Total proposed budget: $53470 - SOL*R

BCcampus Online Development Fund
UBC Grant Application
Dentistry/ Oral Biological & Medical Sciences / UBC
CONTACT PERSON: Babak Chehroudi
Title: Clinical Assistant Professor
Telephone: 604-822-6743
Interactive Dental Anatomy
Subjects such as Anatomy, which demonstrate three-dimensional (3D) objects (organs, teeth) rely heavily on non-interactive, large
group lecture sessions and expensive anatomy laboratories. Dentistry deals with 3D objects that cannot be well-illustrated by twodimensional sketches in textbooks or lecture slides. The alternative of small-group instruction is costly, and requires tutors who need to
be trained and paid. The main objective of this proposal is to develop an online, student-centered course in dental anatomy using recent
computer-based 3D virtual-reality (VR) technology, which allows 3D viewing of objects (teeth) over the web or with a personal
computer. Students can have unlimited access to explore and interact with complex anatomical objects in 3D at their own pace and
initiative. This proposal involves the creation of a complete set of 3D images showing the normal anatomy of permanent and primary
teeth, as well as detailed information on anatomical landmarks. The course will contain interactive tests and exercises for selfevaluation, voice instructions, and practice in modelling teeth in wax.
During recent years, advances in computer imaging technology have dramatically changed the way that many technical training
programs are conducted. Simulated 3DVR imaging programs now play a major role in visuospatial training. Such technologies allow
realistic visualization of complex 3D objects such as teeth for educational purposes. The development phase of this project has been
funded by the Teaching & Learning Enhancement Fund (TLEF) of UBC. During the last three years, a Virtual Imaging laboratory has
been established at the Faculty of Dentistry, and a variety of permanent and primary teeth have been imaged in 3D format. A restricted
version of the Dental Anatomy course has been developed for WebCT. However, more features and computer expertise are required to
make this course available online globally. The proposal to establish an on-line Dental Anatomy course fits the criteria for funding by
the BCcampus Online Program Development Fund for the following reasons:
1. This proposal has an innovative approach, which uses state-of-the-art computer imaging technology to facilitate independent and
interactive learning in object-oriented subjects in dentistry and anatomy.
2. The principles of learning according to the TREK 2000 academic plan provide for programs that are international, interactive, and
interdisciplinary. The online course in dental anatomy can reach beyond the borders of BC, is interactive, and shares mutual interests with the
department of anatomical sciences. In the future, more complex structures—such as bone—could be added.
3. An online course in dental anatomy can serve not only dental students, but also support dental-allied programs such as dental hygiene,
certified dental assistant, dental technician, and dental receptionist programs. Virtually all these programs are running on limited budgets that
restrict their students’ access to anatomy laboratories. Thus, there is a larger market than just dental schools. Bonnie Craig, the director of the
Dental Hygiene degree program of UBC, is aware of this proposal and supports its development. In addition, Ms. Ginny Cathcart, Head of
the Dental Hygiene program at Vancouver Community College (VCC) has agreed to collaborate on this project (Appendix I).
4. The learning resources of the on-line course will be used in DENT-410 (1st year dentistry), DENT-420 (2nd year dentistry) , as well as
dental hygiene degree programs at UBC and VCC. Other educators from different institutions also can use the 3D images of teeth and the
reference texts in their courses as teaching materials.
5.The interactive 3DVR dental anatomy developed by the TLEF grant has been presented internationally at American Dental Education
Association (ADEA) annual meetings (2002-03) and is recognized as a unique technology developed at UBC for the education of dental
6. Dental anatomy/morphology is taught to first-year dental students at UBC as a fundamental preclinical course, and the Faculty of Dentistry
is committed to maintaining the highest standard of teaching and support. The extent of the Faculty support is indicated in a letter from Dr.
Donald Brunette, acting head of the Department of the Oral Biological and Medical Science (Appendix II). I, a faculty member have been
responsible for coordinating and teaching the course since 1991. The on-line course requires limited maintenance, which can be addressed by
the course coordinator.
7. The impact of 3DVR dental anatomy has been tested on dental students during the last three years; the statistical results indicated a
correlation among students using this technology and a higher mark in the course. Moreover, students participated and responded positively
in questionnaires to this new method of learning. The results have been presented at ADEA meetings and a final paper is in preparation for
the Journal of Dental Education.
8. Once the program is online, it requires yearly updates and additions of new teeth to demonstrate the range of tooth morphology found in
the human population.
9. This proposal could also have a direct impact on the way object-oriented subjects are taught in the Faculty of Medicine. I will encourage
faculty members of Departments and Divisions such as anatomy, histology, pathology and embryology to use 3DVR system and make their
own teaching materials available for students' independent studies.
One year
BCcampus Online Development
b) Other Funding Source(s)
Please specify: __________TLEF_______________
Details of funding allocation:
1. Computer software
Photoshop 8.0, Macromedia Flash and Authorware, Adobe GoLive
Vector-based graphic programs (Adobe illustrator, Corel draw),
QuickTime authoring program
2. Salaries
i. Computer programmer and digital graphic animator ($29,970)
-37.5 hrs/week x 6 months x $ 30/hr, plus benefits @ 11%
ii. Medical graphic artist
-contract works
3. Charges of Technical Support Team (TST) of the Faculty of Dentistry
-transferring , maintaining, and back-up data/images existing on Web-CT,
posting updates for online course
4. Collecting, sterilizing, and shipping new teeth
-sources are cadavers, dental practitioners in town, and the Bureau of Legal Dentistry
5. Supplies
Radiographs, chemicals, photocopying, printing, batteries,
CD & DVD media, pens, paper, bulbs, disk, ink cartridge, etc.
Total proposed budget:
Funds allocated from TLEF
Total funding request from BC-Campus
TLEF grant of the University of British Columbia has already provided computers , digital photographic hardware, laboratory and
work space, as well as additional 3D graphic and movie creation software which can be used for the project.
Mark Bullen
Acting Director, Distance Education & Technology
604 822 5079
The deadline for the submission of proposals is September 15, 2003.
Late submissions will NOT be accepted.
Appendix I
Babak Chehroudi, D.M.D., Ph.D.
Clinical Assistant Professor
Department of Oral Biological & Medical Sciences (OBMS)
Faculty of Dentistry, University of British Columbia
2199 Wesbrook Mall
Vancouver, British Columbia
Friday, October 10, 2003
Dear Dr. Chehroudi,
My faculty and I would be pleased to pilot and peer review your virtual dental anatomy course. Student Dental Hygienists take dental
anatomy in the second year of their program at Vancouver Community College. Root anatomy is a particular focus of this education.
Familiarity with dental root morphology supports instruction and abilities in teaching critical thought around periodontal debridement
We look forward to seeing whether our students perform better with access to this new teaching tool. Please note that this instruction
occurs during the fall term each year so our students are already well underway in their self-paced dental anatomy instruction. Please
advise when you would like us to review your program and what methodology you will use to assess student outcomes. Good luck with
your project and we look forward to further collaboration in this area.
Ginny Cathcart BA, Dip. DH, M. ED, RDH (RCR)
Dental Hygiene Department Head
Vancouver Community College
#428-250 West Pender Street
Van. BC. V6B 1S9
Phone: (604) 443-8505
Fax (604) 443-8504
Appendix II