Transformers - Ministry of Commerce and Industry

8504 electric transformers, static converters & inductors
850410 Ballasts for Discharge Lamps or Tubes
850421 Liquid Dielectric Transformers, Not Exceeding 650kva
850422 Liquid Dielectric Transformers, Power Handling Capacity 650-10, 00kva
850423 Liquid Dielectric Transformers, Exceeding 10, 000kva
850431 Other Transformers, Power Handling Capacity Not Exceeding 1kva
850432 Other Transformers, Exceeding 1kva But Not Exceeding 16kva
850433 Other Transformers, Exceeding 16kva But Not Exceeding 500kva
850434 Other Transformers, Power Handling Capacity Exceeding 500kva
850440 Static Converters
850450 Inductors
850490 Parts, of Electrical Transformers, of Static Converters, of Inductors
Indian Standards
IS 1180 : Part 1 :
Outdoor type three-phase distribution transformers up to and including 100
kVA 11 kV:Part 1 Non-sealed type
IS 1180 : Part 2 :
Outdoor type three-phase distribution transformers up to and including 100
kVA 11 kV:Part 2 Sealed type
IS 1416 : 1972
Safety transformers
IS 1851 : 1997
Single Operator type arc welding transformers
IS 1885 : Part 28 :
Electrotechnical vocabulary: Part 28 Instrument transformers
IS 1885 : Part 38 :
Electrotechnical Vocabulary - Part 38 : Power Transformers and Reactors
IS 2026 : Part 1 :
Power transformers: Part 1 General
IS 2026 : Part 2 :
Power transformers: Part 2 Temperature-rise
IS 2026 : Part 3 :
Power transformers: Part 3 Insulation level and dielectric tests
IS 2026 : Part 4 :
Power transformers: Part 4 Terminal marking,tappings and connectioins
IS 2026 : Part 5 :
Power Transformer: Part 5 Transformer/Reactor bushings minimum
external clearance in air-specification
IS 2262 : 1963
Transformers for high voltage luminous discharge tubes
IS 2705 : Part 1 :
Current transformers: Part 1 General requirements
IS 2705 : Part 2 :
Current transformers: Part 2 Measuring current transformers
IS 2705 : Part 3 :
Current transformers: Part 3 Protective current transformers
IS 2705 : Part 4 :
Current transformers: Part 4 Protective current transformers for special
purpose applications
IS 2772 : 1982
Non-flameproof mining transformers for use below ground
IS 3151 : 1982
Earthing transformers
IS 3156 : Part 1 :
Voltage transformers: Part 1 General requirements
IS 3156 : Part 2 :
Voltage transformers: Part 2 Measuring voltage transformers
IS 3156 : Part 3 :
Voltage transformers: Part 3 Protective voltage transformers
IS 3156 : Part 4 :
Voltage transformers: Part 4 Capacitor voltage transformers
IS 3639 : 1966
Specification for Fittings and Accessories for Power Transformers
IS 4146 : 1983
Application guide for voltage transformers
IS 4201 : 1983
Application Guide for Current Transformer
IS 4257 : Part I :
Dimensions for Clamping Arrangements for Porcelain Transformer
Bushings - Part I : For 12 kV to 36 kV Bushings
IS 4257 : Part 2 :
Dimensions for clamping arrangements for porcelain transformer bushings:
Part 2 For 72.5 kV and 123 kV bushings
IS 4804 : Part I :
Specification for Resistance Welding Equipment - Part I : Single-phase
IS 5142 : 1969
Continuously variable voltage auto transformers
IS 5547 : 1983
Application guide for capacitor voltage transformers
IS 5553 : Part 6 :
Reactors: Part 6 Earthing transformers (Neutral couplers)
IS 6088 : 1988
Specification for Oil-to-water Heat Exchangers for Transformers
IS 8201 : 1976
Specification for High Frequency Wideband Matching Transformer
IS 8322 : 1976
Guide for drafting of performance specifications for cores of transformers
and inductors for telecommunication
IS 9819 : Part I :
Specification for Line Output Transformers (Eht) Used With Tv Picture
Tubes - Part I : General Requirements and Tests
IS 9819 : Part 2 :
Specification for Line Output Transformers (EHT) Used with TV Picture
Tubes - Part 2 : Type Lot 1S for 510mm, 590 mm and 610 mm TV Picture
IS 9819 : Part 3 :
Specification for Line Output Transformers (EHT) Used with TV Picture
Tubes - Part 3 : Type Lot 1h for 470 mm, 510 mm, 590 mm and 610 mm
TV Picture Tubes
IS 9819 : Part 4 :
Specification for Line Output Transformer (EHT) Used with TV Picture
Tubes - Part 4 : Type Lot 2S for 310 mm and 340 mm TV Picture tubes
IS 9819 : Part 5 :
Specification for Line Output Transformers (Eht) Used with Tv Picture
Tubes - Part 5 : Lot for Colour Picture Tubes
IS 11171 : 1985
Specification for Dry-Type Power Transformers
IS 11322 : 1985
Method for partial discharge measurement in instrument transformers
IS 11333 : 1985
Specification for Flameproof Dry Type Transformers For Use in Mines
IS QC 260000 :
Transformers and Inductors for Use in Electronic and Telecommunication
Equipment - Part 1 : Generic Specification
IS QC 260100 :
Transformers and Inductors for Use in Electronic and Telecommunication
Equipment - Part 2 : Sectional Specification for Signal Transformers on the
Basis of Capability Approval Procedure
IS QC 260200 :
Transformers and Inductors for Use in Electronic and Telecommunication
Equipment - Part 3 : Sectional Specification for Power Transformers on the
Basis of Capability Approval Procedure
IS QC 260300 :
Transformers and Inductors for Use in Electronic and Telecommunication
Equipment - Part 4 : Sectional Specification for Power Transformers for
Switched Mode Power Supplies (SMPS) on the Basis of Capability
Approval Procedure
IS QC 260400 :
Transformers and Inductors for Use in Electronic and Telecommunication
Equipment - Part 5 : Sectional Specification for Pulse Transformers on the
Basis of Capability Approval Procedure
IS QC 260500 :
Transformers and Inductors for Use in Electronic and Telecommunication
Equipment - Part 6 : Sectional Specification for Inductors on the Basis of
Capability Approval Procedure
IS 1534 : Part 1 :
Ballasts for fluorescent lamps:Part 1 For switch start circuits
IS 4242 : 1967
Methods of measurement of acoustical noise emitted by ballasts for gaseous
discharge lamps
IS 5991 : 1971
Specification for Ballast Rakes
IS 6616 : 1982
Ballasts for high pressure mercury vapour lamps
IS 13021 : Part 1 AC supplied electronic ballasts for tubular florescent lamps: Part 1 General
: 1991
and safety requirements
IS 13021 : Part 2 ac Supplied Electronic Ballasts for Tubular Fluorescent Lamps : 1991
Specification - Part 2 : Performance Requirements
IS 9229 : 1979
Specification for Inductors for Electromagnetic Interference Suppression
American Standards
ANSI C57.12.10-1998, Transformers 230
kV and Below, 833/958 through 8333/10
417 kVA Single Phase, and 750/862
through 60 000/80 000/100 000 kVA
Three Phase, Requirements for
Covers certain electrical, dimensional and
mechanical characteristics and takes into
consideration certain safety features of 60-hz,
two-winding liquid-immersed transformers used
for step-down or step-up purposes rated
833/958 through 8333/10417 kVA, single
phase; 750/862 through 60 000/80 000/100
000 kVA, three-phase without load tap
changing; and 3750/4687 through 60 000/80
000/100 000 kVA with load tap changing.
ANSI C57.12.20-1997, Transformers –
Overhead-Type Distribution
Transformers, 500 kVA and Smaller: High
Voltage, 34 500 Volts and Below; Low
Voltage, 7970/13 800Y Volts and Below
Covers certain electrical, dimensional and
mechanical characteristics.
ANSI C57.12.24-2000, Transformers –
Underground-Type Three-Phase
Distribution Transformers, 2500 kVA and
Smaller: High Voltage 34 500 Grd Y/19
920 Volts and Below; Low Voltage, 480
Volts and Below – Requirements
Covers certain electrical and mechanical
characteristics and takes into consideration
certain safety features of three-phase, 60-Hz,
liquid-immersed, self-cooled, underground-type
transformers rated 2500 KVA abd smaller with
high voltages of 34 500 GRdY/19 920 volts and
below, and with low voltages of 480 volts and
below. These transformers are generally used
for step-down purposes from an underground
primary cable supply and are suitable for
occasional submerged operation.
ANSI C57.12.29-1999, Switchgear and
Transformers – Pad-Mounted Equipment
– Enclosure Integrity for Coastal
Covers conformance tests and requirements
for the intergrity of
above-grade pad-mounted enclosures in
coastal environments containing apparatus
energized in excess of 600 volts that may be
exposed to the public including but not limited
to the following types of equipment enclosures:
pad-mounted capacitors or inductors;
pad-mounted distribution transformers;
pad-mounted junction enclosures;
pad-mounted metering equipment; and
pad-mounted switchgear.
