ΧΡΗΣΙΜΕΣ ΔΙΕΥΘΥΝΣΕΙΣ ΓΡΑΦΕΙΑ ΟΕΥ Γραφείο ΟΕΥ: ΜΠΑΚΟΥ O κατάλογος που ακολουθεί είναι ενδεικτικός. 1. Ελληνικές Αρχές Ελληνική Πρεσβεία Τηλ: +994 12 4920119, 4920175 Εμπορικό Τμήμα Τηλ: +994 12 4920119, 4920175 (εσωτ.112) ecocom-baku@mfa.gr Ελληνική Κοινότητα Τηλ: +994 12 503903604 gremb.bak@mfa.gr 2. Αρχές του Αζερμπαϊτζάν ΥΠΟΥΡΓΕΙΟ ΟΙΚΟΝΟΜΙΚΗΣ ΑΝΑΠΤΥΞΗΣ Δ/νση: Az1066, 23, Niyazi str. Τηλ: (0099 412) 492 4110 Φαξ: (0099 412) 492 58 95 Ηλ. δ/νση: office@economy.gov.az URL: http://www.economy.gov.az/ ΥΠΟΥΡΓΕΙΟ ΦΟΡΩΝ Δ/νση: Az1073, 16, Landau str. Τηλ: (0099 412) 403 8970 Φαξ: (0099 412) 403 8971 Ηλ. δ/νση: office@taxes.gov.az URL: http://www.taxes.gov.az ΥΠΟΥΡΓΕΙΟ ΟΙΚΟΝΟΜΙΚΏΝ Δ/νση: Az1022, 83, S.Vurgun str. Τηλ: (0099 412) 493 81 03 Φαξ: (0099 412) 493 05 62 Ηλ. δ/νση: info@maliyye.gov.az URL: www.maliyye.gov.az, www.finance.gov.az ΥΠΟΥΡΓΕΙΟ ΒΙΟΜΗΧΑΝΙΑΣ & ΕΝΕΡΓΕΙΑΣ Δ/νση: Az1016, Government House, 40, Uzeyir Hajibeyov str. Τηλ: (0099 412) 4987856, 5981675, 5980384 Φαξ: (0099 412) 5981678 Ηλ. δ/νση: pressa@mie.gov.az URL: http://www.mie.gov.az ΚΡΑΤΙΚΗ ΤΕΛΩΝΕΙΑΚΗ ΥΠΗΡΕΣΙΑ Δ/νση: AZ1073, 2, Inshaatchilar ave. Τηλ: (99412) 438-80-80 Φαξ: (99412) 498-18-36 Ηλ. δ/νση: external@customs.gov.az URL: http://az-customs.net ΚΡΑΤΙΚΗ ΣΤΑΤΙΣΤΙΚΗ ΥΠΗΡΕΣΙΑ Δ/νση: Az1136, Inshaatchilar ave. Τηλ: (0099 412) 438 6498, 438 9376 Φαξ: (0099 412) 438 2442 Ηλ. δ/νση: sc@azstat.org URL: http://www.azstat.org ΚΡΑΤΙΚΗ ΕΤΑΙΡΕΙΑ ΠΕΤΡΕΛΑΙΟΥ (SOCAR) Δ/νση: AZ1000, 73 Neftchilar ave. Τηλ: (0099 412) 492 2189 Φαξ: (0099 412) 497 1167 Ηλ. δ/νση: info@socar.az URL: http://www.socar.az Ε.ΕΠΙΧ.10 - 02 / Rev: 01 / 27-03-09 Σελίδα: 1 από 37 ΓΡΑΦΕΙΑ ΟΕΥ ΧΡΗΣΙΜΕΣ ΔΙΕΥΘΥΝΣΕΙΣ ΙΔΡΥΜΑ ΠΡΟΩΘΗΣΗΣ ΕΞΑΓΩΓΩΝ & ΕΠΕΝΔΎΣΕΩΝ (AZPROMO) Δ/νση: AZ1001, 11, Hasan Abdullayev str. Τηλ: (0099 412) 598 0147, 598 0148 Φαξ: (0099 412) 598 0152 Ηλ. δ/νση: office@azpromo.org URL: www.azpromo.org 3. Εμπορικά & Βιομηχανικά Επιμελητήρια και επιχειρηματικοί φορείς ΕΘΝΙΚΗ ΣΥΝΟΜΟΣΠΟΝΔΙΑ ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΜΑΤΙΩΝ -National Confederation of Enterpreneurs’ Organisation of Azerbaijan (ASK) Πρόεδρος: κ. M. Musayev Τηλ: 00994 12 4657242, 4982730 Φαξ: 00994 12 4657243, 5982731 E-mail: office@ask.org.az, aqrar@baku-az.net URL: www.ask.org.az ΙΔΡΥΜΑ ΠΡΟΩΘΗΣΗΣ ΕΞΑΓΩΓΩΝ & ΕΠΕΝΔΥΣΕΩΝ –Azerbaijan Export & Investment Promotion Foundation (AZPROMO) Πρόεδρος: κ. Adil Mammadov Δ/νση: AZ1001, 11, Hasan Abdullayev str. Τηλ: 00994 12 598 0147, 598 0148 Φαξ: 00994 12 598 0152 Ηλ. δ/νση: office@azpromo.org , amammadov@azpromo.org URL: www.azpromo.org ΕΜΠΟΡΙΚΟ & ΒΙΟΜΗΧΑΝΙΚΟ ΕΠΙΜΕΛΗΤΉΡΙΟ (Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Azerbaijan) Πρόεδρος: κ. Suleyman B. Tatliyev Δ/νση: Az1001, 31/33, Istiglaliyyat str. Τηλ: (0099 412) 492 8901, 492 8912 Φαξ: (0099 412) 497 1997 Ηλ. δ/νση: expo@chamber.baku.az , rifa@azeurotel.com ΕΘΝΙΚΟ ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΑΝΤΑΓΩΝΙΣΤΙΚΟΤΗΤΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΠΑΡΑΓΩΓΙΚΟΤΗΤΑΣ (National Center for productivity and Competitiveness of Azerbaijan) Πρόεδρος: κ. Alekper Mammadov Δ/νση: Az1072, Narimavom district, Ashig Ali str., Building 20, aprt.04, Baku Τηλ: (0099 412) 541 4650/51 Φαξ: (0099 412) 541 4650 Ηλ. δ/νση: president@mrmm.az , office@mrmm.az URL: www.mrmm.az ΕΝΩΣΗ FRANCHISE ΑΖΕΡΜΠΑΪΤΖΑΝ (Franchise Association of Azerbaijan) Πρόεδρος: κ. Elshan Musayev Δ/νση: Az1065, 44, J.Jabbali str., Caspian Plaza, Baku Τηλ: (0099 412) 436 7750 Φαξ: (0099 412) 436 7751 Ηλ. δ/νση: cic@cic-az.com , chairman@franchise.az , nheyderova@franchise.az URL: www.franchise.az ΕΝΩΣΗ ΤΡΑΠΕΖΩΝ ΤΟΥ ΑΖΕΡΜΠΑΪΤΖΑΝ Δ/νση: Az1009, 36, Tobchubashov str. Τηλ: (0099 412) 497 6169, 497 1515, 596 1174 Φαξ: (0099 412) 497 1515 Ηλ. δ/νση: farkhad.aliyev@office.az ΕΥΡΩΠΑΪΚΟ ΟΙΚΟΝΟΜΙΚΟ ΕΜΠΟΡΙΚΟ & ΒΙΟΜΗΧΑΝΙΚΟ ΕΠΙΜΕΛΗΤΗΡΙΟ (EEIG) Δ/νση: Az1014, 28 May Street, 5 App. 52. Τηλ: (0099 412) 598 3540 Φαξ: (0099 412) 598 3541 Ε.ΕΠΙΧ.10 - 02 / Rev: 01 / 27-03-09 Σελίδα: 2 από 37 ΓΡΑΦΕΙΑ ΟΕΥ ΧΡΗΣΙΜΕΣ ΔΙΕΥΘΥΝΣΕΙΣ Ηλ. δ/νση: info@eeig.az URL: www.eeig.az ΕΥΡΩΠΑΪΚΟ ΕΜΠΟΡΙΚΟ ΕΠΙΜΕΛΗΤΉΡΙΟ (AZEUROCHAM) Δ/νση: Az1000, 35, Azerbaijan ave. Τηλ: (0099 412) 498 0186 Τηλ: (0099 412) 598 0697 Ηλ. δ/νση: info@azeurocham.org URL : www.azeurocham.org 4. Τράπεζες ΕΝΩΣΗ ΤΡΑΠΕΖΩΝ ΤΟΥ ΑΖΕΡΜΠΑΪΤΖΑΝ Δ/νση: Az1009, 36, Tobchubashov str. Τηλ: (0099 412) 497 6169, 497 1515, 596 1174 Φαξ: (0099 412) 497 1515 Ηλ. δ/νση: farkhad.aliyev@office.az 5. Διοργανωτές Εκθέσεων ITECA Caspian Δ/νση : Azerbaijan, Baku, 63, Acad. H. Aliyev str. AZ1110 Τηλ : +994 12 4474774 Fax : + 994 12 4478998 www.iteca.az E-mail : office@iteca.az 6. Ξενοδοχεία Hyatt Regency Hotel Baku: http://www.baku.regency.hyatt.com/hyatt/hotels/index.jsp?null Hotel Park Inn: http://www.parkinn.com/hotel-baku Kafkas Point Hotel Baku: http://www.qafqazpointhotel.com/ Radisson SAS Baku: http://www.radissonblu.com/hotel-baku The Landmark Hotel Baku:http://www.thelandmarkhotel.az/site/?sec=mdata&mid=49&lang=2 (αναμένεται το φθινόπωρο του 2011 να εγκαινιασθούν και νέα ξενοδοχεία π.χ Four Seasons, Hilton κ.α τα οποία προς το παρόν δεν λειτουργούν) 7. Διπλωματικές Αποστολές Βλ. λεπτομέρειες σε http://mfa.gov.az/images/stories/Diplomatik%20numayendelikler/DIPLIST_MARCH_2011.pdf DIPLOMATIC LIST BAKU MARCH, 2011 AFGHANISTAN Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Tehran, Dr.Beheshti avenue, Pakistan str., corner of 4-th street Tel: (9821) 88 73 50 40 88 73 75 31 88 73 71 51 88 73 87 03 88 73 08 26 Fax: (90312) 88 73 56 00 E-mail: info@afghanembassy.ir Ε.ΕΠΙΧ.10 - 02 / Rev: 01 / 27-03-09 Σελίδα: 3 από 37 ΓΡΑΦΕΙΑ ΟΕΥ ΧΡΗΣΙΜΕΣ ΔΙΕΥΘΥΝΣΕΙΣ Date of the National Day: 19 August – İndependence Day (1919) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALBANIA Embassy of the Republic of Albania ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Ankara, Simon Bolivar Bulvari, Ebuziya Tevfik Sokagi 17, Chankaya Tel: (90312) 441 61 03 Fax: (90312) 441 61 09 E-mail: embassy.ankara@mfa.gov.al Date of the National Day: 28 November – Independence Day ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H.E. Mr. Altin KODRA Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (Designated) ALGERIA Embassy of the Democratic People’s Republic of Algeria ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Ankara, 06680, Chankaya, Shehit Ersan Cad. 42, Tel: (90312) 468 77 19 428 80 37 Fax: (90312) 468 75 93 E-mail: cezayirbe@yahoo.fr Date of the National Day: 1 November - Algerian Revolution Day (1954) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H.E. Mr. Mouloud HAMAI Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (Designated) ANGOLA Embassy of the Republic of Angola ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Moscow, Ulof Palme str. 6 Tel: (7495) 143 63 24 Fax: (7495) 956 18 80 956 27 20 E-mail: angomosc@col.ru Consular Section: (7495) 143 65 21 Date of the National Day: 11 November - The Day of Proclamation of Independence (1975) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H.E. Mr. Samuel Tito ARMANDO Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (February 6, 2009) ARGENTINA Embassy of the Republic of Argentina ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Ankara, Ugur Mumcu Cad. 60/1, 06700 G.O.P Tel: (90312) 446 20 61/62 Fax: (90312) 446 20 63 E-mail: embarg@kablonet.com.tr Date of the National Day: 25 May - Revolution Day (1810) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H.E. Mr. Armando Juan Jose MAFFEI Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (March 10, 2011) Ε.