Edward R. Kemery, Ph. D. - University of Baltimore

Edward R. Kemery, Ph. D.
Associate Professor of Management
Department: Management & Marketing
Auburn University, Industrial/Organizational Psychology, 1983
Auburn University Experimental Psychology, 1979
Cheyney State College Psychology, 1976
Miami-Dade Junior College, Psychology, 1972
Academic Experience
Associate Professor of Management, Department of Management,
University of Baltimore.
Graduate Faculty Member Tulane University
Assistant Professor of Industrial and Organizational Psychology,
Department of Psychology, Tulane University
Other Work Experience
Volunteer, American Red Cross, Katrina Disaster Relief: Kitchen
management, feeding route assessment, staff relations manager
National Volunteer & Consultant, American Red Cross:
Investigations, Compliance, & Ethics
Post-Doctoral Fellow, Personnel Decisions Research Institute
Minneapolis: Test and Performance Appraisal Development, Test
Graduate Research Assistant, Center for Government and Public
Affairs, Auburn University at Montgomery: Job Analyses,
Managerial Selection, Statistical Analyses
Research Psychologist, U.S. Army Research Institute for the
Behavioral Sciences, Ft. Benning: Soldier Development Research
Information Systems Mini-Sabbatical Merrick School of Business, University of
Drug & Alcohol Awareness Seminar (Sponsored by the MD Governor's Office)
Conflict Management Training: United Methodist Church
Conflict Management Graduate Course - Ecumenical Institute, St. Mary's
1995 Mediation and Conflict Resolution Training
Baltimore Mediation Center
1998 Intern-Based Teaching Course
E-Socrates -- Environmental Intelligence, Inc
1999 Fifth International Conference on Asynchronous Learning Networks
University of Maryland University College
2003 International Human Resource Management Training – Denver, CO
2004 Business Ethics Conference – Boulder, CO
2006 Disaster Management Training, American Red Cross – Baton Rouge, LA.
Courses Taught
 Business Research Methods
 Human Resources Selection
 Research Methods in Applied Social Psychology
 Organizational Psychology
 Legal Issues in Industrial and Organizational Psychology
 Behavioral Factors
 Organizational Behavior and Human
 Resource Management (on-line and face-to-face)
 Strategic Human Resource Management
 Research Methods for Strategic Human Resource Decision Making Training and
 Valuing Human Resource Management
 Ethical Issues in Business and Society (on-line)
 OBI – Human Resource Management
 OBII – Groups and Management (on-line and face-to-face)
 Honors Seminar – We the People, In a Brave New World
 Human Resource Analysis and Communication
 Managing Human Resources
 Management Theory & Human Behavior
 Organizational Behavior
 Seminar in Human Resources
 Industrial/Organizational Psychology
 Applied Psychology
 Business Statistics
 Learning Theory
 Behavior Modification
 Introduction to Psychology
Tests and Measurement
Books or Monographs
The Organization Game: A Simulation - Instructor's Manual (1993) with W.A. Randolph
and R. Miles
The Organization Game: A Simulation - Participant's Manual, with W.A. Randolph and
R. Miles
Articles and Chapters Published and Papers Presented
Clergy Role Stress and Appointment Satisfaction: Role Ambiguity Isn't Always Bad.
Pastoral Psycholog , Spring 2006
A Taxonomy of Participation in Online Courses, Journal of College Teaching and
Learning, Fall 2005, with R. Bento, B. Brownstein, & S. Zacur
The Dollar Value of Improved Customer-Oriented Retail Sales Personnel. March, 2004.
The Journal of American Academy of Business, pp. 298-301. With E. Milbourn
Students' Perceptions and Leaming: A Multi-Faculty Study of Web and Classroom
Instruction. Symposium presented at the Eastern Academy of Management. May, 2003.
with R. Bento, L. Herron, & A. Randolph
Teaching Honors on the Web, National Honors Report, 2003 With M. Frederick, N.
Kofie, & S. Carafiello
Teaching Honors on the Web, panel coordinator and presenter. National Collegiate
Honors Council Meeting, Fall, 2002, Salt Lake City
Developing On-Line Collaboration, in Anil Aggarwal (ed.), Web-Based Learning and
Teaching Technologies: Opportunities and Challenges, 2000, Idea Group Publishing
Web Teaching: Is It for Real? Paper presented at the 1999 meeting of Decision Sciences,
with Anil Aggarwal
Relationships Between Bases of Power and Work Reactions: The Mediational Role of
Procedural Justice. Journal of Management, (1997). With K.W. Mossholder, N. Bennett,
& M. Wesolowski.
