XXXth International Congress on Law and Mental Health Padua, Italy David N. Weisstub Chair Université de Montréal Renzo Pegoraro Co-Chair, Local Organizing Committee Fondazione Lanza ________________________________________________________________________ International Scientific Committee David N. Weisstub Chair Université de Montréal / Institut Philippe Pinel Henrik Anckarsater Julio Arboleda-Florez Wendy Austin Thomas Barton Michael Bay Belinda Bennett Eric Blaauw Terry Carney Ivan Crozier Theo Doreleijers John Douard Marijke Drost Jane Goodman-Delahunty Edith Grotberg Thomas Gutheil Frank Haessler Kathleen Heide Jane Ireland Eddie Kane Leonard Kaplan Norbert Konrad Katherine Lippel Vincenzo Mastronardi Paul McCutcheon Danuta Mendelson George Mendelson Yega Muthu Camille Nelson Karel Oei George Palermo Renzo Pegoraro Michael Perlin Salma Siddique Jagannathan Srinivasaraghavan Marco Strano Jacinta Tan Duff Waring Thomas Wenzel Bruce Winick George Woods MONDAY JUNE 25TH, 2007 9:00 - 11:00 AM Room A THERAPEUTIC JURISPRUDENCE AND COURTS The Impact of Problem-Solving Courts on the Community – Developing a Methodology of Evaluation Nathalie Des Rosiers, University of Ottawa Entrenching a Therapeutic Approach to Criminal Justice - Where Do We Go From Here? Sharon L. Van de Veen, Provincial Court of Alberta, Calgary, Canada Developing Therapeutic Courts: The Role of the Judge Michael Jones, Superior Court of Arizona, Maricopa County, USA Therapeutic Models for Treating Dually Diagnosed Women in the Child Dependency Court Jeri Beth Cohen, Circuit Court, Dependency Division, Miami, USA Therapeutic Jurisprudence in a Misdemeanor Drug Treatment Court Gisele Pollack, Broward County Court Judge, Fort Lauterdale, USA Room B FORENSIC PSYCHIATRY, DEVELOPMENT AND LIFE CYCLES The Dynamics of Shame and Guilt in the Diagnostic Process Frans Schalkwijk, Tilburg University Juvenile Sex Offenders and their Criminal Careers Ruud Bullens, Free University of Berlin Behavioural Manifestations of the Antisocial Personality Disorder among Elderly: A Qualitative Research Karel T.I.Oei, Tilburg University Child Murder in Forensic Psychiatry Ton A.J. Verheugt, Tilburg University The Potential Forensic Role of the Fetal Anticonvulsant Syndrome Irma S. Hernandez-Dwarakasing, Vincent van Gogh Institute for Psychiatry Jos Egger, Radboud University 2 Room C SPORTS PSYCHOLOGY AND THE LAW Due Process and Doping Control Paul H. Haagen, Duke University School of Law Pain and Injury in Sport John Heil, Psychological Health, Roanoke, USA Doping Control in Sports: A Legal and Psychiatric Perspective David Baron, Temple University School of Medicine Professional Athletes - Individual and Group Factors in Stress and Doping Zhu Li Jing, University of Vienna Room D HAPPINESS: THE ROLE OF PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS IN PROMOTING SUBJECTIVE WELL-BEING Happiness: The Role of Public Institutions in Promoting Subjective Wellbeing Grant Duncan, Massey University New Utilitarianism: Towards an Evidence-based Advancement of Human Happiness Ruut Veenhoven, Erasmus University Jan Ott, Erasmus University Formal Institutions and Subjective Wellbeing: Revisiting the CrossCountry Evidence Christian Bjørnskov, University of Aarhus The Impact of Poitical Institutions on Suicide in American U.S. States Justina AV Fischer, University of St. Gallen Room E DANGEROUS WOMEN Antisocial Personality Disorder and Psychopathy in Women: A Literature Review on the Reliability and Validity of Assessment Instruments Birgit Völlm, University of Manchester “Legal Insanity” Decisions: Does the Perpetrator’s Gender Matter? Jenny Yourstone, University of Stockholm 3 Personality and Risk Profile of Infanticidal Women in Buenos Aires Maria Almiron, Rampton Hospital, Retford, UK Women, Substance Abuse and Violence Ghitta Weizmann-Henelius, Vanha Vaasa Hospital, Helsinki, Finland Themes on Homicidal Women in Finland Hanna Putkonen, Vanha Vaasa Hospital, Helsinki, Finland Room F RISK ASSESSMENT OF VIOLENT OFFENDERS Prison Misconduct: The Accuracy of the PCL-R, the PCL:SV and the VRAG in Predicting Violent Infractions among Sexual and Violent Offenders in a Swiss State Penitentiary Astrid Rossegger, Department of Justice, Zurich, Switzerland The FOTRES (Forensic Operationalized Therapy Risk Evaluation System) Arja Laubacher, Department of Justice, Zurich, Switzerland Prediction of Violent and Sexual Offences: Replication Studies of the VRAG, the PCL-R and the PCL:SV in Switzerland Thomas Noll, Department of Justice, Zurich, Switzerland Offence-oriented Intensive Therapy of Violent and Sexual Offenders in Switzerland Jérôme Endrass, Department of Justice, Zurich, Switzerland Room G INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS AND MENTAL DISABILITY: ISSUES IN IMPLEMENTATION Fusion of Mental Health and Incapacity Legislation George Szmukler, King’s College London John Dawson, University of Otago The Limits of Law: Why Users Always Lose Peter Bartlett, University of Nottingham Mental Health in New Zealand: Sanism but with Good Intentions Tony Ellis, Barrister, Wellington, New Zealand Weeds in the Bouquet Ruth Harrison, Mental Health Commission of New Zealand, Wellington, New Zealand 4 Participation, Involvement and the Rights of People with Mental Health Needs Nell Munro, University of Nottingham Room H PREDICTING VIOLENCE IN THE SHORT-TERM – RESEARCH INNOVATIONS Psychiatric Symptoms and Community Violence among High-risk Patients: A Test of the Relationship at the Weekly Level Carol Schubert, University of Pittsburgh Violence among High-risk Psychiatric Patients Candice Odgers, King’s College London The Effectiveness of Civil Commitment in a New Clinical Environment Charles W. Lidz, University of Massachusetts Medical School Substance Use and Changes in Risk State for Violence at the Daily Level Edward Mulvey, University of Pittsburgh Room I LES PERSONNES INCAPABLES DE CONSENTIR : ASPECTS ÉTHIQUES, MÉDICAUX ET LÉGAUX Le consentement libre et éclairé : au-delà du juridique, la confiance Danielle Laudy, Université de Montréal Incapacité, inaptitude, vulnérabilité Catherine Girre, Université Paris 7 Participation à la recherche des personnes vulnérables : le rôle de la personne de confiance Anne-Marie Duguet, Université de Toulouse La protection des mineurs et des majeurs inaptes en matière d’expérimentation: Perspectives canadiennes et québécoises Pierre Deschamps, Université McGill Avoir 14 ans et décider pour soi: entre autonomie et autorité parentale Louis Letellier de St-Just, Hôpital Rivières-des-Prairies, Montreal, Canada Michel Lapointe, Hôpital Rivières-des-Prairies, Montreal, Canada 5 Room J OFFENDER PROFILING Il Profilo Dell’esorcista Maurizio de Vanna, University of Trieste Il Profilo del Terrorista Silvia Leo, University of Rome La Sapienza Il Fanatismo Sportismo – Dal Gioco del Calcio All’estrinsecazione della Violenza Antonella Pomilla, University of Rome La Sapienza Il Profilo del Piromane - The Pyromaniac Profile Veronica Cavalieri, University of Rome 3 Il Profilo Dell’adepto di una Setta Mario Di Fiorino, Viareggio Hospital, Viareggio, Italy Room CUAMM PROBLEMS LINKED TO CRIMINOLOGY I Guerra, Terrorismo, Conflitti Asimmetrici E Loro Conseguenze Sulla Salute Mentale Dei Militari E Della Popolazione Civile Marco Cannavicci, Università di Roma La Sapienza Simulazione di Malattia Mentale Antonio Del Casale, Università di Roma La Sapienza Il Volto Segreto di un Uomo D’onore Maria Elisa Lombardo, Università di Roma La Sapienza Sociologia e criminalità: panoramica delle prospettive interpretative. Da Merton ai nuovi approcci di ricerca Fabio David, Sociologo, Polizia di Stato, Rome, Italy La Negoziazione Nelle Crisi Gabriele Durante, Arma dei Carabinieri 6 MONDAY JUNE 25TH, 2007 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM Room A THERAPEUTIC JURISPRUDENCE AND MENTAL HEALTH LAW Psychiatric Advance Directives: The Relationship between Decisional Competence and Treatment Procedures Eric Elbogen, Duke University A Therapeutic Jurisprudence Perspective on Participation in Research by Subjects with Reduced Capacity to Consent Bruce J. Winick, University of Miami Should Psychopathy Qualify for Involuntary Inpatient or Outpatient Commitment? Charles LoPiccolo, University of Miami A Drug Treatment Prison in Australia: Engaging Court-ordered Participants Astrid Birgden, Compulsory Drug Treatment Correctional Centre, Sydney, Australia Room B FORENSIC PSYCHIATRY: MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES AND GOVERNMENTAL NEEDS Drug Addiction and Psychiatric Disorders in the Netherlands Ben van de Wetering, Bouman Mental Health Care, Rotterdam, The Netherlands Karel T.I.Oei, Tilburg University Contextual Analysis of Executive Functioning in Psychopathy Jos Egger, Radboud University Psychotherapy in Detention Karel T.I.Oei, Tilburg University Attack or Attach: Attachment and the Treatment of Antisocial Personality Disorders Anne van den Berg, Tilburg University Attachment Styles and Sex Offenses Dirk Van de Putte, Forensic Psychiatrist, Leuven, Belgium 7 Room C MENTAL HEALTH AND VIOLENCE TO WOMEN WITHIN THE FAMILY Psychological Paradigms of Domestic Violence in Latin America and the US: Explaining Dynamics versus Harm Ann Shalleck, American University The Impact of Child Abuse and Neglect on 12 Year Olds: Legal and Mental Health Implications Desmond Runyan, University of North Carolina Child Sex Abuse by Family Members in Africa: Implications for Mental Health and Law Cynthia Bowman, Northwestern University Migrating Mothers and the Violence of Separation Barbara Stark, Hofstra Law School Room D VIOLENT BEHAVIOR: HOMICIDE An Examination of the Credibility of Canadian Offenders’ Accounts of Instrumental and Reactive Homicides Barry S. Cooper, Correctional Service of Canada, Vancouver, Canada Eat your Words: A linguistic Profile of Psychopathic and Nonpsychopathic Homicide Offenders’ Accounts of their Crimes Mike Woodworth, University of British Columbia at Okanagan Stephen Porter, Dalhousie University Geographic Profiling of Stranger Murder D. Kim Rossmo, Texas State University That’s what Friends are For: A Comparison of the Qualities of Single- and Dual-Perpetrator Murders Stephen Porter, Dalhousie University Mike Woodworth, University of British Columbia at Okanagan Room E CHILDREN IN THE POST-NUCLEAR FAMILY The Transformative Potential of Community Parenting Laura T. Kessler, University of Utah Two Kinds of Parents Susan Frelich Appleton, Washington University 8 Protecting Terminated Parent-child Relationships through Adopton with Contact Annette Appell, University of Nevada, Las Vegas Relationships between Children in a Post-Nuclear Age Laura A. Rosenbury, Washington University The Comfort of Home: Children as Domestic Workers Donna Young, University of Albany ‘The Secondary Family’: The result of strong community partnering Irene R. Cant, 310-COPE, York Support Services Network, Newmarket, Canada Room F ASPECTS OF DIFFERENTIATION BETWEEN TYPES OF INFANTICIDE Sexually Motivated Killing of Children by Married Offenders Norbert Konrad, Institute of Forensic Psychiatry, Berlin, Germany Infanticide – Forensic Expert’s Experiences Detlef Schlaefke, University of Rostock Causes and Conditions for Infanticide: Data from an American Forensic Hospital Maya Krischer, University of Cologne The Problem of Differentiating between Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, Munchhausen Syndrome by Proxy, and Homicide Frank Haessler, University of Rostock Room G RECOVERED MEMORIES AND FALSE CONFESSIONS- LEGAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL ISSUES Recovered Memories of Early Sexual Abuse Eileen P. Ryan, University of Virginia Neurocognitive Dysfunction and Low Intelligence in False Confessions Thomas Ryan, Consulting Psychiatrist, Staunton, USA Factors in Determining Reliabliity of Childhood Sexual Abuse Memories Nadia B. Kuley, Consulting Psychiatrist, Staunton, USA 9 A Confession Induced, a Crime that Never Happened Harry F. Bosen, Jr., Virginia State Bar; American Bar Association, Richmond, USA Room H MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES IN HOMICIDE AND VIOLENCE Matricide by Female Adolescents: Why Girls Kill Their Mothers Kathleen Heide, University of South Florida Eldra Solomon, University of South Florida A Phenomenological Investigation of Thinking Errors, Self Concept and Moral Reasoning of Violent Adolescent Offenders Roy Persons, Beaumont Juvenile Correctional Center, Beaumont, USA Natasha Persons, Bon Air Juvenile Correctional Center, Beaumont, USA In Canada, Predictions of Therapeutic Outcomes Determine Sentences for the Worst Offenders James A. Carlisle, Barrister, Toronto, Canada Psychosocial Interventions to Reduce Violent Behaviour: A Meta-analysis of Controlled Trials James McGuire, University of Liverpool The Importance of McNaughten’s Jonathan Carne, Forensic Psychiatrist Room I LES MEURTRES FAMILIAUX : INFANTICIDE, PARRICIDE, MATRICIDE Parricide, acquittement, mesure d’internement et resocialisation: L’étude d’un cas exemplaire Philip D. Jaffé, Université de Genève Homicides familiaux: comparaison psychocriminologique de l’uxoricide, du filicide et du parricide Jacques Marleau, Centre de recherche de l’Institut Philippe-Pinel de Montréal, Canada Suzanne Léveillée, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières Crime et sexualité en famille Bernard Gaillard, Université de Rennes II Attachement amoureux des auteurs de violence conjugale: Influence sur leurs traits d'agressivité émotionnelle et instrumentale Laetitia Carraud, Université de Genève 10 La relation du juge et de l'expert-psychiatre Emmanuelle Bernheim, Université de Montréal Room J PROBLEMS LINKED TO CRIMINOLOGY II Conseguenze della Distonia dell’identità di genere sessuale del genitore sulla prole in infanzia e nell’ adolescenza: dalla prevenzione primaria all’ intervento Matteo Villanova, Università di Roma La Sapienza Il Carcere: Attività Ludiche E Ricreative Con Finalità Rieducative – La Vita In Mondi Possibili Viviana Visca, Università di Roma La Sapienza Pedagogia Penitenziaria Carlo Brunetti, Università di Roma La Sapienza Prevenzione del fenomeno Burnout in ambito Polizia Penitenziaria Bruno Peschiaroli, Università di Roma La Sapienza Il profilo dell’adepto di una setta Mario Di Fiorino, Viareggio Hospital, Viareggio, Italy Room CUAMM PSYCHOBIOGRAPHY OF SOME KILLER MOTHERS Psicobiografia di Alcune Madri Figlicide Vincenzo Mastronardi, University of Rome La Sapienza Infanticidio Post-Partum Da Parte Di Madri Che Negano La Gravidanza Vittorio Volterra, University of Bologna Madri Che Uccidono: 100 Anni Di Figlicidio Materno In Italia Alessandra Bramante, University of Castellanza Psicobiografia di Una Madre Assassina Argentina Gabriela Sandra Rivellino, Università di Roma - La Sapienza 11 MONDAY JUNE 25TH, 2007 2:00 - 4:00 PM Room A THERAPEUTIC JURISPRUDENCE AND THE CRIMINAL PROCESS Therapeutic Jurisprudence and Readiness for Rehabilitation David B. Wexler, University of Arizona Crime Victims’ Psychological Well-being Related to Police Interviews and Questions from the Prosecutor Ulf Holmberg, Kristianstad University Dostoyevsky, Confessions and Therapeutic Jurisprudence Amy D. Ronner, St. Thomas University Therapeutic Jurisprudence and the Legal Response to Terrorism Edgardo Rotman, University of Miami Prisoner Grievance Procedures: An Opportunity for Therapeutic Jurisprudence Fred Cohen, State University of New York at Albany Room B FORENSIC PSYCHIATRY AND UNIVERSITY IN THE NETHERLANDS Comparison of Patient Characteristics between a Forensic Caseload and a Caseload of Patients Referred with Primarily Addiction Problems G. Schuthof, Tilburg University Forensic Psychiatry in General Psychiatry’s Curriculum in the Netherlands Karel T.I.Oei, Tilburg University Discrimination of Impulsive Violent Behaviour by Psychological Test Rob C. Brouwers, Groningen Research Institute, The Netherlands Jesse Koopsu, Groningen Research Institute, The Netherlands Are You Talking To Me? M.A. Westerborg, Forensic Psychiatric Service Almere, Almere, Netherlands 12 Room C EMOTIONS AND CRIMINAL LAW Forgiveness, Atonement and Reconciliation: Restorative Youth Conferencing in Northern Ireland Jonathan Doak, University of Sheffield Sticks, Stones and Words: Emotional Harm and the Criminal Law John E. Stannard, Queen's University Belfast Emotional Competence, “Rational Understanding,” and the Criminal Defendant Terry A. Maroney, Vanderbilt University Force, Fear and Crime: The Complex Relationship Eimear Spain, University of Limerick Room D BIO-PSYCHOSOCIAL ASPECTS OF VIOLENCE IN HUMANS Felonious Homicide Psychosocial Repercussion on the Defendant’s Family Marina Elly Hasson, University of Sao Paolo Bio-Psychosocial Evaluation of Juveniles in Mandated Rehabilitation Programs in the City of Goiania, Brazil Joanna Heim, University of Sao Paolo Alcohol and Drug Consumption and Sexual Impulsiveness among Sexual Offenders Danilo Antonio Baltieri, University of Sao Paolo Emotional Correlatives in Victims of Kidnapping with Diagnosis of PTSD Maria Emilia Marinho Camargo, University of Sao Paolo Factitious Disorders: A Challenging Mystery Alexandrina Maria Augusto Da Silva Meleiro, University of Sao Paolo Room E MODELS OF TRAINING IN FORENSIC CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY AND MEDICINE Mental Disability Law Online Michael Perlin, New York Law School The Place of Forensic Training in a Professional School John Lewis, Nova Southeastern University 13 Doctors for Doctors: Applying the Transtheoretical Model of Change to Helping Physicians in Distress Tatyana Barankin, University of Toronto Video-link Forensic Evaluations & Reports: Innovation or Gimmick? Younus Saleem, Nottinghamshire Health Care NHS Trust, Nottingham, UK Room CUAMM MULTIDIMENSIONAL FAMILY THERAPY: A PERSPECTIVE FROM DAILY PRACTICE On the Concept of Cannabis Dependence Juergen Rehm, ISGF/RIPHA, Zurich, Switzerland Cannabis use in Europe: Multidimensional Family Therapy as a Potentially Effective Treatment Vincent Hendriks, Parnassia Addiction Research Centre (PARC), The Hague, The Netherlands MDFT: Theoretical Background and Explanation of the Treatment Kees Mos, Teylingereind Forensic Centre, Sassenheim, The Netherlands MDFT: The Practice Thimo van der Pol, ‘Forensic Psychiatric Centre’, The Hague, The Netherlands INCANT: A European Research Initiative to Investigate Multidimensional Family Therapy Nathalia Brusse, Parnassia Addiction Research Centre (PARC), The Netherlands Room F THE NATURE OF HUMAN AGGRESSION The Neurological Basis of Feline Aggressive Behavior: Insights into Our Understanding of Human Aggression and Rage Behavior Allan Siegel, University of Medicine & Dentistry of New Jersey The Nature of Human Aggression John Archer, University of Central Lancashire The Evolutionary Social Neuroscience of Aggression Jeff Victoroff, University of Southern California at Los Angeles 14 The Role of Biological Factors in the Development of Aggressive Behaviour Klaus Schmeck, University of Basel Testosterone, Social Signals, and Justice Jack Van Honk, Utrecht University Room G DEVELOPMENTS IN MENTAL HEALTH JURISPRUDENCE OF THE EUROPEAN COURT OF HUMAN RIGHTS Investigating Allegations of Ill-Treatment under the ECHR Jan Fiala, Mental Disability Advocacy Center, Budapest Hungary What’s in a Win? Barbora Bukovská, Mental Disability Advocacy Center, Budapest, Hungary Forced Psychiatric Treatment as a Violation of the European Convention on Human Rights Yuri Marchenko, Mental Disability Advocacy Center, Budapest, Hungary Human Rights Implications for Older People with Impaired Capacity in Nursing Homes Paula Scully, Barrister, Brisbane, Australia Room I MEURTRE D’ENFANTS: PERSPECTIVES ANTHROPOCRIMINOLOGIQUES ET PSYCHOPATHOLOGIQUES Les meurtres d’enfants dans une société pédocentrée: questions éthiques et enjeux narcissiques Jean- Pierre Durif-Varembont, Université Lyon 2 NON NOVA SED NOVE: réflexions épistémologiques sur le rapport théorico pratique (construction modélisante et stratégies d’accompagnement) autour des meurtres d’enfants Philippe Génuit, Université Rennes 2 Meurtre d’enfant: Méta analyse des données sur les trente dernières années Virginie Prud’homme, Université Rennes 2 15 Du meurtre d’enfants considéré comme un paradigme anthropo-psychopatho criminologique Loick M. Villerbu, Université Rennes 2 Room J SECTS, CRIME AND BRAINWASHING Analisi della percezione del crimine connesso al satanismo su un campione di giovani adolescenti Roberta Bruzzone, International Crime Analysis Association, Rome, Italy Marco Strano, International Crime Analysis Association, Rome, Italy Analisi di Casistica delle Strategie di Manipolazione Mentale da parte delle Sette: L’esperienza Dell’ambulatorio Antisette ell’icaa Marco Strano, International Crime Analysis Association, Rome, Italy Roberta Bruzzone, International Crime Analysis Association, Rome, Italy Satanic Crime Scene: Implicazioni Medico Legali Marco Strano, International Crime Analysis Association, Rome, Italy Amedeo Longobardi, International Crime Analysis Association, Rome, Italy Alfonso Terrana, International Crime Analysis Association, Rome, Italy Satanismo criminale: studio di casistica internazionale Roberta Bruzzone, International Crime Analysis Association, Rome, Italy Marco Strano, International Crime Analysis Association, Rome, Italy Room K SERIAL KILLERS AND PENAL RESPONSIBILITY The Imputability of Serial Killer: some examples Paolo Capri, Institute of Education and Scientific Research, Rome, Italy Anita Lanotte, Institute of Education and Scientific Research, Rome, Italy Nuovi Studi e Approcci sulle Perverioni Sessuali : Riflessioni Criminologiche sulla Necrofilia, Vampirismo e Cannibalismo Chiara Camerani, University of Aquila Prevenzione Dell'omicidio Seriale: Riflessione Accademica O Intervento Plausibile? Giuseppe Magnarapa, Giudonia Center for Mental Health, Rome, Italy L’omicidio seriale in Europa. Analisi di ESKIDAB, la Banca Dati Europea degli Assassini Seriali Ruben De Luca, University of Rome La Sapienza Vincenzo Mastronardi, University of Rome La Sapienza 16 Donne Omicide Seriali : Una Rivisitazione del Fenomeno. Una Nuova Analisi del Fenomeno Delle Madri Omicide Seriali Santina Caridi, Psychologist, Rome, Italy Ruben De Luca, University of Rome La Sapienza Room L VIOLENCE I Abuso di Sostanze e Comportamento Violento Maurizio de Vanna, University of Trieste Mario Di Fiorino, Viareggio Hospital, Lucca, Italy Violenza e Codice Penale Giuseppe Rando, Attorney, Trapani, Italy La Terapia Psicofarmacologica E Prevenzione Dei Comportamenti Violenti Massimo