Stimulus APR 22 100

Intermediate Unit 1
One Intermediate Unit Drive
Coal Center, PA 15423
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009
Intermediate Unit 1 (IU 1) proposes for district consideration the following IU 1 initiatives and services, aligned to
the recommendations from the Pennsylvania Department of Education, to utilize ARRA funds. Additional
information about these initiatives and services can be obtained from the IU 1 Catalog of Services found on the IU
1 website at: Intermediate Unit 1 can also customize services to meet specific district needs.
For further information contact the appropriate contact person listed below.
Recommendations for BFF: (Basic Education Funding). These funds can be used to expand programs and services to
students from a menu of specific proven academic programs.
PDE Recommendations
IU1 Support / Recommendations
IU 1 Contact Person
1. Extended school day,
school year to
increase instructional
time for students
Cyber Services Online Courses
Summer Correspondence School
After School Tutoring Programs
2. Tutoring those who
are struggling in
reading and math
In-school Youth Tutoring for at-risk
3. Implementation of
high rigor curricula /
advanced courses
Arts Day Activities
Pam Hupp 724-561-5623
Sue Conrady, Ext. 242
Sue Conrady, Ext. 242
Sue Conrady, Ext. 242
Sue Conrady, Ext. 242
Pam Hupp 724-561-5623
Cyber Services Online Courses
Pam Hupp 724-561-5623
STEM conferences, courses, workshops,
technical assistance, project-based learning
Nancy Tsupros 724-250-3330
development to
promote college ready
high school graduates
Career Gateway Workshops:
Study Skills - Helpful Suggestions for
Improving Study Skill Strategies
Test Taking Strategies - Helpful
Suggestions for Improving Test
Managing Stress - Helpful Suggestions
for Coping with Stress
Postsecondary Organizational and Time
Management Skills - A Guide for Planning
Career Exploration and Poster Project
Presentation - A Career Gateway Final
Sue Conrady, Ext. 242
Work Certified Academy Modules:
Customer Service -Recognize customer
needs, effective active listening skills,
problem solving
Pre-Employment - Resume construction,
application and interviewing skills
Employment Expectations - Selfmanagement tools, lifestyles, step of
learning, ethnical problems, dress &
Mastering Career Success - Knowledge of
the skills to remain employed and to
become a valuable employee to a
business. How to ask questions, getting
along with coworkers, creative problem
solving, collecting data and reporting
Business Technology - Transmit faxes,
photocopy, operate computer (hardware
and software), use a word processor,
locate and read e-mail
Business Communications - Organizing
messages, proper grammar, appropriate
writing techniques, effective business
General Business Knowledge Understand business structures, as well
as business ethnics
Sue Conrady, Ext. 242
My Career Journey, Ementoring, Keys2Work from Jarol DeVoge, Ext. 234
Smart Futures
Curriculum Alignment - Standards Aligned
James Dowler, Ext. 236
Mara Linaberger, Ext. 267
Nancy Tsupros 724-250-3330
Su Verma, Ext. 268
5. School Library
1 Cyber Services
Pam Hupp 724-561-5623
Discovery Education, Power Library and Access
PA training
Kristin Van Strien, Ext. 244
Recommendations for SFSF: (TITLE XIV) (State Fiscal Stabilization Fund). These can be used for any of
the following purposes:
Special Education - Any activity authorized by the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education
Act (IDEA)
Renovation and repair of school facilities
Basic education - Any activity authorized by the federal Elementary and Secondary Education
Act (which includes No Child Left Behind)
Career and technical education - Any activity authorized under the federal Carl D. Perkins
Career and Technical Act
Adult and family literacy - Any activity authorized under the federal Adult and Family Literacy
The Department of Education recommends that school districts fund one-time expenditures that can be funded within two years
and do not need to be sustained.