ΕΠΙΧ.10 - 02 / Rev: 01 / 27-03-09 Σελίδα: 4 από 37 ΓΡΑΦΕΙΑ ΟΕΥ ΧΡΗΣΙΜΕΣ ΔΙΕΥΘΥΝΣΕΙΣ AUSTRALIA Embassy of Commonwealth of Australia ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Ankara, MNG Binası, Ugur Mumcu Cad. 88, G.O.P. 06700 Tel: (90312) 459 95 00 Fax: (90312) 446 48 27 E-mail: info@embauatralia.org.tr Date of the National Day: 26 January - Australia Day (1788) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H.E. Mr. Ian BIGGS Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (March 11, 2011) AUSTRIA Embassy of Austria ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Baky 1010, The Landmark III, 7th Floor. Tel: (99412) 465 99 33 Fax: (99412) 465 99 94 E-mail: baku-ob@bmeia.gv.at Date of the National Day: 26 October - National Day (1955) H.E. Ms Sylvia Meier-KAJBIC Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (June 02, 2010) BAHRAIN Embassy of the Kingdom of Bahrain ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Tehran, 248, Before Jahan Koudak, Corner Joubin Alley, Africa Ave. Tel: (9821) 88 77 33 83/ 53 65/ 28 47/20 79 Fax: (9821) 88 77 91 12, 88 88 02 76 E-mail: tehran.mission@mofa.gov.bh Date of the National Day: 16 December - Independence Day (1971) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H.E. Mr. Kamel Saleh AL-SALEH Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (April 09, 2004) BANGLADESH Embassy of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Ankara, Birlik mahallesi 391, Cadd.: 16, 06610,Chankaya Tel: (90312) 495 27 19/20 Fax: (90312) 495 27 44 E-mail: bdootankara@ttmail.com Date of the National Day: 26 March - Independence Day (1972) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H.E. Mr. Zulfigur RAHMAN Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (Designated) BELARUS Embassy of the Republic of Belarus ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Baky, AZ-1069, Gandjlik, 64 Kral Huseyn str. Tel: (99412) 436 46 38 Ε.ΕΠΙΧ.10 - 02 / Rev: 01 / 27-03-09 Σελίδα: 5 από 37 ΓΡΑΦΕΙΑ ΟΕΥ ΧΡΗΣΙΜΕΣ ΔΙΕΥΘΥΝΣΕΙΣ Fax: (99412) 436 46 37 E-mail: azerbaijan@belembassy.org Date of the National Day: 3 July - Republic Day (1944) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H.E. Mr. Nikolai PATSKEVICH Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (August 07, 2006) Mrs. Alla PATSKEVICH BELGIUM Royal Belgium Embassy ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Baky, AZ 1073, Suleyman Dadaşev str. 19 Tel: (99412) 437 37 70 (99450) 301 85 59 Fax: (99412) 437 37 71 E-mail: embassy.baku@diplobel.fed.be Date of the National Day: 21 July – Inauguration of Leopold I, first king of the Belgians (1831) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H.E. Mr. Luc TRUYENS Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (March 10, 2011) BENIN Embassy of the Republic of Benin ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Moscow 127006, Uspenskiy lane 7 Tel: (7495) 699 23 60 Fax: (7495) 694 02 26 E-mail: ambaeninmos@yahoo.fr Date of the National Day: 1 August - Independence Day (1960) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H.E. Mr. Vissinto Ayi D’ALMEIDA Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (February 6, 2009) BOSNIAANDHERZEGOVINA Embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Ankara, Turan Emeksiz Sok., Park Bloklari B-Blok No 3/9-10 Tel: (90312) 427 36 02/03 Fax: (90312) 427 36 04 E-mail: bh-emb@kablonet.com.tr Date of the National Day: 25 November - The Day of Establishment of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina (1943) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H.E. Mr. Dragoljub LJEPOJA Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (October 12, 2010) BRAZIL Embassy of the Federative Republic of Brazil -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Baky, Az 1000, Bulbul Ave.7, Apt.12/13 Tel: (99412) 598 20 46/47 (99412) 598 20 64 Fax: (99412) 598 20 37 Ε.ΕΠΙΧ.10 - 02 / Rev: 01 / 27-03-09 Σελίδα: 6 από 37 ΓΡΑΦΕΙΑ ΟΕΥ ΧΡΗΣΙΜΕΣ ΔΙΕΥΘΥΝΣΕΙΣ E-mail: bakubrasemb@gmail.com Date of the National Day: 7 September - Independence Day (1822) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H.E. Mr. Paulo Antonio Pereira PINTO Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (June 22, 2009) Mrs. Maria Lucia BARBOSA PINTO BULGARIA Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Baky, Ogtay Kerimov str.34 Tel: (99412) 441 43 81, 441 41 38 Fax: (99412) 440 81 82 E-mail: balkan@bg.embassy.in-baku.com Date of the National Day: 3 March - National Holiday (1878) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H.E. Mr. Vasil KALINOV Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (April 02, 2009) Mrs. Penka KALINOVA CAMEROON Embassy of the Republic of Cameroon ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Moscow, 121069, 40 Povarskaya street Tel: (7495) 690 65 49/0063 Fax: (7495) 690 61 10 E-mail: ambacamos@yahoo.fr Date of the National Day: 20 May - Independence Day (1972) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H.E. Mr. Mahamat Paba SALE Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (Designated) CANADA Embassy of Canada ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Ankara, 06700, Cinnah Caddesi 58 Tel: (90312) 409 27 00 Fax: (90312) 409 28 10 E-mail: ankara-g@international.gc.ca Date of the National Day: 1 July - Canada Day (1867) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H.E. Mr. Mark BAILEY Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (February 10, 2010) CHINA Embassy of the People's Republic of China ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Baky, AZ-1010, Khagani str. 67 Теl: (99412) 498 62 57, 493 65 87 Fаx: (99412) 498 00 10 E-mail: chinaemb_az@mfa.gov.cn Date of the National Day: 1 October - National Day (1949) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H.E. Mr. Zhang YANNIAN Ε.ΕΠΙΧ.10 - 02 / Rev: 01 / 27-03-09 Σελίδα: 7 από 37 ΓΡΑΦΕΙΑ ΟΕΥ ΧΡΗΣΙΜΕΣ ΔΙΕΥΘΥΝΣΕΙΣ Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (April 02, 2009) Mrs. YANLING C O T E D' I V O I R E Embassy the Republic of Cote D' Ivoire ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Moscow, 119034, Korobeynikov pereulok 14/9 Tel: (7495) 637 23 75/24 00 Fax: (7495) 230 20 45 E-mail: ambacimow@hotmail.com Date of the National Day: 7 August - Independence Day (1960) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H.E. Mr. Fagnidi Gnagno PHILIBERT Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (November 13, 2007) CROATIA Embassy of the Republic of Croatia ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Ankara, Kelebek Sok.15/A, 06700 G.O.P. Tel: (90312) 446 94 60, 446 08 31 Fax: (90312) 446 47 00 E-mail: ankara@mvpei.hr Date of the National Day: 25 june - Independence Day (1991) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H.E. Mr. Gordan BAKOTA Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (05 March 2007) CUBA Embassy of the Republic of Cuba ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Baku, Cafar Handan str.10 Tel: (99412) 569 24 74/54 Fax: (99412) 568 07 21 E-mail: embajada@az.embacuba.cu Web-site: http://emba.cubaminrex.cu/Azerbaijanru Date of the National Day: 1 January - Revolution and Liberation Day (1959) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H.E.Marcelo Caballero TORRES Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (September 10, 2008) Mrs. Maura Quintero DIPOTET CZECHREPUBLIC Embassy of the Czech Republic ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: AZ 1065, Jafar Jabarlı str., 44, “Caspian Plaza” Tel: (99412) 436 85 55/54 Fax: (99412) 436 85 57 E-mail: baku@embassy.mzv.cz Date of the National Day: 28 October - The Independence day (1918) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H.E. Mr. Radek MATULA Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (July 04, 2008) Mrs Iveta MATULOVA Ε.ΕΠΙΧ.10 - 02 / Rev: 01 / 27-03-09 Σελίδα: 8 από 37 ΓΡΑΦΕΙΑ ΟΕΥ ΧΡΗΣΙΜΕΣ ΔΙΕΥΘΥΝΣΕΙΣ DENMARK Royal Danish Embassy ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Ankara, 06700, Mahatma Gandhi Caddesi 74 Tel: (90312) 446 61 41 Fax: (90312) 447 24 98 E-mail: ankamb@um.dk Date of the National Day: 5 June Constitution Day (1949), 16 April-Birthday of the H. M. Queen ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H.E. Mr. Ole Egberg MIKKELSEN Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (March 03, 2010) EGYPT Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Baky AZ-1078, 7, Hasan Aliyev str. alleyway 15 Теl: (99412) 498 79 06 Fаx: (99412) 498 79 54 Cultural Center: Baky, 20 Huseyn Arif str. Теl: (99412) 561 12 17 Fаx: (99412) 561 09 97 Date of the National Day: 23 July - Revolution Day Celebration (1952) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H.E. Mr. Saber Abdelkader MANSOUR Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (September 10, 2008) Mrs. Aziza Mohammed SADEK RAMADAN ESTONIA Embassy of the Republic of Estonia ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Ankara, Golgeli sokagi 16, 06700 G.O.P. Теl: (90312) 405 69 70 Fаx: (90312) 405 69 76 E-mail: embassy.ankara@mfa.ee Web-site: estemb.org.tr Date of the National Day: 24 February - Independence Day (1918) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H.E. Mr. Aivo ORAV Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (February 06, 2009) FINLAND Embassy of the Republic of Finland ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Fİ-00161, Helsinki, P.O.Box 176, Laivastokatu 22 Tel: (3589) 160 555 32 Fax: (3589) 160 556 54 Date of the National Day: 6 December - Independence Day (1917) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H.E. Mr. Petri SALO Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (May 26 , 2008) Ε.