Task Force for Implementation of the Regional Environmental Reconstruction Programme For South Eastern Europe (9th REReP Task Force) 28-29 September, 2006 Skopje Draft List of Participants Updated: 08/03/2016 03:20 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA Tel / Fax : + 387 33 443 336 E-mail: maja.bevanda@fmpuio.gov.ba Ms. Maja Taubman-Bevanda Expert Advisor Federal Ministry of Environment and Tourism Titova 9a, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina BULGARIA Tel: + 359 2 940 62 99 Fax: + 359 2 981 11 85 E-mail: ilievanelly@moew.government.bg Ms. Nedyalka Ilieva State Expert Environmental Strategies and Programs Ministry of Environment and Water 67. Gladstone Str., 1000 Sofia CROATIA Ms. Mirjana Papafava Head of Department Department for European Integration Ministry of Environment, Physical Planning and Construction Ulica Republike Austrije 14, 10000 Zagreb Tel: + 385 1 3782 195 Fax: + 385 1 3782 157 E-mail: mirjana.papafava@mzopu.hr Former Yugoslav Republic of MACEDONIA H. E. Mr. Imer Aliu Minister Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning Drezdenska 52, 1000 Skopje Mr. Dejan Panovski State Secretary Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning Drezdenska 52, 1000 Skopje Tel: + 389 2 3066 930 Fax: + 389 2 3066 931 E-mail:g.kozuharova@moepp.gov.mk Ms. Gordana Kozuharova Head of European Integration Department Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning 1 Drezdenska 52, 1000 Skopje Tel: + 389 2 110 336 Fax: + 389 2 115 790 E-mail: petrovska@mnr.gov.mk Ms. Mirjana Petrovska Head of Unit Ministry of Foreign Affairs Dame Gruev 6. Skopje MONTENEGRO Tel: + 381 81 482 165 Fax: + 381 81 234 131 E-mail:biljanad@mn.yu Ms. Biljana Djurovic Senior Adviser Department for Environmental Protection Ministry for Environment protection and Physical Planning Rimski Trg. 46, Podgorica 81000 ROMANIA Mr. Alberto Silviu Simion Head of Unit General Directorate for Management of Structural Instruments Ministry of Environment and Water Management 12. Libertatii Blvd, Sector 5, 70005 Bucharest Tel : + 40 21 316 87 27 Fax: + 40 21 316 07 27 E-mail: alberto@mappm.ro Alberto.simion@mmediu.ro SERBIA Mr. Miroslav Spasojevic Assistant Director Division for European Integration and International Cooperation Ministry of Science and Environmental Protection – Directorate for Environmental Protection Omladinskih Brigada 1, 11000 Belgrade Tel / Fax : + 381 11 3131 355 E-mail: miroslav.spasojevic@ekoserb.sr.gov.yu Ms. Jelena Cvetkovic Head of Department Department for European Integration Tel / Fax : + 381 11 3131 355 E-mail: jelena.cvetkovic@ekoserb.sr.gov.yu Ministry of Science and Environmental Protection – Directorate for Environmental Protection Omladinskih Brigada 1, 11000 Belgrade KOSOVO Territory under interim United Nations administration Mr. Ismail Hetemaj Head of Division Division of Nature Protection Department of Environment Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning Nazim Gafurri No. 31. Prishtina 10000 Tel: + 381 38 211 805 Fax: + 381 38 211 716 E-mail: Ismail.hetemaj@yahoo.com 2 EUROPEAN COMMISSION Ms. Anne Burrill Deputy head of Unit DG Environment, unit E.3 BU-9 05/143 Avenue de Beaulieu 9, 1160 Brussels, Belgium Tel.: + 32 2 295 4388 Fax: + 32 2 299 4123 E-mail: anne.burrill@ec.europa.eu Ms. Carmen Falkenberg Ambrosio Desk Officer Environment Directorate - General BU-9 05/128 Avenue de Beaulieu 9, 1160 Brussels, Belgium Tel.: + 32 2 296 4241 Fax: + 32 2 299 4123 E-mail: carmen.falkenbergambrosio@ec.europe.eu Mr. Eduards Deksnis Tel.: + 32 2 296 72 02 Fax.: + 32 2 299 85 03 e-mail: Eduards.Deksnis@cec.eu.int European Commission Enlargement Directorate-General Unit D3, Regional