101/proposal.lttr-PB/ I /2005
To :
Kawasan Niaga Terpadu Sudirman
Jl. Jendral Sudirman Kav 52 - 53
Jakarata 12190
Attn : Ms. Lie Li
Having an interest to be your company partner I would like to give several
points out to you.
Our company, PUBLICBRAND is the best suited partner for your company in
designing your needs of existing identity and more market penetration. We are a
design company working across many creative media, publishing design, motion
graphic, illustration package, web design, motion graphic, illustration package,
web design, exhibition and promotional kit.
The purpose of this letter is to have a time in your convenience time ton have
further discussion about my intention to be your company panther with our
integrated design. Our design will support your needs and all the material used
for the tools are guaranteed to be as specified as our customer’s request that
meets our standard. If you decide to add us as your partner, we would be happy
to offer you one stop solution for your business.
Finally, I would be very grateful if you give your early respond. Please do not
hesitate to contact me if you require any further information.
Sincerely yours,
Marketing Communication
Hp; 081513310247
Cc: Mr. Reymond Lee - Director
101/proposal.lttr-PB/ I /2005
To :
Wisma Darmala 11 floor
Jl. Jendral Sudirman Kav 28
Jakarata 12190
Attn : Mr. Suherman
General Affair DANPAC Bank
Having an interest to be your company partner I would like to give several
points out to you.
Our company, PUBLICBRAND is the best suited partner for your company in
designing your needs of existing identity and more market penetration. We are a
design company working across many creative media, publishing design, motion
graphic, illustration package, web design, motion graphic, illustration package,
web design, exhibition and promotional kit.
The purpose of this letter is to have a time in your convenience time ton have
further discussion about my intention to be your company panther with our
integrated design. Our design will support your needs and all the material used
for the tools are guaranteed to be as specified as our customer’s request that
meets our standard. If you decide to add us as your partner, we would be happy
to offer you one stop solution for your business.
Finally, I would be very grateful if you give your early respond. Please do not
hesitate to contact me if you require any further information.
Sincerely yours,
Marketing Communication
Hp; 081513310247
Cc: Mr. Reymond Lee - Director
101/proposal.lttr-PB/ I /2005
To :
Jl.Hayam Wuruk no 28
Jakarta 10120
Attn : Mr.Hendro
Having an interest to be your company partner I would like to give several
points out to you.
Our company, PUBLICBRAND is the best suited partner for your company in
designing your needs of existing identity and more market penetration. We are a
design company working across many creative media, publishing design, motion
graphic, illustration package, web design, motion graphic, illustration package,
web design, exhibition and promotional kit.
The purpose of this letter is to have a time in your convenience time ton have
further discussion about my intention to be your company panther with our
integrated design. Our design will support your needs and all the material used
for the tools are guaranteed to be as specified as our customer’s request that
meets our standard. If you decide to add us as your partner, we would be happy
to offer you one stop solution for your business.
Finally, I would be very grateful if you give your early respond. Please do not
hesitate to contact me if you require any further information.
Sincerely yours,
Marketing Communication
Hp; 081513310247
Cc: Mr. Reymond Lee - Director
101/proposal.lttr-PB/ I /2005
To :
Word Trade Centre 1- 5 floor
Jl. Jendral Sudirman Kav 29- 31
Jakarta 12190
Attn : Ms. Rini
Public Relation
Subject: Recommendation of Packaging design.
Having an interest to be your company partner I would like to give several
points out to you.
Our company, PUBLICBRAND is the best suited partner for your company in
designing your needs of existing identity and more market penetration. We are a
design company working across many creative media, publishing design, motion
graphic, illustration package, web design, motion graphic, illustration package,
web design, exhibition and promotional kit.
The purpose of this letter is to have a time in your convenience time ton have
further discussion about my intention to be your company panther with our
integrated design. Our design will support your needs and all the material used
for the tools are guaranteed to be as specified as our customer’s request that
meets our standard. If you decide to add us as your partner, we would be happy
to offer you one stop solution for your business.
Finally, I would be very grateful if you give your early respond. Please do not
hesitate to contact me if you require any further information.
