Advanced 2002

Advanced 2002
1.Read the advertisement and he notes below. Write a letter of complaint to Fun with Games.
Do you like playing games?
Order our Games-in-a Bag today!
10 challenging games
suitable for ages 12-16
high quality items
clear instructions
not suitable for teenagers
pieces broke when used
impossible to follow
Send 25 euros today and you will get
Your Games-in- Bag within a week.
came a month later
Write to: Fun with Games
P.O. Box 2681, Crossly
2.Write a story which begins with the following words:
Something extraordinary happened the other day.
3.Write an article for a magazine entitled A Traditional Celebration in which you describe how an event such a
wedding or birthday is celebrated in your country.
4.Write a letter to a friend abroad who is coming to visit you describing your favourite pastime / How you and your
friends spend your free time
Read the text below and choose the most suitable heading from the list A-F for each part (1-5) of the text.
There is one extra heading that you do not need to use.
A A sign of success
D Surviving in prison
B An idea is born
E Think before you model
C Not just a pastime for prisoners
F A place where they can go
The Chess House
Thirty years ago, Eugene Brown was serving a prison sentence for bank robbery. When he was in his
early twenties, he robbed a bank in Washington DC, but he hadn’t properly planned his escape route and
was quickly caught. While behind bars Brown took up a new hobby – chess. Initially, playing the game
just helped him ignore the ugly things going on around him in the prison. But over the years, he realised
that being able to think your way through a chess match could help you handle real life better.
Chess had taught Brown that impulsive actions can lead to disaster. When he left jail in 1989, it was this
knowledge that prevented him from returning to a life of crime. Washington DC has a high youth crime
rate, and it occurred to Brown that if young people in poor areas of the city were encouraged to take up
chess and learn the rules about life that the game could teach, they might not turn to crime as he had done.
He decided to try out his theory.
Brown finally achieved his goal in the autumn of 2001 when, with the help of friends in the city’s chess
community, he opened the Deanwood Chess House. It’s easy to find as it’s the only building in the
neighbourhood with gigantic chess pieces screwed onto the outside walls. Four days and nights each
week, youngsters are welcome to spend time at the club, playing chess and getting lessons from Brown
and other volunteers who believe in the wisdom of this ancient game. Boards, chess pieces and
knowledge are provided free of charge, and no one is turned away.
Although the club has been approved by the US Chess Federation, a major promoter of competitive chess,
the aim is not to produce world-class players. Brown hopes that, first and foremost, young people who
come to the club will learn that impulsive, thoughtless moves only lead to a bad end- on the chessboard
and in the streets. This is the message that is emphasized at the club, and it’s a lesson that the youngsters
really need to learn, according to Brown.
There is plenty of evidence that the ex-prisoner’s idea is working. Brown recently received a call from the
mother of a boy who had frequently been in trouble. She said that her son, who now spends a lot of time
at the club, has become so fascinated by the game that he now sleeps with the board that Brown gave
him! “Hearing that he’s so interested in chess, well, that was the best Christmas present I got this year,”
said Brown.
C.Use of English
1. Read the text below and choose the best word a, b or c for each blank. (10)
Why do people (1) _____________ risks? What is it that makes a person decide to take (2)
_____________ a dangerous sport? Some people get hooked on a particular sport and can’t do without it.
However, people like Judy, a student at Brighton University, just cannot see it. “What’s the (3)
_____________ of doing something so dangerous? Why risk your life?” she asks. “(4) _____________
all, it’s only a sport! I think more men than women take (5) _____________ in these activities; I don’t
know why. Maybe men are more (6) _____________ by peer pressure or maybe they have this fear (7)
_____________ being seen as cowardly if they don’t try these things. Perhaps they believe that the
experience will (8) _____________ them into some kind of hero.” However, Judy’s boyfriend, Howard,
who goes skydiving regularly says that flying through the air , though terrifying at first it is the most(9)
_____________ feeling. “I fee more alive when I’m skydiving that at any other time,” explains Howard.
But Judy is not convinced. “It’s just not worth it,” she sighs. “One day he might get (10) _____________
hurt or even killed – just for the sake of feeling good.
1 a. make
b. find
c. take
2 a. up
b. to
c. out
3 a. point
b. cause
c. excuse
4 a. in
b. After
c. Over
5 a. part
b. advantage
c. time
6 a. interested
b. aware
c. influenced
7 a. to
b. of
c. on
8 a. put
b. get
c. make
9 a. amazing
b. competition
c. confidence
b. badly
c. worse
10 a. hard
D. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence using the
words given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. (20)
1. I am really sorry they didn’t choose Harry to be captain of the team.
I wish Harry ____________________ as captain of the team.
2. The doorbell rang just as we were serving the food.
Just as the ____________________ , the doorbell rang.
3. Karen gets into trouble because she is lazy.
If Karen ____________________ not get into trouble.
4. It was so hot that we stayed home.
It was ____________________ we stayed home.
5. Mike started studying medicine five years ago.
Mike____________________ for five years.
6. I am sure she hasn’t forgotten your birthday.
She ____________________ your birthday.
7. “Let’s go to the beach” Mary said.
Mary ____________________ to the beach.
8. “Did Jane tell Norma about the phone call?”
I wondered____________________ about the phone call.
“Don’t walk through farmer Oak’s field” Molly told us.
Molly warned ______________________________ farmer Oak’s field.
10. The police will arrest you if you don’t slow down.
You ______________________ slow down.
E. Read the text below. Some of the lines are correct, and some have a word which should not be
there. If a line is correct, put a (√) in the space provided. If a line has a word which should not be
there, write the word in the space provided. (10)
1. Salt is the name commonly used for sodium chloride
2. which occurs naturally in the food. For thousands
3. of years we have been adding many salt to our
4. food in order for to preserve it. Sodium helps to
5. control the fluid balance in our bodies and ensures
6. that muscles and nerves they work properly. However,
7. too much of sodium may contribute to high blood pressure
8. which, increases the risk of the heart disease.
9. Therefore, it makes sense to cut this down on the salt
10. we eat as part of a healthy diet.
F. Complete the blanks with the correct form of the words in capitals. (10)
Who is in control?
Television nowadays is considered a (1) ____________, not a
luxury. It occupies the kids, provides cheap (2) ____________
For evenings in, informs and educates- its value
seems (3) ____________ . Yet quietly it is breaking up our society.
(4) ____________ is on the increase, but is this
(5) ____________ when we are imprisoned by our television
sets, not having the (6) ____________ or energy to do
anything(7) ____________ with our free time? Advertisers
persuade us to buy certain brands of food or
jeans, further limiting our(8) ____________. Furthermore,
television (9) ____________ to weaken our morals. We see
(10) ____________ portrayed as heroes and become used
to the emotional impact of violence.
G. Read the text below and complete each blank with one word only. (10)
Howard Hughes is considered (1) ________ many to be the most glamorous and yet the strangest
billionaire the world (2) _____ ever known. He was born in the oil-rich state of Texas in
1905.Hughes’father invented a powerful new oil drill (3)_____ was soon used all over the world.