Expectancy-Based Job Cognitions and Job Affect as Predictors of Organizational
Citizenship Behaviors. Journal of Applied Social Psychology (1996), with A. G. Bedeian
& S. R. Zacur.
Confounding Constructs and Levels of Constructs in Affectivity Measurement: An
Empirical Investigation, Educational and Psychological Measurement, (Summer,1994)
with K.Mossholder, R. McGrath. A. Armenakis, S. Harris. Relationships Between Bases
of Power and Work Outcomes: The Mediational Role of Procedural Justice. Paper
presented at the 1993 Academy of Management Meetings (with K. W. Mossholder &
M.A. Wesolowski)
Information Exchange, Role Stressors, and Employee Satisfaction: A Causal Analysis.
Paper presented at the 1993 Academy of Management Meetings (with K. W. Mossholder
& M. A. Wesolowski)
On Using Regression Coefficients to Interpret Moderator Effects. (1990). Educational and
Psychological Measurement (with K. W. Mossholder & A. G. Bedeian)
Replication Requisites: A Second Look at Klenke-Hamel and Mathieu (1992). Human
Relations. (with A.G. Bedeian, K.W. Mossholder, & A.A. Armenakis)
Affective Disposition, Role Stress, and Job Withdrawal. Journal of Social Behavior and
Personality, (1991), Vol. 6, pp. 331-347.
Career Commitment and Expected Utility of Present Job as Predictors of Tumover
Intentions and Turnover Behavior. (1991) Journal of Vocational Behavior, 39, 331-343
(with A. G. Bedeian & A. B. Pizzolato)
Criterion Specification in Employee Separation Research: Tenure or Turnover? (with
W.P. Dunlap & A.G. Bedeian), Paper presented at the 1989 Meeting of the Academy of
Negative Affectivity: Reality or Method Artifact. (with K.W. Mossholder & R. McGrath),
Paper presented at the 1989 Meeting of the Academy of Management. A Table of
Correction Factors for Estimating Point-Biserial Correlations with Equal Category
Proportions. Psychological Reports. (1989; with W. P. Dunlap)
What Managers Should Know About Job Satisfaction. Baltimore Business Review, 8,
March/April, 1988. (with C. D. Fisher)
Testing for Cross-Level Interactions: An Empirical Demonstration. Behavioral Science.
(1989; with A. G. Bedeian & K. W. Mossholder)
The Employee Separation Process: Criterion-Related Issues Associated with Tenure and
Turnover. Journal of Management. (1989; with W. P. Dunlap & A. G. Bedeian)
Burke, B. B., Sauser, W. I, Jr., & Kemery, E. R. (1989). Intelligence and Physical Fitness
as Predictors of Success in Early Infantry Training. Perceptual and Motor Skills, v. 69.
Kemery, E.R., Mossholder, K.W., & Dunlap, W.P. (1989). Meta-Analysis and Moderator
Variable: A Cautionary Note on Transportability. Journal of Applied Psychology.
Career Commitment and Career Growth Opportunities as Predictors of Turnover
Intentions and Tumover Behavior. Proceedings of the Southern Management Association.
with A.G. Bedeian & A.B. Pizzolatto.
Mossholder, K.W., Kemery, E.R., & Bedeian, A.G. (1987). Interpreting interactions in
moderated multiple regression: A cautionary note. Proceedings of the Southern
Management Association.
The Dollar Value of Improved Customer-Oriented Retail Sales Personnel. Proceedings of
the Association of Management. (published abstract, with G. Milbourn).
Using Monte Carlo Computer Simulation in Employment Discrimination Cases.
Maryland Bar Journal
Kemery, E.R., & Randolph, W.A. (1989). Toward the Construct Validity of a Measure of
French and Raven's (1959) Power Base Typology. Paper presented at the 1989 Meeting of
the Eastem Academy of Management.
Kemery, E.R., Dunlap, W.P., & Bedeian, A.G. (1989). Criterion Specification in
Employee Separation Research: Tenure or Tumover?" Paper presented at the 1989
Meeting of the Academy of Management.
Luchsinger, V.P., Bagby, D.R., & Kemery, E.R. (1988). Relationships Among
Entrepreneurs' Perceptions of Social, Ethical, and Strategy Decisions. Proceedings of the
1988 Meeting of the United States Association of Small Business and Entrepreneurship.
Kemery, E. R. (1988). Some Psychometric Concerns About Small Business Research.