ANSI C57.12.50-1981 (R1998), Distribution
Transformers 1 to 500 kVA,
Single-Phase; and 15 to 500 kVA,
Three-Phase with High-Voltage 601–34
500 Volts, Low Voltage 120–600 Volt,
Ventilated Dry-Type
This standard is intended to set forth
characteristics relating to performance, limited
electrical and mechanical interchangeability,
and saftey of the equipment described, and to
assist in the proper selection of such
ANSI C57.12.51-1981 (R1998), Dry-Type
Power Transformers 501 kVA and Larger,
Three-Phase with High-Voltage 601 to 34
500 Volts, Low-Voltage 208Y/120 to 4160
Volts, Requirements for Ventilated
This standard is intended to set forth
characteristics relating to performance, limited
electrical and mechanical interchangeability,
and saftey of the equipment described, and to
assist in the proper selection of such
ANSI C57.12.52-1981 (R1998), Dry-Type
Power Transformers, 501 kVA and
Larger, Three-Phase with High-Voltage
601 to 34 500 Volts, Low-Voltage
208Y/120 to 4160 Volts, Requirements
for Sealed
This standard describes certain electrical and
mechanical characteristics and takes into
consideration certain saftey features of 60-Hz,
two winding, three-phase, sealed dry-type
transformers rate 501 kVA and larger.
ANSI C57.12.55-1987 (R1998), Dry-Type
Transformers in Unit Installations,
Including Unit Substations –
Conformance Standard
This standard describes certain electrical,
mechanical, and safety requirements and
conformance tests for dry-type distribution and
power transformers and for autotransformers.
These transformers may either be single-phase
or poly-phase, with ventilated, nonventilated or
sealed enclosures
IEEE 111-2000, Standard for Wide Band
(Greater than 1 Decade) Transformers
Pertains to electronic wide-band transformers
transmitting power within a wide band of
frequencies covering typically at least one
decade in the frequency spectrum. Provision is
made for including data for use in the design of
feedback amplifiers and control networks or
other circuits in which the knowledge of the
transformer amplitude and phase-frequency
response is needed by the system designer.
These transformers are required to transform
voltage within specified tolerances of amplitude
and phase when operating between specified
impedances. Guides to the application and test
procedures are included. These appendixes
contain certain precautions and recommended
practices. The standard also pertains to hybrid
transformers, primarily used in the
telecommunications industry. The hybrid
transformer is a wide-band transformer used in
a manner which makes it part of a capacitance,
IEEE 1276-2006, Guide for the Application
of High-Temperature Insulation Materials
in Liquid-Immersed Power Transformers
Technical information is provided related to
liquid-immersed power tranformers insulated
with high-temperature materials. Guidelines for
applying existing qualified high-temperature
materials to certain insulation systems,
recommendations for loading high-temperature
liquid-immersed power transformers, and
technical information on insulation-system
temperature ratings and test procedures for
qualifying new high-temperature materials are
IEEE 1538-2000 (R2005), Guide for
Determination of Maximum Winding
Temperature Rise in Liquid Filled
Provides guidance for determining the
hottest-spot temperature in distribution and
power transformers built in accordance with
IEEE C57.12.00-2000.
IEEE 259-1999 (R2004), Standard Test
Procedure for Evaluation of Systems of
Insulation for Dry-Type Specialty and
General-Purpose Transformers
Provides guidelines for preparing samples,
conducting tests, and analyzing results of test
procedures performed to evaluate insulation
designed for dry-type specialty and
general-purpose transformers.
IEEE 295-1969 (R2000), Electronics Power
Pertains to power transformers and inductors
that are used in electronic equipment and
supplied by power lines or generators of
essentially sine wave or polyphase voltage.
Guides to application and test procedures are
IEEE 388-1992 (R1998), Transformers and
Inductors in Electronic Power Conversion
Pertains to transformers and inductors of both
the saturating and nonsaturating type that are
used in electronic power conversion
equipment. Power conversion equipment
includes items known as inverters, converters,
power conditioners, switching power supplies,
switched mode power supplies, and the like.
These items are mostly devices used to
change dc power from one voltage to another,
to change dc power to ac, and to change ac
power of one frequency to another frequency.
This equipment is best described as utilizing
transistors, silicon controlled rectifiers (SCRs),
or other similar devices that switch power on
and off at a high rate in order to achieve the
power conversion or regulation desired.
Therefore, this standard covers the various
transformers and inductors that are used in any
of the above mentioned equipment or devices,
except for transformers operated directly from
IEEE 389-1996, Recommended Practice for
Testing Electronic Transformers and
Presents a number of tests for use in
determining the significant parameters and
performance characteristics of electronic
transformers and inductors.
IEEE 436-1991 (R1998), Guide for Making
Corona (Partial Discharge)
Measurements on Electronics
This guide covers the detection of corona
(partial discharge) and the measurement of its
magnitude in electronics transformers. Test
conditions, test apparatus, and test
requirements are included.
IEEE 62-1995 (R2005), Guide for
Diagnostic Field Testing of Electric Power
Apparatus – Part 1: Oil Filled Power
Transformers, Regulators, and Reactors
This guide describes diagnostic tests and
measurements which are performed in the field
on oil-immersed power transformers and
regulators. Whenever possible, shunt reactors
are treated in a similar manner to transformers.
IEEE 638-1992 (R2006), Standard for
Qualification of Class 1E Transformers for
Nuclear Power Generating Stations
Procedures for demonstrating the adequacy of
new Class 1E transformers, located in a mild
environment of a nuclear power generating
station, to perform their required safety
functions under postulated service conditions
are presented. Single and three phase
transformers rated 601 V to 15 000 V for the
highest voltage winding and up to 2500 kVA
(self-cooled rating) are covered.
IEEE C57.100-1999, Distribution
Transformers, Test Procedure for
Thermal Evaluation of Oil-Immersed
The procedure is intended to provide a direct
evaluation of the composite insulation system
for either a power or distribution, liquid
immersed transformer.
IEEE C57.116-1990 (R2005), Guide for
Transformers Directly Connected to
Describes selection and application
considerations for the unit transformer and unit
auxiliaries transformer.
IEEE C57.117-1986 (R2005), Guide for
Reporting Failure Data for Power
Transformers and Shunt Reactors on
Electric Utility Power Systems
Addresses the reporting and statistical analysis
of reliability of power transformers and shunt
reactors used on electric utility power systems.
IEEE C57.12.01-2005, Standard General
Requirements for Dry-Type Distribution
and Power Transformers Including Those
with Solid-Cast and/or Resin
Encapsulated Windings
Electrical, mechanical, and safety requirements
of ventilated, non-ventilated, and sealed
dry-type distribution and power transformers or
autotransformers (single and polyphase, with a
voltage of 601 V or higher in the highest
voltage winding) are described.
IEEE C57.12.23-2002, Transformers Underground-Type, Self-Cooled,
Single-Phase Distribution Transformers
with Separable, Insulated, High-Voltage
Connectors; High Voltage (24 940
GrdY/14 400 V and Below) and Low
Voltage (240/120 V 167 kVA and
Intended for use as a basis for determining
performance, interchangeability, and safety of
the equipment covered, and to assist in the
proper selection of such equipment. Covers
certain electrical, dimensional, and mechanical
characteristics and takes
IEEE C57.12.34-2004, Standard
Requirements for Pad-Mounted,
Compartmental-Type, Self-Cooled,
Three-Phase Distribution Transformers,
2500 kVA and Smaller: High-Voltage, 34
500 GrdY/19 920 Volts and Below; Low
Voltage 480 Volts and Below
Intended for use as a basis for determining
performance, interchangeability, and safety of
the equipment covered, and to assist in the
proper selection of such equipment.
IEEE C57.12.35-1996 (R2004), Standard
Bar Coding for Distribution Transformers
Sets forth bar code label requirements for
overhead, padmounted, and underground-type
distribution transformers. Includes
requirements for data content, symbology, label
layout, print quality, and label life expectancy.
IEEE C57.12.37-2006, Standard for the
Electronic Reporting of Distribution
Transformer Test Data
Provides a basis for the electronic reporting of
transformer test data on liquid immersed
distribution transformers.
IEEE C57.12.56-1994 (R1998), Test
Procedure for Thermal Evaluation of
Insulation Systems for Ventilated
Dry-Type Power and Distribution
Transformers (reinstatement of
administratively withdrawn standard)
Establishes a uniform method for determining
the temperature classification of ventilated
dry-type power and distribution transformer
insulation systems by test rather than by
chemical composition.
IEEE C57.12.58-1991 (R2002), Guide for
Conducting a Transient Voltage Analysis
of a Dry Type Transformer Coil
Covers general recommendations for
measuring voltage transients in dry-type
distribution and power transformers.
IEEE C57.12.59-2002, Guide for Dry-Type
Transformer Through-Fault Current
Sets forth recommendations believed essential
for the application of overcurrent protective
devices applied to limit the exposure time of
dry-type transformers to short-circuit currents.
IEEE C57.12.60-1998, Guide for Test
Procedures for Thermal Evaluation of
Insulation Systems for Solid Cast and
Resin-Encapsulated Power and
Distribution Transformers
Modifies an existing standard to a Guide and
expands its scope for improved application of
the procedures for thermal evaluation of resin
cast transformers.
IEEE C57.12.70-2000 (R2006), Standard
Terminal Markings and Connections for
Distribution and Power Transformers
Standard terminal markings and connections
are described for single-phase and three-phase
distribution, power, and regulating
IEEE C57.12.80-2002, Terminology for
Power and Distribution Transformers
Is a compilation of terminology and definitions
primarily related to electric power and
distribution transformers and associated
apparatus. Also includes similar data relating
to power systems and insulation that is
commonly involved in transformer technology.