(4)_____ his father died in 1924, Howard inherited almost $900,000. Shortly afterwards, the young man
moved to Hollywood as he was interested (5)________ making films.(6)________ the 1930s and 40s,
he continued to make films. He dated famous actresses and became the owner of a major film studio.
(7)______ he was making a film called Hells Angels, about World War I fighter pilots, Hughes took
(8)_____ flying himself and began an amazing career as an aviator. He built and flew new kinds of
planes, broke speed records and was believed to(9)_____ one of the world’s greatest flyers. It seemed as
if Hughes had everything a man (10)_____wanted: money, talent, fame and success.
Advanced 2006
1. Imagine that you live in Paris, France, and a penfriend of yours is planning to visit you. Read the part
of the letter she has sent you as well as the notes you have made and write a letter to her. Your letter
should be between 120-180 words.
summers are cool,
evenings can be
French croissants,
huge selection of
cheeses, various
French dishes
Since I've never been to Paris
before, I don't know what the
weather is usually like in July.
What kind of clothes should I bring
with me?
I know there are lots of places of
great interest to visit.
I've also heard that French food is
light clothing but
don't forget a jumper
and a jacket
Eiffel Tower
The Louvre museum
Disney land
I look forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
2. You have been asked to write an article entitled ‘A person I met once and will never forget’ for a
student magazine. Your article must be between 120 and 180 words.
3.You have decided to enter a short story competition organised by an international magazine. The
competition rules say that the story must begin or end with the following words: 'James nodded,
without saying a word'. Your short story must be between 120 and 180 words.
A. Read the text and match the summary sentences a-d with the paragraphs
1-4 of the text.
Child Prodigies
1 Some children are exceptionally gifted and display extraordinary talent in a particular field although
there seems to be no logical explanation for this. These children, known as prodigies, are quite common in
the music world. Mozart stands out in most people's minds as a great composer, but he is just one of many
musical prodigies. Other notable musicians include Yehudi Menuhin, the famous violinist, or Yo-Yo Ma, the
world renowned cellist. Such prodigies exhibit great self-confidence as well as an amazing musical talent.
2 The road to fame is not easy, though, even if you are a child prodigy. Parental pressure on young
children to become great musicians can often be excessive. One interesting case is that of Janos Starker,
whose mother used to make small sandwiches and leave them on his music stand, so that he wouldn't have to
get up to eat. Also, she bought him a parrot which she had trained to say: "Practise, Janos, practise!" This
original method brought good results. However, this was not the case with other children, such as Ruth
Slezynska, who due to extreme parental pressure decided to give up at the age of 15.
3 Furthermore, few prodigies bridge the gap between child musician to adult performer. This may happen
because, as they become more mature, they try to understand the process of musical creation but do not
manage it. Research has shown that, in fact, only one in a hundred prodigies actually becomes a successful
adult artist. What is also interesting is that less gifted musicians often catch up with or even overtake child
prodigies when they reach adulthood.
4 Teachers can also play a very important role in the development of a prodigy's talent. They actually give
them useful advice and try to help them balance the amount of work they have to deal with. The teachers'
help is essential especially during the children's adolescence, which is always a difficult period for teenagers.
As Turovsky, a very experienced music teacher, says, "These children also need to be encouraged to do
things other people of their age do, as too much practice leads them to miss out all sorts of other
a. Growing up can often be a disappointment.
b. A prodigy needs more than teaching to become a successful,
stable adult musician.
c. Musical prodigies are more numerous than you might expect.
d. Family can play either a positive or negative role.
- 10 -
B.Read the text and complete the blanks 1-5 with the sentences A-E.
Some people believe in ghosts and others don't. I'm not quite sure myself despite the experiences I had as a student.
Back in those days, I was sharing a big old house with four or five other students. The reason I say four or five will
become clearer by the end of the story.
We all had our own room except for Pauline and Fiona who had decided to share. 1____ They were right, there
was something strange about the place. For example, it often sounded like people were moving about the living
room when there wasn’t anyone in there. 2 _____ It was as if someone had thrown them on the floor. The door of
one of the cupboards would also open on its own, sometimes even when it was locked.
Most of us thought these strange things were caused by spirits or ghosts except for Lilian. She believed that there
was a logical explanation for everything.
But I was the only one. Everybody seemed to be very
concerned about what was happening inside the house but Fiona was so scared that she went to a lot of trouble to
make sure that she was very rarely home alone.
One evening I was walking home when I saw a light on in the house. 4 _______ It was then that I had this bright
idea. I crept very quietly into the house and up the stairs. When I got to the girls room I stopped. I then threw the
door open and ran in screaming "Aaaaaaaaaagh!!". Unfortunately, poor old Fiona was on her own. 5________
The poor girl was so frightened that she couldn't stop screaming despite our efforts to calm her down. I got on my
knees to apologise but poor old Fiona refused to forgive me. The next day she started looking for somewhere else
to live. So, finally we were four in the house … or were we?
a. Pauline, who was her room mate, had not arrived home yet.
b. I, myself, was not too bothered being under the same roof as naughty spirits.
c. It was coming from one of the upstairs rooms which belonged to the two girls.
d. They had decided that the house was too spooky to be on their own.
e. Sometimes when we were sitting in there, the books would all
suddenly jump off one of the shelves in the bookcase.
Use of English
1. Read the text below and choose the best word a, b or c for each blank.
(7 )
Sebastian had been fond (1)
karate since he was a young boy. However, it was a long time
before he started (2)
karate classes at the local sports centre. His instructor was a (3)_______
Chinese man who looked quite strict. Most of the other karate students also looked strong and this made
Sebastian, who was short and thin, feel a little out of place at first. So, although he was (4) ___________
that his dream was about to (5)
true, he still wasn’t sure whether he was fit enough for karate.
During the first lessons, he always stood (6)
the back of the class, but after a while he
developed a real interest in the art of karate. It was then that Sebastian realised that karate is not about
physical strength and that in order to do (7)
, he had to be concentrated and respect his
- 11 -
1. a) on
b) in
c) of
2. a) attending
b) learning
c) liking
3. a) familiar
b) high
c) well-built
4. a) delighted
b) furious
c) exhausted
5. a) go
b come
c) turn
6. a) in
b) at
c) on
7. a) good
b) well
c) best
2 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence using the words
given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. (20)
1. The last time I saw him was a week ago.
I____________________________________________________ a week.
2. He finished his project and then he went to the cinema.
He _________________________________________ going to the cinema.
3. She’s a cute little girl and everybody likes her.
She’s __________________________________________ everybody likes her.
4. We arrived an hour ago and are still waiting for George.
We ____________________________________________ for George for an hour.
5. Louse did the washing-up and then made herself a cup of tea.
Louise made herself a cup of tea __________________________ the washing-up.
6. I have never met such a rude person before.
He ___________________________________________ I have ever met.
7. I'll let you wear my shirt, but you must promise to take care of it.
I'll let you wear my shirt __________________________________ to take care of it.
8. 'I'm sorry I lost your camera, Josh,' said Cindy.
