House Res. 36 -- Establishing a House Select Committee on the 9/11 Benghazi Terror Attack. -- GOP Target List The 166 Republican Congressmen Who Have Not Signed Onto H.R. 36 Establishing a select committee to investigate and report on the attack on the United States consulate in Benghazi, Libya. Name: District:Office Phone Numbers: DC: (202) 225-5765 Anchorage: (907) 271-5978 Fairbanks: Young, Don AK-AL (907) 456-0210 Juneau: (907) 586-7400 Kenai: (907) 283-7701 DC: (202) 225-4931 Mobile Office: (251) 690-2811 Baldwin Bonner, Jo AL-1 County: (251) 972-8546 DC: (202) 225-2901 Andalusia: (334) 222-3342 Dothan: (334) Roby, Martha AL-2 794-9680 Montgomery: (334) 227-9113 DC: (202) 225-3261 Anniston: (256) 236-5655 Montgomery: Rogers, Mike AL-3 (334) 227-4210 Opelika: (334) 745-6221 Bachus, DC: (202) 225-4921 Birmingham: (205) 969-2296 Clanton: AL-6 Spencer (205) 280-0704 DC: (202) 225-4076 Cabot: (501) 843-3043 Jonesboro: (870) Crawford, Rick AR-1 203-0540 Mountain Home: (870) 424-2075 Womack, DC: (202) 225-4301 Rogers: (479) 464-0446 Harrison: (870) AR-3 Steve 741-6900 Fort Smith: (479) 424-1146 DC: (202) 225-3772 Clarksville: (479) 754-2120 El Dorado: Cotton, Tom AR-4 (870) 881-0681 Hot Springs: (501) 520-5892 Pine Bluff: (870) 536-3376 DC: (202 )225-2315 Prescott: (928 )445-1683 San Tan Valley: Gosar, Paul AZ-4 (480 )882-2697 Salmon, Matt AZ-5 DC: (202) 225-2635 Gilbert: (480 )699-8239 Schweikert, AZ-6 DC: (202) 225-2190 Scottsdale: (480) 946-2411 David Denham, Jeff CA-10 DC: (202) 225-4540 Modesto: (209) 579-5458 Valadao, David CA-21 DC: (202) 225-4695 Hanford: (559) 582-5526 DC: (202) 225-2523 Clovis: (559) 323-5235 Visalia: (559) 773Nunes, Devin CA-22 3861 McCarthy, CA-23 DC: (202) 225-2915 Bakersfield: (661) 327-3611 Kevin DC: (202) 225-1956 Santa Clarita: (661) 254-2111 McKeon, Buck CA-25 Palmdale: (661) 274-9688 Miller, Gray CA-31 DC: (202) 225-3201 Rancho: (909) 980-1492 DC: (202) 225-4111 District: (714) 255-0101 Los Angeles: (626) 964-5123 DC: (202) 225-1986 District: (951) 784-4300 District Line 2: Calvert, Ken CA-42 (949) 888-8498 Campbell, JohnCA-45 DC: (202) 225-5611 Irvine: (949) 756-2244 Rohrabacher, CA-48 DC: (202) 225-2415 Huntington Beach: (714) 960-6483 Dana Issa, Darrell CA-49 DC: (202) 225-3906 Cook, Paul CA-8 DC: (202) 225-5861 Apple Valley: (760) 247-1815 DC: (202) 225-4761 Cortez: (970) 259-1490 Grand Junction: (970) 241-2499 Tipton, Scott CO-3 Steamboat Satelite: (970) 712-4604 Alamosa: (719) 587-5105 Durango: (970) 259-1490 Pueblo: (719) 542-1073 DC: (202) 225-4676 Castle Rock: (720) 508-3937 Greeley: Gardner, Cory CO-4 (970) 351-6007 Rocky Ford: (719) 316-1101 Yuma: (970) 848-2845 Lamborn, DC: (202) 