PDE Recommendations
IU1 Support / Recommendations
IU 1 Contact Person
1. Complete Classrooms
for the Future
deployment in high
and middle schools
Classrooms of the Future Coaches for high
school and middle school
2. Improve Science labs
in middle and high
Science Matters, STEM workshops, courses, Nancy Tsupros 724-250-3330
and technical assistance
3. Purchase elementary
school science and
exploration kits
IU 1 Science Matters kits
Nancy Tsupros 724-250-3330
4. Career and
Technology Education
IU1 supports purchasing of all equipment
aligned with specific curriculum via
consortium buys
Steve Smolenski, Ext. 287
5. Adolescent literacy
curricula and training
In-school Youth Tutoring for at-risk students Sue Conrady, Ext. 242
Reading Apprenticeship
Wendy Tiano, Ext. 148
Pittsburgh City Theatre Young Playwrights
Teacher Training Institute
Sue Conrady, Ext.242
Pittsburgh Opera Academy
Sue Conrady, Ext. 242
Reading Apprenticeship, PA-LETRS, Power
Instructional Support Services
Teaching, Project-Based Learning,
Standards Aligned Systems, STEM
workshops and courses, Reading and
Writing in the Content Areas courses and
workshops, Differentiated Instruction,
Bullying, Schoolwide Positive Behavior
Support, Data Driven Decision Making,
Technology Integration, Nettrekker, United
Streaming, customized courses, workshops,
6. Professional
Jarol DeVoge, Ext. 234
and technical assistance
Expanded Core Teaching Skills - 2009
update to 21st century skills
Kristin Van Strien, Ext. 244
Steve Smolenski, Ext. 287
Technology integration in core areas
Kristin Van Strien, Ext. 244
Steve Smolenski, Ext. 287
Nettrekker d.i., Thinkfinity, Power Library,
Discovery Ed
Kristin Van Strien, Ext. 244
Steve Smolenski, Ext. 287
7. Data Collection Tools
On Hands Schools: EdInsight
(IU 1 school districts receive discounts)
Jarol DeVoge, Ext. 234
Recommendations for Supplemental Title I Funds. May be used to increase or expand current Title I programs.
PDE Recommendations
IU1 Support / Recommendations
1. Providing professional
development to
teachers in Title I
targeted assistance
programs on the use
of data to inform and
improve instruction
for Title I-eligible
2. Providing training to
all middle school
teachers in
adolescent literacy
based on analysis of
middle and high
school reading data
3. Provide parent
leadership support
and training for
parents in the early
Instructional Collaboration and Coaching
Pathway Courses
IU 1 Contact
Jarol DeVoge, Ext. 234
Instructional Support Services
staff, coaches, and consultants
TOTs at IU 1 in Reading Apprenticeship, PA- Wendy Tiano, Ext. 148
LETRS, Best Practices in Literacy Instruction
Jarol DeVoge, Ext. 234
School District based Adult Basic and
Literacy Education programs
Sue Conrady, Ext. 242
education programs
4. Provide new
opportunities for Title
I programs for
secondary school
students to use high
quality, online
courseware as
learning materials for
meeting mathematics
and science
IU 1 Cyber Services
Pam Hupp 724-561-5623
STEM Programs
5. Establish / expand
fiscally sustainable
extended learning
opportunities for Title
I eligible students in
targeted assistance
programs, including
activities before
school, after school,
during the summer,
or extended school
Summer Correspondence School
Sue Conrady, Ext. 242
Before and after school tutoring initiatives
for at-risk youth
Sue Conrady, Ext. 242
IU 1 Cyber Services
Pam Hupp 724-561-5623
6. Providing intensive
development for
special education and
regular education
teachers that focuses
on scaling-up,
through replication,
proven and
innovative evidencebased school-wide
strategies in reading,
math, writing and
science, and positive
behavioral supports
to improve outcomes
for students with
Reading Apprenticeship, PA-LETRS, Effective Wendy Tiano, Ext. 148
Instructional Strategies
STEM courses, workshops,
programs Science Matters, math courses
and workshops
Project Based Learning
7. Use longitudinal data
systems for
improvement at the
Nancy Tsupros 724-250-3330
Nancy Tsupros 724-250-3330
Noreen Fleming, Ext. 128
Donna Whoric, Ext. 214
Anita Walters, 724-437-9525
Ext. 701
Marlene Kubina, Ext. 115
IU 1 Data Institutes, onsite technical
assistance or data workshops
James Dowler, Ext. 236
classroom level
Progress Monitoring
Wendy Tiano, Ext. 148
Noreen Fleming, Ext. 128
8. Reading and Math
Part or full time math and reading
Jarol DeVoge, Ext. 234
9. Adult and family
School District based Adult Basic and
Literacy Education Programs
Sue Conrady, Ext. 242
10. Title I / IDEA
Paraprofessional online and face-to-face
Su Verma, Ext. 268
Recommendations for Title IID. Integrating technology into the schools curriculum and providing related professional
PDE Recommendations
1. Over the past two
years, School
Services have been
able to leverage
resources from a $5.2
million E-Fund Grant
(LEARN Initiative) to
enhance and expand
the diverse
technology services
available to its
member schools.