ΕΠΙΧ.10 - 02 / Rev: 01 / 27-03-09 Σελίδα: 9 από 37 ΓΡΑΦΕΙΑ ΟΕΥ ΧΡΗΣΙΜΕΣ ΔΙΕΥΘΥΝΣΕΙΣ Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Embassy of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Ankara, Karaca Sok. 24/5-6 066700 G.O.P. Tel: (90312) 446 92 04/05 Fax: (90312) 446 92 06 E-mail: ankara@mfa.gov.mk Date of the National Day: 2 August-Uprising Day (1903) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H.E. Mrs. Melpomeni KORNETI Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (06 March 2007) FRANCE Embassy of the Republic of France ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Baky AZ-1000, Rasul Rza str. 7, P.O.Box 36 Теl: (99412) 490 81 00 Fаx: (99412) 490 81 01 E-mail: presse.bakou-amba@diplomatie.gouv.fr Cultural Service Теl: (99412) 490 81 20 Fаx: (99412) 490 81 21 E-mail: scac.bakou-amba@diplomatie.gouv.fr Economical and Commercial Service Теl: (99412) 490 81 30 Fаx: (99412) 490 81 31 E-mail: bakou@missioneco.org Date of the National Day: 14 July - National Day (1789) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H.E.Mr.Gabriel KELLER Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (July 04, 2008) Mrs. Biljana SRBLJANOVIC-KELLER GEОRGIA Embassy of Georgia ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Baky, Yashar Huseynov str. 13-15 Теl: (99412) 497 45 59/60 (99412) 497 45 57 (consular section) Fаx: (99412) 497 45 61 E-mail baku@geoemb.az Web-site: www.az.mfa.gov.ge Date of the National Day: 26 May - The Day of State Independence (1991) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H.E. Mr. Teimuraz SHARASHENIDZE Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (February 17, 2011) Mrs. Nunu NAPETVARIDZE GERMANY Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Baky AZ-1000, 69, Nizami str., İSR-Plaza, 7th and 10th floor Ε.ΕΠΙΧ.10 - 02 / Rev: 01 / 27-03-09 Σελίδα: 10 από 37 ΓΡΑΦΕΙΑ ΟΕΥ ΧΡΗΣΙΜΕΣ ΔΙΕΥΘΥΝΣΕΙΣ Tel: (99412) 465 41 00 Fax: (99412) 498 54 19 E-mail: info@baku.diplo.de Date of the National Day: 3 October - The Day of German Unity (1990) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H.E. Mr. Herbert QUELLE Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (September 29,2010) Mrs. Corinna NIESTRATH-QUELLE GHANA Embassy of the Republic of Ghana ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Moscow 121069, Skatertny lane 14 Tel: (7495) 202 18 70/71 Fax: (7495) 202 18 89 E-mail: embghmos@astelit.ru Web-site: www.ghanaemb-mos.ru Date of the National Day: 6 March - Independence Day (1957) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H.E. Mr. Seth KORANTENG Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (Designated) GREECE Embassy of the Hellenic Republic ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Baky, AZ 1004, Icheri Sheher, 86/88 Kichik Gala str. Tel: (99412) 492 01 19, 492 01 75, 492 46 80 Fax: (99412) 492 48 35 E-mail: greekemb@azeurotel.com gremb.bak@mfa.gr grcon.bak@mfa.gr (for consular affairs) Web-site: www.mfa.gr/baku Office of the Defence Attache Baku AZ 1004, Kichik Gala str.86/88 Теl: (99412) 492 51 87 Fаx: (99412) 492 51 13 Economic and Commercial Section Теl: (99412) 492 46 45 Fax: (99412) 492 46 45 E-mail: ecocom-baku@mfa.gr Date of the National Day: 25 March - Independence Day (1821) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H.E. Mr. Ioannis A. METAXAS Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (October 3, 2008) Ms. Maria da Conceicao Fernandes PARRA GUATEMALA Embassy of the Republic of Guatemala ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Moscow Korovy Val, 7, office 98 Tel: 7 499 238-2214/5914 Fax: 7 499 238-1446 E-mail: embrusia@minex.gob.gt Date of the National Day: 15 September Ε.ΕΠΙΧ.10 - 02 / Rev: 01 / 27-03-09 Σελίδα: 11 από 37 ΓΡΑΦΕΙΑ ΟΕΥ ΧΡΗΣΙΜΕΣ ΔΙΕΥΘΥΝΣΕΙΣ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H.E Mr. Arturo Duarte ORTIZ Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (March 10, 2011) GUINEA Embassy of Republic of Guinea ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Moscow, Koroviy Val 7, B.1, apt. 101-102 Tel: (7495) 238 10 85 Fax: (7495) 238 97 68 Date of the National Day: 2 October - The Day of Proclamation of Independence (1958) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H.E. Mr. Amara BANGOURA Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (June 27, 2005) HOLYSEE Apostolic Nunciature of Holy See ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Tbilisi 0183, Zhgeni str.40, Plato Nutsubidze, 2 mikrorayon, kvartal N1 Tel: (99532) 94 13 05 53 76 04/01 Fax: (99532) 53 67 04 E-mail nuntius@vatican.ge Date of the National Day: 19 April-Election of Holiness Pope Benedict XVI (2005) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H.E. Most Rev. Dr. Monsignor Claudio GUGEROTTI Apostolic Nuncio (April 12, 2002) Mr. Filippo CIAMPANELLI First Secretary HUNGARY Embassy of the Republic of Hungary ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Baky, Icheri Sheher, Mirza Mansur str. 72 Tel: (99412) 492 86 26 492 47 50 Fax: (99412) 492 12 73 E-mail: mission.bku@kum.hu Date of the National Day: 23 October-Day of Revolution and Freedom Fight (1956) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H.E. Mr. Zsolt CSUTORA Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (December 14, 2010) Mrs.Monika CZEKUS ICELAND Embassy of Iceland ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Moscow, Hlebny pereulok 28 Tel: (7495) 956 76 04 Fax: (7495) 956 76 12 E-mail: icemb.moscow@utn.stjr.is Ε.ΕΠΙΧ.10 - 02 / Rev: 01 / 27-03-09 Σελίδα: 12 από 37 ΓΡΑΦΕΙΑ ΟΕΥ ΧΡΗΣΙΜΕΣ ΔΙΕΥΘΥΝΣΕΙΣ Date of the National Day: 17 June - Day of Proclamation of the Republic (1944) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H.E. Mr. Benedikt ASQEYRSSON Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (06 March 2007) INDIA Embassy of India ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Baky, AZ-1069, Gandjlik, Oktay Karimov str. 31/39 Tel: (99412) 447 25 62 448 03 94 Fax: (99412) 447 25 72 E-mail: attache.admin@indianembassybaku.org eibaku.attache@azdata.az, (for general enquiries) eibaku.cpv@@ indianembassybaku.org attache.baku@ indianembassybaku.org (for viza, passport and consular services) Tel: (99412) 447 41 86 (99412) 564 63 44/54 com.baku@ indianembassybaku.org com.baku@azdata.az (for commersial/trade enquiries) Tel: (99412) 564 63 44/54 Date of the National Day: 15 August - Independence Day (1947) 26 January – Republic Day (1950) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H.E. Mr. Debnath SHAW Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (February 06, 2009) Mrs. Dahlia SHAW INDONESIA Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Baky,AZ-1078, Academic Hasan Aliyev street, Passage 15, Building N 19 Tel: (99412) 596 01 50 Fax: (99412) 596 01 50 Email: indonesianembassy.baku@gmail.com Date of the National Day: 17 August - Independence Day (1945) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mr. Agus TRIMARTONO Charge d’Affairs IRAN Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Baky AZ-1001, Buniad Sardarov str. 4 Tel: (99412) 492 19 64, 492 44 07, 492 80 06, 492 64 53 Fax: (99412) 498 07 33, 497 12 23 E-mail: Press@iranembassyaz.org Web-site: www.iranembassy.az Ε.