Programmes Rue de la Loi 200, CHAR 05/31, B-1049 Brussels STABILITY PACT Tel : +32 2 401 87 47 Fax : +32 2 401 87 12 E-mail : oswald.hutter@stabilitypact .org Mr. Oswald Hutter Senior Advisor Working Table II Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe Rue Wiertz 50, 1049 Brussels, Belgium EUROPEAN AGENCY FOR RECONSTRUCTION Tel: + 389 2 3286 731 Fax: + 389 2 3124 760 E-mail: ivan.borisavljevic@ear.europa.eu Mr. Ivan Borisavljevic Programme Manager Agriculture and Natural Resources-Environment Makedonija Str. 11/l 1000 Skopje, former Yugoslav republic of Macedonia EC DELEGATION Fax: + 389 2 3126 213 E-mail: dejan.gjorsoski@cec.eu.int Mr. Dejan Gjorsoski EC Delegation Skopje, former Yugoslav republic of Macedonia AUSTRIA Tel: + 389 70 25 27 30 E-mail: Robert.sarlamanov@ada.gv.at Mr. Robert Sarlamanov National Programme Coordinator Austrian Development Agency CZECH REPUBLIC Tel: + 420 267 122 950 Fax: + 420 267 311 949 E-mail: petr_krupa@env.cz Mr. Petr Krupa Deputy Director Department of Development and Project-Co-operation Ministry of Environment Vrsovicka 65, Prague 10 100 3 GERMANY Ms. Friderike Sabiel Co-operation with Central and Eastern European Countries and New Independent States Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety Alexanderstr. 3, 10178 Berlin T: + 49 30 28550 2373 Fax: + 49 30 28550 3331 E-mail: friderike.sabiel@bmu.bund.de ITALY Tel : + 381 11 306 78 76 Fax : + 381 11 265 37 93 E-mail : sorrentino.daniela@minambiente.it Ms. Daniela Sorrentino Policy Advisor Task Force for central and Eastern Europe Italian Ministry for the Environment , land and Sea Andre Nikolica 25 A 11000 Belgrade, Serbia THE NETHERLANDS Ms. Zumreta Jahic-Boric First Secretary Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affair of the Netherlands Druga Asim Zeneli nr.10 Tirana, Albania Tel: + 355 4 240 828 Fax: +355 4 232 723 E-mail: zumreta.jahic-boric@minbuza.nl NORWAY Tel : + 47 22 24 58 40 Fax: + 47 22 24 27 55 Email address: jon.opem@md.dep.no Mr. Jon Opem Senior Advisor Department for International Cooperation Ministry of the Environment P.O. Box 8013 Dep N-0030 Oslo SWEDEN Ms. Helen Holm Team LeaderEnvironmental Division for Urban Development and Environment Department for Infrastructure and Economic Cooperation Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency SE-105 25 Stockholm Tel: + 46 8 698 5501 Fax: + 46 8 698 5640 E-mail: helen.holm@sida.se Ms. Ewa Brederman Development Cooperation Department Swedish Environmental Protection Agency ( SIDA) P.O. Box 5., 11040 Belgrade, Serbia Tel: + 381 63 35 62 62 Fax: + 381 11 20 69 252 E-mail: ewa.brederman@foreign.ministry.se Ms. Biljana Dzartova-Petrovska National Programme Officer Development Cooperation Environment and Economic Department Embassy of Sweden "8ma Udarna Brigada" 2, 1000 Skopje Tel: + 389 2 32 97 885 Fax: + 389 2 31 12 065 E-mail: biljana.dzartovapetrovska@foreign.ministry.se 4 SWITZERLAND Tel: + 41 31 322 44 21 Fax: + 41 31 323 59 33 Email : jean-pierre.egger@deza. admin.ch Mr. Jean-Pierre Egger Senior advisor Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation 130, Freiburgstrasse 3003 Berne UNITED STATES Tel: + 389 2 311 6180 Fax: + 389 2 311 7103 E-mail: embassyskopje@state.gov Mr. Michael Lathan Embassy of the United States Bul. Ilinden 66 1000 Skopje, former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia ITERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS, INSTITUTIONS, NGOs CEB ( Council of Europe Development Bank) Tel: + 33 1 47 55 71 39 Fax: + 33 1 47 55 37 52 E-mail: ebru.yuksel@coebank.org Ms. Yuksel Bayramoglu Ebru Economist Research and Analysis 55,Avenue Kléber 75116 Paris France EEA (European Environment Agency) T: + 45 33 