GISFI TR SP.1xx V1.0.0 (2012-xx) Technical Report Global ICT Standardisation Forum for India; Technical Working Group Security and Privacy; Security Testing Methods for ICT products; (Release 1) The present document has been developed within GISFI and may be further elaborated for the purposes of GISFI. Release 1 2 GISFI TR SP.1xx V1.0.0 (2012-xx) GISFI GISFI office address Suite 303, 3rd Floor, Tirupati Plaza, Plot No. 4, Sector 11, Dwarka, New Delhi-110075, India Tel.: +91-11-47581800 Fax: +91-11-47581801 Internet E-mail: Copyright Notification No part may be reproduced except as authorized by written permission. The copyright and the foregoing restriction extend to reproduction in all media. © 2011, GISFI All rights reserved. GISFI Release 1 3 GISFI TR SP.1xx V1.0.0 (2012-xx) Contents Foreword............................................................................................................................................................. 4 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................ 4 1 Scope ........................................................................................................................................................ 5 2 References ................................................................................................................................................ 5 3 Definitions, symbols and abbreviations ................................................................................................... 6 3.1 3.2 Definitions ......................................................................................................................................................... 6 Abbreviations ..................................................................................................................................................... 6 4 Requirements for security testing of ICT products and systems .............................................................. 7 5 ICT Security Test Methods ...................................................................................................................... 8 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 6 6.1 6.2 7 7.1 7.2 8 8.1 8.2 Common Criteria (CC) ...................................................................................................................................... 8 The NIST Technical Guide to Information Security Testing and Assessment (SP800-115) ............................. 9 The ETSI MTS-IPT IPv6 Security Test Specifications ................................................................................... 11 The OWASP Testing Guide (Version 3) ......................................................................................................... 11 The IETF – Network Endpoint Assessment (NEA) ......................................................................................... 12 The ICT Security Testing Standards from ISO 27000 family ......................................................................... 13 Proposal for Network Element Testing .................................................................................................. 13 Network Element Testing: Flow-Diagram ....................................................................................................... 13 Network Element Testing: Brief on the Testing steps ..................................................................................... 16 Proposal for Network Testing ................................................................................................................ 19 Network Testing: Flow-Diagram ..................................................................................................................... 19 Network Testing: Brief on the Testing steps ................................................................................................... 22 Gap analysis by GISFI, based on the DoT requirements [10] [11] [12] [13] ......................................... 26 Technical Gaps ............................................................................................................................................... 26 Policy Gaps ..................................................................................................................................................... 27 9 Requirement for Common Criteria adoption- Means for development of Protection Profiles .............. 27 10 Conclusions ............................................................................................................................................ 27 Annex A (informative): Review Techniques, Security Assessment Execution phase, according to The NIST SP800-115 [4] ....................................................................................................... 28 Annex B: Change history ............................................................................................................................... 30 GISFI Release 1 4 GISFI TR SP.1xx V1.0.0 (2012-xx) Foreword This Technical Report has been produced by GISFI. The contents of the present document are subject to continuing work within the Technical Working Group (TWG) and may change following formal TWG approval. Should the TWG modify the contents of the present document, it will be re-released by the TWG with an identifying change of release date and an increase in version number as follows: Version x.y.z where: x the first digit shows the release to which the document belongs y the second digit is incremented for all changes of substance, i.e. technical enhancements, corrections, updates, etc. z the third digit is incremented when editorial only changes have been incorporated in the document. . Introduction This report presents ‘Network Element Testing’ in regards to performing security tests on network elements and to certifying them as ‘approved/tested/etc for security’ before they are integrated into the mobile network. It also presents ‘Network Testing’ in regards to performing security tests on entire mobile networks deployed by Cellular Operators and to certifying them as ‘approved/tested/etc. for security’. Also, this report captures information about already available security test methods being employed by product/system certification bodies and gives several proposals for Department of Telecom (DOT) requirements on security testing of network. GISFI Release 1 1 5 GISFI TR SP.1xx V1.0.0 (2012-xx) Scope This document, study report on Security Testing Methods for ICT products is a deliverable of Security and Privacy working group. The scope of this technical report is to perform a study on the various testing methods that are currently employed in different regions of the world. Items within the scope of this study are: 1. Review the security testing methods for ICT products and systems. 