ 07033 USA Tel.: (+908) 298 47 45 Fax: (+908) 298 47 66 THE MAFATLAL FINE SPG. & MFG. CO. LTD Mr. Ilesh Anilkumar Desai. Mafatlal Centre Nariman Point Bombay 400021 India Tel.: (+91 22) 202 45 47 Fax: (+91 22) 202 284 31 04 Telex: 011-84241 MGMC IN Mr. Sandip Bhatia 7th Floor Mafatlal Centre Nariman Point Bombay India Tel.: (+91 22) 282 13 03 Fax: (+91 22) 284 31 04 54 UNITED NATIONS ENVIRONMENT PROGRAMME (UNEP) Mr. Peter Usher Climate/Atmospheric Unit United Nations Complex, Gigiri P.O. Box 30552, Nairobi Kenya Tel.: (+2S4 2) 62 34 S8 Fax: (+254 2) 62 34 10 Email: peter.usher@UNEP.NO Mr. H. N. B. Gopalan United Nations Complex Gigiri P.O. Box 305S2 Nairobi Kenya Tel-: (+254 2)62 32 46 Fax: (+254.2,) 62 32 60 Email: h+iremagal.ur.gopalan@unep.no Mr. Pak Sm Low GEF Co-ordination Office, United nations Complex. Gigiri P.O. Box 30552 Nairobi Kenya Tel.: (+254 2)62 41 46 Fax: (+254 2) S2 08 25 Email: pak-sum.low@unep.no UNEP INDUSTRY AND ENVIRONMENT PROGRAMME ACTIVITY CENTRE Mr.- James S. Curlin Information Officer 39-43 Quai Andr6 Citroen 7S739 Paris Cedex 1S France Tel.: (+33 1) 44 37 14 SS Fax: (+33 1) 44 37 14 74 Telex: 204 997 F Email: jcurlin@unep.fr Mr. Rajendra Shende Coordinator, OzonAction Programme 39-43 Quai Andre Citroén 75739 Paris Cedex 1S France Tel.: (+33 1) 44 37 14 59 Fax: (+33 1) 44 37 14 74 Telex: 204997F Email: rmshende@unep.fr. 55 UNEP REGIONAL OFFICE FOR AFRICA (ROA) Mr. B.A. Buddo Room, S-381 United Nations Complex, Gigiri P.O. Box 30S52 Nairobi Kenya Tel.: (+254 2) G2 42 76 Fax: (+2S4 2) G2 39 29 UNEP REGIONAL OFFICE FOR ASIA AND THE PACIFIC (ROAP) Mr. Viraj Vithoontien Regional Network Coordinator UNEP/SIDA Project on CFCs United Nations Bldg Rajdamnern Ave., Bangkok 10200 Thailand Tel.: (+G62) 288 21 28 Fax: (+662) 280 38 29 Email: vithoontien.unescap@un.org UNEP REGIONAL OFFICE FOR LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN (ROLAC) Mr. Leo Heileman Boulevard de los Virreyes 1S5 CP 11000 Lomas Virreyes Mexico DF Tel.: (+52S) 202 48 41 Fax: (+525) 202 09 50 MULTILATERAL FUND SECRETARIAT Mr. Omar E. El-Arini Chief Officer 1800 Mc Gill College Ave. Montreal Trust Bldg. 27th Floor Montreal Canada Tel.: (+514) 282 11 22 Fax: (+514) 282 00 68 Mr. Richard Abrokwa-Ampadu 1800 McGill Coll. Ave, 27th Floor Montreal Canada Tel.: (+514) 282 11 22 Fax: (+S14) 282 00 68 Mr. Andrew R. Reed 2264 Sonvenir Montreal Canada Tel.: (+541) 282 11 22 Fax: (+514) 282 00 68 56