Paper presented at the 1988 Meeting of the United States Association of Small Business
and Entrepreneurship.
Dunlap, W.P., & Kemery, E.R. (1988). Effects of Predictor Intercorrelations and
Reliabilities on Moderated Multiple Regression. Organizational Behavior and Human
Decision Processes, 41 , 248-258.
Kemery, E.R., Dunlap, W.P., & Griffeth, R. (1988). Correction for Variance Restriction in
Point-Biserial Correlations. Journal of Applied Psychology.
Dunlap, W.P., & Kemery, E.R. (1988). Biserial and PointBiserial Correlation with
Correction for Non-Optimal Dichotomies. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, and
Kemery, E.R., Mossholder, K.W., & Roth, L.W. (1987). The power of the Schmidt and
Hunter additive model of validity generalization. Journal of Applied Psychology.
Bedeian, A.G., Kemery, E.R., & Mossholder, K.M. (1987). Cross-level interactions 8
and multilevel research: A substantive illustration. Proceedings of the Southern
Management Association.
Kemery, E.R., Benson, P.G., & Sauser, W.I. (1987). Role stress and physical symptoms:
A causal analysis. Southern Business and Economic Journal.
Dunlap, W.P., & Kemery, E.R. (1987). Failure to Detect Moderating Effects: Is
Multicollinearity the Problem? Psychological Bulletin, 102, 418-420.
Kemery, E.R., Mossholder, K.W., & Bedeian, A.G. (1986). Role stress, physical
symptomatology, and turnover intentions: A causal analysis of three alternative
specifications. Journal of Occupational Behavior.
Kemery, E.R., & Dunlap, W.P. (1986). Partialling factor scores does not control method
variance: a rejoinder to Podsakoff and Todor. Journal of Management.
Kemery, E., Bedeian, A., Mossholder, K., & Touliatos, J. (1985). Outcomes of role stress:
A multi-sample constructive replication. Academy of Management Journal.
Benson, P.G., Kemery E.R., II, & Sauser, W.I., Jr.. (1985). Need for clarity as a
moderator of the role ambiguity - job satisfaction relationship. Journal of Management.
Dunlap, W.P., & Kemery E.R. (1985). An interactive FORTRAN IV program for
calculating aspects of power in correlational research. Behavior Research Methods,
Instruments, & Computers.
Kemery, E.R., Mossholder, K.W., & Bedeian, A.G. (1985). Role stress, physical
symptomatology, and tumover intentions: A causal analysis of three alternative
specifications. Proceedings of the Southern Management Association.
Kemery, E., Bedeian, A., Mossholder, K., & Touliatos, J. (1984). Outcomes of role
stress: A multi-sample constructive replication. Proceedings of the Southern
Management Association, 62-64.
Kemery, E., Benson, P.G., & Sauser, W.I. (1984). Role stress and physical symptoms: A
path-analytic study. Proceedings of the Southern Management Association, 5961.
Schroeder, J.E., Grunzke, M.E., Slimowicz, C.J., Kemery, E., & Williams, B. (1981). The
perception of need for counselling among successful infantry OSUT trainees and TDP
attrites. Ft. Benning, GA: U.S. Army Research Institute for the Behavioral Sciences.
Kemery, E., Pleban, R.J., Williams, B.B., & Dyer, F.N. (1982). The use of the Armed
Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) as a predictor of early discharge from the
U.S. Army. Ft. Benning, GA: U.S. Army Research Institute for the Behavioral Sciences.
Williams, B.B., Sauser, W.I., Jr., Kemery, E., & Dyer, F.N. (1982). Intelligence and
physical fitness as predictors of success in early infantry training. Ft. Benning, GA: U.S.
Army Research Institute for the Behavioral Sciences.
O'Donnell, G., Kemery, E., & Veres, J.G. (1982). A functional analysis of the State
Personnel Office of Alabama. Montgomery, AL: Center for Government of Public
Kemery, E.R. (1987). Deshields v. City of Baltimore. A report prepared for Norris
Ramsey, P.A.
Barge, B.N., Hough, L.M., Dunnette, M.D., Kemery, E., Kanfer, R., Kamp, J., &
Cardozo, M. (1984). Behavioral reliability: A review of academic literature and
organizational programs. Minneapolis: Personnel Decisions Research Institute.
Toquam, J.L., McHenry, J.J., Corpe, V.A., Rose, S.R., Lammlein, S.E., Kemery, E.,
Borman, W.C., Mendel, R., & Bosshardt, M.J. (1986). Development and field test of
behaviorally anchored rating scales for nine MOS. Minneapolis: Personnel Decisions
Research Institute.