Nencioni, Viareggio Hospital, Viareggio, Ital Terapia in Alcune Vittime di Violenza Gaetano Vivona, Psychiatrist, Trapani, Italy L’approccio Medicolegale nei Casi di Sospetto Abuso Sessuale sui Minori Maurizio Bruni, Medical Examiner, Milan, Italy MONDAY JUNE 25TH, 2007 4:00 - 6:00 PM Room A THERAPEUTIC JURISPRUDENCE AND FAMILIES AND CHILDREN An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Design of Unified Family Courts: Incorporating an Ethic of Care Barbara A. Babb, University of Baltimore Family Systems and the Law Robert G. Madden, St. Joseph College of Social Work Susan L. Brooks, Vanderbilt University The Therapeutic Divorce: A Collaborative Law Primer Jennifer Zawid, University of Miami 17 Addressing Harm: The Role of Victim Impact Statements Annette van der Merwe, University of Pretoria The Impact of Child Labour Legislation on Child Headed Households Caroline Nicholson, University of Pretoria Room B THE NECESSARY AND NATURAL INTERSECTION OF FAMILY LAW AND MENTAL HEALTH The Capacity of Children and Constitutional Ramifications of Limitations on their Capacity Gilbert A. Holmes, University of Baltimore Mental Health Advocacy for Adolescents in the Child Welfare System Lisa Kelly, University of Washington Applying Scientific Standards to Mental Health and Family-Level Information in Child Custody Judicial Proceedings: Assessment and Pathways to Improvement Robert F. Kelly, LeMoyne College Sarah H. Ramsey, Syracuse University Empowering Parents and their Children to Create Healthy Transracial Adoptive Families Cynthia R. Mabry, Howard University Children of Incarcerated Parents: Protecting the Parental Tie through the Lens of Therapeutic Jurisprudence Laurence C. Nolan, Howard University Room C PARADIGMS OF SOCIO-POLITICAL PHENOMENA AND CONSCIOUSNESS A Construct of Sociopolitical Phenomena from a Psychiatric Developmental/Characterological Viewpoint David M. Reiss, Comsulting Psychiatrist, Santa Fe, USA Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Politics: Religion, Culture and Perception in the 21st Century Richard M. Poniarski, University of Winthrop Becoming Conscious in an Unconscious World: A New Paradigm for Mental Health and Global Community Elio Frattaroli, University of Pennsylvania 18 Muslim “Group Adolescence” - Recognizing Actions and Reactions as Reflections of Group Development Jerrold Atlas, Center for Psychohistorical Studies, Manchester Centre, USA Schizophrenia and Social Theory Anthony Chase, Nova Southeastern University Law Center Room D TRAINING IN THE MASTER’S DEGREE IN FORENSIC PSYCHOLOGY The Training of Master’s Candidates in Forensic Psychology: Introduction Don Whitworth, Roger Williams University Recruitment, Curriculum, & Training: Foundations for Building a Forensic Psychology Program Garrett Berman, Roger Williams University Masters-level Forensic Psychology Training: Clinical Practica Matt Zaitchik, Roger Williams University Master’s Level Forensic Psychology Professionals in Forensic Mental health Settings: A Survey Frank DiCataldo, Roger Williams University Room CUAMM MULTIFUNC - A RESIDENTIAL TREATMENT PROGRAM FOR DELINQUENT AND DRUG USING ADOLESCENTS Evaluating the Efficacy of MultifunC Sturla Fossum, University of Tromso MultifunC: A Residential Treatment Model for Delinquent Adolescents Tore Andreassen, Bodo University College A Prospective Study of the Implementation of MultifunC - A Treatment Program for Antisocial Youth Kerstin S. Carplan, Services of Social Welfare, Stockholm, Sweden MST/CM: The Implementation of an Evidence-based Substance Abuse Treatment Terje Ogden, Norwegian Centre for Studies on Conduct Problems and Innovative Practice, Oslo, Norway 19 Room E DEVELOPMENTAL WELL-BEING: PRE-BIRTH THROUGH AGE 3 The Right to Thrive Craig Ramey, Georgetown University Identifying Child, Family, and School Factors that Promote Developmental Well-Being among Children Exposed to Social Risks Margaret Burchinal, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Psychosocial Risk during Pregnancy: Experiencing Intimate Partner Violence Ayman El-Mohandes, George Washington University Policies and Practices Contributing to the Development Well-Being of Military Families with Infants and Toddlers Janice L. Hanson, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences Room F TRAUMA: THE UNDERPINNINGS OF TWENTY FIRST CENTURY NEUROSCIENCE AND CRIMINAL LAW Addressing Child Custody and Kidnapping as a Form of Domestic Violence: Cheryl Amana-Burris, North Carolina Central University Mental Health Concerns of Youth in Detention Zakee Matthews, Consulting Psychiatrist, Berkeley, USA Complex Disorders of Trauma and Torture: The Neurobiological Bases Examine Through Sleep Disorders George Woods, Morehouse School of Medicine Psychological Impact on Children of the Death of a Parent(s) or Close Relative by the Police John Burris, Attorney, Oakland, USA Room G EXISTENTIAL PAIN AND PALLIATIVE MANAGEMENT Pain Management, Palliative Care and Self-Determination George P. Smith, The Catholic University of America Dying with Dignity Margaret Kelly, Macquarie University 20 Terminally Ill Patients and the Limits of Autonomy Loane Skene, University of Melbourne Rethinking double effect: a common law explanation of terminal palliation Cameron Stewart, Macquarie University Room I PÉDOPHILIE: ANGLES CLINIQUES ET PHÉNOMÉNOLOGIQUES Violences et quête spirituelle Jean Motte dit Falisse, Expert agréé près la Cour d’Appel de Poitiers,Rennes, France La dynamique du vide et du plein dans la relation auteur/victime de violences sexuelles: Approche ethnopsychopathologique de l’auteur de violences sexuelles Christophe Sy-Quang-Ky, Centre Hospitalier de Mont de Marsan, France Pulsion, culture, valeur et norme: la morale de l’histoire Jean Motte dit Falisse, Expert agréé près la Cour d’Appel de Poitiers,Rennes, France Approche psychocriminologique de l’agir pédophile Valérie Moulin, Université Rennes 2 Haute-Bretagne L’intervention du psychologue en criminologie Astrid Hirschelmann-Ambrosi, Université Rennes 2 Haute-Bretagne Pédophilie, Paraphilie, Pédoclastie… Loick M. Villerbu, Université Rennes 2 Room J SEX OFFENDERS La Perversione Sessuale nella Pedofilia Rappresentato Come Vero e Proprio Atto di Aggressione Perla Stasi, Università di Roma La Sapienza Psicodinamica del Delitto Passionale Florinda Squitieri, Università di Roma La Sapienza Psicobiografia Di Alcuni Sex Offender Sofia Bianca Muccio, Università di Roma La Sapienza La Pedofilia – Il Fumetto come Prevenzione Primaria Anna Filippini, Università di Roma La Sapienza 21 Room L VIOLENCE II Valutazione e prevenzione primaria dei traumi stigmatizzanti in infanzia e nell’ adolescenza Matteo Villanova, Università di Roma La Sapienza Subire Violenza: Le Paure delle Donne Silvia Emanuela Onofri, Università di Roma La Sapienza Violenza e Dinamiche di Gruppo Elisa Ottaviani, Università di Roma La Sapienza Il Traffico degli Esseri Umani Giorgio Di Giandomenico, Università di Roma La Sapienza Luoghi e Non-luoghi del Gruppo Violento Alfredo Grado, Istituto Meridionale di Scienze Forensi, Portici, Italy A Swiss Perspective: Exploring Parental Representations in the Context of Highly Conflictual Divorces Floriano von Arx, Psychologist FSP TUESDAY JUNE 26TH, 2007 9:00 - 11:00 AM Room A THERAPEUTIC JURISPRUDENCE AND HEALTH LAW Therapeutic Effects on Physicians and Other Health Care Providers of Assisting Patients in Dying Kathy L. Cerminara, Nova Southeastern University Professional Education in Law and Medicine: Obstacles to Implementing a Therapeutic Approach to Professional Practice Charity Scott, Georgia State University Therapeutic Jurisprudence and Public Health: The Potential for a Dialogue Michal Alberstein, Fordham University Sexual Trafficking: The Nurses’ Role in Prevention, Treatment and Policy Development Diane K. Kjervik, University of North Carolina Tasha Venters, University of North Carolina 22 Reclaiming Futures: The Role and Impact of Therapeutic Jurisprudence in Empowering Women to Break the Cycle of Addiction and Crime Suzette Brann, Unlimited Horizons, Washington, USA Room B FORENSIC FRONTIERS: THERAPISTS AND LAWSUITS Regulatory and Legal Impact on Physician Prescribing in Child/adolescent Psychiatry Melinda L. Young, Northern California Psychiatric Association, San Francisco, USA Ewing v. Goldstein: Confusion over what Triggers the Duty to Warn (Tarasoff) from the Place Where it All Began A. Steven Frankel, Golden Gate University Completeness, Accuracy, and Confidence of Memory in Forensic Interviews Daniel Brown, Harvard University Informed Consent: Lawyers vs. Therapists Alan W. Scheflin, Santa Clara University Psychotherapy: When Due Influence becomes Undue Influence Edward J. Frischholz, Loyola University Room C STALKING, DOMESTIC AND RELATIONSHIP VIOLENCE Using Control Behaviours to Classify Domestically Violent Relationships: A Dyadic Approach Nicola Graham-Kevan, University of Central Lancashire Cross-cultural Differences in Physical Aggression between Partners: A Social Role Analysis John Archer, University of Central Lancashire Investigating Former-Intimate Stalking and Its Correlates in a Prison Sample Stefanie Ashton, University of Central Lancashire The Intergenerational Continuity of Family Violence Kevin Browne, University of Birmingham Alberta’s Provincial Family Violence Treatment Program Laurie Beverley, Alberta Mental Health Board, Calgary, Canada Sue Ludwig, Alberta Mental Health Board, Edmonton, Canada 23 Room D NOMOGENIC DISORDERS IN FORENSIC PSYCHIATRY The Concept of Nomogenic Disorders with Special Reference to ‘functional somatic syndromes’ George Mendelson, Monash University Did Lawyers Invent PTSD? Tracy D. Gunter, University of Iowa Paraphilias: “Mad” or “Bad”? William Glaser, Consultant Psychiatrist, Melbourne, Australia Impulse-Control Disorders and the Law Alan D. Jager, Forensic Psychiatrist, Melbourne, Australia Room E COMMUNITY RE-ENTRY OF DRUG-INVOLVED OFFENDERS Criminal Justice Systems as Service Delivery Systems: Results from the National Survey of Criminal and Juvenile Justice Systems Processes Faye S. Taxman, Virginia Commonwealth University HIV Prevention for Incarcerated, Drug-Involved Offenders Returning to the Community James A. Inciardi, University of Delaware Hilary L. Surratt, University of Delaware Theodore J. Cicero, Washington University HIV Risk, Myths and Relationships among Criminal Justice Involved Women Hilary L. Surratt, University of Delaware Carl G. Leukefeld, University of Kentucky James A. Inciardi, University of Delaware Faye S. Taxman, Virginia Commonwealth University Step’n Out: Early Results of Collaborative Behavioral Management of Drug-Involved Offenders in Community Supervision Anne Rhodes, Virginia Commonwealth University Steven S. Martin, University of Delaware Faye S. Taxman, Virginia Commonwealth University Room F PRISON SUICIDE Prison Suicide in Europe Norbert Konrad, Institute of Forensic Psychiatry, Berlin, Germany 24 Suicides in Forensic Psychiatric Institutions in Germany Friedrich Maué, Westphalan Hospital, Muenster, Germany Moral Behavior in Coercive Environments Joachim Zeiler, University of Hannover Risk Assessment in Forensic Psychiatric Hospitals Steffen Lau, Sächsisches Krankenhaus Altscherbitz, Schkeuditz, Germany Depressive Disorders and Suicidal Risk in a German prison Christian Huchzermeier, University of Kiel Christian Albrechts, University of Kiel Room G MORAL PANIC AND THE LEGAL CONSTRUCTION OF THE SEX OFFENDER I Fixing Public Policy in the Shadow of Moral Panic: How to Get On the Right Track in Fighting Sexual Violence Eric Janus, William Mitchell College of Law Naming, Framing, Blaming and Shaming: The Moral Panic over Child Molesters and Implications for Public Policy Pamela D. Schultz, Alfred University Double Jeopardy: The Impact of Moral Panic on Civil Commitment Defense Attorneys Joan Van Pelt, New Jersey Department of the Public Advocate, Trenton, New Jersey Clinicians Treating Sex Offenders: Healers or Jailkeepers? Jocelyn Aubut, Institut Philippe Pinel de Montreal, Canada Room CUAMM CHILD OFFENDERS Development of Aggressive and Antisocial Behaviour in Very Young Dutch First-offenders Charlotte Geluk, VU University medical centre, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Trajectories of Early Onset Official Offending Lieke van Domburgh, VU medical center Robert Vermeiren, University of Leiden/ Curium Theo A.H. Doreleijers, Free University of Amsterdam 25 SPRINT: Preventing Anti-social Behaviour Amongst Children in Dutch Primary Schools by Screening and Early Intervention Emilie van Leeuwen, PI Research, Duivendrecht, The Netherlands Which Measures are Useful? Results of the 2-year Follow-up of a 25-year Prospective Longitudinal Study on Delinquent Adolescents Daniel Gutschner, Institute for Forensic Child and Youth Psychology and Psychiatry, Bern, Switzerland Theo A.H. Doreleijers, Free University of Amsterdam Klaus Schmeck, University of Basel Robert Vermeiren, University of Leiden/ Curium Outgrowing Delinquency: When and Why? Rolf Loeber, University of Pittsburgh Magda Stouthamer-Loeber, VU University Medical Centre, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Room H VALUES AND POLICIES IN HEALTHCARE Mediating Futility Disputes: The Limits of the Talking Cure Ellen Waldman, Thomas Jefferson School of Law Wasted Dollars in Pharmaceutical Research and Pharmaceutical Usage in the Healthcare System Robert Bohrer, California Western School of Law Testing Fetuses for Down Syndrome: Implications for People with Disabilities Robert Dinerstein, American University Bottled Happiness: Confronting Prescription Drug Advertising and the Desire to Believe Marybeth Herald, Thomas Jefferson School of Law Room I INTERPERSONAL VIOLENCE Differential Risk Hypothesis: A Test of Two Models of Intimate Partner Violence Chitra Raghavan, John Jay College of Criminal Justice 26 Structural Factors Associated with Intimate Partner Violence: Preliminary Findings of a Meta-analysis Laurie DeSimone, John Jay College of Criminal Justice Jenna Russo, John Jay College of Criminal Justice Chitra Raghavan, John Jay College of Criminal Justice New Directions in Social Science Contributions to Legal Responses to Violence against Women Sharon G. Portwood, University of North Carolina at Charlotte Women, Intimate Partner Violence, Mental Health and Social Support – Are we Undertaking the Right Research? Lyn Francis, University of Newcastle Divorce, Domestic Violence and Legal Decision-making Kelly Browe Olson, University of Arkansas at Little Rock Domestic Violence and Mediation: Rethinking the Divide Leigh Goodmark, University of Baltimore Law School Room J CHILD ABUSE AND PEDOPHILIA Il Progetto CIRP Mirko Turco , International Crime Analysis Association, Rome, Italy Roberta Bruzzone, International Crime Analysis Association, Rome, Italy Marco Strano, International Crime Analysis Association, Rome, Italy Il progetto NNCAD Roberta Bruzzone, International Crime Analysis Association, Rome, Italy Marco Strano, International Crime Analysis Association, Rome, Italy Applicazioni cliniche e investigative del sistema NNCAD Giacomo Badalamenti, International Crime Analysis Association, Rome, Italy Marco Strano, International Crime Analysis Association, Rome, Italy Roberta Bruzzone, International Crime Analysis Association, Rome, Italy Criminal profiling dei pedofili online Marco Strano, International Crime Analysis Association, Rome, Italy Roberta Bruzzone, International Crime Analysis Association, Rome, Italy 27 Room K CRIMINALISTIC AND INVESTIGATIVE FORENSIC EVALUATION La Percezione del Rapporto con le Forze Dell’ordine nelle Vittime di Reato Annamaria Giannini, University of Rome La Sapienza Funzione ed Evoluzione Dell’intelligence Sergio Mura, Retired Sea Captain Strumenti e Metodologie Investigative Finalizzate All’identificazione Del Reo Leonardo Mirto, Università di Roma La Sapienza TUESDAY JUNE 26TH, 2007 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM Room A THERAPEUTIC JURISPRUDENCE AND PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION Therapeutic Jurisprudence in Clinical Settings Evelyn H. Cruz, Arizona State University Learned Empathy: A Testable Therapeutic Jurisprudence Approach Clark Freshman, University of Miami Therapeutic Jurisprudence: Training Effective and Competent Forensic Psychologists Ida Dickie, Spalding University TJ and the Tyrannies of Trendiness Ian Freckelton, University of Sydney Room B DISABILITY RIGHTS AND THE LAW I Right to Sex in the Treatment and Civil Commitment of Sexual Violent Predators Heather Ellis Cucolo, New York University An analysis regarding the Effects of Workplace Racial Discrimination and Harassment on Intimate Relationships and Sexual Function Harold J. Bursztajn, Harvard Medical School Beata Zolovska, Harvard Medical School 28 Crime, Prostitution, Drugs and Insanity: Female Offenders’ Resistant Strategies to Abuse and Domination Brenda Geiger, Bar-Ilan University −Western Galilee College Disability, Rights and Law: Rights as an Advocacy Tool Lee Ann Basser, La Trobe University Legal Constructions of Disability and Equality Rights Joan M. Gilmour, York University Room C UNDERSTANDING STALKING Stalking of Professionals: Findings and Preventative Strategies Gail Erlick Robinson, University of Toronto Treatment of Stalkers – Part of Threat Management Werner Tschan, University of Zurich Stalking – Threat Management by Joint Task Forces Totti Karpela, Helsinki Police Department, Helsinki, Finland Intimate Partner Violence and Stalking: Psychological Dynamics and Consequences Mindy B. Mechanic, California State University at Fullerton The Epidemiology of Stalking Victimization in Germany: Mental Health Aspects and Gender Differences Christine Kuehner, Central Institute of Mental Health, Mannheim, Germany Stalking Violence: An Analysis of the Etiology and Escalation of Risk using an Integrated Theory of Stalking Violence Carleen Thompson, Griffith University Room D POST-TRAUMATIC PAIN SYNDROMES: MEDICO-LEGAL ISSUES Traumatic Injury and Persistent Pain: A Clinical Perspective Milton L. Cohen, University of New South Wales Damages for Pain and Suffering in Tort Law Danuta Mendelson, Deakin University The Appearance (and disappearance) of Chronic Low-back Pain in New Zealand's Accident Compensation Scheme Grant Duncan, Massey University 29 Pain in the Canadian Courtroom Shelley Miller, Barrister, Edmonton, Canada Chronic Pain: A Question of Credibility in Medical and Legal Contexts Judy A. Le Page, University of British Columbia Barry E. Koehler, University of British Columbia Room E HEALTH LAW AND PREVENTION: PROFESSIONALS WORKING TOGETHER Shaping Environments in an Individualistic Society: Slaying the Heroes? Thomas D. Barton, California Western School of Law Health Law and Prevention Systems Design: The Therapeutic Value of Apology Bruce Winick, University of Miami Mental Health Care in Prisons: Beyond Litigation to Effective Solutions Virginia Morrison, Collaboration Specialists, Kentfield, USA Prevention and the Cost of Health Care: The Public Health Model Susan A. Channick, California Western School of Law Suicide And Negligence Claims In Psychiatry Roberto Mester, Tel Aviv University Room F SELF-DESTRUCTIVE BEHAVIOR IN PRISON Prevalence of Childhood Trauma and Relation to Aggression and Suicidal Behavior in a Population of Prisoners in Italy Marco Sarchiapone, University of Molise Components of a Comprehensive Suicide Prevention Program in Prisons Annasseril Daniel, Daniel Correctional Psychiatric Services, Columbia, USA Suicide Prevention in the Workplace Heather Stuart, Queen’s University Routine Administration of VISCI (Viennese Instrument for Suicidality in Correctional Institutions) in the Austrian Correctional System Patrick Frottier, JA Wien Mittersteig, Vienna, Austria Risk Factors for Suicide in Prisoners: A Systematic Review Seena Fazel, University of Oxford 30 Evidence-Based Treatment of Suicidal Patients Andrew Slaby, New York University Room G MORAL PANIC AND THE LEGAL CONSTRUCTION OF THE SEX OFFENDER II Sex Offenders as Scapegoat: Violence, Moral Panic, and the Sacrifice of Justice John Douard, New Jersey Office of the Public Defender, Trenton, New Jersey Media’s Sexual Obsession: How Reporting on Sex Offending Triggers Moral Panic Laura Mansnerus, Independent journalist, New York City, USA Juvenile Sex Offenders, Megan’s Law, and Moral Panic Douglas Martinez, Consulting Psychologist, New York City, USA The Triumph of Panic over Reason: Sex Offender Laws in the United States Sarah Tofte, Human Rights Watch, New York City, USA Room CUAMM JUVENILE DELINQUENT GIRLS Gender Identity in Juvenile Delinquents Ksenia Syrokvashina, Serbsky National Research Center for Social and Forensic Psychiatry Family Context of Delinquent Behavior in Girls Svetlana Terekhina, Serbsky National Research Center for Social and Forensic Psychiatry Social functioning of Adolescent Females after Placement in Juvenile Justice Institutions E. van der Molen, VU University Medical Centre, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Psychic Trauma Experiences in Delinquent Girls with Violent Crimes Elena Dozortseva, Moscow City University for Psychology and Education/Serbsky National Research Center for Social and Forensic Psychiatry Ksenia Syrokvashina, Serbsky National Research Center for Social and Forensic Psychiatry 31 Development of Psychopathology in Female Adolescents Following Placement in a Juvenile Justice Institution A.A. Krabbendam, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Room I MOI EST UN AUTRE Moi est un autre lorsque le tiers regarde Astrid Hirschelmann-Ambrosi, Université Rennes 2 Haute-Bretagne Clinique de la responsabilité et droit de réponse: la question des accréditations de la parole du mineur d’âge et du malade mental en Justice Jean Motte dit Falisse, Expert agréé près la Cour d’Appel de Poitiers,Rennes, France Mineurs auteurs d’agressions à caractère sexuel : Expériences aux limites de l’altérité et du consentement Patrick Charrier, Psychologue clinicien, Société PSYA Paris, France Enfermement psychique- enfermement carcâral : vers un espace thérapeutique Charles Casanova, Service médico-psychologique régional, Maison d’Arrêt des Yvelines, Bois d’Arcy, France Le couple « victime auteur », du point de vue des fonctions psychiques de la victime pour l’auteur dans l’acte d’agression Valérie Moulin, Université Rennes 2 Haute-Bretagne Room J INTERNATIONAL INNOVATION IN MENTAL HEALTH LEGISLATION: WHAT WORKS? Effectiveness of the Victoria Mental Health Act 1986 from the Review Perspective John Lesser, Mental Health Review Board of