

COSC 641


Chapter 13 Practice


Use tables testdata.employee, and testdata.department to answer the following questions:

1 - Check to see the list of existing sequences (what do you see and why?))

SELECT Sequence_Name


2 - What are the results of this query and why? (Explain each result and justify them)

SELECT testdata.P_Seq.CURRVAL, testdata.P_Seq.NEXTVAL,

FROM testdata.P_Seq.NEXTVAL, testdata.P_Seq.CURRVAL


3 - Insert one row of data into your table department. If you do not have department table, create one similar to testdata.deoartment. Use testdata.P_Seq.NEXTVAL for D_NUM field and “Promo” for the name of department)

4 -Check (display) the current value of sequence testdata.P_Seq.

5- Insert another row of data into your table department. Use testdata.P_Seq.NEXTVAL for D_NUM field and “HR” for the name of department)

6 -Display the number of rows, and the current value of the sequence from table department. Are the numbers are sequence? And why?

7 -Display the data in your department table.

8 -Create a “Temp10” table with the following fields:









9 – Create a sequence called MySeq; that produces odd numbers.

10 – Display the sequence name, increment by value, cycle flag and last number stored in the database. Compare the last number with MySeq.CURRVAL.

11 – Create a script * to add a record into table Temp10 with Num = next sequence from

MySeq, Year = 2010, input Name from the keyboard, and SerialNo = SerialNo + 1. Do not use sequence for SerialNo.

12 – Add two records using the script created in 11.

13 – Display how many records exist in Temp10.

14 – Compare the count(*), last SerialNo, and CurrVal in MySeq.

15 – Create a view called Temp10View with, Year and Num in one field with a dash

(example 2008–5000), Name, and SerialNo for each row of table Temp10.

16 – We would like the next sequence number (MySeq) to be 351; modify your sequence.

(Do not drop and create a new sequence, continue producing add numbers)

17 – Insert a row in Temp10 table using script created in 11

18 – Display the data from table Temp10.

19- Display the data from the Temp10View.

* save your query and use it as script.
