PMC Meeting Meeting Minutes Meeting Information Project Description: SBIP HR/Payroll Phase 1 Planning Project Meeting Purpose: PMC Meeting Date: 03/03/2005 Location: OSC Administrative Conference Room Meeting Leader: Julie Batchelor Time: Scribe: 9:00 AM – 10:30 AM Stas Krapivnik Attendees Julie Batchelor Pam Wortham Ed Brodsky Gwen Canady Bradd Craver Rod Davis Dan Domico Bob Giannuzzi Wendy Griffin Kathy Gruer Linda Hudson Ginny Klarman Stas Krapivnik Tracy Little Jim Macaulay Lowell Magee John Morgan Jim Newman Rob Nelson Gary Wiggins Margaret Wiggins Minutes AGENDA ITEM 1. AGENDA DISCUSSION/RESULTS Welcome, Introductions & Agenda: Julie Batchelor welcomed new members. Introductions were made by all. 2. Committee Update: Julie reported that the NCTIME project and HR/Payroll projects will both continue to move forward as distinct projects, although we will maintain a close working relationship between the projects. Next Julie provided news on the Statewide Business Infrastructure Program (SBIP). Shannon Byers (formerly Shannon MacFarlane) will fill the SBIP Data Warehouse Project Manager position, effective March 9, 2005. Governor Easley’s proposed budget includes $15 million to implement recommendations outlined in the Business Infrastructure Study. Due process will be followed to pursue funding through the legislature. The team plans to be ready to present PMC Meeting Meeting Minutes AGENDA ITEM AGENDA DISCUSSION/RESULTS recommendations for moving forward on May 1. 3. HR/Payroll Project Status: Linda Hudson provided an update for the activities completed for the period 2/4/2005 – 3/3/2005. These activities include: Completed HR JAD sessions Began Payroll JAD sessions Began Technical work stream Conducted follow-up meetings as needed Submitted draft of HR Group 2 preliminary requirements and process flows Continued development of change management strategy options Completed and began distribution of marketing pamphlet (tri-fold) Shared project news and preliminary requirements with agency HR directors to begin to engage them in the project Conducted general statute research Prepared and submitted ITS monthly report for January Hired intern Next Linda presented upcoming activities for the period 3/4/2005 – 4/7/2005. These activities comprise: Conduct remaining JAD Sessions for Payroll Conduct follow-up meetings as needed Prepare and conduct CFO meeting (late March) Prepare and conduct CIO meeting (early April) Submit draft of Payroll preliminary requirements and process flows Continue Technical work stream Continue development of change management strategy options Conduct change management focus group and follow up interviews Outline reengineering and organizational strategies deliverable Conduct second HR Directors meeting on March 15, 2005 Complete overview meetings with technical management Conduct PSC meeting on March 16, 2005 Begin to update SB991 for Phase 2 Finalize QA approach Prepare and submit monthly ITS report for February PMC Meeting Meeting Minutes AGENDA ITEM 4. AGENDA DISCUSSION/RESULTS JAD Session Update: Bradd Craver reviewed suggestions and barriers from recently completed HR Group 2 and Payroll JAD sessions. Participation and agency representation have been excellent. Detailed requirements and opportunities for streamlining processes are being discovered in each JAD session. He reported that Payroll JADs contain unique sets of concerns and issues that must be taken into greater consideration. Gwen Canady participated in one of the Payroll sessions. She was pleased with the questions and evolving thought process that the participants are going through. Many participants are looking forward to a new system with added flexibility. Jim Newman voiced concerns about how difficult it is to capture all of the details that are discussed during each session. He asked for follow-up meetings on retirement, benefits and disability issues and exceptions linked to payroll concerns. There is a lack in consistency and standardization in how problems are solved by different agencies and departments (e.g. comp time policy). Wendy Griffin explained that Payroll people tend to be detail oriented and may have trouble thinking in terms of a broader picture and changing their mindset to adopt new ways of doing things. John Morgan was impressed how well people know their jobs, but only in the context of their own agency. The State lacks standardization in how problems are solved. This is a key area where we can make improvements, even without a new system. Margaret Wiggins stressed that senior agency management must be involved to ensure agency buy-in for standardization and consistency. 