Victoria, Melbourne, Australia Community Treatment Orders - Who Benefits? Ruth Vine, Department of Human Services, Barton, Australia Evaluating the Dutch Mental Health Legislation Johan Legemaate, Free University of Amsterdam Legislation & CTOs: What Works? J. R. (Remmers) van Veldhuizen, Mental Health Services, North Holland, The Netherlands 32 TUESDAY JUNE 26TH, 2007 2:00 - 4:00 PM Room A THERAPEUTIC JURISPRUDENCE AND LAWYERING The Justice Obsession Syndrome and Other Anti-Therapeutic Effects of Procedural Law Christian Diesen, Stockholm University Implementing and Integrating TJ Approaches across the Legal Profession Susan Daicoff, Florida Coastal School of Law The Therapeutic Implications of Estate Planning Jessica L Cousineau, Attorney, Tigard, Oregon The Correlation Between the Qualifications and Skills of the Therapeutic Judge and the Therapeutic Lawyer: An Israeli Perspective Karni Perlman, Advocator & Mediator, Bar-Ilan University, Israel Room B DOMESTIC VIOLENCE Marginalized Men in Batterer Intervention Programs: Disorders & Disparities Larry Bennett, University of Illinois at Chicago Transforming a Flawed Policy: A Call to Revive Psychology and Science in Domestic Violence Research and Practice Kenneth Corvo, Syracuse University Domestic Violence and Child Abuse Potential: Implications for Child Custody Evaluations Ingrid Perdew, University of Arkansas Juror Perceptions of Women who Kill their Abusive Husbands Kristine M. Jacquin, Mississippi State University Adding Psychology to the Equation: The Utility of Assessing Clinically Significant Change When Evaluating Domestic Violence Perpetrator Programmes Erica Bowen, Coventry University 33 Room C MEDICO-LEGAL ASPECTS OF DAMAGES FOR MENTAL HARM (NERVOUS SHOCK) Damages for Pain and Suffering in Australian Tort Law Danuta Mendelson, Deakin University Psychiatric Injury in England and Australia: Drawing Closer Together – or Not? Peter Handford, University of Western Australia Nervous Shock Nonsense: Issues in Emotional Distress Recovery Nicolas P. Terry, Saint Louis University Why is there an Endemic Distrust of Medical Psychiatry in Law - Is it a Myth or an Illness? Yega Muthu, University of Technology Room D PRISON CULTURE AND PSYCHOLOGICAL HEALTH Meeting the Mission of the Prison: Roles, Responsibilities, and Psychological Health Kris Paap, State University of New York Janet McSain, State University of New York The Effects of Arrest and Incarceration on Adolescent Mental Health Helene R. White, Rutgers University The Treatment Implications of Co-Occurring Psychiatric, Substance Use, and Medical Conditions among Male and Female Detainees James Swartz, University of Illinois at Chicago Gender Differences in the Prevalence of DSM-IV Diagnoses in Canadian inmates Marc Daigle, University of Québec at Trois-Rivières Room E EDUCATING PROFESSIONALS TO WORK TOGETHER Law Students Address Barriers to the Delivery of Mental Health Care Howard Taras, University of California at San Diego Linda Morton, California Western School of Law Interdisciplinary Collaboration to Improve Children’s Health: The Next Generation of Medical-Legal Partnerships Charity Scott, Georgia State University 34 Drug Screening in High School: A Legal; Emotional and Public Health Debacle? Howard Taras, University of California at San Diego Floralynn Einesman, California Western School of Law The Benefits and Challenges of Holistic Advocacy: Law and Medical Students Learning Together Elizabeth Tobin Tyler, Roger Williams University Room CUAMM EQUIP: A MULTICOMPONENT COGNITIVE BEHAVIORAL GROUP TREATMENT FOR JUVENILE DELINQUENTS Theoretical Background of EQUIP and Comparison with A.R.T. Kees Mos, Forensic Centre Teylingereind, Sassenheim, The Netherlands Explanation of the EQUIP Program Thimo v.d. Pol, Forensic Psychiatric Centre ‘Het Palmhuis’, De Jutters, The Hague, Netherlands A Video and Live Presentation of the EQUIP Program Peter van Beelen, Forensic Psychiatric Centre ‘Het Palmhuis’, De Jutters, The Hague, Netherlands Room-sharing in Dutch Young Offender Institutions: Evaluation of a Pilot Study Leonieke Boendermaker, Netherlands Youth Institute, Utrecht, The Netherlands Room F UNPACKING THE CONCEPT OF COMPETENCE/CAPACITY Capacity, the Law and Psychiatric Disorders Genevra Richardson, King’s College London Mental Competence - The Clinical Utility of a Legal Concept Matthew Hotopf, King’s College London Mental Competence and Emotion Louis C. Charland, University of Western Ontario Is ‘Competence’ Adequate to the Complexities of Human Psychology? Tony Hope, University of Oxford 35 The Mental Health Court Psycholegal Evaluation (MHC-PLE): Going with the Flow Hy Bloom, University of Toronto Richard D. Schneider, Ontario Court of Justice, Toronto, Canada Room G DISGUST, SHAME, AND THE LAW Law and Emotion: Portrait of an Emerging Field Terry A. Maroney, Vanderbilt University The Rhetoric of Shame and Megan’s Law: Retributive v. Restorative Justice Pamela D. Schultz, Alfred University “There Was an Evil Messenger”: Blame, Mental Illness, Wickedness, and the Pretexts of the Justice System Michael L. Perlin, New York Law School Pathological Justice: Seeing Disease as Crime and Crime as a Disease Joseph E. Kennedy, University of North Carolina Room H ADVOCACY, DISPUTE RESOLUTION, AND DIVERSION Procedural Justice: Dispute Resolution and the Courts Donna Shestowsky, University of California Race, Class and the Law: Why Advantaged Members of Disadvantaged Groups Perceive Legal Injustice Valerie Purdie-Vaughns, Yale University New Approaches to Resolving Family Conflicts Jana Singer, Univeristy of Maryland Jane Murphy, University of Baltimore Reducing Conflict among Multiple Parents Melanie Jacobs, Michigan State University Giving Parental Rights to “De Facto Parents” Robin Fretwell Wilson, Washington and Lee University 36 Room I TRAITEMENT DES DELINQUANTS PEDOPHILE: DE L’EXPERTISE A LA PROBATION La responsabilité pénale du pédophile:conséquences de l'expertise sur la prise en charge thérapeutique Gérard Niveau, Service de médecine pénitentiaire, Genève, Suisse Prise en charge individuelle et familiale de délinquants sexuels pendant l'exécution de la peine, exemples et réflexions Viviane Schekter, Carrefour Prison Association, Geneva, Switzerland Intégration sociale versus risque récidive : compétences et limites de l’assistance de probation Francine Teylouni, Office pénitentiaire,Genève, Suisse Défis dans la prise en charge des pédophiles en détention préventive et postpénal Diane Roth Schellenberg, Penitentiary Medical Service, University Hospitals of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland Traitement ambulatoire des délinquants sexuels pédophiles Paul Cosyns, Université d’Anvers Room J INVESTIGATIVE PSYCHOLOGY AND CRIMINAL PROFILING Studio sulle Procedure di Emergenza Sanitaria e i Rischi di Contaminazione delle Prove nel Corso di Intervento sulla Scena del Crimine Maria Rosaria Bruscella, International Crime Analysis Association, Rome, Italy Marco Strano, International Crime Analysis Association, Rome, Italy L’applicazione di un Sistema di Tecnologie Integrate per la Rilevazione delle Menzogne Marco Strano, International Crime Analysis Association, Rome, Italy Roberta Bruzzone, International Crime Analysis Association, Rome, Italy Elia Frescura, International Crime Analysis Association, Rome, Italy Analisi Delle Distorsioni Percettive E Mnemoniche Connesse All’uso Delle Armi Negli Operatori Di Polizia Marco Strano, International Crime Analysis Association, Rome, Italy Giovanni Cuomo, International Crime Analysis Association, Rome, Italy Ida Bonagura, International Crime Analysis Association, Rome, Italy 37 L’applicazione di Software Spider per L’analisi Criminologia del Web Alessandro Rossi, International Crime Analysis Association, Rome, Italy Federico De Marco, International Crime Analysis Association, Rome, Italy Marco Strano, International Crime Analysis Association, Rome, Italy Roberta Bruzzone, International Crime Analysis Association, Rome, Italy Profilo psicologico, criminale e geografico di unabomber Danilo Coppe, International Crime Analysis Association, Rome, Italy Marco Strano, International Crime Analysis Association, Rome, Italy Roberta Bruzzone, International Crime Analysis Association, Rome, Italy Room K JUDICIAL MENTAL HEALTH HOSPITALS AND MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES Monitoraggio dei Pazienti e delle Dimissioni Dell’ospedale Psichiatrico Giudiziario di Montelupo Fiorentino Franco Scarpa, Italian Psychiatric Association Salute Mentale in Carcere Sebastiano Ardita, Department of Penitentiary Administration, Italy Pedofili Luigia Mariotti Culla, Advanced Institute of Penitentiary Studies, Italy L’ospedale Psichiatrico Giudiziario e i Servizi di Salute Mentale: Una Interazione Possibile Adolfo Ferraro, Aversa Judicial Mental Hospital, Italy Vincenzo Cappiello, Mental Health Unit Napoli 5, Italy Doppia Diagnosi e Cure Psichiatriche in Carcere: Una Esperienza Italiana Massimo Clerici, University of Milan Nazario D’Urso, University of Milan Sonia De Cristofaro, University of Milan Nascita ed Evoluzione del Manicomio Criminale: Motivazioni SocioPolitiche Antonio Parente, Department of Penitentiary Administration, Italy I reati in famiglia nell’attuale popolazione dell’OPG di Castiglione delle Stiviere: confronto tra i due sessi Antonino Calogero, OPG di Castiglione delle Stiviere Filippo Nocini, OPG di Castiglione delle Stiviere 38 TUESDAY JUNE 26TH, 2007 4:00 - 6:00 PM Room A TREATMENT OF YOUTH WITH BEHAVIORAL DISORDERS Evaluating an Outpatient Adolescent Treatment for Comorbid Substance Use and Mental Health Disorders Ashli J. Sheidow, Medical University of South Carolina Mental Health Reform in Israel and its Potential Effects on Minors Esti Galili-Weisstub, Hadassah University Hospital, Jerusalem, Israel Juvenile Sex Offenders – Treatment Approaches and Management Practices Cornelia Bessler, University of Zurich Psychological Assessment of Juvenile, Adolescent and Young Adult Offenders in Psychiatric Hospitals and Institutions for Withdrawal Treatment Ulrike Rachvoll, University of Rostock Joerg Michael Fegert, University of Ulm Brain-based Psychotherapy for Adolescents with Conduct Disorder Marvin Roth, Alberta Hospital Edmonton The Dimensional Approach to Treatment for Juvenile Forensic Patients Patrick Frottier, JA Wien Mittersteig, Vienna, Austria Room B ADVANCE DIRECTIVES Advance Statements in the New Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003 Jacqueline M. Atkinson, University of Glasgow Implementing Psychiatric Advance Directives in the United States: Research, Clinical and Policy Issues Jeffrey Swanson, Duke University Medical Center Ulysses Contracts in Ontario, Canada: Practical Issues Regarding Implementation and Utilization Alison Freeland, University of Ottawa Capacity to Make an Advance Directive Seena Fazel, University of Oxford 39 Mental Health Act Overrides of Admission and Treatment Advance Directives In Canada John E. Gray, University of Western Ontario Room C UNDERSTANDING AND MANAGING VIOLENCE AMONG FORENSIC POPULATIONS Violent Offender Treatment Programme: The Development, Delivery and Future of Working with Mentally Disordered Violent Offenders Gary Hughes, University of Central Lancashire Paranoid Processes: Their Contribution to Violence in Prisons Adrian Needs, University of Portsmouth Bullying Within Prisons: Typologies and Aggression Frequency Jane L. Ireland, University of Central Lancashire Cognitive Impairment and Sexual Offending: Management during Therapy and Factors in Offending Carol A. Ireland, Ashworth High Secure Hospital, Liverpool, UK The Identification of Implicit Theories (Schemas) Sexual Murderers: Implications for Treatment Anthony Beech, University of Birmingham Room D VISUAL EVIDENCE Towards Virtual Litigation? Anne Wallace, University of Canberra Persuasive Effects of Digital Visual Displays in Court: An Overview Neal R. Feigenson, Quinnipiac University Gruesome Visual Evidence: Photographs of victim injuries and the potential for bias David A. Bright, University of New South Wales The Influence of Multimedia on Jury Understanding of DNA Evidence Jane Goodman-Delahunty, University of New South Wales Demonstrative Exhibits in Court Christina Studebaker, ThemeVision, Indianapolis, USA 40 Room CUAMM INTERCULTURAL ISSUES IN FORENSIC CHILD AND ADOLESCENT PSYCHOLOGY AND PSYCHIATRY Moroccan Offenders under the Age of Twelve Carmen Paalman, VU University Medical Centre, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Steve S.L The, VU University Medical Centre, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Theo A.H. Doreleijers, Free University of Amsterdam Development of a CD-ROM for use Within the Youth Justice System on Attitudes towards Health Issues and Services Wendy Macdonald, University of Manchester Nathan Whittle, Bolton, Salford and Trafford Mental Health Trust, Manchester, UK Sue Bailey, University of Central Lancashire Moroccan Juvenile Delinquents in the Netherlands Violaine Veen, University of Utrecht Gonneke Stevens, University of Utrecht Wilma Vollebergh, Leiden University Applications of Functional Family Therapy in Diverse Cultural Settings Thomas Sexton, Indiana University Diagnostic Considerations in Children/Adolescents entering the New York City Child Welfare system Eraka Bath, New York University Raul Silva, New York University Room E DEVELOPMENTAL WELL-BEING: 4 THROUGH AGE 12 Obstacles and Resolutions to Help Families Foster Developmental WellBeing Sharon Ramey, Georgetown University From Resilience to Well-Being Street Situation Children & Comprehensive System Aurea Alcalde, San Marcos National University 41 The Impact of Media on the Developmental Well-Being of Children and Youth Rhoda Baruch, George Washington University Suzanne Stutman, George Washington University Mathematically Gifted Children: Developmental Brain Characteristics and the Prognosis for Well-Being Michael W. O’Boyle, Texas Tech University Room F ADOLESCENT DRUG USE AND DELINQUENCY Adolescent Drug Use and the Onset of Criminal Careers: Some German Studies Olaf Reis, University of Rostock Frank Haessler, University of Rostock Patterns of Drug Use, and Gender Differences among Drug Abusers in Sweden: Marginalization, Social Exclusion and Subcultural Affiliation in a Career Perspective Siv Byqvist, Swedish Council for Information on Alcohol and Other Drugs, Stockholm, Sweden Pathways from Conduct Disorder in Adolescence to Criminality in Adulthood – Effects of Drug Abuse, Gender and Mental Disorders Ellen Kjelsberg, Ulleval University Hospital, Oslo, Norway Psychosocial and Psychopathological Characteristics of Juvenile and Adolescent Drug Offenders: Development of an Offender Profile Peter Keiper, University of Rostock Ulrike Rachvoll, University of Rostock Christian Dette, University of Rostock Detlef Schlaefke, University of Rostock Frank Haessler, University of Rostock Room G PUBLIC PERCEPTION OF STALKING Lay Prototypes Underlying Perceptions of Stalking and Sexual Harassment Maureen O'Connor, John Jay College of Criminal Justice How the Public Perceives Stalking Don Thomson, Deakin University 42 Factors influencing the perception of stalking by helping professionals Gian Maria Galeazzi, University of Modena Laura De Fazio, University of Modena Interpreting Stalking Laws: Community Perceptions of Unwanted Interpersonal Communications Carleen Thompson, Griffith University Room H SEX OFFENDERS III What Survivors, Offenders and the Police Tell Us about Sexual Grooming Sarah Brown, Coventry University Cognitive Distortions in Child Molesters: New Assessments Theresa Gannon, University of Kent Empathy in Sex Offenders Emily Blake, The University of Kent at Canterbury Sexual and Domestic Violent Offenders: The Need for an Integrated Approach to Assessment and Treatment Wendy Morgan, London Metropolitan University Prison Rape Elimination Act (2003) - Risk Markers for Sexual Victimization and Violence in Male and Female Prisons Janet I. Warren, University of Virginia Room J MURDER WITHIN THE FAMILY Il suicidio dei padri separati. Angelo Giuseppe de’ Micheli, Università di Milano L’omicidio in famiglia in Italia: fenomeno e interesse mediatico Guido V. Travaini, Università di Milano Isabella Merzagora Betsos, Università di Milano Il Figlicidio: Aspetti Criminologici, Statistici, Psicopatologici Isabella Merzagora Betsos, Università di Milano Adolescenti Che Uccidono … In Famiglia: Analisi del Fenomeno Omicidiario Minorile Che Accade tra le Mura Domestiche Sara Cipolla, Università di Milano 43 Violenza in Famiglia: Un Rischio Prevedibile? Riccardo Pettorossi, Università di Milano Vanessa Vecchi, Università di Milano J. Haggiag, Università di Milano Guido V. Travaini, Università di Milano Isabella Merzagora Betsos, Università di Milano WEDNESDAY JUNE 27TH, 2007 9:00 - 11:00 AM Room A MEDIA COVERAGE OF SCIENCE Twenty Years of Hope, Hype and Hoopla: Science Policy and the Media Timothy Caulfield, University of Alberta Precaution or Paranoia? How the Media Perpetuates Distrust in Biotechnology Regulation Ubaka Ogbogu, University of Alberta Hype and Skepticism about Nutritional Genomics Nola M. Ries, University of Victoria Discussant Edward Shorter, University of Toronto Room B REHABILITATION AND DISABILITY PREVENTION FOR WORKERS WITH MENTAL HEALTH PROBLEMS Management Disability and Return to Work Following Absence Due to a Mental Health Problem Louise St-Arnaud, Université Laval Work Accommodations for Recently Employed People with Mental Illness Marc Corbière, Université de Sherbrooke Work and Mental Health: Learning from Return-to-Work Rehabilitation Programs Designed for Workers with Musculoskeletal Disorders Marie-Josée Durand, Université de Sherbrooke Discussant Katherine Lippel, University of Ottawa 44 Room C MULTICULTURAL PERSPECTIVES ON MENTAL HEALTH Universal Standards and Cultural Particularities: Constructing Ethical Guidelines in the Japanese Context Tsunemi Hasegawa, Hasegawa Hospital, Tokyo, Japan David N. Weisstub, Université de Montréal Diasporic Ruptures and Psychosocial Renewal Joan Simalchik, University of Toronto at Mississauga Adverse Events and Patient Claims in Psychiatric Care: Experiences of the Swedish Patient Insurance Claes-Göran Westrin, University of Uppsala Epidemiology of Psychiatric Disorders among Immigrants and Their Descendants in the United States Joshua Breslau, Harvard Medical School Mental Health Review Boards in Gauteng Province, South Africa Dorothy Sekhukhune, Mental Health Review Board Member, South Africa Room D DEVELOPMENTS IN PERSONALITY DISORDER SERVICES AND RESEARCH Recent Personality Disorder Service Developments in England Nick Benefield, UK Department of Health, Manchester, UK Recent Developments in UK Personality Disorder Research Approaches Edward Kane, University of Nottingham Seven Years at Risk in the Community: The Role of Developmental Trauma and Personality Disorder in Predicting Failure in Sex Offenders Jackie Craissati, Oxleas NHS Trust, Kent, UK ‘Indigenous’ Patients and ‘Cosmopolitan’ Staff in Dangerous and Severe Personality Disorder (DSPD) Units Nick Manning, University of Nottingham Room E PROFESSIONAL AND LEGAL BARRIERS TO TECHNOLOGICALLY DELIVERED MENTAL HEALTH CARE Legal Barriers to technologically mediated mental healthcare; the impact of electronic health records Nicolas P. Terry, Saint Louis University School of Law 45 Tortious Interference with Electronic Mental Health Records: Wrongs and Remedies Danuta Mendelson, Deakin University Licensure and Other Barriers to Technologically Mediated Mental Health Care Ross D. Silverman, Southern Illinois University What do We Tell Patients about E-Health? Tracy D. Gunter, University of Iowa Professional Barriers to Technologically Mediated Mental Health Care Jagannathan Srinivasaraghavan, Southern Illinois University Room F HOMICIDE AND PSYCHOTROPIC DRUGS Homicide and Psychotropic Drugs: Discovery Isssues Karen Barth Menzies, Attorney, Los Angeles, USA Antidepressants and Violence: Problems and Violence at the Interface of Medicine and Law David Healy, Cardiff University Violence and SSRIs – Legal Dilemmas Tania Evers, Barrister, Sydney, Australia Coercive Mental Health Treatment of Young Persons George Tomossy, Macquarie University Room G HUMAN RIGHTS AND CRIMINAL LAW Rethinking Mental Incapacity Defences in Criminal Law Arlie Loughnan, University of Sydney Human Rights in Reviews of Detention under Ireland’s Criminal Law (Insanity) Act 2006 Darius Whelan, University of Cork Unfitness to Plead in England: A Five Year Study of Cases from 19972001 Ronald Mackay, De Montfort University Race Hate and the Criminal Law - An Irish Perspective Jennifer Schweppe, University of Limerick 46 Room I SOCIAL, CULTURAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL CONSTRUCTIONS OF STALKING Culture, Courtship and Consequences: How Western beliefs about Romance Influence the Minimization of Stalking H. Colleen Sinclair, Mississippi State University Does the Experience of Physical and/or Sexual Intimate Partner Violence Influence Perceptions of Stalking Behaviors and Fear? Maureen O'Connor, John Jay College of Criminal Justice Testing a Relational Goals Theory of Obsessive Relational Intrusion and Stalking Brian H. Spitzberg, San Diego State University Experience and Pathways to Care of Women Victims of Stalking in Six European Countries Laura De Fazio, University of Modena Gian Maria Galeazzi, University of Modena Room J PRISONS AS NEW ASYLUMS Dealing with Young Offenders in Germany: New Developments Frank Haessler, University of Rostock Psychiatric Patients across Mental Health and Correctional System Guntram Knecht, North Hamburg Clinic, Germany Moral Behavior in Coercive Environments Joachim Zeiler, University of Hanover Discussant Leonard V. Kaplan, University of Wisconsin at Madison Discussant George Palermo, Medical College of Wisconsin Room K COMPULSION AND OUTPATIENT COMMITTAL A Qualitative Analysis of the Use of Community Treatment Orders in Saskatchewan, Canada Deborah J. Corring, University of Western Ontario 47 Community Treatment Orders - Implications for Mental Health Providers and Police Services Kristine Diaz, Regional Mental Health Care, London, Canada Conflict in Review Board Hearings for Adolescents Rose Geist, University of Toronto Compulsory Community and Involuntary Outpatient Treatment for People with Severe Mental Disorders – A Review of the Evidence Ian Dawe, St Michael’s Hospital, Toronto, Canada The Province of Ontario’s Mental Health and Justice Strategy: The City of Toronto Experience Mohamed Badsha, Canadian Mental Health