225-4422 Colorado Springs: (719) 520-0055 Buena CO-5 Doug Vista: (719) 520-0055 DC: (202) 225-4136 Pensacola: (850) 479-1183 Ft. Walton Miller, Jeff FL-1 Beach: (850) 664-1266 Webster, FL-10 DC: (202) 225-2176 Winter Garden: (407) 654-5705 Daniel DC: (202) 225-1002 Hernando County: (352) 684-4446 Citrus Nugent, County: (352) 341-2354 FL-11 Richard Sumter County: (352) 689-4684 Marion County: (352) 3511670 DC: 202-225-5755 Wesley Chapel: 813-501-4942 New Port Bilirakis, Gus FL-12 Richey: (727) 232-2921 M. Tarpon Springs: (727) 940-5860 Ross, Dennis FL-15 DC: (202) 225-1252 Lakeland: (863) 644-8215 Buchanan, DC: (202) 225-5015 Sarasota: (941) 951-6643 Bradenton: (941) FL-16 Vern 747-9081 Rooney, DC: (202) 225-5792 Riverview: (813) 677-8646 Punta Gorda: FL-17 Thomas (941) 575-9101 Sebring: (863)402-9082 DC: (202) 225-2536 Cape Coral: (239) 573-5837 Naples: Radel, Trey FL-19 (239)252-6225 Southerland, DC: (202) 225-5235 Panama City: (850) 785-0812 Tallahassee: FL-2 Steve (850) 561-3979 Diaz-Balart, DC: (202) 225-4211 Collier: (239) 348-1620 Miami: (305)470FL-25 Mario 8555 Ros-Lehtinen, FL-27 DC: (202) 225-3931 Miami: (305) 668-2285 Ileana DC: (202) 225-5744 Gainesville: (352) 505-0838 Orange Park: Yoho, Ted FL-3 (904) 276-9626 Crenshaw, FL-4 DC: 202-225-2501 Jacksonville: 904-598-0481 Mobile Office: Royce, Edward CA-39 Ander 904-465-7743 DC: (202) 225-2931 Canton: (770) 345-2931 Marietta: (770) Gingrey, Phil GA-11 429-1776 Bartow: (678) 721-2509 Westmoreland, GA-3 DC: (202) 225-5901 District: (770) 683-2033 Lynn Price, Tom GA-6 DC: 202-225-4501 District: 770-998-0049 Woodall, Rob GA-7 DC: (202) 225-4272 Lawrenceville: (770) 232-3005 DC: (202) 225-6531 Tifton: 229-396-5175 Warner Robins: Scott, Austin GA-8 478-971-1776 Collins, Doug GA-9 DC: (202) 225-9893 Gainesville: (770) 297-3388 DC: (202) 225-6611 Coeur d'Alene: (208) 667-0127 Lewiston: Labrador, Raul ID-1 (208) 743-1388 Meridian: (208) 888-3188 DC: 202-225-5531 Boise: 208-334-1953 Idaho Falls: 208-523Simpson, ID-2 6701 Twin Falls: 208-734-7219 Michael Pocatello: 208-233-2222 DC: (202) 225-2371 Champaign: (217) 403-4690 Decatur: Davis, Rodney IL-13 (217) 791-6224 Hultgren, IL-14 DC: (202) 225-2976 Geneva: (630) 232-7104 Randy DC: (202) 225-5271 Maryville: (618) 288-7190 Effingham: Shimkus, John IL-15 (217) 347-7947 Danville: (217) 446-0664 Harrisburg: (618) 252-8271 Kinzinger, IL-16 DC: (202) 225-3635 Ottawa: (815) 431-9271 Adam Roskham, DC: (202) 225-4561 District: (630) 232-0006 Satellite: (847) IL-6 Peter 656-6354 Walorski, IN-2 DC: (202) 225-3915 Mishawaka: (574) 204-2645 Jackie DC: (202) 225-5037 Lafayette: (765) 838-3930 Danville: (317) Rokita, Todd IN-4 718-0404 Brooks, Susan