Web Page Design


John L. Larkin.

Educator and Instructional Technologist

Personal Details John Leonard Larkin

Born 8th August 1958.


Contact details http://www.larkin.net.au/010_about.html

Internet http://www.larkin.net.au/

Tertiary Education Formerly enrolled Doctorate of Education (1995 - 2000) (part time)

Information Technology in Education

Faculty of Education, University of Wollongong.

[Withdrew January, 2001 due to employment commitments in Singapore.]

Master of Education Degree (1993 - 1994) (part-time)

Conversion from Graduate Certificate in History Education

Major: Information Technology in Education

Faculty of Education, University of Wollongong.

Diploma in Education (1980)

History/English Method

Faculty of Education

University of Wollongong.

Bachelor of Arts (1977 - 1979)

Major: History and English Literature, Faculty of Arts.

Minor: Biology, Faculty of Science.

Minor: History and Philosophy of Science, Faculty of Arts.

University of Wollongong.

Additional non-award tertiary studies also undertaken in Computing Science, Ancient

History and Philosophy (University of Wollongong).

Secondary Education St. Paul's College

18 Cawley Road, Bellambi, NSW.

HSC Completed NSW Higher School Certificate, 1976.

Clubs, societies and hobbies

University of Wollongong Alumni Assoc. Ltd. (Life member)

University of Wollongong Students' Union (Life member)

University of Wollongong Recreation and Sports Association (Life member)

Digital photography

Record collecting

Curriculum Vitae for John Larkin Page 1

Instructional Designer

‘aspire’ 2000 Sydney

Olympics CD-ROM

Nominations for Vice-

Chancellor’s Award

Member of Multi-Award

Winning Design Team

Web Page Design

Successful Tender Reply

Internet Training Series



BHP Waste Watching

CD-ROM Contract

Technology Teacher of the Year 1995

IMMLL Gold Disc


First Freefall Skydive

CEC Scholarship

Teaching Scholarship

Greenfield Memorial



Member of instructional and creative design team for 'aspire' ... the National Olympic

Education Programme Resource Kit. This kit was issued to all Australian schools, educational institutions and public libraries, July, 1999.

Twice nominated for Vice-Chancellor’s Award, University of Wollongong, 1998

(Academic Teams and also General Staff).

Instructional designer, multimedia constructor and programmer with the Interactive

Multimedia Learning Laboratory (IMMLL) at the University of Wollongong. The team at the IMMLL, under the leadership of Doctor Barry Harper and Doctor John

Hedberg, won many international and national awards for the following educational multimedia products: Investigating Lake Iluka, Exploring The Nardoo and Stagestruck.

Designed and implemented the following online courseware and web pages for the following clients whilst employed with ICUS Pte Ltd and the IMMLL:

Singapore Airlines (eLearning) (team collaboration)

Nokia (Europe and Asia-Pacific) (eLearning) (team collaboration)

JP Morgan Chase Manhattan Bank (eLearning) (team collaboration)

Postgraduate and Undergraduate Courses in both the Faculty of Education and Department of Journalism, University of Wollongong

University of Wollongong Home Page (team collaboration)

University of Wollongong Library Web Site

Faculty of Education, University of Wollongong.

Interactive Multimedia Learning Laboratory, UOW

Illawarra Technology Corporation, UOW

Centre for Language Education at the University of Wollongong

Frameworks, University of Wollongong

Awarded contract by the NSW Department of Education and Training, to instruct teachers from all primary and secondary schools, South Coast Region, NSW, on the use of the Internet and email in teaching and learning on behalf of the IMMLL.

Awarded " Best Student Project " for educational software application HyperKite by the

Australian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education, December 1996.

Awarded contract to develop cross-platform hybrid CD-ROM version of existing BHP

Waste Watching interactive multimedia software package, July, 1996 on behalf of


Awarded one of ten " Technology Teacher of the Year " awards by Apple Computer and the Sydney Morning Herald, December, 1995, on the basis of the innovative and instructional integrity of the educational software application, Prisoner of War .

What Happened To Sam?

interactive multimedia software application co-authored with

Paul Jenner and Laura Gant, awarded "Best Interactive Multimedia Software Package

1994" (as developed by post-graduate students) by Interactive Multimedia Learning

Laboratory staff at the University of Wollongong.

Completed first freefall skydive 3600 metres/12000 feet

Sydney Skydiving Centre, Wilton, NSW, October 9th, 1994.

Commonwealth Government Scholarship via Catholic Education Commission (1993)

Awarded NSW Department of Education Teaching Scholarship 1977 to 1980.

Greenfield Memorial Prize: Top Score in Christianity and Society, 1976 NSW Higher

Curriculum Vitae for John Larkin Page 2

School Certificate.

Curriculum Vitae for John Larkin Page 3

Presentations and Major Workshop Facilitations conducted by John Larkin 1994-2007

What In The World Is Web 2.0 And How Can It Empower You?

Presentation at Nanyang Technological

University, Singapore. 9 th July, 2007.

The Phenomenon That Is Podcasting . Young IT Seminar. Australian Computer Society ~ NSW Branch,

Sydney. 5 th July 2007.

Fusion Recipes for Blended Learning. “Teaching: From Good to Great Act II” Conference. Nanyang

Technological University, Singapore. 26 th February, 2007.

Technology Applications to Enhance Content Development. . “Teaching: From Good to Great Act I”

Conference. Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. 23 rd February, 2006.

Developing Media Rich Learning Environments . “Teaching: From Good to Great” Conference. Nanyang

Technological University, Singapore. 22 nd February, 2005.

Digital Video as an Instructional Medium: Storyboarding, developing and evaluating digital video projects . Two-day presentation and practical workshop. Humanities and Social Science Education

Academic Group and the Centre for Instructional Technology, National Institute of Education, Singapore.

10 th and 13 th July, 2004.

Planning and Designing Online Courses. Workshop at the Blackboard Certified Education Centre. CED.

Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. 16 th April, and 6 th July, 2004. eLearning: Towards a University of Global Excellence . Presentation and interactive seminar at 1 st Sino-

Singapore Undergaduate Exchange Programme, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. 5 th

December, 2003. eThinking: eCoaching and eModerating ~ Bridging the gap between traditional and online pedagogies .

Presentation at Teachers’ Network Graduation Ceremony, Training Branch, Ministry of Education,

Grange Road, Singapore. 11 th September, 2003.

Lecturing to Large Lecture Classes . Presentation at Staff Orientation Seminar. Nanyang Technological

University, Singapore. 5 th September, 2003.

Professional Development and eLearning: Bridging the gap between traditional and online pedagogies.