Kemery, E. (2006) Increasing Ethical Capacity of the American Red Cross. American Red
Cross Working Paper.
Kemery, E. (2006). A Review of the Ombudsman Role. American Red Cross Working
Professional Service
Consulting Editor: Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice (1990-1994)
Editorial Review Board:
o Journal of Management Group and Organization Studies
o Southern Business and Economic Journal (1989-1994)
Ad Hoc Reviewer:
o Business Insights
o Journal of Occupational Behavior
o Journal of Applied Psychology
o Journal of Occupational Psychology
o Academy of Management Review
o Academy of Management Meetings
o Journal of Applied Social Psychology
Committee Activities
o Academic Policy and Review Committee
o Curriculum Committee
o Business Advisory Council (member, committee chair, committee co-chair)
o Academic Computing Committee
o Building Committee
o Business School Computing Committee
UMLIMS Committee (UM Library)
University Faculty Appeals Committee
Promotion and Tenure Committee (Chairperson & Alternate)
Business Computing Committee
University Human Subjects Committee Faculty Liaison to Business School
Building Committee
Workforce 2000 Committee
Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (member & co-chair)
Joint Graduate & Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (Chairperson)
President's Search Committee
University Outcomes Assessment Committee (member & chairperson)
MSB Assessment Committee (Chairperson) University Student Retention
Workgroup Ethics Course Review Committee
Capacity Workgroup
University Service
University Assessment Committee member and chair
Honors Program Director
MBA Forum Group Leader - Case Analysis
MBA Forum Trainer – Teamwork
Access UB Trainer – Teamwork
Co-list Manager - International Employee Relations Network (IERN-L)
HRM MBA Specialization Advisor
Commencement Hooder and Reader
Hooder, January, 1990, Commencement
Recruiting: HRM/Compensation Position
Coordinated seminar on teamwork for Career Center
Community Service
Volunteer, American Red Cross, 3 months Katrina Disaster Relief, Central MD Chapter,
& National Headquarters 2005-present
Chairperson, Finance Committee, Rodgers Forge United Methodist Church 1992-1993
Member, Outreach Committee, Rodgers Forge United Methodist Church 1992-1993
Member and chairperson, Conflict Management Task Force, Baltimore-Washington
Conference of the United Methodist Church 1992-1993
Member, Committee on Pastors and Congregations at Risk -Baltimore-Washington
Conference of United Methodist Church 1992-1993
Volunteer, Stoneleigh Elementary School Computer Lab 1992 Coordinator of Springfest,
Rodgers Forge United Methodist Church 1991-1992
Chairperson, Conflict Management Task Force, Baltimore-Washington Conference of the
United Methodist Church.
Member, Commission on Pastors and Congregations at Risk, Baltimore-Washington
Conference of the United Methodist Church.
Member, Task Force on Defining Clergy Effectiveness, Baltimore-Washington
Conference of the United Methodist Church.
Towson Recreation Council baseball manager and coach.
General Manager and Field Manager. Maryland Lakers 16&u Metro Baseball Team
Consulting (business expertise) Provided to Baltimore Business Community
Teamwork Training - Department of Human Services Early Care and Education
Teamwork Training – Baltimore City Department of Social Services Middle-level
Manager Training – MD Motor Vehicle Administration
Continuous Performance Improvement Project -- co-principal investigator -- Baltimore
City Department of Social Services
Teamwork Training and consulting with Environmental Elements and the Baltimore City
Department of Social Services
Developed and presented a Leadership Day workshop, "What Laity Should Know about
Managing Church Conflict" for the Baltimore-Washington Conference of the United
Methodist Church (1994).
Have consulted with several churches (they must remain anonymous) on the issue of
conflict management.
Memorial Hospital, York, PA: Management Development Training Program: Needs
analysis, training module development, program delivery, program analysis.
State Highway Administration (State of Maryland): Facilitator for Managers' Circle
Norris Ramsey, P.A.: Consulted on several cases alleging employment discrimination:
case review, data analysis, expert testimony.
Teaching: Human Resource Management, Organizational Behavior & Theory, Law of the
Workplace, Applied Research Methods, Human Resource Accountability.
Research: Organizational Behavior (stress, conflict, employee attitudes and withdrawal).
Consulting: Organizational Development, Teamwork, Conflict Resolution– anonymous)
on the issue of conflict management.