Association, Toronto, Canada Mary Jane Cripps, Reconnect Mental Health Services, Etobicoke, Canada The Otago Community Treatment Order Study: What Have We Learned? John Dawson, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand Room L MENTAL HEALTH COURTS AND TRIBUNALS: WHAT WORKS AND WHAT DOESN’T I Toronto’s Mental Health Court: History, Present State, and the Future Richard D. Schneider, Ontario Court of Justice, Toronto, Canada Burden to Benefit? Psychiatric Perspectives on the Impact of Administrative Review in Victoria, Australia Erica Grundell, Mental Health Branch Department of Human Services, Melbourne, Australia The Authority of Medical vs. Social Expertise – The Rhetoric of Psychiatrists and Social Workers in Court Hearings Relating to Coercive Intervention Stefan Sjöström, Umeå University Assessing the Fairness of the Mental Health Review Tribunal: Reflections from New Zealand Kate Diesfeld, University of Auckland Mental Health Courts: A Human Rights Perspective Grace Kerr, London School of Economics 48 Room M GUARDIANSHIP: HUMAN RIGHTS PROTECTION OR VIOLATION? Research Findings of Guardianship and Human Rights in Eight Countries Oliver Lewis, Mental Disability Advocacy Center, Budapest, Hungary Representing a Client who Lacks Standing to Litigate in Russia Dmitri G Bartenev, Mental Disability Advocacy Center, St. Petersburg, Russia Guardianship and the Deprivation of Property in the Czech Republic David Zahumensky, University of Virginia The Dutch Approach to Guardianship and the Preference for Volunteers Kees Blankman, Free University of Amsterdam Room N COMPULSORY TREATMENT IN ANOREXIA NERVOSA Coercion is Coercion: Why (and When) Clinicians Compel Treatment of Anorexia Nervosa Patients Terry Carney, University of Sydney David Tait, University of Canberra Stephen Touyz, University of Sydney Should We Ever Respect the Patient’s Refusal of Life-saving Treatment? On what Ethical and Psychological Basis? Simona Giordano, University of Manchester Treatment Refusal in Anorexia Nervosa: The Ethical and Conceptual Implications of the Empirical Data Tony Hope, Universtiy of Oxford Clinical Aspects of Treatment Refusal in Adolescents and Young Adults with Anorexia Nervosa Anne Stewart, University of Oxford Room H SEX OFFENDERS II Risk Assessment and Expert Testimony with a Sex Offender Population Albert J. Grudzinskas, Jr., University of Massachusetts Pharmacotherapy in Paraphilia Treatment Fabian M. Saleh, University of Massachusetts 49 The Use of Risk Assessment tools with a Sex Offender Population Gina Vincent, University of Massachusetts Objective and Individual Factors Related to Psychological Outcomes of Sexual Harassment in a Litigant Sample Linda L. Collinsworth, Millikin University Sexual Harassment and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Theresa Beiner, University of Arkansas at Little Rock Room CUAMM CURRENT STATE OF KNOWLEDGE IN FORENSIC CHILD AND ADOLESCENT PSYCHIATRY Forensic Screening and Diagnostic Assessment in Juvenile Justice Settings in Europe Theo A.H. Doreleijers, Free University of Amsterdam Steve S.L. The, VU University Medical Centre, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Outcome of Specific Groups of Juvenile Offenders Robert Vermeiren, University of Leiden/ Curium Meeting the Needs of Juvenile Offenders in Detention Sue Bailey, University of Central Lancashire Recommendations for Treatment of Juvenile Sex Offenders Michael Kölch, University of Ulm WEDNESDAY JUNE 27TH, 2007 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM Room L MENTAL HEALTH COURTS AND TRIBUNALS: WHAT WORKS AND WHAT DOESN’T II Review Boards in a Mainstreamed Environment - A Toothless Tiger in a Bedless Desert? Ruth Vine, Department of Human Services, Barton, Australia In the Best Interest: Dilemmas Faced by Psychiatrists and Mental Health Tribunals Fred Stamp, Mental Health Review Board, Melbourne, Australia 50 Cassandra’s Lament: A Psychiatrist’s Musings on Mental health Acts Richard Ball, University of Melbourne On Becoming a “Community Member”: a view from the other side! Bill Healy, La Trobe University Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Victorian Mental Health Review Board John Lesser, Mental Health Review Board of Victoria, Melbourne, Australia Room A REGULATION AS A TOOL IN PREVENTION OF WORK-RELATED MENTAL HEALTH PROBLEMS Perceived Health Consequences of Workplace Harassment and Stress: Lessons for Employers and Adjudicators Jane Goodman-Delahunty, Univeristy of New South Wales Regina Schuller, York University Quebec Unions' Duty to Represent Workers Seeking Redress for Psychological Harassment in the Workplace Rachel Cox, University of Ottawa Evaluation of an Organizational Intervention to Prevent Mental Health Problems and Mobbing among Correctional Officers Michel Vézina, Université de Laval Sexual Harassment in the Police Service: Incidence; Consequences and Interventions Jennifer Brown, University of Surrey Room B DANGEROUS AND SEVERE PERSONALITY DISORDER: THE PEAKS UNIT Three Years On: Characteristics of DSPD Admissions and Implications for Treatment Kevin Howells, Nottingham University and Peaks Academic and Research Unit Does Early-onset Alcohol Abuse Mediate the “Functional Link” between Personality Disorder and Dangerousness? Rick Howard, University of Nottingham 51 Social Climate in a DSPD Unit Jacqueline Stacey, University of Nottingham Kevin Howells, University of Nottingham Discussant Thomas Gutheil, Harvard University Room C THE SPECTRUM OF TRAUMA AFTER WAR AND PERSECUTION Confronting the Past: Psychological Assistance to Victims in the Court and Education of Professionals Zdenka Pantic, Centre for Rehabilitation for Torture Survivors, Zagreb, Croatia The Controversial Nature of PTSD Federico Allodi, World Psychiatric Association Section on Psychological Aspects of Persecution and Torture, Toronto, Canada Suicide and Extreme Trauma - an overview Thomas Wenzel, University of Quebec at Montreal The Influence of Traumatic Experiences and the Time of Being Exposed to Trauma on the Development of Personality Agnieszka Turkot, University Hospital, Krakow, Poland Room I VICTIMES ET VICTIMISATION: REGARDS CROISES SUR UNE RÉALITÉ MÉDICO-PSYCHO-SOCIO JUDICIAIRE Victimation et communication sociale: la présentation des victimes dans les médias et son incidence sur les représentations sociales Nathalie Przygodzki-Lionet, Université de Lille 3 Procès pénal et présence accrue de la victime Philippe Lemaire, Procureur de la République près le Tribunal de Grande Instance de Lille, France Prise en charge médico-légale de l’enfant victime d’abus sexuels : Point de vue d’un médecin légiste - pédiatre Marie Desurmont, Centre Hospitalier Régional Universitaire de Lille, France Violence et agressions au travail : approche psychologique d’un processus victimaire Mylène Forte, Université de Lille 3 52 Nathalie Przygodzki-Lionet, Université de Lille 3Georges Masclet, Université de Lille 3 Le clinicien face aux victimes : approche francophone du psychotaumatisme et de sa prise en charge Nicolas Devemy, Service Intercommunal d'Aide aux Victimes et de Médiation (SIAVIC) de Roubaix, France Room H SEX OFFENDERS I Preventive Detention of Sex Offenders: The Progress of the Australian Experiments Patrick Keyzer, University of Technology Sydney Sexual Homicide of Children: Looking at the Sex-Related Child Abduction Homicides Kathleen M. Heide, University of South Florida Considerations on the Refusal to Comply with the Constitutionally Accepted Wisconsin “Sexual Offender Predator Law” George Palermo, Medical College of Wisconsin Treatment Outcome: Risk Band Analysis of Custody Based Sex Offender Programmes David A Bright, University of New South Wales Room D SUPPORT FOR CHILDREN OF PARENTS WITH SEVERE MENTAL ILLNESS ‘There, but not there’: Growing up with a Parent with Schizophrenia Grant Duncan, Massey University Children 10-17 years of age in Families with a Severe Mentally Ill Parent Margareta Ostman, Malmo University Perceptions of Children Living with a Parent with a Mental Illness Elaine Mordoch, University of Manitoba Child Protection and Child Custody Issues when Children have a Parent with Mental Illness David Hay, Curtin University 53 Room E THE PROLIFERATION OF LONG STAY UNITS IN THE DUTCH TBS SYSTEM: POLICY AND PRACTICE Zero Tolerance Developments on Forensic Psychiatry and the TBS System in the Netherlands Jos Poelmann, Mental Health Services, Nijmegen, Netherlands Doctor’s Dilemmas in Longstay Facilities Marijke Drost, Pompe Institute, Nijmegen, The Netherlands Developments in Policy and Attitude Toward Forensic Mental Health in Germany Uwe Dönisch-Seidel, Ministry of Health, Westphalen, Germany ‘Treatability’: An Acceptable Criterion for the Dutch TBS-order? M.J.F. Van der Wolf, Erasmus University Hjalmar Van Marle, Erasmus University Implications of Long Stay Developments for the Actual Treatment of Forensic Patients in Germany Nahlah Saimeh, Westphalen Forensic Psychiatry Clinic, Lippstadt, Germany Room F EFFECTIVE PSYCHOTHERAPY FOR SEX OFFENDERS – DYNAMIC PROCESSES IN A COGNITIVE BEHAVIORAL THERAPY WORLD Exploring the Therapeutic Alliance in Sex Offender Treatment A. Scott Aylwin, Alberta Hospital, Edmonton, Canada Long Term Efficacy in the Phoenix Program Three Phase Sex Offender Treatment Shelly Takacs, Alberta Hospital, Edmonton, Canada An Analysis of Pre and Post MMPI-2 Data in a Sample of Treated Sex Offenders Gladys Severson, Alberta Hospital, Edmonton, Canada Treatment in Our Program Changes Risk Prediction Lea H. Studer, Alberta Hospital, Edmonton, Canada 54 Room G INVOLUNTARY COMMITMENT: AN INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVE ON EPIDEMIOLOGY, COMMITMENT CRITERIA AND EFFECTIVENESS Involuntary Admission and Treatment of Mentally Disordered Patients in the UK: Epidemiology, Legal Frameworks and Recent Trends Birgit Völlm, University of Manchester Committal Criteria: Physical Danger or Broader Harm? Trends in the Netherlands Niels C.L. Mulder, Erasmus University Cultural Teams Working alongside Mainstream Mental Health Teams may Modify Restrictive Care Practices Shailesh Kumar, Waikato District Health Board, Hamilton, New Zealand Epidemiology of Involuntary Admission in the USA Patricia White, Forensic Psychiatrist, Stockton, USA Treatment during Transition from Involuntary Institutional Care to Community Marianne Lindahl, Lund University Room CUAMM PSYCHOPATHY AND RISK TAXATION IN JUVENILES Predictive Validity of the Psychopathy Checklist: Youth Version for Recidivism with Female Adolescent Offenders Gina M. Vincent, University of Massachusetts Candice L. Odgers, Kings College London Psychopathy Screening Device: validation on a Russian sample of juvenile delinquents with the emphasis on the role of personality and parental rearing Marie Väfors Fritz, Stockholm University Vladislav V. Ruchkin, Yale University Sweden Disruptive Behavioural Disorders and Psychopathy in Incarcerated Adolescents E.M. Scholte, Leiden University Henny Lodewijks, Rentray Judicial Juvenile Institute, Leylstad, The Netherlands I am evil. Can Psychopathic Traits be Assessed in Children Through Selfreport? Yoast van Baardewijk, University of Leiden, The Netherlands 55 WEDNESDAY JUNE 27TH, 2007 2:00 - 4:00 PM Room A MENTAL HEALTH LEGAL REFORM IN ONTARIO – A CRITICAL UPDATE The Relevance of Community Treatment Orders (CTOs): The Toronto Experience Magnus Mfoafo-M'Carthy, University of Toronto The Evolution of the Ontario Consent and Capacity Board John Wilson, Barrister, Ontario, Canada Capacity and Consent in Child Protect and Family Law Sandra Meyrick, Barrister, Toronto, Canada Best Practices in Psychiatric Emergency Room Assessments: Lessons from the Oster Coroner’s Inquest, Ontario, Canada Ian Dawe, University of Toronto A Comparative Study of the use of CTO Legislation in the Canadian Province of Ontario Ann-Marie O’Brien, Royal Ottawa Hospital, Ottawa, Canada Managing the Intersection of Mental Health and Justice Systems Steve Lurie, Canadian Mental Health Association, Toronto Branch, Toronto, Canada Room B DISABILITY RIGHTS AND THE LAW II Re-Thinking Non-Therapeutic Sterilization of Disabled Women and Girls Aileen Kennedy, University of New England You Take My Space, I Take Your Air: An Empirical Study of Disabled Parking & Motor Vehicle Laws for Persons with Disabilities Donald H. Stone, University of Baltimore Laywering for Clients with Mental Disabilities: Pitfalls and Opportunities Robert D. Dinerstein, American University Changing Law and Changing Society Jennifer Boland, Family Court of Australia 56 Room C MENTAL HEALTH LEGAL REFORM IN ONTARIO – A CRITICAL UPDATE ABUSE OF HUMAN RIGHTS: INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVES Organ Harvesting of Falun Gong Practitioners in China David Matas, University of Manitoba David Kilgour, Former Canadian Government Minister of State for Asia and the Pacific, Ottawa, Canada The Two Faces of Genocide in the 21st Century: Iran and Darfur Irwin Cotler, Member of Parliament, Canada Professional Ethics in Cases of Psychiatric Abuse Sonny Lu, University of Cincinnati Discussant Claire L’Heureux-Dubé, Retired Member of the Supreme Court of Canada Room D IDENTIFYING ORGANISATIONS AT RISK AND DEVELOPING PREVENTION OF MENTAL HEALTH PROBLEMS IN THE WORKFORCE Evaluation of an Intervention to Prevent Mental Health Problems in an Acute Care Hospital: What Worked and what did not Work Renée Bourbonnais, Laval University Precarious Employment and Workers’ Compensation Claims for Disability Attributed to Work-Related Mental Health Problems Katherine Lippel, University of Ottawa Organizational Restructuring/Downsizing, OHS regulation and Worker Wellbeing Michael Quinlan, University of New South Wales Psychological Distress in Canada: The Role of Occupations and Economic Sectors Alain Marchand, University of Montreal 57 Room CUAMM NOVEL APPROACHES TO THE EVALUATION AND TREATMENT OF JUVENILE OFFENDERS Acting Out: How to Manage Difficult Adolescents in Correctional Settings Joseph V. Penn, Brown University Identification of Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders in Juvenile Court Clinics Ohania Torrealday, Juvenile Court of Memphis and Shelby County, Memphis, USA Addressing Juvenile Offenders Psychiatric Needs: A “Real-World” Approach to Developing a Court Mental Health Clinic Marina Tolou-Shams, Brown University Larry K. Brown, Brown University Jeremiah S. Jeremiah, Jr., Rhode Island Family Court, Providence, Rhode Island Ron Pagliariani, Rhode Island Family Court, Providence, Rhode Island Kevin Richard, Rhode Island Family Court, Providence, Rhode Island Mental Health Systems in Juvenile Justice: Results of the National Norm Study for the MAYSI-2 Gina Vincent, University of Massachusetts Room E ADDICTION AND CRIME ADHD, Substance Use Disorders and Crime Ben van de Wetering, Bouman Mental Health Care, Rotterdam, The Netherlands The Link between Addiction and Crime Eric Blaauw, Erasmus University The Medical Treatment of Personality Disordered and Addicted Criminals Etienne Olivier, BAVO/EUROPOORT Group, Rotterdam, The Netherlands The Effects of a Special Addiction Treatment Program for Forensic Patients Erwin Bijlsma, Clinic Kijvelanden, Poortugaal, The Netherlands 58 Criminal Justice and Recovery Outcomes Using an Evidenced Based Treatment for Individuals with Methamphetamine Dependence and CoOccurring Mental Health Disorders Heidi Herinckx, Portland State University Room F COMPETENCE, CONSENT AND BEST INTERESTS IN TREATMENT DECISION-MAKING The ‘Best Interests’ Principle and Social Care for People with Iintellectual Disabilities: Towards a Relational Theory of Substitute Decision-making Michael Dunn, University of Cambridge In Whose Best Interests? Elizabeth Perkins, University of Liverpool Competence, Consent and Best Interests: The Extent to which Adolescents are Considered Competent to Make Healthcare Decisions which Conflict with an Objective View of their Best Interests Carolyn Johnston, Kingston University Pro-Anorexia, Identity, and the Paradox of Best Interests Louis C. Charland, University of Western Ontario A Psychological Framework for Understanding End-of-Life Decisions Tom Sensky, Imperial College London Making Sense of ‘Consent’ in a Constrained Environment. Michael Larkin, University of Birmingham Room G PSYCHOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVES ON CAPITAL PUNISHMENT The Role of Dangerousness in Justifying Death Sentences Christopher Slobogin, University of Florida Psychological Perspectives on Capital Punishment Donald Judges, University of Arkansas The Death Penalty and Mentally Retarded Defendants: Atkins v. Virginia and the APA Amicus Brief Solomon Fulero, Sinclair Community College, Dayton, USA Investigating Culture in Death Penalty Cases in the United States Scharlette Holdman, Center for Capital Assistance, San Francisco, USA Linda Ball, Center for Capital Assistance, San Francisco, USA 59 Room H SEXUALITY, PSYCHIATRIC INSTITUTIONS AND MENTAL HEALTH POLICY: A GLOBAL PERCEPTIVE Sex, Policies, and Mental Health Care Provider Attitudes in South Africa and the United States Pamela Y. Collins, Columbia University Formal and Informal Regulation of Sexual Expression and Reproductive Behavior in Psychiatric Institutions in the United States Eric R. Wright, Purdue University The Meaning and Management of Women’s Sexuality in Psychiatric vs. Community-Psychiatric Settings in Berlin, Germany Hella von Unger, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin, Germany Do Policies Regarding Sex Address HIV/STI Risk Protection in Two Brazilian Psychiatric Hospitals? Karen McKinnon, Columbia University Rational Responses to Passionate Acts Francine Cournos, Columbia University Room I OUTPATIENT COMMITMENT: OBJECTIVES AND OUTCOMES I Conditional Release: A Less Restrictive Alternative to Hospitalization Steven P. Segal, University of California at Berkeley Mental Health Social Workers’ Views on the Use of CTOs: Comparing Practice across Five Jurisdictions Jim Campbell, Queens University at Belfast Contributing to the Development of an Evidence Base for the Use of CTOs in Victoria, Australia: Case Study Outcomes Lisa Brophy, University of Melbourne Are Advance Directives and Compulsory Community Treatment Complementary or Two Alternatives? Steve Kisely, Dalhousie University Community Compulsory Treatment Orders in Scotland: The First Year Simon Lawton-Smith, The King’s Fund, London, UK 60 Room J ADDICTION IN THE FORENSIC SYSTEM The Prognosis of Relapse Rates in Alcohol Dependent Patients - A Longterm Prospective Study Otto M. Lesch, Medical University of Vienna Forensic Hospitalization for Withdrawal Therapy in Case of Alcohol Addiction According to Lesch-Typology Werner E. Platz, Medical University of Berlin Alcoholism and homicide: A correlation analysis according to the classification systems of Lesch and Cloninger Wolfgang Sperling, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg Polymorphism of the 5-HT-Transporter Gene and Aggressive Behaviour in Chronic Alcohol Dependent Patients Henriette Walter, Medical University of Vienna Room K CHILD PORNOGRAPHY AND THE INTERNET Zoopornography – An Investigation of Pornography Involving Animals Andrea M. Beetz, Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg Content-Related Differences of Child Pornography and Perpetrator Typology Alexandra Stupperich, University of Regensburg Child Pornography and the Internet – Basic Legal Conditions and De Facto Problems of Law Enforcement Henning Mueller, University of Regensburg Pornography, Sexual Violence and the Internet Andreas Hill, University of Hamburg Qualitative Analysis of Child Pornographic Images on the Internet Petya Petrova, University of Regensburg Room L ISSUES IN TORTURE AND PERSECUTION Torture - Implementation of Protocols Bent Soerensen, International Rehabilitation and Research Centre for Torture Victims (IRCT), Copenhagen, Denmark 61 Indicators of Sleep Disorders in the General Population in Kosovo Gerhard Kloesch, Medical University of Vienna Feride Rushiti, Rehabilitation and Research Centre for Torture Victims (RCT), CPristina, Kosovo Thomas Wenzel, University of Quebec at Montreal Bayram Maxhuni, Rehabilitation and Research Centre for Torture Victims (RCT), Pristina, Kosovo Brigitte Holzinger, Medical University of Vienna Posttraumatic Nightmares in PTSD and Levels of Depression and Anxiety Krzysztof Rutkowski, Jagiellonian University Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Patients with Posttraumatic Stress Disorders after Second World War Experiences J. Walczewska, et al., Jagiellonian University A Unity of Voices - Confronting the Dark Age of Torture World-wide Ken Agar-Newman, ResCanNet, Victoria, Canada WEDNESDAY JUNE 27TH, 2007 4:00 - 6:00 PM Room A THE CULTURAL PSYCHOLOGY OF WORKPLACE LITIGIOUSNESS University of California Culture and the Perils of Practice: Preventing Grievances and Lawsuits by Faculty Members Amy Rosen, University of California at San Diego The Neglected Issues of the “Passive and Convenient Focus” and the Use of Psychological Defense Mechanisms in Workers Compensation Medical-Legal Evaluations David M. Reiss, Consulting Psychiatrist, Santa Fe, USA Litigation Narratives: Understanding and Preventing Employment-Related Lawsuits Micah D. Parzen, Luce, Forward, Hamilton and Scripps LLP, San Diego, USA Occupational Stress Claims in Australia: Clinical Assessment and Legal Liability George Mendelson, Monash University 62 Room B OUTPATIENT COMMITMENT: OBJECTIVES AND OUTCOMES II Mortality Risk and Conditional Release via Involuntary Outpatient Civil Commitment Steven P. Segal, University of California at Berkeley Coercion and Outcomes in Community Mental Health Services in Northern Ireland Gavin Davidson, Queen’s University Belfast Effectiveness of Community Treatment Orders for Treatment of Schizophrenia with Oral or Depot Anti-psychotic Medication David Muirhead, North West Area Mental Health Service, Coburg, Australia A Study of the Use of Community Treatment Orders in New South Wales in 1991 Jonathan Carne, Forensic Psychiatrist Forensic Outpatient Treatment in Austria - Ways and Means to Reduce Reoffending Heidi Kastner, FORAM, Upper Austria, Austria Room E DEVELOPMENTAL WELL-BEING: 12 THROUGH AGE 29 Developmental Well-Being for Adolescents, Youth and Young Adults Matilde Maddaleno, Pan American Health Organization, Washington, USA Promoting Resilience in Vulnerable Youth through Interagency Collaboration Francisca Infante, Pan American Health Organization, Washington, D.C., USA Constanza Atria, Chilean Government, Santiago, Chile Developmental Well-being in the Western