IEEE C57.12.90-1999, Test Code for
Liquid-Immersed Distribution, Power and
Regulating Transformers and Guide for
Short-Circuit Testing of Distribution and
Power Transformers
Describe methods for performing tests
specified in American National Standard
General Requirements for Liquid-Immersed
Distribution, Power and Regulating
Transformers, ANSI/IEEE C57.12.00-1993, and
other standards applicable to liquid-immersed
distribution, power, and regulating
transformers. It is intended for use as a basis
for performance, safety, and proper testing of
such transformers. This standard applies to all
liquid-immersed transformers except
instrument transformers, step-voltage and
induction voltage regulators, arc furnace
transformers, rectifier transformers, specialty
transformers, grounding transformers, and
mine transformers. When this standard is used
on a mandatory basis, the words shall and
must indicate mandatory requirements. The
words should and may refer to matters that are
recommended or permissive, but not
IEEE C57.120-1991 (R2006), Loss
Evaluation Guide for Power Transformers
and Reactors
A method for establishing the dollar value of
the electric power needed to supply the losses
of a transformer or reactor is provided.
IEEE C57.124-1991 (R1996), Detection of
Partial Discharges and the Measurement
of Apparent Charge in Dry Type
Applies to the detection of partial discharges
occurring in the insulation of dry-type
transformers or their components, and to the
measurement of the associated charge at the
terminals when an alternating test voltage is
IEEE C57.13-2003, Standard Requirements
for Instrument Transformers
Electrical, dimensional, and mechanical
characteristics are covered, taking into
consideration certain safety features, for
current and inductively coupled voltage
transformers of types generally used in the
measurement of electricity and the control of
equipment associated with the generation,
transmission, and distribution of alternating
current. The aim is to provide a basis for
performance, interchangeability, and safety of
equipment covered, and to assist in the proper
selection of such equipment. Accuracy classes
for metering service are provided. The test
code covers measurement and calculation of
ratio and phase angle, demagnetization,
impedance and excitation measurements,
polarity determination, resistance
measurements, short-time characteristics,
temperature-rise tests, dielectric tests, and
measurement of open-circuit voltage of current
IEEE C57.13.1-1981 (R1999), Field Testing
of Relaying Current Transformers
Describe field test methods that will assure that
the current transformers are connected
properly, are of marked ratio and polarity, and
are in condition to perform as designed both
initially and after a period of service.
IEEE C57.13.2-2005, Standard
Conformance Test Procedure for
Instrument Transformers
Describes the tests and documentary
requirements for conducting a conformance
test on instrument transformers. Covers test
requirements and control functions on 60 Hz
primary systems with voltages from 600 volts
through 38 kV.
IEEE C57.13.3-2005, Guide for Grounding
of Instrument Transformer Secondary
Circuits and Cases
Provides information on the grounding of:
secondary circuits of electromagnetic current
transformer (CT) and voltage transformer (VT)
circuits; cases of relays, CTs and VTs;
secondary circuits of opto-electronic CTs and
VTs. The primary emphases of this guide are
personnel safety and proper performance of
relays at electric power frequencies.
IEEE C57.13.6-2005, Standard for High
Accuracy Instrument Transformers
Defines one new 0.15 voltage transformer
accuracy class, two new 0.15 current
transformer accuracy classes, two new current
transformer burdens, and two new current
transformer routine accuracy test methods.
IEEE C57.136-2000 (R2005), Guide for
Sound Level Abatement and
Determination for Liquid-Immersed Power
Transformers and Shunt Reactors Rated
Over 500 kVA
Guidelines are provided for the selection of
suitable sound reduction methods in
oil-immersed power transformers and shunt
reactors over 500 kVA.
IEEE C57.138-1998 (R200x),
Recommended Practice for Routine
Impulse Test for Distribution
General test procedures for performing routine
quality control test that is suitable for
high-volume production line testing.
Transformer connections, test methods, circuit
configurations, and failure detection methods
are addressed. Covers liquid-immersed, singleand
three-phase distribution transformers.
IEEE C57.144-2004, Guide for Metric
Conversion of Transformer Standards
This guide assists IEEE Power Engineering
Society/Transformer Committee Working
Groups in the interpretation of IEEE/ASTM SI
10-2002 and other appropriate standards as
they convert their document to the use of SI
IEEE C57.146-2005, Guide for the
Interpretation of Gases Generated in
Silicone-Immersed Transformers
Assists the transformer operator in evaluating
Dissolved Gas Analysis (DGA) data obtained
for silicone-filled transformers.
IEEE C57.18.10-1998 (R2003), Standard
Practices and Requirements for
Semiconductor Power Rectifier
Includes practices and requirements for
semiconductor power rectifier transformers for
dedicated loads rated single-phase 300 kW
and above and three-phase 500 kW and above
IEEE C57.91-2004, Guide for Loading
Mineral-Oil-Immersed Transformers
General recommendations for loading 65
degree C rise mineral-oil-immersed distribution
and power transformers are covered.
IEEE C57.93-1995 (R2001), Guide for
Installation of Liquid Immersed Power
Applies to the shipping, handling, inspection,
installation, and maintenance of
liquid-immersed power transformers rated 501
kVA and above with secondary voltages of
1000 V and above.
IEEE C57.96-1999 (R2004), Distribution
and Power Transformers, Guide for
Loading Dry-Type (appendix to ANSI
C57.12 standards)
General recommendations for the loading of
dry-type distribution and power transformers
that have 80 C, 115 C, and 150 C average
winding rises and insulation systems limited to
150 C, 180 C, and 220 C maximum
hottest-spot operating temperatures,
respectively, are covered in this guide.
IEEE C57.98-1993 (R1999), Impulse Tests,
Guide for Transformer (appendix to
ANSI/IEEE C57.12.90)
Adds background information that will aid in the
interpretation and application of standards for
impulse tests for power transformers,
distribution transformers, and instrument
ANSI/NECA 409-2002, Recommended
Practice for Installing and Maintaining
Dry-Type Transformers
Describes installation procedures for singleand
three-phase distribution and power
transformers and associated accessories rated
600 Volts AC or less, and 0.25 kVA or more, of
the following types:
1) Ventilated, indoor and outdoor,
self-cooled or forced air cooled.
2) Nonventilated, indoor and outdoor,
self-cooled or forced air cooled.
This publication applies to general purpose,
dry-type, two-winding transformers used for
supplying power, heating and lighting loads for
commercial, institutional, and industrial use in
nonhazardous locations both indoors and
outdoors. lso covers periodic routine
maintenance and troubleshooting procedures
for transformers, and special procedures used
after adverse operating conditions such as a
short-circuit, ground-fault, or immersion in
ANSI/NECA 410-2005, Standard for
Installing and Maintaining Liquid-Filled
This recommended practice describes
installation procedures for pad-mounted,
sealed, self-cooled, compartmental, single and
three phase liquid filled distribution and power
ANSI C82.7-1983 (R2003), Mercury Lamp
Transformers, Constant Current (Series)
Supply Type, Specifications for
Concerns Mercury Lamp Transformers Constant-Current (Series) Supply Type
ANSI C82.8-1988 (R2003), Lamp
Transformers – Incandescent Filament
Lamp Transformers – Constant-Current
(Series) Supply Type
IEEE C57.12.40-2006, Standard
Requirements for Secondary Network
Transformers, Subway and Vault Types
Covers certain electrical, dimensional, and
mechanical characteristics and takes into
consideration certain safety features of
three-phase, 60 Hz, liquid-immersed,
secondary network transformers with a three
position grounding switch, subway and vault
types, rated 2500 kVA and smaller; primary 34
400 volts and below; secondary 216Y/125 volts
and 480Y/277 volts.
ANSI/NETA MTS 7.2.1-2001, NETA
Maintenance Testing Specifications for
Dry-Type Transformers: Air-Cooled, 600
Volts and Below - Small (167 kV
Single-Phase, 500 kVA Three-Phase, and
Smaller) and Air-Cooled, All Above 600
Volts and 600 Volts and Below - Large
Provises a specification for electrical
maintenance testing of Dry-Type Transformers:
Air-Cooled, 600 Volts and Below - Small (167
kV Single-Phase, 500 kVA Three-Phase, and
Smaller) and Air-Cooled, All Above 600 Volts
and 600 Volts and Below- Large (Greater than
167 kV Single-Phase and 500 kVA
Three-Phase)Specification for electrical
maintenance testing of Dry-Type Transformers:
Air-Cooled, 600 Volts and Below - Small (167
kV Single-Phase, 500 kVA Three-Phase, and
Smaller) and Air-Cooled, All Above 600 Volts
and 600 Volts and Below- Large (Greater than
167 kV Single-Phase and 500 kVA
Three-Phase) This standard was listed for
public review in the 6/16/2000 issue of
Standards Action. It is being resubmitted due
to substantive changes to the text. This
announcement concerns substantive changes
made at the Committee level following the
ANSI/NETA MTS 7.2.2-2001, Maintenance
Testing Specifications for Liquid-Filled
Provides a specification for electrical
maintenance testing of liquid-filled
transformers.Specification for electrical
maintenance testing of liquid-filled
transformers. This standard was listed for
public review in the 6/16/2000 issue of
Standards Action. It is being resubmitted due
to substantive changes to the text. This
announcement concerns substantive changes
made at the Committee level following the
Public Comment period previously published in
ANSI Standards Action. No Public Comments
were received during the initial announcement.