IN-5 DC: 202-225-2276 Indianapolis: 317-848-0201 DC: 202-225-3021 Muncie: 765-747-5566 Richmond: 765-962Messer, Luke IN-6 2883 DC: (202) 225-4636 Evansville: (812) 465-6484 Jasper: (812) Bucshon, Larry IN-8 482-4255 Terre Haute: (812) 232-0523 Vincennes: (855) 519-1629 Young, Todd DC: (202) 225-5315 Bloomington: (812) 336-3000 Greenwood: IN-9 C. (317) 661-0696 DC: (202) 225-6601 Pittsburg: (620) 231-5966 Topeka: (785) Jenkins, Lynn KS-2 234-5966 Yoder, Kevin KS-3 DC: (202) 225-2865 Overland Park: (913) 621-0832 Pompeo, Mike KS-4 DC: (202) 225-6216 Wichita: (316) 262-8992 Guthrie, Brett KY-2 DC: (202) 225-3501 Warren County: (270) 842-9896 Massie, DC: (202) 225-3465 Northern Kentucky: (859) 426KY-4 Thomas 0080 Ashland: (606) 324-9898 Rogers, Harold KY-5 DC: (202) 225-4601 Somerset: (800) 632-8588 Hazard: (606) Barr, Andy Boustany, Charles Alexander, Rodney KY-6 Cassidy, Bill LA-6 LA-3 LA-5 Miller, Candice MI-10 Bentivolio, MI-11 Kerry 439-0794 Prestonburg: (606) 886-0844 DC: 202-225-4706 Lexington: 859-219-1366 DC: (202) 225-2031 Lafayette: (337) 235-6322 Lake Charles: (337) 433-1747 DC: (202) 225-8490 Monroe: (318) 322-3500 Alexandria: (318) 445-0818 DC: (202) 225-3901 Baton Rouge: (225) 929-7711 Livingston Parish: (225) 686-4413 DC: (202) 225-2106 Shelby Township: (586) 997-5010 DC: 202-225-8171 Commerce: 248-859-2982 Camp, Dave MI-4 Upton, Fred MI-6 Rogers, Mike Kline, John Paulsen, Erik Bachmann, Michele MI-8 MN-2 MN-3 DC: (202) 225-4401 Grand Haven: (616) 4145516 Grandville (616) 570-0917 DC: (202) 225-3831 Grand Rapids (616) 451-8383 DC: (202) 225-3561 Cadillac: 231-876-9205 Midland: 989631-2552 DC: (202) 225-3761 St. Joseph/Benton Harbor: (269) 982-1986 Kalamazoo: (269) 385-0039 DC: (202) 225-4872 Lansing: (517) 702-8000 DC: (202) 225-2271 Minnesota:(952) 808-1213 DC: (202) 225-2871 District: (952) 405-8510 MN-6 DC: (202) 225-2331 Anoka (763)323-8922 Huizenga, Bill MI-2 Amash, Justin MI-3 DC: (202) 225-2956 Jefferson City (573) 635-7232 Wentzville: (636) 327-7055 Washington: (636) 239-2276 DC: (202) 225-2876 Columbia: (573) 442-9311 Harrisonville: Hartzler, Vicky MO-4 (816 )884-3411 Lebanon: (417) 532-5582 Sedalia (573) 442-9311 DC: (202) 225-7041 Kansas City: (816) 792-3976 St. Joseph: Graves, Sam MO-6 (816) 749-0800 DC: (202) 225-6536 Springfield (417) 889-1800 Joplin: (417) Long, Billy MO-7 781-1041 DC: (202) 225-5031 Brookhaven: (601) 823-3400 Meridian: Harper, Gregg MS-3 (601) 693-6681 Pearl: (601) 932-2410 Starkville: (662) 324-0007 DC: (202) 225-5772 Gulfport: (228)864-7670 Pascagoula: Palazzo, MS-4 (228) 202-8104 Steven Hattiesburg: (601) 582-3246 DC: (202) 225-3211 Billings: (406) 969-1736 Helena: (406) Daines, Steve