ΕΠΙΧ.10 - 02 / Rev: 01 / 27-03-09 Σελίδα: 13 από 37 ΓΡΑΦΕΙΑ ΟΕΥ ΧΡΗΣΙΜΕΣ ΔΙΕΥΘΥΝΣΕΙΣ Residence: Baky, M. Alizade str. 79/11 Tel: (99412) 490 80 27 Consular Section: Baky AZ-1002, Sharif Zade str.17 Tel: (99412) 434 19 33, 434 19 76, 434 03 40 Fax: (99412) 433 02 63 Date of the National Day: 11 February - The Day of Celebration of Victory of the Islamic Revolution (1979) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H.E. Mr. Mohammad Bagher BAHRAMI Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (May 18, 2009) Mrs.Parivash BAHRAMI IRAQ Embassy of the Republic of Iraq ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Baky, 2nd Jeyhun Hajibeyli turn, 14 Tel: (99412) 564 76 14, 564 76 15, 564 76 18 Fax: (99412) 564 76 11 E-mail: bakemb@iraqmofa.net, amb_arshad2005@yahoo.com Date of the National Day: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H.E Mr. Heydar ALBARRAK Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (July 07, 2010) Mrs. Ibtisam Khamat Shahood ALJIBORY IRELAND Embassy of Ireland ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Ankara, Ugur Mumcu Cad. 88, MNG Binasi, B Block, 06700 G.O.P. Tel: (90312) 446 61 72 Fax: (90312) 446 80 61 E-mail ankaraembassy@dfa.ie Date of the National Day: 17 March - Saint Patrick`s Day ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H.E. Mr. Thomas RASSELL Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (March 03, 2010) ISRAEL Embassy of State of Israel ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Baky, AZ 1065, Izmir str.1033, Hyatt Tower 3 Теl: (99412) 490 78 81/82 Fаx: (99412) 490 78 92 E-mail: info@baku.mfa.gov.il Web-site: www.baku.mfa.gov.il Date of the National Day: 10 May - State Independence Day (1947) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H.E. Mr. Lavon LOTEM Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (August 26, 2009) Mrs. Orly Lavon LOTEM ITALY Embassy of the Republic of Italy Ε.ΕΠΙΧ.10 - 02 / Rev: 01 / 27-03-09 Σελίδα: 14 από 37 ΓΡΑΦΕΙΑ ΟΕΥ ΧΡΗΣΙΜΕΣ ΔΙΕΥΘΥΝΣΕΙΣ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Baky, AZ 1000, Icheri Sheher, Kichik Gala str. 44 Тel: (99412) 497 51 33 /35 (99451) 946 07 79 (consular section) Fax: (99412) 497 52 02/08 E-mail: ambasciata.baku@esteri.it Web-site: www.ambbaku.esteri.it Date of the National Day: 2 June - The Day of Republic (1946) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H.E. Mr.Mario BALDI Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (October 23, 2009) Mrs. Nicolette BALDI JAPAN Embassy of Japan ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Baky, AZ 1033, Izmir str., "Hyatt Tower III" 6-th floor Tel: (99412) 490 78 18 / 19 Fax: (99412) 490 78 20 E-mail: info@embjapan.az Web-site : www.az.emb-japan.go.jp Date of the National Day: 23 December - His Majesty Emperor Akihito’s Birthday (1933) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H.E. Mr. H.E. Mr. Shusuko WATANABE Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (October 26, 2010) Mrs. Atsuko WATANABE JORDAN Embassy of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Baky, Jafar Jabarli str. 44, AZ 1065 Caspian Plaza II, 16th floor Tel: (99412) 437 31 21/22 Fax: (99412) 437 31 23 E-mail: baku@fm.gov.jo Date of the National Day: 25 May - Independence Day (1946) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H.E. Mr. Adel MOHAMMAD ADAILEH Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (October 12, 2010). Mrs. Eman A Abed ALDOMUR KAZAKHSTAN Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Baky, AZ-1078, Hasan Aliyev str., passage 15, Building 8 Tеl: (99412) 465 62 47/48 Fаx: (99412) 465 62 49 E-mail embassyk@azdata.net Date of the National Day: 16 December - Independence Day (1991) Ε.ΕΠΙΧ.10 - 02 / Rev: 01 / 27-03-09 Σελίδα: 15 από 37 ΓΡΑΦΕΙΑ ΟΕΥ ΧΡΗΣΙΜΕΣ ΔΙΕΥΘΥΝΣΕΙΣ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H.E. Mr. Serik PRIMBETOV Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (March 06, 2008) Mrs. Botaqoz PRIMBETOVA KENYA Embassy of the Republic of Kenya ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Tehran, 17-Giti Blvd, Golestan Blvd, Africa Ave. P.O. 19395-4566 Tel: (9821) 22 04 93 55, 22 02 32 34 Fax: (9821) 22 04 86 19, 22 02 57 92 E-mail info@kenyaemb-tehran.com Date of the National Day: 12 December - Independence Day (1963) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KOREA Embassy of the Republic of Korea ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Baku, AZ 1078, Hasan Aliyev str.12 , cross 1 Tel: (99412) 596 79 01/03 Fax: (99412) 596 79 04 E-mail korea.emb@hotmail.com Date of the National Day: 3 October – National Foundation Day (1949) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H.E. Mr. Jiha LEE Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (December 10, 2009) Mrs. Yunsun CHUNQ DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF KOREA Embassy of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Tashkent, Usmon Nasir str. 95 Tel: (99871) 250 74 99 (99871) 250 59 44 Fax: (99871) 250 27 99 E-mail: mokran11111@yandex.ru Date of the National Day: 9 September - The Day of Foundation of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (1948) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H.E. Mr. Ri Dong PHAL Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (30 June, 2005) KUWAIT Embassy of the State of Kuwait ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Baky, Azar Aliyev str.6 Tel: (99412) 596 81 72/73/74 Fax: (99412) 596 81 75 E-mail: Date of the National Day: 25 February - Liberation Day (1961) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H.E. Mr. Ghassan Yousuf AL-ZAWAWI Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (November 16, 2009) Mrs. Shaikhah T.AL-THAQEB Ε.ΕΠΙΧ.10 - 02 / Rev: 01 / 27-03-09 Σελίδα: 16 από 37 ΓΡΑΦΕΙΑ ΟΕΥ ΧΡΗΣΙΜΕΣ ΔΙΕΥΘΥΝΣΕΙΣ KYRGYZSTAN Embassy of Kyrgyz Republic ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Moscow, Bolshaya Ordynka str. 64 Tel: (7495) 237 48 82, 237 46 01, 237 33 64 (consular section) 237 45 71 (protocol section) Fax: (7495) 237 44 52 E-mail: embassy@embas–kyrg.msk.ru Date of the National Day: 31 August - National Independence Day (1991) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mr. Ulukbek CHINALIYEV Charge d’Affairs LATVIA Embassy of the Republic of Latvia ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Baku, AZ-1065, “Caspian Plaza”, Jafar Jabbarli str. 44 Теl: (99412) 436 67 78 436 67 77 (consular section) Fаx: (99412) 436 67 79 E-mail: embassy.azerbaijan@mfa.gov.lv Date of the National Day: 18 November – Day of Proclamation of Independence (1918) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H.E. Mr.Hardijs BAUMANIS Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (September 29, 2010) Mrs.Izabella BRANTE LIBYA People’s Bureau of the Great Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamaheria ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Baky, Huseyn Javid Ave. 520, Building 20 Теl: (99412) 493 23 65, 493 85 48 Fаx: (99412) 498 97 70 E-mail: Libyan_embassy@hotmail.com Date of the National Day: 1 September - The Great Revolution Day (1969) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H.E. Mr. Saad Mustafa MUJBIR Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (March 03, 2010) ( with residence in Tehran) LITHUANIA Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Baky, AZ-1073, Suleyman Dadashev str. 35, Block 523 Tel: (99412) 537 04 07 (99412) 537 0408 (consular section) Fax: (99412) 510 86 88 E-mail: amb.az@urm.lt Ε.ΕΠΙΧ.10 - 02 / Rev: 01 / 27-03-09 Σελίδα: 17 από 37 ΓΡΑΦΕΙΑ ΟΕΥ ΧΡΗΣΙΜΕΣ ΔΙΕΥΘΥΝΣΕΙΣ konsulinis.az@urm.lt Web-site: www.az.mfa.lt Date of the National Day: 16 February - Independence Day (1918) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H.E. Mr. Kestutis KUDZMANAS Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (April 03, 2007) Mrs. Egle KUDZMANIENE MADAGASCAR Embassy of the Republic of Madagascar ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Moscow, Kursovoy pereulok 5 Tel: (7495) 290 02 14 Fax: (7495) 202 34 53 E-mail: info@ambamadagascar.ru Web-site: www.ambamadagascar.ru Date of the National Day: 26 June - Independence Day (1960) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H.E. Ms. Еloi Alphonse Maxime DOVO Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (February 15, 2006) MALAYSIA Embassy of Malaysia ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Ankara, Mahatma Gandhi Cad.58, 06700 G.O.P. Tel: (90312) 446 35 47/48 Fax: (90312) 446 41 30 E-mail: malankara@kln.gov.my Date of the National Day: 31 August - Independence Day/ Malaysia Day (1957) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H.E.Ms. Dato Saipul Anuar Abd. MUIN Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (November 13, 2007) MALI Embassy of the Republic of Mali ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Moscow 115 184, Novokuznetskaya str., 11 Tel: (7495) 951 06 55/27 84 Fax: (7495) 951 58 04 E-mail: amaliru@mail.ru Web-site: www.amaliru-russie.org Date of the National Day: 22 September-Day of Proclamation of Independence (1960) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H.E. Mr. Brahima COULIBALY Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (February 10, 2010) MALTA Embassy of Malta ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Moscow 119 049, Koroviy val str.7, apt. 219 Tel: (7495) 237 19 39, 230 25 24, 236 03 34 Fax: (7495) 237 21 58 E-mail: maltamsk@glasnet.ru Ε.