Hemisphere: The Challenge and Potential for Special Needs Youth Bette Keltner, Georgetown University Kathryn Leonhardy, Georgetown University Developing Appropriate Community and Court Intervention Programs to Reduce Youth Violence: Examples from Southwestern Arizona and Southeastern Brazil, with Suggestions for Application in Other Regions Sherri McCarthy, Northern Arizona University 63 Room CUAMM VIOLENCE RISK IN CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS Violence Risk and Psychopathology among Institutionalized Adolescents Monica Gammelgård, Vanha Vaasa Hospital, Finland Ghitta Weitzmann-Henelius, Vanha Vaasa hospital, Finland Riittakerttu Kaltiala-Heino, University of Tampere Reliability and Predictive Validity of the SAVRY (Structured Assessment of Violence in Youth) in a Dutch Population of Young Offenders Henny Lodewijks, Rentray Judicial Juvenile Institute, Leylstad, The Netherlands How do Staff Members Anticipate Risk of Violence in Adolescent Forensic Treatment? Johanna Berg, University of Turku Maritta Välimäki, University of Turku Riittakerttu Kaltiala-Heino, Tampere University Hospital Risk Taxation in Minors: Reflection on Myths and Evidence Robert Vermeiren, University of Leiden/ Curium Violence Risk Asessment in Pre-trial Mental Health Evaluation of Youngsters: The Search for Relevant Factors for Clinical Judgment Nils Duits, Netherlands Institute of Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology, Amsterdam, The Netherlands SAVRY - Characteristics in Delinquent Boyes with Violent and Nonviolent Crimes Elena Dozortseva, Moscow City University for Psychology and Education/Serbsky National Research Center for Social and Forensic Psychiatry Room C MENTAL HEALTH POLICY: EVOLUTION IN CONCEPTS OF CAPACITY, SUBSTITUTE DECISION MAKING AND DISABILITY Deconstructing Capacity and Disability in Mental Health and Welfare Determinations Joan M. Gilmour, York University Capacity, Incapacity and Guardianship under Israeli Law: Analysis of Recent Developments Israel Doron, University of Haifa 64 Assessing the Rights Implications of Capacity Reform and Deinstitutionalization in Ontario Patricia Peppin, Queen’s University The Triumph of Medical Hegemony: Presumption of Incapacity in Legal Decision-making Marcia Rioux, York University Room D THE ROLE OF ANIMALS IN MENTAL HEALTH AND LAW Sexual Contact with Animals: A Study on Bestiality and Zoophilia Andrea M. Beetz, Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg Animal Assisted Therapy for At-Risk Juveniles Kristina Saumweber Skarke, University of Cologne Animal Abuse and Interpersonal Violence Alexandra Stupperich, University of Regensburg The Influence of Animal-assisted Therapy with Dogs on the State of Mind of Children and Adolescents in Inpatient Child Psychiatric Treatment Andrea M. Beetz, Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg Alexandra Stupperich, University of Regensburg Room F RESPONDING TO SEX OFFENDERS Modeling Charging Agreement between the Police and Prosecutor in Sexual Assault Cases Cassia C. Spohn, Arizona State University Pauline Brennan, University of Nebraska at Omaha The Death Penalty for Repeat Sex Offenders: An Issue Reborn Stephanie Boys, Indiana University East Sex Offender Notification Policies and Community Behavior Victoria Simpson Beck, Indiana University East Female Sex Offenders: Retrospective Evaluation over 50 Women Charged and Evaluated for this Felony in the Chilean Medical Legal Service over a Period of 7 Years Inge Onetto Muñoz, Chilean Medical Legal Service 65 Room G DECISION-MAKING IN THE MENTAL HEALTHCARE SETTING Capacity to Consent to Psychiatric Treatment: Values and Relationships Gwen Adshead, Broadmoor Hospital, Crowthorne, UK Pro-Anorexia Discourses and Biomedical Knowledge: The Social, Ethical and Treatment Implications of Conflicting Claims Anna Lavis, Goldsmiths University of London Human Agency and Anorexia Nervosa: A Philosophical Analysis of Patient Accounts Emma Baldock, Institute of Psychiatry, London, UK Confidentiality in the Treatment of Anorexia Nervosa - The Parental Perspective Giovanni Passerini, General Practitioner, Sondrio, Italy Jacinta Tan, University of Oxford Decision-Making in Treating the Detained Mentally Ill: The Working Psychiatrist’s View Sameer P. Sarkar, Broadmoor Hospital, Crowthorne, UK Continuity in Clinical Evaluations Gary Sowards, Attorney, San Francisco, USA Room H SEX OFFENDERS IV What we have Learned about Recidivism: Clinical and Policy Implications Judith V. Becker, University of Arizona Children with Sexual Behavior Problems Barbara L. Bonner, University of Oklahoma Predicting Recidivism in a Court-Referred Sample of Juvenile Sex Offenders Amanda Fanniff, University of Arizona Judith V. Becker, University of Arizona The Multi-Modal Self-Regulation Theory: A Developmental Model of Sex Offending Behaviors Jill D. Stinson, Fulton State Hospital, Fulton, USA Sexual Abuse through the Life-Span: The Effects of Age-at-Release on Recidivism in Sex Offenders Howard E. Barbaree, University of Toronto 66 Room I LEGAL ASPECTS AND ASSESSMENT OF REFUGEES FOR TORTURE SEQUELS New tendencies in torture and the struggle against impunity in Mexico Felicitas Treue, Colectivo Contra la Tortura y la Impunidad (CCTI), Mexico The Istanbul Protocol Friedrich Fabian, Medical University of Vienna Torture Victims, their Families and Asylum Law Gerald Ressi, OMEGA, Graz, Austria Social Ambivalences in the Face of Extreme Suffering: Elise Bittenbinder, Xenion, Berlin, Germany Ethnographic Evaluation of Torture and Its Effects on Communities, Families and Individuals - A Case Study from the United States Sarah Combs, Rocky Mountain Survivors Center (RMSC), Denver, USA Room J AGGRESSION AND VIOLENCE IN ADOLESCENTS: ETIOLOGICAL FACTORS, SEX DIFFERENCES AND INNOVATIVE APPROACHES TO INTERVENTION Affect Regulation and Aggression: A Developmental Perspective and Implications for Intervention Marlene Moretti, Simon Fraser University Female and Male Antisocial Trajectories: From Childhood Origins to Adult Outcomes Candice L. Odgers, Kings College London The Voices of Urban Aboriginal Girls on Violence and Aggression in their Lives Margaret Jackson, Simon Fraser University Marlene Moretti, Simon Fraser University Are Different Forms of Aggression Related to Different Outcomes? Anna-Karin Andershed, Orebro University Intervening with Aggressive Girls: A Longer Look at Program Effectiveness Debra Pepler, York University 67 Room K GENDER-BASED VIOLENCE Sex Trafficking of South Asian Women and Girls: Empirical Data and a Call for a Broader Public Health Agenda Jay G. Silverman, Harvard University Critiquing the Notion of Safety to Reconcile the Needs of women and Children who Have Experienced Domestic Abuse Elizabeth Gilchrist, University of Kent Where Women Go: The Global Development of Screening and Treatment Programs in Health Care Settings Lynne Stevens, Boston University School of Medicine Adolescent Relationship Violence and Mental Health Elizabeth Miller, University of California at Davis Heightened Vulnerability to Intimate Partner Violence among US Immigrant Women: The Case of South Asian Immigrants Anita Raj, Boston University THURSDAY JUNE 28TH, 2007 9:00 - 11:00 AM Room A REDUCING USE OF COERCION IN PSYCHIATRIC TREATMENT Reducing Use of Coercion: Vocational Training Needs of Nursing Staff Raija Kontio, Kellokoski Hospital, Kelloski, Finland Psychiatric Patients’ Right to Appeal: Why Doesn’t it Change Anything? Lauri Kuosmanen, University of Turku Increasing Mental Patients’ Awareness of their Rights - Information Technology Applications Maritta Välimäki, University of Turku Maritta Välimäki, University of Turku Heli Hätönen, University of Turku Anneli Pitkänen, University of Turku Lauri Kuosmanen, University of Turku 68 Evidence-based Change to Support the Realization of Patients' Rights in Psychiatric hospitals Heli Hätönen, University of Turku Lauri Kuosmanen, University of Turku Maritta Välimäki, University of Turku Anneli Pitkänen, University of Turku Room B CURRENT STATUS OF MENTAL HEALTH LAWS AND POLICIES FROM A VARIETY OF COUNTRIES Mental Health Legislation in Developing Countries with Special Reference to South Asia: Problems and Solutions Anirudh K. Kala, Indian Psychiatric Association, Delhi, India Psychiatry and Public Policy in the Pacific Region Bruce Singh, University of Melbourne Mental Health Courts – A Bad Deed Goes Unpunished but an Illness Finds Treatment Augusta R. Clarke, John Marshall Law School Opportunities and Barriers in Efforts at Reforming a Mental Health System: The Case of Israel Uri Aviram, Hebrew University of Jerusalem Mental Health Laws and Service Delivery in the Islamic Republic of Iran Gita Sadighi, University of Tehran Room C PSYCHOLOGY OF RESISTANCE Stigmatization: The Visible Rubicon in Mental Health Care Among Ethnic Minorities In America Alice Ball Britt, Minority Fellowship Program of The American Nurses Association Towards a Just Society: Ethical Ramifications of the Psychology of Resistance in Our Society Olivette R. Burton, Alden March Bioethics Institute, Albany Medical College Reconstructing Rationality: Critical Economic Theory and (IR)Rational Reproductive Behavior Pamela D. Bridgewater, American University 69 The Perception of Mental Illness in a Multicultural Neighbourhood Karin C. Persson, Malmoe University Room D LAW AND MENTAL HEALTH IN PROGRESSIVE AMERICA World War I and the Lawyers’ Perversion of Progressivism William Nelson, New York University Confinement in the Progressive Era: Ideas, Practices, and Legacy David Rothman, Columbia University Sheila Rothman, Columbia University Intellectual Disabilities and the Origins of the Special Class Jeffrey Kahana, Mount Saint Mary College The Curse of the Feebleminded: Law, Child Protection, and Mental Health Policy in America, 1870-1930 Michael Grossberg, Indiana University Mental Illness/brain Impairment as a Bar to the Death Penalty in the United States Mark E. Olive, Attorney-at-Law, Tallahassee, USA Room E THE REVIEW OF MENTAL HEALTH LEGISLATION IN BRITAIN: THE NEW SCOTTISH ACT Innovations in the Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003 Jacqueline M Atkinson, University of Glasgow Why Does Scotland Have a New Mental Health Act and England Doesn’t? Jacquie Reilly, University of Glasgow Uncharted Territory: The Mental Health Tribunal for Scotland Eileen P. Davie, Mental Health Tribunal for Scotland, Edinburgh, UK New Mental Health Legislation in Scotland George Kappler, Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland 70 What Do Psychiatrists and Other Doctors Know about Emergency Detention in Scotland? William Rhys Jones, Stobhill Hospital, Glasgow, Scotland Room F EMOTIONAL PROCESSING AND PSYCHOPATHIC TRAITS IN ADULTS AND CHILDREN Moral Emotions in Predatory and Impulsive Psychopaths Maaike Cima, University of Maastricht Anxiety and Emotional Correlates of Psychopathy-Linked Narcissism Christopher Barry, University of Southern Mississippi Emotional Processing and Psychopathic Traits in Adults and Children Sabine Herpertz, University of Rostock The Neural Correlates of Deficits in Fear Expression Processing and Response Reversal in Children with Psychopathic Tendencies: Early fMRI Data James Blair, University College London Dimensions of Psychopathy and Distinct Patterns of Emotional Reactivity in College Students Eva Kimonis, University of California at Irvine Room G ENGAGEMENT WITH CLIENTS: INFLUENCES Teaching Medical Students about Professional Boundaries Stella Blackshaw, University of Saskatchewan Relational Ethics in Adolescent Forensic Settings Stewart MacLennan, University of Alberta Promoting Consumer Participation: The Need for Affirmative Action! Brenda Happell, Central Queensland University Falling on ‘Stony Ground’: A Foucaultian Analysis of the Verbal Interactions between Mental Health Practitioners and Service Users or their Families John Cutcliffe, University of Texas 71 Room H NEEDS IN THE NETWORKS PROVIDING FOR TREATMENT OF REFUGEES AND TORTURE SURVIVORS A Comparison of Mental Health among Former Hidden Asylum Seekers Versus those with Permanent Permission to Stay in the County of Värmland, Sweden - A Pilot Screening Study Solvig Ekblad, National Institute for Psychosocial Medicine, Stockholm, Sweden Intensive Residential Care and Multilingual Psychosocial Intensive Care Lydia Krob, Verein Projekt Integrationshaus, Vienna, Austria Prevention of Burnout with Traumatized Caregivers Lilla Hárdi, Cordelia Foundation for the Rehabilitation of Torture Victims, Budapest, Hungary Roots or Routes? Improvement and Extension of the Treatment and Counsel Services for Victims of Torture in the Region of Styria Ingrid Egger, Zebra, Graz, Austria Internal Displacement in Turkey: What can be the Future Steps in a Psychosocial Perspective Ahmet Tamer Aker, Medical School of Kocaeli University Room I HUMAN RIGHTS AND MENTAL DISABILITY The International Influence of the American with Disabilities Act and the Right to Community Integration Henry Dlugacz, New York Law School The Mental Health Act in the Netherlands: A Special Act for Persons with an Intellectual Disability Brenda Frederiks, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Smoke-Free Psychiatric Hospital Grounds: Successful Legislation in Minnesota, USA Maureen Hackett, University of Minnesota Reforming Psychotropic Practices in Hospital and Community Settings Robert Pary, Southern Illinois University School of Medicine 72 Room CUAMM NEUROBIOLOGY OF AGGRESSION IN JUVENILES Neurobiological Research on Delinquent and Antisocial Behavior Lucres M.C. Jansen, VU University Medical Centre, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Neurobiological Factors of Antisocial Behavior in Delinquent Male Adolescents: A Follow-up Study Marjan de Vries-Bouw, VU University Medical Centre, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Neurobiology and the Future of Forensic Assessment Arne Popma, VU University Medical Centre, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Facial EMG Responses to Facial Expressions of Emotions in DBD Boys and Normal Controls Minet de Wied, Utrecht University Are Prenatal Testosterone Levels related to Aggressive and Social Behavior in Children? Cornelieke van de Beek, VU University medical centre, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Evidence for Specific Neuropsychological Impairments in Children and Adolescents with Severe Antisocial Behaviour Graeme Fairchild, Cambridge University Room J RISK ASSESSMENT IN SPECIALIST POPULATIONS The Efficacy of Violence Risk Assessment Instruments in those with Personality Disorder and Mental Illness John Taylor, Cardiff University Nicola S. Gray, Cardiff University Robert J. Snowden, Cardiff University Predicting Future Reconviction in Offenders with Intellectual Disabilities: The Predictive Efficacy of VRAG, PCL-SV and the HCR-20 Nicola S. Gray, Cardiff University Suzanne Fitzgerald, Cardiff University John Taylor, Cardiff University Robert J. Snowden, Cardiff University 73 A Comparison of Six Risk Assessment Instruments for Violence among Released Prisoners Jeremy Coid, Queen Mary University of London Min Yang, Queen Mary University of London A Meta-analysis of the Predictive Ability of Commonly Used Risk Assessment Instruments for Violence Min Yang, Queen Mary University of London Jeremy Coid, Queen Mary University of London Prediction or Management: An Integrated System for the Management of High Risk Violent Offenders Sean Hammond, University College Cork Actuarial Risk Assessment and the Politics of Risk: How Good Science can lead to Bad Policy Eric Janus, William Mitchell College of Law THURSDAY JUNE 28TH, 2007 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM Room A PRISONS, TORTURE, AND HUMAN RIGHTS IN DIFFERENT CULTURES Stress in Prisoners: A Model Nadja Brandstaedter, Consulting Psychiatrist Stein, Austria Human Rights and Law Enforcement Churchill Ohaeto, Barrister, Ibeneche, Nigeria Human Rights and the Situations in Prisons in Russia Konstantin Antsiferov; St. Petersburg Rehabilitation Center for Victims of Political Repressions (SPRC), Russia Efficiency of a Short Group Psychotherapy for Female Victims of War and Sexual Torture in Bosnia and Herzegovina Alma Bravo-Mehmedbasic, University of Sarajevo 74 Room B COMMITTAL CRITERIA: FROM DANGEROUSNESS TO DETERIORATION Canadian Committal Criteria: Dangerousness or Deterioration John E. Gray, University of Western Ontario Epidemiology of Involuntary Admissions in Europe Niels C.L. Mulder, Erasmus University Criteria for Compulsory Treatment under the Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003 Jacqueline M. Atkinson, University of Glasgow Geographical Distribution of Acute Involuntary Psychiatric Admissions in The Netherlands Albert M. van Hemert, Parnassia centre for mental health care and drug addiction, The Hague, Netherlands Niels C.L. Mulder, Erasmus University To What Are We Actually Committed? Commitment Trends in the USA Albert J. Grudzinskas, Jr., University of Massachusetts Room CUAMM QUALITY OF FORENSIC MENTAL HEALTH REPORTS AMONG DELINQUENT YOUTH Quality of Forensic Mental Health Reports of Youngsters Nils Duits, Netherlands Institute of Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology, Amsterdam, the Netherlands The Screening for Adolescents with Antisocial Behaviour: A 2-year Follow-up Daniel Gutschner, Institute for Forensic Child and Youth Psychology and Psychiatry, Basel, Switzerland Klaus Schmeck, University of Basel Joerg Michael Fegert, University of Ulm Theo A.H. Doreleijers, VU University Medical Centre, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Robert Vermeiren, University of Leiden The Use of FOTRES for Forensic Documentation of Youngsters Jérôme Endrass, Department of Justice, Zurich, Switzerland Quality of Psychiatric Expert Statements in Sex Crime Cases Michael Kölch, University of Ulm 75 Psychopathology in Juvenile Sex Offenders Theo A.H. Doreleijers, VU University Medical Centre, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Room C NEW TRENDS IN LAW AND MENTAL HEALTH IN JAPAN The Reform of Adult Guardianship Laws in Japan Yoji Nakatani, University of Tsukuba Criminal Justice and Mental Health: Overview of the Act for the Medical Treatment and Supervision of Insane and Quasi-insane Persons who Caused Serious Harm Teruyuki Yamamoto, University of Nagoya Towards Community Care? Aims of a New Law for Disabled Persons Isao Takayanagi, Arisawabashi Psychiatric Hospital, Toyama, Japan Japan’s New Legislation for Mentally Disordered Offenders - Current Situation from the Legal Point of View Miwa Kojimoto, University of Josai Mentally Disordered Offenders under Japan’s New Legislation: How Are They Treated? Saburo Matsubara, Matsubara Hospital, Kanazawa, Japan Forensic Psychiatry in Modern Japan Akiko Hyodo, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Tokyo, Japan Room D REFUGEE CHILDREN Lost Childhood? Long-term Effects of Organised Violence on Refugee Children’s Mental Health Edith Montgomery, Rehabilitation and Research Centre for Torture Victims (RCT), Copenhagen, Denmark Unaccompanied Refugee Children and Adolescents: The Glaring Contract between a Legal and a Psychological Perspective Ilse Derluyn, Ghent University Social Support in Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Boys: A Case Study Cindy Mels, Ghent University Reception of and Care for Unaccompanied Minors Margot Cloet, Minor-Ndako, Anderlecht, Belgium 76 ‘Cultural Sensitivity’ and Interventions for Children Affected by Organized Violence David Ingleby, Utrecht University Room E CONTEXTUALIZING PSYCHOLOGY AT THE MARGINS FOR LEGAL DISCOURSE The Psychological Dynamics of the Hostile Environment: Racism, Sexism, and Belonging in the Workplace Katharine J. Hahn, University of Kentucky Reginald Oh, Texas Wesleyan School of Law Belonging and the Legal Construction of Inclusive Spaces Reginald Oh, Texas Wesleyan School of Law Katharine J. Hahn, University of Kentucky Law Defining Existence: Exploring the Psychological Corollary to the Legal Illegitimation of Multiracial Identity Carla Pratt, Pennsylvania State University ADHD and the Construction of the Juvenile Offender Rashmi Goel, University of Denver Room F MENTAL HEALTH TRIBUNALS: INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVES The Consent and Capacity Board in Ontario: A Canadian Perspective on Mental Health Tribunals Gary Chaimowitz, Consent and Capacity Board, Hamilton, Canada Joaquin Zuckerberg, Consent and Capacity Board, Toronto, Canada An Australian Perspective on the link between Treatment Capacity and Involuntary Status John Lesser, Mental Health Review Board of Victoria, Melbourne, Australia Should Involuntary Status Imply Treatment Incapacity? The Scottish Perspective Eileen P. Davie, Mental Health Tribunal, Hamilton, Scotland 77 Room G WHAT’S IN AN ACT? LOOKING AT THE NEW DEVELOPMENTS ON NATIONAL LEGISLATION Do You Understand? Interpreting Advocacy in Mental Health Services in England Asha Day, East Midlands Development Centre (CSIP), Mansfield, UK Meeting Need, Assessing Risk and Balancing Human Rights – When to use Compulsory Intervention? Ruth Stark, British Association of Social Work (BASW), Edinburgh, Scotland Valuing Principles that Create a Service User Centred Mental Health Service: The Mental Health Care and Treatment (Scotland) Act 2003 Salma Siddique, Napier University, Edinburgh Lynne Edwards, Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland Psychological Models of Mental Disorder, Human Rights, and Compulsory Mental Health Care in the Community Peter Kinderman, University of Liverpool Room H THE ROLE OF POLITICAL FACTORS AND PUBLIC PERCEPTIONS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF MENTAL HEALTH LEGISLATION I Fear Mongering and the Drafting of Mental Health Legislation Richard O'Reilly, University of Western Ontario The Dynamic of Politics, the Media, and Mental Health Legislation: The New York Experience Henry Dlugacz, New York Medical College Human Rights, Constitutionalism and Mental Health Law Reform in New Zealand John Dawson, University of Otago Experiments in Mental Health Legislative Reforms in Australia Ian Freckelton, University of Sydney 78 THURSDAY JUNE 28TH, 2007 2:00 - 4:00 PM Room A TORTURE AND TRAUMA IN MAJOR WAR AND CONFLICT AREAS Successes and Problems in the Treatment of War Trauma in Eastern Croatia, Northern Bosnia and Serbia Some 12 Years After the End of the War Charles David Tauber, Coalition for Work with Psychotrauma and Peace Culture, war and clinical symptoms in Kosovo Feride Rushiti, Kosovo Rehabilitation Center for