Opening address at Nanyang Technological University and Blackboard International collaboration and establishment of Certified Education Centre, Singapore. 25 th August, 2003.

Advanced Digital Video Workshop . Itopia Conference, Suntec City, Singapore. 25 th July, 2002.

Cross Platform Educational Technology . Simplifying Technology, Enriching Learning Conference.

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 15 th August, 2000.

Innovative Interactive Multimedia and Educational Technology . Temasek Polytechnic, Singapore. 17 th

February, 2000.

Information Technology and Curriculum Integration Workshop . Innovative Technology Schools’

Conference. University of Wollongong, NSW, Australia. 4 th to 9 th December, 1999.

Interactive Multimedia and Educational Technology: Exploring The Nardoo . TILT Conference. Sydney,

NSW, Australia. 11 th March, 1999.

What Have I Learned ? Presentation. ACILITE Conference. University of Wollongong, NSW, Australia.

15 th December, 1998.

Information Technology and Curriculum Integration Workshop

. Innovative Technology Schools’

Conference. University of Wollongong, NSW, Australia. 7 th to 12 th December, 1998.

Curriculum Vitae for John Larkin Page 4

Presentations and Major Workshop Facilitations conducted by John Larkin 1994-2004 (continued)

Information Technology and Curriculum Integration Presentation . Deputy Principals’ Conference.

Novotel Conference Centre, Wollongong, NSW, Australia. 27 th August, 1998.

Interactive Multimedia and Educational Technology: Exploring The Nardoo . TILT Conference, Sydney,

NSW, Australia. 20 th August,1998.

Information Technology and Curriculum Integration Workshop . Innovative Technology Schools’

Conference, University of Wollongong, NSW, Australia. 8 th to 12 th December, 1997.

Interactive Multimedia/Web Curriculum Integration Workshop . Apple Singapore. Singapore.

14 th to 18 th July, 1997.

Information Technology and Curriculum Integration Workshop

. Innovative Technology Schools’

Conference, University of Wollongong, NSW, Australia. 25 th to 29 th November, 1996.

Problem Based Learning and Information Technology . Australian Teaching Council, Winter School,

University of Sydney, NSW, Australia. 5 th July, 1994.


What Have I Learned?

Published in Proceedings of the 1998 Ascilite Conference, Australia. Article coauthored with Russell Gluck, Wilma Vialle and Pauline Lysaght.

Designing Practical Web Sites for Web Based Training . Co-authored with John Hedberg, Christine

Brown and Shirley Agostinho. Published in Web-Based Training. Editor: Badrul Khan. Educational

Technology Publications, Englewood Cliffs, NJ., USA. 2001.

Multimedia Publications

Digital Field Trip To The Mangroves . CD-ROM. Knowledge Village, Singapore. Instructional Designer.


The Learning Metropolis . Ministry of Education, Singapore. Knowledge Village, Singapore. Instructional

Designer. 2000.

Aspire . Official educational CD-ROM and media package for the 2000 Sydney Olympics. Interactive

Multimedia Learning Laboratory, Faculty of Education, University of Wollongong. Instructional

Designer and Multimedia Construction. 1999.

Adult Career Development . Hybrid CD-ROM and Internet Resource. Faculty of Education, UOW.

Interactive Multimedia Learning Laboratory, Faculty of Education, University of Wollongong.

Instructional Designer and Programming. 1999.

Stagestruck . Discovering Australian Performance. CD-ROM. Interactive Multimedia Learning

Laboratory, Faculty of Education, University of Wollongong. Multimedia Construction. 1998.

Judge For Yourself . Australian Tax Office. CD-ROM. Interactive Multimedia Learning Laboratory,

Faculty of Education, University of Wollongong. Instructional Designer. 1998.

Stormwater . Drummoyne City Council. Interactive Multimedia Learning Laboratory, Faculty of

Education, University of Wollongong. Instructional Designer and Multimedia Construction. 1998.

Curriculum Vitae for John Larkin Page 5

Exploring The Nardoo . CD-ROM. Interactive Multimedia Learning Laboratory, Faculty of Education,

University of Wollongong. Development of Windows version. 1997.

Investigating Lake Iluka . CD-ROM. Interactive Multimedia Learning Laboratory, Faculty of Education,

University of Wollongong. Development of Windows version. 1997.

Curriculum Vitae for John Larkin Page 6

History Teacher

Senior Assistant Director

(Faculty Development)

Lecturer and online tutor



Instructional Designer

Senior Consultant

Instructional Designer

Project Officer


Employment History

St. Joseph's Catholic High School

16 Macquarie Street,

Albion Park.

NSW. 2527.

Tel: (+61 2) 42564388

27 th January 2004 to present.

2006 ~ Learning Technology Coordinator (1 point temporary post)

Centre for Educational Development

Teaching and Learning Unit

Nanyang Technological University

North Spine, Level 5

50 Nanyang Avenue

Singapore 639798

Tel: (+65) 67906629

Fax: (+65) 67911846 http://www.ced.ntu.edu.sgg/

16 th June, 2003 to 31 st January, 2004.

Specialist Diploma in eLearning Instructional Design

DEL601 The Process of Instructional Design

DEL607 Building eLearning Activities and Events

DEL608 Implementing eLearning http://elearningid.nie.edu.sg/

5 th July, 2003 to 16 th May 2004.

Saturday afternoons. 2:00PM till 6:00PM.

Masters Programme in Instructional Design and Technologies

MID 838 Multimedia Development 1

5 th March, 2003 to 2 nd April, 2003.

Instructional Science Department

National Institute of Education

1 Nanyang Walk Singapore 637616 http://www.nie.edu.sg/

ICUS Pte. Ltd.

1, International Business Park

#01-13B, The Synergy

Singapore 609917

5 th March, 2001 to 4 th April, 2003. http://www.icus.net/

Knowledge Village Pte. Ltd.

232B South Bridge Road


18 th October, 1999 to 16 th February, 2001.


Curriculum Vitae for John Larkin Page 7

Instructional Designer

Web Site Designer

Multimedia Developer

Research Assistant


Part Time Lecturer and


Faculty of Education,

University of Wollongong.


Employment History (continued)

Interactive Multimedia Learning Laboratory,

Faculty of Education, University of Wollongong,

21 st October, 1996 to 27 th September, 1999. http://www.immll.uow.edu.au/ http://www.emlab.uow.edu.au/

EDGI911 Information Technology in Education and Training.

Postgraduate Information Technology in Education subject.

Semester One, 1999. Tutor.

EDGA 951 Information Technology and Educational Leadership.

Postgraduate Information Technology in Education subject.

Semester Two, 1998. Tutor and lecture facilitator.

EDGA 954 Interactive Multimedia in Education.

