Wisconsin Custom Manure Applicators Prepared 12/2011 by the UW Extension Environmental Resources Center (ERC) and the Professional Nutrient Applicators Association of Wisconsin. The listing of a firm (or lack thereof) does not constitute an endorsement (or lack thereof) by UW-Extension or PNAAW, and we do not guarantee the accuracy of any information herein. If you wish to have your firm added to the list or to correct an error, please contact Kevin Erb at 920.391.4652 or email to: kevin.erb@ces.uwex.edu. If a semi listed as “T”, it transfers, or feeds a tanker, dragline or frac tank in the field; an “A” is a semi that does land application. “P” means the semi has a pump for more even application on alfalfa; “G” means gravity flow discharge. If equipment is listed as “available”, the owner has access via a partnership with another firm. An * denotes that updated information was not available, but we believe the applicator is still in business.. This list is intended for private farmer use and is not for solicitation purposes. For information on the Professional Applicators and a list of Certified Applicators, http://fyi.uwex.edu/wimanuremgt/about/ Last minor update: 6.26.2012 Firm Name, Contact, City (Wisconsin unless noted otherwise) Phone Equipment After All, Inc Jim Mann / Kurt Mann Arpin 715.569.3868 Ag Environment Services Rich Fassbender Seymour 920.366.3036 Al-Mar-Way Custom Ops Jim Krim Valders Cell 920.374.0645 Office 920.758.2655 Animal Slurry Pumping Don / Adam Hying Milton Office 608.868.3152 Don’s Cell 608.290.0867 Adam’s Cell 608.290.5488 Aaron’s Cell 608.931.3830 Apostle Septic Service Chris Marshal Houlton 715.497.5929 3 Semis A/T G 5 trucks 3 truck solid spreaders 3 tractor solid spreader tankers (Quad Train) Agi-pumps: 3 52, 42 ft Pumps: Vertical 8 ft, 12 ft 2 tractor tankers w/inj 1.5 mile drag line Agi-Pump: 36, 52 ft Props: 42 ft 4 tractor tankers 1 Semi A/G Pumps: 48 ft Props: 48 ft 23 ft disc incorporator Dragline (5 miles) with Flowmeter Aer-Way & 1 no-til injector toolbar 1 chisel injection toolbar 2 traveling gun irrigators Agi-pumps: 2 52, 40, 35, 32 ft Props: 24 ft (3 point hitch) GPS (RTK) and Autosteer As applied maps Pit dredge boat Nitrogen Stabilizer (Instinct) licensed 2 vacuum tanks Radius Served (miles) 175 150 30 200 IL 40 1 Apple Valley Agri Charlie Rihn Chetek Shop 715.658.1219 Cell 715.205.3242 507.461.5193 9 trucks w/float tires Agi-pumps: 52, 42 ft Pumps: 2 Vertical (multi depth) Tractor rental 4 Solid Spreaders Payloader / skidsteer available GPS 150 B&B Brian Krahn Brillion Back Road Slurry Tim VanDenBergh Steve VanDenBergh Hillsboro 920.360.5112 2 semis A/T P/G Pumps available 75 Tim’s Cell 608.220.9737 Steve’s Cell 608.712.9319 Barry Manthei Inc Barry Manthei Pearl City, IL 815.541.7153 BBF Pumping Gary Bolender Joe Flasch Campbellsport Beran Jason Beran Birnamwood Beining Trucking Brian Beining Greenleaf Bestul Liquid Manure Transfer, LLC Travis Bestul Iola BFS Pumping Steve Breitbach Hazel Green Gary Cell 920.960.3470 10 trucks w/float tires 1 tractor tanker w/disc inj 1 tractor tanker w/disc inj 1 vacuum tank Pumps: 52, 44, 21 ft Props: 52, 21 ft 3 tractor tankers w/inj Longreach hoe (60 ft) 3 Solid spreaders (tractor), 3 more available