PMC Meeting Meeting Minutes Meeting Information Project Description: SBIP HR/Payroll Phase 1 Planning Project Meeting Purpose: PMC Meeting Date: 01/06/2005 Location: OSC Administrative Conference Room Meeting Leader: Julie Batchelor Time: Scribe: 9:00 – 10:30 AM Lowell Magee Attendees John Barfield Tom Runkle Rod Davis Gwen Canady Gary Wiggins Dan Domico Bob Giannuzzi Pam Wortham Lowell Magee Wendy Griffin Linda Hudson Bradd Cravier Kathy Gruer Shannon MacFarlane Tracy Little Tracy Little Jim Macauley Margaret Wiggins Minutes AGENDA ITEM AGENDA DISCUSSION/RESULTS 1. Welcome & Introductions: Julie Batchelor provided an introductory welcome for members 2. Committee Update: Julie commented on communication challenges for PMC members and JAD session participants. Julie encouraged PMC members to review the purpose of the JAD sessions with the SMEs prior to them attending the session. Universities utilizing the Banner system and Central Payroll will continue with this same model. A snapshot of state participation is in progress and should be available for discussion at an upcoming meeting. The PMC will provide feedback on the output of the JAD sessions. It was decided that HR PMC Meeting Meeting Minutes AGENDA ITEM AGENDA DISCUSSION/RESULTS Directors and Process Owners should review and confirm the requirements. Any issues from the requirements will be forwarded to the PMC for review. 3. Lowell Magee provided an update for the activities completed for the period (12/2/2004 to 1/05/2005) Completed Vision and Plan Phase deliverables and sign-off Finalized Communications Plan and Stateholder Analysis Prepared for and conducted the following JAD sessions: Develop and Train Workforce Monitor Employee Safety & Health Manage Employee Relations Conducted interviews with Charles Chapman and Anita Ward 12/20/2004 to 12/21/2004 Completed and presented Communications plan and Statekholder List Completed required ITS reporting (November) Developed web site strategy (noting resource constraints) Conducted a data warehousing “Chalk Talk” education Attended NCTime task force meeting (Shannon MacFarlane) Linda Hudson provided an update regarding upcoming activities for the period (1/06/2005 to 1/19/2005) Prepare for and conduct JAD sessions for: Career and Succession Planning Manager Employee Separation Manage Recruiting, Hiring and Integration Onboard Deloitte change management lead Update SBIP website Submit ITS report (December) Confirm potential “college intern” Linda Hudson provided an observation that some agencies had not attended sessions. She inquired if there were issues with communication. PMC members were to confirm their agencies were receiving appropriate notice and follow-up with her. 4. Process Owners: Proposed process owners provided to the committee prior to the meeting were confirmed. Shannon MacFarlane and Gary were charged with notifying the process owners of their designation. PMC Meeting Meeting Minutes AGENDA ITEM AGENDA DISCUSSION/RESULTS 5. Change Management/Communications: Shannon MacFarlane commented on the Stakeholder Communications – Phase I quadrant. She emphasized the four quadrants as well as activities that will commence with adding a new change resource to the project. A request was made by the committee to add the Stakeholder list to list the web site. 6. JAD Session Review: Bradd Craver presented a profile on each of the (3) JAD sessions that have been completed. This information included the following: Process Owner Number of Participants Agencies Represented He also provided Common Threads regarding the sessions. SME feedback: Enthusiastic about a new solution Supportive of common processes and standardization Provided a good networking forum Appreciative of the opportunity to provide input Business Benefits: Reduced clerical burden Increased efficiencies Better decision making - with better data Reduction of various “shadow” systems Potential Barriers to Success Computer availability and literacy Fear that data will be misinterpreted Acceptance of employee/manager self-service Bradd also reviewed upcoming JAD session dates and indicated the subject matter for these sessions would be more challenging. He urged PMC members to go back to agencies and confirm participation from their respective agencies. 7. Open Discussion: Tom Runkle commented a need to simplify the sign-off process for the upcoming HR/Payroll specifications. He noted the SME’s probably know the information better than anyone. Discussion continued and it was determined specification would be made available to any PMC member but HR Directors and SME’s would be the more appropriate source for final review. PMC will monitor the process to be sure the activities of PMC Meeting Meeting Minutes AGENDA ITEM AGENDA DISCUSSION/RESULTS the project are on track. A funding question on moving to the implementation phase of the project was raised in regard to ongoing budget shortfalls. Gwen Canady noted that various funding strategies are under consideration due to the urgency to replace the existing legacy systems. 11. Action Items Review: See next section for actions items. Action Items ACTION ITEM DESCRIPTION ASSIGNED TO DUE DATE 1. Post list of Stakeholders to web site Project Team ASAP 2. Contact Process Owners to confirm their designation. Project Team ASAP 3. Provide Communications Plan to PMC members. Project Team ASAP 4. Complete Payroll SME template and submit to Barbara Leonard PMC members 1/14/2005 5. Confirm attendance for upcoming JAD sessions PMC members 01/21/2005 6. HR Process Group I - Deliverable Project Team 01/24/2005 7. Add Agency next to PMC member names in future presentations. Project Team Future Meetings