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Environmental Priority Service, Inc.
Statement of Qualifications
July, 2013
For More Information, Please Contact:
Environmental Priority Service, Inc.
7193 E. Benfield Rd.
Salina, Kansas 67401
PH: (785) 823-6205
FAX: (785) 823-6412
INTRODUCTION.............................................................................. 1
BACKGROUND INFORMATION .................................................... 1
REPRESENTATIVE PROJECTS / EXPERIENCE .......................... 2
BUSINESS REFERENCES .............................................................. 16
KEY PROFESSIONAL PROFILES................................................... 17
Environmental Priority Service, Inc.
Environmental Priority Service, Inc. consists of qualified environmental professionals
experienced in providing direct push and mobile laboratory assistance for your
environmental needs. The following brochure outlines the environmental services and
qualifications that our firm provides. If you have any specific questions once you have
read this document or require additional information, please call us at (785) 823-6205.
Environmental Priority Service (EPS) was formed to provide direct push subcontract
services for other consultant firms. The services that we offer include:
Site Assessments: soil gas, soil and groundwater investigations for commercial real
estate transactions utilizing direct push.
Site Assessments: soil gas, soil and groundwater investigations and soil conductivity
profiles for contaminated areas of underground storage tanks, pipelines, pipeline substations, industrial and manufacturing facilities, refineries and landfills.
Soil and groundwater contaminant delineation / point source identification.
Expert witness and litigation support services.
Installation of piezometers and groundwater monitoring wells.
Direct Image Electrical Soil Conductivity profiles
Contamination Remediation / Injection
Nitrate Groundwater Investigations w/ On-Site Analysis
Membrane Interface Probe (MIP) Logging
Track mount auger drilling / 2” well installation
EPS, founded in 1993, is headquartered in Salina, Kansas. EPS personnel have project
experience in over 10 states throughout the midwest region of the United States, and have
performed site assessments for a variety of private and large environmental consultant
firms. During the company's first eighteen years of operation, its consultant client base
has increased considerably and currently totals approximately 80 different consultant
firms. This is a result of our commitment to providing the highest level of service to our
consultants. The number of customer referrals and 90% rate of repeat business also
reflect our high level of service and consultant satisfaction.
Environmental Priority Service, Inc.
The professional experience of EPS personnel allows us to provide a wide variety of
environmental investigative services. The following are several representative projects
conducted by EPS personnel for other consultant firms. Site specific locations have
remained confidential at the client’s request.
Emergency Response
EPS was contracted by a major pipeline company to determine the degree of
surficial water contamination that had migrated to a lake in northeast Texas.
The contamination originated from a pipeline rupture that occurred approximately
30 miles upstream from the lake. Approximately 600,000 gallons of refined
gasoline, containing MTBE, was lost during the pipeline rupture. Dissolvedphase hydrocarbons, primarily MTBE, migrated within a creek and down into the
lake. EPS was contacted to utilize its mobile laboratory on site. Initially, all
water samples were shipped to certified laboratories for rapid 24-hr. turnaround
results. Once it was determined that EPS's mobile laboratory provided
quantifiable results comparable to the certified lab's, and that results could be
obtained every fifteen minutes rather than overnight, it was determined that EPS's
mobile lab would be utilized strictly to analyze all samples. Once lake-water
contaminant levels had fallen below safe drinking water levels, EPS assisted in
collecting soil samples at the rupture site to determine the extent of the soil
contamination. The project has recently been completed and closed by the State
of Texas.
EPS was contracted by a major pipeline company to determine the lateral and
vertical extent of subsurface soil and groundwater fuel contamination that had
migrated from a leaky valve in southeast Oklahoma. The valve was repaired and
EPS was contracted to perform the consulting work, including a Phase II
environmental investigation. The soils were profiled down to weathered bedrock
layers and piezometers installed to facilitate groundwater collection. Soils
collected from pvc soil liners, as well as the groundwater collected from the
piezometers were examined for fuel staining and odor. All samples were then
analyzed on-site for fuel voc’s utilizing a mobile lab equipped with a gas
chromatograph. Splits were also collected for analysis by an off-site lab for
comparison. Reporting was completed upon receiving lab results, including site
maps with testhole locations and analytical results maps to aid remediation plans.
Several piezometers were converted into permanent 2 inch monitoring wells for
continuing monitoring purposes.
EPS was contracted by a major insurance company to conduct a Phase II
environmental investigation at a fuel tanker turnover site in central Kansas
Environmental Priority Service, Inc.
The tanker had been transporting 8000 gallons of gasoline when the driver lost
control of the rig, turning it over and setting it and the ditch of a highway on fire.
Much of the fuel soaked into the ground. Soil samples were collected to
determine the lateral and vertical extent of the gasoline contamination utilizing
direct push equipment. Soil samples were collected from pvc liners and examined
for fuel staining and odor. The samples were analyzed on-site for gasoline related
voc’s utilizing a mobile lab equipped with a gas chromatograph. A final report
was sent with maps outlining the spill area and analytical results from soil
samples taken. Recommendations were made for site clean-up strategies.
EPS was contracted by a major pipeline company to determine the lateral and
vertical extent of subsurface soil and groundwater fuel contamination that had
migrated from a leaky valve in central Illinois. The valve was repaired and
EPS was contracted to perform the environmental consulting work, including a
Phase II environmental investigation. The soils were profiled down to below
contamination and piezometers installed to facilitate groundwater collection.
Soils collected from pvc soil liners, as well as the groundwater collected from the
piezometers were examined for fuel staining and odor. All samples were then
analyzed on-site for fuel voc’s utilizing a mobile lab equipped with a gas
chromatograph. Soil samples were collected by pipeline environmental personal
during excavation activities. A complete Report was provided by EPS, including
site maps with testhole locations and analytical results maps to aid remediation
plans. One piezometer was left in place near the leading edge of the soil
contamination plume for evaluation once excavation activities were completed.
Commercial Real Estate Transfers
EPS was contracted by a large petroleum company to determine the presence
and/or absence of any petroleum-related soil or groundwater contamination that
may have existed at several of its substations. The substations were part of a
property transferral to another gas company. Both parties involved agreed to
contract with EPS personnel to perform the site assessments. Under the direct
supervision of the petroleum company's consultant firm, ten (10) of the substation sites were assessed within one working week.
EPS has been contracted to perform Phase II assessments at various sites
throughout the central US. Any possible sources of contamination were
investigated on the sites or coming from adjacent properties. Soils were profiled
and lithologies determined. Evidence of contamination was noted. Soil and
groundwater samples were collected and analyzed to determine the existence of
any volatile compounds (VOC’s).
Environmental Priority Service, Inc.
Final reports were submitted including maps with hole locations and detailed
explanations of procedures and findings. The properties have currently been sold
at the lender's approval.
EPS was contracted by another consultant firm to perform a groundwater
investigation at a vacant site in Wichita, Ks. The groundwater underlying the
property was analyzed at the lender's request to determine the presence or
absence of any VOC's. It was determined that the groundwater was free of
any contamination, and the property was sold.
EPS was contracted to determine the existence/absence of any petroleumrelated contamination located within the soil and/or groundwater at a former
bulk fuel plant in Abilene, Kansas. Several above-ground fuel storage tanks
were located throughout the subject property. Groundwater samples were
collected and analyzed on site. It was determined that the groundwater
contained no detectable contamination and the property was sold.
EPS was contracted to provide sample collection and analytical services for an
environmental consulting firm in Wichita, Kansas. The consultant firm was hired
to determine if an innocent landowner's property was affected by an adjacent
service station. The service station had underground storage tanks located near
the property boundaries. Contamination was found to be present on site, thus
eliminating any potential property transaction for the innocent landowner. A
lawsuit has been filed, and at the request of the Kansas Department of Health
and Environment (KDHE), the adjacent service station's owner has been
instructed to further investigate the contamination in question.
EPS was contracted by a nationwide consultant firm to perform a groundwater
and soil investigation at a large manufacturing facility in Sioux City, Iowa. The
investigation was conducted to determine the vertical and horizontal extent of
the previously discovered groundwater contamination. The contamination
consisted of degreasers and solvents. EPS was hired to determine the point
source(s) as well as the extent of the plume. Once the field work was completed
and all data compiled, it was determined that several "hot spots" had been
discovered within the groundwater, and three differing contaminant-type plumes
did exist. This investigation remains ongoing.
