III - Education in Russia for foreigners

Work with foreign students
1. Work with the preparatory department students
1.1 Ensure admission of foreign nationals to the preparatory department, their
hostel accommodation and control of medical services.
1.2 Organize the study process in accordance with the curriculum and study
1.3 Control the study process and test and examination session.
1.4 Control students’ progress and attendance.
1.5 Control extracurricular and methodological work of the preparatory
department for foreign students.
1.6 Control timely payment for education and registration of students.
1.7 Inform the students of the rules of residence in the territory of the Russian
Federation, registration and visa obtaining procedure.
2. Work with foreign students living in hostels
Annual elections of the hostel Students Council
Beginning of the
academic year
Meetings with the district police officer and/or other law September, February
enforcement officers in charge of the territory where the hostel
is located with the purpose of informing students of legal norms
and actions in case of threat to personal security.
Conclusion of a contract with every student defining the rights September-October
and responsibilities of every student
Periodic inspection of students’ compliance with the rules of During the year
dwelling (by hostel tutors, tutors of national associations and
staff of the dean’s office for work with foreign students).
Organization of hostel dwellers’ leisure
During the year
Establishment of reception days for hostel dwellers (by the dean Monthly
of vice-dean directly in the hostel)
Briefing of students about the rules of safe dwelling in a hostel
September, February
Instructions on the rules of safe dwelling in the Volgograd State Medical University hostels
Section 1. Rules of safe handling of electric appliances
1. Sockets should be in good order (that is, they should not warm up, spark or emit
2. Because of high risk of short circuit and electrical wiring fire it is prohibited to switch
on electric kettles, rice-cookers or electric radiant heaters in the rooms.
3. If you leave the room for a long time, you should de-energize all electric appliances.
4. Many electric appliances should not be connected to one socket.
5. Never cover connected and switched on electric appliances by clothes, pillows or
6. It is prohibited to use defective electric appliances.
General safety rules and internal regulations of the student hostel
Foreign students living in the hostels of the Volgograd State Medical University shall:
1. Comply with the general safety and fire safety rules, sanitary norms of living in a hostel, and
observe personal hygiene.
2. Keep clean the hostel room they occupy and hostel common areas.
3. At the end of the academic year, return to the warden of the hostel all issued to them bedding,
furniture, implements and equipment, and the keys to their rooms.
4. As set forth by applicable laws, bear property responsibility for damage to inventory
equipment and furniture, whether in their room or in common areas as well as for loss of household
implements in the amount of the actual damage to be determined by the report of the UNIVERSITY
administrative and maintenance department.
5. In addition to instances provided for in paragraph 3.4. of the contract, bear personal property
responsibility where the property damage was caused to the UNIVERSITY by the guests invited to the
hostel by the STUDENT.
6. Upon completion of studies, and in case of disenrollment from the UNIVERSITY or academic
leave, the STUDENT’S registration shall in accordance with the established procedure be cancelled and the
STUDENT shall vacate the hostel room within 5 days, having returned to the warden the respective
inventory equipment received during the period of living in the hostel.
7. Before moving in, the student shall pay in full for the entire period of living in the hostel
during the year (if the student’s education is funded from the state budget of the Russian Federation,
he/she shall pay for accommodation on a monthly basis).
8. Participate in elections to the student government bodies, including the Student Council.
General safe behavior recommendations for all foreign students living in hostels or
rented flats
When an offense against person is committed, as a rule, the perpetrators are condemned
and the victim is sympathized with. This is right. However, statistics show that in 70-80% of
cases the offense was provoked by the victim. There is a special science that studies victims’
psychology – victimology.
In several judicial proceedings the offenders were condoned because the victims’
behavior had been extremely victimous, i.e., had provoked the crime.
Victimity manifestations are conditionally divided into several types.
An expensive mobile telephone, СD player, leather jacket etc. may become victimous.
You may add new items to the list that are potentially victimous.
Students leave the university building and one of them mechanically touches his/her
pocket thereby showing the place where money is kept. You should not do so, especially in the
A behavior is victimous if it provokes a crime. An example: You are in a strange city and
ask the first man who came along the way to the railway station or a shopping center, telling him
that you are a stranger there and do not know anyone or anything in the city. This information is
extremely victimous: you are there alone, you do not know anyone and you may have money.