Payloader available Agi-pump: 53 ft Prop: 40 ft Dragline (3 miles) with Flowmeter Toolbars: no till toolbar / Injector Pump: 42 ft, 1 transfer pump Prop: 52 ft 1 Semi A/T G 1 additional semi available Arendt Pit Cleaning/Sand Removal Tim Arndt Goodhue, MN Blenker’s Big Red Jerry Blenker Jeff Blenker Joe Blenker Athens 715.216.3918 125 Statewide 60 20 30 920.371.1758 5 Semis A/T G 715.445.5562 5 semis T P 4 tractor tankers Agi-pumps: 52, 42 ft 3 tankers 2 Pumps: 42 ft 120 1 truck 7 tractor tankers 1 vacuum tank (rental) Agi-pumps: 42 ft Props: 36, 32 ft Pumps: 32 ft 50 Office 608.748.5173 Cell 563.599.3743 Office 715.257.7494 Jerry Cell 715.218.0860 Jeff 715.257.7595 70 IA 2 Brandon’s Farm Services, LLC Brandon Schilling Athens, WI Braun Electric, Inc Rick Braun St. Nazianz www.braunelectricinc.com 715.302.1132 8 tractor tankers-3 w/inj Agi-pumps: 52 ft Statewide 920.773.2143 Statewide Broughton Trucking* Brent Broughton Loganville Buttles Custom Ag LLC Jake Buttles Weyauwega 608.495.0219 2 Dragline crews w/total 4 miles w/flowmeter, gps, mapping Booster pumps Aer-Way, DeepTill, Inj/Splash toolbars Frac Tank – 15,000 gal 12 semis A/T P/G 3 tractor tankers w/inj 7 truck solid spreaders 7 tractor solid spreaders 1 50 ft reach excavator 2 60 ft reach excavator 1 70 ft reach excavator Dozer (wide track), high drive 2 Floating Dredges 6, 8,and 10 in pumps Truck-mounted boom high wall Pumps: 67, 95 ft Jetter Trucks/Vac Truck for plugged lines or spill containment Agi-Pumps: 40, 50 ft Props: 40, 50 ft Wall walker pump Load stands Multi depth pumps, 3 pt pumps Incorporation equipment Rent props, pumps, tractors and Tankers 1 truck w/swing boom C&S Tony Christopherson Elk Mound Cauffman’s Slurry Transfer Dave Cauffman, Jr Fennimore 715.281.1184 715.879.5331 Cell 608.778.5365 Office 608.822.3085 1 tractor tanker 2 tractor solid spreaders 30 MPH tractor Payloader Dragline (2 mile) w/toolbars Not taking new clients at this time 150 2 trucks, 2 more available 5 tractor tankers Aer-Way available Agi-pump: 35 ft Pumps:50, 45, 32 ft, &vertical pumps 40 3 Chief’s Pumping Services Darrin Stanton Rewey 608.778.7381 Chipp LLC John Chapiewsky Westby 608.606.4076 Cook's Countryside Trucking Brent Cook North Freedom 877.261.0619 608.963.5446 Coppertop Trucking Glen Gunnering Kaukauna Cow Country Slurry Mike Endres Dane 608.332.1005 Crannen Farms Robbie Crannen Denmark Curvin Brubacker Curtiss 920.371.0233 Custom Farm Services Jerome Mann Sturgeon Bay D Conard Farms Nick Conard Dave Conard Forestville Office 715.223.3064 Cell 715.316.2825 800.775.3232 Nick Cell 920.495.7222 Dragline (4 miles) 4 semis T Frac Tank: 21,000 gal 6 tractor tankers 2 tractor solid spreaders (more avail) Payloader Pumps: 50 ft Props: 40 ft Also rent pump, prop and tankers 6 trucks w/float tires 1 tractor tanker Agi-pumps: 52, 32 ft Prop: 32 ft Dragline w/flowmeter available 5 semis T 2 tractor tankers w/inj Frac tank (16,400 gal) available 15 trucks 1 pull tanks w/inj 4 trucks w/slingers for sand/semisolid removal 2 quad-axle solid spreaders Payloader Props: 35, 27, 24 ft Pumps: 42 ft, Vertical 8, 10, 12, 16 ft 1 65 ft boom truck Semis A/T G/P, more available Dragline available Frac tank avaiable Pumps/Props available 3 trucks 1 tractor