MT-AL 502-1435 Missoula: (406) 926-2122 Great Falls: (406) 315-3860 DC: (202) 225-2576 Hickory (828) 327-6100 Gastonia: (704) McHenry, NC-10 833-0096 Patrick Black Mountain: (828) 669-0600 Luetkemey, Blaine MO-3 Holding, George NC-13 DC: 202-225-3032 District: 919-782-4400 Ellmers, Renee NC-2 Foxx, Virginia NC-5 Coble, Howard NC-6 Hudson, Richard Pittenger, Robert NC-8 NC-9 Fortenberr, Jeff NE-1 Terry, Lee NE-2 Smith, Adrian NE-3 Frelinghuysen, NJ-11 Rodney LoBiondo, NJ-2 Frank Runyan, Jon NJ-3 Garrett, Scott NJ-5 Lance, Leonard NJ-7 Pearce, Stevan Amodei, Mark E. Heck, Joseph Grimm, Michael NM-2 NV-2 NV-3 NY-11 Gibson, Christopher NY-19 King, Peter NY-2 Hanna, Richard NY-22 Reed, Tom NY-23 Collins, Chris NY-27 DC: (202) 225-4531 Dunn: (910)230-1910 Asheboro: (336) 626-3060 DC: (202) 225-2071 Boone: (828) 265-0240 Clemmons: (336) 778-0211 DC: (202) 225-3065 Madison: (336) 427-0044 Graham: (336) 229-0159 Greensboro: (336) 333-5005 High Point: (336) 886-5106 DC: 202-225-3715 Concord: 704-786-1612 DC: (202) 225-1976 Charlotte: (704) 362-1060 Mooresville: (704) 696-8188 DC: (202) 225-4806 Lincoln: (402) 438-1598 Norfolk: (402) 379-2064 Fremont:(402) 727-0888 DC: (202) 225-4155 Omaha: (402) 397-9944 DC: (202) 225-6435 Grand Island: (308) 384-3900 Scottsbluff: (308) 633-6333 DC: (202) 225-5034 District: (973) 984-0711 DC: (202) 225-6572 Mays Landing: (609) 625-5008 DC: (202) 225-4765 Mount Laurel: (856) 780-6436 Ocean County: (732) 279-6013 DC: (202) 225-4465 Newton: (973) 300-2000 Glen Rock:(201) 444-5454 DC: (202) 225-5361 District Office 1: (908) 518-7733 District Office 2: (908) 788-6900 DC: (202) 225-2365: District: (855) 473-2723 DC: (202) 225-6155 Reno: (775) 686-5760 Elko: (775) 7777705 DC: (202) 225-3252 District: (702) 387-4941 DC: (202) 225-3371 Brooklyn: 718-630-5277 Staten Island: (718) 351-1062 DC: (202) 225-5614 Kinderhook: (518) 610-8133 Delhi: (607) 746-9537 Kingston: (845) 514-2322 Cooperstown (607) 282-4002 Liberty: (845) 747-926 Hyde Park: (845) 698-0132 DC: 202-225-7896 Suffolk County: 631-5414225 Massapequa: 516-541-4225 DC: 202-225-3665 Utica: 315-724-9740 Binghamton: 607723-0212 DC: (202) 225-3161 Geneva: 315-759-5229 Olean: (716)-3798434 Corning (607) 654-7566 Jamestown: 716-708-6369 DC: 202-225-5265 Geneseo: 585-519-4002 Lancaster:716- 634-2324 DC: (202) 225-2216 Cincinnati: (513) 684-2723 Chabot, Steve OH-1 Turner, OH-10 DC: (202) 225-6465 Dayon: (937) 225-2843 Michael Tiberi, Patrick OH-12 DC: (202) 225-5355 District: (614) 523-2555 DC: (202) 225-5731 Painesville: (440) 352-3939 Twinsburg: Joyce, David OH-14 (330) 425-7071 Renacci, James OH-16 DC: (202) 225-3876 Wadsworth: (330) 334-0040 Wenstrup, OH-2 