English 10 Francis/Meakes Name: Date: Unit Test Outline The Chrysalids Readings The Chrysalids by John Wyndham “Who Wants to Live Forever?” by Kate Kelland “Belonging” by Jean Vanier “A Hunger to Be Free” by Nelson Mandela TEST DATE: _________ Notes/Worksheets Science Fiction Making Predictions Dystopias: Definition and Characteristics Sandwich Metaphor for Great Paragraphs Characterization (STEAL) Theme and Theme Statements Putting together a Thesis Six Point Scale Quick Reference Multi Thesis/Theme Statement Themes in The Chrysalids The significance of the title Key Concepts Genre Direct Characterization Dynamic and Static Characters Dystopia/ Utopia First Person Narrative/ P.O.V. Foreshadowing Indirect Characterization STEAL Irony Paragraph Structure Topic Sentence PEE Concluding Sentence Protagonist / Antagonist Science Fiction Theme Thesis Statement Subject, Predicate, Theme Statement, TAG, Plan of Development Test Structure Part one: multiple choice Part two: written response -thesis statements, paragraph answers, short answer Studying Tips 1. Make sure that you have all the class notes and worksheets. Check Moodle if you are missing something. Make sure to get all the blanks filled in on the notes. Review them carefully! 2. Complete all homework for the unit. 3. Make yourself a 1-page study guide. Review the novel and come up with questions you think might be asked and the answer them in note-form. 4. Try to think beyond the literal concepts of the novel. Ask yourself questions that require literary answers. Think of questions that are related to the themes and concepts discussed in class. 5. If you need clarification on a concept, see me for extra help.