Sincerely yours,
Marketing Communication
Hp; 081513310247
Cc: Mr. Reymond Lee - Director
101/proposal.lttr-PB/ I /2005
To :
Kh.Hasyim Asari no 36 , Lantai 2
Jl. Jendral Sudirman Kav 52 - 53
Attn : Ibu Tri
Subject: Recommendation of Packaging design.
Having an interest to be your company partner I would like to give several
points out to you.
Our company, PUBLICBRAND is the best suited partner for your company in
designing your needs of existing identity and more market penetration. We are a
design company working across many creative media, publishing design, motion
graphic, illustration package, web design, motion graphic, illustration package,
web design, exhibition and promotional kit.
The purpose of this letter is to have a time in your convenience time ton have
further discussion about my intention to be your company panther with our
integrated design. Our design will support your needs and all the material used
for the tools are guaranteed to be as specified as our customer’s request that
meets our standard. If you decide to add us as your partner, we would be happy
to offer you one stop solution for your business.
Finally, I would be very grateful if you give your early respond. Please do not
hesitate to contact me if you require any further information.
Sincerely yours,
Marketing Communication
Hp; 081513310247
Cc: Mr. Reymond Lee - Director
101/proposal.lttr-PB/ I /2005
To :
Jl. Jendral Gatot subroto Kav 36 - 38
Jakarata 12190
Attn : Ms. Shinta
Public relation
Subject: Recommendation of Packaging design.
Having an interest to be your company partner I would like to give several
points out to you.
Our company, PUBLICBRAND is the best suited partner for your company in
designing your needs of existing identity and more market penetration. We are a
design company working across many creative media, publishing design, motion
graphic, illustration package, web design, motion graphic, illustration package,
web design, exhibition and promotional kit.
The purpose of this letter is to have a time in your convenience time ton have
further discussion about my intention to be your company panther with our
integrated design. Our design will support your needs and all the material used
for the tools are guaranteed to be as specified as our customer’s request that
meets our standard. If you decide to add us as your partner, we would be happy
to offer you one stop solution for your business.
Finally, I would be very grateful if you give your early respond. Please do not
hesitate to contact me if you require any further information.
Sincerely yours,
Marketing Communication
Hp; 081513310247
Cc: Mr. Reymond Lee - Director
Jakarta, December 3, 2004
To: o
Marketing & Promotion
Subject: Recommendation of Packaging design.
Dear Ms. Natalia,
Further up to our last meeting at your place last Monday, November 29, 2004, I
would like to point several points out to you.
Our company, PUBLICBRAND is the best suited partner for your company in
designing your needs of existing identity and more market penetration. We are a
design company working across many creative media, publishing design, motion
graphic, illustration package, web design, motion graphic, illustration package,
web design, exhibition and promotional kit.
The purpose of this letter is to offer you a somewhat packaging design where
everybody talks about it, but no body does anything about it. As the importance
of a packaging meaning is a protective material used for preserving and shipping
goods, so if would somehow not only the package allows the product to be
delivered to the customers in a usable form and not broken, damaged or spoiled
along the way, the investment in the package is money well spent but the
message in a package would somehow win the customers interest of one
product to another.
Our design will support your needs and all the material used for the packaging is
guaranteed to be as specified as our customer’s request that meets our
standard. If you decide to add us as your partner, we would be happy to offer you
one stop solution for your business.
Finally, I would be very grateful if you give your early respond. Please do not
hesitate to contact me if you require any further information.
Sincerely yours,
Dini Windu Asih
Marketing Communication
Jl.Arjuna Utara 87
Kebun jeruk
Jakarta 11510
+62 21 / 566635
HP: 0815 9646 922
Jakarta, December 3, 2004
To: Ms. Indri Fiatri
Marketing Staff
Subject: Recommendation of Packaging design.
Dear Ms. Indri,
Further up to our last meeting at your place last Thursday, December 2, 2004,
I would like to point several points out to you.
Our company, PUBLICBRAND is the best suited partner for your company in
designing your needs of existing identity and more market penetration. We are a
design company working across many creative media, publishing design, motion
graphic, illustration package, web design, motion graphic, illustration package,
web design, exhibition and promotional kit.