Other examples of victimous behavior:
- showing a large sum of money when paying in a shop;
- opened small window on the ground floor or a note in the door: “Key under the
- drunkenness;
- walks in a small company at night;
- late returning home after a party;
- a purse looking out of the pocket;
- taking the offer of a stranger to go to his place or hotel room.
Victimology has such a notion as victimous season. In spring, the number of fights and
beatings increases, therefore you should be extremely cautious in this period and stick to these
Thieves prefer edge entrances as it is easier to skip from there. They also prefer ground
and top floors: the former because of small windows and the latter because there are less people
there. However, no thief would rob the first flat that comes across. You can protect yourself by
installing a security alarm system. Besides, before leaving your flat, reduce the sound of the
telephone ringer if the telephone is placed near the door.
Criminals often use arms and can seriously wound a victim. The best way to avoid
robbery and violence is to avoid provoking situations: do not walk in solitary places or at night;
do not enter vacant houses or open entrances.
How to behave if you are attacked?
If you see that the offender is stronger than you, don’t mark time and better give the
criminal what he wants. Do not stare at the bandits, but, as far as possible, try to remember the
eyes and look of the main attacker.
Everyone can become a victim of robbers; however, panicking is the worst behavior in
such situation. Difficult as it may be, try to behave reasonably, as your objective is to save your
life and health.
Most thefts are committed in crowded places: in shops, fairs, market places, bus stops or
in transport.
Thieves use several schemes:
- as a rule, a thief begins “casually” pushing you. As soon as you get accustomed to
pushes, he slips his hand into your pocket or bag, takes out your purse or wallet and
immediately passes it to his partner, who instantly goes away. Such thieves act only
when they are sure of success, as before they saw you changing or receiving money
in a savings bank etc.;
- sometimes a partner (often a woman) diverts your attention talking to you, while the
other partner is robbing you;
in a crowd, a thief can take out your wallet from the hip pocket without your noticing
it. Thieves call the hip pocket a “stranger” (you should never place your wallet there);
or they can open a bag hanging from the shoulder;
- you should be very careful entering or going out of a bus, as this is where your wallet
can easily be taken out or the bag opened.
What should you do not to become a thief’s victim?
- Be especially alert and watchful in a crowded place. Carry your bag in front of you in
your hands. It should always be in sight.
- Put your wallet in a deep pocket.
- Better use closed bags, such as attache-cases.
- Do not carry money and documents in plastic bags.
- Divide a large sum of money into small packs and put them in different pockets. If
you don’t want to do so, lay aside a small sum to pay for transport fare, newspapers,
ice cream etc.
- If you are going to a bank or to buy something expensive, ask your friends to
accompany you.
- Paying in a shop, do not attract the attention of people around you to your purse.
- Never ask strangers to change money or show you the way, or talk to fortune-tellers.
- In public transport, do not sleep nor read nor look through the window if you bag
stands on the floor; do not stand near the doors.
It is very difficult to find a thief, therefore, the best way is to take preventive measures.
As a rule, threats are very much alike. Their aim is to make the victim inactive, i.e., to
make you give away you purse, bag or money. You should remember that the situation in the
street rapidly changes: some passers-by may appear, someone may help you.
Therefore, stall for time: ask questions, pretend that you do not understand, that you are
scared to death. However, if you understand that nobody will come to your rescue, you’d better
do what the criminal demands and give him what he wants.
If you are threatened by phone, listen attentively to what you are told. Do not hang up
after the conversation. Call from another telephone (from your neighbors or by mobile phone)
your telephone office and ask to identify and fix the number from which you were called. You
will not be told the results, but at the police request you will be provided with such information.
Never accept a stranger’s invitation to drop in “for a minute”, “for a cup of coffee”.
Never keep up a conversation with a stranger in the street, in pubic transport etc. Just
say, for example: “Sorry, I have no time”.
- If you think that you are chased, don’t be afraid, don’t look around and, of course,
don’t run away. To check whether someone is chasing you, stop to lace you shoe or
look at the shop window etc.
In a crowded place, approach a police officer or an adult man and talk to him, you
may even point a finger at your chaser. He will surely leave you alone. You may call by mobile
phone the police, a friend of yours, the dean’s office staff worker, describe your chaser, tell
where you are and ask for help. You should do it in such a way that the chaser can hear you and
understand that you have a reliable protection.
Never enter the elevator together with a stranger, better wait.
Never take a lift (especially if the driver is not alone).
