
Read and download these classics from the Jesus Army site.
All these free e-books are in Adobe PDF format.
Eberhard Arnold: Early Christians God's revolution Innerland Salt and light
Selected writings Why we live in community
Emmy Arnold: A joyful pilgrimage
Johann Christoph Arnold: Be not afraid Why forgive?
J Heinrich Arnold: Discipleship
St Augustine: Confessions
Venerable Bede: Ecclesiastical history of England
St Bernard of Clairvaux: On loving God
Blumhardt: Thy Kingdom come (a reader, edited by Vernard Eller)
Horatius Bonar: God's way of peace The rent veil
Catherine Booth: Aggressive christianity Female teaching
William Booth: Darkest England Purity of heart A vision of the lost
EM Bounds: The necessity of prayer The possibility of prayer Power through
prayer The weapon of prayer
David Brainerd: Diary Journal
John Bunyan: Grace abounding to the chief of sinners The holy war Pilgrim's
William Carey: An enquiry Life
Samuel Chadwick: Call to perfection
The way to Pentecost
GK Chesterton: Orthodoxy
William Cowper: Poems by Mme Guyon (translator)
Charles Dickens: The life of our Lord
Henry Drummond: The greatest thing
Alfred Edersheim: The Temple Sketches of Jewish Social Life The life and times of
Jesus the Messiah Vol. 2
Jonathan Edwards: Religious affections Select Sermons Sinners in the hands of
an angry God
Early Church Fathers: The apostolic Fathers with Justin Martyr and Irenaeus
Fathers of the Second Century
Fénelon: Spiritual progress (with Guyon)
Charles Finney: Lectures to professing Christians Power from on high Revival
lectures Sermons on important subjects
John Flavel: On keeping the heart
George Fox: Autobiography
Foxe: Foxe's book of martyrs
Mme Guyon: Autobiography Poems (translated by Cowper) Short and easy
method of prayer (original version of Experiencing Jesus Christ) Song of Songs
(Reflections) Spiritual progress (with Fenelon)
Walter Hilton: The ladder (scale) of perfection
St John of the Cross: Ascent of Mount Carmel
Dark night of the soul
Thomas a Kempis: Imitation of Christ
Kierkegaard: Provocations
William Law: A serious call
** Please note, I offer no guarantees on the working order of these shared resources and links!
Brother Lawrence: The practice of the presence of God
Ignatius Loyola: Spiritual exercises
John Milton: The morning of Christ's nativity Paradise lost Paradise regained
Dwight Moody: Heaven Lost and found Some sayings What must I do to be
Andrew Murray: Absolute surrender The deeper Christian life Deeper life Divine
healing Helps to intercession Like Christ The missionary problem New life
The power of persevering prayer The school of obedience The two covenants
With Christ in the school of prayer Within Working for God
Watchman Nee: The normal Christian life
John Newton: Life of John Newton (searchable facsimile, 10MB)
John Owen: Mortification of sin in the believer
Peter Riedemann: Love is like fire (Confession)
Sadhu Sundar Singh: Wisdom of the Sadhu
C H Spurgeon: All of grace Morning and evening Sermons Till He come
Erlo Stegen: Revival among the Zulus
St Teresa of Avila: Life The way of perfection
Theologica Germanica (Anon): Theologica Germanica
Tolstoy: Walk in the light and other stories
A W Tozer: The pursuit of God
William Tyndale (trans): The Bible (text version) Facsimile of first printed English
NT, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Intro to reprint
John Wesley: Journal A plain account of Christian perfection The use of money
John Woolman: Journal
Zuendel: The Awakening (Blumhardt)
Table of Contents Christian PDF Books:
Ultimate Questions, Vincent Cheung (PDF Download)
Faith With Reason, Joseph R. Farinaccio (PDF Download)
Pressupositional Confrontations, Vincent Cheung (PDF Download)
Apologetic Conversations, Vincent Cheung (PDF Download)
The Many Faces, and Causes, of Unbelief, Bert Thompson PhD (PDF Download)
Captive To Reason, Vincent Cheung (PDF Download)
Defending the Faith, (PDF Download)
Bible Studies
How to Study and Teach the Bible, Elmer L. Towns (PDF Download)
Introduction to the New Testament, Louis Berkhof (PDF Download)
Jerusalem in the New Testament, Tom Wright (PDF Download)
Bible Introduction 101, Barry E. Horner (PDF Download)
The Minor Prophets, Timothy Tow (PDF Download)
Luther on Galatians (PDF Download)
Observations on Daniel (PDF Download)
Epistles of St. Paul (PDF Download)
The Story of a Kingdom - A Simple Explanation of the Bible (PDF Download)
Salvation in the Old Testament (PDF Download)