ΕΠΙΧ.10 - 02 / Rev: 01 / 27-03-09 Σελίδα: 18 από 37 ΓΡΑΦΕΙΑ ΟΕΥ ΧΡΗΣΙΜΕΣ ΔΙΕΥΘΥΝΣΕΙΣ Date of the National Day: 21 September - Independence Day (1964) MAURITANIA Islamic Republic of Mauritania Chancery: Moscow. Bolshaya Ordinka 66 Tel: (7495) 237-37 92 Date of the National Day: 28 November - Independence Day (1960) H.E. Mr. Sidi Mohamed OULD TALEB AMAR Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (October 12, 2010) MEXICO Embassy of Mexico Chancery: Ankara, 06540 Chankaya, Kirkpinar Sok.18/6 Tel: (90312) 442 30 33/ 23 82 Fax: (90312) 442 02 21 E-mail: mexico@embamextur.com Date of the National Day: 16 September - Independence Day (1810) H.E. Mr. Jaime Enrique Inocencio Garcia Amaral Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (October 12, 2010) MOLDOVA Embassy of the Republic of Moldova Chancery: Baky, AZ 1073, 520 block, Huseyn Javid avenue 12 Tel: (99412) 510 15 38 497 52 52 Tel/fax: (99412) 510 52 91 E-mail: emb.moldova.baky@azdata.net baku@mfa.md Date of the National Day: 27 August - Independence Day (1991) H.E. Mr. Igor BODIU Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (August 11, 2010) Mrs. Angela BODIU MONGOLIA Embassy of Mongolia ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Ankara, Koza Sokak 109, G.O.P. 06700 Tel: (90312) 446 79 77 Fax: (90312) 446 77 91 E-mail: mogolelc@ttnet.net.tr Web-site: www.ttnet.net.tr/mogolelc Date of the National Day: 11 July – Independence Day (1921) MOROCCO Embassy of the Kingdom of Morocco Chancery: Baky AZ-1078, Hasan Aliyev str. 2, Apt. 228 Tel: (99412) 596 5130 Fax: (99412) 480 25 42 Date of the National Day: 30 July - The Throne Day (1999) H.E. Mr. Hassan HAMI Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (April 02, 2009) NETHERLANDS Royal Netherlands Embassy Ε.ΕΠΙΧ.10 - 02 / Rev: 01 / 27-03-09 Σελίδα: 19 από 37 ΓΡΑΦΕΙΑ ΟΕΥ ΧΡΗΣΙΜΕΣ ΔΙΕΥΘΥΝΣΕΙΣ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Baky, Azerbaijan AZ 1010, The Landmark Building 1, Nizami str. 96, 3rd floor Tel: (+99412) 465 99 22/23/24 Fax: (+99412) 465 99 72 Web-site: www.netherlands-embassy.az E-mail: bak@minbuza.nl Date of the National Day: 30 April - H.M.Queen Beatrix Official Birthday (1940) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H.E. Mr. Arjen UIJTERLINDE Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (06.09.10) NEPAL Nepalese Embassy Chancery: Moscow 119 421, 2-oy Neopalimovski pereulok 14/7 Tel: (7095) 244 02 15, 241 69 43 Fax: (7095) 244 00 00 E-mail: nepalemb@mtu-net.ru Web-site: www.nepalembassyrus.org Date of the National Day: 9 November - Constitution Day (2006) H.E. Mr. Surya Kiran GURUNG Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (Designated) NIGERIA Embassy of the Federal Republic of Nigeria Chancery: Tehran, 323/3, Zafar West str, Africa Ave., Tel: (9821) 88 88 96 21/22 Fax: (9821) 88 79 97 83 88 78 22 54 E-mail: ngrembtehran@yahoo.com Date of the National Day: 1 October – Independence Day (1960) H.E. Mr. Mohammadu M. Abubakar CIKA Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (February 6, 2009) NORWAY Royal Norwegian Embassy ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Baky, AZ-1005, ISR Plaza, 69, Nizami str. 11 floor. AZ-1005 Tel: (99412) 497 43 25 /26/27 Fax: (99412) 497 37 98 E-mail: emb.baku@mfa.no Web-site: www.norway.az Date of the National Day: 17 May - Constitution Day (1814) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H.E. Mr. Erling SKJONSBERG Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (September 29,2010) Mrs. Astrid SCHNITZER-SKJONSBERG OMAN Embassy of the Sultanate of Oman Ε.ΕΠΙΧ.10 - 02 / Rev: 01 / 27-03-09 Σελίδα: 20 από 37 ΓΡΑΦΕΙΑ ΟΕΥ ΧΡΗΣΙΜΕΣ ΔΙΕΥΘΥΝΣΕΙΣ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Ankara, Ilkbahar Mah.606, Sok.19 Yildis Tel: (90312) 491 09 40/41/44 Fax: (90312) 490 06 82 E-mail: omanembassy@yahoo.com Date of the National Day: 18 November - Birthday of Sultan Qaboos (1970) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H.E. Mr. Qais Salim Ali Al SAID Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (October 12, 2010) PAKISTAN Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Baky, 370069, Gandjlik, Ataturk Ave. 30 Tel: (99412) 436 08 39/40 Fax: (99412) 436 08 41 E-mail: parepbaku-1@yahoo.com Commercial section: Tel: (99412) 564 33 20 Fax: (99412) 564 33 21 Date of the National Day: 23 March - Pakistan Day (1940) 14 August - Independence Day (1947) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H.E.Mr. Abdul HAMİD Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (July 04, 2008) Mrs. Yasmin ASMAT PALESTINE Embassy of the State of Palestine ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Baky, AZ1065, Caspian Plaza J.Jabbarli 44, 5th floor Tel: (99412) 436 74 26 436 74 28 Fax: (99412) 436 74 27 E-mail: palembaz@gmail.com azemb@mefa-gov.pss Date of the National Day: 15 November 1988 – The day of the Proclamation of the State of Palestine, 01 January 1965-The day of the Palestine Revolution ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H.E. Mr. Nasser Abdul Kareem A. RAHEEM Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (October 26, 2010) PARAGUAY Embassy of the Republic of Paraguay ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Moscow 119049, Korovy Val str. 7, office N 142 Tel/Fax: (7495) 230 18 10 5 E-mail: embajada@embapar.ru Web-site: www.embapar.ru Date of the National Day: 15 may - Independence Day Ε.ΕΠΙΧ.10 - 02 / Rev: 01 / 27-03-09 Σελίδα: 21 από 37 ΓΡΑΦΕΙΑ ΟΕΥ ΧΡΗΣΙΜΕΣ ΔΙΕΥΘΥΝΣΕΙΣ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H.E. Mr. Marcial Bobadilla GUILEN Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (March 10, 2011) PHILIPPINES Embassy of the Republic of Philippines ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Ankara, Mahatma Gandhi Cad.56, 06700 G.O.P. Tel: (90312) 446 58 31 Fax: (90312) 446 57 33 E-mail: ankarape0706@ttnet.net.tr Date of the National Day: 12 June - Independence Day (1898) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H.E. Mr. Pedro O. CHAN Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (March 03, 2010) POLAND Embassy of the Republic of Poland ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Baku, AZ 1000, Icheri Sheher, Kichik Gala str. 2 Tel: (99412) 492 01 14, 497 52 81, (99412) 497 47 08 (consular section) Fax: (99412) 492 02 14 E-mail: baku.amb.sekretariat@msz.gov.pl consulate@baku.polemb.net (consular section) Web-site: www.baku.polemb.net Date of the National Day: 3 May - Constitution Day (1791) 11 November - Independence Day (1918) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H.E. Mr. Michal LABENDA Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (October 26, 2010) Mrs. Maria LABENDA PORTUGAL Embassy of the Republic Portugal ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Ankara, Kuleli Sok. 26, 06700 G.O.P. Tel: (90312) 405 60 28 Fax: (90312) 446 36 70 E-mail: embaixada@portugal.org.tr Date of the National Day: 10 June - Day of Portugal (1580) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H.E. Mrs. Luisa Margarida de CARVALHO BASTOS de ALMEIDA Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (Designated) QATAR Embassy of the State of Qatar ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Baky, Teymur Aliyev str.70 Tel: (99412) 564 58 22/24/44 Fax: (99412) 564 58 25/26 E-mail: baku@mofa.gov.qa Date of the National Day: 18 December - National Day (2007) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H.E. Mr. Sheikh Mubarak bin Fahad Al-Thani Ε.