DC: (202) 225-3164 Cincinnati: (513) 474-7777 Brad Gibbs, Bob OH-7 DC: (202) 225-6265 Ashland: 419-207-0650 DC: (202) 225-6205 Butler County: (513) 779-5400 Miami Boehner, John OH-8 County: (937) 339-1524 DC: (202) 225-6165 Ada: (580) 436-5375 Lawton: (580) 357Cole, Tom OK-4 2131 Norman: (405) 329-6500 Lankford, OK-5 DC: (202) 225-2132 Oklahoma City: (405) 234-9900 James DC: 202-225-6730 Eastern Oregon: (541) 624-2400 Central Walden, Greg OR-2 Oregon: (541) 389-4408 Southern Oregon: (541) 776-4646 DC: 202-225-3731 Hamlin: 570-689-6024 Selinsgrove: 570Marino, Tom PA-10 374-9469 Williamsport 570-322-3961 DC: 202-225-2065 Beaver: 724-359-1626 Johnston: 814-619Rothfus, Keith PA-12 3659 Ross Township: 412-837-1361 DC: 202-225-6411 Lehigh Valley: 610-770-3490 Dauphin: Dent, Charles PA-15 (717) 533-3959 DC: (202) 225-2411 Lancaster County: (717) 393Pitts, Joseph PA-16 0667 Chester County: (610) 444-4581 DC: (202) 225-5406 Erie: (814) 454-8190 Crawford Kelly, Mike PA-3 County:814-454-8190 Sharon: (724) 342-7170 Butler: 724-282-2557 DC: 202-225-5836 Adams County: 717-338Perry, Scott PA-4 1919 Cumberland: 717-635-9504 York: 717-600-1919 Thompson, DC: (202) 225-5121 Bellefonte: (814) 353-0215 PA-5 Glenn Titusville: (814) 827-3985 Fitzpatrick, PA-8 DC: (202) 225-4276 District: (215) 579-8102 Michael DC: 202.225.2431 Hollidaysburg: 814.696.6318 Shuster, Bill PA-9 Chambersburg:717.264.8308 Indiana: (724) 463-0516 DC: (202) 225-6030 Greenville: (864) 241-0175 Spartanburg: Gowdy, Trey SC-4 (864) 583-3264 DC: (202) 225-9895 Grand Strand: (843) 445-6459 Pee Dee: Rice, Tom SC-7 (843) 679-9781 Noem, Kristi SD-AL Roe, David TN-1 Duncan, John TN-2 J, Jr. Fleischman, Chuck TN-3 Black, Diane TN-6 McCaul, Michael TX-10 Conaway, K. Michael TX-11 Granger, Kay TX-12 Thornberry, TX-13 Mac Neugbauer, TX-19 Randy Poe, Ted TX-2 Smith, Lamar TX-21 Marchant, Kenny Farenthold, Blake Johnson, Sam Sessions, Pete DC: (202) 225-2801 Sioux Falls: (605) 275-2868 Rapid City: (605) 791-4673 Aberdeen: (605) 262-2862 Watertown: (605) 878-2868 DC: (202) 225-6356 Kingsport: (423) 247-8161 Morristown: (423) 254-1400 DC: (202) 225-5435 Knoxville: (865) 523-3772 Maryville: (865) 984-5464 DC: (202) 225-3271 Athens: 423-745-4671 Chattanooga (423) 756-2342 Oak Ridge: (865) 576-1976 DC: (202) 225-4231 Crossville: (931) 854-0069 Cookeville: (931) 854-0069 Gallatin: (615) 206-8204 DC: 202-225-2401 Austin: 512-473-2357 Brenham: 979-8308497 Tomball 281-255-8372 DC: (202) 225-3605 Llano: (325) 247-2826 San Angelo: (325) 659-4010 Odessa: (432) 331-9667 Midland: (432) 687-2390 Brownwood: (325) 6461950 Granbury: (682) 936-2577 DC: (202) 225-5071 Fort Worth: (817) 338-0909 DC: (202) 