tanker w/inj Pumps: 52, 22 ft Props: 35 ft 1 Semi A/T G 4 tractor tankers Pumps: 2-42, 2-32 ft 2 tankers w/inj 3 tractor solid spreaders Payloaders Pump: 32 ft Prop: 32 ft 2 tractor tankers 5 tractor solid spreaders Agi-pumps: 45 ft, 8/10 ft vertical Props Available Statewide IL 100 Statewide IL, MN 10 Statewide 50 25 Statewide 30 4 D.R. Services Dan Risch Saukville 920.946.7900 Dairyland Farm, LLC Larry Dufek/Ed Torduer New Franken, WI Larry 920.371.2169 Dairyland Farms Custom Services Jeremy Gebhart Malone 920.378.5217 Dairyland Solutions LLC Tim Buck Kiel Dakers Enterprises Bruce Dakers Zumbrota, MN 920.374.0021 DeBroux Custom Work LLC Ryan DeBroux New Franken 920.655.4517 Delmec Farm Custom Slurry Hauling David Delp, Sr. Loganville Deininger Transport Paul Deininger Wausau Dresen Services Gary Dresen Cassville 608.727.2801 Cell: 608.963.1879 651.923.5427 Dragline (2 mile), 4 toolbars, surface to injection Frac Tank – 12,000 gal 3 transfer pumps 8 trucks w inj w/flot tires 71 ft boom truck Agi-Pumps: 2 54 ft Prop: 64, 54 ft Custom build trucks/tanks Dragline (2 mile) with flowmeter 1 semi A/T G 3 trucks 3 tractor tankers Agi-pump: 52 ft. More available 4 semis A/T G Long reach excavator (60 ft) Solid spreaders available Pumps/props available 1 semi A/T G Pumps Available 100 10 ½ mile dragline w/flowmeter 20,000 frac tank 3 chisel toolbars 1 no-till toolbar 1 digger toolbar 1 Aer-Way toolbar 5 tractor tankers 4 semis T 24 pumps/props Dredge Boat Dragline (2½ mile) with Flowmeter Frac Tank Inj toolbars: 2 7 Semis T 5 tractor tankers w/inj Agi-pumps: 52 ft Nitrogen Stabilizer 3 trucks Pump: 42 ft Statewide , MO, KS, MN 20 50 50 100 Statewide 715.573.2458 1 truck 50 Cell: 608.778.1745 Office 608.725.5219 3 trucks w/float tires Pumps: 40 ft, horizontal, 8 ft vertical 40 5 Dvorachek Farm and Industry Jesse Dvorachek Kaukauna, WI Cell 920.901.3991 2 Semis A / T G/P 1 Semi A / T G 6 available Pumps: 53, 45 ft Prop: 45 ft Fill Stands: 2 150 6 Eby Custom Farming Lester Eby Daniel Eby Colby Eisentraut Ag Services David Eisentraut Waldo Lester Cell: 715.613.4227 Dan Cell: 715.613.4226 Cell: 920.980.5905 Office: 920.528.7614 End Products, Inc Warren Rodgers Antigo ERS Enterprises Matt Schlender Randolph 715.627.4417 Fairview Paul Oberholtzer Bloomington Fellenz Custom Fieldwork Kevin Fellenz Spencer 608.412.1194 Fletcher Ag Services Andy Fletcher Waupaca Folkman Custom Hauling Matt Folkman Pulaski Fuller Jason Fuller Cazenovia 262-269.8258 Cell: 715.797.1225 Office: 715.255.9029 715.255.8668 715.281.3964 Cell 920.619.1188 Office 920.822.2244 608.370.4926 5 tractor tankers Agi-pumps: 52, 2-36, 32 ft 35 Dragline (2 mi) w/flowmeters Frac Tank: 14,000 gal Booster pumps Toolbars: no-till inj, Aer-Way 5 Semis w/booms T 4 tractor tankers w/inj 5 solid spreader trucks 2 high hoes Agi-pumps: 54 ft Manure Expansion Consulting 3 trucks Agi-props: 42 ft 1 load out stand Dragline (2½ mile) w/flowmeters Injector Toolbar Frac Tank: 20,000 6 semis T 3 tractor solid spreaders Payloader Props: 52, 42 ft Pumps: 32 ft &12 ft vertical pump 2 tractor tankers (steerable) Pumps: 1 42 ft & 12 ft straight wall Other pumps/props available 3 4800 6 tractor tankers 4 tractor solid spreaders Prop: 2 42 ft Pumps: 42, 32 