The purpose of this letter is to offer you a somewhat packaging design where
everybody talks about it, but no body does anything about it. As the importance
of a packaging meaning is a protective material used for preserving and shipping
goods, so if would somehow not only the package allows the product to be
delivered to the customers in a usable form and not broken, damaged or spoiled
along the way, the investment in the package is money well spent but the
message in a package would somehow win the customers interest of one
product to another.
Our design will support your needs and all the material used for the packaging is
guaranteed to be as specified as our customer’s request that meets our
standard. If you decide to add us as your partner, we would be happy to offer you
one stop solution for your business.
Finally, I would be very grateful if you give your early respond. Please do not
hesitate to contact me if you require any further information.
Sincerely yours,
Dini Windu Asih
Account Executive
Jl.Arjuna Utara 87
Kebun jeruk
Jakarta 11510
+62 21 / 566635
HP: 0815 9646 922
BErsama dengan surat ini, kami dari Public Brand bermaksud menjalin kerjasama dengan
perusahaan anda. Kami bergerak di bidang Advertising dan menangani berbagai bentuk
promosi, meliputi desain graphis, multi media, produk, packaging dan interior desain,
event organizer, marketing kit.
Public Brand telah menjadi bagian dari kesuksesan berbagai perusahaan besar yang telah
menjadi mitra kerja kami selama ini. Antara lain Matahari Dept. Store, Universitas Pelita
Harapan, PT. Timah,Rumah SAkit Siloam dan masih banyak lagi. Kami memiliki cara
kerja professional dan mampu memberikan ide-ide kreatif yang akan sangat bermanfaat
bagi kemajuan perusahaan anda.
Kerjasama yang kami tawarkan adalah ide-ide cemerlang untuk mendukung keperluan
promosi anda seperti brosur, roll banner, kemasan, leaflet, flyer, signase hingga
konsep=konsep acara promosi ( road show, exhibition, launching produk, dll). Team
kreatif kami akan siap membantu anda dalam mewujudkan konsep ide tersebut dalam
bentuk nyata. Kami yakinkan perusahaan anda mampu bersaing di pasaran dan
meningkatkan brand awareness produk pada konsumen.
MErupakan suatu kehormatan bagi kami apabila kami dapat mendukung perusahaan anda
dalam meraih sukses. Kami menunggu kabar baik dari anda, kapanpun anda
membutuhkan kami, atas segala perhatian dan kerjasamanya kami mengucapkan terima
Jakarta, December 8 2004
To: Ms.Sandy - Marketing
PT. Castrol
Gedung Arcadia Tower B Lt.9
Jakarta Selatan
Re: One stop solution design recommendation
Dear Ms. Sandy,
Further up to our last conversation by telephone, I would like to give several
points out to you.
Our company, PUBLICBRAND is the best suited partner for your company in
designing your needs of existing identity and more market penetration. We are a
design company working across many creative media, publishing design, motion
graphic, illustration package, web design, motion graphic, illustration package,
web design, exhibition and promotional kit.
The purpose of this letter is to offer you a somewhat one stop solution design for
your business where everybody talks about it, but no body does anything about
Our design will support your needs and all the material used for the tools is
guaranteed to be as specified as our customer’s request that meets our standard.
If you decide to add us as your partner, we would be happy to have a close
business relation with your company.
Finally, I would be very grateful if you can give your early respond. Please do
not hesitate to contact me if you require any further information.
Sincerely yours,
Dini Windu Asih
Account Executive
Cc: Mr.Reymond Lee - Director
Attachment : One CD of PUBLIC BRAND company profile
Jakarta, December 8, 2004
To: Bp. Ari Buwono
Procurement Manager.
Jl.Pegangsaan Timur No.15
Gedung Menteng Prada Lt.3
Jakarta Pusat
Re: One stop solution design recommendation
Dear Bp. Ari,
Further up to my last meeting with Bp. Eko, I would like to give several points
out to you.
Our company, PUBLICBRAND is the best suited partner for your company in
designing your needs of existing identity and more market penetration. We are a
design company working across many creative media, publishing design, motion
graphic, illustration package, web design, motion graphic, illustration package,
web design, exhibition and promotional kit.
The purpose of this letter is to offer you a somewhat one stop solution design for
your business where everybody talks about it, but no body does anything about
Our design will support your needs and all the material used for the tools is
guaranteed to be as specified as our customer’s request that meets our standard.