ΕΠΙΧ.10 - 02 / Rev: 01 / 27-03-09 Σελίδα: 22 από 37 ΓΡΑΦΕΙΑ ΟΕΥ ΧΡΗΣΙΜΕΣ ΔΙΕΥΘΥΝΣΕΙΣ Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (December 10, 2010) Mrs. Tefla THAMER, E.T.AL-THANI ROMANIA Embassy of Romania ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Baky, Akademik Hasan Aliyev str.125A, Narimanov dst. Tel: (99412) 465 63 78 Fax: (99412) 465 60 76 E-mail: rom_amb_baku@azdata.net Date of the National Day: 1 December - Union Day (1918) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H.E. Mr. Nikolae URECHE Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (April 09, 2004) Mrs. Mrs. Daniela URECHE RUSSIA Embassy of the Russian Federation ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Baky, AZ 1022, Bakikhanov str. 17 Tel: (99412) 597 08 79 597 44 58 597 44 26 Fax: (99412) 498 14 46, 498 84 56 (consular section) E-mail: embrus@embrus-az.com Web site: www.embrus-az.com Trade mission: Chancery: Baky,AZ 1108, Ibrahimpasha Dadashev str. 34 Tel: (99412) 561 00 98 Fax: (99412) 436 46 29 Date of the National Day: 12 June - Russia’s Day (1990) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mr. Vladimir DOROKHIN Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (April 02, 2009) Mrs. Olga DOROKHINA SAUDI ARABIA Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Baky, AZ 1073, Suleyman Dadashev str. 44/2 Tel: (99412) 497 23 05, 497 23 12 Fax: (99412) 497 23 02 E-mail: azemb@mofa.gov.sa Date of the National Day: 23 September - National Day (1932) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mr. Fahad Ali F. AL-DOSARY Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (April 15, 2009) Mrs. Haya Shabib S. AL AMRY SERBIA Embassy of Serbia ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ε.ΕΠΙΧ.10 - 02 / Rev: 01 / 27-03-09 Σελίδα: 23 από 37 ΓΡΑΦΕΙΑ ΟΕΥ ΧΡΗΣΙΜΕΣ ΔΙΕΥΘΥΝΣΕΙΣ Chancery: Baky, Tel: (99412) Fax: (99412) E-mail: Date of the National Day: 15 February - National Day (2006) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mr. Zoran VAJOVIC Charge d’Affairs SLOVAKIA Embassy of Slovak Republic ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Moscow, 123 056 Julius Fuchik str. 17/19 Tel: (7095) 956 49 20, Fax: (7095) 973 20 91 E-mail: embassy@moskva.mfa.sk Date of the National Day: 1 September - Constitution Day (1993) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H.E. Mr. Jozef MIGAS Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (February 15, 2010) SLOVENIA Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Ankara, Kirlangic Sok., 36, 06700 G.O.P. Tel: (90312) 405 42 21 Fax: (90312) 426 02 16 E-mail: van@gov.si Date of the National Day: 25 June - Independence Day/Statehood Day (1991) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H.E. Mr. Milan JAZBETS Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (March 10, 2011) SOUTHAFRICA Embassy of the Republic of South Africa ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Ankara, 06700 G.O.P., Filistin Cad.27 Tel: (90312) 446 40 56 Fax: (90312) 446 64 34 E-mail: general.ankara@foreign.gov.za Date of the National Day: 27 April - Freedom Day (1994) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H.E. Mr. Tebogo SEOKOLO Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (February 6, 2009) SPAIN Embassy of Spain ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Ankara, 06680, Cankaya, Abdullah Cevdet Sok.8 Tel: (90312) 438 03 92, 440 21 69, 440 17 96 Fax: (90312) 439 51 70, 442 69 91 E-mail: emb.ankara@maec.es Ε.ΕΠΙΧ.10 - 02 / Rev: 01 / 27-03-09 Σελίδα: 24 από 37 ΓΡΑΦΕΙΑ ΟΕΥ ΧΡΗΣΙΜΕΣ ΔΙΕΥΘΥΝΣΕΙΣ Date of the National Day: 12 October - The National Day of Spain (1492) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H.E. Mr. Cristobal Gonzalez-Aller JURADO Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (March 11, 2011) SRI-LANKA Embassy of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Tehran, 25, Jahantab str., Qheytariyeh(South) Tel: (9821) 22 56 91 79 22 76 86 30 Fax: (9821) 22 54 09 24 E-mail: slemb@aframail.com Web: www.slembir.com Date of the National Day: 4 February - Independence Day (1948) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H.E. Mr. Mohamed Mohamed ZUHAIR Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (February 06, 2009) SUDAN Еmbassy of the Republic of Sudan ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Moscow 127 006, Uspenskiy lane., 4A Tеl: (7495) 699 54 61 699 72 45 699 33 42 (consular section) Fаx: (7495) 699 33 42 Date of the National Day: 1 January - Independence Day (1956) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H.E.Mr. Mohamed Hussein HASSAN ZAROUG Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (March 10, 2011) SWEDEN Embassy of Sweden ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Stockholm, Gustav Adolftorgy 10339 Tel: (468) 405 10 00 Fax: (468) 723 11 76 E-mail: ud-ksa@foreign.ministry.se Date of the National Day: 6 June - Swedish Flag’s Day (1983) H.E. Mrs. Helena Pilas AHLIN Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (Designated) SWITZERLAND Embassy of Switzerland ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Baky, AZ 1004, Icheri Sheher, Boyuk Gala str. 9 Tel: (99412) 437 38 50/55 Fax: (99412) 437 38 51 E-mail: bku.vertretung@eda.admin.ch baku@sdc.net Date of the National Day: 1 August - Foundation of the Confederation Day (1291) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ε.ΕΠΙΧ.10 - 02 / Rev: 01 / 27-03-09 Σελίδα: 25 από 37 ΓΡΑΦΕΙΑ ΟΕΥ ΧΡΗΣΙΜΕΣ ΔΙΕΥΘΥΝΣΕΙΣ H.E. Mrs Sabine Ulmann SHABAN Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (January 19, 20 11) Mr. Alexendre SHABAN SYRIA Embassy of Syrian Arab Republic ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Tehran, 19, Iraj str., Africa avenue Tel: (9821) 22 05 90 31/32 22 05 53 32 Fax: (90312) 22 05 94 09 Date of the National Day: 17 April - Independence Day (1946) TAJIKISTAN Embassy of the Republic of Tajikistan ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Baku, Badamdar district, Baglar 2s-str., B- 20 Tel/ Fax: (99412) 502 14 32 E-mail: embassy.rtra@gmail.com Date of the National Day: 9 September - Independence Day (1991) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H.E. Mr. Zokir VAZIROV Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (April 08, 2008) Mrs. Qutos MIRZOEVA THAILAND Royal Thai Embassy ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: 06700, Ankara, Koza Sok.87 Tel: (90312) 437 43 18/52 48 Fax: (90312) 437 84 95 E-mail: thaiank@ttnet.net.tr Date of the National Day: 5 December - H.M.King Phumiphon’s Birthday (1945) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H.E. Mr. Arbhorn MANASVANIC Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (March 10, 2011) TURKEY Embassy of the Republic of Turkey ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Baky, Samed Vurgun str. 94 Tel: (99412) 444 73 20/21 Fax: (99412) 444 73 55 E-mail turkemb.baku@mfa.gov.tr Web: baku.be.mfa.gov.tr Consular Section: Baky, Samed Vurgun str. 94 Tel: (99412) 444 73 20/21 Fax: (99412) 444 73 47 E-mail: turkemb.baku@mfa.gov.tr Web: konsolosluk.gov.tr Office of the Defence Attache Attache: Baky, Samed Vurgun str. 94 Tel: (99412) 449 90 76 Fax: (99412) 449 92 20 Ε.ΕΠΙΧ.10 - 02 / Rev: 01 / 27-03-09 Σελίδα: 26 από 37 ΓΡΑΦΕΙΑ ΟΕΥ ΧΡΗΣΙΜΕΣ ΔΙΕΥΘΥΝΣΕΙΣ Date of the National Day: 29 October - Republic Day (1923) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H.E. Mr. Hulusi KILICH Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (March 01, 2008) Mrs. Gunay KILICH TURKMENISTAN Embassy of Turkmenistan ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Baky, Shamsi Rahimov str.14 Теl/fax: (99412) 465 48 76 E-mail: tm.emb-baku@mail.ru Date of the National Day: 27 October – Independence Day (1991) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H.E. Mr. Toyli KOMETOV Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (January 19, 20 11) UKRAINE Embassy of Ukraine ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Baky, AZ-1069, Gandjlik, Yusif Vezirov str. 49 Теl: (99412) 449 40 95 441 27 06 (consular section) Fаx: (99412) 449 40 96 E-mail: ukremb@azeurotel.com Date of the National Day: 24 August - Independence Day (1991) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mr. Miroslav BLASCHUK Charge d’Affairs Mrs. Galina BLASCHUK UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Embassy of the United Arab Emirates ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Date of the National Day: 2 December - Independence Day (1971) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UNITED KINGDOM Embassy of the United Kingdom of and Northen Ireland ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Baky, AZ-1010, Khagani str. 45A Теl: (99412) 497 51 88/89/90 Fаx: (99412) 437 78 78 (99412) 497 74 34 E-mail: generalenquiries.baku@fco.gov.uk Web: www.ukinazerbaijan.fco.gov.uk British Council: Baky, Nizami str. 96, Landmark Building 3, 8 floor Tel: (99412) 497 20 13, 497 15 93 Fаx: (99412) 498 92 36 Date of the National Day: June – Her Majesty the Queen's Birthday Party ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ε.