Cathy ______________________________________ Josh’s camera.
9. Without a dictionary, it will take us a long time to finish the project.
If _______________________________ dictionary, it will take us a long time to finish
the project.
10. You can't enter the building without special permission.
Unless ________________________________________, you can't enter the building.
3. Read the text below. Some of the lines are correct, and some have a word which should not be there. If a
line is correct, put a (√) in the space provided. If a line has a word which should not be there, write the word
in the space provided. (9)
1. I woke up while feeling hungry, so I got out of bed and
- 12 -
2. I went straight to the kitchen. "Good morning, darling", I said
3. to my wife, Linda, who she was busy preparing breakfast.
4. She didn't answer and when I sat down and started eating, she
5. gave to me a strange look. I knew there was something wrong,
6. but as I didn't feel like for talking I didn't say anything. Suddenly, ____________
7. Linda got up and took a birthday cake out of the fridge. She had
8. started singing: "Happy birthday, dear Linda! Happy birthday
9. to me!" It had completely slipped my mind! I felt awful!
4. Complete the blanks with the correct form of the words in capitals. (10)
1. We'll have to cancel the picnic; the weather's ______________.
2. A ______________ painting was stolen from the art gallery yesterday.
3. Jim is not at all ______________ with his salary and he's looking for another job. SATISFY
4. The two businessmen couldn't reach an ______________. AGREE
5. Mark was extremely ______________ when he found out he’d failed the test. HAPPY
6. 'What's the ______________ between a CD and a CD-ROM?'
7. Claire works as an ______________ manager in a big company.
8. When the enemy attacked, the locals put up a strong ______________.
9. The archaeological findings proved the ______________ of an ancient
European civilisation.
10. Tim has great ______________ in himself.
5. Read the text below and complete each blank with one word only. (6)
So you've always wanted (1) ________________ have a talent for writing novels, but you've never
managed to go any further than dropping somebody a (2) ________________? If that's
(3) ________________ case, you'll find the following tips extremely useful. To begin with, it is important
to have a notebook with you at all times where you can write down all your ideas. Once you (4)
________________ decided on the story, you can make a plan or a short outline of events. Then you can
create your characters. Bear (5) ________________ mind, though, that once you've started writing, you
might get stuck. This can be very frustrating. It's (6) ________________ wonder that many writers give
up at this point. If you work hard, the ideas will come. So good luck!
- 13 -
Advanced 2007
Choose one of the following topics and write your composition in the space provided. Your
composition should be of about 120-180 words.
1. You have just come back from a holiday trip to London which you did not enjoy. You have
made some notes on the company’s brochure. Write a letter to Day Trip Tours explaining
why you are disappointed with the service they offered and ask for a refund.
had to pay
Enjoy a full day in London visiting major tourist attractions and
the main shopping areas
 Bus leaves at 7.00 am to ensure a full day in London
 Attractions include Buckingham Palace and the London
 Pub lunch included in the price
 Full afternoon of shopping
left at 9.45am
only saw palace
from outside for 5
one hour
2. A factory in your area throws litter in the river near your city. Write an article to the local
newspaper explaining why this should stop.
3. Mobile phones: advantages and disadvantages
- 14 -
- 15 -
Five young people talk about their sports activities
A. Harry, a high school basketball player
This year our team won the championship and I can’t
tell you how proud I am. I have always been a
basketball enthusiast; as a kid , I spent hours glued to
the TV watching professional games. At 14, I got up the
nerve to try out for the school team. The coach looked
me up and down, and made me centre right away. I
suppose it’s because I’m quite a hefty bloke. The
training was demanding; he worked with us day and
night. It was clear that if we hoped to reach the finals,
we’d have to give it our best. From the beginning I
discovered that I was good. I was able to throw a
successful pass 10 times in a row and that really gave
me a kick. Of course, I had to give up on other things.
Both my social life and my school work suffered. But it
was worth it to walk away with that cup.
(10 points)
D. Lucy, captain of the girl’s golf team.
Something people don’t understand about golf is
that, physically, it’s a game that demands a lot of
stamina. That may sound surprising, but you’ve
got to be fit because golf takes a lot out of you –
you spend hours in the sun and you’re on your
feet, constantly. Sometimes my legs really ache
after a tournament. I first started golfing when
my dad took me to his golf club. He saw how
quickly I took to the game and he signed me up
for lessons, there and then. Golf has taught me a
lot about perseverance. Even if things are going
badly, you never give up. Also, I have to be
strong player on my own , but at the same time,
trust my team. This way I get the best of both
worlds – something I value. Another added
benefit is that I meet some wonderful people,
both among the teachers and my fellow teammates.
B. Karen, a horseback rider and show jumper
I used to think horseback riding was for rich kids until I
discovered that my cousin had been riding for ages. It
sounded like fun, so I started lessons. And I am so glad I
did! The first thing my instructor Judy taught me was
that when riding horses, you have to be prepared for
anything. Each horse has a personality of its own so you
never know what’s in store for you. Judy therefore
encouraged me to ride a variety of horses. She also
taught me that there is more than one way to teach a
horse what you want. Sometimes you use your feet, and
sometimes you use sounds or words. But when you’re
actually out riding, it’s best just to keep quiet. Anyway,
over the years, I have fallen off horses more times than I
care to remember, but the relationship you develop with
them makes up for all the bruises and sore muscles.
C. James, a champion snowboarder
E. Emily, captain of the girls’ football team.
I love being captain of the football team. For one
thing, the girls show me respect, which make me
feel that I can’t let them down. And, as for our
coach, there is no doubt that he has made us the
team we are today. In ninth grade we were just a
bunch of kids who wanted to kick a ball around.
Now, thanks to him, we’re much more focused.
For lots of coaches the game is just about
winning. But our coach has taught us that we’re
in it for the fun, too. It’s also great to see how
everybody works as a team; there’s no one who
just plays a position. Sometimes it’s frustrating
that no one takes the girl’s teams as seriously
as the boys – in my opinion, we’re much more
professional and deserve a lot more attention.
A while ago my family and I went on holiday to Switzerland. That was when I got my first taste
of snowboarding. I hated it because I was really bad at it. It was terrifying, flying down those
slopes at breakneck speed. But once I overcame my initial fears and got the hang of it, I grew to
love the sport. It meant putting my guitar playing on hold but I’ll get back to that one day. I’ve
been training professionally now for two years and improving my skills. Our coaches come up
with new tricks all the time! We get the feel for them in the gym, and then, when we have
mastered the techniques, we try them out on the slopes. Almost every weekend we participate in
events. A lot of them are local but we also go abroad. The furthest I’ve been is to Italy, which
was amazing.
B. You have read a magazine article about people who participate in sports.
- 16 -
For questions 1-10 choose from the young people A-E. Each person may be chosen more than once.
When more than one answer is required, these may be given in any order. There are two examples at
the beginning.
Which young person
Was inspired to participate in his/ her sport by someone else?
Was not successful at his/ her sport in the beginning?
Got his / her first opportunity because of physical size ?
Had to sacrifice other things for his/her sport?