Postgraduate Information Technology in Education subject.

Semester Two, 1997. Co-lecturer.

Internet Training Officer


Project Manager


Senior Teacher 1


EDGA958 Instructional Strategies and Authoring

Postgraduate Information Technology in Education subject.

Semester One, 1996. Tutor.

Interactive Multimedia Learning Laboratory,

Faculty of Education, University of Wollongong,

3 rd February 1997 to July 1997.

Project Manager

Apple Schools News Service Prototype WWW Development

Interactive Multimedia Learning Laboratory,

Faculty of Education, University of Wollongong,

21 st October 1996 to 2 nd February 1997.

St. Joseph's Regional High School

16 Macquarie Street,

Albion Park.

NSW. 2527.

2 nd February 1987 to 18 th October 1996.

Bank Officer

Lending Inspection Officer

Internal Audit Staff

Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Ltd.

20 Martin Place,

Sydney NSW 2000

2 nd February 1982 to 23 rd January 1987.

Temporary Teacher Catholic Education Office, Diocese of Wollongong.

Holy Cross College, Bellambi. Term III, 1981.

Casual Teacher NSW Department of Education:

South Coast Region and Liverpool Region. Terms 1 and II, 1981

Curriculum Vitae for John Larkin Page 8

Classes Taught at secondary school level

(Years 7 to 12)

School Faculty Positions and duties

Ancillary Duties


Overview of teaching experience

Years 12: Ancient History 2 Unit & 3 Unit

Year 11: Ancient History 2 Unit & 3 Unit; Modern History 2 Unit, Business

Studies 2 Unit

Year 10: History; Commerce; Studies in Society, Computing Studies

Year 9: History; Commerce; Computing Studies

Year 8: Religion; History; English; Commerce; Geography; Asian Social

Studies; French

Year 7: History; Commerce; Geography; Design & Technology; PDHPE;


Appointed Senior Teacher 1, from Term 1, 1996.

Acting Assistant Co-ordinator HSIE KLA (Term IV, 1992).

Programming and resource gathering for the following subjects:

Ancient History 2 Unit & 3 Unit

Modern History 2 Unit

History (Stages 4 and 5)

Studies in Society (Stage 5)

Design and Technology (Stage 4)

Geography (Stages 4 & 5)

Introductory French

Motivation and Studies Habits Committee Member and Facilitator (1994 -


Casual In-servicing of Staff Computer Usage (1994 to 1996)

Sporting House Patron (1989 to 1996)

Rock Eisteddfod: Music and concept input (1992, 1994)

Curriculum Committee Member (1993)

Manager of School Rock Band (1989 to 1990)

Liaison re IMB Masters of Trivia Competition (1989)

School Socials Director (1988 to 1991)

Playground Supervision Committee Member (1988 to 1989)

Liaison re Apex Secondary Schools Public Speaking Competition (1987-88)

Curriculum Vitae for John Larkin Page 9

Professional Development 1987-2005


NavCon 2K5 Educational Technology Conference

Flash Animation

Innovative Staff Development Ideas

 eLearning Approaches

Digital Media in the History Classroom


Bendigo Senior Secondary

College, Bendigo, Victoria.

Digital Video and Curriculum Integration

Presenter: Marco Torres

Apple Schools Technology Day

Digital Video Applications

St. Joseph’s Catholic High

School, Albion Park.

Port Kembla Golf Club.

Teaching Stage 6 Computing Subjects

Enriched Online Learning and Web Quests

Presenter: Tom March

Information Technology and CastNet

Multiple Intelligences and Education

St. Joseph’s Catholic High

School, Albion Park.

St. Joseph’s Catholic High

School, Albion Park.

St. Joseph’s Catholic High

School, Albion Park.

Port Kembla Golf Club. Apple Schools Technology Day

Digital Video Applications

Teaching Stage 6 Computing Subjects

“Teaching: From Good to Great” Conference

Learning Objects Presentation Daniel Churchill

‘Teachnology for a Click and Go World’ Course

Learning Objects Conference

Successful Project Management Workshop eLearning Practitioners’ Forum: eLearning Design eLearning Competency Centre, Singapore

Innovation Workshop with Karpal Singh

Quality Courseware Certification (Draft) Presentation

E-Learning Competency Centre

Sing Core Workshop

SingCORE: Its Explanation and Vocabulary

E-Learning Competency Centre

SingCORE Seminar

Meta-Data Initiatives and Successful Projects

E-Learning Competency Centre

Evaluation of Courseware & Training Programs

Lim Kin Chew

Manager at the Centre for IT in Education and Learning

Temasek Polytechnic

Microsoft Project Course

Centre for Educational

Development, NTU.


Catholic Education Office

Diocese of Wollongong

Grand Copthorne Waterfront

Hotel, Grand Ballroom


Civil Service College


National Institute of


Civil Service College


National Institute of

Education, Singapore.

Technology Classroom


National Institute of

Education, Singapore.

Executive Seminar Room


National Institute of

Education, Singapore.

Singapore Armed Forces

Training Institute,


Dr Stephen Heppel

Director, Ultralab, UK eLearning and Wired Curriculum

Online Instruction and Information Technology EDGI911 and EDGI912

Postgraduate Subjects

Two High Distinctions awarded

Hewlett Packard


Pioneer Junior College

Jurong East


Faculty of Education,

University of Wollongong.

Curriculum Vitae for John Larkin


25 th – 28 th September,


22 nd September, 2005.

13 th September, 2005.

September, 2005

27 th July, 2005.

9 th May, 2005.

13 th September, 2005.

21 st February, 2005.

March~July, 2004.

5 x 1 day workshops

12 th and 13 th November


20 th to 22 nd October, 2003.

11 th September, 2003.

4 th August 2003.

28 th September 2002.

6 th August 2002.

14 th August 2002.

5 th August 2002.

19 th September 2001.

8 th May 2001.

16 th August, 2000.

Semester 1, 1999.

Page 10

Online Course Delivery Workshop

WebCT Workshop

Apple Universities Conference

Research Edge Course

Library Research and Database Course

Digital Media World Conference

Australian Effects and Animation Festival

Innovative Technology Schools Conference

AIMIA Multimedia Tools Seminar

CEDIR, University of


University of Melbourne,


University of Wollongong


University of Wollongong


Darling Harbour Convention

Centre, Sydney, NSW.

8 th to 9 th February 1999.

27 th to 30 th September


15 th June 1998.

8 th April 1998.

24 th February 1997.

Faculty of Education,

University of Wollongong.

25 th to 29 th November


AIMIA, NSW Trade Centre,

Grosvenor Place, Sydney.

28 th October 1996.

Research Colloquium Faculty of Education,

University of Wollongong.