These funds could be
used to support
and/or expand our
current IU endeavors
IU1 Support / Recommendations
Videoconferences-Virtual Field Trips
Distance Learning
Moodle Server
Online video-based professional development
Beginning, Intermediate and Advanced
professional development for Web 2.0 tools
Integration trainings utilizing Discovery
Education, nettrekker d.i., Thinkfinity, etc.
Expansion of shared resources via the RWAN
Hardware for the classroom such as interactive
whiteboards, projectors (imPACT), response
systems, etc.
KITS Team Meetings for sharing best practices
and classroom integration of virtual field trip
IU 1 Contact
Steve Smolenski, Ext. 287
Kristin Van Strein, Ext. 244
Kristin Van Strein, Ext. 244
Stevie Kline, Ext. 259
Customized staff development workshops
Core Teaching Skills for an Information Age v.2
Kristin Van Strein, Ext. 244
Kristin Van Strein, Ext. 244
Recommendations for IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act)
PDE Recommendations
IU1 Support / Recommendations
IU 1 Contact
1. State-of-the-art
assistive technology
devices and training
in their use
2. Intensive districtwide professional
development to
improve outcomes
for students with
IU1 can expand it’s current Assistive
Technology Library to increase the number
of up-to-date devices available for loaning
to school districts
IU1 can provide technical assistance and
recommendations for AT purchases
IU1 can provide training and guided
practice in the use of AT devices
Candy Dunn Ext. 260
Marilyn Friend Workshop co-teaching
August 5
Jarol DeVoge, Ext. 234
Reading Apprenticeship training for
Adolescent Literacy
Wendy Tiano, Ext. 141
Math/Literacy coaching
Jarol DeVoge, Ext. 234
Ruby Payne Session - April 24, 2010 @
California University of Pennsylvania
Jarol DeVoge, Ext. 234
Customized staff development
Jarol DeVoge, Ext. 234
Differentiated Instruction
Mara Linaberger, Ext. 267
Instructional Collaboration and Coaching
Pathway courses and workshops
Instructional Support staff,
coaches, and consultants:
WILSON READING - IU1 can purchase the
Wilson Fundations for K-3. This is a
phonological/phonemic awareness, phonics
and spelling program. Fundations is based
upon the Wilson Reading System®
Candy Dunn, Ext. 260
IU1 can purchase the Wilson Reading
System. It is designed for use with
individuals who have difficulty with written
language in the areas of decoding and
spelling. The program is generally taught
to students beginning with the upper
elementary grades, through adult
Provide the opportunity for special
education staff to be trained in the use of
Fundations and the Wilson Reading System
-WRS Overview
-WRS Applied Methods
-WRS Level I Certification
FAST FORWARD - IU1 can purchase the
Fast ForWord program. It develops and
strengthens memory, attention, processing
Toni Lozar Ext. 261
Wendy Tiano, Ext. 148
rate, and sequencing—the cognitive skills
essential for learning and reading success.
The strengthening of these skills results in
a wide range of improved critical language
and reading skills such as phonological
awareness, phonemic awareness, fluency,
vocabulary, comprehension, decoding,
working memory, syntax, grammar, and
other skills necessary to learn how to read
or to become a better reader. Fast
ForWord reading intervention products
support existing curriculum—they don't
replace it. They align to state mandates
and have been an important factor in AYP
success. And, most importantly, the gains
students achieve are lasting, the result of
enduring positive changes in their
processing skills and learning capacity
Facilitate implementation planning, product
training, and consultation with Scientific
READ 180 - IU1 can facilitate the purchase
of READ 180. It is an intensive reading
intervention program that helps educators
confront the problem of adolescent
illiteracy and special needs reading on
multiple fronts, using technology, print,
and professional development. READ 180
is proven to meet the needs of struggling
readers whose reading achievement is
below proficient level. The program directly
addresses individual needs through
differentiated instruction, adaptive and
instructional software, high-interest
literature, and direct instruction in reading,
writing, and vocabulary skills.
Facilitate comprehensive READ 180
implementation training and professional
development to help teachers be
successful and to foster and sustain best
teaching practices in the classroom
POWER TEACHING - Provide/facilitate
training in PowerTeaching. PowerTeaching
provides mathematics teachers with the
tools necessary to deliver rich, powerful
lessons by connecting core math
resources, PA’s Standards-Aligned System
in Math, and PA Big Ideas in Math to
cooperative learning techniques that have
effectively improved student achievement
LIPS - Provide training in the Lindamood
Phoneme Sequencing® (LiPS®) Program.