If you decide to add us as your partner, we would be happy to have a close
business relation with your company.
Finally, I would be very grateful if you can give your early respond. Please do
not hesitate to contact me if you require any further information.
Sincerely yours,
Dini Windu Asih
Account Executive
Cc: Mr.Reymond Lee - Director
Attachment : One CD of PUBLIC BRAND company profile
Jakarta, December 8 2004
To: Bp. Surya - Purchasing
Nandos Restaurant
Jl. Pangeran Antasari
Komplek Eksekutif Paradise
Blok E 10. Jakarta Selatan
Fx: 7502484
Subject: Recommendation of Packaging design.
Dear Bp. Surya,
Further up to our conversation by telephone, I would like to give several points out to
Our company, PUBLICBRAND is the best suited partner for your company in designing
your needs of existing identity and more market penetration. We are a design company
working across many creative media, publishing design, motion graphic, illustration
package, web design, motion graphic, illustration package, web design, exhibition and
promotional kit.
The purpose of this letter is to offer you a somewhat packaging design where everybody
talks about it, but no body does anything about it. As the importance of a packaging
meaning is a protective material used for preserving and shipping goods, so if would
somehow not only the package allows the product to be delivered to the customers in a
usable form and not broken, damaged or spoiled along the way, the investment in the
package is money well spent but the message in a package would somehow win the
customers interest of one product to another.
Our design will support your needs and all the material used for the packaging is
guaranteed to be as specified as our customer’s request that meets our standard. If you
decide to add us as your partner, we would be happy to offer you one stop solution for
your business.
Finally, I would be very grateful if you can give your early respond. Please do not
hesitate to contact me if you require any further information.
Sincerely yours,
Dini Windu Asih
Account Executive
Cc: Mr.Reymond Lee – Director
Attachment : One CD of PUBLIC BRAND company profile
Jakarta, December 13, 2004
To: Ibu Eni Widiastuti
Country Choice Juice
Jl. Kamboja No.10-12
Tomang, Jakarta Barat
Subject: Recommendation of One stop design solution for your business.
Dear Ibu Eni,
Further up to our conversation by telephone, I would like to give several points
out to you.
Our company, PUBLICBRAND is the best suited partner for your company in
designing your needs of existing identity and more market penetration. We are a
design company working across many creative media, publishing design, motion
graphic, illustration package, web design, motion graphic, illustration package,
web design, exhibition and promotional kit.
The purpose of this letter is to offer you a somewhat design for your promotion
needs where everybody talks about it, but no body does anything about it. As the
importance of design will gain your company brand identity, create increased
awareness, sales, and market share so is not just the money well spent but the
message in a package or other promotional kit would somehow win the
customer interest of one product to another.
We guarantee that our design will support your needs and all the material used
for the tools is guaranteed to be as specified as our client’s request that meets our
standard. If you decide to add us as your partner, we would be happy to offer
you one stop solution for your business.
Finally, I would be very grateful if you can give your early respond. Please do
not hesitate to contact me if you require any further information.
Sincerely yours,
Dini Windu Asih
Account Executive
Hp; 08159646922
Cc: Mr.Reymond Lee – Director
Jakarta, December 15, 2004
To: Ibu Susi Betz
Jl. Wr. Supratman 56G
Fx: 7371195
Subject: Recommendation of One stop design solution for your business.
Dear Ibu Susi,
Further up to my conversation by telephone with one of your marketing staff, I
would like to give several points out to you.
Our company, PUBLICBRAND is the best suited partner for your company in
designing your needs of existing identity and more market penetration. We are a
design company working across many creative media, publishing design, motion
graphic, illustration package, web design, motion graphic, illustration package,
web design, exhibition and promotional kit.
The purpose of this letter is to offer you a somewhat design for your promotion
needs where everybody talks about it, but no body does anything about it. As the
importance of design will gain your company brand identity, create increased
awareness, sales, and market share so is not just the money well spent but the
message in a package or other promotional kit would somehow win the
customer interest of one product to another.
We guarantee that our design will support your needs and all the material used
for the tools is guaranteed to be as specified as our client’s request that meets our
standard. If you decide to add us as your partner, we would be happy to offer
you one stop solution for your business.