2. Develop testing steps for ‘Network Element Testing’ and ‘Network Testing’. 3. Present a gap analysis between the testing methods asked for by the DoT (vide Circular “10-15/2011-AS.III/ (21)”, dated 31/05/2011 [10]) and the current testing methods being used in the country and to provide recommendations. 2 References [1] Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation: [2] Common Criteria, “Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation: Part 3: Security assurance components"; Ver. 3.1, Rev. 3, Final; July 2009; Ch. 8, Pg. 32 to 44. [3] Common Criteria, “Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation: Evaluation Methodology", by the Common Criteria portal; Ver. 3.1, Rev. 3, Final; July 2009; Ch. 8, pg 25 – 29. [4] NIST SP800-115, “Technical Guide to Information Security Testing and Assessment”; NIST Computer Security Division (CSD) (Karen Scarfone, Murugiah Souppaya, Amanda Cody, Angela Orebaugh); September 2008; Pgs.: Chapter 2, pg. 2-1; Chapters 3 through 5, pg 3-1 to 5-7. [5] ETSI: The ETSI MTS-IPT website: [6] OWASP: OWASP Testing Guide (Version 3) document source: [7] IETF: Network Endpoint Assessment: RFC 5209: [8] 3GPP 33-series (Security-related) Technical Specifications: [9] 3GPP2 Specifications page: [10] DoT Circular “10-15/2011-AS.III/ (21)”, 31 May 2011: [11] GISFI_SP_201203176, “Proposals for activity on network security requirements of India”, NEC, March 2012. [12] GISFI_SP_201203178, “Approach Note on proposed GISFI’s activity on Network Security”, Krishna Sirohi, March 2012. [13] GISFI_SP_201206244, “Overview and System Security to Security Testing”, NEC, June 2012. GISFI Release 1 6 3 Definitions, symbols and abbreviations 3.1 Definitions This document defines the following items. 3.2 3GPP 3GPP2 CC CCRA DoT ETSI ICT IETF IP (v6) MTS-IPT NIST OWASP PP ST Abbreviations Third Generation Partnership Project Third Generation Partnership Project 2 Common Criteria Common Criteria Recognition Agreement Department of Telecommunications European Telecommunications Standards Institute Information and Communication Technologies Internet Engineering Task Force Internet Protocol (version 6) Methods for Testing and Specification-IP Testing National Institute of Standards and Technology Open Web Application Security Project Protection Profile Security Target GISFI GISFI TR SP.1xx V1.0.0 (2012-xx) Release 1 4 7 GISFI TR SP.1xx V1.0.0 (2012-xx) Requirements for security testing of ICT products and systems To be prepared (as from the DoT document (vide Circular “10-15/2011-AS.III/ (21)”, dated 31/05/2011 [10])) GISFI Release 1 8 5 ICT Security Test Methods 5.1 Common Criteria (CC) GISFI TR SP.1xx V1.0.0 (2012-xx) The Common Criteria (CC), more specifically known as The Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation, was adopted and published by the ISO/IEC, following earlier attempts to integrate information technology and computer security criteria by various regional SDO’s. [1] The Common Criteria is composed of three parts [1]: a) ISO/IEC 15408-1:2009: (Part 1) The Introduction and General Model: is the introduction to the CC. It defines the general concepts and principles of IT security evaluation and presents a general model of evaluation. b) ISO/IEC 15408-2:2008: (Part 2) The Security Functional Requirements: establishes a set of functional components that serve as standard templates upon which to base functional requirements for Target Of Evaluation(s) (TOEs). CC Part 2 catalogues the set of functional components and organizes them in families and classes. c) ISO/IEC 15408-3:2008: (Part 3) The Security Assurance Requirements: establishes a set of assurance components that serve as standard templates upon which to base assurance requirements for TOEs. CC Part 3 catalogues the set of assurance components and organizes them into families and classes. CC Part 3 also defines evaluation criteria for Protection Profile(s) (PPs) and Security Target(s) (STs) and presents seven predefined assurance packages which are called the Evaluation Assurance Levels (EALs). And these are accompanied by: ISO/IEC 18045:2008: Evaluation Methodology: While Part 3 specifies the actions that must be performed to gain assurance, it does not specify how those actions are to be conducted. The Common Evaluation Methodology (CEM) provides the methodology for IT security evaluation using the CC as a basis. These documents are used by the certifying body of a CC scheme and the evaluation facilities. The CC is a standard for evaluating ICT security products against two types of requirements: Security functional requirements Security assurance requirements. A product or service that is to be evaluated under the Common Criteria guidelines is referred to as a TOE and it is the developer's responsibility to provide evidence that the security provisions for a TOE have been designed and implemented to meet the requirements of ISO/IEC 15408. The Common Criteria defines two different documents as TOE: a) Protection Profile (PP): A description of a generic type of security device (e.g., a firewall). b) Security Target (ST): A description of a specific security device. The Evaluation Assurance Level (EAL1 through EAL7) of an IT product or system is a numerical grade assigned following the completion of a Common Criteria security evaluation. The increasing assurance levels reflect added assurance requirements that must be met to achieve Common Criteria certification. The various Assurance Levels can be listed as follows [2]: a) EAL1: Functionally Tested b) EAL2: Structurally Tested GISFI Release 1 9 GISFI TR SP.1xx V1.0.0 (2012-xx) c) EAL3: Methodically Tested and Checked d) EAL4: Methodically Designed, Tested, and Reviewed e) EAL5: Semi formally Designed and Tested f) EAL6: Semi formally Verified Design and Tested g) EAL7: Formally Verified Design and Tested The CEM [3] provides an overview of the Evaluation process with four tasks that an evaluator needs to perform. They are as follows: a) The input task [3]: The objective of this task is to ensure that the evaluator has available the correct version of the evaluation evidence (any resource required from the sponsor or developer by the evaluator or evaluation authority to perform one or more evaluation or evaluation oversight activities) necessary for the evaluation and that it is adequately protected. Otherwise, the technical accuracy of the evaluation cannot be assured, nor can it be assured that the evaluation is being conducted in a way to provide repeatable and reproducible results. b) The evaluation sub-activities [3]: is the actual evaluation activity. c) The output task [3]: It consists of the consistent reporting of evaluation results that facilitates the achievement of the universal principle of repeatability and reproducibility of results. The consistency covers the type and the amount of information reported in the Evaluation Technical Report (ETR) and Observation Report (OR) d) The demonstration of technical competence to the evaluation authority task [3]: may be fulfilled by the evaluation authority analysis of the output tasks results, or may include the demonstration by the evaluators of their understanding of the inputs for the evaluation sub-activities. 