EPS was contracted by a nationwide consultant firm to determine the lateral
extent of the previously discovered groundwater contamination at a site in
Omaha, Nebraska. An on-site monitoring well, installed within the excavation
area of a former 500 gallon underground fuel storage tank, indicated a trace
amount of free product floating on the groundwater. EPS collected and analyzed
groundwater samples to determine the plume's boundaries. It was determined that
Environmental Priority Service, Inc.
the hydrocarbon plume had not migrated beyond the boundaries of the former
excavation area. Therefore, the on-site monitoring well was converted to a
recovery well, and the property was successfully sold.
EPS was contracted by a real estate company in Salina, Kansas to determine the
presence of any fuel or solvent contamination that may be present in the soils and
groundwater underlying an old salvage yard they were purchasing. A Phase II
environmental investigation was performed and a report issued including maps
and outlining findings. Recommendations were made and a subsequent
excavation was performed under the direction of the Kansas Department of
Health and Environment utilizing EPS data as a guideline. The property was then
Groundwater Investigations
EPS was contracted by a government agency to perform groundwater sampling at
a site in Hastings, Nebraska. The project was conducted to determine the
configuration of a known groundwater plume to determine whether an additional
remedial system should be installed. Depth to groundwater was 120 ft., and EPS
personnel collected interval water samples from 120’ down to 200’ (and broke
several probing depth records in the process!). The groundwater plume was
accurately identified, and no need for an additional remedial system was
necessary, saving the EPA millions of dollars.
EPS was contracted by a nationwide consultant firm to conduct a
groundwater investigation at a site near Poplar Bluff, Missouri. The site
was near a sharp curve in the road within the Ozarks where a tanker truck
had overturned spilling over 6000 gallons of gasoline onto the ground and
into a nearby creek. EPS was contracted to determine the extent of the
free product plume as well as the dissolved phase plume. EPS collected
and analyzed approximately 85 groundwater samples on site within 3 days.
Both plumes were successfully delineated and the remedial plan approved
by the State of Missouri.
EPS was contracted by an environmental consultant firm to delineate the
petroleum contamination that was found to be present upon the groundwater.
within two small cities in Oklahoma. The domestic water wells were known
to be contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbons. EPS personnel
successfully determined the lateral extent of the petroleum contamination as
well as the source of the contamination. Remediation is currently underway.
EPS was contracted by the city of Highland, Indiana, to determine the potential
source of the petroleum contamination that was found within the groundwater on
Environmental Priority Service, Inc.
the city's property. Four major pipeline companies as well as an adjacent
landowner were considered potential sources of the contamination. Groundwater
samples were collected surrounding the suspect area and analyzed. The subject
area was successfully delineated and a "hot spot" located. Once all analytical data
was reviewed and plotted, it was determined that the contamination had originated
from a landowner up-gradient of the suspect area. Monitoring and remedial
activities are currently underway.
EPS was contracted by a large consultant firm to conduct a groundwater
investigation at a manufacturing facility in Topeka, Kansas. Degreasing
solvents were the analytes in question at this particular site. Upon the
recommendation of the KDHE, the out-of-state consultant firm hired EPS to
conduct the field sampling and analysis. During the investigation, it was noted
that bedrock was greatly influencing contaminant migration. It was determined
that EPS personnel would log the depth to bedrock as well as analyze
the groundwater within each testhole. Once all field data was reviewed, a
bedrock map and subsequent isoconcentration map was drafted. It was
determined that the area had been successfully delineated and the undulating
bedrock surface was indeed influencing the migration of the contaminants
within the groundwater. Consequently, this mapping of the bedrock aided
in determining the location of recovery wells and trenches throughout the site.
EPS was contacted by a large consultant firm to conduct a groundwater
investigation at a manufacturing facility in Norfolk, Nebraska. It was
discovered in a previous investigation that a degreasing solvent had leaked from
an above-ground storage tank and into the underlying groundwater. EPS was
hired to determine the later extent of the groundwater contaminant plume.
Within two days, 56 water samples were collected and analyzed and the entire
extent of the plume was successfully defined.
EPS was contracted by a large consultant firm to conduct a groundwater
investigation at a site in Kansas City, Missouri. The investigation was
performed for a large petroleum company to determine the existence of
petroleum-related contamination near underground storage tanks. The
groundwater contamination that was discovered was successfully defined
within one day.
EPS was contracted by a pipeline company to determine the extent of both
free-phase and dissolved phase hydrocarbons that were discovered within
the groundwater. The area of interest was located in central Oklahoma and
surrounded a 180,000 gallon above-ground fuel storage tank and subsequent
piping. Free-phase petroleum contamination was found upon the groundwater
and at the ground surface adjacent to the tank. It was unknown whether the
Environmental Priority Service, Inc.
tank or the associated piping had leaked and caused the contamination. EPS
personnel successfully delineated the groundwater contamination and located
the source. It was determined that a faulty pipeline flange (gasket) had
caused the leak. The pipeline gasket has been replaced and the fuel tank has
been currently put back into service.
EPS was contracted by an environmental consultant firm to delineate
groundwater contamination at over fifty (50) sites throughout the
state of Kansas. The sites were all a part of the KDHE state trust fund
program for underground storage tank owners. KDHE protocol and
guidelines were followed, and each site was successfully delineated, thus
determining the location for monitoring well installation.
EPS was contracted by an environmental consultant firm to collect and analyze
groundwater samples at depths of 140’ using the Geoprobe mechanical bladder
pump at several sites on University of Nebraska property east of Mead, Nebraska.
The work was done under the direction of the Environmental Protection Agency.
EPS was contracted by a national environmental consulting firm to collect and
analyze groundwater samples to delineate multiple groundwater plumes
underlying the city of Wichita, Kansas. Thousands of groundwater samples were
collected and analyzed for voc’s in the field over a period of years under the
direction of the city of Wichita and the KDHE.
Soil and Groundwater Investigations
EPS was contracted by nationwide consulting firms, under the direction of the
University of Nebraska, for soil and groundwater collection underlying land
owned by the State of Nebraska near Mead, Nebraska. Several hundred
groundwater samples were collected during several phases of investigation
spanning several years. Electrical conductivity profiling, MIP investigations and
monitoring well installations were among services performed.
EPS was contracted by another nationwide consultant firm, under the direct
guidance of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, to conduct soil sampling at the
Shilling Airforce Base in Salina, Kansas. Several hundred soil samples were
collected adjacent to underground piping and petroleum pump houses. The
project was successfully performed following the Corps' field sampling protocal.
EPS was contracted by a nationwide consultant firm, again under the direct
guidance of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, to conduct soil and groundwater
sampling at the former Johnson County Air Force Base near Kansas City.
Several hundred soil and groundwater samples were collected. The project was
successfully completed following all of the Corps of Engineer's guidelines.
EPS was contracted by a nationwide consultant firm, under the direct
guidance of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, to conduct soil and groundwater
sampling at the Fort Riley Army Base near Junction City, Kansas.
Several thousand soil and groundwater samples were collected and analyzed
on site over a period of eight years. The projects were successfully completed
following all of the Corps of Engineer's guidelines.
Environmental Priority Service, Inc.
EPS was contracted by a pipeline company to determine the degree of
soil contamination at a spill site near Houston, Texas. It was discovered
that a pipeline valve had leaked and caused extensive petroleum contamination
within the soil. EPS was hired to determine the vertical and lateral extent of
the contamination so as to provide an estimate of the amount of soil that had
to be removed for remedial purposes. EPS collected and analyzed soil
samples from varying depths throughout the site. Upon review of the field
analytical data, the estimated amount of contaminated soil believed to be above
Texas action limits was successfully determined. Remedial activities have been
completed and the site has been accepted as clean by the Texas Water
EPS was contracted by a large consultant firm to perform a subsurface soil
and bedrock investigation at the former Stapleton Airport in Denver, Colorado.
Free-phase petroleum related contamination was previously found to be present
within the groundwater. EPS was hired to determine the lateral extent of the
free-phase product, the depth to bedrock within each testhole, and the degree
of the contamination within the overlying soil. The groundwater contamination
was successfully delineated and the bedrock surface contoured. It was
determined that the bedrock surface had greatly influenced the migration of the
EPS was contracted by a major pipeline company to perform site assessments
at several of its booster substations across the midwestern U.S. to determine the
existence of any petroleum-related contamination that may have been present
within the subsurface. Twenty-six (26) substations, from Louisiana to Indiana,
were successfully investigated and the extent of the contamination defined. The
project was completed within one month. EPS identified several areas of concern
surrounding the booster stations and is addressing the problem areas.