It successfully stimulates phonemic
Noreen Fleming Ext. 128
awareness and individuals become aware
of the mouth actions that produce speech
sounds. This awareness becomes the
means of verifying sounds within words
and enables individuals to become selfcorrecting in reading and spelling, and
speech. It is common for individuals to
gain several grade levels in decoding
ability in four weeks to six weeks of
intensive instruction, or to make further
gains in speech-language after hitting a
plateau under traditional speech therapy
3. Capacity to collect
and use data to
improve teaching
and learning
PA-LETRS - Provide training in PA-LETRS®
(Language Essentials for Teachers of
Reading and Spelling). This is a
professional development program that
responds to the need for high-quality
literacy educators at all levels. PA-LETRS
provides the deep foundational knowledge
necessary to understand how students
learn to read, write, and spell—and why
some of them struggle
Facilitate district staff being trained as PALETRS trainer
OTHER PRODUCTS - IU1 can investigate
and facilitate the purchase and training of
other core content area programs and
Wendy Tiano Ext. 148
On-site data driven decision making
Instructional Support Services
AIMSWEB - IU1 can facilitate the
implementation of AIMSweb. This is a
progress monitoring system based on
direct, frequent and continuous student
assessment. The AIMSweb system
components provide one comprehensive
progress monitoring and RTI Solution
Toni Lozar, Ext. 261
IU1 can facilitate a variety of formats,
including private on-site training, public
workshops, and web-based offerings for
groups and individuals. Certified AIMSweb
Trainers provide training and professional
development services via the "train-thelocal-trainer" team-based model, building
capacity and autonomy within your school
training in all areas of progress monitoring.
This is a scientifically based practice that is
used to assess students' academic
performance and evaluate the effectiveness
Noreen Fleming, Ext. 128
Wendy Tiano, Ext. 148
of instruction. Progress monitoring can be
implemented with individual students or an
entire class
4. Transition
coordinators to work
with employers in
the community to
develop job
placements for youth
with disabilities
IU1 can purchase resources to assist special
education teachers to implement progress
monitoring tools with fidelity
DIBELS - IU1 can facilitate the use of The
Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy
Skills (DIBELS). They are a set of
procedures and measures for assessing the
acquisition of early literacy skills from
kindergarten through sixth grade. They are
designed to be short (one minute) fluency
measures used to regularly monitor the
development of early literacy and early
reading skills
IU1 can facilitate teacher training on the
administration and interpretation of DIBELS
PRECISION TEACHING (Math & Reading) IU1 can facilitate training in Precision
Teaching and Standard Celeration Charting.
Taking frequency measurements set
precision teaching apart from most other
educational measurement practices.
Precision Teaching is adjusting the curricula
for each learner to maximize the learning
shown on the learner's personal standard
Celeration Chart. The instruction can be by
any method or approach. The precision
comes from making curricula changes based
on changes in the weekly learning of each
OTHER PRODUCTS - IU1 can investigate
and facilitate the purchase and training of
other data collection tools
IU1 can expand its transition support by
facilitating the purchase of the PAES
(Practical Assessment Exploration System)
IU1 can provide teachers and aides to
operate the PAES program and work with
district staff to transfer skills - PAES
operates in a simulated work environment.
Students become employees; teachers
become supervisors. Strict procedures are
followed so students get the feel of real
work, and at the same time learn and
explore new career vocational areas
IU1 can provide training on Indicator 13
that slates youth aged 16 and above with
an individualized education program (IEP)
that includes coordinated, measurable,
annual IEP goals and transition services that
Candy Dunn, Ext. 260
will reasonably enable the student to meet
the post-secondary goals
5. Increase parent
6. Provide highly
IU1 can provide stipends for secondary
special education teachers to attend the
summer 2009 PA Community on TransitionSuccess by Design conference at Penn State
IU 1 can expand its transition programs by
hiring additional work experience
coordinators and job coaches
IU1 can provide training for job coaches
IU1 can provide training on developing the
Transition component of the IEP
OTHER PRODUCTS - IU1 can investigate
and facilitate the purchase and training of
other transition resources, programs and
IU1 can provide trainings for parents in all
areas of special education and PDE
IU1 can collaborate with school districts to
develop appropriate activities to promote
parental involvement that support Indicator
8 of the State Performance Plan
IU1 can provide tutoring programs for
paraprofessionals and substitute
paraprofessionals who do not meet the
highly qualified status
IU1 can provide a research-based
assessment that measures the reading,
writing, and math competency of
prospective and practicing
paraprofessionals. It also measures the
ability to apply these competencies when
assisting in classroom instruction. The
assessment satisfies the requirements of
the federally legislated No Child Left Behind
Act and IDEA
IU1 can provide the 20 hours of training
required of all special education
IU1 can provide paraeducators for individual
students and/or classrooms
IU1 can provide a 10-week training program
for persons wanting to become
OTHER PRODUCTS - IU1 can investigate
and facilitate the purchase and training of
other paraprofessional resources, programs
Candy Dunn, Ext. 260
Toni Lozar, Ext. 261
Candy Dunn, Ext. 260
Jennifer Judge, Ext. 254
and services
7. Decrease suspension
and expulsion rates
for students with
IU1 can provide intensive training for
District Functional Behavioral Assessment
(FBA) specialists. These specialists would
conduct an FBA when a student's behavior
interferes significantly with his or her
learning or that of peers. This information
provides the basis for developing a Positive
Behavior Support Plan (PBSP). These
specialists could also train district staff in
each building, grade level, etc.
