A 4/6 Sector-18, Rohini, Delhi-110089 Email id: rajasain@in.ibm.com Cell: +91 9891504976 Rajat Saini ___ Profile Working as Software Test Specialist. Have valid approved H1B Visa petition till May 2016. Total 9 years of IT industry experience encompassing domains knowledge of Health and Welfare (HW), Insurance, Government industry/Pension system, Custom-Excise, Retail and IBM CURAM v6. Extensively performed Positive, Negative, Functional, Integration, Regression tests, Web Service testing and Mainframe testing. Involvement in preparation of Defect Reports, Defect Tracking and Status reporting to management. Hands on experience on IBM Rational tools – Rational Functional Tester, Rational Manual Tester, Clear Quest Test Manager, Rational Clear Case, Rational Clear Quest, Rational Quality Manager, Rational Team Center, RTC Jazz and HP ALM Functional testing for Web Services using open source SOAP/UI Tool. Proficient in analyzing and translating business requirements to test scenarios and test cases and prepare Test plan and Test Strategy Document with BA. Good communication skills, interpersonal skills, self-motivated, quick learner, team player. Knowledge of R programming language for Statistical computing by manipulating, Visualizing, Predictive analysis. Ability to query databases and datasets and perform statistical analysis on enterprise-class database systems. Under supervision, can develop statistical models and methodologies to predict, quantify or forecast various operational and performance metrics. Knowledge of Big Data – Hadoop and concepts of HDFS and HIVE. Skill Set Statistical Computing: R Open source Functional Testing Tool: SOAP/UI Configuration Management Tool: IBM Rational Team Concert (RTC), IBM Rational Clear Case, IBM Program Work Center (IPWC), GIT Test Management Tool: HP Quality Center (HP QC), IBM Rational Clear Quest Test management, IBM Rational Quality Manager (IBM RQM), HRO Maestro Defect Tracking Tool: IBM Rational Team Concert Jazz (RTC Jazz), IBM Rational Clear Quest, HP Quality Center (HP QC), HRO Maestro RDBMS: DB2 Education Bachelor’s in Information Technology - 2006, Guru Gobind Singh Inderprastha University, Delhi 1 Professional Experience J uly 2010 – T ill date, Sr . T es t Engineer IBM India Pv t. Ltd. India 1) Project: M acys Syst ems and T echnology – Duluth,G A Role: T est Specialist Duration: Apr il 2015 – O c t 2015 About Project : Mac y's , is a m id - r ange c hain of departm ent s to res owned by Am eric an m ultinational c or por ation Mac y's , Inc . It is one of two divis ions owned by the c om pany, with the other b eing the ups c ale Bloom ingdale's . Mac y's is k nown f or its nic he in popular c ulture and the divers ity of its m er c handis e . It involve s the m ainf ram e tes ting of ESS pric ing related to MO P(Mac ys O f f Pr ic e) . Creating positive and negative test scenarios to test the application by executing and maintaining test cases in HP ALM Tool. Ran JCL batch jobs to test different test scenarios and validate data in GDG’s. Testing different CICS screen to validate the correctness of test data. Logging defect using HP ALM tool. Creating and uploading the test report related document in Share point. Executing End-to-end scenario to test the exact test coverage required to meet the client requirements. Involved in following reporting: Test status Reporting, Defect Report, Execution Summary report, Test Readiness Review, Traceability. Retrieve message related data by writing SQL queries. 2) Project: NY SDO L – Albany,NY Role: Sr. Sof t w are T est Engineer Duration: Dec em ber 2014 - Mar c h 2015 About Project : Unem ploym ent Ins ur anc e (UI) is tem porary inc om e: For eligible W ork ers who los e their j obs thr ough no f ault of their own to c ollec t benef its , you m us t be r eady, willing, and able to wor k , and ac tively look ing f or work during eac h week in whic h you are c laim ing benef its . T o qualif y f or UI benef its , you m us t have enough work hours and wages in c overed em ploym ent. In New Yor k State, em ployers pay c ontribu tions that f und UI. It is not deduc ted f rom your payc hec k . T he Depar tm ent of Labor dec ides if you qualif y f or benef its . Functional testing for Web Services using open source SOAP/UI Tool. Creating, executing and maintaining test cases. Manage test cases in HP ALM and maintaining documents using SharePoint. Execution of End-to-End test scenarios on GUI. Log a defect using IBM CQ tool. Create Test Planning document. Involved in following reporting: Test status Reporting, Defect Report, Execution Summary report, Test Readiness Review, Traceability. 2 Uses HP ALM for manual test authoring and execution, test lab management, test execution. Responsible for creating test data as per the require test case i.e. XML with help of Developer. Retrieve message related data by writing SQL queries. 