5.2 The NIST Technical Guide to Information Security Testing and Assessment (SP800-115) The NIST has published the “SP800-115: Technical Guide to Information Security Testing and Assessment” [4] that addresses technical testing and examination techniques that can be used to identify, validate, and assess technical vulnerabilities and assist organizations in understanding and improving the security posture of their systems and networks. The NIST guide outlines Security Testing Techniques into the following three categories grouped as: a) Review Techniques [4]: These are examination techniques used to evaluate systems, applications, networks, policies, and procedures to discover vulnerabilities, and are generally conducted manually. They include: i. Documentation Review: Documentation review determines if the technical aspects of policies and procedures are current and comprehensive. It evaluates policies and procedures for technical accuracy and completeness. ii. Log Review: Log review determines if security controls are logging the proper information, and if the organization is adhering to its log management policies. It could reveal potential problems and policy deviations. iii. Rule set Review: A rule set is a collection of rules or signatures that network traffic or system activity is compared against to determine what action to take. Rule set review reveals holes in rule set-based security controls. iv. System configuration review: System configuration review is the process of identifying weaknesses in security configuration controls, such as systems not being hardened or configured according to security policies. v. Network sniffing: Network sniffing is a passive technique that monitors network communication, decodes protocols, and examines headers and payloads to flag information of interest. GISFI Release 1 10 GISFI TR SP.1xx V1.0.0 (2012-xx) vi. File integrity checking: File integrity checkers provide a way to identify that system files have been changed computing and storing a checksum for every guarded file, and establishing a file checksum database. Stored checksums are later recomputed to compare their current value with the stored value, which identifies file modifications. b) Target Identification and Analysis [4]: These testing techniques can identify systems, ports, services, and potential vulnerabilities, and may be performed manually but are generally performed using automated tools. They include: i. Network Discovery: This technique discovers active devices on a network. It identifies communication paths and facilitates determination of network architectures. Network discovery may also detect unauthorized or rogue devices operating on a network. ii. Network port and Service Identification: Network port and service identification involves using a port scanner to identify network ports and services operating on active hosts—such as File Transfer Protocol (FTP) and Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)—and the application that is running each identified service, such as Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) or Apache for the HTTP service. It discovers open ports and associated services/ applications. iii. Vulnerability Scanning: identifies hosts and host attributes (e.g., operating systems, applications, open ports), but it also attempts to identify vulnerabilities rather than relying on human interpretation of the scanning results. Vulnerability scanning can help identify outdated software versions, missing patches, and mis-configurations, and validate compliance with or deviations from an organization’s security policy. This is done by identifying the operating systems and major software applications running on the hosts and matching them with information on known vulnerabilities stored in the scanners’ vulnerability databases. iv. Wireless Scanning: identifies unauthorized wireless devices within the range of the scanners, discovers wireless signals outside of an organization’s perimeter and detects potential backdoors and other security violations. Wireless scans can help organizations determine corrective actions to mitigate risks posed by wireless-enabled technologies (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, etc.). It can be conducted as either Passive wireless scanning (using tools that transmit no data, nor do they affect the operation of deployed wireless devices. For example, Wireless Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems (WIDPS)) or Active wireless scanning that builds on the information collected during passive scans, and attempts to attach to discovered devices and conduct penetration or vulnerability-related testing. c) Target Vulnerability Validation [4]: These testing techniques corroborate the existence of vulnerabilities, and may be performed manually or by using automatic tools, depending on the specific technique used and the skill of the test team. They include: i. Password cracking: identifies weak passwords and password policies. Password cracking is the process of recovering passwords from password hashes (#) stored in a computer system or transmitted over networks. It is usually performed during assessments to identify accounts with weak passwords. Password cracking is performed, using various methods (Dictionary attack, Hybrid attack, Brute Force, etc.), on hashes that are either intercepted by a network sniffer while being transmitted across a network, or retrieved from the target system, which generally requires administrative-level access on, or physical access to, the target system. ii. Penetration Testing: tests security using the same methodologies and tools that attackers employ. It also demonstrates how vulnerabilities can be exploited iteratively to gain greater access. It is a four-phased process that consists of the planning phase, the discovery phase, the attack (execution) phase, and the reporting phase. iii. Social Engineering: allows testing of both procedures and the human element (user awareness). Social engineering is an attempt to trick someone into revealing information (e.g., a password) that can be used to attack systems or networks. It is used to test the human element and user awareness of security, and can reveal weaknesses in user behavior—such as failing to follow standard procedures. Social engineering can be performed through many means, including analog (e.g., conversations conducted in person or over the telephone) and digital (e.g., e-mail, instant messaging). GISFI Release 1 11 GISFI TR SP.1xx V1.0.0 (2012-xx) According to the NIST guide, since no one technique can provide a complete picture of the security of a system or network, organizations should combine appropriate techniques to ensure robust security assessments. For example, penetration testing usually relies on performing both network port/service identification and vulnerability scanning to identify hosts and services that may be targets for future penetration. 