EPS was contracted by a nationwide consultant firm to determine the vertical
extent of the hydrocarbon contamination at two former manufactured gas
plants in western Missouri. Soil and groundwater samples were collected and
analyzed on site. Confirmation samples were sent to a certified laboratory to
confirm all field data. The project was successfully completed within a week.
EPS was contracted by a major natural gas company to determine the existence
of any petroleum-related hydrocarbons that may be present at their facilities.
The areas of interest were within the boundaries of former condensate burn pits.
If contamination was discovered, then the plume was defined. Vertical soil
profiles were conducted within the former pits to determine visual zones
of contamination. Over thirty (30) sites were successfully defined and
Environmental Priority Service, Inc.
EPS was contracted by a Nebraska consultant firm to perform a soil and
groundwater investigation at a manufacturing facility in Omaha, Nebraska.
The investigation was conducted after groundwater was discovered contaminated
during a previous Phase I. Two distinct groundwater plumes were discovered
migrating from the facility during the investigation. With the aide of a soil
conductivity profile, accurate sampling depths as well as the extent of the
contamination were determined.
Piezometer Installation
EPS was contracted by a nationwide consulting firm to conduct a groundwater
and soil investigation in conjunction with monitoring/remedial well installation at
a site in Kansas City. The site was adjacent to a large grain elevator, where only a
track unit probe could be utilized. Groundwater and soil samples were collected
and analyzed on site. It was discovered that high levels of chlorinated solvents
were found within the soil and groundwater. Several 2” monitoring wells were
installed within the contaminated area and converted to remedial wells utilizing
EPS’s large track unit.
EPS was contracted by a nationwide consultant firm to install 1 1/4" piezometers
at a site in south-central Kansas. The area of interest was within a pasture where
an underground pipeline had leaked brine into the groundwater. Several
groundwater samples were collected and analyzed on site to determine the extent
of the brine contamination. Ten piezometers were installed throughout the subject
property to determine groundwater flow. The piezometers were later used
to aide in the design of a remedial system (groundwater was pumped from
horizontal wells and the drawdown of groundwater was measured periodically
within the piezometers).
EPS was contracted by a large petroleum company to install piezometers and
monitoring wells at a petroleum refinery in Borger, Texas. The piezometers and
monitoring wells were installed adjacent to a 160,000 gallon above-ground
diesel tank and its associated piping. It was discovered that the tank had leaked
product into the groundwater in the past, and the monitoring wells were installed
to determine groundwater flow and contaminant migration.
EPS was contracted by a nationwide firm to install 1/2" and 3/4" PVC
piezometers at a railroad yard in Kansas City. The wells were used to determine
groundwater flow and the thickness of phase-separated hydrocarbons upon the
Environmental Priority Service, Inc.
EPS was contracted by an Oklahoma consultant firm to install 1" piezometers at
a pipeline facility near Hugo, Oklahoma. The wells were utilized to determine
groundwater flow as well as the presence of any hydrocarbon contamination
that may exist along the pipeline.
EPS was contracted through a consultant firm by the city's of Salina and Wichita,
Kansas to install 3/4" and 1” piezometers within the boundaries of their
downtown groundwater contaminant plumes. The wells were utilized to monitor
the groundwater conditions as well as to determine the groundwater flow
EPS was contracted by a nationwide consultant firm to install 3/4" monitoring
wells at a site in Enid, Oklahoma. The mini-wells were installed to accurately
depict groundwater flow as well as to monitor the groundwater hydrocarbon
plume that was discovered during a previous investigation. Once the plume
was successfully delineated, EPS installed the wells in areas beyond the plume's
EPS was contracted by a nationwide consultant firm to install several 1"
monitoring wells at a former refinery in Scotts Bluff, Nebraska. The mini-wells
were utilized during the remedial design process to determine actual aquifer
EPS was contracted by a nationwide consultant firm in conjunction with the
Corps of Engineers to install 1" mini-wells at several former Air Force Bases
throughout Kansas and Nebraska. The wells were utilized to determine
groundwater quality, groundwater flow direction and to monitor the plume
EPS was contacted by a pipeline station to install 1" mini-wells at the pipeline's
booster stations throughout the midwestern United States. The mini-wells were
installed around the station perimeters to monitor the groundwater conditions.
EPS was contracted by a midwestern consultant firm to install 1" mini-wells at
several grain elevator sites throughout the midwest. The wells were utilized to
determine groundwater quality, groundwater flow direction and to monitor the
plumes migration patterns.
EPS was contracted by a nationwide consulting firm to install dozens of 2 inch
temporary pvc piezometers at a former Airport site near Oklahoma City utilizing
Environmental Priority Service, Inc.
auger drilling during the course of several sampling events. The temporary
piezometers were sampled and plugged.
Soil Conductivity Profiles
EPS was contracted by a nationwide consultant firm to provide soil conductivity
investigations at several landfills in central Nebraska. EPS successfully defined
landfill cells as well as potential migration pathways for contamination beyond
the landfill's outer boundaries. EPS is currently authoring a technical paper
explaining the results of these investigations.
EPS was contracted by a Nebraska consultant firm to perform a soil conductivity
investigation at a manufacturing facility in Omaha. The soil conductivity profile
was to provide information concerning migration pathways of chlorinated
solvents discovered during a previous investigation. The conductivity profiles
were located within glacial till and loess deposits. Confirmation soil samples
were collected from zones indicating low conductivity. The soil conductivity
profile successfully showed that where conductivity levels were low within the
soils, the majority of the chlorinated contamination was found. Upon further
interpretation of the soil conductivity logs, it was discovered that extensive silt,
sand and gravel seams could be easily correlated.
EPS was contracted by a Nebraska consultant firm to provide information as to
the various soil types at an industrial facility in eastern Nebraska. The soil
conductivity information was utilized during the remedial design phase of the
project. The data was utilized to determine screen depths within recovery wells
as well as soil vapor extraction wells.
EPS was contracted by a Wichita consultant firm to perform soil conductivity
profiles adjacent and within landfills located in south-central Kansas. The
information was utilized to determine groundwater sampling intervals as well as
to determine well screen intervals.
EPS was contracted by a nationwide consultant firm in conjunction with the
Corps of Engineers to perform a soil conductivity investigation at the former
Schilling Air Force Base in Salina, Kansas. The conductivity data was
utilized to verify soil types as well as potential migration pathways of
EPS was contracted by a Nebraska consulting firm to conduct a soil
conductivity investigation at a manufacturing facility in Norfolk, Nebraska.
The investigation was utilized to determine bedrock depths as well as
Environmental Priority Service, Inc.
potential migration pathways for contaminants. The soil conductivity
data was then utilized to determine groundwater sampling depths.
EPS was contracted by a nationwide consultant firm to conduct a brine
investigation near Conway, Kansas. Several major oil and gas companies
were involved in the investigation to determine whether brine contamination
had impacted the Equus Beds, a vital water source for central Kansas.
Electrical soil conductivity in conjunction with soil sampling, mini-well
installation and groundwater collection were utilized in this investigation.
EPS was contracted by a local farmer conduct a brine investigation in western
Kansas to determine the impact to soils and groundwater from a leaking oilfield
saltwater line. Electrical soil conductivity utilizing a hand held conductivity meter
in conjunction with soil sampling, mini-well installation and groundwater
collection were utilized in this investigation.
EPS was contracted by a Colorado consultant firm to conduct a soil condcutivity
investigation at a former refinery in south-central Kansas. Testholes were located
throughout the refinery and data was utilized to determine optimal screen
intervals for monitoring wells, and to determine soil types below the water table.
The soils were successfully identified, and cross-sections drawn. Electrical soil
conductivity in conjunction with soil sampling, mini-well installation and
groundwater collection were utilized during this investigation.
EPS was contracted by a Kansas City consultant firm to conduct a soil and
groundwater investigation at a former missile silo site located in central Kansas.
Testholes were located throughout the former silo site and along adjacent
properties. Electrical soil conductivity in conjunction with soil sampling, miniwell installation and groundwater collection with on-site analysis were utilized
during this investigation following strict Corps of Engineers' guidelines.