Finally, I would be very grateful if you can give your early respond and can
arrange time at your convenience time to have further discussion. Please do not
hesitate to contact me if you require any further information.
Sincerely yours,
Dini Windu Asih
Account Executive
Hp; 08159646922
Cc: Mr.Reymond Lee – Director
Jakarta, December 15, 2004
To: Ibu Hety, ST
Purchasing Officer
Jl. Pasir Putih Raya Kav 1
Ancol Timur, Jak-UT
Fx: 6402861
Subject: Penawaran harga kemasan keju cheddar
Dengan hormat,
Bersama dengan surat ini kami ingin mengajukan penawaran harga cetakan
inner box keju cheddar dengan perincian sebagai berikut:
: 5,9 x 3,2 x 11,1 cm
: Dupleks Coated 270 gram
: 4 warna + varnish water base
: Rp 95,-/piece
: Secepatnya, setelah PO diterima
: 1 (satu) bulan setelah barang dikirim
: - Harga tersebut belum termasuk biaya film
- Harga diatas belum termasuk PPN 10%
- Harga dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu
Demikianlah surat penawaran dari kami, besar harapan kami untuk dapat
segera bekerjasama dengan Ibu. Atas perhatian dan kerjasamanya kami ucapkan
terima kasih.
Hormat kami,
Dini Windu Asih
Account Executive
Hp: 08159646922
Cc: Mr. Reymond Lee - Director
Dini Windu Asih
Account Executive
Hp; 08159646922
Cc: Mr.Reymond Lee – Director
Jakarta, 15 Desember 2004
To: Bp. Surya - Purchasing
Nandos Restaurant
Jl. Pangeran Antasari
Komplek Eksekutif Paradise
Blok E 10. Jakarta Selatan
Fx: 7502484
Subject: Penawaran harga-harga kemasan untuk produk Nandos Restaurant.
Dengan hormat,
Menyambung pertemuan kita sebelumnya mengenai kemasan-kemasan untuk produk
Nandos, berikut kami sampaikan penawaran harga kami sbb:
Box Kentang
Kertas bungkus burger
Harga per satuan
Rp 425
Rp 375
Note: Harga sudah termasuk PPN 10%
Minimum pemesanan
Dini Windu Asih
Account Executive
Cc: Mr.Reymond Lee – Director
Jakarta, December 15, 2004
To: Ibu Lini Susantio
Jl. Prof. Dr. Latumeten
Perkantoran Grogol Permai Blok F No.7-8
Jakarta Barat
Fx: 5678113
Subject: Recommendation of One stop design solution for your business.
Dear Ibu Lini,
Further up to my interest to have a business relationship with your company, I
would like to give several points out to you.
Our company, PUBLICBRAND is the best suited partner for your company in
designing your needs of existing identity and more market penetration. We are a
design company working across many creative media, publishing design, motion
graphic, illustration package, web design, motion graphic, illustration package,
web design, exhibition and promotional kit.
The purpose of this letter is to offer you a somewhat design for your promotion
needs where everybody talks about it, but no body does anything about it. As the
importance of design will gain your company brand identity, create increased
awareness, sales, and market share so is not just the money well spent but the
message in a package or other promotional kit would somehow win the
customer interest of one product to another.
We guarantee that our design will support your needs and all the material used
for the tools is guaranteed to be as specified as our client’s request that meets our
standard. If you decide to add us as your partner, we would be happy to offer
you one stop solution for your business.
Finally, I would be very grateful if you can give your early respond and can
arrange time at your convenience time to have further discussion. Please do not
hesitate to contact me if you require any further information.
Sincerely yours,
Dini Windu Asih
Account Executive
Hp; 08159646922
Cc: Mr.Reymond Lee – Director
Jakarta, December 17, 2004
To: Bp. Setiawan Johan
Marketing Manager
Jl. Tanah Abang III / 6
Ph/Fax: 3865512/3865517
Subject: Recommendation of Packaging design.
Dear Bp. Setiawan Johan,
Further up to my interest to have closer relationship with your company, I would
like to give several points out to you.
