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openDIAS 0.9.5
Новости с - Sat, 05/31/2014 - 07:00
openDIAS (Document Imaging Archive System) provides document imaging with OCR. You
can scan documents (with SANE) or import office documents, then assign them tags. It can store
all your letters, bills, statements, etc. in a convenient, safe, and easily retrievable way.
Release Notes: This release added auto tagging by detecting similar documents. Username
authentication now uses a new session system. A Dutch translation was added and a number of
German translations were fixed. Scanning color and performance were improved. The UI was
improved UI with print now, date formats, file uploads, and error feedback. There were lots of
internal refactors and improvements, new tests, and increased test performance.
Release Tags: major functionality
Tags: Office/Business, Office Suites, Capture, Scanners, Information Management, Document
Licenses: GPLv2
Categories: Работа
DDMSence 2.3.0
Новости с - Fri, 05/30/2014 - 19:07
DDMSence (pronounced "dee-dee-em-Essence") is the only Java library that fully supports the
DoD Discovery Metadata Specification (DDMS). It provides a complete implementation of the
DDMS specification using any DDMS version between 2.0 and 5.0. Validation is performed
according to both the schema and the specification, and custom validation rules can be defined
with ISO Schematron.
Release Notes: This release adds configurable, automatic JSON output for all DDMS
components. It is backwards-compatible with all versions since 2.0.0.
Release Tags: Stable, Minor
Tags: Software Development, Libraries, Java Libraries, XML, DDMS, Metadata
Licenses: LGPL
Categories: Работа
Groonga 4.02
Новости с - Fri, 05/30/2014 - 18:54
Groonga is a fast and accurate full text search engine based on an inverted index. Newly
registered document instantly appears in search results, and updates are allowed without read
locks. These characteristics result in superior performance for real-time applications. It is also a
column-oriented database management system (DBMS). Compared with well-known roworiented systems, such as MySQL and PostgreSQL, column-oriented systems are more suited for
aggregate queries.
Release Notes: This release added support for daylight saving time, experimental tokenizer_list
and normalizer_list commands, changed HTTP responses on errors, and support for Munin
plugins in groonga-httpd.
Tags: Database
Licenses: LGPL
Categories: Работа
fbcat 0.4
Новости с - Fri, 05/30/2014 - 12:31
fbcat grabs an image of a framebuffer and stores it in a PPM file.
Release Notes: Support for monochrome visuals was added.
Licenses: GPLv2
Categories: Работа
GnuAccounting 0.8.5
Новости с - Fri, 05/30/2014 - 11:33
GnuAccounting is an accounting and bookkeeping application. It interfaces with Moneyplex,
Starmoney, Karm, and Winston, embeds and Firefox, and utilizes either
HSQLDB or a separate MySQL installation.
Release Notes: Support for reading and writing invoices using the "ZUGFeRD" standard was
added, using the recently released Mustang project. Small amendments like new units, new
expense categories (telecommunication), placeholders for IBAN, BIC, and SEPA mandate,
corrections, and a new forum complete the picture.
Tags: Office/Business, Financial, Accounting
Licenses: GPL
Categories: Работа
QuickMSG 20140530
Новости с - Fri, 05/30/2014 - 11:13
QuickMSG is a secure messaging app for Android and the Linux command line. Its goal is to
provide a simple and easy to use chat application with contacts and groups, providing secure
chatting with no reliance on any central servers. It offers a simple interface for text chat and
sending other content such as images and videos. Chat messages are sent using PGP encrypted
email. All a user needs is an email provider which offers IMAP retrieval and SMTP submission
(such as Gmail).
Release Notes: The number of unread messages is better displayed in the app and in
notifications. Notifications are also automaticly cancelled when they are no longer needed, such
as when the app is started.
Licenses: GPLv3
Categories: Работа
Qore Programming Language 0.8.10
Новости с - Fri, 05/30/2014 - 10:15
Qore is a scripting language supporting threading and embedded logic, and designed for applying
a flexible scripting-based approach to enterprise interface development. It is also useful as a
general purpose language.
Release Notes: This is a major release with many many bugfixes and new features such as much
improved HTTP and REST support (including chunked transfer support, new client and server
classes for REST support for data streaming) improved database support (including a new
Schema module for automatic DB-independent schema management, and many SqlUtil module
improvements), and much more.
Release Tags: major new features, Major bugfixes
Tags: Database, Software Development, Interpreters
Licenses: LGPL, GPL, MIT
Categories: Работа
phpMyFAQ 2.8.10
Новости с - Fri, 05/30/2014 - 08:46
phpMyFAQ is a multilingual, completely database-driven FAQ system. It support various
database systems and it also offers a content management system with a WYSIWYG editor, an
image manager, flexible multi-group and multi-user support, a news system, user tracking,
language modules, templates, PDF support, a backup system, Active Directory support, and an
easy to use installation script.