Torture Survivors, Pristine, Kosovo Mental Health under War Conditions: Lessons from Iraq Numan S. Ali, Ibn Rushd Psychiatric Hospital, Iraq Torture and the GCMHP Ibrahim Abu-Nada, GCMHP, Gaza, Palestine War Related Trauma in Kosovo Bayram Maxhuni, Kosovo Rehabilitation Center for Torture Survivors, Pristine, Kosovo Room B TRAUMA AND ITS EFFECTS Postpartum Mood Disorders: Systems, Treatment and Responsibility Bernard Starkman, Health Canada, Ottawa, Canada The Peri-traumatic Dissociation in Relation to the Offence Manuela Dudeck, University of Greifswald From Fetal Abuse to Fatal Child Abuse Claudia Klier, Medical University of Vienna Factors of Functional Impairment in Veterans with Combat-Related Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Aleksandar A. Jovanovic, Institute of Psychiatry KCS, Belgrade, Serbia The Istanbul Protocol Yoram Blachar, Israel Medical Association 79 Room C REGULATORY ACCOUNTABILITY OF MENTAL HEALTH PROFESSIONALS Case studies of suspended medical practitioners who cross international jurisdictions Prasuna Reddy, University of Melbourne Old and New Ethical Dilemmas: Boundary Violations and Dual Role Relationships in Psychotherapy Ann Knowles, Swinburne University of Technology Aftermath of legal inquiries on health system failures: impact on mental health of hospital medical staff Prasuna Reddy, University of Melbourne Good Character and Reclamation Ian Freckelton, University of Sydney Patricia Molloy, Box Hill Hospital Room D TREATMENT FOR OFFENDERS WITH MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES Understanding and Responding to Women with Co-occurring disorders in the Transition from Prison Patricia O’Brien, University of Illinois at Chicago Meanings Attached to Mental Illness and Mental Health Services among Youth (and their Parents) Involved in a Post Detention Linkage Program Amy C. Watson, University of Illinois at Chicago Diversion to Treatment for Offenders with Co-occurring Mental Health and Substance Abuse Disorders Steven Belenko, Temple University Sparse Evidence: A Review of Research on Interventions for People with Mental Illness in the US Criminal Justice System Jeffrey Draine, University of Pennsylvania Wendy Pogorzelski, Georgia State University Treatment Outcomes for Drug-Addicted Offenders in a Southern California Incarceration Alternative Program Christine B. Kleinpeter, California State University at Long Beach 80 A Mental Health Treatment Unit for Women Offenders: An Innovative Partnership for Federal Inmates in Canada Karine Gore, Philippe Pinel Institute of Montreal Dominique Lapierre, Philippe Pinel Institute of Montreal Room E DEVELOPMENTALLY AND EMPIRICALLY BASED ASSESSMENT OF YOUTH The Importance of Developmentally and Empirically Based Assessment of Youth in the Legal System Michele Peterson-Badali, University of Toronto Empirically Based Assessment of Juvenile Firesetting Sherri MacKay, University of Toronto Crime Prevention with Young Children: Evidence Based Approaches to Clinical Risk Assessment and Management Leena K. Augimeri, Child Development Institute, Toronto, Canada Efficacy of Matching Services with Youths’ Clinically Identified Treatment Needs Tracey Vieira, University of Toronto Room CUAMM INSTITUTIONALIZED DELINQUENT YOUTH: PREVALENCE AND OUTCOMES Prevalence of Psychiatric Disorders in Detained Male Adolescents in Flanders (Belgium) Oliver Collins, Gent University Robert Vermeiren, University of Leiden/ Curium Recidivism and Risk Factors in Dutch Juvenile Delinquents Eva A. Mulder, Erasmus University Ruud Bullens, Free University of Berlin Psychopathology of Adolescent Girls in Detention Compared to Girls in Inpatient Mental Healthcare Sander van Doorn, VU University medical center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Lucres M.C. Jansen, VU University Medical Centre, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Robert Vermeiren, University of Leiden/ Curium Theo A.H. Doreleijers, Free University of Amsterdam 81 A Proposal for Follow-up of Seriously Delinquent Male Adolescents with Mental Disorders Coby Vreugdenhil, Meerkanten Psychiatric Center, Lelystad, Netherlands Room F MENTAL HEALTH ASSESSMENTS AND JUDGMENTS I Risk Assessment and Subsequently Imposed Preventive Detention Eberhard Heering, Institue of Forensic Psychiatry, Berlin, Germany Mental Health Triage Assessment: Medico-legal Issues and other Challenges Natisha Sands, University of Melbourne Pre-trial Forensic Mental Health Evaluation for the Juvenile Court in the Netherlands Maaike ten Berge, Erasmus University Forensic Evaluation of Memory Complaints after Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (MTBI) Alexander E. Obolsky, Northwestern University Best Practices for Lawyers When Counseling a Client to Seek Evaluation and Treatment for a Mental Disability Carol M. Suzuki, University of New Mexico Room G HUMAN RIGHTS IN MENTAL HEALTH: FORENSIC IMPLICATIONS IN INSTITUTIONS Alcohol and Drugs in a Brazilian Forensic Facility Lisieux Elaine de Borba Telles, Psychiatric Association of Brazil, Sao Paolo, Brazil Vivian Peres Day, Maurício Cardoso Forensic Psychiatric Institute, Sao Paolo, Brazil A Forensic Psychiatric System in Brazil Luiz Carlos Illafont Coronel, Forensic Psychiatrist, Sao Paolo, Brazil Rogério Alves da Paz, Forensic Psychiatrist, Sao Paolo, Brazil Mental Illness and Disability in the Work Place Heather Stuart, Queen’s University Procedural Reform and New System of Forensic Psychiatry of the Puteando Psychiatrist Hospital Carlos Sciolla, Hospital Psiquiátrico Philipe Pinel, Putaendo, Chile 82 How Community Services Send People to Jail; Leverage as the New Coercion Jeffrey Draine, University of Pennsylvania Room H THE ROLE OF POLITICAL FACTORS AND PUBLIC PERCEPTIONS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF MENTAL HEALTH LEGISLATION II Elevating Risk and Uniting the Opposition Genevra Richardson, King's College London George Szmukler, King’s College London Mental Health Tribunals: Weighing Fairness, Freedom, Protection and Treatment Terry Carney, University of Sydney The Failed Promise of Mental Health Law in Canada Gilbert Sharpe, McMaster University *Brief plenary to ensue for all speakers from sessions I and II Room I FORENSIC PSYCHIATRY AND PSYCHOPATHOLOGY ISD as a Special Measure for Addicted Offenders in the Netherlands Hanny Elzinga, State University of Groningen Juvenile Psychopathology and the PIJ-Order/Measure Ruud Bullens, Free University of Berlin Dimensional Assessment of Psychiatric Disorders in Incarcerated Boys Ellemieke Nederlof, Tilburg University Personality, Shame and Pride in Delinquents Joost J. Baneke, University of Twente Ethno Psychiatry Diederik Boeykens, Forensic Psychiatric Services, Breda, The Netherlands Room J LEGAL CONSCIOUSNESS I From Tracks to Trenches: Towards a Jurisprudence of Trauma Ravit Pe’er-Lamo Reichman, Brown University 83 Death and the Political Lior Barshack, Radzyner School of Law Deuteronomic ‘Captive Woman’ Legislation: Rape as Criminal Apotheosis James A. Diamond, University of Waterloo Whig History with a Russian Accent: Imagining Responsible Government in Revolutionary Russia, 1906 David McDonald, University of Wisconsin at Madison Social Information Processing, Violent Subtypes, and a Liberal Construction of Mitigation and Punishment in Juvenile Justice Reid Griffith Fontaine, Duke University THURSDAY JUNE 28TH, 2007 4:00 - 6:00 PM Room A ASPECTS OF HEALING IN VICTIMS OF TORTURE Therapeutic Justice: The Healing Impact of Redressing Human Rights Violations: A case study Ana Deutsch, Program for Torture Victims, Los Angeles, USA Global Development of the Field of Torture - State of Torture in the World Today Inge Genefke, International Rehabilitation and Research Centre for Torture Victims (IRCT), Copenhagen, Denmark Denial and Treatment of Victims of Torture Mimosa Dimitrova, Assistance Centre for Torture Survivors – ACET, Sofia, Bulgaria Redress in Action Sinisa Soro, International Aid Network Centre, Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro Torture Narratives – the Burden of Giving Evidence Janus Oomen, AI Medical Group, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 84 Room CUAMM FORENSIC CLINICAL SETTINGS FOR ADOLESCENTS The ‘Competence Model’: A Treatment Model for Adolescents with Severe Psychiatric Disorders in a Forensic Residential Setting Tijs Jambroes, Youth Forensic Psychiatric Hospital, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Severe Externalising Behaviour Problems and Social Problems: Developmental Continuity and Suggestions for Intervention Ilja L. Bongers, Youth Forensic Psychiatric Hospital 'De Catamaran', Eindhoven, The Netherlands Juvenile Offenders with Severe Psychiatric and Psychological Problems: Does Inpatient Treatment Affect Behavioral Functioning? Chijs van Nieuwenhuizen, Youth Forensic Psychiatric Hospital 'De Catamaran', Eindhoven, The Netherlands Pilot Study of CBT Treatment for Adolescents in Secure Care Vicky Hollis, University of Manchester Girls & Boys Town: A Preventive Model Joe Araujo, Girls & Boys Town, Greenside, South Africa Room B CRIMINALIZATION OF MENTAL ILLNESS Institutions to Incarceration: Criminalization of the Mentally Ill in the United States Claudia Kachigian, Southern Illinois University Criminalization of the Mentally Ill Alan R. Felthous, Southern Illinois University Demographics of Psychiatric Treatment in U.S. Correctional Settings Philip Pan, Southern Illinois University Risk Assessment in Offenders with Organic Mental Disorders Frank Wendt, Institute of Forensic Psychiatry, Berlin, Germany Room J LEGAL CONSCIOUSNESS II The Role of Emotions in the Creation of Law Raymond H. Purdy, Consulting Physician, Madison, USA 85 Comparative Reasoning in Law Oliver Brand, University of Münster Pain and Suffering: Beyond the Torts’ Mantra Leonard V. Kaplan, University of Wisconsin at Madison Blending Psychology and Law to Enhance Fact-Finding in Eye-Witness Cases Frank Tuerkheimer, University of Wisconsin at Madison Insufficiencies in Prisoner Pre-Release and Post-Release Strategies as Basis for the Resumption of Legal Personhood Richard Ralston, University of Wisconsin at Madison Room E DEVELOPMENTAL WELL-BEING: 30 PLUS Issues in Promoting Developmental Well-being in the Western Hemisphere Lee Burchinal, Department of Education, United States Federal Government Resilience in the Schools and in Working with Street Children Judith Paphazy, Counselling & Assessment Associates, Melbourne, Australia Developmental Well-Being of School Leaders and School Cultures Jerry L. Patterson, University of Alabama at Birmingham Janice H. Patterson, University of Alabama at Birmingham Classroom Strategies for Promoting the Resilience and Developmental Well-Being of Children Janice H. Patterson, University of Alabama at Birmingham Stress, Attachment, and the Elaboration of Narrative Accounts: Forensic Implications Allyssa McCabe, University of Massachusetts at Lowell Carole Peterson, Memorial University of Newfoundland Room C BRINGING INDIGENOUS UNDERSTANDINGS AND EXPERIENCE TO LEGAL RESPONSES TO COMMUNITY WELL BEING Critical Images: Aboriginal Art as Critique of Colonial Law Chris Cunneen, University of New South Wales 86 Finding Balance: Native Youth and Acculturation in Counseling Michelle Johnson-Jennings, University of Wisconsin, Madison Improved Mental Health and Family Functioning, Reduced Participation in Crime and Substance Use after Residential Treatment for Substance Dependent Youth John Howard, Ted Noffs Foundation Discussant George Woods, Morehouse School of Medicine Room D NURSING AND MENTAL HEALTH LAW The Nurse as Law Enforcer John Hurley, University of Dundee Paul Linsley, University of Lincoln Caring Control? Mental Health Nursing in the UK Marjorie Lloyd, North East Wales Institute of Higher Education, Wrexham, UK Mental Health Legislation in New Zealand Anthony John O'Brien, University of Auckland Discussant Wendy Austin, University of Alberta Room F TERRORISM, SOCIAL JUSTICE AND INTERNATIONAL CRIME Terrorism, Mental Injury and Victims Compensation Yega Muthu, University of Technology, Australia Evaluating International Criminal Justice Sathis Palassis, University of Technology, Australia Uses and Limits of Strategic Intelligence Kenneth Busch, Consulting Psychiatrist, Chicago, USA An Approach to the Psychiatric Formulation of Terrorist Behavior Louis Soucy, University of Ottawa Violating Ethics: Health Professionals’ Role in the War on Terror Amelie Perron, University of Ottawa 87 Room G HUMAN RIGHTS IN MENTAL HEALTH: FORENSIC IMPLICATIONS ON AN INTERNATIONAL LEVEL Prison Psychiatry - Consensus about International Standards Norbert Konrad, Free University of Berlin Domestic Violence and Psychoactive Drugs Vivian Peres Day, Maurício Cardoso Forensic Psychiatric Institute, Sao Paolo, Brazil Lisieux Elaine de Borba Telles, Psychiatric Association of Brazil, Sao Paolo, Brazil Competency Hearings before War Crimes Tribunals Phillip Weiner, Boston College Law School Forensic Psychiatry in Chile: Basic Legislation, Reform in the Penal Process, and Operational Aspects Enrique M. Sepúlveda, University of Chile Can Mental Health Legislation Assure Human Rights and Clinical Standards with Limited Resources? Tuviah Zabow, University of Cape Town Room H MENTAL HEALTH ASSESSMENTS AND JUDGMENTS II Client Competency: The Representation of Mentally Impaired Criminal Defendants on Appeal Mae C. Quinn, University of Tennessee Fitness to Stand Trial and the Insanity Plea in South Africa after 2005 Albert Kruger, High Court, Bloemfontein, South Africa Capacity Issues in the Context of the Mental Health Act 2001 Patricia T Rickard-Clarke, Law Reform Commission of Ireland, Dublin, Ireland German Guidelines for Risk Assessment by External Forensic Psychiatric Experts Hans-Ludwig Kröber, Institute of Forensic Psychiatry, Berlin, Germany 88 FRIDAY JUNE 29TH, 2007 9:00 - 11:00 AM Room A CHALLENGES IN THE SPECTRUM OF INTERVENTIONS TO PREVENT AND TREAT TORTURE Difficulties and Challenges in Implementing a Modern Mental health Law in a Developing Country: The Case of Albania Ariel Como, University of Tirana Anastas Suli, Department of Psychiatry, Tirana University Hospital Center, Albania Compensation for Victims of Torture after the fall of Communism in Albania: A Labyrinth of Possible Solutions Adrian Kati, Albanian Rehabilitation Center for Trauma and Torture, Tirana, Albania Ariel Como, Albanian Rehabilitation Center for Trauma and Torture, Tirana, Albania The Phenomenon of Violence as Perceived by Palestinian School Students age 14-17 Mahmud Sehwail, Alkrenawi Alean, TRC, Ramallah, Palestine Victims in Psychotherapy – Psychotherapy for Victims: Conceptual Considerations and Practical Experiences Thomas Maier, Outpatient Clinic for Victims of Torture and War (AFK), Zurich, Switzerland The Right to Truth and to Legal Consequences for Atrocities: A Victim’s Perspective of the Healing Power of Judicial Truth, and Justice Monica Feria Tinta, Lawyer specialising in Public International Law Room B MENTAL HEALTH AND RESARCH ETHICS Ethics and Advocacy Steve Lurie, Canadian Mental Health Association, Toronto Branch, Toronto, Canada Research and Care: Could they Work Together in Today’s Medicine? Danielle Laudy, Université de Montréal 89 The Value of “Undue Inducement” and “Coercion” in Moral Debates about Human Subjects Research Trudo Lemmens, University of Toronto A Conceptual and Ethical Review of the Balanced Placebo Trial Design for Antidepressants Duff R. Waring, York University Room CUAMM CHILD AND ADOLESCENT PSYCHIATRY: VARIOUS ISSUES Correlates of Impulsivity in Juvenile Delinquents Steven Vermunt, University of Maastricht Parental Social Capital, Parenting Skills and Children’s Aggression and Property Offences Reza Nakhaie, University of Windsor Metabolic Changes and Psychotropic Agents in Child Psychiatry Raul Silva, NYU School of Medicine Eraka Bath, NYU School of Medicine Social and Judicial Paths that Activate Criminal Proceedings in Case of Assumed Sexual Abuse of a Minor Cristiano Barbieri, University of Pavia Alessandra Luzzago, University of Pavia Sexual Abuse snd Medical Examination of the Minor Paolo Danesino, University of Pavia Cristiano Barbieri, University of Pavia Alessandra Luzzago, University of Pavia Steps to the Best Interest of the Child – Hungary in 2007 Gyula Sófi, Child- and Adolescent Psychiatry Room C ETHICAL AND METHODOLOGICAL ISSUES IN FORENSIC PSYCHIATRY FROM A SCANDINAVIAN PERSPECTIVE Conceptual Analyses in Forensic Psychiatry Helge Malmgren, Göteborg University Susan Radovic, Göteborg University The History and Development of Forensic Psychiatry in the Scandinavian Countries Sten Levander, Lund University 90 Philosophical Motives for the Swedish Penal Code of 1965 Christer Svennerlind, Göteborg University The Concept of Free Will and Volitional Disorders Niklas Juth, Göteborg University Ethical Problems in Forensic Psychiatry Bengt Brülde, Göteborg University Room D PEOPLE AND INSTITUTIONS IN HISTORY Institutionalization and Colonization of Mental Patients in Germany and Japan from the Late 19th to the Early 20th Century Akira Hashimoto, Aichi Prefectural University Cesare Lombroso and the Origins of Italian Criminal Insane Asylums Mary Gibson, John Jay College of Criminal Justice A Private Psychiatric Hospital in Modernist Tokyo 1920-1945 Akihito Suzuki, Keio University The Lunacy Act of 1890 and Psychiatrists’ Deployment of the Concept of Stigma in the Early Twentieth-century in Britain Akinobu Takabayashi, University College London Room E POOR PERFORMANCE IN THE PROFESSIONS: MEDICINE, PSYCHOLOGY AND LAW Accredited Practice Versus Ethical Practice: What is in a Name? Elizabeth A Campbell, University of Glasgow Ethical Dilemmas for Forensic Medical Experts in Infant Death Trials Sharmila Betts, University of New South Wales Profiles of Poor Performers in Medical Practice: Models for Prevention and Intervention Prasuna Reddy, University of Melbourne The Parameters of Professional Regulation: Disjunctions, Dilemmas and Deterrence Ian Freckelton, University of Sydney 91 Room F THE CONSENT & CAPACITY BOARD OF ONTARIO – AN OVERVIEW The Consent & Capacity Board of Ontario – An Overview Joaquin Zuckerberg, Consent and Capacity Board, Toronto, Canada Janice Laking, Consent and Capacity Board, Toronto, Canada The Role of the Psychiatrist of the Consent and Capacity Board Rajiv Bhatla, University of Ottawa The Role of Lawyer Members of the Consent and Capacity Board Bernard Starkman, Ontario Consent and Capacity Board, Ottawa, Canada Decision Making and the Consent and Capacity Board Janice Laking, Consent and Capacity Board, Toronto, Canada Room J LEGAL CONSCIOUSNESS III Poetic Lucidness and Licit Lunacy Barbara E. Galli, McGill University The Representation of Physical Pain in Classical Greek Literature Gary Rosenshield, University of Wisconsin at Madison Plato and the Discovery of Mental Health Kenneth Seeskin, Northwestern University Constitutional Interpretation of the Fundamental Right to Life Guillermo Díaz Pintos, Universidad de Castilla at La Mancha FRIDAY JUNE 29TH, 2007 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM Room A NEURODEVELOPMENTAL AND NEUROBIOLOGICAL PROBLEMS IN FORENSIC PSYCHIATRY Collateral Interviews with Parents Björn Hofvander, Lund University 92 Attribution of Autonomy and Accountability across Psychiatric Diagnostic Categories Pontus Höglund, Lund University Neuronal Correlates of Emotional Processing in Mentally Disordered Offenders: an fMRI Study Katarina Wahlund, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden Marianne Kristiansson, Lund University Genetics and Forensic Psychiatric Nosology Marianne Kristiansson, Lund University Room B TAIL WAGS DOG: GOVERNMENT BUREAUCRATS DICTATE STANDARDS OF CARE Justice by Duress in Order to Improve Care? John L. Young, Yale University Civil Rights or Civil Rites? — You Decide Victoria M. Dresibach, Yale University Disrupting Clinical Care in the Name of Justice Alexandre Carré, Connecticut Valley Hospital Court-Ordered Transformation of Juvenile Correctional Facilities in California Patricia White, The California Youth Authority Room C DISABILITY, MENTAL ILLNESS AND FITNESS IN AUSTRALIA The Insanity Defence in NSW: Should the Ultimate Decision to Detain or Release of a Person Found Not Guilty by Reason of Mental Illness be made by the Legal or Political Aystem? Tania Evers, Barrister, Sydney, Australia The Differential Criminogenic Needs of Juvenile Offenders With and Without an Intellectual Disability Matt Frize, New South Wales Department of Ageing, Disability & Home Care, Sydney, Australia Diversion from the Criminal Justice System into the Humanities Sector Peter McGhee, Intellectual Disability Rights Service, Sydney, Australia 93 The Development of a Community Forensic Psychiatric Service in New South Wales, Australia Stephen Allnutt, Justice Health, North Sydney, Australia Room D EYEWITNESSES: ACQUIRING THE BEST INFORMATION AND DETECTING DECEPTIVE ACCOUNTS Eyewitness Memory for People, Places and Events Associated with Highly Stressful Events Vlad Coric, Yale University Is there a Misinformation Effect for Memories Associated with Personally Relevant, High Stress Events? Charles A. Morgan, Yale University Efficacy of Forensic Statement Analysis in Distinguishing Genuine from False Eyewitnesses George Kallivrousis, Yale University The Practical use of Statement Analysis in Law Enforcement: In What Situations is it Helpful? Wes Clark, Connecticut State Police Major Crime Squad, Middletown, USA The Psychology of Deceit: An Evolutionary and Legal Perspective Danielle Andrewartha, Monash University Room E INDIVIDUAL, FAMILIAL, AND GOVERNMENTAL FACES OF TRAUMA Certification in Traumatology: Now is the Time Lee Norton, Consulting Psychologist, Nashville, USA Mental Health Problems of War Trauma in Eastern Africa Seggane Musisi, Makerere University Men’s Violent Crime Againt Women in Uganda: An Affirmation of Patriarchy’s Masculinity? Lillian Tibatemwa-Ekirikubinza, Makerere University Discussant George Woods, Morehouse School of Medicine 94 Room F JUSTICE HEALTH – FROM DOLDRUMS TO DYNAMIC The Development of Forensic Psychiatric Services in NSW Leila T. Osorio Kavanagh, Justice Health New South Wales, North Sydney, Australia Statewide Community Court Liaison, New South Wales, Australia Robert Reznik, New South Wales Department of Health, North Sydney, Australia New South Wales Adult Drug Court Panel Presentation / Justice Health NSW R. Paul Read, New South Wales Department of Health, North Sydney, Australia Community Forensic Mental Health Services - Justice Health