EPS was contracted by a nationwide consultant firm to conduct a soil and
groundwater investigation at a former army ammunition plant located in western
Missouri. Testholes were located throughout the site. Electrical soil conductivity
in conjunction with soil sampling, mini-well installation and groundwater
collection with on-site analysis were utilized during this investigation following
Corps of Engineers' guidelines.
EPS was contracted by a Colorado consulting firm to conduct a soil
conductivity investigation at a former manufacturing facility in Abilene, Kansas.
The soil conductivity investigation was utilized to determine bedrock depths as
well as potential migration pathways for subsurface contaminants. The soil
conductivity data was then utilized to determine groundwater sampling depths.
EPS was contracted by a nationwide consulting firm in conjunction with the
Kansas Department of Health and Environment to conduct a soil
conductivity investigation at a grain elevator near Pratt, Kansas.
The soil conductivity investigation was utilized to determine bedrock depths as
well as potential migration pathways for known fumigants discovered at the site.
The soil conductivity data determined groundwater sampling intervals.
Environmental Priority Service, Inc.
Membrane Interface Probe (MIP) Logging
EPS was contracted by a Colorado consulting firm under the direction of the
Environmental Protection Agency to conduct MIP logging to 135’ east of Mead,
Nebraska. All of the data submitted was approved by the client and by the EPA.
Subsequent groundwater sampling was conducted at selected intervals to verify
the MIP data. This project is ongoing.
Oxygen Release Compound (ORC), Potassium Manganate, Edible Oil Injection
EPS was contracted by a Colorado consulting firm to inject ORC at
a site near Rush Center, Kansas. The ORC was utilized to create barrier
walls within the aquifer where petroleum related contamination was known
to be migrating toward public water supply wells. The ORC was injected at
different intervals within each testhole utilzing a pressure grout pump. The ORC
was injected near the base of the aquifer (60-70 ft.) and near the water table
surface (20-30 ft. bgs). Several monitoring wells that were previously installed
at the site are currently being monitored to determine the remedial effect of the
ORC-induced aquifer.
EPS was contracted by a Wichita, Ks. consulting firm to inject ORC at a State
Trust Fund site in Hutchinson, Kansas. The ORC was injected within the top ten
feet of the aquifer (19-29 ft), and was utilized to create a barrier wall within the
aquifer where petroleum related contamination was known to be migrating
toward domestic wells.
EPS was contracted by a Kansas City consulting firm to inject ORC at a State
Trust Fund site in Newton, Kansas. The ORC was injected from the bedrock
surface to the top of the aquifer, and was again utilized to create a barrier wall
within the aquifer where petroleum related contamination was known to be
migrating toward domestic wells. Additional ORC injection is pending dependent
on analytical results obtained from surrounding monitoring wells.
EPS was contracted by a Paola, Ks. consulting firm to inject ORC at a State
Trust Fund site in Park City, Kansas. The ORC was injected within the top ten
feet of the aquifer (17-27 ft), and was utilized to create a barrier wall within the
aquifer where petroleum related contamination was known to be migrating toward
public supply wells.
Environmental Priority Service, Inc.
EPS was contracted by an Omaha, Nebraska consulting firm to inject ORC at a
site in Council Bluffs, Iowa. The ORC was injected within the groundwater
adjacent to a lake, where underground petroleum storage tanks had had leaked.
The ORC was injected in two cycles, and contaminant levels have dropped
considerably within the past year.
EPS was contracted by a Kansas City, Missouri consulting firm to inject
potassium manganate at Fort Riley, Kansas as part of a former dry cleaning
remediation project.
EPS was contracted by a Kansas City, Missouri consulting firm to inject
edible oil at a site in Manhattan, Kansas. Injections points were determined by
field gc screening results supplied by EPS from rounds of groundwater sampling.
Contamination impact is reflected and continues to be periodically monitored and
injections scheduled accordingly.
EPS was contracted by a nationwide consulting firm to inject remediation
material at a site near St. Louis, Missouri.
EPS was contracted by a nationwide consulting firm to perform a large injection
project at Ellsworth Airforce Base in South Dakota which is on-going.
EPS was contracted by a nationwide consulting firm to perform a large injection
project at Offut Airforce Base near Omaha, Nebraska.
Nitrate Investigations
EPS was contracted by a nationwide consulting firm to conduct a groundwater
nitrate investigation at a storage facility in central Nebraska. Groundwater
vertical profiling in conjunction with on site analysis was conducted at the site to
determine the vertical and lateral extent of the groundwater/nitrate plume. Depth
to groundwater was encountered at 70 ft. bgs., and the profiling extended to
a depth of 135 ft. The nitrates were successfully delineated on site within one
week, and permanent recovery well placement was determined for remedial
EPS was contracted by a nationwide consulting firm to conduct a groundwater
nitrate investigation at a grain elevator in south-central Kansas. Soil Electrical
conductivity profiling, continuous soil profiling and groundwater vertical
profiling in conjunction with on site analysis was conducted at the site to
determine the vertical and lateral extent of the soil and groundwater/nitrate plume.
Depth to groundwater was encountered at 30 ft. bgs., and the profiling extended to
a depth of 40 ft. The nitrates were successfully delineated on site within one
Environmental Priority Service, Inc.
EPS was contracted by a Wichita, Kansas consulting firm to conduct soil and
groundwater nitrate investigations at several grain elevators throughout the
southern half of Kansas. Continuous soil profiling and groundwater vertical
profiling in conjunction with on site analysis was conducted at the site to
determine the degree of the soil and groundwater/nitrate plumes.
Conventional 2” Monitoring Well Installation
EPS was contracted to install 2” monitoring wells at over 50 sites throughout the
midwest. Wells were drilled with augers and completed with well protectors and
oversized concrete pads.
Environmental Priority Service, Inc.
Mr. Darren Brown
Senior Project Manager / Geologist
Geostat Environmental
Wichita, Kansas
Phone # (316) 260-8332
Mr. James Sieck, P.E.
Director of Environmental Health, Safety & Security
Explorer Pipeline Company
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Phone # (918) 493-5143
Mr. Randall Fornshell
President/Chief Chemist
Priority Analytical Laboratories
Wichita, Kansas
Phone # (316) 516-5422
Mr. Tracey Cooley
Senior Project Manager / Professional Geologist
Burns & McDonnell, WCI
Overland Park, Kansas
Phone # (816) 333-4375
Mr. Walter McClendon
Senior Project Manager / Professional Geologist
Burns & McDonnell, WCI
Overland Park, Kansas
Phone # (816) 333-9400
Mr. James Roderick
President/Remediaton Design Engineer
James Roderick & Associates
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Phone # (918) 622-7175
Mr. Mark Finney
Project Manager / Professional Geologist
Shaw Environmental
Kansas City, Missouri
Phone # (913) 451-1224
Mr. Dave Zimmerman
Senior CHMM / Environmental Scientist
Tetra Tech, Inc.
Lenexa, Kansas
Phone # (913) 495-3497
Mr. Jon Gross
Senior Environmental Geologist
RDG & Associates, Inc.
Omaha, Nebraska
Phone # (402) 894-2678
Mr. Ken Wallace
Senior Project Manager / Environmental Geologist
Terracon, Inc.
Wichita, Kansas
Environmental Priority Service, Inc.
Phone # (316) 262-0171
Environmental Priority Service, Inc.