Talks about having to be prepared for the unexpected ?
Says that his / her sport has taught him / her not to give up?
Talks about the physical pain his / her sport causes ?
Enjoys a responsible role in his / her sport ?
Tries out certain moves indoors before trying them out on the slopes ?
Says that his/her coach has taught them to enjoy the sport?
1. How long has Paul been studying art?
When ____________________________________________________________ art?
2. I didn’t see that film yesterday.
I ____________________________________________________that film.
3. “Have you decided what you want to do?” he asked me.
He asked me _____________________________________________________ to do.
4. The hair dresser always cuts my hair.
I always _______________________________________________ by the hairdresser.
- 17 -
5. The children can’t wait to visit their grandparents.
The children are______________________________________________ their grandparents.
6. John is so arrogant that he won’t go out with her.
John _______________________________________________________ go out with her.
7. Bill was once an excellent singer.
Bill __________________________________________________________ an excellent singer.
8. «Let’s go to the cinema tomorrow night, “ she said.
She __________________________________________________the following week.
9. They are preparing the meal at the moment.
The meal __________________________________________________ moment.
10. I didn’t go to the party because I was at work.
If I __________________________________________________ to the party.
Read the text below and choose the best word a,b or c for each blank
French “Spider-man” reaches top of oil HQ.
A French “Spider-man” has (1) ___________ one of the tallest blocks in France using only his bare
hands. Alain Robert performed the stunt at the headquarters of oil giant TotalFinaElf in Paris. The
building is 190m tall, shorter than some of his previous 30 (2) _________, but not without its
problems. ‘It’s long and (3) __________ difficult at the end,’ Robert (4) ___________ reporters. ‘It
was a little more difficult than I had (5) ____________ because of the wind and sun. At the (6)
________ it was a little wet because of the window cleaners.’ Dozens of workers from the building
joined the crowd of spectators, and
(7) __________ Mr Roberts as he neared the top. He was pulled up by police when he reached the
(8)__________ after the 90 minute climb, for climbing without (9) _________ . But no charges were
brought and he says the officers (10) __________ him orange juice.
1.A jumped
B. pulled
C. climbed
- 18 -
2.A. puzzles
B. challenges
C. competitions
3.A. little
B. much
C. very
4.A. said
B. told
C. spoke
5.A. expected
b. required
C. proposed
6.A. beginning
B. first
C. starting
7. A cheered
B. shouted
C. sighed
8. A. top
B. peak
C. summit
9. A. allowance
B. granted
C. permission
10.A. requested
B. suggested
C. offered
For questions 1-15, read the text below and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are correct, and
some have a word which should not be there. If a line is correct, put a tick (√) by the number. If a line has
a word which should not be there, write the word. There are two examples at the beginning (0 and 00).
I have begun to resent mobile phones. I work out as a receptionist in
_ √__
a doctor’s office. This means I spend my workday listening to people’s
private conversations while they’re waiting to see the doctor. We put
a “No mobile Phones” sign up, but it doesn’t seem to make them
a difference. People they just don’t pay attention to the sign.
Then, when I will take the underground home, there’s the mobile
phone again. I can’t understand why do people think these
phones will work a hundred metres under the ground.
You are on the platform and all around from you, people,
are calling how loudly, “I can’t hear you. Can you hear me ?’ I am
sure of the person they are talking to can’t hear a word, but
10. everyone else has to be listen to the shouting! It’s really annoying,
11. especially after a long day at work. Then at home there is the
12. expense of which my teenage son’s mobile phone. From the
13. monthly bills we get, he seems to do use it 24 hours a day! In
short, I really have a problem with mobile phones and I long for the
days when that the phone was attached to a wall or a phone booth!
Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits
in the blank in the same line.
It can be very (1) _________________ to look into the origins of surnames in Britain, (INTEREST)
- 19 -
(2) ________________ since you may be able to learn something new about a person’s (SPECIAL)
family history. Take, for example, the (3) _____________ surname Robertson. (TRADITION)
This name came about by (4) ______________ the word son to the first name of the (ADD)
father, and means son of Robert. People’s surnames also came from their
(5) _______________, such as baker and smith. Other surnames came
from a person’s physical (6) _______________
The name Armstrong, for instance, (APPEAR)
was chosen for someone who (7) _________________
had tremendous physical (8) __________________ . Surnames can also show person’s
place of (9) ________________ or his address. For example, a person with the (BORN)
surname Eastwood (10) ___________________ lived in woods in the east of the country.
Fill in the gaps with ONE word.
The Dangers of Shopping Therapy
Some people say (1) ________ ‘shopping therapy’ was invented (2) _________ manufacturers, and
was designed (3) ________ get people to spend their cash. However, the media liked the idea of
shopping as a kind (4) _____ therapy and now that’s (5) ________ way many people see it. The
therapy is supposed to work in this way: you feel depressed, so you go out shopping (6) ________ a
friend and buy things (7) ___________ you may or may (8) ___________ need (usually clothes). You
have been good to yourself and will feel (9) ________ happier. The problem with this is that you
might only be happy (10) _________ you realise that you have spent(11) ___________ money than
you had thought and, in fact, you are (12) __________ debt to your bank. You feel depressed, so
you go on a shopping therapy spree. And so it continues. The (13) _________ winners from your
choice (14) __________ therapy are the shops you spend money in (15) ____________ the bank that
you borrow money from!
- 20 -
Advanced 2008
1. A teen magazine is running a competition about adults who inspire us. Write an article about an adult
you admire. (120-180 words)
2. Your school newspaper is running a short story competition about experiences. Write a short story
entitled It was the most exciting day of my life. (120-180 words)
3. You are looking for a job. Look at the advertisement from a local newspaper and write a letter of
application. (120-180 words) Include:
• reason for writing
• information on personal qualities/work experience
• personal information
• closing remarks
Summer Camp Coach Wanted
Working hours: 9 am-2 pm (daily), except on weekends
Job description: training basketball and football teams in preparation for State Camp
Work experience: at least 1 year of prior experience with children aged 7 to 14
Qualifications: not necessary
Qualities: fit, responsible, energetic
- 21 -
A Read the text and choose the correct answer.
Have you ever wondered if the weather affects your mood and behaviour? If you have, then you’re right!
The way you think and feel can actually change depending on the weather.
Many people complain of feeling ‘down’ or having ‘the blues’ in winter. This may be because there isn’t
as much sunshine in the winter and our brains respond to natural light. In Britain, for example, many
people suffer from SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) which makes them tired and bad-tempered
because there is little sunlight in the often grey and cloudy United Kingdom.
Of course, we all know that a bright, sunny day can make us really cheerful and put us in a good mood. In
New York City, however, the police blame hot weather for rises in crime. During heatwaves in the
summer crime levels can rise as people get angry and aggressive because of the change in temperature.
Some scientists have discovered that low air pressure can cause people to have problems concentrating
and make them forgetful. So, if you’re the kind of person that’s always forgetting where you left your
house keys, blame it on the weather!