New South Wales Australia Stephen Allnutt, New South Wales Department of Health, North Sydney, Australia Neuro-Cognitive Deficits and Psychiatric Disorders in a Prison Population Leila T. Osorio Kavanagh, Justice Health, New South Wales Department of Health, North Sydney, Australia Room G ROUTES TO RIGHTS FOR PEOPLE WITH MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES Vulnerability and Responses to Civil Justice Problems among Those with Mental Health Issues Pascoe Pleasence, Legal Services Research Centre, London, UK Denying Mental Health Problems to Deny Rights to the Homeless Caroline Hunter, Sheffield Hallam University Wrongful Detention of Mentally Ill Persons Andrew Alston, Flinders University Hoarding your ‘Treasures’ and Losing your House: Legal Rights and Practical Interventions Michele Slatter, Flinders University Anti-social Behaviour Discourses: Pathologising the Poor Judy Nixon, Sheffield Hallam University 95 FRIDAY JUNE 29TH, 2007 2:00 - 4:00 PM Room A FORENSIC ASPECTS OF PSYCHIATRY AND PSYCHOLOGY IN SAO PAULO, BRAZIL Temperament and Character Traits and Anxiety in Murders with and Without Psychopathy Antonio de Pádua Serafim, University of Sao Paulo Crimes Committed by Mentally Ill People Sérgio Paulo Rigonatti, University of Sao Paulo Association between Personality Disorder and Delinquency Daniel Martins de Barros, University of Sao Paolo The Use for Rorschach test in Young Offenders and the Backsliding Prognostic in Wrongful Actions Maria Emília Marinho de Camargo, University of Sao Paolo The Role of the Psychologist in the Brazilian Prison System Fabiana Saffi, University of Sao Paolo Room B GENDER AND RESEARCH REGULATION Women and Health Research: A Role for Law? Belinda Bennett, University of Sydney Legal and Medical Definitions of Sex and Gender for Health Research Purposes Isabel Karpin, University of Sydney Gender Equity in Health Research: Analysis of Australian Research Participants Angela Ballantyne, Flinders University Regulation of Gender Equity in Health Research: A View of Ethics Committees Wendy Rogers, Flinders University Gender Equity in Health Research in Canada Patricia Peppin, Queen’s University 96 Room C NARRATIVE, CULTURAL, SPIRITUAL, FAITH AND RELIGION BASED MODELS OF EXPLANATION FOR DISPLACED PEOPLE Displaced People and Displaced Patients: The Stockholm Experience of using the DSM-IV Cultural Formulation in Psychiatric Assessments of Refugees and Migrants Sofie Bäärnhielm, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden Marco Scarpinati Rosso, Karolinska Institute, Medicine, Stockholm, Sweden Psychological Distress among Kurdish Immigrants in Sweden Marina Taloyan, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden Migration, Mental Health and Suicide from a Swedish Perspective Leena Johansson, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden Negotiating with the Saint: Miracles and Exchange in Apiao, Chile, Southern Chile Giovanna Bacchiddu, University of St.Andrews Fife Improving the Resilience of Black Minority Ethnic ‘Looked After’ Children Savita De Sousa, BAAF Adoption and Fostering, London, UK A Cultural Model of Leadership for Displaced People Lisa Rieger, Cook Inlet Tribal Council, Anchorage, USA Room D BIAS IN FORENSIC PSYCHOLOGY Has Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals Served to Reduce Bias in Forensic Psychology? Brett Trowbridge, The Trowbridge Foundation, Olympia, USA Forensic Practice: Pride and Prejudice Jay Adams, California Department of Corrections, Sacramento, USA The Corruption of Forensic Psychology in the USA Philip Frank, Clinical Psychologist, Washington, USA Bias in Fact Adjudication from the Perspective of the Advocate Charles Williams, Washington Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, Seattle, USA 97 Room E ETHICAL ISSUES IN FORENSIC SETTINGS Engagement with Persons who have Committed “Evil” Acts: An Aspect of Professional Practice in Forensic Psychiatric Settings Wendy Austin, University of Alberta The Experience of Psychologists who are Exemplars of Ethical Practice Anne Marie Dewhurst, University of Alberta Suicide-By-Cop: When Police Pull the Trigger for Suicidal Individuals Joanna Fava, Fordham University Challenges of conducting research with persons with mental illness who come in contact with police: a pilot study Kathleen Hartford, University of Western Ontario Room F CHILDREN AND MEDICAL TREATMENT The Use of Coercion with Adolescents Receiving Voluntary Psychiatric Inpatient Treatment Brenda LeFrancois, Laurentian University Reproductive Choice for Minors: Facilitating not Hindering Real Choice Kerry Petersen, La Trobe University A Right to Say Yes? Children’s Refusal of Consent to Medical Treatment Sarah Elliston, University of Glasgow Hometreatment as Indicated Prevention for Early Offenders Gerhard Ristow, Central Institute for Mental Health, Mannheim, Germany Room G INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS AND MENTAL DISABILITY: DEVELOPMENTS IN INTERNATIONAL LAW Human Rights Law for Persons with Mental and Intellectual Disabilities Lance Gable, Wayne State University UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: Is it a paradigm shift? Gábor Gombos, Mental Disability Advocacy Center, Budapest, Hungary 98 Deus ex Medicus? Harmonizing Individual and Collective Health Rights for Mental Health Promotion Benjamin Mason Meier, Columbia University Asserting the Rights of Older People with a Mental Incapacity through International Human Rights Law Paula Scully, Barrister, Brisbane, Australia Room J LEGAL CONSCIOUSNESS IV Why it is Easier to Blame than to Praise Lawrence M. Solan, Brooklyn Law School Consciousness in Life and Law Enrique Alcaraz-Varó, University of Alicante Legal Concepts between Individual Cognition and Discourse Communities - Legal Consciousness seen from the Inside Jan Engberg, University of Aarhus Raising the Legal Consciousness of Unwary Non-Citizens Krista M. Ralston, University of Wisconsin at Madison Scientizing Psychiatry by Conjuring Linguistic Fixes for Psychiatry’s Magic Complex James M. Wilce, Northern Arizona University Room H ISSUES AND CHALLENGES IN MANAGING THE NUNAVUT COURT OF JUSTICE/NUNAVUT REVIEW BOARD Issues and Challenges in Managing the Nunavut Court of Justice/Nunavut Review Board Beverly Browne, Nunavut Court of Justice, Iqaluit, Canada Distance Management of the NCR Aquittee of Nunavut Alberto Choy, Alberta Hospital, Edmonton, Canada Forensic Assessment of the Inuit in Nunavut Philip E. Klassen, Law and Mental Health Program, Toronto, Canada Diversity Operationalized: Issues in Accommodating the Inuit NCR Aquittee in a Southern Hospital Jim McNamee, University of Toronto 99 FRIDAY JUNE 29TH, 2007 4:00 - 6:00 PM Room A ETHICAL RELATIONSHIPS IN FORENSIC SCIENCE Mass Fatalities and Identification: Could it be that Some People Just Don’t Matter? Julija Kelecevic, University of Alberta Politics of the Dead: Ownership of the Image Erika Goble, University of Alberta When a Guilty Verdict is in the Accused’s Best Interests Dale Dewhurst, Athabasca University The Professional Virtue of Empathy: when Good Intentions may lead to Harmful Consequences in a Culturally Diverse Society Alison Abdool, Homewood Health Centre, Guelph, Canada The Inextricable Socio-Cultural Dimension of Psychiatric Diagnosis and Psychopathology and its Implications for Care and Treatments Steve Abdool, University of Toronto Ethical Issues in Providing Psychiatric Care to Inuit People in the Eastern Canadian Arctic Ken Balderson, University of Toronto Room B THE ROLE OF CHILDHOOD-ONSET NEURODEVELOPMENTAL PROBLEMS IN FORENSIC PSYCHIATRY Collateral Interviews with Parents Björn Hofvander, Lund University Neuropsychiatric Disorders and personality development in institutionalized adolescents Thomas Nilsson, Lund University Ola Ståhlberg, Göteborg University Character Development in Neuropsychiatric Disorders and Personality Disorders Tomas Larson, Lund University 100 Attribution of Autonomy and Accountability across Psychiatric Diagnostic Categories Pontus Höglund, Lund University Longitudinal Risk factors in Forensic Psychiatry Christina Gustavson, Lund University Room C OVERUSE IN THE MEDICAL SYSTEM: A MENTAL HEALTH ISSUE? Food Addiction, Lifestyle Diseases, Drugs and the Pandemic of Obesity: a Fatal Failure of Medical Integrity Colin Rose, McGill University Recent Changes in Child Psychiatry and Psychopharmacology Edward Shorter, University of Toronto Trussed in Evidence? Ambiguities at the Interface between Clinical Evidence & Clinical Practice David Healy, Cardiff University The Commercialization of Medical Knowledge John Abramson, Harvard Medical School Room D MENTAL ILL HEALTH AND EXCLUSION UNDER AUSTRALIA’S CONTRACT STATE: A VIEW FROM THE FAR NORTH Homeless Mentally Ill People: Impacts of Contractualism and Exclusion Lynda Crowley-Cyr, James Cook University Exclusion by Remoteness: Mental Health Services in Australia John Field, James Cook University Fragmentation of Mental Health Service Delivery in Australia as a Factor in Social Exclusion Joe Morrissey, James Cook University Mental Ill Health and Indigenous People: Tracing Patterns of Legalized Persecution from ‘Terra Nullius’ to Shared Responsibility Agreements Paul Havemann, James Cook University 101 Room E DEVELOPMENTAL WELL-BEING: THE COMMUNITY Obstacles and Aids in Changing Laws and Policies Concerning Developmental Well-Being Elbio Nestor Suarez-Ojeda, University of Lanus Resilience Educational Development for University Education of Health Professionals Mabel Munist, University of Lanus Interdepartmental Education for Patient and Family-Centered Care at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences Janice L. Hanson, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences Virginia F. Randall, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences Understanding and Building Resilience within the Head Start Community, Serving Low-Income Pregnant Mothers to Children Age Five Catherine Polanski, National Head Start Association, Alexandria, USA The Role of Forensic Psychiatry in Developmental Well-Being Mark Mills, Columbia University Room J LEGAL CONSCIOUSNESS V Lawyer Advertising-Is the Lesser Protection Given It Than Other Forms of Advertising Based on Reality or Perception? Forms of advertising Gerald J. Thain, University of Wisconsin at Madison Advice and Dissent: Reluctant Legal Consciousness in the Scientific Community Stephanie Tai, University of Wisconsin at Madison Real Threats, Simulated Threats and the Unsaid Carole E. Chaski, Institute of Linguistic Evidence, Georgetown, USA The Futility of the War on Illicit Drugs in the US within the Context of Addiction and Inelastic Demand John O. Ifediora, University of Wisconsin at Platteville 102 SATURDAY JUNE 30TH, 2007 9:00 – 11:00 AM Room J HUMAN ENVIRONMENTAL ETHICS IN MENTAL HEALTH Il mondo dei valori nelle persone schizofreniche Giovanni Stanghellini, University of Chieti Quando la prevenzione del suicidio incontra le questioni del diritto alla morte: alla ricerca della prospettiva medica Diego De Leo, Australian Institute for Suicide Research and Prevention, Griffith University Strumenti di promozione della salute mentale nella comunità Franco Fasolo, Fondazione Lanza Itineroterapia, luoghi e mente Gabriele Righetto, Università di Padova Ambiti di tutela del minore nelle vicissitudini della separazione e del divorzio Marco Piccolo, University of Padua Room A AGING, DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITY, AND THE ISSUE OF LEGAL COMPETENCE The Blending of End-of-Life Care Systems: Aging and Intellectual Disabilities Lawrence T. Force, Mount St. Mary College The Intersection of Cognitive Impairment, Illness and Decision Making Geraldine A. Abbatiello, Pace University The Older Americans Act: Law, Aging and Mental Health in historical perspective Jeffrey Kahana, Mount Saint Mary College Speculation on Future Trends in the Acceptance and Use of Mental Health Services to Promote Successful Aging Richard H. Fortinsky, University of Connecticut Health Center 103 Room B THE USE OF SECLUSION AND RESTRAINT IN PSYCHIATRIC SETTINGS Dutch Seclusion Rates Internationally Compared Wim Janssen, Kenniscentrum GGNet, Warnsveld, The Netherlands The Perspectives of the Patient and His or Her Family Using Seclusion Jan Sitvast, Kenniscentrum GGNet, Warnsveld, The Netherlands Nurses’ Perception of Secluding Patients Karin van Gestel, Mediant GGZ, Twente, The Netherlands Joanneke van der Nagel, Mediant GGZ, Twente, The Netherlands Prevention of Seclusion in an Acute Psychiatric Ward: A Dutch Project Hans Hesta, De Gelderse, Roos, Arnhem, The Netherlands Justine Theunissen, De Gelderse Roos, Arnhem, The Netherlands Risk assessment, aggression and psychiatric disorder as determinants to seclude patients Eric Noorthoorn, GGnet and Mediant GGz, Twente, The Netherlands Room C WORKING SAFELY AND THERAPEUTICALLY IN A UK DSPD SETTING Reflections on Efforts to Promote the Self-management of Self-harm in a Prison-Based DSPD Unit Matt Stalker, HM Prison Service, London, UK Crisis: A Vehicle of Therapeutic Change Naomi Murphy, HMP Whitemoor, London, UK Combating Manipulation & Conditioning of staff within DSPD Environment Douglas Hogg, HMP Frankland, London, UK Challenges in Implementing Treatment in a High Secure Personality Disorder Service Fin Larkin, Broadmoor Hospital, London, UK Room D COMMUNITY REINFORCEMENT APPROACH TOWARDS CRIME Community Reinforcement and Family Training in the Management of Substance Use Disorders and Criminal Violence Hendrik Roozen, Erasmus University 104 Implementing the Community Reinforcement Approach in a Mental Health Institution-I Petra van der Kroft, Erasmus University Implementing the Community Reinforcement Approach in a Mental Health Institution-II Paul C. Dingemans, FPA De Mare, The Netherlands Resocialization Starts with Hospitalization Hjalmar van Marle, Erasmus University Room E CO-MORBID DISORDERS IN PSYCHOTIC OFFENDERS Forensic Mental Health Patients and Substance Abuse Treatment Clara H. Gumpert, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden Co-morbidity of Psychosis and Psychopathy Charles van der Weide, Forensic Psychiatric Clinic, Assen, The Netherlands Marike Lancel, Forensic Hospital, Assen, The Netherlands Comorbidity and Social Environment in Psychotic Delinquents Kris R Goethals, Pompe Institute, Nijmegen, The Netherlands A Five-factor Model Perspective on Psychopathy and Comorbid Axis-II Disorders in a Forensic Psychiatric Sample Mieke Decuyper, Ghent University Discussant Thomas Gutheil, Harvard University Room F ADVOCATING CARE – THE MODELS AND ROLES IN THE EXPERIENCE OF ADVOCACY Advocacy at the Sharp End Lynne Edwards, Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland, Edinburgh, UK Advocacy and Mental Health in Scotland: Comparing the Role of Advocacy in an Independent Advocacy Agency and in Social Work Dorothy Degenhardt, University of Dundee 105 Model and Roles in the Experience of Advocacy Frank Keating, Royal Holloway University of London Role of Counsel in Independent Protection and Advocacy Karen Talley, Disability Law Center - Boston, USA The Zealous Advocacy of Persons with Mental Disabilities Andrea Risoli, New York Law School Room G PSYCHIATRY AND CRIMINAL RESPONSIBILITY IN HISTORY I Rethinking Mental Incapacity Defences in Criminal Law Arlie Loughnan, University of Sydney Doctoring Criminal Responsibility in England: professional medical struggles, 1896-1922 Ivan Crozier, University of Edinburgh How the Prisoner Met the Doctor: Changing Institutional Settings and Emergent Medical Diagnoses: 1760-l913 Joel Eigen, Franklin & Marshall College Treatment as Punishment? Forensic Psychiatry in the Netherlands (18702005) Harry Oosterhuis, University of Maastricht SATURDAY JUNE 30TH, 2007 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM Room A PSYCHIATRY AND CRIMINAL RESPONSIBILITY IN HISTORY II ‘Legally Wrong or Morally Wrong’? Judicial Innovation and its Medicolegal Contexts in Australian Insanity Jurisprudence Mark Finnane, Griffith University Redrawing Boundaries between Culture and Psychopathology: Medicolegal Debates Regarding Criminal Insanity in Dual Suicides in 20thcentury Japan Junko Kitanaka, Keio University 106 Psychopathic Personalities in German Psychiatry and Criminal Justice, 1880-1945 Richard Wetzell, German Historical Institute, Washington, USA Madness and Criminal Responsibility in a Colonial Context James E. Moran, University of Prince Edward Island Room B MENTAL HEALTH IN THE JAILS AND JUDICIAL PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITALS Monitoraggio dei pazienti e delle dimissioni dell’Ospedale Psichiatrico Giudiziario di Montelupo Fiorentino Franco Scarpa, Ministero della Giustizia Psichiatra Dirigente Direttore OPG Montelupo Fiorentino L’imputabilità del minore Graziana Campanato, Judge, Under-age Court Arte e creatività : il ben-esserci-con in carcere Laura Baccaro, Fondazione Lanza La tutela della salute nelle carceri Giovanni Maria Pavarin, Fondazione Lanza Room C DEVELOPMENTS IN FORENSIC PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT AND UNDERSTANDING: APPLICATIONS TO FORENSIC MENTAL HEALTH/AGGRESSION Coping with Prisoners: Current Status and Future Directions Carol A. Ireland, Ashworth High Secure Hospital, Liverpool, UK The Inter-relationships between Mental Illness and Personality Disorder in Mentally Disordered Offenders: Exploring the Functional Links Katie E. Bailey, Spinney Psychiatric Service, Manchester, UK The Role of Cognitive Schema in Psychopathy Fiona Wilks-Riley, University of Central Lancashire Jane L. Ireland, University of Central Lancashire Hostage Taking in Secure Services: Assessing and Managing the Role of Mental Disorder Katie E. Bailey, Spinney Psychiatric Service, Manchester, UK Carol A. Ireland, Ashworth High Secure Hospital, Liverpool, UK 107 Room D PSYCHOPATHY: TYPES OF EXPLANATIONS AND ASCRIPTIONS OF MORAL RESPONSIBILITY Psychiatric Classifications, Levels of Explanation and Psychopathy Luca Malatesti, University of Hull Links between Violence, Addiction, and Psychopathic Traits: Findings from a First Episode of Psychosis Community Sample Alicia Spidel, University of British Columbia Are Psychopaths “Cut Off” from Morality? Matt Matravers, University of York Holding Psychopaths Responsible Patricia Greenspan, University of Maryland Character Development, Responsibility and Psychopathy John McMillan, University of Hull Room E FROM STIGMA TO LEGAL PROTECTION - PATIENTS’ HUMAN RIGHTS Do Women and Men Suffering from Somatoform Pain Disorders Perceive the Stigma of Mental Illness Differently? Marion Freidl, Medical University of Vienna Patient Safety in Hospitals – Analysis of Incidents and Risk Management Leopold-Michael Marzi, Legal Services of the Vienna General Hospital, Vienna, Austria Cyber-communities and Psychopathology: Gazing Through the LookingGlass Gabriel Diakonu, University of Quebec at Montreal Migration, Deterrent Policies and Medical Ethics Laurent Subilia, University Hospital of Geneva, Switzerland Legal Protection of Confidentiality Maria Kletecka-Pulker, Institut fuer Ethik und Recht in der Medizin Room F ISSUES IN ELDER LAW The HL v United Kingdom (Bournewood) Precedent and the Mental Health Act 2001: Implications for De Facto Detained Patients in Ireland Edel Quirke, Trinity College Dublin 108 As Safe as Houses? The Rising Risks of Repossession for Elderly HomeOwners Lorna Fox, University of Durham Advance Care Directives Laura Donnellan, University of Limerick Self-Neglecting Elders: Is Intervention by Protective Services for Adults an Ethical Dilemma or Legal Obligation? Susan B. Somers, International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse, Nassau, USA Old Age, Human Rights and Mental Health Mary Keys, University of Ireland at Galway Room G DETECTION OF DECEPTION IN FORENSIC SETTINGS Statement Validity Analysis as a Means for Detecting Deception Jennifer Brown, University of Surrey Individual Differences in the Detection of Deception Charles F. Bond, Jr., Texas Christian University Deception Detection: Evaluations of Truthful and Deceptive Autobiographical Accounts Deborah Bradford, University of New South Wales Detecting Deception: The Problem of Ecological Validity Lynsey Gozna, University of Surrey Deception Detection: Mind Reading and Strategic Disclosure of Evidence Pär Anders Granhag, Gothenburg University SATURDAY JUNE 30TH, 2007 2:00 - 4:00 PM Room A PERSON ORIENTED APPROACHES IN DEALING WITH HIGH PREVALENCE CRIMES Individual Concentrated Approach; A Rotterdam policy Albert de Jong, Rotterdam City Council, Rotterdam, Netherlands 109 Individual-bound Coercive Care for Drug-dependent Offenders: Empirical Evidence and the Experience in Rotterdam J. Breukels, Municipal Health Service, Rotterdam, Netherlands Combatting Crime and Addiction with a Person-Oriented Approach Eric Blaauw, Erasmus University Discussant Thomas Gutheil, Harvard University Room J LEGAL CONSCIOUSNESS VI The Human and the Natural Sciences: The Case of Autism Francis Schrag, University of Wisconsin at Madison Suicide by Execution Susan Schmeiser, University of Connecticut The Emotional Lives of Intellectual Proprieties Steven Wilf, University of Connecticut Psychology and Intellectual Property Bratislav Stanković, Attorney, Chicago, USA Room B CHILD WITNESSES Young Children’s Incipient Understanding of the Truth and Lies Thomas D. Lyon, University of Southern California Children’s Coached Stressful Reports Victoria Talwar, McGill University Kang Lee, University of Toronto Roderick Lindsay, Queen’s University Nicholas Bala, Queen’s University The Effect of Oath-taking on Children’s Tendency to Lie and Ability to conceal their Lies Kang Lee, University of Toronto Roderick Lindsay, Queen’s University Nicholas Bala, Queen’s University Victoria Talwar, McGill University 110 Child Witness Law in Canada: Psychological Research Results in Legal Reform Nicholas Bala, Queen’s University Children Recounting Stressful Injuries: The More Distressed, the Less Recalled Carole Peterson, Memorial University of Newfoundland Room C DIVERSION OF OFFENDERS WITH MENTAL ILLNESS - BUILDING BRIDGES BETWEEN THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM AND THE PUBLIC MENTAL HEALTH SYSTEM Diversion of Offenders Legislation & Initiatives in Texas Over the 15-year Period between 1992-2007 Brian Shannon, Texas Tech University Past Successes and Future Opportunities for Diversion Tom Hamilton, National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), Texas, USA Diversion of Offenders with Mental Illness: A Law Enforcement Perspective