ft Statewide Dragline (2 mi) Agi-pump: 42 ft Larger pumps available 2 tractor tankers w/injectors 2 tractor tankers Agi-pumps: 58, 48 ft Pumps: 48, 38, 28 ft 4 load out stands Tanker rental 2 tractor tankers w/32 mph tractors, more available Prop: available Pump: 42 ft, more available 80 50 statewide 50 20 30 100 7 Gansen Pumping, Inc Chad Gansen Zwingle, IA 563.580.1571 Glacier Rock Enterprises, Inc Troy Temme Newton Glen VandeHey Trucking Glen VandeHey Greenleaf Goral Farms Custom Marty Goral Denmark 920.374.0269 Goody’s Pit Pumping Dan Goodwin Glenwood City 715.760.1090 Green Earth Ag Services Bruce Walker Beaver Dam 920.210.6715 Greg Sales and Service Greg Draus Weyerhaeuser Cell: 715.296.9251 Office 715.353.2424 920.853.3516 Gruetts, Inc Dave/Steve Gruett Potter Hackbarth Hauling Greg Hackbarth Hilbert 920.419.1332 920.371.2429 920.378.0643 Dragline (4 miles) Toolbars w/flowmeters: Aer-Way, Chisel, Injector 2 Booster pumps Pumps: 42, 52 ft, 10 ft overwall GPS w/Autosteer, Mapping Provides own tractors Dragline (1¼ mi) w/Aer-Way Cadman 5100 Hardhose System 1 crane pump 1 Semi A/T G 100 IA, IL, WI 2 semis A/T G 1 semi T G 1 truck Agi-pump: 55, 35 ft Dragline (2 mi, 5 available) w/flowmeter Booster pumps 1 toolbar Wet well pit pal pump (30 ft) Pumps, agipumps available Dragline (6 mi) Booster pump 3 toolbars 3 tractor tankers w/inj Agi-pump: 55 ft Pumps: 52 ft 4 tractor tankers w/inj Props: 38, 26 ft Pumps: 44, 36, 32 ft & adj. vertical 20 Dragline (3½ mi) w/flowmeter In-field transfer tank system Toolbars: Aer-Way, inj or splash) 6 semis A/T P 3 trucks Props: 50, 40, 32 ft Pumps: 50, 40 ft rent tankers Dragline (2 miles) available Frac Tank and transfer system 4 semis A/T G (up to 12 available) Irrigation system Props: 45 ft available Pumps: 45 ft available 30 150 90 IL, IN, WI 45 50 Statewide 8 Halopka Pumping Gary/Casey Halopka Dorchester Hamp Haven Tom Braun Reedsville Hartleben Custom Cropping Chris Hartleben Heier’s Irrigation Tracie Heier Medford Helgeson Liquid Manure Hauling Mike Helgeson Eleva Highland Services, LLC Steve and Chris Untiedt Abbotsford Hoppa Pumping Daniel Hoppa Berlin Huppert Manure Hauling Norman Huppert Eldon Huppert Ellsworth Gary Cell 715.613.4699 Casey Cell 715.613.7467 Office 715.654.5482 Cell 920.374.0563 Office 920.754.4076 Dragline (3 mi) Frac Tank (22,000 Gal) 8 tractor tankers Agi-pumps: 52, 42 ft 3 semis A/T G 3 tractor tankers Frac tank available Agi-pumps: 42 ft Prop: 30 ft 715.881.0600 7 semis 3 tractor tankers Agi-pump: 55 ft Cell: Irrigation pipe (2 mi) 715.965.0499 2 Irrigation guns Office Props: 24, 20 ft 715.748.5178 Pumps: 24 ft Cell 2 trucks 715.533.5268 3 tractor tankers Prop: 42 ft Pump: 32 ft & 12 ft vertical Steve Cell: Dragline (5 miles) 715.383.6119 Toolbars: Inj/Surf Chris Cell: Frac Tank—13000 gal 715.323.5618 3 Booster pumps 3½ miles hard pipe 2 irrigation guns Props: 40 ft Pumps Supplies own tractors 920.361.0979 2 vacuum trucks Norman Cell 715.338.5185 Office 715.273.5328 Hyler Septic Service Ken Hyler Berlin www.hylerseptic.com 920.361.1935 Ideal Trucking Adam Freymiller Fennimore, WI 608.778.3187 1 semi T 5 truck 2 tractor tankers Props: 52, 36, 30 ft Pumps: 40, 30 & 7 vertical pumps 3 trucks 1 cleanup truck (fresh water and