5. General Statutes Update: Gary Wiggins discussed OSP’s approach for making changes to HR statutes. Gary and Bradd reported that there do not appear to be any major statutes that will limit the new system. We will try to clarify what constitutes public information and make some changes to allow for succession planning (revise most-qualiified laws) and possibly competency matching. These changes will reduce restrictions that are preventing us from doing best practices (e.g. incentive pay). There have been several failed attempts at a major State Personnel Act rewrite in the past 2 years, making it clear that a full rewrite is not viable. There needs to be a strong push for a proof of concept “demonstration project” legislation to test how new ideas will function on a small scale. This needs to be done before wide sweeping reforms are put in place. Gary noted that unintended consequences could result from pilot projects that will need to be dealt with (e.g. impacts on payments and retirement resulting from a pilot project undertaken to evaluate unified leave) before recommending adoption on a wide scale. Program design considerations can be factored in with the demonstration project concept. Dan Domico noted that the federal government has standards in place for how to measure and report on outcomes for demonstration projects. PMC Meeting Meeting Minutes AGENDA ITEM 6. AGENDA DISCUSSION/RESULTS Change Management Update: Ed Brodsky described current accomplishments and work efforts, which include: the North Carolina HR/Payroll Project Tri-fold, the development of the Change Management Strategy and the preparation of the North Carolina IT Projects Lessons Learned Focus Group, which will ease transition to new processes and systems. Presently there are several ongoing activities: preparing leadership alignment interviews and activities plan, identifying and building the change network, increasing project-related communications and developing the Implementation Phase Communications Plan, conducting Change Readiness & Impact Assessment, developing a high-level Training and Capability Transfer Strategy, and developing a clear project governance structure. 7. Business Process Redesign (BPR) Strategy: Bradd Craver presented a high-level strategy and timeline for BPR via a bridge project. Process improvements that are independent of a new system could be undertaken right away (e.g. ADA training courses should be a state wide offering). System enabled improvements could be deferred until later. Tracy Little advised the team to start by plucking off the low hanging fruit. This approach brings a benefit to the project and serves the state well. Kathy Gruer suggested developing an interim solution to upgrade current systems to make transfers between agencies easier to reduce pain points while we prepare for a long-term solution. Standardized applications with supplemental occupational forms should be used for recruiting. Recruiting needs to be a priority for HR. Gary hopes to look at front-end applications for application tracking and recruiting that might be quick hits. In the area of Payroll, policies and standards across the board need to be defined and documented to drive to consistency. Wendy cautioned the group to remember that indepedent payroll systems need to be considered in the BPR and standardization approach. The PMC encouraged the team to seek approval from the Project Steering Committee to kick-off a business process redesign effort as soon as possible. BPR work will better show the project benefits and may help with acquiring funding. 7. Open Discussion: At this point in the meeting there were no additional comments. 8. Action Items Review: Julie recapped the action items from the meeting (see Action Items listed below). Future tentative meeting dates: PMC Meeting Meeting Minutes AGENDA ITEM AGENDA DISCUSSION/RESULTS March 15, 2005 – HR Directors Meeting March 16, 2005 – PSC Meeting April 7, 2005 – PMC Meeting April 8, 2005 – CFO Meeting (tentative) April 12, 2005 – CIO Meeting 9. Adjourn Action Items ACTION ITEM 1. 2. DESCRIPTION ASSIGNED TO DUE DATE Prepare draft materials for next HR Director’s Bradd Craver & meeting and distribute meeting agenda Gary Wiggins Publish project tri-fold on SBIP web site Stas Krapivnik 3/11/2005 Linda Hudson ASAP Linda Hudson ASAP Bradd Craver 3/13/2005 Gwen Canady ASAP 3/9/2005 3. Set up follow-up meetings with Treasurer’s Office staff (Retirement) and State Health Plan staff (benefits and disability) 4. Contact Rob Nelson about meeting with university staff to provide project background and status information and encourage ongoing university involvement 5. Continue development of BPR strategy in order to present the approach at the next PSC meeting and obtain approval to proceed 6. Get the details on General Statute 138-1 (Annual salaries payable at periodic intervals) and determine next steps