What about the wind? Does it drive you mad? It actually could be making you crazy! Strong and constant
winds really can get to you. Children tend to be more troublesome in school and behave badly when it’s
windy. Another result of windy weather is that there are more traffic accidents. Therefore you should also
take extra care while driving.
So, next time you watch the weather report it could even predict your mood for the day!
e.g. The article is about
A predicting the weather.
B how the weather changes how we feel.
C sicknesses caused by the weather.
D changes in the seasons.
3.If you are forgetful, it could be because
A of rain.
B of a heatwave.
C of low pressure in the air.
D of no air pressure.
1.People in Britain are said to suffer from SAD in
winter because
A there isn’t a lot of sunshine.
B there aren’t many clouds.
C they are tired.
D their brains don’t respond.
4.During windy weather children might
A have more traffic accidents.
B be more careful at school.
C be more tired.
D not be well-behaved.
5.The writer suggests that when it’s windy
A teachers should close the windows.
B drivers should be more careful.
C people should take care crossing the road.
D children should try to be troublesome
2.Summer heatwaves are blamed for
A people becoming forgetful.
B car accidents.
C crime levels getting higher.
D making it difficult to concentrate.
B Read the letters below about bad experiences sent to a travel magazine,
then say if the statements below are T (true) or F (false).
Living in the country can be a nightmare for
simple things like catching a plane. My husband
Paul and I were going on a holiday to Thailand.
A friend picked us up and we drove for three
hours to get to the airport. We arrived in plenty
of time and waited in the queue at the check-in
desk. When it was our turn, a look of horror
came over Paul’s face. He had forgotten all of
our travel documents on the kitchen table! We
had to reschedule our flight, drive all the way
home and leave the following day.
Olivia, New Zealand
I always wanted to travel to
Venice and I finally did last year.
As a city full of canals, one way to
cross the water is to use a gondola,
a traditional rowing boat. I was with
my best friend, Sue, and we decided
to hire one. We had so much fun on
the boat, laughing and posing for
photos! At one point, I stood up to
take a photo of Sue. However, the
boat started to rock, I lost my
balance and actually dropped my
camera in the water. It was horrible!
Kerry, Wales
I had travelled to Europe many times and was confident about getting
around different countries. I was with my younger sister who had never
travelled abroad before. In a way, I was responsible for teaching her
about the right and wrong ways of travelling. We caught an overnight
train from northern Italy headed for Austria to visit family. We had fallen
asleep and woke up when the ticket inspector asked us for our tickets. He
looked closely at the tickets and then explained that we were on a train
going to Spain!
David, Canada
e.g. Olivia’s sister drove them to the airport.
1 Olivia and Paul were waiting in the queue to board the plane.
2 Paul had forgotten their luggage at home.
3 Olivia and Paul changed their flight to Thailand.
4 It was Kerry’s second trip to Venice.
5 Gondola is the name of a river in Italy.
6 Kerry and Sue rented a boat.
7 David gets nervous when he travels.
8 David and his sister caught a train that travels at night.
9 David and his sister had arranged to see relatives in Austria.
10 The ticket inspector told David to leave the train immediately.
Use of English
1. Read the text below and choose the best word a, b c, or d for each blank
Most teenagers find it difficult to budget their pocket money. But they should be
encouraged to make the most of their cash as early as possible in life. If they 0) ..........
money now then it’s likely they will continue to do so in the future.
There’s no reason why a young person can’t be a smart 1) .......... . All it takes is to check
out the 2) .......... of things in different shops before buying. Another thing that can help
young people learn to control their money is opening a bank 3) .......... . By saving a little
every week they’ll soon end up with a large sum of cash to spend 4) .......... something
they really want.
It also makes good sense to teach them not to 5) .......... money. They need to be aware
that when you 6) .......... money it means that you have to 7) .......... off your debt.
And last but not least, if they don’t want to be 8) .......... then they should know never to
9) ......... the power of saving. It can make all the difference to their 10) .......... of living.
e.g. A throw
B put
D waste
1 A client
B caterer
C consumer
D conserver
2 A price
B number
C worth
D payment
3 A account
B note
C bill
D coin
4 A with
B on
C for
D by
5 A pick
B collect
C order
D borrow
6 A win
B charge
C owe
D give
7 A play
B let
C send
D pay
8 A well-off
B broke
C wealthy
D generous
9 A estimate
B overdo
C overestimate
D underestimate
B value
C earn
D standard
10 A
2 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence using the words
given. You must use the words in bold.
He isn’t tall enough to play basketball.
Anthony is very selfish. I can’t stand him.
Anthony___________________________________________ I can’t stand him.
Jack last ate out a month ago.
Jack _____________________________________________ a month.
A few of the students will participate in the event.
A few of the students _________________________________________in the event.
I’ve never seen such a beautiful sunset.
This is ________________________________________________ ever seen.
The prisoner escaped from the prison yesterday.
The prisoner ___________________________________________ yesterday.
As he exercises more, he becomes stronger.
The more he exercises,__________________________________________ .
Jason said that he would call me the following week.
“I ___________________________________________________ week,” Jason said.
I didn’t call you because I didn’t know you were home.
If I had known you were home, I ___________________________________________ you.
10 It’s a pity I missed your birthday party.
I ___________________________________________________ your birthday party.
3. Complete the blanks with the correct form of the words in capitals. (10)
of the party was very funny. (describe)
1. The experts could give no ……………............................…… (explain) of the crash.
2. The government is planning to take …...............……………… (act) to deal with the problem.
3. I’d like some ……………................................…… (inform) on space technology.
4. Rome has many famous tourist ……..........................…………… (attract).
5. Of course it’s not a ghost. It’s just your ……..........................…………… (imagine).
6. Sarah is a ......................................................... (care) driver. She follows the rules of the road.
7. Good food and regular exercise is the key to a ..............................................
(health) body.
8. My best friend Lori is a very..............................................................(depend) person.
9. At my local gallery, there’s an .........................................................(origin) painting by Van Gogh.
10. Driving in traffic can be such a ............................................................ (stress) experience.
10  1
4. Read the story and complete the gaps with one word
It was a cold, windy night as I snuggled down under my warm blanket in bed. I had just switched
1____________ the TV, brushed my teeth and was reading my favourite book, Wuthering Heights by
Emily Bronte. I love reading, especially 2__________________ night just before I go to sleep. I was at
the part in the book when Cathy’s ghost appears.
As I turned the page of my book, I was sure I heard a strange noise at the window. Slowly, I got out of
bed, put on my slippers and dressing gown and walked 3_______________ the window. The wind was
howling outside and the branches of the trees were waving wildly back and forth. Suddenly, I heard the
noise again. It sounded 4______________someone was knocking at the window. But I knew that was
impossible because my room is on the first 5____________ of the house.
My heart 6______________ pounding as I quickly flung the window wide open. At that moment, a cold,
white hand grabbed my arm and tried to throw me 7_______________ of the window. I screamed and
tried to free myself but the grip was just 8__________________ strong.
Suddenly, I heard a gentle voice saying, “Susie, wake 9_______________. You’re having a nightmare.