5.3 The ETSI MTS-IPT IPv6 Security Test Specifications ETSI technical committee MTS (Methods for Testing and Specification) has set up a working group, MTS-IPT (IP Testing) [5] to focus on methodology and the production of test specifications for IP-related protocols. Co-funded by ETSI and the EC/EFTA (European Commission/European Free Trade Association), MTS-IPT is an open group at which participation is welcome. This project will provide a publicly available test development framework and interoperability test packages for four key areas of IPv6, of which one is ‘Security’. The Test Specifications regarding IPv6 Security Testing have been published as [5]: ETSI TS 102 558 IPv6 Security: Requirements Catalogue ETSI TS 102 593 IPv6 Security: Conformance TSS & TP ETSI TS 102 594 IPv6 Security: Conformance Test Suite ETSI TS 102 597 IPv6 Security: Interoperability Test Suite 5.4 The OWASP Testing Guide (Version 3) The OWASP Testing Guide (Version 3) [6] provides an overview of various testing techniques that can be employed when building a testing program that covers the following: a) Manual Inspection and Reviews [6]: Manual inspections are human-driven reviews that typically test the security implications of the people, policies, and processes, but can include inspection of technology decisions such as architectural designs. They are usually conducted by analyzing documentation or performing interviews with the designers or system owners. b) Threat Modeling [6]: help system designers think about the security threats that their systems/applications might face. Therefore, threat modeling can be seen as risk assessment for applications. c) Code Review [6]: Source code review is the process of manually checking a web application's source code for security issues. Many serious security vulnerabilities cannot be detected with any other form of analysis or testing. Examples of issues that are particularly conducive to being found through source code reviews include concurrency problems, flawed business logic, access control problems, and cryptographic weaknesses as well as backdoors, Trojans, Easter eggs, time bombs, logic bombs, and other forms of malicious code. d) Penetration Testing [6]: Penetration testing (for web applications) is essentially the “art” of testing a running application remotely, without knowing the inner workings of the application itself, to find security vulnerabilities. Typically, the penetration test team would have access to an application as if they were users. The tester acts like an attacker and attempts to find and exploit vulnerabilities. The OWASP testing framework consists of the following activities that should take place: a) Phase 1: Before Development Begins [6]: i. Phase 1A: Review Policies and Standards ii. Phase 1B: Develop Measurement and Metrics Criteria (ensure traceability) b) Phase 2: During Definition and Design [6]: GISFI Release 1 12 GISFI TR SP.1xx V1.0.0 (2012-xx) i. Phase 2A: Review Security Requirements ii. Phase 2B: Review Design and Architecture iii. Phase 2C: Create and Review UML Models iv. Phase 2D: Create and Review Threat Models c) Phase 3: During Development [6]: i. Phase 3A: Code Walkthroughs ii. Phase 3B: Code Reviews d) Phase 4: During Deployment [6]: i. Phase 4A: Application Penetration Testing ii. Phase 4B: Configuration Management Testing e) Phase 5: Maintenance and Operations [6]: i. Phase 5A: Conduct Operational Management Reviews ii. Phase 5B: Conduct Periodic Health Checks iii. Phase 5C: Ensure Change Verification Apart from the activities required to be performed before and after the testing phase, the OWASP Testing Guide details the Web Application Penetration testing methodology. This methodology (Active mode) is split in 9 sub-categories for a total of 66 controls as: Configuration Management Testing Business Logic Testing Authentication Testing Authorization Testing Session Management Testing Data Validation Testing Denial of Service Testing Web Services Testing Ajax Testing 5.5 The IETF – Network Endpoint Assessment (NEA) Network Endpoint Assessment (NEA) [7] architectures according to IETF RFC5209 have been implemented in the industry to assess the "posture" of endpoint devices for the purposes of monitoring compliance to an organization's posture policy and optionally restricting access until the endpoint has been updated to satisfy the posture requirements. Posture refers to the hardware or software configuration of an endpoint as it pertains to an organization's security policy. Posture may include knowledge that software installed to protect the machine (e.g. patch management software, antivirus software, host firewall software, host intrusion protection software or any custom software) is enabled and up-todate. An endpoint supporting NEA protocols can be queried for posture information. [7] The NEA seems to be a work in progress, rather than a concrete evaluation criteria or Standard. GISFI Release 1 5.6 13 GISFI TR SP.1xx V1.0.0 (2012-xx) The ICT Security Testing Standards from ISO 27000 family To be prepared 6 Proposal for Network Element Testing 6.1 Network Element Testing: Flow-Diagram The testing step(s) can be iterative, depending on outcome of a particular evaluation step, requiring fixing of severe/critical bugs/issues by equipment vendors, as reported by Test Lab. The testing steps/ procedures pertaining to ‘CC Testing’, explained in this document, have been framed with reference from the Common Criteria – Common Evaluation Methodology (Version 3.1) [1] Generic Requirement (GR) document sign-off Equipment chosen, based on criticality, as defined in baseline document Radio Access Network Element Core Network Element A relevant 3GPP/3GPP2 /Wireless Security Standard for the equipment/element? A GISFI Internet Core Element Release 1 14 GISFI TR SP.1xx V1.0.0 (2012-xx) A Test the network element with the test-case suite for security compliance Pass or Fail Fail Intermediate Test Report (with Failed Test items) Pass Intermediate Test Report (with waivers/explanations) Vendor to take corrective action and re-submit A PP identification/ ST definition for the equipment/element B GISFI Release 1 15 GISFI TR SP.1xx V1.0.0 (2012-xx) B With EAL ‘X’ CC Testing CC Testing, according to Common Evaluation Methodology (CEM) (ISO 18045: 2008) Add Security Functional and Assurance Components for the next higher EAL Fail Pass or Fail