President, Environmental Geologist/Soil Gas Specialist
7193 E. Benfield Rd.
Salina, Kansas 67401
(785) 823-6205
Fort Hays State University, Hays, Kansas
December, 1989
Bachelor of Science
Major: Geology
Kansas Water Well Contractor
KGWA Licensing Continuing Education
Spring Seminar
The Clean Air Act
Continuing Education Course
Spill Prevention Release & Reporting
Continuing Education Course
Stormwater management During Construction
Continuing Education Course
Nebraska Well Drillers Association
Continuing Education Course
OSHA 8 Hour Refresher Training (29 CFR 1910.120)
Recertification Course
James R. Roderick & Associates
Tulsa, Oklahoma
KGWA Spring Seminar
Continuing Education Course
Topeka, Kansas
OSHA 8 Hour Refresher Training (29 CFR 1910.120)
Recertification Course
James R. Roderick & Associates
Tulsa, Oklahoma
OSHA 8 Hour Refresher Training (29 CFR 1910.120)
Recertification Course
James R. Roderick & Associates
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Kansas Groundwater Water Well Conference
Continuing Education Course
Topeka, Kansas
OSHA 8 Hour Refresher Training (29 CFR 1910.120)
Recertification Course
James R. Roderick & Associates
Tulsa, Oklahoma
OSHA 8 Hour Refresher Training (29 CFR 1910.120)
Recertification Course
James R. Roderick & Associates
Tulsa, Oklahoma
OSHA 8 Hour Refresher Training (29 CFR 1910.120)
Recertification Course
James R. Roderick & Associates
Tulsa, Oklahoma
OSHA 8 Hour Refresher Training (29 CFR 1910.120)
Recertification Course
James R. Roderick & Associates
Tulsa, Oklahoma
OSHA 8 Hour Refresher Training (29 CFR 1910.120)
Recertification Course
James R. Roderick & Associates
Tulsa, Oklahoma
OSHA 8 Hour Refresher Training (29 CFR 1910.120)
Recertification Course
James R. Roderick & Associates
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Nebraska Water Well Conference
Nebraska Well Driller’s Association
Kearney, Nebraska
OSHA 8 Hour Refresher Training (29 CFR 1910.120)
Recertification Course
James R. Roderick & Associates
Nebraska Water Well Conference
Nebraska Well Driller’s Association
Lincoln, Nebraska
Northeastern Nebraska Geology Field Trip
Nebraska Well Driller’s Association
Lincoln, Nebraska
Seminar in Geology: Geophysics
Fort Hays State University
Hays, Kansas
OSHA 8 Hour Refresher Training (29 CFR 1910.120)
Recertification Course
James R. Roderick & Associates
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Nebraska Water Well Conference
Nebraska Water Resources Board
Kearney, Nebraska
OSHA 8 Hour Refresher Training (29 CFR 1910.120)
Recertification Course
James R. Roderick & Associates
Tulsa, Oklahoma
OSHA 8 Hour Refresher Training (29 CFR 1910.120)
Recertification Course
James R. Roderick & Associates
Tulsa, Oklahoma
OSHA 8 Hour Refresher Training (29 CFR 1910.120)
Recertification Course
James R. Roderick & Associates
Tulsa, Oklahoma
International Petroleum Environmental Conference
Integrated Petroluem Environmental Consortium
November 16-18
Houston, Texas
20 hour Operation & Field Application Course on Geoprobe's Membrane Interface Probe
Geoprobe Systems/Division of Kejr Engineering
Salina, Kansas
20 hour Operation & Application Course on Geoprobe's Cone Penetration Testing Equipment
Mobile Laboratory-Grade Gas Chromatograph
Geoprobe Systems/Division of Kejr Engineering
Salina, Kansas
OSHA 8 Hour Refresher Training (29 CFR 1910.120)
Recertification Course
James R. Roderick & Associates
Tulsa, Oklahoma
OSHA 8 Hour Refresher Training (29 CFR 1910.120)
Recertification Course
OSHA/SARA 8 Hour (29 CFR 1919.120)
Recertification Course
Kansas State Continuing Education
Salina, Kansas
OSHA/SARA 8 Hour (29 CFR 1919.120)
Recertification Course
Baxter Reilley Occupational Trainers
Kansas City
OSHA/SARA 8 Hour (29 CFR 1919.120)
Recertification Course
Baxter Reilley Occupational Trainers
Kansas City
OSHA/SARA 8 Hour (29 CFR 1919.120)
Recertification Course
Extensions Program
Oklahoma State University
OSHA/SARA 8 Hour (29 CFR 1919.120)
Recertification Course
Extensions Program
Oklahoma State University
OSHA/SARA 8 Hour (29 CFR 1919.120)
Recertification Course
Curmode Associates
10 Hour Soil Gas Technical Excellence Seminar
Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Soil Vapor Sampling
and Analysis for Environmental Site Investigations
Salina, Kansas
OSHA/SARA 8 Hour (Hazwopper) Supervisors Training
Extensions Program
Oklahoma State University
40 Hour OSHA/SARA Training
29 CFR 1919.120 Certification
Extensions Program
Oklahoma State University
Short Course in Subsurface Detection of VOC's
Geoprobe Systems/Division of Kejr Engineering
Salina, Kansas
Soil Gas Interpretation and Technology utilizing
Mobile Laboratory-Grade Gas Chromatograph
Geoprobe Systems/Division of Kejr Engineering
Salina, Kansas
Gas Chromatography/Geoprobe Workshop
Geoprobe Systems/Division of Kejr Engineering
Geotechnical/Environmental Instrumentation Seminar
American Society of Civil Engineers
University of Nebraska, Lincoln
National Water Well Association Outdoor Conference
Aquifer Restoration, Groundwater Monitoring and Geophysical Methods
Association of Groundwater Scientists and Engineers
Las Vegas, Nevada
7/93 - Present
President, CEO
Environmental Geologist/Soil Gas Specialist
Environmental Priority Service, Inc.
Salina, Kansas
Founded this company to provide environmental sampling and analytical services to other environmental
consultants and various businesses requiring environmental impact studies, groundwater investigations,
pipeline and underground storage tank environmental assessments, real estate transactions and marketing of
new product lines for sampling and remedial technologies. Responsibilities include project management of
all on-going projects, government liaison, new law review, technical writing, marketing, final reporting,
technical manual development and customer contact.
10/90 - 4/93
Environmental Geologist/Soil Gas Specialist
TerraTech Environmental Service, Inc.
Wichita, Kansas
Employed as an environmental geologist and soil gas specialist. Responsibilities included providing
technical expertise as well as project management and supervision in the evaluation of soil, soil gas, and
groundwater investigations. This involved the collection and analysis of field samples using strict QA/QC
procedures and finally validating results. Duties also included overseeing all field analytical work,
project management of state funded work, regulatory compliance, field geology, technical writing,
designing of all company brochures and literature, review and finalization of all report drafts, sales and
marketing, submittal of projects and cost proposals and finalizing invoices. Responsibilities also included
the interpretation of contaminant fate and transport, degradation and chemical analysis of contaminants
within the subsurface.
1/90 - 10/90
Geologist/Technical Instructor
Geoprobe Systems/Division of Kejr Engineering
Salina, Kansas
Responsibilities included extensive training in gas chromatography, applying training toward soil gas, soil,
and groundwater investigations, preparing workshops and training clients throughout the country on gas
chromatography applications in the environmental field utilizing Geoprobe's 8-M probing machine and
Shimadzu's GC-14A gas chromatograph and integrator. Duties also included designing newsletters,
brochures, technical instruction manuals and providing technical support. Also trained the KDHE
geoprobing staff as well as EPA "Fit" teams.
Summers '85-'89
Assistant Foreman/Foreman
Brown & Brown Construction
Salina, Kansas
3/84 - 2/85
All Positions on Oil Rig
R.P. Nixon Production
Hays, Kansas
Environmental Experience Includes:
Project Manager of over 350 soil gas, soil and/or groundwater investigations throughout the
midwestern region of the United States. This included field analysis of soil gas, soil and
groundwater utilizing a geoprobe unit equipped with a laboratory-grade gas chromatograph.
Projects included environmental assessments for determining potential responsible parties
(PRP's) of contamination, real estate transactions, superfund sites, pipeline spills and plume
Performed over 50 UST groundwater investigations, utilizing the geoprobe and the mobile
laboratory, for the Kansas Department of Health and Environment's (KDHE's) state trust fund
program. The groundwater investigations included the delineation of hydrocarbon
contamination within the groundwater surrounding underground storage tanks. These
investigations were all conducted under contract with other consultant firms.
Chief analyst utilizing field gas chromatography of over 1000 soil gas testholes at a Superfund
site contaminated with halogenated hydrocarbons. The investigation included the analysis of
seven (7) key halogenated compounds utilizing the mobile laboratory-grade gas chromatograph.
Project was conducted to determine PRP's and to define the extent of the groundwater
contamination. Also assisted in the installation of permanent monitoring wells at the Superfund
site as well as providing geological and geochemical expertise while in the field.
Project manager of a major pipeline spill in east Texas. Performed and finalized project under
Texas Water Commission guidelines. Chief analyst utilizing field gas chromatography while
analyzing soil and groundwater samples. Also, provided geologic supervision and management
for installation of numerous monitoring wells and soil borings. Included logging soils, sampling
soil and groundwater, and shipping samples under chain of custody to a certified laboratory.