Everything’s alright.” Slowly, I opened my eyes and saw my mum standing over my bed, smiling and
holding my book in her hand. I was 10_____________ relieved that Cathy’s ghost hadn’t been real!
10  1
Advanced 2009
1.You have been invited to stay with your friend Katie in London. Now Katie has written and asked for more
information. Read her letter and the notes you have made. Then write to Katie using all of your notes.
It was great to hear that you are coming to London. Do you
know when you are arriving?If you do, please let me know.
I’d really like to meet you at the airport.
Popular tourist
I was wondering – are there any special places you’d like to
visit? I’ve been thinking about some of the fun things we can
do in the evening. We could go to the theatre or perhaps
you’d prefer to go to a rock concert. What do you think?
Yes, give
I’m so excited that you’ll be staying with us! What about
food- is there anything I should tell my mum? She’s a great
cook – I’m sure you’ll love her cooking!
Say which
and why
Write soon!
Mention food
2. Your English teacher has asked you to write a story for the school magazine.
The story must begin with the words:
Jake was sure his plan was perfect.
3.You recently went on a week’ s skiing holiday but unfortunately it turned out to be disappointing.
Read the advertisement and the notes which you have made carefully. Then write a letter to the
holiday company, complaining about your holiday and asking for a refund.
Come and learn to ski at the Snow- White Ski Resort.
Fantastic slopes, lots of snow, no queues at the ski lifts!
Lessons with qualified instructors.
boring, only
Comfortable chalet with TV.
Always long
queues-waited 50
but didn’t speak English!
Full entertainment programme.
Book now to avoid disappointment.
(30 points)
You are going to read an article about phobias. For questions 1-5, choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which
you think fits best according to the text.
(10 points)
It is common for people to be frightened of spiders and mice or of climbing a high mountain. But did
you know that there are people who have a very strong, and often unreasonable fear of something
which other people do not find frightening? This fear is called a phobia. For example, some people
suffer from a fear of fish – which is called ichthyophobia – while others may have syngenesophobia –
a fear of relatives. The truth is that many people suffer from phobias which can greatly affect their
Nancy Smythe is a psychologist who works for an organisation which treats people suffering from
phobias. She says her organisation receives thousands of calls a year. She believes, however, that only
7% of phobia sufferers have tried to get help because many people do not take their fears seriously
enough to seek medical care.
During her career Nancy has had to deal with some unusual phobias. For example, George, one of her
patients, has bibliophobia and is scared of books. He has no idea why he has this phobia. “Something
about the look and the feel of books makes me feel ill,” he says. “Even talking about them makes me
feel bad. I cannot hold a book – I just drop it! I can’t even be in a room with books.” Needless to say,
George’s phobia makes life very difficult for him. Luckily he works from home and uses a computer.
This would not be a good solution for Flora, another one of Nancy’s patients. She has cyberphobia,
which is a fear of computers. She is happy to use books and avoids technology. Like George, she
doesn’t know why she has her phobia. She can’t remember any traumatic event that could have
created such fear of computers.
Even though George and Flora do not know why they have such fears, Nancy believes that phobias
often start because of a bad experience in childhood. People cannot always remember what exactly
caused the fear. As children our fears made sense to us but as we get older, we forget our original
Sometimes the cause of a phobia is clear. Rosie had a fear of deep, dark water, which was the result of
an incident in her childhood. “I remember being very frightened once when I swam too deep in the
sea. I panicked and nearly drowned. After that, whenever I took my daughter to the beach or even saw
dark water in a magazine, I panicked and felt trapped.” Rosie decided to deal with her phobia as she
felt it was affecting her life. She took lessons and went for therapy, which has been very successful.
Nancy adds that sometimes people can learn fear from a parent or a friend. A child who witnesses
someone screaming at the sight of a spider may then fear spiders too. “The good news is that phobias
can be unlearnt,” she says. Nancy recommends that sufferers should face their phobias and try to deal
with their fear so that they can live normal lives.
1. People don’t ask for medical help for their phobias because
A they are afraid to talk about them.
B these phobias don’t affect their daily lives.
C they don’t think their fears are important enough.
D they don’t know where to call.
2. Why is George (paragraph 3) afraid of books?
A He doesn’t know.
B He always drops them.
C He cannot hold them.
D He thinks they are bad.
3. Nancy Smythe believes phobias
A only make sense to children.
B go away when we get older.
C make us forget our original feelings.
D often come from an unpleasant experience
in the past.
4. Rosie overcame her phobia by
A swimming in very deep sea.
B reading about phobias in magazines.
C learning to swim and having therapy.
D going to the sea with her daughter.
5. Nancy believes that most people
A look for help with their phobias.
B are afraid of spiders.
C can deal with their phobias.
D pass their phobias on to other people.
You are going to read about four people involved in the tour industry. For questions 1-10,
choose from the people (A-D). The people may be chosen more than once. (20 Points)
Which person or people
was given encouragement from friends?
had more than one career?
took a special course to learn their profession?
says they enjoy the variety in their work?
arranges trips at home and to other countries?
gets anxious in certain situations?
deals with people who don’t have much free time?
gets customers through the Internet?
organises special activities for people of all ages?
A. Kate Windsor is a Star Service guide in
C. Before moving to Manchester, Susan Masters
London. Star Service guides study for 16 months
lived in Kenya for many years where she worked in
and take seven exams to prepare themselves for
the hotel industry. At first, Susan missed Kenya
their job. “We didn’t just have to learn the history
terribly. But today she’s used to living in Manchester,
of the city,” she says, “we also had to be very
and takes pleasure from the fact that she can use her
familiar with the geography – both where things
knowledge of Kenya to help her in her job. Susan
are located and where events happened. The
works for Kenya Safari Company. She spends her
hardest part for me was the exams – exams always
time arranging family tours to Kenya’s national
make me nervous. I’ll never forget it,” says Kate.
parks, where people can see animals like elephants,
“We were walking down a small London street and lions and zebras in their natural habitat. “We make
my teacher asked if anything had happened there
sure everyone in the family will get something
in the 16th century. Luckily, I knew the answer.”
special out of the trip – like arranging for the kids to
Some Star Service guides work with large groups
feed giraffes or for granny to ride a camel.”
of tourists, but Kate never takes more than seven
D. Desmond O’Malley never expected to be
people on a tour. “That way I can become friendly
taking tourists around Ireland. After specialising in
with them and suit the tour to their tastes and
Irish Traditions and Culture at Dublin University,
Desmond started out as a teacher. But after 10 years
B. Tom Peterson works for Business Traveller
of teaching, he wanted a change. “It didn’t take me
where he arranges tours for professional people in
long to decide what to do. Whenever friends would
England on business. Our customers are very busy
come and visit us,” he explained, “I’d take them
but they still want to take advantage of their visit
round the country. They’d always tell me I could be a
to do a bit of sightseeing. And that’s where Tom
professional guide, because I knew so much and I
comes in. “We get all kinds of requests,” Tom
guess I knew how to make the history of the country
explains. “I’ve arranged for a 20-minute helicopter
interesting. So I decided to do it professionally. It’s
tour of London and for a private jet to take one
always a risk starting something new, but I’ve got
businessman and his wife to Paris for an evening
lots of work,” he says. “People who’ve taken my
tour and dinner. My job is to put the tour together
tours recommend me to their friends and last year I
– the customer, the guide, the transportation, the
started my own website, and that’s brought in quite a
accommodation.” What does Tom like most about
bit of business, too.”
his work? “It’s never repetitive. It’s not like these
organised tours where everything is planned in
advance. Each time a customer calls it’s something
Use of English (50 points)
A.Read the text and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each space. (10 points)
Traditional Irish music is played in many pubs and bars (1) ...... Ireland. So, when I was in the
charming city of Gallway, I decided to (2) ...... out the local pubs to see what I could find.