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Brief Bible History - Machen (PDF Download)
Jeremiah - Constable (PDF Download)
The Translation of the Word - Graham (PDF Download)
Commentary on the Epistles to the Seven Churches in Asia - Trench(PDF
Bible Surveys PDF Books
Old Testament Survey I (PDF Download)
Old Testament Survey II (PDF Download)
Old Testament Survey III (PDF Download)
New Testament Survey (PDF Download)
Christian Biographies PDF Books
Auto-biography of Madame Guyon (PDF Download)
The Life of Flavius Josephus, William Whiston (PDF Download)
Paul the Traveler and Roman Citizen, W. M. Ramsay (PDF Download)
A Dictionary of Christian Biography and Literature End of 6thCentury, Henry
Wace (PDF Download)
The Auto-biography of Saint Therese of Lisieux (PDF Download)
The Life of St. Benedict, Gregory the Great (PDF Download)
The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah, Edersheim (PDF Download)
The Life of Christ - Frederick Farrar (PDF Download)
John Wesley - Bonamy Dobree (PDF Download)
The Life of D. L. Moody - by William Moody (PDF Download)
Charles Finney - An Auto-biography (PDF Download)
A Harmony of the Life of Paul (PDF Download)
A Synoptic Life of the Apostle Paul (PDF Download)
Christian Doctrine/History PDF Books
The Church and the Ministry in the Early Centuries, Thomas M.Lindsay (PDF
The Mission and Expansion of Christianity in the First Centuries,
Adolf Harna (PDF Download)
The Early Christians, Eberhard Arnold (PDF Download)
Early Church Fathers (PDF Download)
Sound Doctrine Through Revelation Knowledge, Greig, Virkler, Virkler(PDF
Bede's Ecclesiastical History of England, The Venerable Bede (PDF Download)
Fundamentals of Bible Doctrine (PDF Download)
History of Protestantism I - by Rev. James A. Wylie, LL.D.(PDFDownload)
History of Protestantism II - by Rev. James A. Wylie, LL.D. (PDF Download)
History of Protestantism III - by Rev. James A. Wylie, LL.D. (PDF Download)
The Doctrine of Endless Punishment by William G. T. Shedd (PDF Download)
A History of Religious Educators (PDF Download)
The Cross - A Call To The Fundamentals of Religion (PDF Download)
Doctrine of the Church - Built Upon the Rock, W G Crampton and R E Bacon (PDF
Beyond Denominations (PDF Download)
** Please note, I offer no guarantees on the working order of these shared resources and links!
The Primal Church - Exposition of Acts 1-8 (PDF Download)
Relativism: The Central Problem for Faith Today - by Cardinal Joseph
Ratzinger (PDF Download)
A Defense of Calvinism - Spurgeon (PDF Download)
Chadwick - Way to Pentecost (PDF Download)
Churches of Today - Tomlinson (PDF Download)
Predestination of the Elect of God (PDF Download)
The Object of Predestination (PDF Download)
Westminster Confession - The Abandonment of Van Till (PDF Download)
A Refutation of Dispensationalism - Pink (PDF Download)
Conversion of the Will (PDF Download)
Christian Living
The Christian's Secret of a Happy Life, Hannah Whitall Smith (PDF Download)
Pursuit of God, A.W. Tozer (PDF Download)
Discipleship, J. Heinrich Arnold (PDF Download)
The Weapon of Prayer, E.M. Bounds (PDF Download)
The Practice of the Presence of God The Best Rule of a Holy Life (PDF Download)
Prayer and Revelation, Vincent Cheung (PDF Download)
The Necessity of Prayer, E. M. Bounds (PDF Download)
Power Through Prayer, E. M. Bounds (PDF Download)
A Christian in a Non-Christian World, Charles Seet (PDF Download)
The Pilgrim's Progress, John Bunyan (PDF Download)
The Way of Perfection, St. Theresa of Avila (PDF Download)
The Imitation of Christ, Thomas A. Kempis (PDF Download)
Christianity Is Not Religion (PDF Download)
Spirit-Union Allows For Soul-Rest (PDF Download)
Absent From The Body - Part 1 by J. Edwards (PDF Download)
Absent From The Body - Part 2 by J. Edwards (PDF Download)
Excellency of Christ - Part 1 by J Edwards (PDF Download)
Excellency of Christ - Part 2 by J Edwards (PDF Download)
Excellency of Christ - Part 3 by J Edwards (PDF Download)
Biblical EQ - A Christian Handbook for Emotional Transformation (PDF Download)
Till He Comes - Spurgeon (PDF Download)
Normal Christian Life - Nee (PDF Download)
Why Forgive - J C Arnold (PDF Download)
(Additional resources on: Christian Counseling, Christian Ethics, Evangelism,
Hermeneutics and Homiletics, Holy Bibles - Different Available Languages, Ministry and
Missions, Philosophers and Theologians, Philosophy and Religions, Theology, and
Worship can be found on this website.)