vac tanks) Dozer, dump truck, for solids Pumps available 2 trucks, 2 more available Statewide IL, IN, MI 40 60 30 100 30 25 70 60 9 James Busse, Jr, LLC James (Jim) Busse Jr. Weyauwega Johnson Liquid Manure Hauling Paul Johnson Gilman Jolivette Hauling Jim Jolivette Taylor 920.407.0811 K&D Manure Handling, Inc Kevin Hintz Sparta Cell: 608.633.1219 Office: 608.272.3105 Cell: 715.773.0040 Office 715.447.5457 Office 563.690-0440 Cell 563.543-5730 Ken’s Kustom Ken Glidden Lublin Kintzle Construction Jeff Kintzle Peosta IOWA Koehler Trucking Nick Koehler Joe Koehler Chilton Kraus Custom Forage Dick or Bill Kraus Elkhart Lake Krepline Custom Harvesting Larry Krepline Reedsville 715.447.8332 Cell 715.533.0882 Office 715.662.3403 Nick’s Cell 920.374.1252 Joe’s Cell 920.374.1254 Office 920.876.2215 Dick’s Cell 920.838.1280 Bill’s cell 920.838.1281 920.772.4004 Cell: 920.378.4004 1 semi w/transfer boom 2 tractor tankers w/inj Pumps/props available 3 tractor tankers Prop: 32 ft Pump: 32 ft Dragline (4 mile) 2 applicators w/flowmeters 7 booster pumps Frac Tank: 20,000 gal 5 semis A/T G 2 tractor tankers 4 tractor solid spreaders Agi-pumps: 53 ft End Loader Dragline (3 mi) w/ 2 flowmeters, inj & splash toolbars Agi-pumps: 40 ft 6 tractors Dragline (1 mile) w/ flowmeter w/inj 1 tractor tanker Prop: 24 ft Pump: 30 ft Dragline (3 miles) w/flowmeter w/ 14 ft Chisel, 16 ft no-till toolbar, and 40 ft broadcast Agi-pumps: 42 ft, 52 ft Prop: 35 ft GPS w/autosteer mapping (provides own tractors) 2 Semis A G Agi-pump: 45 ft 60 20 Statewide 150 50 IA SW WI NW IL 50 6 semis A/T G 3 tractor tankers Agi-pump: 52 ft Pumps: 52 ft 250 IL 2 semis A/T G 20 10 Krueger Custom Service Josh/Zack Krueger Shawano Josh Cell: 715.853.5431 Office 715.526.5463 Krueger Farms Byron Krueger Melrose Cell 608.792.7069 Kurscheidt Trucking Mike Kurscheidt Chilton L&M Industries George Lorenz/Noel Marcks Black Creek 920.378.2156 L&M Trucking Lee Martin Wrightstown Lemmenes Custom Farms Roy/Lori/Abe Lemmenes Waupun 920.532.0805 920.833.2525 888.Lemchop 920.324.9931 3 semi T G Closed semi-tanker transfer system 4 tractor tankers Agi-pump: 53, 45, 32, 24 ft Props: 32, 24 ft 10 trucks Props: 52, 24, 16 ft Pumps: 42, 40, 36 ft Vertical pumps: 18, 12, 10 ft 4 semis T G Pumps/props available 50 Dragline (13 mi) w/flowmeter Toolbars: 6 for 6 in hose Toolbars: 2 for 8 in hose 2 Frac tanks Dredge boat for sand 22 semis T G Semi to Tanker transfer Semi to dragline transfer 6 tractor tankers w/inj 1 vacuum tank (spill containment) 2 tractor solid spreaders Agi-pumps: 57, 43 ft 52 ft wall walker pump w/bottom intake/prop 1 semi A/T G Backhoe 53 ft Solids Conveyor System 8 semi AT / G 1 Frac tank with dumpster system Dragline (3.5 mi) w/8 in hose Dragline (1.5 mi) w/6 in hose 2 tractors with swing pipes with flowmeters and mapping 2 injection toolbars 1 dribble bar for surface application 5 irrigation pumps all equipped with internet control Prop: 40 ft Pumps: 2 53 ft, 45 ft, 2 42 ft, 1 agitation boat 4 tractor tankers 3 tractor solid spreaders 1 payloader for loading solids/sand 100 30 50 30 150 11 Lundeen Farm Automation Steve Lundeen Barronett Marty’s Custom Manure Hauling Marty Sauder Boyd Mike Kaufmann Custom Svcs LLC Mike Kaufmann Newton Mike