Right on the main street, I came (3) ...... Green’s Bar. I remembered seeing this pub mentioned
in a (4) ...... at the hotel.
Green’s has been a centre for Irish music for over 100 years. Inside, the noisy guests in the pub
had obviously (5) ...... together to have a good time. A band was playing some lively Irish
dance music and everyone was joining in, singing loudly and stamping their feet in time to the
music. Then a member of the band pointed to an (6) ...... man sitting at a table. “O’Grady,” he
said, “Will you give us a song?” Suddenly the crowd was silent. Apparently, the Irish enjoy
their music, but it is the singers that they respect the most.
O’Grady sang in Irish, the old language of Ireland. Although I couldn’t understand the words,
the song was so sad it (7) ...... tears to my eyes. Looking around, I got the (8) ...... that everyone
felt as I did. The man sitting (9) ...... me explained that this was a well-loved lament, or sad
song. O’Grady sang a few more laments and the (10) ...... crowd clapped loudly after each song
and asked for another. It was clear that these people had a great sense of pride in their musical
1. A over
B from
C during
D throughout
A look
B spot
C check
D review
3. A across
B down
C up
D out
4. A certificate
B subscription
C brochure
D announcement
5. A found
B located
C been
D got
6. A elderly
B adolescent
C ancient
D adult
7. A gave
B presented
C brought
D introduced
8. A thought
B judgement
C sensation
D impression
9. A next
B beside
C after
D close
B humorous
C enthusiastic
D attractive
10. A interesting
B. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence
given. You must use the words in bold.
(20 points)
1. I’m sorry I didn’t invite them to the party.
using the words
I ..................................................................................................... to the party.
2. “We must throw out the old sofa,” said Rose.
Rose ................................................................................................. the old sofa.
3. Mark has never driven a car before.
This ……………………………………………………. Mark has ever driven a car.
4. I last saw Paula two years ago.
It ………………………………………………………………. I last saw Paula.
5. It’s possible that she missed the train.
She…………………………………………………………………. the train.
6. Mr Taylor started teaching here in 1995.
Mr Taylor ............................................................................................... 1995.
7. The police are going to arrest the criminals.
The criminals ............................................................................................... by the police.
8. I wanted to buy the jacket but I didn’t have the money.
I ............................................................................................... the jacket if I had had the money.
9. “Tom didn’t buy hamburgers for dinner,” complained Wendy.
Wendy complained that Tom .................................................................................. hamburgers for dinner.
10. The exercise was so difficult that we asked the teacher to explain it again.
It was………………………………………………………………….………to explain it again.
C. Complete the blanks with the correct form of the words in capitals.
(10 points)
Shakira, who was born in Colombia is one of the (1) ...........................
popstars to come from Latin America. She had an interesting(2) ...........................
Her mother was Colombian and her father was Lebanese so she listened
to a lot of (3) ........................... styles of music. As a result, her own music
is very (4) ........................... . Shakira is also
(5) ........................... because she records songs both in Spanish and English.
Her first album Magia was released in 1991. It wasn’t as 6) ........................... .
as she had hoped so she changed careers and took a part in Colombia’s (7) ........................... BIG
TV soap opera. This made her very (8) ........................... and sales of her second album
were much better than for her first.The album sold million of copies in America, Spain
and the USA. She then released her first English
language album which also did
(9) ...........................well.
Since then she has become an (10.)……………………. pop star.
D. Read the text and think of a word which best fits each space. Use one word only in
each space.
(10 points)
My achievements
I’ m very proud of some of the things I’ ve (1) ......................... in my life. Here are two
(2) ................... my greatest achievements!
Every year, we have a sports day at school. I am not very good at (3) ......................... and I don’t usually
win my races. However, two years ago, I decided to get fit. I went running three (4)....................... a
week and I joined a karate class. On sports day, I entered three running races. I didn’t win (5)
...................... of them, but I came second in the 100 metres. I was (6) ...................... pleased!
People have always said that I’m good at singing, but I’ ve never (7) ......................... very confident. So,
six months ago I (8) ..................... singing lessons. Then my teacher asked me to sing in the school
concert. I sang a song by Avril Lavigne. I don’t think I’ll (9) .......................... be a pop star, but I felt it
was a real achievement!
There are a lot of things I want to achieve in my life. My next goal is (10)……………………..pass my
Choose ONE of the following topics and write an essay in the space provided using the appropriate style.
Your essay must be between 120-150 words.
1. Owing a car is no longer a luxury but a necessity. Do you agree?
2. Your teacher has asked you to write a story for the college English language magazine. The story
must begin with the following words:
It was a small mistake but it changed my life for ever.
3. Your friend, Kim, has written to you asking you if you’d like to go to a concert by your favourite
band, Red Stone.
Read Kim’s letter, on which you have made some notes. Then write a letter to Kim accepting the
invitation and giving all the necessary information. You must use all your notes.
Tell Kim about the
Guess what? Red Stone are
going to be giving a concert at
the City Stadium on Saturday
21 July. What about going to
see the together? I know you are
a great fun of theirs, but I don’t
really know everything about
I can get tickets if I book them
this week. The ticket price
depends on whether we sit or
stand – could you let me know
which you would prefer? Why
don’t we meet outside the City
Stadium at 7p.m.?
You could stay the night at my
new flat, as it’s bigger than my
old one. We could do
something together the next
day. Is there anything special
you’d like to do?
Say which and
No, suggest
different time
to Kim
What about………..?
Read the text below and do the exercises.
Today many computer experts claim that traditional learning methods used in classrooms will gradually
be replaced by newer methods. Some of these new methods include e-learning, attending virtual
classrooms, using tandem e-mail and using interactive CDs.
E-learning is short for electronic learning and, as the name suggests, it means any kind of learning
environment which is electronic. On the internet there are countless sites dedicated to language learning.
These include worksheets you can download, interactive games, puzzles, quizzes and so on.
It is also claimed that a day may come when we will no longer have to go to class. Instead, we will sit in
front of the computer, log on from home, and ‘meet’ our teacher and other learners in a ‘virtual’
classroom. Although this type of learning environment is quite similar to the traditional classroom, it
makes the learner far more independent and flexible. The teacher, or moderator, encourages the language
learner to analyse what and how he or she wants to learn and then helps him or her to achieve those ends.