Only the substantive changes are open for
ANSI/SCTE 120-2006, Test Method for
Balance Ratio of 75-300 Ohm Matching
This test procedure provides a method for
measuring the balance ratio of broadband radio
frequency (RF) devices whose primary purpose
is to provide an impedance and connector
match between 75 W, coaxial, type
“F” and 300 W twin-lead open
screw connectorized devices.
UL 1561-2005, Dry-Type General Purpose
and Power Transformers
Resolve comments received in response to a
proposal to revise the Definition of Type 3R
Enclosures Provided in Table 5.3 of UL 1561.
The original proposal was posted by UL on
March 25, 2005.
UL 1585-2006, Standard for Safety for
Class 2 and Class 3 Transformers
Propose the removal of all references to
Fahrenheit from UL 1585 and a revision of the
maximum allowable voltage potential of
transformers specified in Table 21.2 of UL
UL 506-2005, Specialty Transformers
Resolve comments received in response to
proposals to revise UL 506 by: 1) Adding New
Requirements for Applying Insulation Between
the Input and Output Windings of
Concentrically Wound Transformers; 2)
Revising the Procedure for Conducting the
Heating Test; and 3) Adding Requirements for
Specialty Step-Up Transformers. The original
proposals were posted by UL on March 25,
UL 5085-1-2006, Standard for Safety for
Low Voltage Transformers - Part 1:
General Requirements
Resolve comments received by UL in response
to the proposed new Standard UL 5085-1. The
original proposal for the new standard was
posted by UL on April 22, 2005.
UL 5085-2-2006, Standard for Safety for
Low Voltage Transformers - Part 2:
General Purpose Transformers
Resolve comments received by UL in response
to the proposed new Standard UL 5085-2. The
original proposal for the new standard was
posted by UL on April 22, 2005.
UL 5085-3-2006, Standard for Safety for
Low Voltage Transformers - Part 3: Class
2 and Class 3 Transformers
Resolve comments received by UL in response
to the proposed new Standard UL 5085-3. The
original proposal for the new standard was
posted by UL on April 22, 2005.
International Standards
IEC 60044-1 Amd.1 Ed. 1.0 b:2000 Amendment 1 - Instrument transformers - Part 1:
Current transformers
IEC 60044-1 Amd.2 Ed. 1.0 b:2002 Amendment 2 - Instrument transformers - Part 1:
Current transformers
IEC 60044-1 Ed. 1.2 b:2003 Instrument transformers - Part 1: Current
"Applies to newly manufactured current transformers for use
with electrical measuring instruments and electrical protective
devices at frequencies from 15 Hz to 100 Hz. Applies basically
to transformers with separate windings, but also to
IEC 60044-2 Amd.1 Ed. 1.0 b:2000 Amendment 1 - Instrument transformers - Part 2:
Inductive voltage transformers
IEC 60044-2 Amd.2 Ed. 1.0 b:2002 Amendment 2 - Instrument transformers - Part 2:
Inductive voltage transformers
IEC 60044-2 Ed. 1.2 b:2003 Instrument transformers - Part 2 : Inductive
voltage transformers
IEC 60044-3 Ed. 2.0 b:2002 Instrument transformers - Part 3: Combined
"This part of IEC 60044 applies to newly manufactured
combined transformers for use with electrical measuring
instruments and electrical protective devices at frequencies
from 15 Hz to 100 Hz. The requirements and tests of this
standard, in addition to the requirements and tests of IEC
60044-1, IEC 60044-2 and IEC 60044-5 cover current, voltage
and capacitor voltage transformers, that are necessary for
combined instrument transformers. This standard shall be
used in conjunction with IEC 60044-1 and IEC 60044-2. "
IEC 60044-5 Ed. 1.0 b:2004 Instrument transformers - Part 5: Capacitor
voltage transformers
"This part of IEC 60044 applies to new single-phase capacitor
voltage transformers connected between line and ground for
system voltages Um 72,5 kV at power frequencies from 15
Hz to 100 Hz. They are intended to supply a low voltage for
measurement, control and protective functions. The capacitor
voltage transformer can be equipped with or without
carrier-frequency accessories for power line carrier-frequency
(PLC) application at carrier frequencies from 30 kHz to 500
kHz. "
IEC 60044-6 Ed. 1.0 b:1992 Instrument transformers - Part 6: Requirements for
protective current transformers for transient
"Concerns requirements and tests, in addition to those given in
chapter 1 of IEC 60185, that are necessary when inductive
current transformers are used with electrical protective
schemes in which the prime requirement is the maintenance of
a defined performance up to several times the rated current
when the current contains an exponentially decaying d.c.
component of defined time constant. "
IEC 60044-7 Ed. 1.0 b:1999 Instrument transformers - Part 7: Electronic
voltage transformers
"Applies to newly manufactured electronic voltage
transformers with analogue output, for use with electrical
measuring instruments and electrical protective devices at
frequencies from 15 Hz to 100 Hz. The standard covers optical
arrangements with electronic components. Three-phase
voltage transformers are not included, but some of the
requirements apply."
IEC 60044-8 Ed. 1.0 en:2002 Instrument transformers - Part 8: Electronic
current transformers
"This part of IEC 60044 applies to newly manufactured
electronic current transformers having an analogue voltage
output or a digital output, for use with electrical measuring
instruments and electrical protective devices at nominal
frequencies from 15 Hz to 100 Hz."
IEC 60050-321 Ed. 1.0 b:1986 International Electrotechnical Vocabulary. Chapter
321: Instrument transformers
IEC 60050-421 Ed. 1.0 b:1990 International Electrotechnical Vocabulary. Chapter
421: Power transformers and reactors
IEC 60076-1 Amd.1 Ed. 2.0 b:1999 Amendment 1 - Power transformers - Part 1:
IEC 60076-1 Ed. 2.1 b:2000 Power transformers - Part 1: General Applies to three-phase
and single-phase transformers
including autotransformers. Defines the rating and connection
symbols. Gives certain specifications for transformers having a
tapped winding. Defines information which shall be marked on
the rating plate and the tests to be conducted. Supersedes
IEC 60076-1(1976) and IEC 60076-4 (1976).
IEC 60076-10 Ed. 1.0 b:2005 Power transformers - Part 10: Determination of
sound levels
"Defines sound pressure and sound intensity measurement
methods by which sound power levels of transformers,
reactors and their associated cooling auxiliaries may be
determined. Is applicable to transformers and reactors covered
by the IEC 60076 series, IEC 60289, and the IEC 61378
series, without limitation as regards size or voltage and when
fitted with their normal cooling auxiliaries. "
IEC 60076-10-1 Ed. 1.0 b:2005 Power transformers - Part 10-1: Determination of
sound levels - Application guide
"Provides supporting information to help both manufacturers
and purchasers apply the measurement techniques described
in IEC 60076-10. Describes the sources and characteristics of
transformer and reactor sound, provides practical guidance on
making measurements, and discusses factors that may
influence the accuracy of the methods. Is applicable to
transformers and reactors together with their associated
cooling auxiliaries."
IEC 60076-11 Ed. 1.0 b:2004 Power transformers - Part 11: Dry-type
"Applies to dry-type power transformers (including
auto-transformers) having values of highest voltage for
equipment up to and including 36 kV and at least one winding
operating at greater than 1,1 kV. Applies to all construction
IEC 60076-13 Ed. 1.0 b:2006 Power transformers - Part 13: Self-protected
liquid-filled transformers
"Applies to high-voltage/low-voltage self-protected liquid-filled
and naturally cooled transformers for rated power 50 kVA to 1
000 kVA for indoor or outdoor use having a primary winding
(high-voltage) with highest voltage for equipment up to 24 kV;
a secondary winding (low-voltage) with highest voltage for
equipment of 1,1 kV."
IEC 60076-2 Ed. 2.0 b:1993 Power transformers - Part 2: Temperature rise "Includes
clauses on identification according to cooling
method, temperature-rise limits and type tests of temperature
rise. "
IEC 60076-3 Ed. 2.0 b:2000 "Power transformers - Part 3: Insulation levels,
dielectric tests and external clearances in air "
Gives insulation requirements for power transformers and the
corresponding insulation tests for specific windings. Applies to
single-phase and three-phase oil-immersed power
transformers as defined in the IEC 60076-1. It Includes
appendices on: partial discharge measurements during
induced a.c. withstand voltage test on transformers;
overvoltage transferred from a high-voltage winding to a
low-voltage winding; information to be supplied with enquiries
and orders.
IEC 60076-4 Ed. 1.0 b:2002 Power transformers - Part 4: Guide to the lightning
impulse and switching impulse testing - Power
transformers and reactors
"Gives guidance and explanatory comments on the existing
procedures for lightning and switching impulse testing of power
transformers to supplement the requirements of IEC 60076-3.
Also generally applicable to the testing of reactors (see IEC
60289), modifications to power transformer procedures being
indicated where required. Information is given on waveshapes,
test circuits including test connections, earthing practices,
failure detection methods, test procedures, measuring
techniques and interpretation of results."
IEC 60076-5 Ed. 3.0 b:2006 Power transformers - Part 5: Ability to withstand
short circuit
Identifies the requirements for power transformers to sustain
without damage the effects of overcurrents originated by
external short circuits. Describes the calculation procedures
used to demonstrate the thermal ability of a power transformer
to withstand such overcurrents and both the special test and
the theoretical evaluation method used to demonstrate the
ability to withstand the relevant dynamic effects.