3) Project: M inist ry of Healt h – New Zealand Role: T est Lead Duration: Augus t 2014 - Novem ber 2014 About Project : T he W hānau O r a Inf orm ation Sys tem (W O IS) provides the f ollowing f unc tionalityus ing CURAM: Regis ter W hānau. Create and develop W hānau Plans . Rec ord and trac k W hānau O utc om es . T he W hānau O ra program f oc us es on helping W hānau and f am ilies in need identif y and ac hieve a better s tate of lif e. Ex tens ively per f or m ed Pos itive, Negative, Func tional, Integration, Regres s ion tes ts . W ork s on O utc om e Managem ent and Provider Managem ent m odule of IBM CURAM v6.0.4. Involved in T es t c as e Developm ent, Peer Review, Ex ec ution and Def ec t Log. Ex ec ute and m aintain tes t c as es in IBM RQ M tool. Def ec t m anagem ent thr ough Rational T eam Conc ert (RT C) J azz tool. Ac tively s uppor t Us er s and developm ent team to ac hieve the end res ult. Involved in f ollowing r epor ting: T es t s tatus Reporting , Def ec t Report, Ex ec ution Sum m ary report, T es t Readines s Review, T rac eability. Identif ied s om e End to End wor k f low s c enarios c overing c ruc ial bus ines s of the applic ation. 4) Project: M of A – Canada Role: T est Lead Duration: Novem ber 2013 - J uly 20 14 About Project : Mof A is a Moder nization of Approval and it is related to Minis try of Environm ent of O ntar io. It is bas ed on J ava and BPM c om ponent. Web Service Testing using SOAPUI tool Analyzing the Test Requirements, Planning Test Approaches and Execution strategy. Involved in Test case Development, Peer Review, Execution and Defect Log. Participate in reviewing team work products /deliverables for quality and completeness. Defect management through Rational Team Concert (RTC) Jazz tool. Actively support Users and development team to achieve the end result. Involved in following reporting: Test status Reporting, Defect Report, Execution Summary report, Test Readiness Review, Traceability. Uses IBM RQM for manual test authoring and execution, test lab management, test execution. 5) Project: BT CURAM NG O SaaS Solution Project – Australia Role: T est Lead Duration: Septem ber 2013 - O c tober 2013 3 About Project : The NGO SaaS Solution Project is for building an asset for Australian NGOs. Extensively performed Positive, Negative, Functional, Integration, Regression tests. Works on creating application as a caseworker and a PD (Product delivery) case, Create Evidences and check eligibility of a client for a particular program. Works on Financial module, EVP( Eligibility verification process), Evidence, Client Portal. Works on issuing payment, Repayment and reimbursement for a particular client as per scenario. Works on creating application as a caseworker, intake Create Evidences and check eligibility of a client for a particular program. Works on Case management, Intake, Outcome Management and Provider management module. Identified some End to End workflow scenarios covering crucial business of the application. Prepare Test plan for the project with the help of BA. Done TRR(Test Readiness Review) with Development team. Maintain test cases and uses IPWC as a test case management system. Record, track and retest defects in RTC Jazz tool. Produce documentation to support testing activities. 6) Project: SSSM – Canada Role: Sr. Sof t w are T est Engineer Duration: Septem ber 2012 - Augus t 2013 About Project : IBM- Curam Social Program Management Platform is a business and technology solution that delivers prebuilt social program components, business processes, toolsets and interfaces on top of a dynamically configurable architecture. Curam Social Program Management Platform helps social program organizations provide optimal outcomes for citizens, satisfy increasing demand, and lower costs for organizations. Extensively performed Positive, Negative, Functional, Integration, Regression tests. Works on creating application as a caseworker and a PD (Product delivery) case, Create Evidences and check eligibility of a client for a particular program. Works on Financial module, EVP( Eligibility verification process), Evidence, Client Portal. Works on issuing payment, Repayment and reimbursement for a particular client as per scenario. Execute and maintain test cases in HP Quality Center (QC) tool and uses HP QC as a test case management system. Record, track and retest defects in HP Quality Center (QC) tool. Produce documentation to support testing activities. Work directly with the clients to triage defects. Took initiatives to create useful Excel sheets for efficient Status reporting and Task assignments. Identified some End to End workflow scenarios covering crucial business of the application. Extract testing requirements from functional specifications and business requirements. Write test plans and test cases from functional specifications and from using the product. Assist new team members and review their daily assigned task. 4 7) Project: M ASP ( FodFin ) – Belgium Role:Softw are T est Engineer Duration : Apr il 2012 - J une 2012 About Project: Worked as a Test Engineer with Project MASP - FodFin and it is basically a Paperless customs authorities and excises for Belgium. It is a customized JAVA application. This project handles various types of Duties calculate for Import and Export of goods. It is handling by Government of Belgium. Functional testing for Web Services using open source SOAP/UI Tool. Creating, executing and maintaining test cases. Manage test cases in HP Quality Center (QC) and maintaining documents using IBM Rational Team Concert (RTC) i.e. Configuration management tool. Execution of End-to-End test scenarios on GUI. Log a defect using IBM Rational Team Concert (RTC) JAZZ tool. Create Test Strategy and Test Planning document. Involve in a formal review session with IT Architect and Business Analyst. Participate in a Spot-Check of some crucial test scenarios with client. Responsible for doing Load testing through SOAP/UI. Running Automation test suit on QTP to do regression testing and do root cause analysis of failed test cases. Responsible for creating test data as per the require test case i.e. XML with help of developer. Retrieve message related data by writing SQL queries. Maintaining traceability matrix to track about the project deliverables. 