Vendor to take corrective action and resubmit Pass Increment EAL by 1 A Intermediate Report (OR/ETR) Is EAL <=7 Yes Is CC testing with the next higher EAL required? No No Final CC Validation Report Final Approval Certificate Issuance by Security Test Lab GISFI Release 1 6.2 16 GISFI TR SP.1xx V1.0.0 (2012-xx) Network Element Testing: Brief on the Testing steps STEP 1. Generic Requirement (GR) Document Sign-off: This step involves filling-in of details of supported/ unsupported configuration parameters against mentioned requirements as contained in the relevant Communication Standards. The GR document also contains product technical information as provided by network (device/equipment) product manufacturers. This step also involves the submission of the duly filled documents by the network product manufacturers to the Security Test Lab. STEP 2. Telecommunication Product Classification by Lab: This step involves comparison of the network element under consideration against a ‘Baseline document’ that defines the criticality of the same. This step also involves, in parallel, classification of a Telecommunication equipment classification into one of the three broad categories as: a) Radio Access Network Element (such as Base Station Transceivers (BTSs), NodeBs (HNBs), Radio Network Controllers (RNCs), etc.) b) Core Network Element (such as Home Subscriber Server (HSS), Operation, Administration, Maintenance & Provisioning (OAM&P) System, Serving GPRS Support Node (SGSN), etc.) c) Internet Core Element (Breakout Gateway Control Function (BGCF), Media Gateway Control Function (MGCF), etc.) STEP 3. 3GPP Security Standards Testing: If the product/equipment has relevant 3GPP/3GPP2 standards for security, test for the same (Test cases for every scenario need to be developed) Reference Standards: 3GPP [8]: 33-series Technical Specifications. 3GPP2 [9]: C.S0024-400-C v2.0, C.S0102-0 v1.0, S.R0006-804-A v1.0, S.R0082-0 v1.0, S.R0083-0 v1.0, S.R0086-A v1.0, S.R0138-0 v1.0, S.S0078-B v1.0, S.S0083-A v1.0, S.S0086-B v2.0, S.S0110-0 v1.0, S.S0114-A v1.0, S.S0127-0 v1.0, S.S0132-0 v1.0, X.S0027-002-0 v1.0, etc. STEP 4. 3GPP Security Standards Test Result: If the network equipment passes the 3GPP Security Standards testing, then the Security Test Lab must procure an intermediate test report, with details of waivers and relevant explanations (by vendors, with negotiation with the Tester(s)). The equipment vendor must proceed to prepare for CC testing for the equipment, as per the following steps. If the network equipment fails the 3GPP Security Standards testing, then the Security Test Lab must procure an intermediate test report, with details of ‘Failed Test items’. In response, the vendor/ manufacturer must fix the relevant software/ firmware (at times, even, hardware must be modified) and must re-submit the equipment for testing (starting at Step 3). STEP 5. Common Criteria (CC) Testing, According to Common Evaluation Methodology (CEM) (ISO 18045: 2008) [1]: Prior to CC testing, Equipment Manufacturers prepare the following pre-requisite documents: GISFI Release 1 17 GISFI TR SP.1xx V1.0.0 (2012-xx) a) Product Hardware/Firmware/Software information (Release document). b) Protection Profile (Generic category security specification) definition (Equipment manufacturers must receive the PP’s from the Security Test Lab and must submit it as a pre-requisite, along-with the other pre-requisite documents) c) Security Target (specific product security specification) definition The CC testing can start from a lower Evaluation Assurance Level (EAL) and can then be increased to the next higher EAL level. Post the Product Submission procedure (along-with the above-listed three documents), evaluations are conducted for the order of the classes defined in the Common Evaluation Methodology (CEM version 3.1) in steps as: a) Evaluation Input task: related to management of Evaluation evidence b) Evaluation sub-activities: apply to PPs and STs c) Evaluation Output task: related to report generation d) Demonstration of Technical Competence task: Point (b) represents guidance on the actual test steps for PPs and STs and are organized into “Classes”. Elaboration of (b) Evaluation of sub-activities: Each Class further breaks down into activities that can further be subdivided into various sub-activities. The evaluation sub-activities vary depending whether it is a PP or a TOE evaluation. Moreover, in the case of a TOE evaluation, the sub-activities depend upon the selected assurance requirements. The classes are: a) Class APE: Protection Profile evaluation b) Class ASE: Security Target evaluation c) Class ADV: Development d) Class AGD: Guidance documents e) Class ALC: Life-cycle support f) Class ATE: Tests g) Class AVA: Vulnerability assessment h) Class ACO: Composition STEP 6. CC Testing, Intermediate Report: Elaboration of point (c) Evaluation Output task: The evaluator performs the two following sub-tasks in order to achieve the CEM requirements for the information content of reports: a) Write OR sub-task (mandatory: for a fail verdict; optional: if needed in the context of the evaluation for clarification); GISFI Release 1 18 GISFI TR SP.1xx V1.0.0 (2012-xx) b) Write ETR sub-task (for PP or ST) to present technical justification of the verdicts. If the network equipment fails the CC testing, at this particular EAL Level, then in response to the OR, the vendor/ manufacturer must fix the relevant software/ firmware (at times, even, hardware must be modified) and must re-submit the equipment for testing (starting again, all the way up, from Step 3). STEP 7. Incrementing the EAL Level and Testing, if required: If the network equipment is required to be tested for more confidence, then the equipment can be re-tested against more Security Functional and Assurance Components for the next higher EAL level, starting from Step 5. If this equipment re-testing (with higher EAL level) is not required, then the Security Test Lab shall issue the Final CC Validation Report to the equipment vendor/ manufacturer. STEP 8. Final Approval Certificate Issuance by the Security Test Lab GISFI Release 1 19 7 Proposal for Network Testing 7.1 Network Testing: Flow-Diagram GISFI TR SP.1xx V1.0.0 (2012-xx) The testing step(s) can be iterative, depending on outcome of a particular evaluation step, requiring fixing of severe/critical bugs/issues by equipment vendors or implementation bugs/gaps by network operators, as reported by Test Lab. The testing steps/ procedures pertaining to ‘NIST SP800-115’ part, explained in this document, have been framed with reference from the NIST Technical Guide to Information Security Testing and Assessment. [4] The entire network can, at first, be sub-divided into three broad sub-systems as: Radio Access Network, Core Network, Internet Core and each of these sub-systems can be tested