IEC 60076-7 Ed. 1.0 b:2005 Power transformers - Part 7: Loading guide for
oil-immersed power transformers
Is applicable to oil-immersed transformers and describes the
effect of operation under various ambient temperatures and
load conditions on transformer life.
IEC 60076-8 Ed. 1.0 b:1997 Power transformers - Part 8: Application guide "Provides
information to users about certain fundamental
service characteristics of different transformer connections and
magnetic circuit designs; system fault currents; parallel
operation of transformers, calculation of voltage drop or rise
under load; selection of rated quantities and tapping quantities;
application of transformers of conventional design to convertor
loading; measuring techniques etc.... Cancels and replaces
IEC 60606"
IEC 60076-SER Ed. 1.0 b:2006 Power transformers - ALL PARTS This pack contains all
parts to IEC 60076
IEC 60092-303 Amd.1 Ed. 3.0 b:1997 Amendment 1 - Electrical installations in ships.
Part 303: Equipment - Transformers for power and
IEC 60092-303 Ed. 3.0 b:1980 Electrical installations in ships. Part 303:
Equipment - Transformers for power and lighting
"Applies to all transformers used for power lighting and static
convertors and, where appropriate, starting transformers,
static balancers, saturable reactors and transductors. "
IEC 60146-1-3 Ed. 3.0 b:1991 Semiconductor convertors - General requirements
and line commutated convertors - Part 1-3:
Transformers and reactors
"Specifies characteristics wherein convertor transformers differ
from ordinary power transformers. In all other respects, the
rules specified in IEC 60076 shall apply. "
IEC 60588-1 Ed. 1.0 b:1977 Askarels for transformers and capacitors. Part 1:
"Describes the electrical applications of askarels, the benefits
and risks arising from their use as well as various aspects
related to safety, disposal, packaging and labelling. "
IEC 60588-2 Ed. 1.0 b:1978 Askarels for transformers and capacitors. Part 2:
Test methods
Describes the test methods which are to be employed to test
properties of used and unused askarels.
IEC 60588-3 Ed. 1.0 b:1977 Askarels for transformers and capacitors. Part 3:
Specifications for new askarels
"Contains the requirements relating to the physical, chemical
and electrical properties of two types of askarel for capacitors
and four types of askarel for transformers. "
IEC 60588-4 Ed. 1.0 b:1979 Askarels for transformers and capacitors. Part 4:
Guide for maintenance of transformer askarels in
"The purpose of this guide is to assist the power equipment
operator in evaluating askarels in transformers, reactors and
accessory equipment operated at power frequencies and in his
efforts to maintain askarels in serviceable condition. It
recommends standardized tests and evaluation procedures.
Methods are outlined for reconditioning and reclaiming
askarels whenever necessary. Precautions are also outlined
for the disposal of unserviceable askarels in order to prevent
environmental pollution. Local regulations should be followed. "
IEC 60588-5 Ed. 1.0 b:1979 Askarels for transformers and capacitors. Part 5:
Screening test for compatibility of materials and
transformer askarels
"The method described uses the changes of electrical and/or
chemical characteristics of askarels, as well as various
physical tests on materials exposed to askarels, in order to
eliminate those materials which are not suitable owing to their
contaminating effect on askarels. "
IEC 60588-6 Ed. 1.0 b:1979 Askarels for transformers and capacitors. Part 6:
Screening test for effects of materials on capacitor
The method described uses the change of electrical
characteristics of askarels to eliminate those materials which
are not suitable owing to their contaminating effect on the
IEC 60740-1 Ed. 1.0 en:2005 Laminations for transformers and inductors - Part
1: Mechanical and electrical characteristics
"Specifies the characteristics of laminations normally used as
cores for transformers and inductors. The laminations are
made of sheets and strips of magnetic materials, specified in
IEC 60404-8-4 and IEC 60404-8-7."
IEC 60740-2 Ed. 1.0 b:1993 Laminations for transformers and inductors for use
in telecommunication and electronic equipment Part 2: Specification for the minimum
permeabilities of laminations made of soft
magnetic metallic materials
"Specifies requirements for the minimum permeabilities of
laminations made of silicon-iron and nickel-iron alloys as
defined by the alloy classes C2, E1, E3 and E4 of IEC
60404-1. "
IEC 60787 Ed. 1.0 b:1983 Application guide for the selection of fuse-links of
high-voltage fuses for transformer circuit
"Applies to the use, for transformer circuit applications, of
fuse-links of fuses complying with the requirements of IEC
60282-1. Specifies criteria for co-ordination of high-voltage
fuse-links with other circuit components in transformer
applications and gives guidance for the selection of such
fuse-!inks with particular reference to their time/current
characteristics and ratings. "
IEC 60852-1 Ed. 1.0 b:1986 Outline dimensions of transformers and inductors
for use in telecommunication and electronic
equipment. Part 1: Transformers and inductors
using YEI-1 laminations
"Specifies the outline dimensions of transformers and
inductors, using E and I laminations, built for the three most
commonly used forms of mounting style, namely bracket
mounting, U-clamp mounting and printed wiring board
mounting. "
IEC 60852-2 Ed. 1.0 b:1992 Outline dimensions of transformers and inductors
for use in telecommunication and electronic
equipment - Part 2: Transformers and inductors
using YEx-2 laminations for printed wiring board
IEC 60852-3 Ed. 1.0 b:1992 Outline dimensions of transformers and inductors
for use in telecommunication and electronic
equipment - Part 3: Transformers and inductors
using YUI-1 laminations
"Specifies the outline dimensions of transformers and
inductors, using U and I laminations, built for the most
commonly used forms of mounting style, namely vertical
mounting and level mounting. "
IEC 60852-4 Ed. 1.0 b:1996 Outline dimensions of transformers and inductors
for use in telecommunication and electronic
equipment - Part 4: Transformers and inductors
using YUI-2 laminations
"Specifies the outline dimensions of transformers and
inductors, using YUI-2 laminations, built for the most
commonly used forms of mounting style. "
IEC 60852-5 Ed. 1.0 b:1994 Outline dimensions of transformers and inductors
for use in telecommunication and electronic
equipment - Part 5: Transformers and inductors
using the series Q of C-cores
"Specifies the outline dimensions of transformers and
inductors, using the series Q of C-cores in accordance with
IEC 60329 for assembly forms H, J and U. "
IEC 61007 Ed. 2.0 b:1994 Transformers and inductors for use in electronic
and telecommunication equipment - Measuring
methods and test procedures
"Describes measuring methods and test procedures for
inductors and transformers for use in electronic and
telecommunication equipment that may be involved in any
specifications for such components, in particular those forming
part of the IEC Quality Assessment System for Electronic
Components (IECQ).
IEC 61021-1 Ed. 1.0 b:1990 Laminated core packages for transformers and
inductors used in telecommunication and
electronic equipment - Part 1: Dimensions
"Specifies the dimensions, with their associated tolerances, of
a range of laminated core packages using YEE 2 laminations,
both in their standard configuration and for assemblies using
two larger E parts. "
IEC 61021-2 Ed. 1.0 b:1995 Laminated core packages for transformers and
inductors for use in telecommunication and
electronic equipment - Part 2: Electrical
characteristics for cores using YEE2 laminations
Specifies the electrical characteristics of laminated core
packages using YEE 2 laminations according to IEC 60740. It
also gives the marking and packaging requirements.
IEC 61248-1 Ed. 1.0 b:1996 Transformers and inductors for use in electronic
and telecommunication equipment - Part 1:
Generic specification
Prescribes the compliance requirements for manufacturers of
transformers and inductors for use in electronic equipment in
order to obtain capability approval and the component test
schedules to be used for the assessment of that capability.
IEC 61248-2 Ed. 1.0 b:1996 Transformers and inductors for use in electronic
and telecommunication equipment - Part 2:
Sectional specification for signal transformers on
the basis of the capability approval procedure
"Specifies how to prepare detail specifications for signal
transforme rs. Includes a blank detail specification, which
shows the format, a nd indicates which tests are considered to
be appropriate to this type of component. "
IEC 61248-3 Ed. 1.0 b:1996 Transformers and inductors for use in electronic
and telecommunication equipment - Part 3:
Sectional specification for power transformers on
the basis of the capability approval procedure
"Specifies how to prepare detail specifications for power
transformers. Includes a blank detail specification, which
shows the format, and indicates which tests are considered to
be appropriate to this type of component. "
IEC 61248-4 Ed. 1.0 b:1996 Transformers and inductors for use in electronic
and telecommunication equipment - Part 4:
Sectional specification for power transformers for
switched mode power supplies (SMPS) on the
basis of the capability approval procedure
"Specifies how to prepare detail specifications for SMPS power
transformers. Includes a blank detail specification, which
shows the format, and indicates which tests are considered to
be appropriate to this type of component. "
IEC 61248-5 Ed. 1.0 b:1996 Transformers and inductors for use in electronic
and telecommunication equipment - Part 5:
Sectional specification for pulse transformers on
the basis of the capability approval procedure
"Specifies how to prepare detail specifications for pulse
transformers. Includes a blank detail specification, which
shows the format, and indicates which tests are considered to
be appropriate to this type of component. "
IEC 61248-6 Ed. 1.0 b:1996 Transformers and inductors for use in electronic
and telecommunication equipment - Part 6:
Sectional specification for inductors on the basis of
the capability approval procedure
"Specifies how to prepare detail specifications for inductors.