July 1996.

Computing Workshop: Claris Works

CD-ROM in the Classroom In-service

Research Colloquium

Catholic Education Office,


Catholic Education Office,


Faculty of Education,

University of Wollongong.

8 th August 1995.

22 nd August 1995.

February 1995.

August 1995.

Insight II Professional and Personal Development Seminar Insight Seminars, Artarmon,


Insight I Professional and Personal Development Seminar Insight Seminars, Artarmon,


Mt Keira Field Studies Centre Teachers’ Workshop

Mt Keira Field Studies

Centre, NSW.

Selling History In The 90’s

Topic: Teaching the New History Syllabus

“History Matters” In-service Day

Topics: New 1992 History Syllabus

Education Resource Centre,


Education Resource Centre,

Albion Park.

The Australian Archaeological Institute of Athens: Study

Days For Teachers:

Greek Archaeology.

Egyptian Archaeology.

Roman Archaeology.

Nicholson Museum, Sydney


1992 Ancient History Study Day History Teachers'

Association of N.S.W.

Sydney University

Macquarie University. Continuing Education Program.

Ancient History Teachers' Conference

Meeting re Objectives, Outcomes, Descriptors and Key

Competencies: Implications for History Teachers

Sources For Ancient History & Related Areas.

Assertive Discipline

Modern History Syllabus Day

History Teachers'

Association of N.S.W. (South

Coast branch)

School of Archaeology,

Classics and Ancient History,

Sydney University

Catholic Education Office,


Catholic Education Office,


14 th to 18 th September


20 th to 25 th April 1994.

April 1994.

12 th November 1992.

15 th September 1992.

29 th August 1992.

12 th September 1992.

26 th September 1992.

8 th August 1992.

22 nd and 23 rd May 1992.

18 th May 1992.

15 th February 1992.



Curriculum Vitae for John Larkin Page 11

HSC Scaling & Marking

Sources in 2 Unit Modern History

History Teachers' Resource Day

Computers In The Classroom

Teacher Introduction

Catholic Education Office,


South Coast History

Teacher's Association,


Catholic Education Office,


Catholic Education Office,


Catholic Education Office,







Professional Development Staff Days attended whilst employed at St. Joseph's Regional High School


Talented and Gifted Students

School Report Documentation and


Liturgy in the Classroom

Special Education

Syllabus Outcomes in KLA: HSIE

Programming and Time Management

Studies Skills for Students

Directions and Vision for a Catholic

Secondary High School

Computers Across the Curriculum

Language Across the Curriculum

Assertive Discipline

AIDS Education

Curriculum Vitae for John Larkin Page 12

Professional development workshops, presentations and seminars

conducted by John Larkin 1993-2007


Web 2.0 Tools in

Teaching & Learning hands-on workshop

Podcasting &

Vodcasting workshop

Web 2.0 Tools in

Teaching & Learning hands-on workshop

Podcasting &

Vodcasting workshop

Web 2.0 Tools in teaching and learning

The Phenomenon that is


Use of digital video to enhance teaching and learning

Good To Great Teaching

Conference II ~

Digital Still Camera

Photography in teaching

& learning

Good To Great Teaching

Conference II

~ Concurrent Session on

Blended Learning

~ Podcasting &

Vodcasting workshop

Good To Great Teaching

Conference II, Singapore

~ Podcasting &

Vodcasting workshop

Good To Great Teaching

Conference II, Singapore

~ Fusion recipes for blended learning


Academic and

Professional Staff, NTU

& NIE, Singapore.

LOTE curriculum consultants, Ministry of

Education, Singapore.

LOTE curriculum consultants, Ministry of

Education, Singapore.



School of Computer

Engineering Multimedia

Lab, Nanyang


University, Singapore

Teachers’ Network

Training Facilities,

Grange Road, Singapore

Teachers’ Network

Training Facilities,

Grange Road, Singapore

Academic and

Professional Staff, NTU

& NIE, Singapore.

School of Computer

Engineering Multimedia

Lab, Nanyang


University, Singapore

Centre for Educational

Development, NTU.


Singaporean educators from primary, secondary, tertiary and corporate fields

Members of the general public and members of the Australian

Computing Society

Staff and trainers of

National Parks,


Academic and

Professional Staff, NTU

& NIE, Singapore.

ACS, Pitt Street,

Sydney. Presentation theatre.

Centre for Educational

Development, NTU.


Centre for Educational

Development, NTU.


Educators from across


Educators from across


Educators from across


Nanyang Technological


Nanyang Technological


Nanyang Technological



13 th July 2007

12 th July 2007

11 th July 2007

10 th July 2007

9 th July 2007

5 th July 2007

1 st March, 2007.

1 st March, 2007.

28 th February 2007

27 th February 2007

26 th February 2007

Curriculum Vitae for John Larkin Page 13

Podcasting and the application of MP3 media in education

Podcasting and the application of MP3 media in education

Creating an online web presence via blogcasting and Web 2.0 site generation

Podcasting and the application of MP3 media in education

Podcasting and the application of MP3 media in education

Digital Still Camera

Photography and Adobe


Academic and

Professional Staff,



Academic and

Professional Staff, NTU

& NIE, Singapore.

Academic and

Professional Staff, NTU

& NIE, Singapore.


Centre for Educational

Development, NTU.


Centre for Educational

Development, NTU.


Centre for Educational

Development, NTU.


Digital Still Camera

Photography in teaching

& learning

Working with the


Working with the


Digital Still Photography and Adobe Photoshop

Digital Still Photography and Adobe Photoshop

Introduction to myClasses Learning

Management System

Digital Still Camera

Photography and Adobe


Use of video to enhance teaching and learning


Applications to Enhance

Content Development

Design & Development of Media Rich Content

Academic and

Professional Staff,



Academic and

Professional Staff, NTU

& NIE, Singapore.

Teaching staff

St Joseph’s Catholic

High School

Parents and friends of students

Teaching staff

St Joseph’s Catholic

High School

Parents and friends of students

Teachers and educators,


Centre for Educational

Development, NTU.


Centre for Educational

Development, NTU.


St Joseph’s Catholic

High School, Albion


St Joseph’s Catholic

High School, Albion


St Joseph’s Catholic

High School, Albion


St Joseph’s Catholic

High School, Albion


St Joseph’s Catholic

High School, Albion


Teaching staff

St Joseph’s Catholic

High School, Albion


Academic and

Professional Staff, NTU

& NIE, Singapore.

Teachers and educators,


Teachers and educators,


Centre for Educational

Development, NTU.


Centre for Educational

Development, NTU.


Nanyang Technological

University, Singapore.

Academic and

Professional Staff, NTU

& NIE, Singapore.