ΕΠΙΧ.10 - 02 / Rev: 01 / 27-03-09 Σελίδα: 27 από 37 ΓΡΑΦΕΙΑ ΟΕΥ ΧΡΗΣΙΜΕΣ ΔΙΕΥΘΥΝΣΕΙΣ H.E. Ms. Carolyn BROWNE Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (July 27, 2007) USA Embassy of the United States of America ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Baku, AZ 1007, Azadlig Ave. 83 Теl: (99412) 498 03 35/36/37 Fаx: (99412) 465 66 71 Political Economic Section Fаx: (99412) 498 61 17 Consular Section Fаx: (99412) 498 37 55 Public diplomacy Section Fax: (99412) 498 93 12 Residence: Baku, Badamdar Settlement, 2nd Residential Area Building 129, Sabail District Теl: (99412) 498 03 35/36/37 Date of the National Day: 4 July - Independence Day (1776) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H.E. Mr. Matthew BRYZA Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (February17, 2011) UZBEKISTAN Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Baky, Batamdar, 1st highway, 9th side str., 437 Теl: (99412) 497 25 49/52 Fаx: (99412) 497 25 48 E-mail: office@uzembassy.az Date of the National Day: 1 September - Independence Day (1991) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H.E. Mr. Ismatulla IRGASHEV Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (February 22, 2005) VENEZUELA Embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Tehran, Iran, Africa ave, Boulevard Gol Azin N22 Теl: (98) (21) 22 03 63 17/ 19 Fаx: (98) (21) 22 03 63 51/ 63 52 WEB-site: www.emveniran.net Date of the National Day: 5 July -Independence Day ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H.E. Mr. David Nieves Velasquez CARABALLO Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (October 12, 2010) VIETNAM Embassy of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Moscow, Bolshaya Piroqovskaya str. 13 Теl: (7495) 245 10 92 Ε.ΕΠΙΧ.10 - 02 / Rev: 01 / 27-03-09 Σελίδα: 28 από 37 ΓΡΑΦΕΙΑ ΟΕΥ ΧΡΗΣΙΜΕΣ ΔΙΕΥΘΥΝΣΕΙΣ Fаx: (7495) 246 31 21 WEB-site: www.vietnamembassy-russia.ru Date of the National Day: 2 September-Independence Day (1945) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H.E. Mr. Bui DIN DINH Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (February 6, 2009) YEMEN Embassy of the Republic of Yemen ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Tehran 19, Iraj str., Africa avenue Теl: (9821) 22 05 90 31/32 Fаx: (9821) 22 05 94 09 E-mail: yem_embassy_teh@yahoo.com Web-site: www.yemenembassy_iran.com Date of the National Day: 22 May - Unity Day (1990) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H.E. Mr. Jamal Abdulla AL-SALLAL Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (February 6, 2009) ZAMBIA Embassy of the Republic of Zambia ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Moscow 129 110, Prospekt Mira 52 A Tel: (7495) 688 50 01/83/92 E-mail: zambians@online.ru Date of the National Day: 24 October - Independence Day (1964) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H.E. Mr. Patrick Nailobi SİNYİNZA Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (October, 12 2010) ZIMBABWE Embassy of the Republic of Zimbabwe ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Moscow 119 121, Serpov line, 6 Tel: (7495) 248 31 50 (7495) 248 43 67/64 Fax: (7495) 248 15 75 E-mail: zimbabwe@rinet.ru Date of the National Day: 18 April - Day of Proclamation of Independence (1980) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EUROPEAN UNION Delegation of the European Union ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Baky, AZ 1010, Nizami str. 96, Landmark 3, floor 11 Теl: (99412) 497 20 61/63/64/65/66/68 Fаx: (99412) 497 20 69 E-mail: DELEGATİON-AZERBAİJAN @ec.europa.eu ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H.E. Mr. Roland KOBIA Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (November 16, 2009) Mrs. Laura CONDEMI Ε.ΕΠΙΧ.10 - 02 / Rev: 01 / 27-03-09 Σελίδα: 29 από 37 ΓΡΑΦΕΙΑ ΟΕΥ ΧΡΗΣΙΜΕΣ ΔΙΕΥΘΥΝΣΕΙΣ INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS ASIAN DEVELOPMENT BANK Azerbaijan Resident Mission East and Asia Department ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Baky, AZ-1065, J/ Jabbarli str. 44, “Caspian Plaza” - 1-th floor. Теl: (99412) 437 34 77 Fаx: (99412) 437 34 75 E-mail: adbazrm@abd.org ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mr. Nolly NOROJONO Resident Representative COUNCIL OF EUROPE Special Representative of the Secretary General to Azerbaijan ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Baky, Icheri Sheher, Boyuk Gala str. 39-41 Теl: (99412) 497 54 89/93 497 31 56 497 23 34 Fаx: (99412) 497 23 95 E-mail: fieldbaku@coe.int ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mr. Constantin YEROCOSTOPOULOS Head of Office Mrs.Diana FAGGIONI EUROPEAN BANK European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, EBRD ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Baky, AZ-1010, Nizami str. 96, the Landmark 1, 4th floor Теl: (99412) 497 10 14 Fаx: (99412) 497 10 19 E-mail: AliyevaE@ebrd.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mr. Francis DELAEY Head of Office Mrs.Natalia Delaey INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE OF THE RED CROSS Delegation of International Committee of the Red Cross ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Baky, AZ-1110, Fatalikhan Khoisky Ave. 75 Тel: (99412) 465 64 52 465 68 04 465 63 34 564 27 09 Fаx: (99412) 465 65 19 E-mail bak_bakou @icrc.org ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mrs. Cherine POLLINI Head of delegation Ε.ΕΠΙΧ.10 - 02 / Rev: 01 / 27-03-09 Σελίδα: 30 από 37 ΓΡΑΦΕΙΑ ΟΕΥ ΧΡΗΣΙΜΕΣ ΔΙΕΥΘΥΝΣΕΙΣ Mrs. Ann-Kristin HAUG INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF THE RED CROSS AND RED CRESCENT SOCIETIES Delegation of International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Baky, AZ-1065, J.Jabarli 44, ”Caspian Plaza” 2 floor Тel: (99412) 436 82 37/38 Fаx: (99412) 436 82 39 E-mail: sabina.mahbubiiran@ifrc.org Web Site: www.azerweb.com www.ifrc.org ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ms. Sabina MAHBUBİ-İRAN Head of Mission ORGANIZATION FOR SECURITY AND COOPERATION IN EUROPE Office of the Resident Representative of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Baky,AZ 1010, 96, Nizami str., Landmark 3, 2nd floor Теl: (99412) 497 23 73 Fаx: (99412) 497 23 77 E-mail: office-az@osce.org ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H.E. Ambassador A. Bilge CANKOREL Head of Office SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY CENTER IN UKRAINE Information Office in Azerbaijan ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Baky, AZ-1143, Huseyn Javid avenue 33 Теl: (99412) 438 20 74 Fаx: (99412) 510 28 06 E-mail: stcu@stcu.int adalat.hasanov@stcu.int ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mr. Andrew HOOD Executive Director TRACECA Permanent Secretariat of the Intergovernmental Commission “Traceca” ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Baky, AZ 1005, General Aliyarbekov str. 8/2 Теl: (99412) 598 27 18 498 92 34 498 27 18 Fаx: (99412) 498 64 26 E-mail: office@ps.traceca-org.org ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ε.