Rabe Trucking Mike Rabe Eldorado Mor-Field Services Lance Morgan Reedsville Nate’s Pit Pumping Nate Millsap Almena Nelson Pit Pumping Travis Nelson Milltown Office 715.468.2663 Cell 715.520.2327 715.703.0558 12 trucks Props: 42 ft Pumps: 40, 30 ft 30 4 tractor tankers Agi-pumps: 32 ft 40 920.374.0056 2 Semis A T G More semis available 50 920.948.5821 1 semis A/T G 6 dump trucks Long reach hoe 2 Semi A/T G 10 715.671.3193 2 tractor tanker w/inj Agi-pumps: 52, 32 ft 25 715.553.0040 1 truck tanker 1 tractor tanker Prop: 25 ft Pump: 25 ft 2 trucks 1 tractor tanker Props available Pumps available 1 tractor tanker Agi-pump: 45 ft 40 920.323.1991 NFR Brian Nichols Mt Hope 608.778.8648 NVP Nathan Van Pay Green Bay Passow Custom Ag Services Jeff Passow Peterson MINNESOTA Paycer Transport Kenny Paycer Sr. Kenny Paycer, Jr. Bryant Petersen Farms Monty Petersen Barron 920.680-1249 507.875.2522 715.627.2061 715.216.1640 715.357.3323 4 tractor tankers w/ 4WD tractors 1 tractor solid spreader 1 semi A/T G 1 truck Pump: 42 ft Load stand 2 tractor tankers Agi-pump: 42 ft Tractors 50 50 50 50 MN statewide 25 12 Phil’s Pumping and Fabricating Phil Schneider Chilton 920.849.2458 Pitbull Custom Applications, LLC Jerry Kobylarczyk Thorp Jerry Cell: 715.773.0101 Office 715.669.5745 715.669.5181 Potaczek Farms, LLC * Ron and Pattie Potaczek Thorp Practical Applications Chris Lindstrom Durand Purgett Scott/Donna Purgett Owen QuadT LLC Donny Mengel Timmy Mengel Stratford Rausch Farms Custom Rick Rausch Alan Rausch Athens Right Way Application Brandon Vogel Nick Staudinger Reedsville Dragline (5 mi) w/flowmeters 3 toolbars (inj or surface) Frac Tanks 20 semis A/T G 7 tractor tankers Agi-pumps: 40-53 ft Pumps: 30-53 ft Props: 40-53 ft Tanker, pump, prop, rental Metal fabrication and sales Flowmeter calibration 3 trucks w/flotation tires 1 vacuum truck (spill response) Agi-pump: 42 ft 7 trucks 2 pumps 2 props 715.672.pump 8 trucks Chris’s cell Agi-pumps: 2 52, 42 ft 715.279.5550 Pumps: 12 ft vertical Farm truck repair and setup Cell: 3 tractor tankers 715.613.4850 Prop: 25 ft Office: Pump: 25 ft 715.229.2680 715.687.2352 1 tractor tankers 2 tractor solids spreader Agi-pumps: 32 ft Prop: 32 ft 15 ft Aer-Way Tracked skid steer 715.551.8892 2 semis A/T G 3347 (al) 2 semis A/T P 3 trucks 1 tractor tanker Frac tank available Agi-pumps: 55, 45 ft Prop: 36 ft Pump: 9 ft vertical Shop: Dragline (4 miles) w/flowmeter, deep 920.758.4075 inj., 2 Aeroway inj. 1 shallow inj. Brandon Cell 3 booster pumps 920.901.0192 9 semis A/T G Nick Cell Props: 60, 2 50, 2 40, 35 ft 920.758.4075 Pumps: 3 50, 42, 40 ft 8 255 hp tractors 100 30 60 150 30 100 30 50 13 Rohl Custom Patrick Rohl Ellsworth Rudnick Manure Hauling Ben Rudnick Pulaski Shop 715.594.3140 cell 715.495.4167 920.660.3185 Russell Robaidek, Inc Russ Robaidek Pulaski 715.758.8505 Salsbury Sales and Service Allen/Jeff Salsbury Prairie Farm Allen Cell 715.296.9009 Jeff Cell 715.296.4007 Office 715.455.1068 Larry Cell: 715.556.9220 Office: 715.962.4123 920.928.2097 Mike’s Cell 920.382.0629 Bill’s Cell 920.382.0065 Scheidecker Pit Pumping Larry Edwards Colfax Schmidt’s Pumping, LLC Bill/Mike Schmidt Fox Lake Schmitz Brothers Excavating Mike Schmitz Chilton 920.378.3790 3 tractor