Academic and

Professional Staff, NTU

& NIE, Singapore.

Centre for Educational

Development, NTU.


Centre for Educational

Development, NTU.


Centre for Educational

Development, NTU.


21 st April, 2006.

20 th April, 2006.

19 th April, 2006.

18 th April, 2006.

17 th April, 2006.

Repeated during the course of the year.

Repeated during the course of the year.

Repeated during the course of the year.

25 th March, 2006.

Repeated during the course of the year.

22 nd March, 2006.

Repeated during the course of the year.

24 th February, 2006.

23 rd February, 2006.

23 rd February, 2006.

22 nd February, 2006.

21 st February, 2006.

20 th February, 2006.

Curriculum Vitae for John Larkin Page 14


Digital Video Production and Editing with


Planning and Designing

Online Courses and

Lectora Publisher

Podcasting and the application of MP3 media in education

Digital Still Camera

Photography and Adobe


Getting started with IT in education

Planning and Designing

Online Courses and

Lectora Publisher

Podcasting and the application of MP3 media in education

Digital Video Production and Editing with


Digital Still Camera

Photography and Adobe


Digital Still Camera

Photography and Adobe


Podcasting and the application of MP3 media in education

Digital Video Production and Editing with


Digital Still Camera

Photography and Adobe


Digital Still Camera

Photography and Adobe


Digital Video Production and Editing with


Media Rich Learning


Academic and

Professional Staff, NTU

& NIE, Singapore.

Academic and

Professional Staff, NTU

& NIE, Singapore.

Academic and

Professional Staff, NTU

& NIE, Singapore.

Academic and

Professional Staff, NTU

& NIE, Singapore.

Teaching staff.

Academic and

Professional Staff, NTU

& NIE, Singapore.

Academic and

Professional Staff, NTU

& NIE, Singapore.

Academic and

Professional Staff, NTU

& NIE, Singapore.

Academic and

Professional Staff, NTU

& NIE, Singapore.

Teaching staff.

Academic and

Professional Staff, NTU

& NIE, Singapore.

Academic and

Professional Staff, NTU

& NIE, Singapore.

Academic and

Professional Staff, NTU

& NIE, Singapore.

Academic and

Professional Staff, NTU

& NIE, Singapore.

Academic and

Professional Staff, NTU

& NIE, Singapore.

Academic and

Professional Staff, NTU

& NIE, Singapore.

Centre for Educational

Development, NTU.


Centre for Educational

Development, NTU.


Centre for Educational

Development, NTU.


Centre for Educational

Development, NTU.


St. Joseph’s Catholic

High School, Albion


Centre for Educational

Development, NTU.


Centre for Educational

Development, NTU.


Centre for Educational

Development, NTU.


Centre for Educational

Development, NTU.


St. Joseph’s Catholic

High School, Albion


Centre for Educational

Development, NTU.


Centre for Educational

Development, NTU.


Centre for Educational

Development, NTU.


Centre for Educational

Development, NTU.


Centre for Educational

Development, NTU.


Centre for Educational

Development, NTU.


7 th October, 2005.

6 th October, 2005.

4 th October, 2005.

3 rd October, 2005.

27 th July, 2005.

15 th July, 2005.

13 th July, 2005.

8 th July, 2005

7 th July, 2005.

12 th July, 2005.

9 th May, 2005.

15 th April, 2005.

12 th April, 2005.

13 th April, 2005.

11 th April, 2005.

14 th April, 2005.

24 th February, 2005.

25 th February, 2005.

23 rd February, 2005.

22 nd February, 2005.

Curriculum Vitae for John Larkin Page 15


Digital Video Production and Editing with


Digital Still Camera

Photography and Adobe


Digital Still Camera

Photography and Adobe


Digital Video Design,

Storyboarding and

Practical Workshop eLearning Course

Design with Lectora


Better Digital Video

Productions and


Digital Video Production and Editing

Digital Still Camera

Photography and Adobe

Photoshop eModerating and the management of online courses

Planning and Designing

Online Courses

Digital Still Camera

Photography and Adobe


Digital Video Production and Editing

Storyboarding for eLearning Instructional


Planning and Designing

Online Courses

Digital Still Camera

Photography and Adobe


Digital Video Production and Editing eLearning Overview

Hong Kong Polytechnic


Learning Management

System presentation

Digital Still Camera

Photography and Adobe


Curriculum Vitae for John Larkin

Academic and

Professional Staff, NTU

& NIE, Singapore.

Academic and

Professional Staff, NTU

& NIE, Singapore.

Teaching staff.

Academic and

Professional Staff, NIE,


Academic and

Professional Staff, NTU

& NIE, Singapore.

Academic and

Professional Staff, NIE,


Academic and

Professional Staff, NTU

& NIE, Singapore.

Academic and

Professional Staff, NTU

& NIE, Singapore.

Academic and

Professional Staff, NTU

& NIE, Singapore.

Academic and

Professional Staff, NTU

& NIE, Singapore.

Teaching staff.

Academic and

Professional Staff, NTU

& NIE, Singapore.

Postgraduate students, educators and industry designers

Academic and

Professional Staff, NTU

& NIE, Singapore.

Academic and

Professional Staff, NTU

& NIE, Singapore.

Academic and

Professional Staff, NTU

& NIE, Singapore.

Staff and students of


Centre for Educational

Development, NTU.


Centre for Educational

Development, NTU.


St. Joseph’s Catholic

High School, Albion


National Institute of

Education, Singapore.

Centre for Educational

Development, NTU.


National Institute of

Education, Singapore.

Centre for Educational

Development, NTU.


Centre for Educational

Development, NTU.


Centre for Educational

Development, NTU.


Centre for Educational

Development, NTU.


St. Joseph’s Catholic

High School, Albion


Centre for Educational

Development, NTU.


National Institute of

Education, Singapore.

Centre for Educational

Development, NTU.


Centre for Educational

Development, NTU.


Centre for Educational

Development, NTU.


Video Production Studio


International Students Lecture Theatre 8


Academic and

Professional Staff, NTU

& NIE, Singapore.

Centre for Educational

Development, NTU.


29 th September, 2004.

1 st October, 2004.

27 th September, 2004.

28 th September, 2004.

20 th July, 2004.

13 th July, 2004.

12 th July, 2004.

10 th July, 2004.

9 th July, 2004.

8 h July, 2004.

7 th July, 2004.

6 th July, 2004.

1 st July, 2004.

19 th April, 2004.

17 th April, 2004.

16 th April, 2004.

15 th April, 2004.

13 th April, 2004.