There are a lot of types and techniques of fraud. The most common are:
- Cheating when exchanging currency, cheating in shops and when changing large
denomination bank notes. Change money only in banks and exchange offices!
- “Leaving behind” a wallet, which is supposed to be picked up by a passer-by (it may
well be you). If you pick it up, the “owner” will demand that you return the money
that allegedly was in the wallet. In this way criminals will make you give away your
Never pick up wallets or other things in the street! If someone approaches you and tells
you about the “godsend”, go away. If that person persists, tell him that you will call the police.
Under the guise of a policeman, a criminal searches you and takes your money and
valuables. First ask the “policeman” to identify himself and show his police badge.
Be careful!
- Never play thimblerig or other games of chance (lotteries, cards).
- Lend money only against a written receipt.
If you have become a victim of fraud, immediately call the police and describe the
Remember: to protect yourself from swindlers you should be critical about any
unexpected attractive offers.
Never give the keys to your neighbors.
Install good locks and, whenever possible, security alarm system.
You are at home alone. The door bell rings. You should take precautions before opening
the door. Remember:
- You are not obliged to open the door.
- You may refuse to open the door to the police, especially after the end of the working
day, in the evening or at night. You can ask them to come next day after 9 a.m.
Meanwhile, you’d better call the duty police unit of your local police division and ask
whether police officers had been actually sent to you.
- Never open the door to a postman who allegedly delivered you a telegram. Ask
him/her to call you and read the text of the telegram by phone.
- Never open the door to strangers who allegedly conduct sociologic surveys, say they
are electricians, fitters etc. In this case inform the flat owner who should personally
talk to such persons.
- Open the door only to people you know well (friends, relatives etc.).
- If someone rings your doorbell, better call your neighbors and tell them about it.
When you enter or leave the flat, remember:
1. Before leaving the flat, look into the spy-hole to make sure that there are no
suspicious strangers in the entryway.
2. If upon lifting to your floor you see strangers there, do not open the door to your
flat and do not enter it, pretend that you missed the floor.
OUR ADVICE: write down telephone numbers of emergency services and put the list
near the telephone or in any other permanent place. Be ready immediately clearly tell who is
speaking (your surname and name, who you are and why you are calling).
Usually, people hide their valuables and money in the bed linen, cushioned furniture, in
hiding places in the kitchen or the bathroom etc. Thieves easily find hidden valuables. Therefore:
- better keep large sums of money with a bank;
- do not attract attention of your neighbors;
- do not invite strangers who may become tipsters, i.e., provide information about your
flat, your working hours (when you are absent and when you come home from the
university etc.).
First, try to find it. If you failed to find the key, call the owners of the flat if they live in
the same city. If they live somewhere else, you should without delay buy a new lock part into
which the key is directly inserted (“lichinka”) or a new lock. If you have a wooden or metal door
with simple locks, you should call DEZ and ask them to send a locksmith who would break the
door and fix a new lock. If the locks are intricate, you will have to call the Rescue Service
(remember to buy a new lock). In addition, be ready to show your identification papers and the
documents confirming your right to be in the flat.
Conflicts are always unpleasant, and most people try to avoid them. Our
1. In a conflict situation never act hotheadedly. Cool off and think the situation over.
2. After the conflict, reflect on your behavior.
3. Learn to discuss conflict situations.
4. To avoid conflicts, learn to speak up. Explain why you are displeased with the
situation, behavior of a friend or acquaintance of yours etc. Always listen to the
explanations and try to understand them.
In a crowd, you may be injured or even die. In a big city, a jam can occur anywhere: in
underground during rush hours, in concert halls, at stadiums, during holidays in the streets etc.
Try to avoid crowds, but if you found yourself in a crowd:
- do not try to elbow your way out, let the crowd carry you;
- take a deep breath and pull your bent in elbows arms slightly apart, so that your chest
would not be squeezed;
- try to stay away from big and tall people and also from people with big bags and
- by any means try to remain on your feet. If you fall down you will be unable to get
- do not keep your hands in your pockets;
as you move, raise your feet as high as possible and step on full foot (do not tiptoe);
if the jam becomes dangerous (people are crying and weeping), immediately get rid
of all things, first of all, of a scarf and shoulder bag. Falling down, people may
instinctively seize such things and knock you off your feet;
if you dropped something, do not try to pick it up. You may fall and the crowd cannot
be stopped immediately;
if you fell down, try to stand on your feet or tiptoes and, strongly pushing off, “come
to the surface”;
If it is impossible to get up, protect your head by forearms and the back of the head
by hands;
During mass disorders avoid crowds because the police will not look into who is
guilty and who is not. You will have to prove that you have nothing to do with the
- Ask the policeman identify himself and show his police badge.