Includes a blank detail specification, which shows the format,
and indicates which tests are considered to be appropriate to
this type of component. "
IEC 61248-7 Ed. 1.0 b:1997 Transformers and inductors for use in electronic
and telecommunication equipment - Part 7:
Sectional specification for high-frequency
inductors and intermediate frequency transformers
on the basis of the capability approval procedure
"Specifies how to prepare detail specifications for
high-frequency inductors and intermediate frequency
transformers between 10 kHz and 2 GHz.Includes a blank
detail specification, which shows the format and indicates
which tests are considered to be appropriate to this type of
component. "
IEC 61378-1 Ed. 1.0 b:1997 Convertor transformers - Part 1: Transformers for
industrial applications
"Deals with specifications, design and testing of power
transformers and reactors which are intended for integration
within semiconductor convertor plants. It is limited to
applications of power convertors of any power rating for local
distribution and for equipment not exceeding 36kV. It is not
applicable to transformers for HVDC power transmission."
IEC 61378-2 Ed. 1.0 b:2001 Convertor transformers - Part 2: Transformers for
HVDC applications
" This part of IEC 61378 applies to oil-immersed three-phase
and -single-phase convertor transformers for use in HVDC
power transmission. It applies to transformers having two,
three or multiple windings. This standard does not apply to
convertor transformers for industrial applications (see IEC
61378-1) and to convertor transformers for traction
applications (see IEC 60310). "
IEC 61378-3 Ed. 1.0 b:2006 Converter transformers - Part 3: Application guide "Provides
information to users about specific topics related to
industrial and HVDC converter transformers with design,
construction, testing and operating conditions differing from
conventional transformers used in power systems. Also
provides manufacturers with the technical background that
forms the basis for the principles used within IEC 61378-1 and
IEC 61378-2. Supplements the information provided in IEC
IEC 61558-2-1 Ed. 1.0 b:1997 "Safety of power transformers, power suply units
and similar - Part 2: Particular requirements for
separating transformers for general use "
"This part 2 of IEC 61558 applies to stationary or portable,
single-phase or polyphase, air-cooled separating transformers,
associated or not. It has the status of a group safety
publication in accordance with IEC Guide 104. This part 2
supplements or modifies the corresponding clauses in IEC
61558-1 This Standard replaces Chapter I of IEC 60989 "
IEC 61558-2-12 Ed. 1.0 b:2001 "Safety of power transformers, power supply units
and similar devices - Part 2-12: Particular
requirements for constant voltage transformers"
"This part 2 of IEC 61558 is intended to be used in conjunction
with IEC 61558-1. This international standard deals with all
aspects of safety such as electrical, thermal and mechanical.
This part of IEC 61558 applies to stationary or portable,
single-phase or polyphase, air-cooled (natural or forced),
associated or independent: - constant voltage
auto-transformers; - constant voltage separating transformers;
- constant voltage isolating transformers; - constant voltage
safety isolating transformers; having a rated supply voltage
not exceeding 1 000 V a.c., a rated frequency not exceeding
500 Hz, an internal operational frequency not exceeding 30
kHz and no limitation of the rated output. It has the status of a
group safety publication in accordance with IEC Guide 104 "
IEC 61558-2-13 Ed. 1.0 b:1999 "Safety of power transformers, power supply units
and similar devices - Part 2-13: Particular
requirements for auto-transformers for general
"Deals with all aspects of safety such as electrical, thermal and
mechanical. This part 2-13 of IEC 61558 applies to
stationary or portable, single-phase or polyphase, air-cooled
(natural or forced), independent or associated
auto-transformers, having a rated supply voltage not
exceeding 1000 V a.c., a rated frequency not exceeding 500
Hz. This part 2-13 is intended to be used in conjunction with
IEC 61558-1. This standard replaces Chapter III of IEC
60989. It has the status of a group safety publication in
accordance with IEC Guide 104."
IEC 61558-2-15 Ed. 1.0 b:1999 "Safety of power transformers, power supply units
and similar - Part 2-15: Particular requirements for
isolating transformers for the supply of medical
"This part 2-15 of IEC 61558 applies to stationary,
single-phase or polyphase, air-cooled (natural or forced)
isolating transformers for the supply of group II medical
locations, designed to be permanently connected to the fixed
wiring of IT supply system. This standard also applies to
transformers incorporating electronic circuits. This standard
does not apply to external circuits and their components
intended to be connected to the input and output terminals or
socket-outlets of the transformer. It has the status of a group
safety publication in accordance with IEC Guide 104. This
part 2 is intended to be used in conjunction with IEC 61558-1."
IEC 61558-2-17 Ed. 1.0 b:1997 "Safety of power transformers, power supply units
and similar - Part 2: Particular requirements for
transformers for switch mode power supplies "
"This part 2 of IEC 61558 applies to associated power
transformers for switch mode power supplies, single-phase or
polyphase, air-cooled: separating transformers; isolating
transformers; safety isolating transformers, 10 kVA for
single-phase transformers; 16 kVA for polyphase
transformers. This standard is applicable to dry type
transformers. The windings may be encapsulated or
non-encapsulated. It has the status of a group safety
publication in accordance with IEC Guide 104 This part 2
supplements or modifies the corresponding clauses in IEC
61558-1 "
IEC 61558-2-19 Ed. 1.0 b:2000 "Safety of power transformers, power supply units
and similar devices - Part 2-19: Particular
requirements for perturbation attenuation
transformers "
"This International Standard deals with all aspects of safety
such as electrical, thermal and mechanical. This part 2-19 of
IEC 61558 applies to stationary or portable, single-phase or
poly-phase, air-cooled (natural or forced), independent or
associated, isolating or safety isolating transformers, having a
rated supply voltage not exceeding 1 000 V a.c., a rated
frequency not exceeding 500 Hz, a rated output not exceeding
10 kVA. Perturbation attenuation transformers are intended to
the supply of office machines and the like and have a
mid-point lead out in the output circuit in order to attenuate
mains borne disturbances. In addition, double or reinforced
insulation between circuits required by the installation rules or
by the appliance specification is fulfilled by using this
transformer. This part 2-19 is intended to be used in
conjunction with IEC 61558-1 It has the status of a group
safety publication in accordance with IEC Guide 104. "
IEC 61558-2-2 Ed. 1.0 b:1997 "Safety of power transformers, power supply units
and similar - Part 2-2: Particular requirements for
control transformers "
"This part of IEC 61558 applies to stationary or portable,
single-phase or poly-phases, air-cooled control transformers
associated or otherwise. It has the status of a group safety
publication in accordance with IEC Guide 104. This part 2-2
supplements or modifies the corresponding clauses in IEC
61558-1. This standard replaces chapter II, section 1 of IEC
IEC 61558-2-20 Ed. 1.0 b:2000 "Safety of power transformers, power supply units
and similar devices - Part 2-20: Particular
requirements for small reactors "
"This part of IEC 61558 applies to stationary or portable,
single-phase or poly-phase, air-cooled (natural or forced)
general purpose small reactors, including alternating current,
premagnetised and current compensated reactors,
independent or associated, having a rated supply voltage not
exceeding 1000 V a.c. or d.c. and rated frequency not
exceeding 1 MHz, the rated power not exceeding - 2 kVAR
a.c. (2 kW d.c.) for single-phase reactors; - 10 kVAR a.c. (10
kW d.c.) for poly-phase reactors. This part 2-20 is intended to
be used in conjunction with IEC 61558-1. It has the status of a
group safety publication in accordance with IEC Guide 104. "
IEC 61558-2-23 Ed. 1.0 b:2000 "Safety of power transformers, power supply units
and similar devices - Part 2-23: Particular
requirements for transformers for construction
"Applies to stationary or portable single-phase or poly-phase
air-cooled (natural or forced) independent or associated,
isolating or safety isolating transformers intended for use on
construction sites, having a rated supply voltage not exceeding
1 000 V a.c., and a rated frequency not exceeding 500 Hz.
This part 2-23 is intended to be used in conjunction with IEC
61558-1. It has the status of a group safety publication in
accordance with IEC Guide 104."
IEC 61558-2-3 Ed. 1.0 b:1999 "Safety of power transformers, power supply units
and similar devices - Part 2-3: Particular
requirements for ignition transformers for gas and
oil burners"
"Deals with all aspects of safety such as electrical, thermal and
mechanical aspects. This part of IEC 61558 applies to fixed
single-phase air-cooled (natural or forced) associated
transformers (incorporated or not) used in the ignition system
of gas and oil burners, having a rated supply voltage not
exceeding 1 000 V a.c. and a rated frequency not exceeding
500 Hz. The rated output current does not exceed 500 mA a.c.
This part 2-3 is intended to be used in conjunction with IEC
61558-1. It has the status of a group safety publication in
accordance with IEC Guide 104."