Toni Lozar, Ext. 261
Donna Whoric, Ext. 214
IU1 can facilitate the district staff becoming
trainers in Non-Violent Crisis Intervention
IU1 can assist district NCI trainers in
providing annual training
IU1 can provide training and collaboration in
Effective Behavior Supports
IU1 can hire a person to develop a Behavior
Wiki so that all staff in the 3 counties will
have access to the most current research,
techniques and programs. Components can
include a discussion section, a Positive
Approaches to Classroom Management Book
Club, exemplary practices, et
IU1 can provide a stipend for a team to
attend the 2009 Governor’s Institute for
Educators: Improving Academic Success
Through Positive School Culture that will be
held July 26 – July 31, 2009 at Bloomsburg
8. Provide Early
Intervening Services
for students in K-12
who need additional
academic and
behavioral support to
succeed (up to 15%
of funding received)
REPONSE TO INTERVENTION - IU1 can hire Toni Lozar, Ext. 261
RtI Consultants/Coaches to provide guided
practice, collaboration and technical
assistance with the implementation of RtI
IU1 can purchase needed resources to
effectively implement the RtI model in a
specific setting
9. Improve the
participation and
performance of
students with
disabilities on
STUDY ISLAND - IU1 can facilitate the
purchase of Study Island. This is an
affordable, easy-to-use, Web-based
standards mastery product including
instruction, practice, assessment and
reporting built for PA’s state standards
IU1 can facilitate an in-person teacher
training if requested
Candy Dunn, Ext. 260
10. Programs and
Bullying – IU 1 can provide a stipend and
registration fee for special education
teachers to attend International Bullying
Prevention Association 6th Annual
Conference, November 17-18, 2009 –
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania entitled, “Hope For
A More Peaceful World”
Toni Lozar, Ext. 261
Donna Whoric, Ext. 214
IU 1 can facilitate training for school district
staff in the Olweus Bullying Prevention
Program. Its goals are to reduce and
prevent bullying problems among school
children and to improve peer relations at
school. The program has been found to
reduce bullying among children, improve
the social climate of classrooms, and reduce
related antisocial behaviors, such as
vandalism and truancy
IU 1 can increase the number of staff
trained in the Olweus Bullying Prevention
Program and provide on-site district support
Toni Lozar, Ext. 261
– IU 1can provide and/or facilitate training
in the UDL framework. This framework can
help districts turn the challenges posed by
high standards and increasing learner
diversity into opportunities to maximize
learning for every student. Drawing upon
new knowledge of how the brain works and
new technologies and media now available
for teaching and learning, UDL frames a
systematic approach to setting goals,
choosing or creating flexible materials and
media, and assessing students accurately
Student Assistance Program (SAP) Training
Candy Dunn, Ext. 260
– IU1 can facilitate Student Assistance
Training Services for district and IU staff
(social workers and psychologists). Student
Assistance Training Services provides school
personnel with tools for effective prevention
and intervention with students and their
families. SAP Training Services pledges its
resources to strengthening collaborative
relationships that assist students, their
families, their schools and the learning
community in promoting safe, secure and
creative environments for quality growth
and achievement
IU1 can provide a stipend for staff attending
training in the summer
Standards Based IEP - IU1 can provide
training and guided practice in writing
standards-based IEPs. The training will
describe a process and document that is
framed by the PA standards and contains
annual goals aligned with, and chosen to
Toni Lozar, Ext. 261
facilitate the student’s achievement of
grade- level academic standards.
Developing standards-based IEPs requires
IEP team members to have an
understanding of the state standards for
each grade and for each academic content
area taught
11. Summer School
Online Summer School
Pam Hupp 724-561-5623