13 th January, 2004

14th January, 2004

2 nd January, 2004

Page 16

Digital Still Camera

Photography and Adobe


Digital Still Camera

Photography and Adobe


Lectora Web Publishing

Workshop: Advanced.

Lectora Web Publishing



Centre for Educational Academic and

Professional Staff, NTU

& NIE, Singapore.

Development, NTU.


Academic and

Professional Staff, NTU

& NIE, Singapore.

Academic and

Professional Staff, NTU

& NIE, Singapore.

Academic and

Professional Staff, NTU

& NIE, Singapore.

Digital Still Camera

Photography and Adobe


Academic and

Professional Staff, NTU

& NIE, Singapore.

Digital Video Production Academic staff and Editing eLearning Presentation Student Delegation from The People’s

Learning Management

Republic of China

1 st Sino-Singapore


Exchange Programme



Lectora Web Publishing


Academic and

Professional Staff, NTU

& NIE, Singapore.

Academic staff

29 th December, 2003

Centre for Educational

Development, NTU.


Centre for Educational

Development, NTU.


Centre for Educational

Development, NTU.



16 rd th th

December, 2003

December, 2003.

December, 2003.


Centre for Educational

Development, NTU.

11 th December, 2003


Centre for Educational 9 th December, 2003.

Development, NTU.

NTU Executive Centre 5 th December 2003

Singapore American

School Woodlands

Centre for Educational

Development, NTU.


8 th December 2003

12 th November, 2003.

6 th November, 2003. Digital Video Production and Editing

Course Design for

Flexible Delivery

Quality Assurance in

Education Presentation

Academic Staff

Academic Staff

Centre for Educational

Development, NTU.

Nanyang Technological


Nanyang Technological


29 th October, 2003.

27 th October, 2003.

15 th October, 2003. Quality Assurance in

Education Status Report

Lectora Web Publishing


President and senior staff of NTU

Academic and

Professional Staff, NTU

& NIE, Singapore.

Academic staff

Nanyang Technological


Centre for Educational

Development, NTU.


Centre for Educational

Development, NTU.

14 th October, 2003.

26 h September, 2003. Digital Video Production and Editing eThinking Presentation: eCoaching in the primary and secondary schools

CED Presentation


Development and

Blended Teaching &

Learning Environments

Teachers (Primary and

Secondary Schools)

Academic staff

Teaching Large Classes Academic staff

Academics, Educators and Corporate Trainers

Training Branch


Ministry of Education


Centre for Educational

Development, NTU.

Centre for Educational

Development, NTU.

Nanyang Technological


11 th September, 2003.

9 th September, 2003.

9 th September, 2003.

25 th August, 2003.

Digital Video Camera

Techniques and


Academic staff Centre for Educational

Development, NTU.

15 th August, 2003.

Curriculum Vitae for John Larkin Page 17

University Students

LMS Training

University Students

LMS Training

Presentation: Blending

Teaching and


NBS Students


NBS Students


Academics and instructional designers



2 nd August 2003

26 th July 2003

Centre for Development of Teaching and

Learning, National

University of Singapore.

Canberra Primary

School, Singapore

26 th March 2003.

10 th May, 2003. iMovie Digital Video

Storyboarding and

Production Workshop


Advanced digital video workshop

Storyboarding and digital video production iMovie workshop


Teachers, parents and students


Parents and teachers


Itopia Conference,

Suntec City, Singapore.

MOE EduQuest Camp

Northlands Primary



Canberra Primary



Fuhua Primary School,

Jurong East, Singapore

Information technology and your children

2001 iMovie workshop (assist

Ms Hui Li Kang) iMovie workshop eLearning environments in teaching and learning

Storyboarding and digital video production iMovie Workshop

Students Anderson Primary



Students Parry Primary School,


Postgraduate Students Instructional Systems

Dept., National Institute

Parents, students and teachers

Teachers of Education, NTU

Campus, Singapore.

MOE EduQuest Camp

Marsiling Secondary



Canberra Primary

School, Singapore.

25 th July 2002.

19 th June 2002.

9 th and 16 th February


19 th November 2002.

17 th November 2001.

3 rd November 2001.

19 th September 2001.

16 th and 17 th June 2001.

10 th February 2001.

17 th February 2001.

2000 iMovie and Curriculum

Integration Workshop iMovie and Curriculum

Integration Workshop

Application of interactive learning technologies in the classroom environment


Teachers and education consultants

Geography Pre-Service

Teachers Class

Mayflower Primary

School, Singapore.

Educational Technology

Division, MOE,


National Institute of

Education, Bukit Timah

Campus, Singapore.

8 th and 9 th November


27 th October 2000.

3 rd October 2000.

Curriculum Vitae for John Larkin Page 18

iMovie Workshop Teachers Radin Mas Primary

School, Singapore.

Cross Platform



Presentation: Interoperability between

Macintosh and Windows


Interactive multimedia in teaching and learning

Educators and


(primary, secondary and tertiary)

The Internet and Your

Children iMovie Workshop

Digital Video Recording and Editing Workshops;

Curriculum Integration iMovie Workshop Students

Simplifying Technology and Enriching Learning


Shangri La Hotel,

Kuala Lumpur,


Postgraduate Students Instructional Systems

National Institute of

Education, Bukit Timah


Campus, Singapore.

Coral Secondary School,


Secondary students

Teaching Staff

Catholic High,


Woodlands Primary

School, Singapore.

Teaching Staff

Rosyth Primary School,

Singapore, Singapore.

Raffles Girls' Primary

School, Singapore.

Multimedia and

Curriculum Integration


Multimedia and

Curriculum Integration


Authoring tools and interactive multimedia in education

Children and the Internet

Workshop for Parents


Educators and instructional designers


Coral Secondary School,


Temasek Polytechnic,

Tampines, Singapore.

Crescent Girl's

Secondary School,



Multimedia and

Curriculum Integration


Teachers and educators from Australia, New

Zealand and S.E. Asia

Web Publishing and the

Internet in Education

Authoring tools and interactive multimedia in the Geography and

Biology key learning areas

Interface Design and

Authoring Workshop

Educational software

Parents and children

Geography and

Biology Teachers

Innovative Technology

Schools Conference,

Faculty of Education,

University of


NSW, Australia.

Woodlands Primary

School, Singapore

Cyber Learning Centre

Raffles Girls’ Secondary

School, Singapore.

Computing Studies


Raffles Girls’ Secondary

School, Singapore

Teachers and educators Local Industry Upgrade

Programme ‘Hop On It’

Exhibition Suntec City,


12 th August 2000.

19 th August 2000.

26 th August 2000.

15 th August 2000.

26 th July 2000.

8 th July 2000.

8 th and 9 th June 2000.

1 st and 2 nd June 2000.