IEC 61558-2-4 Ed. 1.0 b:1997 "Safety of power transformers, power supply units
and similar - Part 2: Particular requirements for
isolating transformers for general use "
"This part 2 of IEC 61558 applies to stationary or portable,
single-phase or polyphase, air-cooled isolating transformers,
associated or otherwise. It has the status of a group safety
publication in accordance with IEC Guide 104. This part 2
supplements or modifies the corresponding clauses in IEC
61558-1, This Standard replaces Chapter I of IEC 742. "
IEC 61558-2-5 Ed. 1.0 b:1997 "Safety of power transformers, power supply units
and similar - Part 2-5: Particular requirements for
shaver transformers and shaver supply units "
"This part 2-5 of IEC 61558 applies to shaver supply units,
embodying one or more socket-outlets and a single phase air
cooled isolating transformer. It has the status of a group safety
publication in accordance with IEC Guide 104. This part 2-5
supplements or modifies the corresponding clauses in IEC
61558-1. This standard replaces chapter II, section 1, of IEC
IEC 61558-2-6 Ed. 1.0 b:1997 "Safety of power transformers, power supply units
and similar - Part 2: Particular requirements for
safety isolating transformers for general use "
"This part 2 of IEC 61558 applies to stationary or portable,
single-phase or polyphase, air-cooled safety isolating
transformers, associated or otherwise. It has the status of a
group safety publication in accordance with IEC Guide 104
This part 2 supplements or modifies the corresponding clauses
in IEC 61558-1, This Standard replaces Chapter III, Section
1 of IEC 60742. "
IEC 61558-2-7 Ed. 1.0 b:1997 "Safety of power transformers, power supply units
and similar - Part 2: Particular requirements for
transformers for toys "
"This part 2 of IEC 61558 applies to transformers for toys
having a rated supply voltage not exceeding 250 V a.c., a
rated frequency of 50/60 Hz, a rated output voltage not
exceeding 24 V a.c. or 33 V ripple-free d.c. and a rated output
not exceeding 200 VA and a rated output current not
exceeding 10 A. It has the status of a group safety
publication in accordance with IEC Guide 104 This part 2
supplements or modifies the corresponding clauses in IEC
61558-1 This standard replaces Chapter III, Section 2 of IEC
60742. "
IEC 61558-2-8 Ed. 1.0 b:1998 "Safety of small power transformers, power supply
units and similar - Part 2-8: Particular
requirements for bell and chime transformers "
"Applies to fixed, single-phase, air-cooled independant or
associated safety isolating transformers. This part 2
supplements or modifies the corresponding clauses in IEC
61558-1. It has the status of a group safety publication in
accordance with IEC Guide 104. This standard replaces
section 3 of chapter III of IEC 60742."
IEC 61558-2-9 Ed. 1.0 b:2002 "Safety of power transformers, power supply units
and similar products - Part 2-9: Particular
requirements for transformers for class III
handlamps for tungsten filament lamps"
"This Part 2-9 of IEC 61558 applies to stationary or portable
single-phase air-cooled (natural or forced) associated safety
isolating transformers for class III handlamps for tungsten
filament lamps, having a rated supply voltage not exceeding 1
000 V a.c., a rated frequency not exceeding 500 Hz and a
rated output not exceeding 10 kVA. It has the status of a
group safety publication in accordance with IEC Guide 104 "
IEC 61797-1 Ed. 1.0 b:1996 Transformers and inductors for use in
telecommunication and electronic equipment Main dimensions of coil formers - Part 1: Coil
formers for laminated cores
"Specifies the main dimensions of coil formers for transformers
and inductors, using a square stack of the laminations inserted
in the coil formers."
IEC 62032 Ed. 1.0 en:2005 "Guide for the application, specification, and
testing of phase-shifting transformers "
"Covers the application, specification, theory of operation, and
factory and field testing of single phase and three-phase
oil-immersed phase-shifting transformers (PSTs). Provides
guidance to those specifying, designing, and using PSTs.
IEC 62041 Ed. 1.0 b:2003 "Power transformers, power supply units, reactors
and similar products - EMC requirements "
"This international product family standard applies to
independent transformers, reactors and power supply units
covered by IEC 60989 and the IEC 61558 series of standards.
It prescribes the electromagnetic compatibility requirements for
emission and immunity in the frequency range 0 Hz to 1 000
IEC/TR 60616 Ed. 1.0 b:1978 Terminal and tapping markings for power
Gives guidance in accordance with the rules given in IEC
60445. Has the status of a technical report.
IEC/TS 60076-14 Ed. 1.0 b:2004 Power transformers - Part 14: Design and
application of liquid-immersed power transformers
using high-temperature insulation materials
"Provides design, testing and loading information for use by
both the manufacturer and user of liquid-immersed power
transformers using either high-temperature insulation or
combinations of high-temperature and conventional
IEC/TS 61639 Ed. 1.0 b:1996 "Direct connection between power transformers
and gas-insulated metal-enclosed switchgear for
rated voltages of 72,5 kV and above "
"Applicable to the single-phase connection assemblies
between gas-insulated metal-enclosed switchgear for rated
voltages of 72,5 kV and above satisfying the requirements of
IEC 60517 and power transformers satisfying the requirements
of IEC 60076 and fitted with completely immersed bushings
satisfying the requirements of IEC 60137, one end of which is
immersed in the transformer oil, and the other end in the
insulating gas of the switchgear. Its purpose is to establish
electrical and mechanical interchangeability in the interface
arrangement of these connection assemblies and to determine
the limits of supply. "
ISO Standards
ISO 10656:1996
Electric resistance welding - Integrated transformers for
welding guns
ISO 12166:1997
Resistance welding equipment - Particular specifications
applicable to transformers with one secondary winding
for multi-spot welding, as used in the automobile
ISO 5826:1999
Resistance welding equipment - Transformers - General
specifications applicable to all transformers
ISO 7284:1993
Resistance welding equipment - Particular specifications
applicable to transformers with two separate secondary
windings for multi-spot welding, as used in the
automobile industry
Additional requirements
Transformers & inductors
US Code – Title 42, Chapter 77 – Energy Conservation
US Code 6315
A labelling rule prescribed in accordance with this section shall require the product
discloses by label, the energy efficiency of such article, determined in accordance
with test procedures under section 6314….
Distribution Transformers
Energy Conservation Requirements for Distribution Transformers
Lamp ballasts
Federal Standards
Standards for dishwashers; clothes washers; clothes dryers; fluorescent lamp
Each fluorescent lamp ballast—
(i) manufactured on or after January 1, 1990;
(ii) sold by the manufacturer on or after April 1, 1990; or
(iii) incorporated into a luminaire by a luminaire manufacturer on or after April 1, 1991;
(B) designed—
(i) to operate at nominal input voltages of 120 or 277 volts;
(ii) to operate with an input current frequency of 60 Hertz; and
(iii) for use in connection with an F40T12, F96T12, or F96T12HO lamps;
shall have a power factor of 0.90 or greater and shall have a ballast efficacy factor not
less than the following:
Application for
Operation of
Ballast Input
Watts Total Nominal Ballast Efficacy
one F40T12 lamp
two F40T12 lamps
two F96T12 lamps
two F96T12HO lamps
The standards described in paragraph (5) do not apply to
(A) a ballast which is designed for dimming or for use in ambient temperatures of 0° F or
less, or
(B) a ballast which has a power factor of less than 0.90 and is designed for use only in
residential building applications.
(A) The Secretary shall publish a final rule no later than January 1, 1992, to determine if
the standards established under paragraph (5) should be amended, including whether such
standards should be amended so that they would be applicable to ballasts described in
paragraph (6) and other fluorescent lamp ballasts. Such rule shall contain such
amendment, if any, and provide that the amendment shall apply to products manufactured
on or after January 1, 1995.
(B) After January 1, 1992, the Secretary shall publish a final rule no later than five years
after the date of publication of a previous final rule. The Secretary shall determine in such
rule whether to amend the standards in effect for fluorescent lamp ballasts, including
whether such standards should be amended so that they would be applicable to additional
fluorescent lamp ballasts.
(C) Any amendment prescribed under subparagraph (B) shall apply to products
manufactured after a date which is five years after—
(i) the effective date of the previous amendment; or
(ii) if the previous final rule did not amend the standards, the earliest date by which a
previous amendment could have been effective;
except that in no case may any amended standard apply to products manufactured within
three years after publication of the final rule establishing such amended standard.
General service fluorescent lamps and incandescent reflector lamps
(A) Each of the following general service fluorescent lamps and incandescent reflector
lamps manufactured after the effective date specified in the tables listed in this paragraph
shall meet or exceed the following lamp efficacy and CRI standards:
Lamp Type Nominal Lamp Minimum Minimum Average
Effective Date
Lamp Efficacy (LPW) (Months)
medium bipin
2-foot Ushaped
8-foot high
35 W
35 W
35 W
35 W
65 W
65 W
100 W
100 W
Nominal Lamp
Minimum Average Lamp Efficacy
Effective Date
(B) For the purposes of the tables set forth in subparagraph (A), the term “effective date”
means the last day of the month set forth in the table which follows October 24, 1992.
(2) Notwithstanding section 6302 (a)(5) of this title and section 6302 (b) of this title, it
shall not be unlawful for a manufacturer to sell a lamp which is in compliance with the
law at the time such lamp was manufactured.
(3) Not less than 36 months after October 24, 1992, the Secretary shall initiate a
rulemaking procedure and shall publish a final rule not later than the end of the 54-month
period beginning on October 24, 1992, to determine if the standards established under
paragraph (1) should be amended. Such rule shall contain such amendment, if any, and
provide that the amendment shall apply to products manufactured on or after the 36month period beginning on the date such final rule is published.
(4) Not less than eight years after October 24, 1992, the Secretary shall initiate a
rulemaking procedure and shall publish a final rule not later than nine years and six
months after October 24, 1992, to determine if the standards in effect for fluorescent
lamps and incandescent lamps should be amended. Such rule shall contain such
amendment, if any, and provide that the amendment shall apply to products manufactured
on or after the 36-month period beginning on the date such final rule is published.