Provided geologic supervision and management for the installation of numerous monitoring
wells for UST investigations. Included logging of soils, sampling of soil and groundwater and
shipment of samples under chain of custody to certified laboratories.
Project manager of one (1) Kansas State Trust Fund Project. Project has been completed and
report finalized and approved by the State of Kansas.
Provided environmental consultation of a major pipeline spill in northern Indiana. Project
included emergency response and direct geological supervision of field sampling and analysis,
and consultation of four (4) major pipeline companies involved in the project.
Provided environmental consultation services for an engineering firm in west Oklahoma in
determining the extent of petroleum related groundwater contamination. The project included
direct supervision of groundwater sampling and analysis throughout two (2) small towns
affected by the contamination.
Hazardous Waste Site Experience Includes:
Environmental Geologist, assisted in the installation of permanent monitoring wells at a
Superfund site in southeastern Kansas.
Soil Gas Specialist/Chief Analyst, contracted for the chemical analysis of over 1000 soil gas
samples. Strother Field, Arkansas City, Kansas.
Halogenated Hydrocarbon contamination
OSHA 29 1910.120 - level D
Soil Gas Specialist/Chief Analyst, contracted for the chemical analysis of over 30 soil gas, soil
and groundwater samples at a pipeline spill near Houston, Texas.
Petroleum Hydrocarbon Contamination
OSHA 29 1910.120 - level D
Environmental Geologist, installed temporary piezometers and monitoring wells at a refinery
in the panhandle of Texas. The geoprobe unit was utilized under level C conditions to
install the wells.
Performed a soil conductivity profile at refinery in central Nebraska. Soil Conductivity data
was utilized for remedial design purposes.
Performed over 15 Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality (NDEQ) Superfund site
investigations throughout the State of Nebraska. The sites were former Credit Commodity
Corporations (CCC) facilities that used fumigants during their grain storage operations.
Soil Gas Specialist/Chief Analyst, contracted for the chemical analysis of over 3 months worth of
soil gas, soil, and groundwater investigations at the Fort Riley Army Field near Fort Riley,
Kansas. Aromatic and Halogenated Hydrocarbon contamination OSHA 29 1910.120 - level D
Environmental Priority Service, Inc. is currently licensed in Missouri, Nebraska, Texas,
Kansas and Oklahoma to perform geoprobe investigations. New Mexico, Colorado, South Dakota
and Iowa do not require licensing for geoprobe operators at this time.
EPS is also under current contracts with the State of Nebraska, the State of Kansas, and the
Army Corps of Engineers, sub-contracting under 3 different consultant firms, to perform direct
push site investigations in conjunction with mobile laboratory testing at various sites throughout
the midwest.
Environmental Geologist / Mobile Laboratory Specialist
7193 E. Benfield Rd.
Salina, Kansas 67401
(785) 823-6205
Fort Hays State University, Hays, Kansas
December, 1986
Bachelor of Science
Major: Geology
OSHA 8 Hour Refresher Training (29 CFR 1910.120)
Recertification Course
James R. Roderick & Associates
Tulsa, Oklahoma
OSHA 8 Hour Refresher Training (29 CFR 1910.120)
Recertification Course
James R. Roderick & Associates
Tulsa, Oklahoma
OSHA 8 Hour Refresher Training (29 CFR 1910.120)
Recertification Course
James R. Roderick & Associates
Tulsa, Oklahoma
OSHA 8 Hour Refresher Training (29 CFR 1910.120)
Recertification Course
James R. Roderick & Associates
Tulsa, Oklahoma
OSHA 8 Hour Refresher Training (29 CFR 1910.120)
Recertification Course
James R. Roderick & Associates
Tulsa, Oklahoma
OSHA 8 Hour Refresher Training (29 CFR 1910.120)
Recertification Course
James R. Roderick & Associates
Tulsa, Oklahoma
OSHA 8 Hour Refresher Training (29 CFR 1910.120)
Recertification Course
James R. Roderick & Associates
Tulsa, Oklahoma
OSHA 8 Hour Refresher Training (29 CFR 1910.120)
Recertification Course
James R. Roderick & Associates
Tulsa, Oklahoma
OSHA 8 Hour Refresher Training (29 CFR 1910.120)
Recertification Course
James R. Roderick & Associates
Tulsa, Oklahoma
OSHA 8 Hour Refresher Training (29 CFR 1910.120)
Recertification Course
James R. Roderick & Associates
Tulsa, Oklahoma
OSHA 8 Hour Refresher Training (29 CFR 1910.120)
Recertification Course
James R. Roderick & Associates
Tulsa, Oklahoma
OSHA 8 Hour Refresher Training (29 CFR 1910.120)
Recertification Course
James R. Roderick & Associates
Tulsa, Oklahoma
OSHA 8 Hour Refresher Training (29 CFR 1910.120)
Recertification Course
James R. Roderick & Associates
Tulsa, Oklahoma
OSHA 8 Hour Refresher Training (29 CFR 1910.120)
Recertification Course
James R. Roderick & Associates
Tulsa, Oklahoma
International Petroleum Environmental Conference
Integrated Petroleum Environmental Consortium
November 16-18
Houston, Texas
40 Hour OSHA/SARA (Hazwoper) Training
29 CFR 1910.120 Certification
James R. Roderick & Associates
Tulsa, Oklahoma
H2S Safety Training
Recertification Course
Oiland Safety, Inc.
Casper, Wyoming
H2S Safety Training
Recertification Course
Oiland Safety, Inc.
Rock Springs, Wyoming
H2S Safety Training
Recertification Course
Oiland Safety, Inc.
Dickenson, North Dakota
H2S Safety Training
Recertification Course
Oiland Safety, Inc.
Rock Springs, Wyoming
H2S Safety Training
Recertification Course
Oiland Safety, Inc.
Rock Springs, Wyoming
H2S Safety Training
Recertification Course
Oiland Safety, Inc.
H2S Safety Training
Recertification Course
Oiland Safety, Inc.
Dickenson, North Dakota
H2S Safety Training
Recertification Course
Oiland Safety, Inc.
Williston, North Dakota
H2S Safety Training
Petroleum Drilling Certification Course
Oiland Safety, Inc.
Williston, North Dakota
Spring semester supplemental graduate hydrogeology study
Fort Hays State University
Hays, Kansas
Spring semester private pilot ground school
Fort Hays State University
Hays, Kansas
American Association of Petroleum Geologists
American Association of Groundwater Scientists
6/99 - Present
Environmental Geologist / Mobile Laboratory Specialist
Environmental Priority Service, Inc.
Salina, Kansas
Employed as an environmental geologist and mobile laboratory gas chromatograph operator.
Responsibilities include performing mobile analytical services and project management for various soil gas,
soil and groundwater investigations. These investigations include environmental impact studies,
groundwater investigations, pipeline and underground storage tank environmental assessments, real estate
transactions, mapping, and marketing of new product lines for sampling. Responsibilities include
management of various drilling, monitoring well design and installations, hydrogeologic tests and soil
profile studies for other environmental consultants. Duties also include insuring all government regulations
are followed, evaluation of soil and groundwater studies, government liaison, new law review, marketing,
final reporting and customer contact. Also, operation of the mobile laboratory grade gas chromatograph
along with knowledge of associated quality assurance and quality control techniques, along with EPA
guidelines and methods for plume delineation. Field geology services performed including rock and soil
formation evaluation and logging and membrane interface probe (MIP) logging. Operated Denver office to
evaluate Rocky Mountain region for potential expansion.
