APPLICATION FOR COMPUTER SCIENCE COMPREHENSIVE MASTER’S EXAMINATION Time: 9:00 – 4:00 Date: NAME: Room: RBN 3038 ID#: ADDRESS: HOME PHONE: WORK PHONE: CELL PHONE: E-MAIL ADDRESS: YOU MUST HAVE A FORMAL/SIGNED DEGREE PLAN ON FILE BEFORE TAKING THIS TEST. (IF YOU DON’T HAVE ONE MAKE AN APPOINTMENT TO HAVE ONE MADE IMMEDIATELY!) ON FILE: YES NO YOU MUST HAVE ALREADY TAKEN THE GRE TEST BEFORE YOU CAN TAKE THE COMPREHENSIVE EXAM. GRE SCORES: ANALYTICAL: VERBAL: QUANTITATIVE: UPPER LEVEL GPA: Please fill in the following information: Instructor Semester School Grade Yes Yes No No Is this your first time to take this examination? If no, list the courses for which you will be retaking the exam. Yes No Student Signature Date COSC 5330 Operating Systems COSC 5340 Programming Language COSC 5350 Data Communication and Networks COSC 5360 Database Design University Prerequisites or Equivalents Met? Data Structures Computer Organization NOTE: ADMISSION TO CANDIDACY REQUIRED (MUST HAVE COMPLETED EACH CORE CLASS- COSC 5330, COSC 5340, COSC 5350, COSC 5360 WITH A “B” OR BETTER.). If this is your second attempt, please confer with the Chairman of the Computer Science Department before you sign this application. STUDY GUIDE FOR M.S. COMPUTER SCIENCE COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION The following guide is designed to aid the graduate computer science student who is preparing to take the comprehensive examination. (These are a few of the books you will need to be familiar with). COSC 5330: OPERATING SYSTEMS OPERATING SYSTEM CONCEPTS Silberschatz and Galvin, 6th Ed., 2002 Chapters 1-14, 18, 19 And MODERN OPERATING SYSTEMS (Prentice Hall) A.S. Tanenbaum (2nd Edition, 2001) ISBN: 0-13-031358-0 COSC 5340: PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES, DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION Pratt and Zelkowitz COSC 5350: DATA COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKS DATA AND COMPUTER COMMUNICATIONS W. Stallings; 6th Ed., ISBN: 0-13-084370-9 (Prentice Hall) 2000 COSC 5360: DATABASE DESIGN FUNDAMENTALS OF DATABASE SYSTEMS Benjamin/Cummings; 2nd Edition, 1994 Elmasri and Navathe And DATABASE SYSTEM CONCEPTS H.F. Korth and A. Silberschatz, 4th Edition And DATABASE SYSTEMS: THE COMPLETE BOOK (Newest Version) ISBN: 0-13-0319953 Jeffrey D.Ullman, JenniferWidom, Hector Garcia-Molina PROCEDURES AND RULES FOR THE M.S. IN COMP. SCI. COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION 1. 2. 3. The M.S. Computer Science Comprehensive Exam will be administered the first or second Friday during the months of October, February and June. Please check with the Administrative Assistant in RBN 3001 to get the dates – (903.566.7403). The student must fill out an “Application for Computer Science Master’s Examination” sheet no later than one week preceding the date of the exam in the office of Lisa Wyatt, RBN 3001. The exam session will usually be conducted according to the following schedule: 9:00 A.M. – 12:00 P.M. 12:00 P.M. - 1:00 P.M. 1:00 P.M. – 4:00 P.M. COSC 5330 and COSC 5340 Break For Lunch COSC 5350 and COSC 5360 4. The rules of conduct for taking the exam are as follows: a. Each student must provide pencils, erasers, and non-programmable calculators. One blue book for each exam area will be provided by the department. b. All personal items including but not limited to caps, hats, gloves, books, backpacks, purses, and briefcases are to be left at the front of the classroom unless otherwise directed by the proctor. c. Students may not leave the room during the testing without proper authority. Only one person at a time will be given leave. d. Students are expected to refrain from talking, gesturing, or communicating in any manner with other students during the examination. e. Test instruments must be returned to the proctor at the conclusion of the exam period. 5. Only two exam sessions may be attended by a student. After that, you must meet with the Chair of the Computer Science Department for further advisement. During the first session, all four exams must be taken. a. If a passing grade is received on all four exams, then the exam requirement is fulfilled. b. If a passing grade is received on three exams and a failing grade on the fourth, the fourth exam must be retaken and passed during the second exam session. c. If a passing grade is received on two exams and a failing grade on the remaining two, the two exams not passed must be retaken and passed during the second exam. d. If a passing grade is received on only one exam or on none of the exams, all four exams must be retaken and passed during the second exam session. NOTE: A Master’s Degree in Computer Science from the University of Texas at Tyler will not be awarded to any student until all sections have been passed on the comprehensive exam. DO NOT WAIT TILL YOUR LAST SEMESTER TO TAKE THE COMPREHENSIVE EXAM!! AS SOON AS YOU HAVE COMPLETED ALL THE CORE CLASSES WITH A “B” OR BETTER, YOU SHOULD TAKE THE COMP. EXAM THE VERY NEXT TIME IT IS OFFERED!