Release Notes: This release finally dropped support for Internet Explorer 7 and 8, and updated
the Brazilian Portuguese translation and the TinyMCE and TCPDF package bundles. Some
minor issues were fixed.
Tags: Information Management
Licenses: MPL
Categories: Работа
Ascii Design 1.0.3
Новости с - Fri, 05/30/2014 - 06:51
Ascii Design is an ASCII art program based on the FIGlet engine. You can create text-based art
for many types of decorations for Web sites, email, text files, etc.
Release Notes: This release brings AppData file for Linux.
Release Tags: Stable, Minor
Tags: Text Processing
Licenses: GPLv2
Categories: Работа
PowerDNS Recursor 3.6.0-RC1
Новости с - Fri, 05/30/2014 - 05:52
With a small codebase, the PowerDNS Recursor is an advanced resolver currently serving the
DNS resolving needs of over 80 million Internet connections. Besides high performance (using
kqueue or epoll, over 100 thousand qps on commodity hardware), it provides advanced antispoofing measures. In addition, the program caches server performance and timeouts, making it
both network and user friendly. It also has built-in hooks for making graphs with rrdtool,
providing insight into nameserver performance.
Release Notes: This is a performance, feature, and bugfix update. It contains important fixes for
slightly broken domain names, which your users expect to work anyhow. It also brings robust
resilience against certain classes of attacks.
Tags: Internet, DNS
Licenses: GPL
Categories: Работа
W3Perl 3.19
Новости с - Fri, 05/30/2014 - 04:08
W3Perl is a free logfile analyzer. It can read Web/FTP/Squid/CUPS/DHCP/SSH or mail logfiles.
It allows most statistical data to be ouput with graphical and textual information. An
administration interface is available to manage the package.
Release Notes: Countries and regions maps have been added thanks to jvectormap. SSH logfiles
can now be parsed. Remote logfiles can be retrieved using rsync/sftp or wget. More graphs are
available (status code, robots, requests, etc.). Many bugs have been fixed.
Release Tags: Stable
Tags: Internet, Log Analysis, Web
Licenses: GPL
Categories: Работа
Mojolicious 5.0
Новости с - Fri, 05/30/2014 - 01:46
Mojolicious is "Duct Tape For The HTML5 Web". It is powerful with no dependencies out of
the box with RESTful routes, plugins, Perl-ish templates, session management, signed cookies,
asynchronous client, a testing framework, a static file server, first class Unicode support, and
much more. It has a clean, portable, object oriented pure Perl API without any hidden magic and
no requirements besides modern Perl, but can use many CPAN packages out of the box. It has a
HTTP 1.1 and WebSocket client/server implementation with TLS, IDNA, Comet (long polling),
chunking, and multipart support, and an async I/O Web server supporting EV pluggable event
queue, Unix domain sockets, and hot deployment. Automatic CGI, FastCGI, and PSGI detection
allows for any deployment situation. It has a JSON and XML/HTML5 parser/emitter with an
advanced CSS3 selector support and DOM.
Release Notes: New exception and not_found pages, form validation, CSRF protection,
Template variants, and new Mojo::DOM, with support for many different node types and new
ways to manipulate HTML. There are also new hooks for more extensibiliy, SO_REUSEPORT
for even more zero downtime restarts, rotating secrets that add more security without
invalidation of existing sessions, non-blocking bridges, cheap helpers, optional placeholders
everywhere in your requst routing chain, support for the new JSON spec (RFC 7159),
permessage-deflate WebSocket compression, and Minion job queue.
Tags: Sotware Development, Perl, Web Framework, mvc
Licenses: Artistic
Categories: Работа
OpenNMS 1.12.7
Новости с - Thu, 05/29/2014 - 22:01
OpenNMS is the first enterprise-grade network management platform developed using the open
source model. The three main functional areas of OpenNMS are service polling, which monitors
services on the network and reports on their "service level"; data collection from the remote
systems via SNMP in order to measure the performance of the network; and a system for event
management and notifications.
Release Notes: This release contains a fix for a cross-site-scripting vulnerability, a potentially
incompatible change to the way the Web UI is configured (see the "What's New" link for
details), and a number of other bugfixes and small enhancements.
Release Tags: Bugfixes, Jetty, collection, Graphs
Tags: Networking, Monitoring, Hardware
Licenses: GPL
Categories: Работа
sql2o 1.5.0-RC1
Новости с - Thu, 05/29/2014 - 15:54
sql2o is a Java library which allows you to run SQL queries and parse the result into your POJOs
using only a few lines of code.
Release Notes: Sql2o 1.5.0-RC1 is released, with a focus on performance and flexibility.