separately. Once these three sub-systems are tested successfully, the entire network can be tested for security. Generic Requirement (GR) document sign-off Network sub-system to test? Radio Access Network sub-system Core Network subsystem A relevant 3GPP/3GPP2 /Wireless Security Standard for the sub-system/ system? A GISFI Internet Core subsystem Release 1 20 GISFI TR SP.1xx V1.0.0 (2012-xx) A Test the network sub-system/ system with the test-case suite for security compliance Fail Pass or Fail Intermediate Test Report (with Failed Test items) Pass Intermediate Test Report (with waivers/explanations) Operator/Vendor to take corrective action and resubmit A B GISFI Release 1 21 GISFI TR SP.1xx V1.0.0 (2012-xx) B NIST SP800-115 Security Assessment Planning Security Assessment Execution: Review Techniques: Documentation Review, Log Review, etc. Target Identification and Analysis: Network Discovery, Vulnerability Scanning, etc. Target Vulnerability Validation: Password Cracking, Penetration Testing, etc. Post-testing activities: Mitigation recommendations, Reporting, Remediation. Fail Pass or Fail Operator/Vendor to take corrective action and resubmit Pass A C GISFI Release 1 22 GISFI TR SP.1xx V1.0.0 (2012-xx) C Test entire network with interfaces from (A) Fail Pass or Fail Operator/Vendor to take corrective action and resubmit Pass Final Approval Certificate Issuance by Security Test Lab 7.2 A Network Testing: Brief on the Testing steps STEP 1. Generic Requirement (GR) Document Sign-off: This step involves filling-in of details of supported/ unsupported network configuration parameters against mentioned requirements as contained in the relevant Communication Standards. It also involves: a) Sharing of Security Test Lab-approved GR documents, by network equipment vendor companies, with operators. b) Network-related documentation (such as: technical architecture, additional technologies encompassed (for example, Wi-Fi offloading technique in Long Term Evolution (LTE) Radio), etc) sharing with Security Test Lab. All of these documents must be submitted by the network operators to the Security Test Lab. STEP 2. Telecommunication Network Sub-system Classification by Lab: This step involves the classification of the Telecommunication Network Sub-system into one of the three broad categories as: a) Radio Access Network sub-system (consisting of Base Station Transceivers (BTSs), NodeBs (HNBs), Radio Network Controllers (RNCs), etc.) GISFI Release 1 23 GISFI TR SP.1xx V1.0.0 (2012-xx) b) Core Network sub-system (consisting of Home Subscriber Server (HSS), Operation, Administration, Maintenance & Provisioning (OAM&P) System, Serving GPRS Support Node (SGSN), etc.) c) Internet Core sub-system (consisting of Breakout Gateway Control Function (BGCF), Media Gateway Control Function (MGCF), etc.) STEP 3. 3GPP Security Standards Testing: If the network sub-system/ system has relevant 3GPP/3GPP2 standards for security, test for the same (Test cases for every scenario need to be developed) Reference Standards: 3GPP [8]: 33-series 3GPP2 [9]: C.S0024-400-C v2.0, C.S0102-0 v1.0, S.R0006-804-A v1.0, S.R0082-0 v1.0, S.R0083-0 v1.0, S.R0086-A v1.0, S.R0138-0 v1.0, S.S0078-B v1.0, S.S0083-A v1.0, S.S0086-B v2.0, S.S0110-0 v1.0, S.S0114-A v1.0, S.S0127-0 v1.0, S.S0132-0 v1.0, X.S0027-002-0 v1.0, etc. STEP 4. 3GPP Security Standards Test Result: If the network sub-system/ system passes the 3GPP Security Standards testing, then the Security Test Lab must procure an intermediate test report, with details of waivers (if any) and relevant explanations (by vendors/ network operators, after negotiation with the Tester(s)). The network operator must proceed to prepare for NIST SP800-115-based testing for the network sub-system/ system, as per the following steps. If the network sub-system/ system fails the 3GPP Security Standards testing, then the Security Test Lab must procure an intermediate test report, with details of ‘Failed Test items’. In response, the equipment vendor/ network operator must fix the relevant software/ firmware/ network implementation (at times, even, hardware must be modified) and must reschedule the network sub-system/ system testing (starting at Step 3). STEP 5. Testing, According to NIST SP 800-115 Security Testing and Assessment Guide: A. Security Assessment Planning [4]: Security assessments can be simplified and associated risks reduced through an established, repeatable planning process. The core activities involved in planning for an assessment include: a) Developing a security assessment policy b) Prioritizing and scheduling assessments c) Selecting and customizing technical testing and examination techniques d) Determining the logistics of the assessment e) Developing the assessment plan f) Addressing any legal considerations STEP 6. Testing, According to NIST SP 800-115 Security Testing and Assessment Guide: B. Security Assessment Execution (Actual Testing Phase) [4]: This step consists of: a) Coordination: through a document referred to as ‘Rules of Engagement’ (ROE) GISFI Release 1 24 GISFI TR SP.1xx V1.0.0 (2012-xx) b) Assessing: Testing c) Analysis: Comparing Test results, negotiation between concerned parties on issue status, agreement on either issue resolution or waiver. d) Data Handling: Data Collection, Data Storage, Data Transmission, Data Destruction Under the Security Assessment Execution, the NIST guide outlines Security Testing Techniques into the following three categories grouped as: a) Review Techniques: These are examination techniques used to evaluate systems, applications, networks, policies, and procedures to discover vulnerabilities, and are generally conducted manually. b) Target Identification and Analysis: These testing techniques can identify systems, ports, services, and potential vulnerabilities, and may be performed manually but are generally performed using automated tools. c) Target Vulnerability Validation: These testing techniques corroborate the existence of vulnerabilities, and may be performed manually or by using automatic tools, depending on the specific technique used and the skill of the test team. STEP 7. Testing, According to NIST SP 800-115 Security Testing and Assessment Guide: C. Post-Testing Activities [4]: Following the execution phase—whose findings are expressed in terms of vulnerabilities—the organization will take steps to address the vulnerabilities that have been identified. They must develop ways such that the organization can translate their findings into actions that will improve security. a) Mitigation Recommendations: Mitigation recommendations, including the outcome of the root cause analysis, will be developed for each finding. There may be both technical recommendations (e.g., applying a particular patch) and nontechnical recommendations that address the organization’s processes (e.g., updating the patch