ΕΠΙΧ.10 - 02 / Rev: 01 / 27-03-09 Σελίδα: 31 από 37 ΓΡΑΦΕΙΑ ΟΕΥ ΧΡΗΣΙΜΕΣ ΔΙΕΥΘΥΝΣΕΙΣ Mr. Eduard BİRYUKOV Secretary General UNITED NATIONS United Nations Resident-Coordinator’s Office UNITED NATIONS OFFICE OFFICE OF THE UNITED NATIONS RESIDENT COORDINATOR ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Baky, AZ-1001, UN 50th Anniversary str. 3 Теl: (99412) 498 98 88 498 76 72 498 16 29, 498 16 37 Fаx: (99412) 492 24 91 498 32 35 E-mail: rc_registry@un-az.com United Nations Day: 24 October - Establishment of the UN, Entry into force of the UN Charter (1945) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mr. Fikret AKCURA Resident -Coordinator Mrs Rabia Radife AKURA UNITED NATIONS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME (UNDP) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Baky, AZ-1001, UN 50th Anniversary str. 3, Теl: (99412) 498 98 88 498 76 72 498 16 29, 498 16 37 Fаx: (99412) 492 24 91 498 32 35 E-mail: registry.az@undp.org ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mr. Fikret AKCURA Resident Representative Mrs Rabia Radife AKURA UNITED NATIONS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INFORMATION (UNDPI) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Baky, AZ-1001, UN 50th Anniversary str. 3, Теl: (99412) 498 98 88 498 76 72 498 16 29, 498 16 37 Fаx: (99412) 492 24 91 498 32 35 E-mail: enver.selimovic@un-az.org ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ms. Envera SELIMOVIC UNDPI Representative Ε.ΕΠΙΧ.10 - 02 / Rev: 01 / 27-03-09 Σελίδα: 32 από 37 ΓΡΑΦΕΙΑ ΟΕΥ ΧΡΗΣΙΜΕΣ ΔΙΕΥΘΥΝΣΕΙΣ UNITED NATIONS POPULATION FUND (UNFPA) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Baky, AZ-1001, UN 50th Anniversary str. 3, Теl: (99412) 492 24 70 498 98 88 Fаx: (99412) 492 24 91 492 23 79 E-mail: unfpa_registry@un-az.org ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mr. Fikret AKCURA Representative Mrs Rabia Radife AKURA UNITED NATIONS HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR REFUGEES (UNHCR) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Baky, AZ 1078, Azer Aliyev str.3 Теl: (99412) 492 14 43 497 22 47 492 83 19 492 82 54 Fаx: (99412) 498 11 34 E-mail: azeba@unhcr.org ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mr. Arun Sala-Nqarm UNHCR Representative Mrs. Supaporn SALA-NGARM UNITED NATIONS CHILDREN`S FUND (UNISEF) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Baky, AZ-1095, Neftchilar avenue 24, 3nd floor Теl: (99412) 492 30 13 492 17 82 492 29 74 Fаx: (99412) 492 24 68 E-mail: baku@unicef.org ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mr. Mark HEREWARD UNICEF Representative Mrs. Chianghua HEREWARD UNITED NATIONS DEPARTMENT OF SAFETY AND SECURITY (UNDSS) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Baky, AZ-1001, UN 50th Anniversary str. 3, Теl: (99412) 492 24 70 498 98 88 Fаx: (99412) 492 23 79 492 24 91 E-mail: suad.cengic@un-az.org ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mr. Suad CENGIC Security Adviser Mrs.Dzenita CENGIC Ε.ΕΠΙΧ.10 - 02 / Rev: 01 / 27-03-09 Σελίδα: 33 από 37 ΓΡΑΦΕΙΑ ΟΕΥ ΧΡΗΣΙΜΕΣ ΔΙΕΥΘΥΝΣΕΙΣ INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR MIGRATION (IOM) Office of the Resident Representative of the International Organization for Migration ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Baky, AZ-1069, 18, Yashar Huseynov str. Теl: (99412) 465 90 71/72/76 Fаx: (99412) 465 90 73 E-mail: iombaku@iom.int WEB: www.iom.az ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mr. Vasiliy YUZHANIN Resident Representative Mrs. Irina YUZHANINA WORLD BANK ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Baky, 1004, Icheri Shahar, Mirza Mansur str. 91-95 Теl: (99412) 492 19 41 Fаx: (99412) 492 68 73 E-mail gjedrzejczak@worldbank.org ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mr. Joseph Manoharan OWEN Country Manager Mrs. Claudia Rodriguez INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND (IMF) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Baky, AZ 1022, Samed Vurgun str. 83 Теl: (99412) 497 01 88/89 Fаx: (99412) 497 01 87 E-mail: agadirli@imf.org ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PARLIAMENTARY ASSEMBLY OF TURKIC-SPEAKING COUNTRIES (TURKPA) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Baky, AZ1152, Parliament ave. 1, 3rd floor New administrative building of Milli Majlis (Parliament of Azerbaijan) Теl: (99412) 497 62 08/03 Fаx: (99412) 497 64 23 E-mail: info@turk-pa.org WEB : www.turk-pa.org Mr. Ramil HASANOV Secretary General ISLAMIC CONFERENCE YOUTH FORUM FOR DIALOGUE AND COOPERATION (ICYF-DC) Regional center for Eurasia in Baku ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ε.ΕΠΙΧ.10 - 02 / Rev: 01 / 27-03-09 Σελίδα: 34 από 37 ΓΡΑΦΕΙΑ ΟΕΥ ΧΡΗΣΙΜΕΣ ΔΙΕΥΘΥΝΣΕΙΣ Chancery: Baky, AZ1005, H.Z. Tagiyev Str. 16/18-2 Теl: (99412) 598 11 62 (99412) 592 11 52 Fаx: (99412) 592 11 52 E-mail: baku-office@icyf-dc.org Amb. Elshad ISKANDAROV Secretary-General of ICYF-DC CONSULATES-GENERAL IRAN Consulate General in Nakhchivan ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Nakhchivan, Ataturk str. 13 Tel: (994136) 50343, 57246, 57364 Fax: (994136) 56705 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mr. Seyid MOHAMMAD TABATABAEE Consul General Mrs. Eftekarolsadat TABATABAEE TURKEY Consulate General in Nakhchivan ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Nakhchivan, Haydar Aliyev avenue, 17 Tel: (994136) 499 11 00 Tel/fax: (994136) 45 73 30/26 60 E-mail turkcons.nahchivan@mfa.gov.tr Residence: Nakhchivan, Azadlig str. 17 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mr. Ayhan ENGINAR Consul General Mrs. Lilian Maria Angelica ROJAS-ENGINAR TURKEY Consulate General in Ganja ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Hotel Ramada Plaza Genje Nizami str. 237 – AZ2019, Ganja-Azerbaijan Tel: (022) 59 00 05 Tel/fax: (022) 59 20 15 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mr. Haluk AGCA Consul General Mrs.Derya AGCA HONORARY CONSULATES BANGLADESH Honorary Consulate of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Baky, AZ1007 8 Gulu Guliyev str, 40 Tel: (99412) 497 30 53 Fax: (99412) 497 34 35 E-mail vusal@hayat.az Ε.ΕΠΙΧ.10 - 02 / Rev: 01 / 27-03-09 Σελίδα: 35 από 37 ΓΡΑΦΕΙΑ ΟΕΥ ΧΡΗΣΙΜΕΣ ΔΙΕΥΘΥΝΣΕΙΣ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mr. Vusal RAJABLİ Honorary Consul DENMARK Honorary Consulate of Kingdom of Denmark ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Baky, AZ-1102, Tbilisi Ave. 3001, OSCAR Business Center, 1st floor Tel: (99412) 447 0172 Fax: (99412) 4310588 E-mail dk@consulate.az WEB: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mr. Arnoud GOVAERT Honorary Consul FINLAND Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Finland ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Baky, AZ-1069,Kral Huseyin str. 65A, Narimanov district Tel: (99412) 562 66 14/15 Fax: (99412) 562 66 23 Mob: (99450) 220 60 04 E-mail: faig.jabiyev@socar-uge.com socaruge@gmail.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mr. Faig JABIYEV Honorary Consul HUNGARY Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Hungary ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Baky, AZ 1001, 4 Teymur Elchin str. Tel: (99412) 492 25 67 497 07 73 Fax: (99412) 497 07 72 E-mail: office@vr.in-baku.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mr. Kamran HASANOV Honorary Consul KYRGYZSTAN Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Baky, Nobel Ave. 25 Tel: (99412) 598 82 59 Fax: (99412) 598 82 60 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mr. Ziada HUSEINOV Honorary Consul Mrs. Kaziba HUSEINOVA MOLDOVA Ε.ΕΠΙΧ.10 - 02 / Rev: 01 / 27-03-09 Σελίδα: 36 από 37 ΓΡΑΦΕΙΑ ΟΕΥ ΧΡΗΣΙΜΕΣ ΔΙΕΥΘΥΝΣΕΙΣ Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Moldova ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Baky, AZ 1122, Tbilisi avenue 61 A Tel: (99412) 430 05 74 Fax: (99412) 430 05 71 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mr. HALIM ATESH Honorary Consul SLOVENIA Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Baky, AZ-1001, İcheri Sheher, Gasr str. 13/4 Tel: (99412) 497 57 05 Fax: (99412) 492 82 17 E-mail bmegusar@mac.com bmegusar@email.si ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mr. Borut MEGUSHAR Honorary Consul SWEDEN Honorary Consulate of Kingdom of Sweden ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Baku, AZ 1006, A.Quliyev str. 98 Tel: (99412) 596 84 78 Fax: (99412) 497 12 22 E-mail swedishconsulate@sweden.az Web-site www.sweden.az ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mr. Eldar ISMAILOV Honorary Consul THAILAND Honorary Consulate of Kingdom of Thailand ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chancery: Baky, AZ-1065, Izmir str. “Hyatt Tower” 1 floor Tel: (99412) 497 21 42 Fax : (99412) 497 21 43 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mr. Suat FATALIYEV Honorary Consul Ε.ΕΠΙΧ.10 - 02 / Rev: 01 / 27-03-09 Σελίδα: 37 από 37