Our company, PUBLICBRAND is the best suited partner for your company in
designing your needs of existing identity and more market penetration. We are a
design company working across many creative media, publishing design, motion
graphic, illustration package, web design, motion graphic, illustration package,
web design, exhibition and promotional kit.
The purpose of this letter is to offer you a somewhat packaging design where
everybody talks about it, but no body does anything about it. As the importance
of a packaging meaning is a protective material used for preserving and shipping
goods, so if would somehow not only the package allows the product to be
delivered to the customers in a usable form and not broken, damaged or spoiled
along the way, the investment in the package is money well spent but the
message in a package would somehow win the customers interest of one
product to another.
Our design will support your needs and all the material used for the packaging is
guaranteed to be as specified as our customer’s request that meets our
standard. If you decide to add us as your partner, we would be happy to offer you
one stop solution for your business.
Finally, I would be very grateful if you give your early respond and have a time to
have further discussion in the middle of your busy work hour. Please do not
hesitate to contact me if you require any further information.
Sincerely yours,
Dini Windu Asih
Account Executive
Hp; 08159646922
Cc: Mr. Reymond Lee - Director
Jakarta, December 21, 2004
To: Bp. Jefry KD Nelwan
Marketing Manager
Jl. Peta Selatan Perum Kalideres Permai
Bl;ok E 1 No.3C, Jakarta Barat
Ph : 5456726 / (031) 3553687
Subject: Recommendation of Packaging design.
Dear Bp. Jefry,
Further up to my interest to have closer relationship with your company, I would
like to give several points out to you.
Our company, PUBLICBRAND is the best suited partner for your company in
designing your needs of existing identity and more market penetration. We are a
design company working across many creative media, publishing design, motion
graphic, illustration package, web design, motion graphic, illustration package,
web design, exhibition and promotional kit.
The purpose of this letter is to offer you a somewhat packaging design where
everybody talks about it, but no body does anything about it. As the importance
of a packaging meaning is a protective material used for preserving and shipping
goods, so if would somehow not only the package allows the product to be
delivered to the customers in a usable form and not broken, damaged or spoiled
along the way, the investment in the package is money well spent but the
message in a package would somehow win the customers interest of one
product to another.
Our design will support your needs and all the material used for the packaging is
guaranteed to be as specified as our customer’s request that meets our
standard. If you decide to add us as your partner, we would be happy to offer you
one stop solution for your business.
Finally, I would be very grateful if you give your early respond and have a time to
have further discussion in the middle of your busy work hour. Please do not
hesitate to contact me if you require any further information.
Sincerely yours,
Dini Windu Asih
Account Executive
Hp; 08159646922
Cc: Mr. Reymond Lee – Director
Jakarta, December 17, 2004
To: Bp. Sapriyadi
Marketing Manager
Prambanan Kencana
Jl. Kaji No.11 A
Ph/Fax : 6332127/6310760
Subject: Recommendation of Packaging design.
Dear Bp. Jefry,
Further up to my interest to have closer relationship with your company, I would
like to give several points out to you.
Our company, PUBLICBRAND is the best suited partner for your company in
designing your needs of existing identity and more market penetration. We are a
design company working across many creative media, publishing design, motion
graphic, illustration package, web design, motion graphic, illustration package,
web design, exhibition and promotional kit.
The purpose of this letter is to offer you a somewhat packaging design where
everybody talks about it, but no body does anything about it. As the importance
of a packaging meaning is a protective material used for preserving and shipping
goods, so if would somehow not only the package allows the product to be
delivered to the customers in a usable form and not broken, damaged or spoiled
along the way, the investment in the package is money well spent but the
message in a package would somehow win the customers interest of one
product to another.
Our design will support your needs and all the material used for the packaging is
guaranteed to be as specified as our customer’s request that meets our
standard. If you decide to add us as your partner, we would be happy to offer you
one stop solution for your business.
Finally, I would be very grateful if you give your early respond and have a time to
have further discussion in the middle of your busy work hour. Please do not
hesitate to contact me if you require any further information.