8/90 - 6/99
Well Site Petroleum Geologist + Rig Supervision
Jayhawk Consulting
Arvada, Colorado
Self Employed as a well site geologist throughout Rocky Mountain region. Responsibilities included
formation show evaluation and complete geologic reporting. Geologic reports included well location
description and known production relation, personnel information, companies and techniques used, drilling
parameters, mud reports, and engineering information. Detailed reporting on lithologies, sample
descriptions, show information, and initial completion were included. Copies of open hole electric logs
with each formation clearly marked were attached. Potential pay zones were identified and evaluated
using gas instruments tied into the drilling mud circulation system. These instruments included a Total
Hydrocarbon Analyzer (THA) and a Gas Chromatograph (GC). Gained experience with several different
sets of instruments including filiment style (hotwire) as well as Flame Ionization Detectors (FID). Drill
cuttings were collected and analyzed under the microscope for inner granular porosity, grain size and
shape, as well as oil stain color and type. Petroleum fluorescence and solvent cut were reported using a
ultra violet black box. All reporting included a complete computer generated digitized mudlog showing a
graphic depiction of the entire well bore. Included in the mudlog were lithologies, drill rate, total
hydrocarbon and gas chromatography, detailed sample descriptions, engineering terms, dates, drilling
parameters, graphic porosity and show information, as well as location legals, and names and titles of
personnel involved. Ultimately pipe decisions were discussed with the prospect geologist using these
mudlogs and show reports collected in the field. Duties also included drilling rig supervision in shallow
plays (under 2000'). These responsibilities included casing point decisions, casing string configuration,
cementing, pipe tallies,etc. Well site experience includes drilling through over-pressured zones,
directional and horizontal drilling, air drilling, and drilling while flaring. Worked part time in the office of
Monaco Services, Denver, Colorado in 1992 and 1993. Responsibilities included sales, client relations,
operations and final reporting. Worked part time in the office of Barrett Resources, Gillette, Wyoming in
1998 and 1999. Duties involved mapping, operations, and final reporting.
10/88 - 8/90
Arvada Garage Door
Arvada, Colorado
Employed part-time as a garage door installer. Responsibilities included assisting in door opening
preparation, hardwaring, installation, sales, and customer service.
5/87 - 10/88
Brown and Brown Construction
Salina, Kansas
Environmental Experience Includes:
Performing Volatile Organic Compound analysis using laboratory-grade gas chromatographs with
heated headspace injection as well as purge-and-trap injection for continuing groundwater and soil
investigations throughout the midwest. Detectors used include a Photo-Ionization Detector (PID),
Electron-Capture Detector (ECD) and Flame-Ionization Detector (FID).
Provided soil and groundwater analysis for over 50 dry cleaner investigation sites under the
direction of the Kansas Department of Health and Environment.
Provided soil and groundwater analysis for the City of Wichita, Kansas on two major solvent
plume investigations, which included over 5000 samples analyzed over a five year period.
Performed investigation of a major pipeline spill in east Texas. Performed project under
Texas Water Commission guidelines. Chief analyst utilizing field gas chromatography while
analyzing soil and groundwater samples. Also, provided geologic supervision and management
for numerous existing monitoring wells and soil borings.
Performed over 50 soil gas, soil and/or groundwater investigations throughout the
midwestern region of the United States. This included field analysis of soil gas, soil and
groundwater utilizing a geoprobe unit equipped with a laboratory-grade gas chromatograph.
Projects included environmental assessments for determining potential responsible parties
(PRP's) of contamination, real estate transactions, superfund sites, pipeline spills and plume
Performed 2 UST groundwater investigations, utilizing the geoprobe and the mobile
laboratory, for the Kansas Department of Health and Environment's (KDHE's) state trust fund
program. The groundwater investigations included the delineation of hydrocarbon
contamination within the groundwater surrounding underground storage tanks. These
investigations were all conducted under contract with other consultant firms.
Provided geologic supervision and management for the installation of numerous monitoring
wells for UST investigations. Included logging of soils, sampling of soil and groundwater and
shipment of samples under chain of custody to certified laboratories.
Involved in investigation of 50 compressor station sites in Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas for
major pipeline company. This included field analysis soil and groundwater utilizing a field
PID/FID, and final reporting. Projects were conducted to determine the existence of petroleum
related contamination that may be present within the subsurface. Environmental investigations
also included determination of monitoring well placement and installation.
Project manager of environmental assessment activites at Ellsworth County Landfill in the state
of Kansas. Activites included measuring several monitoring wells, groundwater sampling and
analysis, data review and final reporting. All landfill activites were approved and directed by the
Geologic consulting at 5 sites in western Kansas for a major crude petroleum transport company.
Duties included logging and evaluation of soils near pipeline leak areas to determine
environmental impact.
Performed VOC analysis on over 10 soil gas, groundwater and soil investigations for the United
States Army Corp of Engineers under the direction of our consulting clients using a laboratory
grade gas chromatograph. Became familiar with government criteria for GC field screening, as
well as EPA methodology for various analysis.
Project assistance on Soil Gas investigations on over 20 sites in Nebraska at former underground
storage tank facilities.
Provided Membrane Interface Logging to 135’ east of Mead Nebraska under the direction of a
large consulting firm and the Environmental Protection Agency.
Provided project assist on over 10 remediation injection sites in Kansas and Nebraska.
Provided project assist on over 50 well installation sites throughout the midwest.
Project manager on over 25 phase II environmental soil and groundwater investigations related to
litigation as well as property transfer in coordination with the Kansas Department of Health and
Detailed knowledge of gas chromatography software and computer integration systems including various
programs by P/E Nelson, Apex, and Shimadzu.
Familiar with Rockware Geologic software, including detailed knowledge of Logger.
Proficient in Microsoft Office applications.
Experience with Membrane Interface Probe (MIP) Software by Geoprobe Systems.
Paul Vogelsberg
Environmental Technician/Probe Operator
7193 E. Benfield Rd.
Salina, Kansas 67401
(785) 823-6205
OSHA 8 Hour Refresher Training (29 CFR 1910.120)
Recertification Course
James R. Roderick & Associates
Tulsa, Oklahoma
OSHA 8 Hour Refresher Training (29 CFR 1910.120)
Recertification Course
James R. Roderick & Associates
Tulsa, Oklahoma
OSHA 8 Hour Refresher Training (29 CFR 1910.120)
Recertification Course
James R. Roderick & Associates
Tulsa, Oklahoma
OSHA 8 Hour Refresher Training (29 CFR 1910.120)
Recertification Course
James R. Roderick & Associates
Tulsa, Oklahoma
OSHA 8 Hour Refresher Training (29 CFR 1910.120)
Recertification Course
James R. Roderick & Associates
Tulsa, Oklahoma
OSHA 8 Hour Refresher Training (29 CFR 1910.120)
Recertification Course
James R. Roderick & Associates
Tulsa, Oklahoma
OSHA 8 Hour Refresher Training (29 CFR 1910.120)
Recertification Course
James R. Roderick & Associates
Tulsa, Oklahoma
OSHA 8 Hour Refresher Training (29 CFR 1910.120)
Recertification Course
James R. Roderick & Associates
Tulsa, Oklahoma
OSHA 8 Hour Refresher Training (29 CFR 1910.120)
Recertification Course
James R. Roderick & Associates
Tulsa, Oklahoma
OSHA 8 Hour Refresher Training (29 CFR 1910.120)
Recertification Course
James R. Roderick & Associates
Tulsa, Oklahoma
OSHA 8 Hour Refresher Training (29 CFR 1910.120)
Recertification Course
James R. Roderick & Associates
Tulsa, Oklahoma
OSHA 8 Hour Refresher Training (29 CFR 1910.120)
Recertification Course
James R. Roderick & Associates
Tulsa, Oklahoma
OSHA 8 Hour Refresher Training (29 CFR 1910.120)
Recertification Course
James R. Roderick & Associates
Tulsa, Oklahoma
40 hour OSHA (Hazwoper) Training
05/00 – Present
Environmental Technician / Senior Probe Operator
Environmental Priority Service, Inc.
Salina, Kansas
Employed as a Geoprobe Operator / Environmental Technician. Responsibilities include providing probing
services for various direct-push soil gas, soil and groundwater investigations. These investigations include
environmental impact studies, groundwater investigations, pipeline and underground storage tank
environmental assessments and real estate transactions. Responsibilities also include performing electrical
conductivity profiling, monitoring well installations, hydrogeologic tests and soil profile studies for other
environmental consultants. Duties also include insuring all government regulations are followed,
evaluation of soil and groundwater studies, and customer contact.
Environmental Experience Includes:
Project assist of several sites for the State of Colorado where soil electrical conductivity profiling in
conjunction with monitoring well installation was utilized to determine water quality along the South Platte
River. Performed all of the soil conductivity profiling to depths exceeding 100 ft. Installed monitoring
wells to 100 ft.
Assisted our Environmental Geologist at over 30 sites in central and western Kansas for a pipeline
company. This included the collection of soil and groundwater samples for field screening purposes.
Projects were conducted to determine the existence of petroleum-related contamination that may be present
within the subsurface.