- Consider yourself unguilty and stay calm.
- Do not argue with the policeman, but disagree.
- A policeman has an official right to require that you show your papers (passport,
student card), and you should do so.
- You may be asked to go to the police station. In this case you should call the
representative of the university administration (dean, vice-dean, dean’s office
inspector) and tell him/her what has happened and where you are.
- After a personal search a detainee is usually placed in a sort of cage – a barred place
existing in every police station.
- When in the police station, immediately identify an officer on duty. It is an officer in
police uniform with a badge “Duty Officer”.
- Be prepared to be interviewed by an operating officer who would ask you a lot of
questions. Give short and clear answers. Do not be rude, do not swear, do not irritate
the interviewer.
- After the interview you will again be placed in the “cage”. It is prohibited to smoke
there. If you need to go to the toilet, audibly tell the duty officer about it. Though
there may be no immediate response, after some time your request will be granted.
- If you feel bad, immediately tell about it. You will be watched to make sure that you
are not pretending, and then an emergency ambulance will be called or you will be
released as quickly as possible.
- If a friend of yours is taken to the police station, never accompany him or her. You
will help your friend more efficiently if you call the university administration.
- The police is obliged to look into the matter within 3 hours, but if you have been
detained for disorderly conduct of petty offense (brawling, illegal exchange of
currency, drunkenness) you may be held in the police station for 24 hours.
Fire may start unexpectedly. Therefore you should know what to do in such situation.
1. Imagine that you are watching TV and suddenly smoke appears and the TV set flares
up. Or this happens with another electric appliance. In this case you should
immediately disconnect the appliance, and cover the TV set by a thick blanket. You
should pore water at the back panel of the TV set, staying sideways of the screen, as
the kinescope may explode. Remember: never open windows or doors, because the
inflow of fresh air will maintain and intensify fire.
2. If the fire flared up at night, never stay in bed, try to roll off it, as the heat and smoke
containing toxic agents raise up.
3. Remember that you should move around the room filled with smoke crawling on all
fours along the wall.
4. Crawl to another door, but do not open it immediately, make sure that there is no fire
behind it (touch the door and the handle with the back of your hand, they should not
be hot). In this case move into another room and be sure to close the door behind you.
In this way try to get to the exit. On the way, wake all people sleeping in the flat and
then call the fire service.
If there is fire in another room, do not open the door. Take the telephone set, put it on the
floor and call 01. Quickly and clearly tell them your address and entrance door code.
5. If there is no telephone set in the room, then crawl to the window, take a deep breath,
get up, slightly open the window and cry: “Help, fire!” If you cannot open the
window, then crash it using any item (not with your hand). If you are choking
standing at the window, crouch again, take a deep breath, get up and cry again. Try to
draw attention to you.
Remember: it is extremely dangerous to jump out of the window or get down by a
6. If your clothes caught fire, do not panic. To kill fire, fall to the ground and roll.
Work with foreign students living in rented flats
The purpose of this section is to inform foreign students-flat renters of the tenants’ rights
and responsibilities and the rules of use of residential premises, electric, gas and water supply
equipment. Special focus is made on the problem of security during the period of residence in
To live in a flat, all foreign students must conclude a rental contract with the owner of the
flat (the landlord). Upon signing the contract, foreign students (the tenants) will have the right to
temporary registration at the place of residence. The signed rental contract is recommended to be
certified and registered by a notary, upon mutual agreement of the landlord and the tenants.
To ensure their personal security and security of their neighbors and to reduce the risk for
the flat and the equipment therein, flat renters must strictly comply with all the rules of the
respective instructions and rental contract.
Control procedures
There has been developed a system of control of students living in flats, including the
check of accuracy of information on the place of residence provided by the students. To this end,
the database was created with the dynamic update of information on students’ addresses and
telephone numbers, availability of rental contracts and on landlords’ addresses and telephone
numbers. Data sorting by various parameters (filters) enables quick provision of information on
students in any convenient form. In particular, the sorting of entries on students by residence
addresses with a view to further direct checking of this information is commonly used.
