Newspaper Project Checklist—Wow, this is long, but it sure is useful. I know that I need to have a feature article, a news article, and an editorial. _____ I know that I must start from scratch on two of these articles and can import one that I have already written and revised. _____ I know that I need a substantive, meaningful quotation for each article. _____ I have revised article 1 that I have already written, using Mrs. S’s comments. _____ I have decided a topic for article 2 and determined whom I must interview. _____ I have decided a topic for article 3 and determined whom I must interview. _____ I have written interview questions for article 2 personal interview(s). _____ I have written interview questions for article 3 personal interview(s). _____ I have completed my article 2, including interview responses, incorporating the responses in my article as needed to support my reporting or opinion. _____ My news article begins with the five W’s in a hard news lead in one or two sentences. _____ My news article does not have any opinion words, except those provided by someone I interviewed, either in indirect quotations or direct quotations. _____ My news article is organized with most important information first and moves to least important information. The date is not first. _____ I have completed my article 3, including interview responses, incorporating the responses in my article to support my reporting or opinion. _____ My feature article begins with a catchy lead that includes a link to the person I am featuring. _____ Somewhere in my feature article I provide the five W’s about my featured person or the event(s) being discussed, but not in the first paragraph. _____ My feature does not have any opinions except those offered in quotations or provided by someone else and summarized by me. _____ My editorial begins with a catchy lead and has my opinion in the last line of the first paragraph. _____ My editorial has three reasons for my opinion or three reasons describing a problem that I am trying to solve. _____ My editorial offers a solution to a problem or restates my opinion and provides support for it, either with personal experience, quotations from authorities, or statistics. _____ I have completed my Egypt ad or an editorial cartoon. _____ My Egypt ad includes the following: A prominently displayed (highlighted or colored) business name A person or authority in charge Three propaganda techniques to sell my product or service A BRIEF description of the service, its location, and pricing _____ _____ _____ _____ My editorial cartoon follows these requirements: It relates to my editorial. It is drawn dark enough to see when scanned. It uses two of the editorial cartoon techniques we studied _____ _____ _____ I have a picture for two of my stories. _____ The quality of my pictures is good. _____ I have a flag. _____ I have an index, a rail, or a banner. _____ I have cutlines, using sentences with complete names identifying people and events, for each of my story pictures. _____ I have a heading for my second page. _____ I have a cryptic sentence headline for each article. _____ I have only capitalized the first word and proper words in my headline. _____ I have read aloud my articles to be sure that they make sense. _____ I am proud of my work. _____ I will not submit my work unless I am pleased with it. _____ If I forgot something, it is not Mrs. Sutton’s fault because she is the bomb-diggity. _____ (Check it just for good will.)