solid spreaders 4 truck solid transports Tractor available 15 2 tankers Prop Pumps 42 and 31 ft Frac Tank rental Dragline (4½ mi) w/flowmeters Aer-Way and inj. toolbars 2 booster pumps 5 semis T Frac Tank: 18,000 gal 4 tractor tankers w/inj 2 tractor solid spreaders Agi-pumps: 50, 40 ft 6 trucks 5 tractor tankers Agi-pump: 50 ft Pumps: 42 ft & 2 under barn pumps Statewide UP MI 8 trucks Props: 52, 49 ft Pumps: 52, 40 ft Statewide Dragline (6 miles) w/flowmeter 4 booster pumps Injection and surface toolbars Frac Tank: 32,000 gal 7 Semis A/T G 1 vacuum tank (spill response) 4 tractor solid spreaders w/lids Payloader Agi-pumps: 53, 45 ft Pumps: 8 ft vertical Agitation boat Dragline (1½ miles) with flowmeters Injector/surface toolbar Frac Tank – 10,000 gal 6 semis A/T G GPS Mapping and Autosteer Build and fab equipment Statewide UP MI 50 50 120 14 Schneider Custom Services LLC Kurt Schneider Chilton 920.374.1327 Shadetree Farms Dennis Bergeson Marinette 715.923.6535 Sundstrom’s Pit Pumping Ernie Sundstrom Colfax 715.962.4061 Superior Manure Hauling Neal and Denise Schank Independence Neal Cell: 715-533-1057 Office: 715.985.2645 Sut’s Pit Pumping Mike Sutliff Boyceville T-K Ag Works, LLC Tim/Dustin Ransom Darien Mike Cell 715.505.0883 T&K Pumping, Inc Bill Tekippe Sherril, IA Cell 563.599.0113 608.676.5218 Dragline (2 miles) w/flowmeter Frac Tank/transfer system available 5 semis A/T G, up to 20 available Props: 45 ft Pumps: 45 ft 3 tractor tankers 2 tractor solids spreaders Agi-pumps: 53 ft Pump: 9 ft vertical Dragline: 6 inch: 9 miles w/flowmeters 8 inch: 3 miles w/flowmeters 9 Booster pumps Frac Tank: 18,000 gal hydraulic load/unload 2 semis T (bottom fill) 6 trucks 1 tractor tankers w/inj Agi-pumps: 52, 42 ft 3 End dumps 2 tractor solid spreaders Dredge for sand/solid removal 2 Agitation barges 8 trucks 2 slinger trucks Agi-pump: 42 ft Props: 52, 30 ft Pumps 60, 52, 8 to 12 vertical 6 trucks Pumps: 35, 30, 20 & 8/15 vertical Props: 40, 30, 20 ft Dragline (3 mile) w/flowmeter Frac tank: 24,000 gal Semis available 1 tracked tank Agi-pumps: 42 ft GPS as-applied mapping Custom fab tanker setup Nitrogen Stabilizer (Instinct) certified Frac Tank: 24,000 gal 2 semis w/booms T 2 tractor tankers Pumps: 42 ft, 10 ft vertical 50 Upper MI Statewide IA, MN, MO 100 100 200 IL 40 15 Tasch Custom LLC Chad Tasch Malone 920.375.0900 Tony’s Custom Work LLC Tony Van Rossum Wrightstown Tony’s Cell 920.360.2367 Triple C Pumping Cameron Elder Craig Elder Browntown Triple Z Farms LLC Jeff and Jamie Zeamer DePere Office 608.966.3722 Craig’s Cell: 608.558.2518 Jeff’s Cell: 920.371.9454 Udderly Speedy Moo-vers, LLC Lyle Thiel Hilbert 920.989.2166 Union 151 Dale Wagner Newton Dale 920.323.3776 Tyler 920.323.2734 United Pumping LLC Tyler Barpel Brillion Tyler Cell 920.645.1095 United Waste Recycling Bob Tracy, Jr Clyman 920.349.1600 ext 104 Dragline (7 miles) w/flowmeter 5 Booster pumps 11 semis A/T G/P 4 tractor tankers 6 tractor solid spreaders Props: 3 40 ft Pumps: 6 60 ft End loader Excavator: 60 ft Dragline (1 mile) w/flowmeter Inj and surface toolbars 5 semis A/T G 2 trucks 3 tractor tanker Props: 50, 42, 38 ft Pumps: 38 ft Dragline (2 ¼ mile) w/inj 1 booster pump Prop: 27 ft Pump: 52 ft Frac Tank: 21,000 