In addition, the dean’s office staff (vice-dean, national associations’ tutors, passport and
visa service inspectors) weekly make inspection visits to the flats where foreign students are
living to control the accuracy of information submitted to the dean’s office.
During numerous checks, a number of violations of the rules of stay of foreign nationals
in the Russian Federation were revealed. In particular, some students were registered at the
addresses where they no longer lived. Some students rent flats only subject to the owner’s
consent to registration and do not conclude rental contracts or do not have the contract certified
by a notary. Some students, through their own fault, fail to timely receive the passport with a
migration card in the university passport and visa service. Students explain this by the
availability of the document (temporary certificate) substituting the passport during the period of
registration (often, with the expired validity at the time of inspection).
In addition to the passport and visa regime, sanitary condition of flats is assessed during
inspections. Students are issued against their signature the guides for the rules of residence.
Besides, the basic aspects which should necessarily be taken into consideration are explained to
them in an oral comprehensible form.
Based on the results of the inspection of each flat, reports are executed and the necessary
measures are taken.
Work with landlords
For the efficient work with the landlords, a special instruction was elaborated which
reflects the basic aspects:
1. When renting a flat even for a short period, it is strongly recommended to conclude a
rental contract with the tenants and have it certified by a notary. It is necessary both
for the landlord and the tenant, as the contract clearly regulates the rights and
responsibilities of the parties and the dispute resolution procedure. In case of breach
of the signed contract by either party the other party is entitled to terminate it.
2. It is recommended to use the model contract elaborated by the Volgograd State
Medical University. The form of the contract is available from the dean’s office for
work with foreign students.
3. Concluding a rental contract, attention should be paid to the procedure for settlements
with the last-year students and with interns, registrars and postgraduate students. It
should be agreed with the tenants that all settlements will have been made 3 months
before the expiry of the contract.
4. To simplify settlements with the tenants for the use of telephone communication it is
recommended to block access to long-distance and international telephone calls. This
can be done at the automatic telephone station. For long-distance and international
calls, students can use IP telephony cards.
5. Landlords can approach the dean’s office for work with foreign students in
connection with any matters concerning tenancy of foreign students.
All landlords’ applications with complaints and requests as well as students’ applications
concerning living conditions, are compulsorily examined upon their receipt. Following the
examination, requisite measures are taken to settle relations between the flat owners and the
students. Specifically, students with their tutors and flat owners are invited to resolve the existing
problems. In such situations the university represented by the dean’s office staff acts as an
intermediary between the two parties whose relations are regulated by the rental contract.
Safety of living
All foreign students of the Volgograd State Medical University living in rented flats must
necessarily be informed of the basic rules of dwelling set forth in the information leaflet, the
form of which is presented below.
Rules of dwelling in rented flats for foreign students of the Volgograd State Medical
Students of the Volgograd State Medical University living in rented flats shall not:
1) keep pets in the flat;
2) violate sanitary regulations for living in residential premises (leave unwashed plates
and dishes, keep perishable goods without a refrigerator, leave the flat untidy);
3) leave unattended connected and switched on electric appliances (except the
refrigerator), turned on water taps (including with no running water), turned on gasburners and water heaters;
4) use gas equipment in case of gas leakage – if there is gas smell you should call 04
(Gorgaz emergency service);
5) disturb silence from 23:00 to 6:00;
6) smoke in the flat;
7) keep in the flat flammable liquids, drugs or weapons.
Flat renters shall:
1) sign a rental contract with the landlord (a form of the contract is available from the
dean’s office) and inform the dean’s office of their place of residence;
2) comply with their responsibilities of the tenants (in accordance with the rental
3) comply with the rules of use of gas, electric and water supply equipment (in
accordance with the Instructions for Flat Renters).
Flat renters have the right to:
1) after 22:00 refuse to open the door, unless there is a perpetrator of a crime in the
rented flat;
2) call police officers to resolve all disputable situations (telephone numbers of duty
units of the internal affairs department are given in the Instructions for Flat Renters);
3) free emergency medical care without producing a medical policy in case of physical
injury or sudden serious illness.
Flat renters are recommended:
1) to return home no later than 20:00 in winter time and 22:00 in summer time;
2) not to open the door to strangers;
3) to make settlements with the landlord against a receipt of the rent payment;
4) to obtain a voluntary medical insurance policy (apply to the foreign-economic
activity center);
5) to refrain from applying for changing currency to people who can frequently be met
near exchange offices;
6) to refrain from carrying large sums of cash money;
7) put mobile telephones in the place where they cannot bee seen and do not use them
while walking;
8) do not walk around the city alone, better move in groups of 2-3 persons.