Direct-push manager of several sites throughout the midwest where soil and groundwater samples were
collected by direct-push methods.
Assisted on environmental investigations for the city of Hutchinson and Wichita under the supervision of a
nationwide consultant. Activities included installing numerous monitoring wells, field sampling, discreet
sampling below the water table and bedrock confirmations. Also, extensive electrical conductivity profiles
were conducted to determine well screen intervals and soil types.
Performed an environmental investigation at an Army Ammunition Plant near Kansas City. Duties
included assisting in the installation of 60 piezometers.
Project assistance of an environmental assessment in Niobrara, Nebraska. The investigation involved
collecting soil gas samples.
Project assistance of an environmental investigation in Abilene, Kansas. The investigation involved using
Geoprobe Electrical Conductivity equipment to log over 30 holes.
Project management assist of over 10 - 2” monitoring well installation sites throughout Kansas. Projects
included utilizing the 6620 track unit to hollow-stem auger the wells to depths not to exceed 70 ft.
Project assist of over 50 monitoring well installation sites throughout the Midwest
Project assist of large injection project at Ellsworth Airforce Base near Rapid City, South Dakota
Direct Push / Drilling Operations Manager
7193 E. Benfield Rd.
Salina, Kansas 67401
(785) 823-6205
OSHA 8 Hour Refresher Training (29 CFR 1910.120)
Recertification Course
National Environmental Trainers
OSHA 8 Hour Refresher Training (29 CFR 1910.120)
Recertification Course
National Environmental Trainers
OSHA 8 Hour Refresher Training (29 CFR 1910.120)
Recertification Course
National Environmental Trainers
OSHA 8 Hour Refresher Training (29 CFR 1910.120)
Recertification Course
National Environmental Trainers
OSHA 8 Hour Refresher Training (29 CFR 1910.120)
Recertification Course
National Environmental Trainers
OSHA 8 Hour Refresher Training (29 CFR 1910.120)
Recertification Course
National Environmental Trainers
40 hour OSHA (Hazwoper) Training
National Environmental Trainers
04/07 – Present
Environmental Technician/Probe Operator
Environmental Priority Service, Inc.
Salina, Kansas
Employed as a Geoprobe Operator / Environmental Technician. Responsibilities include operations
manager of all direct push equipment, and providing probing services for various direct-push soil gas, soil
and groundwater investigations. These investigations include environmental impact studies, groundwater
investigations, pipeline and underground storage tank environmental assessments and real estate
transactions. Responsibilities also include performing electrical conductivity profiling, monitoring well
installations, hydrogeologic tests and soil profile studies for other environmental consultants. Duties also
include insuring all government regulations are followed, evaluation of soil and groundwater studies, and
customer contact.
Environmental Experience Includes:
Assisted our Environmental Geologist at over 10 sites in central and western Kansas for a pipeline
company. This included the collection of soil and groundwater samples for field screening purposes.
Projects were conducted to determine the existence of petroleum-related contamination that may be present
within the subsurface.
Direct-push manager of several sites throughout the midwest where soil and groundwater samples were
collected by direct-push methods.
Assisted on environmental investigations for the city of Hutchinson and Wichita under the supervision of a
nationwide consultant. Activities included installing numerous monitoring wells, field sampling, discreet
sampling below the water table and bedrock confirmations. Also, extensive electrical conductivity profiles
were conducted to determine well screen intervals and soil types.
Project assistance of an environmental investigation in Abilene, Kansas. The investigation involved using
Geoprobe Electrical Conductivity equipment to log over 30 holes.
Project management of over 10 - 2” monitoring well installation sites throughout Kansas. Projects included
utilizing the 6620 Geoprobe track unit w/ conventional hollow-stem augers to install the wells to depths
ranging from 40-60 ft.
Project management of remedial injection sites at several Air Force Bases throughout the midwest.
Projects included injecting edible oils and molasses at sites utilizing our track unit.
Project management of the installation of several monitoring wells at a chemical facility in Kansas City.
All work was conducted under the guidance of local and state authorities.
Environmental Technician/Senior Probe Operator
7193 E. Benfield Rd.
Salina, Kansas 67401
(785) 823-6205
OSHA 8 Hour Refresher Training (29 CFR 1910.120)
Recertification Course
National Environmental Trainers
OSHA 8 Hour Refresher Training (29 CFR 1910.120)
Recertification Course
National Environmental Trainers
OSHA 8 Hour Refresher Training (29 CFR 1910.120)
Recertification Course
National Environmental Trainers
OSHA 8 Hour Refresher Training (29 CFR 1910.120)
Recertification Course
National Environmental Trainers
OSHA 8 Hour Refresher Training (29 CFR 1910.120)
Recertification Course
National Environmental Trainers
OSHA 8 Hour Refresher Training (29 CFR 1910.120)
Recertification Course
National Environmental Trainers
40 hour OSHA (Hazwoper) Training
National Environmental Trainers
06/07 – Present
Environmental Technician / Senior Probe Operator
Environmental Priority Service, Inc.
Salina, Kansas
Employed as a Geoprobe Operator / Environmental Technician. Responsibilities include providing probing
services for various direct-push soil gas, soil and groundwater investigations. These investigations include
environmental impact studies, groundwater investigations, pipeline and underground storage tank
environmental assessments and real estate transactions. Responsibilities also include performing electrical
conductivity profiling, monitoring well installations, hydrogeologic tests and soil profile studies for other
environmental consultants. Duties also include insuring all government regulations are followed,
evaluation of soil and groundwater studies, and customer contact.
Environmental Experience Includes:
Assisted our Environmental Geologist at over 10 sites in central and western Kansas for a pipeline
company. This included the collection of soil and groundwater samples for field screening purposes.
Projects were conducted to determine the existence of petroleum-related contamination that may be present
within the subsurface.
Direct-push operator at several grain facility sites throughout the midwest where soil and groundwater
samples were collected by direct-push methods. Also, 2” monitoring wells were installed using
conventional hollow-stem augers and a geoprobe track unit.
Assisted on environmental investigations for the city of Hutchinson and Wichita under the supervision of a
nationwide consultant. Activities included installing numerous monitoring wells, field sampling, discreet
sampling below the water table and bedrock confirmations. Also, extensive electrical conductivity profiles
were conducted to determine well screen intervals and soil types.
Project assistance of an environmental investigation in Abilene, Kansas. The investigation involved using
Geoprobe Electrical Conductivity equipment to log over 30 holes.
Direct push management of multiple remediation injection sites (edible oil) in southern Kansas under the
supervision of a major consulting firm.
Direct push operations at an Air Force Base in Nebraska to inject vegetable oil and molasses to depths
greater than 90 ft.
Environmental Technician / Probe Operator
7193 E. Benfield Rd.
Salina, Kansas 67401
(785) 823-6205
OSHA 8 Hour Refresher Training (29 CFR 1910.120)
Recertification Course
National Environmental Trainers
40 hour OSHA (Hazwoper) Training
National Environmental Trainers
03/12 – Present
Environmental Technician / Probe Operator
Environmental Priority Service, Inc.
Salina, Kansas
Employed as a Geoprobe Operator / Environmental Technician. Responsibilities include providing probing
services for various direct-push soil gas, soil and groundwater investigations. These investigations include
environmental impact studies, groundwater investigations, pipeline and underground storage tank
environmental assessments and real estate transactions. Responsibilities also include performing electrical
conductivity profiling, monitoring well installations, hydrogeologic tests and soil profile studies for other
environmental consultants. Duties also include insuring all government regulations are followed,
evaluation of soil and groundwater studies, and customer contact.
Environmental Experience Includes:
Direct-push operator at several grain facility sites throughout the midwest where soil and groundwater
samples were collected by direct-push methods. Also, 2” monitoring wells were installed using
conventional hollow-stem augers and a geoprobe track unit.
Assisted on environmental investigations for the city of Hutchinson and Wichita under the supervision of a
nationwide consultant. Activities included installing numerous monitoring wells, field sampling, discreet
sampling below the water table and bedrock confirmations. Also, extensive electrical conductivity profiles
were conducted to determine well screen intervals and soil types.
Direct push management of multiple remediation injection sites (edible oil) in southern Kansas under the
supervision of a major consulting firm.
Direct push operations at Ellsworth Air Force Base in South Dakota to inject vegetable oil and molasses.