(5) Not later than the end of the 24-month period beginning on the date labeling
requirements under section 6294 (a)(2)(C) of this title become effective, the Secretary
shall initiate a rulemaking procedure to determine if the standards in effect for fluorescent
lamps and incandescent lamps should be amended so that they would be applicable to
additional general service fluorescent and general service incandescent lamps and shall
publish, not later than 18 months after initiating such rulemaking, a final rule including
such amended standards, if any. Such rule shall provide that the amendment shall apply
to products manufactured after a date which is 36 months after the date such rule is
(A) With respect to any lamp to which standards are applicable under this subsection or
any lamp specified in section 6317 of this title, the Secretary shall inform any Federal
entity proposing actions which would adversely impact the energy consumption or
energy efficiency of such lamp of the energy conservation consequences of such action. It
shall be the responsibility of such Federal entity to carefully consider the Secretary’s
(B) Notwithstanding subsection (n)(1) of this section, the Secretary shall not be
prohibited from amending any standard, by rule, to permit increased energy use or to
decrease the minimum required energy efficiency of any lamp to which standards are
applicable under this subsection if such action is warranted as a result of other Federal
action (including restrictions on materials or processes) which would have the effect of
either increasing the energy use or decreasing the energy efficiency of such product.
(7) Not later than the date on which standards established pursuant to this subsection
become effective, or, with respect to high-intensity discharge lamps covered under
section 6317 of this title, the effective date of standards established pursuant to such
section, each manufacturer of a product to which such standards are applicable shall file
with the Secretary a laboratory report certifying compliance with the applicable standard
for each lamp type. Such report shall include the lumen output and wattage consumption
for each lamp type as an average of measurements taken over the preceding 12-month
period. With respect to lamp types which are not manufactured during the 12-month
period preceding the date such standards become effective, such report shall be filed with
the Secretary not later than the date which is 12 months after the date manufacturing is
commenced and shall include the lumen output and wattage consumption for each such
lamp type as an average of measurements taken during such 12-month period.
Appendix Q to Subpart B of Part 430—Uniform Test Method for Measuring the
Energy Consumption of Fluorescent Lamp Ballasts
1. Definitions
1.1ANSI Standard means a standard developed by a committee accredited by the
American National Standards Institute.
1.2Ballast input voltage means the rated input voltage of a fluorescent lamp ballast.
1.3F4OT12 lamp means a nominal 40 watt tubular fluorescent lamp which is 48 inches
in length and one and a half inches in diameter, and conforms to ANSI standard C78.1–
1.4F96T12 lamp means a nominal 75 watt tubular fluorescent lamp which is 96 inches
in length and one and one-half inches in diameter, and conforms to ANSI Standard
C78.1–1978 (R1984).
1.5F96T12HO lamp means a nominal 110 watt tubular fluorescent lamp which is 96
inches in length and one and a half inches in diameter, andto operate.
1.6Input current means the root-mean-square (RMS) current in amperes delivered to a
fluorescent lamp ballast.
1.7Luminaire means a complete lighting unit consisting of a fluorescent lamp or lamps,
together with parts designed to distribute the light, to position and protect such lamps,
and to connect such lamps to the power supply through the ballast.
1.8Nominal lamp watts means the wattage at which a fluorescent lamp is designed to
1.9Power factor means the power input divided by the product of ballast input voltage
and input current of a fluorescent lamp ballast, as measured under test conditions
specified in ANSI Standard C–82.2–1984.
1.10Power input means the power consumption in watts of a ballast and fluorescent
lamp or lamps, as determined in accordance with the test procedures specified in ANSI
Standard C82.2–1984.
1.11Relative light output means the light output delivered through the use of a ballast
divided by the light output delivered through the use of a reference ballast, expressed as a
percent, as determined in accordance with the test procedures specified in ANSI Standard
1.12Residential building means a structure or portion of a structure which provides
facilities or shelter for human residency, except that such term does not include any
multifamily residential structure of more than three stores above grade.
1.13ANSI Standard C82.2–1984 means the test standard published by the American
National Standard Institute (ANSI), titled “American National Standard for Fluorescent
Lamp Ballasts—Method of Measurement, 1984”, and designated as ANSI C82.2–1984.
2. Test conditions. The test conditions for testing fluorescent lamp ballasts shall be done
in accordance with the American National Standard Institute (ANIS) Standard C82.2–
1984, “American National Standard for Fluorescent Lamp Ballasts—Methods of
Measurement,” approved October 21, 1983. This incorporation by reference was
approved by the Director of the Federal Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and
1 CFR, part 51. Copies may be obtained from ANSI Publication Sales, 1430 Broadway,
New York, NY 10068. Copies may be inspected at the Department of Energy, Freedom
of Information Reading Room, Room 1E–190, Fluorescent Lamp Ballasts, Docket No.
CE–RM–89–102, 1000 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington DC 20585, or at the
Office of the Federal Register, 800 North Capitol Street, NW., suite 700, Washington,
DC 20001. Any subsequent amendment to this standard by the standard-setting
organization will not affect the DOE test procedures unless and until amended by DOE.
The test conditions are described in sections 4, 5, 6, 7, and 21 of ANSI Standard C82.2–
3.Test Method and Measurements.
The test method for testing fluorescent lamp ballasts shall be
with ANSI Standard C82.2–1984.
3.1. done in accordance
3.2Instrumentation. The instrumentation shall be as specified by sections 8, 9, 10, 11,
12, 19.1, and 23.2 of ANSI Standard C82.2–1984.
3.3Electric Supply.
3.3.1.Input Power. Measure the input power (watts) to the ballast in accordance with
ANSI Standard C82.2–1984, section 3.2.1(3) and section 4.
3.3.2Input Voltage. Measure the input voltage (volts) (RMS) to the ballast in
accordance with ANSI Standard C82.2–1984, section 3.2.1(1) and section 4.
3.3.3Input Current. Measure the input current (amps) (RMS) to the ballast in
accordance with ANSI Standard C82.2–1984, section 3.2.1(2) and section 4.
3.4Light Output.
Measure the light output of the reference lamp with the 3.4.1 reference ballast in
accordance with ANSI Standard C82.2–1984, section 16.
Measure the light output of the reference lamp with the test
with ANSI Standard C82.2–1984, section 16.
3.4.2 ballast in accordance
Calculate relative light output:
photocell output of lamp on test ballast is determined in accordance with section 3.4.2,
expressed in watts, and photocell output of lamp on ref. ballast is determined in
accordance with section 3.4.1, expressed in watts.
Determine the Ballast Efficacy Factor (BEF) using the following
4.2. equations:
(a) Single lamp ballast
(b) Multiple lamp ballast
input power is determined in accordance with section 3.3.1,
relative light output as defined in section 4.1, and
average relative light output is the relative light output, as defined in section 4.1, for all
lamps, divided by the total number of lamps.
Determine Ballast Power Factor (PF): 4.3
Input power is as defined in section 3.3.1,
Input voltage is determined in accordance with section 3.3.2, expressed in volts, and
Input current is determined in accordance with section 3.3.3, expressed in amps.
[54 FR 6076, Feb. 7, 1989, as amended at 56 FR 18682, April 24, 1991]
Energy & Water Conservation Standards:
(m) Fluorescent lamp ballasts. (1) Except as provided in paragraph (m)(2) of this section,
each fluorescent lamp ballast—
(i)(A) Manufactured on or after January 1, 1990;
(B) Sold by the manufacturer on or after April 1, 1990; or
(C) Incorporated into a luminarie by a luminarie manufacturer on or after April 1, 1991;
(ii) Designed—
(A) To operate at nominal input voltages of 120 or 277 volts;
(B) To operate with an input current frequency of 60 Hertz; and
(C) For use in connection with F40T12, F96T12, or F96T12HO lamps; shall have a
power factor of 0.90 or greater and shall have a ballast efficacy factor not less than the
Ballast nominal Ballast
Application for operation of
input lamp efficacy
voltage watts factor
-----------------------------------------------------------------------One F40T12 lamp...........................
40 1.805
40 1.805
Two F40T12 lamps..........................
80 1.060
80 1.050
Two F9T12 lamps...........................
150 0.570
150 0.570
Two F96T12HO lamps........................
220 0.390
220 0.390
(2) The standards described in paragraph (m)(1) of this section do not apply to (i) a
ballast which is designed for dimming or for use in ambient temperatures of 0 °F or less,
or (ii) a ballast which has a power factor of less than 0.90 and is designed for use only in
residential building applications.
(n) General service fluorescent lamps and incandescent reflector lamps. (1) Each of the
following general service fluorescent lamps manufactured after the effective dates
specified in the table shall meet or exceed the lamp efficacy and CRI standards shown in
the table below:
Fluorescent Lamps
Lamp type
Nominal lamp wattage Minimum lamp
CRI efficacy
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4-foot medium bi-pin.................. gt;35W
75.0 Nov. 1, 1995.
75.0 Nov. 1, 1995.
2-foot U-shaped....................... gt;35W
68.0 Nov. 1, 1995.
64.0 Nov. 1, 1995.
8-foot slimline....................... gt;65W
80.0 May 1, 1994.
80.0 May 1, 1994.
8-foot high output.................... gt;100W
80.0 May 1, 1994.
80.0 May 1, 1994.
(2) Each of the following incandescent reflector lamps manufactured after November 1,
1995, shall meet or exceed the lamp efficacy standards shown in the table in this
Incandescent Reflector Lamps
Nominal lamp wattage
-----------------------------------------------------------------------For more information on test procedures please visit: