Scoring Guidance Winter Fun Fair The chart below offers guidance

Scoring Guidance
Winter Fun Fair
The chart below offers guidance for scoring the PBA. If there is a right answer, it is provided below. If there is a narrative,
direction for evaluating whether or not it is satisfactory is also provided.
Evaluative Factor/Criteria for
Task 1: Expected Attendance
Find the measures of central tendency
for attendance over the past ten years
(mean, median, mode, and range).
Use data to create a scatterplot.
Draw the line of best fit and write the
equation that defines the line. Identify
the slope and y-intercept.
Predict attendance in a future year.
Predict when future attendance will
reach a certain number.
Task 2: Rock Wall Rental
Write an equation to represent the total
cost of a rock wall.
Complete a table of values to determine
the total cost, when given a specific
number of hours.
Create a graph on a coordinate plane
from a function.
Identify a pattern to determine the
missing values and create an equation to
represent the table.
Scoring Guidance
Mean = 190, Median = 191, Mode = 0, and Range = 121
Create scatter plot of given points.
Information will be based on line of best fit from scatter plot.
An example could be y=83/6 x + 110, where the slope is 83/6
and the y intercept is 110. Note: Answers will vary based on
student interpretation.
Must show work and year approximate to 262.
Must show work; approximate answer will be year 21.
C = 8xh + 85
56, 62, 68, 74, and 80.
Students graph line on the coordinate plane.
Missing table parts cost = 120 and hours = 12.
Equations can vary based on student work but should be close
to y = 40x.
Student must show all work for creating the equation.
Evaluative Factor/Criteria for
Task 3: Games About Probability
Determine the probability of one color
with one spin from a spinner.
Determine the probability of one color
with two spins of a spinner (two
separate games).
Playing the spinner game twice,
determine the probability of two
different colors with two different
Task 4: Pizza Sold
Given a set of data values, analyze the
corresponding box and whisker plot,
and identify and correct the existing
Make a prediction about profit from
pizza sales using a box and whisker plot.
Task 5: It’s Snowing
Given snow fall data, identify the
constant rate of change.
Write an equation to represent the
amount of snow fall.
Use the equation to make a prediction
regarding total snow fall.
Comments for Unsatisfactory Marks:
Scoring Guidance
Probability spinner will land on purple is 1 in 6.
Probability the spinner will land on blue on the first spin and
blue the second spin is 1 in 9.
Probability the spinner will land on green on the first spin is 1
in 12 or red on the second spin is 1 in 6.
The correct values for the box and whisker plot are Low = 48,
Q1 = 58, Q2 = 72, Q3 = 85 and the High = 96.
Students write a prediction for the data.
Student answers may vary slightly but should be close to 1.5
inches per hour.
Students answers may vary for the equation, and close
example would be y = 3/2 x + 4.
Answers will be based on the student work but should be
approximate to 22 inches.
Please complete:
Name: ____________________________________________________________
Email: ____________________________________________________________
Phone: ___________________________________________________________
Email completed evaluation to Kevin Mauro at