36 72 14 F: + 45 33 36 72 95 E-mail: stoyan.blagoev@eea.europa.eu Mr. Stoyan Blagoev Project Manager, EIONET Support West Balkan Countries Communication and Corporate Affairs Kongens Nytrov 6, 1050 Copenhagen K, Denmark IUCN Tel: + 381 11 2272 411 Fax: + 381 11 2272 531 E-mail: boris.erg@iucn.org Mr. Boris Erg Project Coordinator Programme Office for SEE IUCN- The World Conservation Unit Dr. Ivan Ribara 91, 11070 Belgrade, Serbia MILIEUKONTAKT International Ms. Julijana Daskalov Local Office Representative Milieukontakt International Ul. Kozle br. 100 former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 5 Tel: + 389 2 30 90 4000 Fax: + 389 2 39 81 135 E-mail: julijana@mkoe.org.mk SEEENN ( South Eastern European Environmental NGOs Network) Tel: + 385 1 4813 097 Fax: + 385 1 4813 096 E-mail: jagoda@zelena-akcica.hr za@zelena-akcija.hr Ms. Jagoda Munic Preesident of Executive Board Green Action ( Zelenja Akcija) Frankopanska 1, HR_10000 , Zagreb, Croatia OSCE Mr. Marc Pierre Baltes Senior Economic Advisor Office of the Co-ordination of OSCE Economic & Environmental Activities Organization for Securityt and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) Katrnerring 5-7 1010 Vienna, Austria Tel: + 43 1 514 36 742 Fax: + 43 1 514 36 96 E-mail: marc.baltes@osce.org UNEP Mr. Harald Egerer Head Interim Secretariat of the Carpathian Convention UNEP Vienna-ISCC United Nations Environment Programme-Vienna Vienna International Centre P.O.Box 500 A 1400 Vienna, Austria Tel: + 43 1 26060 4545 Fax: + 43 1 260 60 74545 E-mail: harald.egerer@unvienna.org Ms. Jelena Beronja Projecy Manager for SEE-ENVSEC Regional Desk Officer UNEP Vienna - ISCC Vienna International Centre P.O.Box 500 A 1400 Vienna, Austria Tel: + 43 1 26060 4421 Fax: + 43 1 26060 6730 E-mail: jelena.beronja@unvienna.org THE REGIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL CENTERFOR CENTRAL AND ESATERN EUROPE (REC) Ms. Marta Szigeti Bonifert Executive Director Ady Endre ut 9-11 2000 Szentendre, Hungary T : + 36 26 504 000 F : + 36 26 311 294 E-mail: mszbonifert@rec.org Ms. Oreola Ivanova-Nacheva Deputy Executive Director for Strategy and Development Ady Endre ut 9-11 2000 Szentendre T : + 36 26 504 000 F : + 36 26 311 294 E-mail: oivanova@rec.org Mr. Radoje Lausevic Regional Director for SEE Executive Directors Office Tel: + 381 11 329 2899 Fax: + 381 11 329 3020 E-mail: rlausevic@recyu.org Ady Endre ut 9-11, 2000 Szentendre, Hungary 6 Ms. Yordanka Minkova Project Manager International Secretariats Ady Endre ut 9-11 2000 Szentendre , Hungary T : + 36 26 504 000 F : + 36 26 311 294 E-mail: yminkova@rec.org Ms. Katarina Stojkovska Tel/Fax: + 389-2 3090-135; 3090-136 E-mail: recmk@rec.org.mk Country Office Director ul. "Ilindenska" - 118 1000 Skopje, former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Tel: + 381 11329 2899 Mr. Milan Dacic Country Office Director Primorska 31, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia Fax: + 381 11 329 302 E-mail: office@reyu.org T : + 36 26 504 000 F : + 36 26 311 294 E-mail: tfilippova@rec.org Ms. Tsvetelina Filippova Project Manager Environmental Law Programme Ady Endre ut 9-11 2000 Szentendre, Hungary Tel : + 36 26 504 ext. 307 M : + 36 205 291 882 Fax : + 36 26 311 294 E-mail : jfiedler@rec.org Ms. Joanna Fiedler Senior Project Manager Environmental Financing Environmental Policy Programme Ady Endre ut 9-11 2000 Szentendre , Hungary Mr. Srdjan Susic Project Manager Ady Endre ut 9-11 2000 Szentendre, Hungary T : + 36 26 504 000 F : + 36 26 311 294 E-mail: ssusic@rec.org Ms. Ilona Docze Head Conference Department Ady Endre ut 9-11 2000 Szentendre, Hungary T : + 36 26 504 000 F : + 36 26 301 191 E-mail : idocze@rec.org 7