management process). Examples of mitigation actions include policy, process, and procedure modifications; security architecture changes; deployment of new security technologies; and deployment of OS and application patches. NIST SP 800-53 suggests mitigation recommendations for each security control. Organizations will compare potential mitigation actions against operational requirements to determine the actions that best balance functionality and security. b) Reporting: Upon completion of analysis, a report will be generated that identifies system, network, and organizational vulnerabilities and their recommended mitigation actions. NIST SP800-115 suggests that a document referred to as ‘Plan of actions and Milestones’ (POA&M) be used and maintained to ensure that individual vulnerabilities are addressed with specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and tangible actions. c) Remediation/Mitigation: The POA&M provides the program management office with the details and required actions needed to appropriately and acceptably mitigate risk. Organizations should follow at least the four steps outlined below during their remediation implementation process—these will provide consistency and structure for security personnel and program managers: i. Testing the remediation recommendation. ii. The POA&M should be coordinated through an organization’s configuration control or configuration management board because the POA&M likely proposes changes to existing systems, networks, policy, or processes. iii. Mitigation actions are implemented and verified to ensure their appropriate and accurate implementation. iv. Continuously update POA&Ms to identify activities that have been accomplished, partially accomplished, or are pending action by another individual or system. GISFI Release 1 25 GISFI TR SP.1xx V1.0.0 (2012-xx) STEP 8. NIST SP800-115 Security Test, Result: If the network sub-system/ system pass the NIST SP800-115-guided Security testing, then the Security Test Lab must procure an intermediate test report, with details of waivers (if any) and relevant explanations (by vendors/ network operators, after negotiation with the Tester(s)). The network operator must then proceed to prepare for NIST SP800-115-based testing for the entire network system, as starting from Step 3. If the network sub-system/ system fails the NIST SP800-115-guided Security testing, then the Security Test Lab must procure an intermediate test report, with details of ‘Failed Test items’. In response, the equipment vendor/ network operator must fix the relevant software/ firmware/ network implementation (at times, even, hardware must be modified) and must re-schedule the network sub-system/ system testing (starting at Step 3). STEP 9. Entire Network Testing, Acording to NIST SP 800-115 Security Testing and Assessment Guide: In the event of successful ‘network sub-system testing’ for all the three sub-systems of a particular operator (that is, until Step 8), the network operator must then proceed to prepare for NIST SP800-115-based testing for the entire network system, as starting from Step 3. STEP 10. For the Entire Network Test: NIST SP800-115 Security Test, Result: If the network system pass the NIST SP800-115-guided Security testing, then the Security Test Lab must procure an intermediate test report, with details of waivers (if any) and relevant explanations (by vendors/ network operators, after negotiation with the Tester(s)). If the network system fails the NIST SP800-115-guided Security testing, then the Security Test Lab must procure an intermediate test report, with details of ‘Failed Test items’. In response, the equipment vendor/ network operator must fix the relevant software/ firmware/ network implementation (at times, even, hardware must be modified) and must reschedule the network sub-system/ system testing (starting at Step 3). STEP 11. Final Approval Certificate Issuance by the Security Test Lab GISFI Release 1 8 26 GISFI TR SP.1xx V1.0.0 (2012-xx) Gap analysis by GISFI, based requirements [10] [11] [12] [13] on the DoT The National Guideline on Network Security [10] is not adequately detailed for the implementation and practical steps towards achieving the stated objectives therein need to worked upon. GISFI’s analysis of such gaps is as follows: 8.1 Technical Gaps The technical gaps identified by GISFI are as follows: a) The Network Element and Network Security testing requirements need to be discussed, agreed upon and concluded in collaboration with Telecom Service Providers. b) On Indian Security Testing Lab [11] [13]: The location of the testing lab(s), requirements and process for accreditation of the lab(s) need to be defined. Also the process of certification of equipment and network needs to be defined. c) Testing against Wireless Standards (3GPP/3GPP2/etc) [11]: Defining the wireless standards against which the network equipments and networks shall be tested, is required. Within each standards, decision needs to be taken on what is mandatory to implement and what is optional – both implementation and usage d) On CC testing [13]: The level of CC testing that is accepted that fulfils both market and government requirements and the process for the same needs to be defined. e) On Protection Profiles (PP) and Security Targets (ST) [13]: The process of developing PP’s and ST’s, and the contents of the same need to be defined. f) Other technical gaps can be enumerated as: i. Duration of testing [13]: An optimum duration of testing needs to be defined. Longer time to wait will impact business whereas no compromise on the security aspect should creep in due to a shorter, hastened testing duration. ii. Periodicity of testing [13]: Based software and/or firmware updates to the network equipments, the periodicity of the elements and the network needs to be defined. iii. Timing of testing network equipments [13]: Whether the network equipment should be tested before purchase by operators or after needs to be defined. Before purchase will mean impact on vendors while after purchase could mean issues for operators/service providers iv. Volume of testing [13]: The extent or depth of testing, number of test items, etc needs to be defined. v. Cost of testing [13]: Cost of testing will lead to impact on market and hence a commonly accepted cost needs to be defined. vi. Human resource requirements [13]: This shall be determined by the decision about the types of test items, extent of testing, and number of test cases. vii. Responsibility of accidents [13]: Which party (vendors or operators, etc) will be responsible to pay for the accidents despite the use of certified products needs to be defined. GISFI Release 1 8.2 27 GISFI TR SP.1xx V1.0.0 (2012-xx) Policy Gaps The policy gaps identified by GISFI are as follows: a) Relationship between Telecom Service Providers and the concerned Government departments [12]: Such a working relationship between the two needs to be defined and established. The proposal of the Telecom Security Council of India (TSCI) still needs to be worked upon. b) Relationship with the CCRA, 3GPP, etc [13]: A working relationship with other global SDOs (for example, 3GPP, 3GPP2, etc) and Certification bodies (for example, CCRA) needs to be established. 