Sincerely yours,
Dini Windu Asih
Account Executive
Hp; 08159646922
Cc: Mr. Reymond Lee - Director
Jakarta, December 17, 2004
To: Ibu Hety, ST
Purchasing Officer
Jl. Pasir Putih Raya Kav 1
Ancol Timur, Jak-UT
Fx: 6402861
Subject: Revisi Penawaran harga kemasan keju cheddar
Dengan hormat,
Berkenaan dengan permintaan ibu mengenai penawaran kemasan keju cheddar
sesuai dengan yang diinginkan, berikut perincian penawaran dari kami:
Harga film
: 5,9 x 3,2 x 11,1 cm
: Dupleks Coated 270 gram
: 4 warna + varnish uv
: Rp 110,-/piece
: Rp 1.200.000
: Secepatnya, setelah PO diterima
: 1 (satu) bulan setelah barang dikirim
: - Harga diatas belum termasuk PPN 10%
- Harga dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu
Demikianlah surat penawaran dari kami, besar harapan kami untuk dapat
segera bekerjasama dengan Ibu. Atas perhatian dan kerjasamanya kami ucapkan
terima kasih.
Hormat kami,
Dini Windu Asih
Account Executive
Hp: 08159646922
Cc: Mr. Reymond Lee – Director
Jakarta, 18 Desember, 2004
To: Ibu Hartini - Owner
Nathalia Café
Taman Anggrek Mall 2nd Floor
Jakarta Barat
Fx: 7548252
Subject: Penawaran harga kemasan Croissant Nathalia
Dengan hormat,
Bersama dengan surat ini, kami mengajukan penawaran harga karton kemasan
take away untuk croissant sbb:
: Rp 1.450,-/piece ( pemesanan minimal 10.000 pieces)
Pengiriman : Secepatnya, setelah PO diterima
Pembayaran : 1 (satu) bulan setelah barang dikirim
Keterangan : - Harga diatas sudah termasuk PPN 10%
- Harga dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu
Pengambilan barang dapat diambil sesuai kebutuhan semisal kebutuhan
perbulan hanya mencapai ratusan pieces ( apabila telah menandatangani kontrak
untuk pembelian minimal 10.000 pieces ) agar harga dapat diberikan Rp 1.450 /
piece dan kami juga dapat membantu Ibu menyediakan segala kebutuhan
Packaging Bakery dan Café Ibu dengan percetakan kami dengan harga yang
lebih bagus.
Kami juga menawarkan jasa kami dalam membantu Ibu merangkai desain baru
untuk keperluan Nathalia Bakery & Café yang akan segera dibuka di daerah
Cipete dengan maksud untuk dapat menjaring customer lebih banyak
disesuaikan dengan Investasi Ibu.
Demikianlah surat penawaran dari kami, besar harapan kami untuk dapat
segera bekerjasama dengan Ibu. Atas perhatian dan kerjasamanya kami ucapkan
terima kasih.
Hormat kami,
Dini Windu Asih
Account Executive
Hp: 08159646922
Cc: Mr. Reymond Lee - Director
Jakarta, December 20, 2004
To: Ibu Selly Iskandar
Marketing Manager
PT. Anta Tirta Kirana
Green Garden Blok Z 4 No.26, Kedoya
Jakarta Barat
Subject: Recommendation of One stop design solution for your business.
Dear Ibu Selly,
Further up to our conversation by telephone on last Saturday, December 18, 2004
I would like to give several points out to you.
Our company, PUBLICBRAND is the best suited partner for your company in
designing your needs of existing identity and more market penetration. We are a
design company working across many creative media, publishing design, motion
graphic, illustration package, web design, motion graphic, illustration package,
web design, exhibition and promotional kit.
The purpose of this letter is to offer you a somewhat design for your promotion
needs where everybody talks about it, but no body does anything about it. As the
importance of design will gain your company brand identity, create increased
awareness, sales, and market share so is not just the money well spent but the
message in a package or other promotional kit would somehow win the
customer interest of one product to another.
We guarantee that our design will support your needs and all the material used
for the tools is guaranteed to be as specified as our client’s request that meets our
standard. If you decide to add us as your partner, we would be happy to offer
you one stop solution for your business.
Finally, I would be very grateful if you can give your early respond and can
arrange time at your convenience time to have further discussion. Please do not
hesitate to contact me if you require any further information.
Sincerely yours,
Dini Windu Asih
Account Executive
Hp; 08159646922
Cc: Mr.Reymond Lee – Director