David Gutierrez, Sheriff of Lubbock County, Texas, USA Jails: New Asylum or Same Old Poorhouse Trevor Hadley, University of Pennsylvania Room D EYEWITNESS IDENTIFICATION AND THE CONVICTION OF THE INNOCENT Exploring New Directions in Eyewitness Identification Tests Neil Brewer, Flinders University One Hundred Years of Trial and Error: Identification in England 19062006 Graham Davies, University of Leicester Sequential Lineups, Simultaneous Lineups, Correct Identification Rate, and Strength of the Memory Trace Roderick C.L. Lindsay, Queen’s University Expert Testimony in the U.S. on the Eyewitness Reliability and Eyewitness Evidence Collection: Tales from the Front Solomon Fulero, Sinclair Community College, Dayton, USA 111 Room E INNOVATIVE TREATMENT APPROACHES FOR CRIMINAL OFFENDERS AND FORENSIC PATIENTS Developing a Treatment Program for Stalking Offenders Barry Rosenfeld, Fordham University Joanna Fava, Fordham University Effect of Treatment Engagement on Violence and Arrests among People with Severe Mental Illness Eric B. Elbogen, Duke University The Multi-Systemic Demands of Outpatient Sex Offender Treatment Lori Butts, Clinical & Forensic Institute, Davie, USA Are they Mad, Bad or Sad? Managing Complexity in a Fragmented Environment Margaret Hamilton, Multiple & Complex Needs Panel, Melbourne, Australia Reentry: The Health Challenges of Those That Return Home after Incarceration Natasha H. Williams, Morehouse School of Medicine Group Shiatzu Massage with Persons Diagnosed with Schizophrenia J Bar-El, Mazrah Mental Health Clinic Brenda Geiger, Bar Ilan University at Western Galilee Room F METHODS FOR THE ASSESSMENT OF PSYCHIATRIC IMPAIRMENT IN FORENSIC PRACTICE The Concepts of Impairment, Disability and Handicap in Psychiatry George Mendelson, Monash University Evaluation of Psychiatric Impairment in Canadian Courts and the Strange case of Billy Whitfield Shelley Miller, Barrister, Edmonton, Canada Assessment of Money Damages for Psychiatric and Mental Trauma in United States Civil Courts Jack W. London, Attorney, Austin, USA Psychiatric Impairment Rating Scales in Australia: A Clinical Perspective Carol Newlands, Consultant Psychiatrist, Sandringham, Australia 112 Room G PROGRAMMING DIFFERENTIATED CARE IN FORENSIC MENTAL HEALTH Finding a Rationale for Differentiated Forensic Mental Health Care: A Review of the Literature Martien W. G. Philipse, Pompe Institute, Nijmegen, The Netherlands The Care Program for Psychotic TBS Patients: A Difficult Delivery Kris Goethals, Pompe Clinic, Nijmegen, The Netherlands Reports from a Dutch Forensic Psychiatric Hospital where Treatment Results are Zero % Ed Schutgens, Pompe Clinic, Nijmegen, The Netherlands Implementing an Intramural Care Program for Sex Offenders with Personality Disorders Annelies Vissers, Pompe Clinic, Nijmegen, The Netherlands Room H SPECIAL QUESTIONS IN SEQUELS TO PERSECUTION Alexithymia and Traumatic Effects of Torture and War Caroline Schlar Özkalipci, Travel and Migration Medicine Unit, Geneva, Switzerland Cognition During Sleep: A Therapeutic Intervention in Nightmares Brigitte Holzinger, Institute for Consciousness and Dream Research, Vienna Gerhard Klösch, Medical University of Vienna Methods of Torture and their Effects on Palestinian Ex-Detainees in Israeli Prisons Khader Rasras, TRC, Palestine Mahmud Sehwail, Alkrenawi Alean, TRC, Palestine Wisam Sehwail, TRC, Palestine Migration, Deterrent Policies and Medical Ethics Laurent Subilia, University Hospital of Geneva, Switzerland Forensic Documentation of Torture-The How and Why Erik Edston, Institute of Forensic Medicine, Linköping, Stockholm, Sweden 113 Room K THE IMPUTABILITY CONCEPT: DEVELOPMENTS AND PERSPECTIVES IN FORENSIC ETHICS Imputabilità e colpevolezza nei più recenti orientamenti giurisprudenziali Elisabetta Palermo Fabris, University Padua Come occuparsi delle conseguenze biologiche dei problemi di salute mentali: il caso del disturbo post-traumatico da stress Vanna Axia, University of Padua Dipendenze, doppia diagnosi: aspetti psichiatrici ed etico-legali Chiara M. Forcella, University of Padua 114 AUTHOR INDEX A Abbatiello, GA 103 Abdool, A 100 Abdool, S 100 Abramson, J 101 Abu-Nada, I 79 Adams, J 97 Adshead, G 66 Agar-Newman, K 62 Alberstein, M 22 Albrechts, C 25 Alcalde, A 41 Alcaraz-Varó, E 99 Ali, NS 79 Allnutt, S 94, 95 Allodi, F 52 Almiron, M 4 Alston, A 95 Amana-Burris, C 20 Amy C. Watson, AC 80 Anckarsäter, H 93 Andershed, A 67 Andreassen, T 19 Andrewartha, D 94 Antsiferov, K 74 Appell, A 9 Araujo, J 85 Archer, J 14, 23 Ardita, S 38 Ashton, S 23 Atkinson, JM 39, 70, 75 Atlas, J 19 Atria, C 63 Aubut, J 25 Augimeri,, LK 81 Austin, W 87, 98 Aviram, U 69 Axia, V 114 Aylwin, AS 54 B Bäärnhielm, S 97 Babb, BA 17 Baccaro, L 107 Bacchiddu, G 97 Badalamenti, G 27 Badsha, M 48 Bailey, KE 107 Bailey, S 41, 50 Bala, N 110, 111 Balderson, K 100 Baldock, E 66 Ball Britt, A 69 Ball, L 59 Ball, R 51 Ballantyne, A 96 Baltieri, DA 13 Baneke, JJ 83 Barankin, T 14 Barbaree, HE 66 Barbieri, C 90 Bar-El, J 112 Baron, D 3 Barry, C 71 Barshack, L 84 Bartenev, DG49 Barth Menzies, K 46 Bartlett, P 4 Barton, TD 30 Baruch, R 42 Basser, LA 29 Bath, E 41, 90 Becker, JV 66 Beech, A 40 Beetz, A 61, 65 Beiner, T 50 Belenko, S 80 Benefield, N 45 Bennett, B 96 Bennett, L 33 Berg, J 64 Berman, G 19 Bernheim, E 11 Bessler, C 39 Betts, S 91 Beverley, L 23 115 Bhatla, R 92 Bijlsma, E 58 Birgden, A 7 Bittenbinder, E 67 Bjørnskov, C 3 Blaauw, E 58, 110 Blachar, Y 79 Blackshaw, S 71 Blair, J 71 Blake, E 43 Blankman, K 49 Boendermaker, L 35 Boeykens, D 83 Bohrer, R 26 Boland, J 56 Bonagura, I 37 Bond, Jr., CF 109 Bongers, IL 85 Bonner, BL 66 Bosen, Jr, HF 10 Bourbonnais, R 57 Bowen, E 33 Bowman, C 8 Boys, S 65 Bradford, D 109 Bramante, A 11 Brand, O 86 Brandstaedter, N 74 Brann, S 23 Bravo-Mehmedbasic, A 74 Brennan, P 65 Breslau, J 45 Breukels, J 110 Brewer, N 111 Briand, C 44 Bridgewater, PD 69 Bright, DA 40, 53 Brooks, SL 17 Brophy, L 60 Brouwers, RC 12 Browe Olson, K 27 Brown, D 23 Brown, J 51, 109 Brown, LK 58 Brown, S 43 Browne, J 99 116 Browne, K 23 Brülde, B 91 Brunetti, C 11 Bruni, M 17 Bruscella, MR37 Brusse, N 14 Bruzzone, R 16, 27, 37, 38 Bukovská, B 15 Bullens, R 2, 81, 83 Burchinal, L 86 Burchinal, M 20 Burris, J 20 Bursztajn, HJ 28 Burton, OR 69 Busch, K 87 Butts, L 112 Byqvist, S 42 C Camerani, C 16 Campanato, G 107 Campbell, EA 91 Campbell, J 60 Cannavicci, M 6 Cant, IR 9 Cappiello, V 38 Capri, P16 Caridi, S 17 Carlisle, JA 10 Carne, J 10, 63 Carney, T 49, 83 Carplan, KS19 Carraud, L 10 Carré, A 93 Casanova, C 32 Caulfield, T 44 Cavalieri, V 6 Cerminara, KL 22 Chaimowitz, G 77 Channick, SA 30 Charland, LC 35, 59 Charrier, P 32 Chase, A 19 Chaski, CE 102 Choy, A 99 Cicero, TJ 24 Cima, M 71 Cipolla, S 43 Clark, W 94 Clarke, AR 69 Clerici, M 38 Cloet, M 76 Cohen , JB 2 Cohen, F 12 Cohen, ML 29 Coid, J 74 Collins, O 1 Collins, PY 60 Collinsworth, LL 50 Como, A 89 Cooper, BS 8 Coppe, D 38 Corbière, M 44 Coric, V 94 Corring,, DJ 47 Corvo, K 33 Cosyns, P 37 Cotler, I 57 Cournos, F 60 Cousineau, JL 33 Cox, R 51 Craissati, J 45 Cripps, MJ 48 Crowley-Cyr, L 101 Crozier, I 106 Cruz, EH 28 Cucolo, HE 28 Cunneen, C 86 Cunningham, A 42 Cuomo, G 37 Cutcliffe, J 71 D D’Urso, N 38 da Paz, RA 82 Da Silva Meleiro, AM 13 Daicoff, S 33 Daigle, M 34 Danesino,P 90 Daniel, A 30 David, F 6 Davidson, G 63 Davie, EP 70, 77 Davies, G 111 Dawe, I 48, 56 Dawson, J 4, 48, 78 Day, A 78 de Borba Telles, LE 82, 88 De Cristofaro, S 38 De Fazio, L 43, 47 de Jong, A 109 De Leo, D 103 De Luca, R 16, 17 De Marco, F 38 de Pádua Serafim, A 96 De Sousa, S 97 de Vanna, M 6, 17 de Vries-Bouw, M 73 de Wied, M 73 de’ Micheli, AG 43 Decuyper, 105 Del Casale, A 6 Derluyn, I 76 Des Rosiers N, 2 Deschamps, P 5 DeSimone, L 27 Desurmont, M 52 Dette, C 42 Deutsch, A 84 Devemy, N 53 Dewhurst, AM 98 Dewhurst, D 100 Di Fiorino, M 6, 11, 17 Di Giandomenico, G 22 Diakonu, G 108 Diamond, JA 84 Díaz Pintos, G 92 Diaz, K 48 DiCataldo, F 19 Dickie, I 28 Diesen, C 33 Diesfeld, K 48 Dimitrova, M 84 Dinerstein, RD 26, 56 Dingemans, PC 105 Dlugacz, H 72 117 Doak, J 13 Dönisch-Seidel, U 54 Donnellan, L 109 Doreleijers, T 25, 26, 41, 50, 75, 76, 81 Doron, I 64 Douard, J 31 Dozortseva, E 31, 64 Draine, J 80, 83 Dresibach, VM 93 Drost, M 54 Dudeck, M 79 Duff, E 67 Duguet, A 5 Duits, N 64, 75 Duncan, G 3, 29, 53 Dunn, M 59 Durante, G 6 Durif-Varembont, J 15 E Edston, E 113 Edwards, L 78, 105 Egger, I 72 Egger, J 2, 7 Eigen, J 106 Einesman, F 35 Ekblad, S 72 Elbogen, E 7 Elbogen, EB 112 Elisa Lombardo, ME 6 Ellis, T 4 Elliston, S 98 El-Mohandes, A 20 Elzinga, H 83 Endrass, J 4, 75 Engberg, J99 Epstein, M 112 Erlick Robinson, G 29 Evers, T 46, 93 F Fabian, F 67 Fairchild, G 73 Fanniff, 66 118 Fasolo, F 103 Fava, J 98, 112 Fazel, S 30, 39 Fegert, JM 9, 75 Feigenson, NR 40 Fellner, J 31 Felthous, AR 85 Feria Tinta, M 89 Ferraro, A 38 Fiala, J 15 Field, J 101 Filippini, A 21 Finnane, M 106 Fischer, JAV 3 Fitzgerald, S 73 Fontaine, RG 84 Force, LT 103 Forcella, CM 114 Forte, M 52 Fortinsky, RH 103 Fossum, S 19 Fox, L 109 Francis, L 27 Frank, P 97 Frankel, AS 23 Frattaroli, E 18 Freckelton, I 28, 78, 80, 91 Frederiks, B 72 Freeland, A 39 Freidl, M 108 Frelich Appleton, S 8 Frescura, E 37 Freshman, C 28 Fretwell Wilson, R 36 Frischholz, EJ 23 Frize, M 93 Frottier, P 30, 39 Fulero, S 59, 111 G Gable, L 98 Gaillard, B 10 Galeazzi, GM 43, 47 Galili-Weisstub, E 39 Galli, BE 92 Gammelgård, M 64 Gannon, T 43 Gee, M 105 Geiger, B 29, 112 Geist, R 48 Geluk, C 25 Genefke, I 84 Génuit, P 15 Giannini, A 28 Gibson, M 91 Gilchrist, E 68 Gilmour, JM 29, 64 Giordano, S 49 Girre, C 5 Glaser, W 24 Goble, 100 Goel, R 77 Goethals, K 113 Goethals, KR 105 Gombos, G 98 Goodman-Delahunty, J 40, 51 Goodmark, L 27 Gore, K 81 Gozna, L 109 Grado, A 22 Graham-Kevan, N 23 Granhag, PA109 Gray, JE 40, 75 Gray, NS 73 Greenspan, P 108 Grossberg, M 70 Grudzinskas, Jr, AJ 49, 75 Grundell, E 48 Gumpert, CH 105 Gunter, TD 24, 46 Gustavson, C 101 Gutheil, T 52, 105, 110 Gutierrez, D 111 Gutschner, D 26, 75 H Haagen, PH 3 Hackett, M 72 Hadley, T 111 Haessler, F 9, 42, 47 Haggiag, J 44 Hahn,KJ 77 Hamilton, M 112 Hamilton, T 111 Hammond, S 74 Handford, P 34 Hanson, JL20, 102 Happell, B 71 Hárdi, L 72 Harrison, R 4 Hartford, K 98 Hasegawa, T 45 Hashimoto, A 91 Hasson, ME 13 Hätönen,, H 68, 69 Havemann, P 101 Hay, D 53 Healy, B 51 Healy, D 46, 101 Heering, E 82 Heide, 5KM 3 Heide, K 10 Heil, J 3 Heim, J 13 Hendriks, V 14 Herald, M 26 Herinckx, H 59 Hernandez-Dwarakasing, IS 2 Herpertz, S 71 Hesta, H 104 Hill, A 61 Hirschelmann-Ambrosi, A 21, 32 Hofvander, B 92, 100 Hogg, D 104 Höglund, P 93, 101 Holdman, S 59 Hollis, V 85 Holmberg, U 12 Holmes, GA 18 Holzinger, B 62, 113 Hope, T 35, 49 Hotopf, M 35 Howard, J 87 Howard, R 51 Howells, K 51, 52 Huchzermeier, C 25 119 Hughes, G 40 Hunter, C 95 Hurley, J 87 Hyodo, A 76 I Ifediora, JO 102 Illafont Coronel, LC 82 Inciardi, JA 24 Infante, F 63 Ingleby, D 77 Ireland, CA 40, 107 Ireland, JL 40, 107 J Jackson, M 67 Jacobs, M 36 Jacquin, KM 33 Jaffé, PD 10 Jager, AD 24 Jambroes, T 85 Jansen, LMC 73, 81 Janssen, W 104 Janus, E 25, 74 Jeremiah, Jr., JS 58 Jing, ZL 3 Johansson, L 97 Johnson-Jennings, M 87 Johnston, C 59 Jones, DN 67 Jones, M 2 Jovanovic, AA 79 Judges, D 59 K Kachigian, C 85 Kahana, J 70, 103 Kala, AK 69 Kallivrousis, G 94 Kaltiala-Heino, R 64 Kane, E 45 Kaplan, L 47, 86 Kappler, G 70 120 Karpela, T 29 Karpin, I 96 Kastner, H 63 Kati, A 89 Keating, F 106 Keiper, P 42 Kelecevic, J 100 Kelly, L 18 Kelly, M 20 Kelly, RF 18 Keltner, B 63 Kennedy, A 56 Kennedy, J 36 Kerr, G 48 Kessler, L 8 Keys, M 109 Keyzer, P 53 Kilgour, D 57 Kimonis, E 71 Kinderman, P 78 Kisely, S 60 Kitanaka, J 106 Kjelsberg, E 42 Kjervik, DK 22 Klassen, PE 99 Kleinpeter, CB 80 Kletecka-Pulker, M 108 Klier, C 79 Klösch, G 62, 113 Knecht, G 47 Knowles, A 80 Koehler, BE 30 Kojimoto, M 76 Kölch, M 50, 75 Konrad, N 9, 24, 88 Kontio, R 68 Koopsu, J 12 Krabbendam, AA 32 Krischer, M 9 Kristiansson, M 93 Krob, L 72 Kröber, H 88 Kruger, A 88 Kuehner, C 29 Kuley, NB 9 Kumar, S 55 Kuosmanen, L 68, 69 L L'Heureux-Dube, C 57 Laking, J 92 Lancel, M 105 Lanotte, A 16 Lapointe, M 5 Larkin, F 104 Larkin, M 59 Larson, T 100 Lau, S 25 Laubacher, A 4 Laudy, D 5, 89 Lavis, A 66 Lawton-Smith, S 60 Le Page, JA 30 Lee, K 110 LeFrancois, B 98 Legemaate, J 32 Lemaire, P 52 Lemmens, T 90 Leo, S 6 Leonhardy, K 63 Lesch, OM 61 Lesser, J 32, 51, 77 Letellier de St-Just, L 5 Leukefeld, CG 24 Levander, S 90 Léveillée, S 10 Lewis, J 13 Lewis, O 49 Lidz, C 5 Lindahl, M 55 Lindsay, RCL 110, 111 Linsley, P 87 Lippel, K 44, 57 Lloyd, M 87 Lodewijks, H 55, 64 Loeber, R 26 London, JW 112 Longobardi, A 16 LoPiccolo, C 7 Lorentzon, F 91 Loughnan, A 46, 106 Lu, S 57 Ludwig, S 23 Lurie, S 56, 89 Luzzago, A 90 Lyon, TD 110 M Mabry, CR 18 Macdonald, W 41 Mackay, R 46 MacKay, S 81 MacLennan, S 71 Maddaleno, M 63 Madden, RG 17 Magnarapa, G 16 Maier, T 89 Malatesti, L 108 Malmgren, H 90 Manning, N 45 Mansnerus, L 31 Marchand, A 57 Marchenko, Y 15 Maria Pavarin, GM 107 Marinho Camargo, MEM 13, 96 Mariotti Culla, L 38 Marleau, J 10 Maroney, TA 13, 36 Martin, SS 24 Martinez, D 31 Martins de Barros, D 96 Marzi, L 108 Masclet, G 53 Mastronardi, V 11, 16 Matas, D 57 Matravers, M 108 Matsubara, S 76 Matthews, Z 20 Maué, F 25 Maxhuni, B 62, 79 McCabe, A 86 McCarthy, S 63 McDonald, D 84 McGhee, P 93 McGuire, J 10 McMillan, J 108 121 McNamee, J 99 McSain, J 34 Mechanic, MB 29 Meier, BM 99 Mels, C 76 Mendelson, D 29, 34, 46 Mendelson, G 24, 62, 112 Merzagora Betsos, I 43, 44 Mester, R 30 Meyrick, S 56 Mfoafo-M'Carthy, M 56 Miller, E 68 Miller, S 30, 112 Mills, M 102 Mirto, L 28 Molloy, P 80 Montgomery, E 76 Moran, JE 107 Mordoch, E 53 Moretti, M 67 Morgan, CA 94 Morgan, W 43 Morrison, V 30 Morrissey, J 101 Morton, L 34 Mos, K 14, 35 Motte dit Falisse, J 21, 32 Moulin, V 21, 32 Muccio, SB 21 Mueller, H 61 Muirhead, D 63 Mulder, EA 81 Mulder, NCL 55, 75 Mulvey, E 5 Munist, M 102 Munro, N 5 Mura, S 28 Murphy, J 36 Murphy, N 104 Musisi, S 94 Muthu, Y 34, 87 N Nakatani, Y 76 Nakhaie, R 90 122 Nederlof, E 83 Needs, A 40 Nelson, W 70 Nencioni, M 17 Nicholson, C 18 Nilsson, T 100 Niveau, G 37 Nixon, J 95 Nolan, LC 18 Noll, T 4 Noorthoorn, E 104 Norton, L 94 O O’Boyle, MW 42 O’Brien, A 56 O’Brien, P 80 Obolsky, AE 82 O'Brien, AJ 87 O'Connor, M 42, 47 Odgers, CL 5, 55, 67 Oei, KT 2, 7, 12 Ogbogu, U 44 Ogden, T 19 Oh, R 77 Ohaeto, C 74 Olive, ME 70 Olivier, E 58 Onetto Muñoz, I 65 Onofri, SE 22 Oomen, J 84 Oosterhuis, H 106 O'Reilly, R 78 Osorio Kavanagh, LT 95 Ostman, M 53 Ott, J 3 Ottaviani, E 22 P Paalman C, 41 Paap, K 34 Pagliariani, R 58 Palassis, S 87 Palermo Fabris, E 114 Palermo, G 47, 53 Pan, P 85 Pantic, Z 52 Paphazy, J 86 Parente, A 38 Pary, R 72 Parzen, MD 62 Passerini, G 66 Patterson, JH 86 Patterson, JL 86 Penn, JV 58 Pepler, D 67 Peppin, P 65, 96 Perdew, I 33 Peres Day, V 82, 88 Perkins, E 59 Perlin, M 13 Perlin, ML 36 Perlman, K 33 Perron, A 87 Persons, N 10 Persons, R 10 Persson, KC Peschiaroli, B 11 Petersen, K 98 Peterson, C 86, 111 Peterson-Badali, M 81 Petrova, P 61 Pettorossi, R 44 Philipse, MWG 113 Piccolo, M 103 Pitkänen, A 69 Platz, WE 61 Pleasence, P 95 Poelmann, J 54 Pogorzelski, W 80 Polanski, C 102 Pollack, G 2 Pomilla, A 6 Poniarski, RM 18 Popma, A 73 Porter, S 8 Portwood, SG 27 Pratt, C 77 Prud’homme, V 15 Przygodzki-Lionet, N 52, 53 Purdie-Vaughns, V 36 Purdy,RH 85 Putkonen, H 4 Q Quinlan, M 57 Quinn, MC 88 Quirke, E 108 R Rachvoll, U 39, 42 Radovic, S 90 Raghavan, C 26, 27 Raj, A 68 Ralston, KM 99 Ralston, R 86 Ramey, C 20 Ramey, S 41 Ramsey, SH 18 Randall, VF 102 Rando, G 17 Rasras, K 113 Read, RP Reddy, P 80, 91 Rehm, J 14 Reichman, RP 83 Reilly, J 70 Reis, O 42 Reiss, DM 18, 62 Ressi, G 67 Reznik, R 95 Rhodes, A 24 Rhys Jones, W 71 Richard, K 58 Richardson, G 35, 83 Rickard-Clarke, PT 88 Rieger, L 97 Ries, NM 44 Righetto, G 103 Rigonatti, SP 96 Rioux, M 65 Risoli, A 106 Ristow, 98 Rivellino, G 11 123 Rogers, W 96 Ronner, AD 12 Roozen, H 104 Rose, C 101 Rosen, A 62 Rosenbury, LA 9 Rosenfeld, B 112 Rosenshield, G 92 Rossegger, A 4 Rossi, A 38 Rossmo, DK 8 Roth Schellenberg, D 37 Rothman, D 70 Rothman, S 70 Rotman E, 12 Ruchkin, VV 55 Runyan, D 8 Rushiti, F 62, 79 Russo, J 27 Rutkowski, K 62 Ryan, EP 9 Ryan, T 9 S Sadighi, G 69 Saffi, F 96 Saimeh, N 54 Saleem, Y 14 Saleh, FM 49 Sands, N 82 Sarchiapone, M 30 Sarkar, SP 66 Saumweber (Skarke), K 65 Scarpa, F 38, 107 Scarpinati Rosso, M 97 Schalkwijk, F 2 Scheflin, AW 23 Schekter, V 37 Schlaefke, D 9, 42 Schlar, C 113 Schmeck, K 15, 26, 75 Schmeiser, S 110 Schneider, RD 36, 48 Scholte, EM 55 Schrag, F 110 124 Schubert, C 5 Schuller, R 51 Schultz, PD 25, 36 Schutgens, E 113 Schuthof, G 12 Schweppe, J 46 Sciolla, C 82 Scott, C 22, 34 Scully, P 15, 99 Seeskin, K 92 Segal, SP 60, 63 Sehwail, M 89, 113 Sehwail, W 113 Sekhukhune, D 45 Sensky, T 59 Sepúlveda, EM 88 Severson, G 54 Sexton, T 41 Shalleck, A 8 Shannon, B 111 Sharpe, G 83 Sheidow, AJ 39 Shestowsky, D 36 Shorter, E 44, 101 Siddique, S 78 Siegel, A 14 Silva, R 41, 90 Silverman, JG 68 Silverman, RD 46 Simalchik, J 45 Simpson Beck, VS 65 Sinclair, HC 47 Singer, J 36 Singh, B 69 Sitvast J, 104 Sjöström, S 8 Skene, L 21 Slaby, A 31 Slatter, M 95 Slobogin, C 59 Smith, GP 20 Snowden, RJ 73 Soerensen, B 61 Sófi, G 90 Solan, LM 99 Solomon, E 10 Somers, SB 109 Soro, S 84 Soucy, L 87 Sowards, G 66 Spain, E 13 Sperling, W 61 Spidel, A 108 Spitzberg, BH 47 Spohn, CC 65 Squitieri, F 21 Srinivasaraghavan, J 46 Stacey, J 52 Ståhlberg, O 100 Stalker, M 104 Stamp, F 50 Stanghellini, G 103 Stanković, B 110 Stannard, JE 13 Stark, B 8 Stark, R 78 Starkman, B 79, 92 St-Arnaud, L 44 Stasi, P 21 Stevens, G 41 Stevens, L 68 Stewart, A 49 Stewart, C 21 Stinson, JD 66 Stone, DH 56 Stouthamer-Loeber, M 26 Strano, M 16, 27, 37, 38 Stuart, H 30, 82 Studebaker, C 40 Studer, LH 54 Stupperich, A 61, 65 Stutman, S 42 Suarez-Ojeda, EN 102 Subilia, L 108, 113 Suli, A 89 Surratt, HL 24 Suzuki, A 91 Suzuki, CM 82 Svennerlind, C 91 Swanson, J 39 Swartz, J 34 Sy-Quang-Ky, C 21 Syrokvashina, K 31 Szmukler, G 4, 83 T Tai, S 102 Tait, D 49 Takabayashi, A 91 Takacs, S 54 Takayanagi, I 76 Talley, K 106 Taloyan, M 97 Talwar, V 110 Tamer Aker, A 72 Tan, J 66 Taras, H 34, 35 Tauber, CD 79 Taxman, FS 24 Taylor, J 73 ten Berge, M 82 Terekhina, S 31 Terrana, A 16 Terry, NP 34, 45 Teylouni, F 37 Thain, GJ 102 The, SSL 41, 50 Theunissen, J 104 Thompson, C 29, 43 Tibatemwa-Ekirikubinza, L 94 Tobin Tyler, E 35 Tolou-Shams, 58 Tomossy, G 46 Torrealday, O 58 Touyz, S 49 Travaini, GV 43, 44 Trowbridge, B 97 Tschan, W 29 Tuerkheimer, F 86 Turco, M 27 Turkot A, 52 V Väfors Fritz, M 55 Välimäki, M 64, 68, 69 125 van Baardewijk, Y 55 van Beelen, P 35 van de Beek, C 73 Van de Putte, D 7 Van de Veen, SL 2 van de Wetering, B 7, 58 van den Berg, A 7 van der Kroft, P 105 van der Merwe, A 18 van der Molen, E 31 van der Nagel, J 104 van der Pol, T 14, 25 van der Weide, C 105 Van der Wolf, MJF 54 van Domburgh, L 25 van Doorn, S 81 van Gestel, K 104 van Hemert, AM 75 Van Honk, J 15 van Leeuwen, E 26 van Marle, H 105 Van Marle, HJC 54 van Nieuwenhuizen, C 85 Van Pelt, J 25 van Veldhuizen, JR 32 Vecchi, V 44 Veen, V 41 Veenhoven, R 3 Venters, T 22 Verheug, TAJ 2 Vermeiren, R 25, 26, 50, 64, 75, 81 Vermunt, S 90 Vézina, M 51 Victoroff, J 14 Vieira, T 81 Villanova, M 11, 22 Villerbu, LM 16, 21 Vincent, G 50, 55, 58 Vine, R 32, 50 Visca, V 11 Vissers, A 113 Vivona, G 17 Vollebergh, W 41 Völlm, B 3, 55 Volterra, V 11 von Arx, F 22 126 von Unger, H 60 Vreugdenhil, C 82 W Wahlund, K 93 Wainberg, ML 60 Walczewska, J 62 Waldman, E 26 Wallace, A 40 Walter, H 61 Waring, DR 90 Warren, JI 43 Weiner, P 88 Weisstub, DN 45 Weizmann-Henelius, G 4, 64 Wendt, F 85 Wenzel, T 52, 62 Westerborg, MA 12 Westrin, C 45 Wetzell, R 107 Wexler, DB 12 Whelan, D 46 White, HR 34 White, P 55, 93 Whittle, N 41 Whitworth, D 19 Wilce, JM 99 Wilf, S 110 Wilks-Riley, F 107 Williams, C 97 Williams, NH 112 Wilson, J 56 Winick, B 30 Winick, BJ 7 Woods, G 20, 87, 94 Woodworth, M 8 Wright, ER 60 Y Yamamoto, T 76 Yang, M 74 Young, D 9 Young, JL 93 Young, ML 23 Yourstone, J 3 Z Zabow, T 88 Zahumensky, D 49 Zaitchik, M 19 Zawid, J 17 Zeiler, J 25, 47 Zolovska,, B 28 Zuckerberg, J 77, 92 127 SPECIAL EVENTS AND RECEPTIONS OPENING CEREMONIES PALAZZO DELLA RAGIONE SUNDAY, JUNE 24TH, 5:00PM *REGISTRATION COMMENCING AT PALAZZO DELLA RAGIONE AT 1:00PM CONCERT BASILICA DEL SANTO MONDAY, JUNE 25TH, 7:00 - 7:45 PM COMMENCING TO FOLLOW FILM DISCUSSION WORKSHOP MAGNA ROOM (AULA), DEPARTMENT OF SOCIOLOGY, 12 VIA CESAROTTI TUESDAY, JUNE 26TH, 6:00 - 8:30 PM Childhood Trauma in Film: Undzere Kinder (Our Children) Film screening followed by discussion Maurice Preter, Columbia University Harold J. Bursztajn, Harvard Medical School BUFFET DINNER AND CONCERT EREMITANI SQUARE, EREMITANI CHURCH WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27TH, 7:00 - 10:00 PM CLOSING BANQUET VILLA FOSCARINI ROSSI SATURDAY JUNE 30TH, DEPARTURE 7:00 PM FURTHER DETAILS AVAILABLE AT REGISTRATION RETREAT FONDAZIONE LANZA SUNDAY JULY 1ST, 9:00 AM 128 The International Academy of Law and Mental Health Board of Directors 2006-2007 Terry Carney President University of Sydney Marijke Drost Pompe Clinic, Nijmegen Enrique Sepulveda University of Chile David N. Weisstub Honorary Life President Université de Montréal Ian Freckelton University of Sydney Andrew Slaby New York University Thomas Gutheil President-Elect Harvard University Trevor Hadley University of Pennsylvania Sandy Simpson University of Auckland Hjalmar van Marle Immediate Past President Erasmus University Rotterdam Jean Hébert Université de Montréal Lawrence Solan Brooklyn Law School Paul-André Lafleur Norbert Konrad Vice-président de la francophonie Free University of Berlin Institut Philippe Pinel Leonard V. Kaplan Treasurer University of Wisconsin-Madison Jagannathan Srinivasaraghavan Southern Illinois University Justice Claire L’Heureux-Dubé José Taborda Université de Laval, Retired member Federal School of Medical of the Supreme Court of Canada Sciences of Porte Alegre Thomas Wenzel Vincenzo Mastronardi George Tomossy Secretary-General University of Rome “La Sapienza” Macquarie University University Hospital for Psychiatry, Vienna Julio Arboleda-Florez Queen’s University Danuta Mendelson Deakin University Claes-Göran Westrin University of Uppsala Wendy Austin University of Alberta Christian Mormont Université de Liège George Woods Morehouse College of Medicine, Atlanta Peter Bartlett University of Nottingham Seggane Moses Musisi Makerere University Juan Blengio University of Uruguay George B. Palermo Medical College of Wisconsin Mónica Bolis PAHO-WHO, Washington, D.C. Renzo Pegoraro Fondacione Lanza Theo Doreleijers VU Medical Centre Amsterdam Michael Perlin New York Law School 129