16 th , 17 th , 23 rd , 24 th ,

25 th and 26 th May 2000.

2 nd and 3 rd March 2000.

19 th February 2000.

17 th February 2000.

12 th February 2000.

4 th to 9 th December


20 th November 1999.

15 th November 1999.

13 th November 1999.

10 th November 1999.

Curriculum Vitae for John Larkin Page 19

Interactive multimedia in education

Interactive multimedia in teaching and learning

Internet Workshop



DNR Workshop

Interactive Multimedia in Education

Web Publishing and

Internet Workshop eLearning and the web instruction class eLearning and the web instruction class

Web Publishing and

Internet Workshop

Teachers Woodlands Primary

School Teaching Staff,


Postgraduate Students Instructional Systems



National Institute of

Education, Bukit Timah

Campus, Singapore

University of

Wollongong Library,

University of


Faculty of Education

University of


General staff and academics

DET teaching staff

KBC Cohort

Pre-service teachers



Faculty of Education

University of


Tilt Conference, Ultimo,

Sydney, NSW.

Faculty of Education

University of


Faculty of Education

University of


Postgraduate Students Faculty of Education

University of W’gong.

Visiting Sri Lankan Faculty of Education

Academics and


University of


1998 eLearning and education support for indigenous students: What have I learned?

Multimedia and

Curriculum Integration


Stormwater, Exploring

The Nardoo and

Investigating Lake Iluka presentation

Web publishing and classroom support

Tertiary Educators ACILITE Conference,

University of


Teachers and educators from Australia, New

Zealand and S.E. Asia

Teachers, students and the general public

Innovative Technology

Schools Conference,

Faculty of Education,

University of


Streamwatch Awards

Day, The Showgrounds,

Homebush, NSW.

Interactive Multimedia in Education

Interactive Multimedia in education

Web Workshops


Deputy Principals

Faculty of Education

Staff, Univiersity of

Wollongong, NSW.

Deputy Principal's


Novotel, Wollongong,


Teachers and educators Tilt Conference, Ultimo,

Sydney, NSW.

Postgraduate Students

(Pre-service teachers)

Faculty of Education

University of

6 th September 1999.

July 21 st 1999.

22 nd April 1999.

12 th March 1999.

12 th March 1999.

11 th March 1999.

8 th March 1999.

4 th March 1999.

1 st to 3 rd March 1999.

5 th February 1999.

15 th December 1998.

7 th to 11 th December


5 day workshop.

23 rd October 1998.

7 th October 1998.

27 th August 1998.

20 th August 1998.

20 th to 21 st July 1998.

Curriculum Vitae for John Larkin Page 20

Computing Studies


Design of Interactive


Wollongong, NSW.

Matriculation students Holy Spirit College,

Year 12 Computing


Bellambi, NSW.

De La Salle College,

Cronulla, NSW.


Multimedia and

Curriculum Integration


HyperStudio Workshop

History and Technology


Internet Workshop

Internet Workshop

Teachers and educators from Australia, New

Zealand and S.E. Asia

Secondary School


History Methods Dip.

Ed. Group

Teaching Staff

TESOL Staff and


Innovative Technology

Schools Conference

Faculty of Education,

University of

Wollongong, NSW.

Tempe Languages High

School, Tempe, Sydney,


Faculty of Education,

University of

Wollongong, NSW.

Faculty of Education,

University of

Wollongong, NSW.

Faculty of Education,

University of

Wollongong, NSW,


2 nd July 1998.

22 nd May 1998.

8 th to 12 th December


18 th November 1997.

15 th December 1997.

30 th October 1997.

17 th October 1997.

Internet Workshop




Internet Workshop

Interactive Multimedia in Education Plenary


Interactive Multimedia in Education






Exploring the Nardoo


St Mary's Star of the

Sea College,


Humanities Teaching


Primary and Secondary

School Teachers

Faculty of Education,

University of

Wollongong, NSW.

NSW Department of

Education and Training

Training Directorate

Lewisham, Sydney,


Tertiary Teaching Staff Faculty of Education


Teachers and academics from across


Singapore Macintosh

Users Group

University of

Wollongong, NSW.

Apple Singapore

Ang Mo Kio,


Teachers from 39

Singaporean schools

Apple Singapore

Ang Mo Kio,


Apple Singapore

Ang Mo Kio,


Internet Workshop

Teachers NSW Computer

Education Group


Charles Sturt University,

Bathurst, NSW.

Gender Equity Group NSW Department of

Education and Training

University of

Curriculum Vitae for John Larkin

9 th September 1997.

1 st October 1997.

9 th October 1997.

14 th October 1997.

21 st October 1997.

13 th October 1997.

3 rd September 1997.

6 th August 1997.

15 th July 1997.


16 th July 1997.


14 th July to 18 th July


1 st July 1997.

12 th June 1997.

Page 21

Reuter's Online

Day/Internet Workshop

Internet Workshop

Educational multimedia at the IMMLL

Internet Training

Teachers and Reuter’s staff

Wollongong, NSW.

NSW Department of

Education and Training

Training Directorate

Lewisham, Sydney,


Postgraduate students Postgraduate Student

Association (Faculty of


University of


National Science Week Educators, scientists and multimedia developers

NSW DET Information

Technology Staff,

South Coast and

Southern Tablelands


Expo, Canberra

Convention Centre

Canberra, ACT.

Interactive Multimedia

Learning Laboratory,

Faculty of Education,

University of


Interactive multimedia and History

HyperCard In-service


Web Newspaper


Multimedia and

Curriculum Integration


“Employing Information

Technology in the

History Classroom”.

“Employing the Internet across the Curriculum”

“Employing Information

Technology in the

History Classroom”

Interactive Multimedia


“Employing Information

Technology in the

History Classroom”

Teachers from

Smith’s Hill High

School, Wollongong,

NSW, Australia.

Teachers and educators from Australia, New

Zealand and S.E. Asia

Teachers and educators from Australia, New

Zealand and S.E. Asia

Teaching staff

Smith’s Hill High

School, Wollongong

Interactive Multimedia

Learning Laboratory,

Faculty Of Education,

University of


Innovative Technology

Schools Conference,

Faculty of Education,


Innovative Technology

Schools Conference,

Faculty of Education,

University of


Interactive Multimedia

Learning Laboratory,

Faculty Of Education,


History Methods Class Interactive Multimedia

Learning Laboratory,

Faculty Of Education,


Wollongong Catholic

Education Office

Diocesan Staff

Development Day

South Coast History

Teachers’ Association


University Union Hall,

University of


Department of Education

Consultants’ Rooms



History Methods Class Faculty Of Education,


Teachers Holy Spirit College,

29 th May 1997.

