Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning Facilitator notes Social Media Assessment task 3 – Facts and figures Description of task: Resources needed Internet access and computer Excel prize for quiz winners Assessment task instructions Students are then required to: Read the infographic In teams of 2 – 3, answer the questions in the quiz (in books) – prize for winning team Complete a survey with the class, gathering information on what social media sites they use (do this on the board – name each site mentioned then tally the results) Enter all the results into an excel spreadsheet Turn the results into a graph using excel Name all the parts of the graph Save the graph in students folder on the network Assessment method Answers to the quiz Completed graph of social media use in the classroom saved on the network D:\106762719.doc Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning Learning outcomes met by this assessment task the learning outcomes or elements this task addresses VCAL Foundation LO1 LO2 LO3 LO4 LO5 LO6 LO7 LO1 LO2 LO3 LO4 LO5 LO6 LO7 E6 E7 E6 E7 PDS011 PDS012 LIT011 LIT012 NUM011 NUM012 WRS011 WRS012 Intermediate PDS021 PDS022 LIT021 LIT022 NUM021 WRS021 WRS022 IT E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 ICAICT101A ICAICT102A ICAICT103A ICAICT104A ICAICT105A ICAICT106A IT E1 BSBOHS201A BSBUSS201A ICAICT201A ICAICT202A ICAICT203A ICAICT204A ICAWEB201A CUFCAM201A CUFDIG201A CUFDIG303A CUFPOS201A CUFSOU204A ICASAS203A ICPMM321C E2 E3 E4 E3 E4 E5 Vocational preparation E1 BSBOHS201A VU20006 VU20007 VU20008 D:\106762719.doc E2 E5 Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning Employability skills met by this task: Technology Team work Planning and organising Problem solving Initiative and enterprise Learning Self management Communication D:\106762719.doc Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning Whole of class quiz answer sheet Q: What age bracket of people use facebook the most? A: 0 -17 year olds Q: Are there more men or women using YouTube? A: Men Q: What percent of people over 65 years old are on Twitter? A: 3% Q: Out of Facebook and YouTube, which has the most unique visitors? A: Facebook Q: Name two social networking sites that have less than 300K unique visitors A: Any combination of the following:Slideshare, Stumbleupon, Digg, Reddit, Foursquare, Delicious Q: What is the population of Australia? A: 21.9 million Q: What are the top four social media sites in Australia? A: Facebook, YouTube, Wikipedia and Blogspot Q: Did the amount of people using social media in Australia increase or decrease between June 2010 and December 2010? A: Increase Q: What might be the reason for the big increase in social media users in 2011 compared to 2010? A: The rise of people buying Smart Phones. Q: What do the size of the circles represent in the infographic: A: The number of unique visitors to sites Q: Is the information in the infographic reliable? A: Probably, as they have referenced the Australian Bureau of Statistics as their source of information. D:\106762719.doc