math science game board / Microsoft Word 97


Create a Math & Science Game


The assignment is due on Wednesday May 13



You & your partner’s job is to create a math & science game that can be played in the classroom using the knowledge you have gained this year. You may choose a general science theme or a specific unit of study: Safety, Processes of Science

Inquiry, The Scientific Method, Matter, Electricity and Magnetism, Rocks and

Minerals, Cycles, Constructive and Destructive forces, Ecosystems (Plants and

Animals), Energy, etc., but you must remember that you will be creating Math problems that go along with the topic. You will not only create the physical board game, but also the questions. Each person will create 20 questions (10 math & 10 science for a total of 40 questions per game).

You will be graded on:

* Playability, clearly written directions

* Creativity of your title and format

* Neatness and eye-catching color

* Challenging/interesting questions

(10 points)

(10 points)

(20 points)

(40 points)

* Packaging (storage box or bag with game title, your first and last name, your period) (20 points)

**Your game must be able to be played by anyone in the fifth grade. It must be able to be played by 4-6 players. **


I understand the goals and guidelines of the Math & Science board game project.

This will count as several grades for both Math & Science Classes. I understand the due date is May 13 th .

Parent Signature:_____________________________________

Student Signature:____________________________________

Be creative. Here are a few suggestions to help you get started, but you are not limited to these suggestions:

 A creative game board with congruent spaces is helpful so that it is neat and easy to move game pieces.

 Use of spinners or dice makes it easy to move around the game board.

 Game cards can have fill in the blank or multiple-choice questions, or vocabulary terms with pictures.

 Unique player markers: plastic animals, rocks of varied colors or shapes, magnets, student created pieces, etc.

 Catchy title and theme used throughout.

Suggested Supplies:

Notecards for questions (or other type of card)

Pizza box, shoe box, etc. for game board storage

Dice or spinner

Game pieces

Construction paper, markers, glue for board decorations

Suggested “Due” dates:

All supplies for board creation and decoration by 4/29

Rough draft of all 40 questions completed by 4/30