17 th May 1997.

16 th April to 19 th April,


3 rd February 1997 through to August


Twice weekly

2-day workshops.

5 th December 1996.

25 th to 29 th November


26 th November 1996.

13 th November 1996.

31 st October 1996.

11 th June 1996.

6 th May 1996.

October 1995.

February 1995.

Curriculum Vitae for John Larkin Page 22

Bellambi, NSW.


Information technology and problem based learning

Interactive multimedia and the teaching of


HyperCard programming and Aldus

Super Paint tools

Interactive Multimedia in the Classroom

Interactive multimedia in the classroom

UOW Alumni University of

Wollongong Alumni

Association, UOW.

History Methods Class Faculty Of Education,


Secondary school teachers



Problem based learning and information technology in education


Interactive Multimedia in the History Classroom


Diocesan Staff

Development Day

Catholic Education

Office, Diocese of


9 th November 1994.

27 th October 1994.

St. Joseph’s Regional

High School, Albion

Park, NSW.

Australian Teaching

Council, Winter School,

University of Sydney.

Birchgrove Community

School, Birchgrove,


International Education

Conference on Quality in

Education, Sydney.

5 th September 1994.

5 th July 1994 (PM).

5 th July 1994 (AM).

10 th June 1994.

2 nd May 1994.


Interactive Multimedia


Academics and students

23 rd November 1993. Faculty of Education,


Curriculum Vitae for John Larkin Page 23

Instructional Design and Educational Technology Development Experience



Home Page Major revision of personal web site

New web site incorporates resources for students and teachers as well as extensive photographic galleries and Web 2.0 implementation http://www.larkin.net.au/ http://www.teachtech.net.au/


Online Course Support Iceman (further development)


Online Course Support Ancient History HSC Online Resource http://www.larkin.net.au/ah_hsc/


Online Course Support Prisoner of War (Stage 5 History)

Iceman (Ancient History Preliminary Course Case Study)

2002-3 eLearning Courses Anti Money Laundering (J P Morgan Chase)

Passenger Tariff Essentials (Singapore Airlines)

Cargo Servicing and Handling (Singapore Airlines Cargo)

2001 eLearning Courses mCreate (Nokia) tecFresher (Nokia)

NetAct (Nokia)


Multimedia (CD-ROM) Chemistry Matters Prototype (Oxford University Press)

Modern World History Prototype (Oxford University Press)

South-east Asian History Prototype (Oxford University Press)

Digital Field Trip to the Mangroves (Knowledge Village, Singapore)

The Learning Metropolis CD-ROM (Ministry of Education, Singapore)


Multimedia (CD-ROM) ‘aspire’ (Sydney Organising Committee for the Olympic Games , Sydney)

Judge For Yourself (Australian Taxation Office, Canberra, ACT)

Stormwater (Drummoyne City Council, Sydney, NSW)

Curriculum Vitae for John Larkin Page 24

Multimedia (CD-ROM)

& eLearning


Australian Intellectual Property Rights Prototype (IP Australia) (1997)

BHP Steel Project M Performance Support eLearning Site (1997)

Hunger City (Evidence analysis in history) (1996)

Iceman (Evidence analysis in history) (1996)

HyperKite (Design and Technology teaching resource) (1995)

What Happened To Sam? (Evidence analysis in history) (1994)

Prisoner of War (Historical resource) (1993)

Instructional Design and Educational Technology Development Experience eLearning and course support at University of


Faculty of Education, University of Wollongong:

EDGA 806 Project & Practicum

EDGA 903 Minor Project (TESOL)

EDGA 951 Information Technology and Educational Leadership

EDGA 990 Career Development Support

EDGH 940 Adult Career Development (Hybrid Web/CD-ROM/video solution)

EDGH 942 Career Development and the Organization (Hybrid Web/CD-

ROM/video solution)

EDGH 944 Career Development with Clients (Hybrid Web/CD-ROM/video solution)

EDGH 911 Instructional Design for Adult Learning

EDGH 917 Issues in Adult Education

EDGH 921 Evaluation and Assessment

EDGH 923 Learning Strategies and Communication

EDGH 923 Psychology of Adult Learning

EDGL 915 Information Systems and Educational Leadership

EDGR 911 Teaching Reading

EDGZ 901 Advanced Qualitative Research Methodology

EDUF 111 Child Growth and Development

EDUT 302 Curriculum and Pedagogy

Faculty of Creative Arts, Department of Journalism, University of Wollongong:

JOUR 931 Broadcast Journalism (Hybrid Web/CD-ROM/video solution)

JOUR933 Television Journalism (Hybrid Web/CD-ROM/video solution)

Open IT Web Guide, Department of Education, Tasmania, Australia (Prototype)

Curriculum Vitae for John Larkin Page 25

Interactive Multimedia Learning Laboratory (EmLab)

The following data provides additional details regarding the achievements of the Interactive Multimedia

Learning Laboratory (IMMLL), Faculty of Education at the University of Wollongong.

Roles performed by applicant at the IMMLL : Instructional Designer, Programmer, Workshop facilitator, Project Officer, Tutor, Co-Lecturer and Presenter.

Member of Multi-Award

Winning Design Team


University of Wollongong.

The team at the IMMLL, under the leadership of Doctor Barry

Harper, Doctor John Hedberg and Rob Wright, won many international and national awards for the following educational multimedia products: Exploring The Nardoo, Stagestruck and

Investigating Lake Iluka. Additional details below.

Exploring the Nardoo




The best in its class (Computer-based materials designed for independent learning, open learning or guided self study in the context of training courses and continuing education) from the

Australian Society for Educational Technology in 1996.

A Rivercare 2000 Gold Award was also received in the Tertiary

Education Category.

An ATOM award was received at the AIMIA Conference in

Melbourne in October 1996 for best tertiary multimedia development.

An EMMA Award (European Multi-Media Association) in the

Education 12-16 year category as well as being one of three finalists selected by judges for the best interactivity award in

Frankfurt, Germany, 1997.

Chosen as one of the best five new educational products for 1997 by the American Software Publishers Association.

An EMMA Award (European Multi-Media Association) in the

Education and Home Learning category as well as the Gold

EMMA selected by judges as the best overall entry in all categories, 1999.

The inaugural British Academy of Film and Television Arts

( BAFTA ) award in the Interactive Treatment category, 1998.

Gold Medal in the Education section of the New York Festival’s

International Interactive Multimedia competition.

Australian Interactive Multimedia Industry Association (AIMIA) award for the Best Arts/ Cultural Title or Site.

Milia d'Or Awards 2000 - Winner Education & Training Category

Curriculum Vitae for John Larkin Page 26