8) Project: VIST A – Sw it z erland Role: Soft w are T est Engineer Duration : J uly 2010 – Apr il 2012 About Project: As a Test Engineer, working with Project Vista and this project is for social insurance organization in Switzerland. It is a customized J2EE application. This project handles various types of Social insurances, Pensions and other benefits for the citizens of Switzerland. With this new application portfolio the State Social Security units will shorten cycle time of their processes and improve the quality of services to their customers. Working with RE application, which is sub-application that covers pension system for Old age, Disability and Survivors pension. Responsible for creating test cases and doing the Integration testing of specified test scenarios. Responsible for managing test cases in Configuration management tool i.e. IBM clear case. Responsible for execution of the different test cases using IBM clear quest test management tool. Responsible for logging a defect using IBM clear quest tool and track it. Participate in a formal review session. Participate in a Spot-Check of some crucial test scenarios with client. Responsible for running different batches on UNIX environment. Part of an IBM RFT Automation test team to do regression testing and do root cause analysis of failed test cases. Responsible for creating test data as per the require test case and retrieve the same by writing SQL queries. 5 Maintaining traceability matrix to track about the project deliverables. Sep 2006 – May 2010 , Func tional Sys tem Analys t Hew itt Associate , India Hewitt Associate is a HR outsourcing firm and basically provide Health care benefits, retirement and pension plans to U.S. employees. Using TBA (Total Benefit Administrator) –Hewitt’s proprietary tool, by which they design and deliver health plans and manage retirement programs for U.S. employees. 1) Project: JPMC- Implementation of new population, U.S.A. (New Jersey) Role: Functional System Analyst Duration: September 2009 – May 2010 About Project: Under this project the team implemented new health plans, new prices for all health plans, implemented all new customizations on the Web Portal of the client, and implemented all the customizations made to the printable communication letters of the client. Apart from the above, all the implementations and customizations were rigorously tested by the team through all phases of the project. For this project our team achieved highest CSR (Client Satisfaction Rating) of 5.0. Worked with Lead System Analyst in translating business requirements into Functional Requirements Document. Gather requirements and write specification and functional design documents for enhancements and customization; Analyze product impact. Created test strategy and test plans for a particular iteration. Coordinate and communicate with off shore team members. Ran JCL batch jobs to test different test scenarios Logging and debugging of defects by looking into the JCL code. Creating test data using File-Aid utility of mainframes. Executing test cases for testing the GUI and Web interfaces. Participate in formal review sessions. Received Premier team award after a successful completion of project. 2) Project: Mars Inc., AE 2010 U.S.A. (New Jersey) Role: Sr. Setup configuration Analyst Duration: Sep 2008 – August 2009 About Project: A new set of population was loaded on the client database via various Batch jobs and manually. After the set up of new population the database tables were enriched through SQL queries to synchronize them in a manner that they are able to enroll in all the new and old health plans and would see the correct prices for them. It was also taken care of that they should be able to effectively access the client’s web portal as if they had always existed on the database. Creating test cases for a particular change request. Coordinate and communicate updates with off shore team members. Ran JCL batch jobs to test different test scenarios Logging and debugging of defects by looking into the JCL code. Creating test data using File-Aid utility of mainframes. Executing test cases for testing the GUI and Web interfaces, SQL queries to synchronize them in a manner that they are able to enroll in all the new and old health plans. Environment: YBR, JCL, GUI interface-TBA, BFQuery, AdHoc-M tools 6 3) Project: Campbell Soup Company - Updating HW options, U.S.A. (New Jersey) Role: Setup configuration Analyst Duration: September 2006 –Aug 2008 About Project: During this project the team implemented new option that was available to associates creating test cases for a particular change request. Ran JCL batch jobs to test different test scenarios Logging and debugging of defects by looking into the JCL code. Executing test cases for testing the GUI and Web interfaces. Environment: YBR, JCL, GUI interface-TBA, BFQuery, AdHoc-M tools Training and Session: Knowledge oh Big Data – Hadoop (HDFS) and basics about Hive. About IBM Rational Manual Tester tool. Basics about UNIX and shell scripting. Attended session on Big Data and basics about Hive. References: Available upon request. 7