Release Tags: Release Candidate
Tags: Java library, Java API, SQL, SQL Query, Java, jdbc
Licenses: MIT License
Categories: Работа
Minimum Profit 5.2.8
Новости с - Thu, 05/29/2014 - 14:06
Minimum Profit (mp) is a programmer's text editor. It features small memory and disk
requirements, syntax highlighting, context-sensitive help for the source code being edited,
multiple simultaneous file editing, ctags support, word wrapping, and more. It can be compiled
for Qt, Ncurses, GTK, and MS Windows.
Release Notes: This release includes mouse support on text interfaces (curses and win32) and
support for the MS Windows console.
Tags: Text Editors
Licenses: GPL
Categories: Работа
Scribus 1.4.4
Новости с - Thu, 05/29/2014 - 13:22
Scribus is a desktop page layout program with the aim of producing commercial grade output in
PDF and Postscript.
Release Notes: This release adds PDF-X1a support. It has bugfixes and updated bar codes. It has
full support for the OpenICC Directory Proposal (
/wiki/index.php?title=OpenIccDirectoryProposal). The CMYK color palette created by the
Newspaper Association of America (NAA) for newspaper advertisements has been integrated
into Scribus.
Release Tags: Stable, Major feature enhancements, Minor bugfixes
Tags: Text Editors, multimedia, Graphics, Editors, PDF
Licenses: GPL
Categories: Работа
C-ICAP Classify 20140529
Новости с - Thu, 05/29/2014 - 12:44
C-ICAP Classify is a module that allows classification (labeling) of Web pages, images, and
soon video based on content. Labels are placed in HTTP headers. Any PIC-Label META tags are
exported into HTTP headers. This allows for creation of very flexible filters according to rules
defined by the user, using the ICAP enabled proxy's ACLs. It is not a URL filter, so
implementing it with sslBump or similar proxy technologies makes it very difficult to bypass.
Text classification is done using Fast Hyperspace (based on Hyperspace from CRM114) and/or a
Fast Naive Bayes. Image and video (when implemented) use haar feature detection from the
OpenCV library.
Release Notes: This release contains a bugfix (rarely triggered memory leak) and optimizations.
These optimizations can be quite significant in reducing time to classify for larger documents.
There are also large gains in iterative training with fnb_learn, especially with the -d option.
Release Tags: 20140529
Tags: Internet, Web, Networking, Monitoring, Security, Content Filtering
Licenses: LGPLv3
Categories: Работа
OGLplus 0.46.0
Новости с - Thu, 05/29/2014 - 11:23
OGLplus is a header-only library that implements a thin object-oriented facade over the OpenGL
(version 3 and higher) C-language API. It provides wrappers that automate the resource and
object management and make the use of OpenGL in C++ safer and easier.
Release Notes: This release brings a complete rewrite of several key parts, including the object
and GPU program variable wrappers, error reporting and handling, source directory structure,
and others.
Tags: OpenGL, C++, Library, Computer Graphics
Licenses: Boost Software License
Categories: Работа
SymmetricDS 3.5.22
Новости с - Thu, 05/29/2014 - 09:40
SymmetricDS provides file and database synchronization with support for multi-master
replication, filtered synchronization, and transformation across the network in a heterogeneous
environment. It supports multiple subscribers with one-direction or bi-directional, asynchronous
data replication. It uses Web and database technologies to replicate data as a scheduled or nearrealtime operation. The software has been designed to scale for a large number of nodes, work
across low-bandwidth connections, and withstand periods of network outage. It works with most
operating systems, file systems, and databases, including Oracle, MySQL, MariaDB,
PostgreSQL, MS SQL Server (including Azure), IBM DB2, H2, HSQLDB, Derby, Firebird,
Interbase, Informix, Greenplum, SQLite (including Android), Sybase ASE, and Sybase ASA
(SQL Anywhere) databases.
Release Notes: This patch release fixes four bugs and makes six improvements. Fixes include
handling large numerics and capturing "updates only" on SQL Server. Improvements include the
ability to run SQL on a client before and after initial load, caching to improve performance, a
column transform for accessing parameters, and UNC path support for the SQL Server bulk
Release Tags: Bugfixes
Tags: Database, Software Development, Libraries, H2, MySQL, Oracle, postgres, firebird, DB2,
HSQLDB, Database Engines/Servers, synchronization, replication, Point-Of-Sale, sql server,
Informix, Derby, Data synchronization
Licenses: GPL
Categories: Работа
JasperReports 5.6.0
Новости с - Thu, 05/29/2014 - 09:15
JasperReports is a Java reporting library. XML report templates are used to generate ready to
print documents using data from customizable data sources, including JDBC. The output can be
delivered to the screen, printer, or stored in PDF, HTML, XLS, RTF, CSV, and XML format.
Release Notes: This version introduces a new overflowType property for subreport elements to
control subreport runtime stretch behavior. There were also various other bugfixes and
Release Tags: Minor feature enhancements
Tags: Internet, Web, Dynamic Content, multimedia, Graphics, Presentation, printing
Licenses: LGPL
Categories: Работа
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