Organization of foreign students’ living in flats is an important aspect of the work of
dean’s offices for work with foreign students, as it is the basis for an efficient adaptation to the
new conditions of life and, eventually, the quality of education.
Model plan of work with students living in rented flats
Assistance in finding a flat and conclusion of a rental contract
between the foreign students as the tenants and the flat owners as
the landlords. Evaluation of the state of flats and their suitability
for living. Conducted by the vice-dean for work with foreign
students living in rented flats, together with realtors
September-October, as
well as during the year
in case of changed
place of residence
Arrangement of meetings with landlords (flat owners). Conducted September-October, ,
by the vice-dean for work with foreign students living in rented as well as during the
flats, together with realtors
year in case of
changed place of
Arrangement of meetings with district police officers and/or other Monthly during the
officers of law enforcement bodies for the territory where flat academic year
renters live. Conducted by the vice-dean for work with foreign
students living in rented flats and national associations’ tutors
Organization of inspection visits to flats where foreign students Monthly during the
live, together with district police officers and/or other officers of academic year
law enforcement bodies for the territory where flat renters live.
Conducted by the vice-dean for work with foreign students living
in rented flats and national associations’ tutors
Control of living conditions of flat renters and of compliance with Weekly during the
passport and visa regime and rules of dwelling in rented flats. academic year
Conducted by the vice-dean for work with foreign students living
in rented flats, passport and visa service staff and national
associations’ tutors
Assistance in resolving all disputes in connection with the foreign As necessary, during
students’ tenancy. In particular, resolution of conflicts between the academic year
students and flat owners, and with neighbors. Conducted by the
vice-dean for work with foreign students living in rented flats and
the lawyer
Control of living conditions of flat renters. Assistance in Weekly during the
resolution of all matters in connection with tenancy is provided by academic year
group tutors
Extracurricular work with foreign flat renters is organized by the During the academic
vice-dean for work with foreign students living in rented flats, year
national associations and group tutors
Work with foreign students of the department with teaching in English
Informing about the rules of safe residence in the territory of the
Russian Federation for first-year students upon admission (in the
intermediate language)
Explanation of the procedure for registration of foreign nationals
during their stay in the territory of the Russian Federation
Meeting with the first-year students to inform them of specific
features of organization of education in the Volgograd State
Beginning of the
academic year
Before the beginning
of the academic year
Beginning of the
academic year
Medical University, living in hostels and rented flats, leisure,
regional social and cultural specifics, introduction of the staff of
the dean’s office for work with foreign students, tutors of
national associations and groups (in the intermediate language)
Meetings of the first- and second-year students with group tutors Beginning of the
academic year
Meeting of students from national associations with association Beginning of the
academic year
Meeting with the 2-6-year students to identify promising Beginning of the
directions in the organization of the study process, living and academic year
leisure for the current academic year
Meeting with junior students on the need for strict compliance February-March
with the security rules in spring (in the intermediate language)
Meeting with senior students on the need for strict compliance February-March
with the security rules in spring (in Russian)
Ensuring of students’ information access to emergency Beginning of the
assistance (issue of the lists of office, mobile and home academic year
telephone numbers of the staff of the dean’s office for work with
foreign students)
Organization of leisure of foreign students by tutors of groups During the year
and national associations, staff of the dean’s office for work with
foreign students (sightseeing tours, visits to museums, theaters
and concert halls)
Visit of foreign students taught in the intermediate language to Before the beginning
the museum of the Volgograd State Medical University with a of the academic year
museum tour in the intermediate language
A-Student’s Day, awarding of the best students and concert December, Marchprogram
Assistance in celebration of national holidays in national During the year
associations involving tutors of national associations and groups
and the dean’s office staff
Involvement of foreign students in university, city and All- During the year
Russian Olympics, sports groups and clubs, cricket
championships, national Olympics of associations
5. Work with national associations of foreign students
1. Identification of adequate number of national associations for efficient
management of student collectives.
2. Monthly meetings of national associations’ representatives with the dean or vicedean.
6. Work with the Students Council
1. Elections to the Council.
2. Regular monthly meetings of the Students Council.