9 Requirement for Common Criteria adoption- Means for development of Protection Profiles 10 Conclusions GISFI Release 1 28 GISFI TR SP.1xx V1.0.0 (2012-xx) Annex A (informative): Review Techniques, Security Assessment Execution phase, according to The NIST SP800-115 [4] A.1. Review Techniques: These are examination techniques used to evaluate systems, applications, networks, policies, and procedures to discover vulnerabilities, and are generally conducted manually. They include: A.1.1. Documentation Review: Documentation review determines if the technical aspects of policies and procedures are current and comprehensive. It evaluates policies and procedures for technical accuracy and completeness. A.1.2. Log Review: Log review determines if security controls are logging the proper information, and if the organization is adhering to its log management policies. It could reveal potential problems and policy deviations. A.1.3. Rule set Review: A rule set is a collection of rules or signatures that network traffic or system activity is compared against to determine what action to take. Rule set review reveals holes in rule set-based security controls. A.1.4. System configuration review: System configuration review is the process of identifying weaknesses in security configuration controls, such as systems not being hardened or configured according to security policies. A.1.5. Network sniffing: Network sniffing is a passive technique that monitors network communication, decodes protocols, and examines headers and payloads to flag information of interest. A.1.6. File integrity checking: File integrity checkers provide a way to identify that system files have been changed computing and storing a checksum for every guarded file, and establishing a file checksum database. Stored checksums are later recomputed to compare their current value with the stored value, which identifies file modifications. A.2. Target Identification and Analysis: These testing techniques can identify systems, ports, services, and potential vulnerabilities, and may be performed manually but are generally performed using automated tools. They include: A.2.1. Network Discovery: This technique discovers active devices on a network. It identifies communication paths and facilitates determination of network architectures. Network discovery may also detect unauthorized or rogue devices operating on a network. A.2.2. Network port and Service Identification: Network port and service identification involves using a port scanner to identify network ports and services operating on active hosts—such as File Transfer Protocol (FTP) and Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)—and the application that is running each identified service, such as Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) or Apache for the HTTP service. It discovers open ports and associated services/ applications. A.2.3. Vulnerability Scanning: identifies hosts and host attributes (e.g., operating systems, applications, open ports), but it also attempts to identify vulnerabilities rather than relying on human interpretation of the scanning results. Vulnerability scanning can help identify outdated software versions, missing patches, and misconfigurations, and validate compliance with or deviations from an organization’s security policy. This is done by identifying the operating systems and major software applications running on the hosts and matching them with information on known vulnerabilities stored in the scanners’ vulnerability databases. A.2.4. Wireless Scanning: identifies unauthorized wireless devices within the range of the scanners, discovers wireless signals outside of an organization’s perimeter and detects potential backdoors and other security violations. Wireless scans can help organizations determine corrective actions to mitigate risks posed by wireless-enabled technologies (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, etc.). It can be conducted as either Passive wireless scanning (using tools that transmit no data, nor do they affect the operation of deployed wireless devices. For example, Wireless Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems GISFI Release 1 29 GISFI TR SP.1xx V1.0.0 (2012-xx) (WIDPS)) or Active wireless scanning that builds on the information collected during passive scans, and attempts to attach to discovered devices and conduct penetration or vulnerability-related testing. A.3. Target Vulnerability Validation: These testing techniques corroborate the existence of vulnerabilities, and may be performed manually or by using automatic tools, depending on the specific technique used and the skill of the test team. They include: A.3.1. Password cracking: identifies weak passwords and password policies. Password cracking is the process of recovering passwords from password hashes (#) stored in a computer system or transmitted over networks. It is usually performed during assessments to identify accounts with weak passwords. Password cracking is performed, using various methods (Dictionary attack, Hybrid attack, Brute Force, etc.), on hashes that are either intercepted by a network sniffer while being transmitted across a network, or retrieved from the target system, which generally requires administrative-level access on, or physical access to, the target system. A.3.2. Penetration Testing: tests security using the same methodologies and tools that attackers employ. It also demonstrates how vulnerabilities can be exploited iteratively to gain greater access. It is a four-phased process that consists of the planning phase, the discovery phase, the attack (execution) phase, and the reporting phase. A.3.3. Social Engineering: allows testing of both procedures and the human element (user awareness). Social engineering is an attempt to trick someone into revealing information (e.g., a password) that can be used to attack systems or networks. It is used to test the human element and user awareness of security, and can reveal weaknesses in user behavior—such as failing to follow standard procedures. Social engineering can be performed through many means, including analog (e.g., conversations conducted in person or over the telephone) and digital (e.g., e-mail, instant messaging). GISFI Release 1 30 GISFI TR SP.1xx V1.0.0 (2012-xx) Annex B: Change history : Change history Date 2012-12 TSG # TSG Doc. CR Rev Subject/Comment Updated the document with review comments GISFI Old New