gal 7 semis A/T G/P 8 semis A/T G 2 tractor solid spreaders Prop: 53 ft Pump: 52 ft 1 Semi A/T P Dragline (1 mile) w/flowmeter & deep inj toolbar Frac Tank available 3 Semis A/T G 1 tractor tanker 3 tractor solid spreaders available Dragline (1 ½ mile) with Flowmeter 2 deep till toolbars 2 semis A/T G, 6 available Frac Tank 21,000 gal Open transfer system Prop: 45 ft Pump: 53, 45 ft Pump tractor available Dragline (8 mile) w/flowmeter 8 Booster pumps 49 semis T 2 tractor tankers 3 tractor solid spreaders Props and pumps Statewide 15 40 40 Statewide 50 150 Statewide IL 16 VanDeLoo Farms Custom Rick VanDeLoo Kaukauna 920.378.4160 VandenBergh Transportation Mike VandenBergh Kaukauna 920.378.1631 Vander Kinter Farms LLC Brian VanderKinter Green Bay 920.371.3026 Vander Kinter Trucking Al VanderKinter Denmark Veolia Special Services Al Kohlman Sheboygan 920.676.8469 Walter & Son Waste Hauling LLC * Steve Walter Darien 888-204-4794 Waste Control Services Keith Ferfecki Josh Krull Bonduel 715.758.8274 Waste Management LLC Brad Wilson Dubuque IA 563.451.9584 Office 920.459.2711 Cell 920.960.6057 Semis A/T G/P, more available Dragline available Frac tank avaiable Pumps/Props available 2 Semis A/T G/P, more available Dragline available Frac tank avaiable Pumps/Props available 5 semis A/T G 1 semi A/T Pumps: 53 ft Prop: 53 ft Tractor rental 2 semis A/T G Pump available 10 Terragators w/injectors 26 semis A/T Vacuum Application Irrigation guns, hose (1 mile) & pipe 2 tractor tankers w/inj 13 vacuum tankers 3 tractor spreaders 12 dump trailers 3 vacuum trucks 4 super suckers Street sweeper Wide track dozer Long reach excavator Large pool of other equipment avail-able at multiple locations in WI Dragline (2 miles) w/flowmeter w/inj Frac tank: 21,000 gal 3 semis T P 1 tractor tanker 2 vacuum trucks 1 hydraulic dredge Dragline (5 miles) w/flowmeters Surface and inj toolbars 5 Booster pumps 2 Frac tanks: 18,000 gal 12 semis T G (sealed bottom fill) 9 tractor tankers w/inj w/VRT 9 tractor tankers w/inj GPS application and as-applied maps Dragline (3 mi) w/flowmeter Toolbars: No-Till, Chisel Agi-pumps: 42, 52 ft GPS w/Autosteer, mapping Pressure washer with Steam Cleaning 10 10 60 150 Statewide Statewide IL, IN MI, IA Statewide Upper MI 90 IL IA WI 17 for biosecurity 18 Wery’s Dairy Aire Kevin Wery Luxemburg Cell 920.371.3215 Wipp Bros Ag Services Jeremy Wipperfurth Dane 608.850.3691 Cell: 608.235.3784 Woldt Farms Daryl Woldt Brillion Wohlk Farms Donnie Wohlk, Jr Almena 920.371.7737 Zachow Pumping Chad Zachow Melissa Breck Dave Krause Catawba Cell: 715.296.1691 Office 715.357.3904 Office 715.669.5130 Chad Cell: 715.613.5130 Dragline (1 ¼ mi) w/inj w/flowmeter Alfalfa toolbar Frac tank: 21,000 gal 4 semis T G 2 tractor tankers 1 Side slinger (tractor) Agi-pumps: 40 ft Props: 50 ft Pumps: 40 ft, 1 8 ft, 2 10 ft vertical Incorporation available Dragline (1¾ mile) w/flowmeter Aer-Way and inj toolbars 4 semis T 1 tanker w/32 mph tractors, more available 2 tractor solid spreaders Payloader Prop: 52 ft Pumps: 42 ft Rent prop, pump 5 Semis A/T P Prop: 45 ft Pump: 45 ft 2 trucks 4 tractor tankers Props: 54, 32 ft Pumps: 54, 42, 32 ft 3 tractor tankers Props: 42, 32 ft Pumps: 3 32 ft 50 Statewide IL, IN 50 70 70 19