Virtual classrooms can use all the online resources available and usually use a type of chat room to
practise oral communication.
Another new method of language learning is tandem e-mail. Tandem learning means learning with a
partner who is a native speaker of the language you are learning, but also who is also learning your native
language. In tandem e-mail, you and your partner exchange e-mails written half in the one language and
half in the other. In this way, both you and your partner are reading and writing in the ‘foreign’ language.
Tandem e-mail exchanges provide a very fast, immediate way of communicating. It is ‘real’
communication with a partner who is about the same age and may have the same interests.
Finally, there are interactive language learning CDs which offer a range of benefits. Learners can work at
there own speed and can repeat vocabulary and phrases as often as they wish. Conversations are spoken
by native speakers, which help with pronunciation.. CDs use a range of media; short film clips of typical
scenes and situations, music, interactive quizzes and much more.
So are the days of the traditional classroom numbered? Will the teacher be unnecessary? It is unlikely.
However, the new media will play an increasingly important part in all learning and will complement
traditional English teaching rather than replace it entirely.
A: Read the statements and decide if they are True or False according to the text. Write T for True and F
for False in the boxes. (5m)
1. At the moment there are not many sites on the Internet for language learning.
2. A teacher will still be needed in virtual classrooms.
3. In the virtual classroom, the students decide which areas of language learning they want to focus on.
4. In tandem e-mail, both students are learning the same language.
5. The writer believes that teachers will not be necessary in the future.
B. Choose the best answer. (10m)
1. The language learning sites offer
a. interactive educational games and puzzles.
b. puzzles and quizzes.
c. worksheets, puzzles, quizzes and interactive educational games.
2. What is NOT an advantage of using CDs when learning a foreign language?
a. Students can set their own learning pace.
b. Students can ask and answer questions.
c. Students can repeat items they wish to learn as many times as they want.
3. How do students learn through the tandem e-mail?
a. They exchange e-mails with a native speaker of the language they wish to learn.
b. They chat online in a chat room.
c. They solve puzzles and quizzes.
4. Learners practise oral communication in a virtual classroom by
a. chatting online in a chat room.
b. watching film clips of typical scenes and situations.
c. repeating vocabulary and phrases as often as they wish.
5. According to the writer
a. the days of the traditional classroom are numbered.
b. the new media will replace traditional English teaching.
c. the new media will play an essential role in learning.
C: Match the words in italics in the text with their meanings. (5m)
1. countless
a. go well with
2. flexible
b. use instead of something else
3. range
c. able to change easily
4. complement
d. a lot of
5. replace
e. variety
A: Rewrite the sentences using the word given without changing the meaning. (20m)
1. ‘Don’t sit in front of the computer too long,’ our teacher told us.
Our teacher ……………………………………in front of the computer for too long.
2. A very friendly taxi driver drove us into town.
We ……………………………………a very friendly taxi driver.
3. It’s a pity we don’t do more sport at school.
I wish ……………………………………more sport at school.
4. The TV programme was so complicated that none of the children could understand it.
The TV programme was ……………………………………the children to understand.
5. A newly qualified dentist took out my tooth.
I……………………………………by a newly qualified dentist.
6. Antonio only lost the 100-metre race because he fell.
If Antonio had……………………………………won the 100-metre race.
7. Maria was sorry for having broken Sarah’s camera.
Maria……………………………………Sarah’s camera.
8. Simona last wrote to me seven months ago.
I ……………………………………Simona for seven months.
9. This is the best hotel I have ever stayed in.
I have …………………………………… hotel than this.
10. Eleanor didn’t find it difficult to pass her driving test.
Eleanor had…………………………………… her driving test.
B: Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same
line. There is an example at the beginning.
There are some people who believe in the (0)…existence…… of Bigfoot, a
(1)………………………. ape-like creature that is supposed to live in the
mountains of the USA. In 1967, some hunters claimed to have
(2)……………………….filmed such a creature and many people see this as a
firm (3)……………………….that Bigfoot is real.
But now, researchers have come to the (4)……………………….that the film is
a trick. After a close (5)……………………….of it, they claim to have identified
a man- made fastener at the creature’s waist. Bigfoot is, therefore,
(6)……………………….to be anything more than a man in an animal suit.
Some people remain unconvinced by the (7)………………………., though.
Bigfoot fans are extremely (8)……………………….that the fastener would
show up on such an old film. In (9)………………………., they say that the
creature caught on camera does not move like a human and that it is therefore
(10)……………………….a wild creature of nature. The debate goes on!
C: Read the text below and decide which answer a, b, or c best fits each gap.
C r i s t i a n o
R o n a l d o
Cristiano Ronaldo (1)..........................a passion for football since he was a child. He grew up in Madeira,
Portugal, and it was at the age of 10 that his amazing talent on the field was noticed by several popular
Portuguese football clubs. He made his debut at Sporting Lisbon, (2).......................... he caught the
attention of one of the most influential men in football today, Manchester United’s (3)..........................-Sir
Alex Ferguson. Christiano’s spectacular performance against Manchester United in 2003 was the
(4)..........................midfielder as David Beckham (5) join Real Madrid. After Christiano
(6)..........................Manchester United, his career took off and he (7).......................... to be one of the
most popular players in the sport ever since.
Ronaldo’s performance in the 2006-2007 season (8)..........................him third place in the FIFA World
Player of the Year. His (9) the field comes from raw talent, hard work and discipline.
Despite his extraordinary fame, he still has a strong connection with his friends (10).......................... with
his family.
1. a. had
b. has had
c. has been living
2. a. who
b. which
c. where
3. a. manager
b. politician
c. designer
4. a. famous
b. patient
c. talented
5. a. just left
b. has just left
c. had just left
6. a. was joining
b. had joined
c. has joined
7. a. has continued
b. have continued
c. is continuing
8. a. competed
b. earned
c. took
9. a. failure
b. success
c. qualifications
10. a. moreover
b. furthermore
c. as well as
D: Read the text below and think of a word that best fits each gap. Use only ONE word in each gap.
W h a t
t o
s e e
i n
C o v e n t r y
The old city of Coventry can (1)………………………found a few kilometres away from Birmingham. In
(2)……………………….to get the most of your visit there, don’t miss the following attractions. Right
(3)………………………. the heart of the town, the Coventry Cathedral is perhaps the most visited
landmark in the area. A lot of the things have (4)……………………….written about it, especially
because (5)……………………….the fact that it was destroyed by the bombs in the 1940s and later
rebuilt. Drive a (6)………………………. kilometres and visit Warwick Castle with its 14th century
towers and old furniture. For those who love shopping, the modern west Orchards Centre is the answer.
Located in the city centre, it is enormous and of course easily accessible. Keep in mind that a new
shopping centre is (7)………………………. built at the moment in the area. Before leaving Coventry,
(8)……………………….sure you pass by the central square to admire Lady Godiva’s statue.
(9)………………………. Is said that she was the beautiful wife of an earl in the 11th century
(10)……………………….persuaded her husband to reduce the heavy taxes on the people of Coventry.