225-3706 Amarillo: (806) 371-8844 Wichita Falls: (940) 692-1700 DC: (202) 225-4005 Abilene: (325) 675-9779 Big Spring: (432) 264-0722 Lubbock: (806) 763-1611 DC: (202) 225-6565 Harris County East: (281) 446-0242 Harris County West: (713) 681-8763 DC: 202-225-4236 San Antonio: 210-821-5024 Kerrville: 830896-0154 Austin: 512-912-7508 TX-24 DC: 202.225.6605 District: 972.556.0162 DC: (202) 225-7742 Victoria (361) 894-6446 Corpus Christi: (361) 884-2222 TX-3 DC: (202) 225-4201 District: (469) 304-0382 TX-32 DC: (202) 225-2231 Dallas: (972) 392-0505 DC: 202-225-3484 Athens: 903-675-8288 Dallas: 214-349Hensarling, Jeb TX-5 9996 DC: (202)225-2002 Ennis (972)875Barton, Joe TX-6 8488 Arlington: (817)543-1000 DC: 202-225-9730 Salt Lake: 801-364-5550 St. George: 435Steward, Chris UT-2 627-1500 Chaffetz, Jason UT-3 DC: (202) 225-7751 Provo: (801) 851-2500 DC: (202) 225-4215 Eastern Shore: (757) 789-5172 Virginia Rigell, E. Scott VA-2 Beach: (757) 687-8290 DC: (202) 225-4711 Charlottesville 434-973-9631 Danville: Hurt, Robert VA-5 (434) 791-2596 Farmville: 434-395-0120 TX-27 Goodlatte, Bob VA-6 Cantor, Eric VA-7 Griffith, Morgan VA-9 Herrera WA-3 Beutler, Jaime Hastings, Doc WA-4 McMorris WA-5 Rodgers, Cathy Reichert, David WA-8 Ryan, Paul WI-1 Sensenbrenner, WI-5 Jum DC: (202) 225-5431 Harrisonburg: (540) 432-2391 Lynchburg: (434) 845-8306 Roanoke: (540) 857-2672 Stauton: (540) 885-3861 DC: (202) 225-2815 Culpepper: (540) 825-8960 Richmond: (804) 747-4073 DC: (202) 225-3861 Abingdon: (276) 525-1405 Christiansburg: (540) 381-5671 Big Stone Gap: (276) 525-1405 DC: (202) 225-3536 Vancouver: (360) 695-6292 Chehalis: (360) 695-6292 DC: (202) 225-5816 Tri-Cotoes: (509) 543-9396 Yakima: (509) 452-3243 DC: 202-225-2006 Spokane: 509-353-2374 Colville: 509-6843481 Walla Walla: 509-529-9358 DC: (202) 225-7761 Auburn: (206) 498-8103 Issaquah: (425) 677-7414 or (877) 920-9208 Wenatchee: (509) 342-8772 DC: (202) 225-3031 Janesville: (608) 752-4050 Kenosha: (262) 654-1901 Racine: (262) 637-0510 DC: (202) 225-5101 Brookfield: (262) 784-1111 DC: (202) 225-2476 Fond du Lac: 920-922-1180 Oshkosh: 920-231-6333 DC: (202) 225-3365 Wausau: (715) 298-9344 Superior: 715Duffy, Sean WI-7 392-3984 DC: (202) 225-5665 Green Bay: 920-471-1950 Appleton: Ribble, Reid WI-8 (920) 380-0061 DC: 202.225.2711 Charleston: 304.925.5964 Capito, Shelley WV-2 Martinsburg: 304.264.8810 DC: (202) 225-2311 Cheyenne:(307) 772-2595 Casper: (307) Lummins, WY-AL 261-6595 Cynthia Rock Springs (307) 362-4095 Sheridan: (307) 673-4608 Petri, Thomas WI-6 Help Support the Work of Revive America USA -- Go Here Now to Donate Content copyright 2013. 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