The Christian Classics Ethereal Library (CCEL) seeks to build up the church by making
classic Christian literature widely available and promoting its use for edification and
study by interested Christians, seekers and scholars. -
** Please note, I offer no guarantees on the working order of these shared resources and links!
CCEL – Shortlist of recommended reading:
St. Augustine
The Confessions of St. Augustine -- The most popular work of the man who more than any
other shaped western civilization. The first 10 chapters constitute a spiritual autobiography
and some spiritual and philosophical reflections; the last three chapters are a reflection on
the creation story of Genesis 1.
John Bunyan
Pilgrim's Progress -- A spiritual allegory. Of books written in English, one of the all-time most
popular. Audio available
G. K. Chesterton
Orthodoxy -- Chesterton's writing reminds me of C.S. Lewis, but a little more colorful, a little
more quirky. This book is an apology for the Christian world-view.
Jonathan Edwards
Religious Affections -- "What is the nature of true religion? . . . [What are] the distinguishing
notes of that virtue and holiness that is acceptable in the sight of God?" In this classic
work by America's greatest theologian and philosopher, Edwards considers the nature of
revival and the genuine work of the Holy Spirit. Don't read this book if you want to keep
worshipping your idols.
George Fox
Autobiography of George Fox -- This is a fascinating journal of the exploits of the founder of
the Society of Friends (Quakers). It is also very illuminating about the political and
religious state of seventeenth century England -- for example, Fox lives through the
commonwealth period, meets Cromwell, and prophesies his downfall after he treats
Quakers badly. Audio available
St. Ignatius of Loyola
The Spiritual Exercises Spiritual exercises arranged into 4 weeks, by the founder of the
Jesuits. Audio available
St. John of the Cross
Ascent of Mount Carmel
Dark Night of the Soul -- The writings of St. John of the Cross are unsurpassed for mystical
theology. The "dark night" is a must-read for anyone seriously concerned about growing
Thomas à Kempis
The Imitation of Christ -- This book is said to have been published in more editions than any
other, apart from the Bible, with 6000 appearing by the turn of this century. This little
devotional book is simply written but immensely moving. Highly recommended.Audio
William Law
A Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life -- This is one of two or three books that greatly
influenced the young J. Wesley. Audio available
Brother Lawrence
The Practice of the Presence of God -- In this little collection of letters and reflections, Brother
Lawrence encourages us to be continually in God's presence. Audio available
Other: Free Online Books:
** Please note, I offer no guarantees on the working order of these shared resources and links!
A Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life William Law
All of Grace C. H. Spurgeon
Confessions St. Augustine
Dark Night of the Soul Saint John of the Cross
On the Mortification of Sin in Believers John Owen
On Keeping the Heart John Flavel
Select Sermons Jonathan Edwards
The Deeper Christian Life Andrew Murray
The Practice of the Presence of God Brother Lawrence
The Pursuit of God A. W. Tozer
Treatise on Religious Affections Jonathan Edwards
Examples: There are MANY more available at this site!
Aycock, Jarrette E.
Ayres, S. G.
Story Of The Two Prodigals, The
Methodist Heroes of Other Days
Parable of the Dancing God -
So you Don’t Want to Go to Church anymore -
Free Bible Study: The Elijah Chronicles
Free Devotional: Extraordinary!
Free book: Josh McDowell – Christianity: Hoax or History
Free Book: John Piper – Don’t Waste Your Life
Don’t Waste Your Life (study guide)
Found at: (the following are a brief example)
Action in Waiting
by Christoph Friedrich Blumhardt
The seventeen essays in this free ebook give a fresh look at the spiritual life as "active expectation" of
God's kingdom breaking into this world. This kingdom is no longer relegated to some afterlife, but
takes effect today.
** Please note, I offer no guarantees on the working order of these shared resources and links!
Against the Wind
by Markus Baum
A journalist's biography of Eberhard Arnold, a man who, in his search for Christ, ended up turning the
Christianity of his day on its head. Markus Baum looks at the forces that shaped Arnold's life, recreates
the colorful era in which he lived, and shows Arnold's connection with other thinkers of his day.
Anni: The Letters and Writings of Annemarie Wächter
by Annemarie Wächter Arnold
This book is the story, told in Annemarie’s own words, of her path from doubt and despair to a life of
purpose, faith, and joy. Annemarie was set on this path when she responded to a call from God so
strong and direct that it abolished all her doubts. This call led her to a life in Christian community
where she could dedicate herself completely to working towards God’s coming kingdom of justice and
The Awakening
by Friedrich Zuendel
A must-read free ebook for anyone who has doubts about spiritual warfare, The Awakening provides a
rare glimpse into the eternal fight between the forces of good and evil in the daily lives of ordinary
men and women.
Be Not Afraid: Overcoming the Fear of Death
by Johann Christoph Arnold
In this hope-filled free ebook, stories of real men and women offer hard-won insights on dealing with
uncertainty, loss, grief, and the fear of death. Arnold knows that the biggest challenges in life are the
ones that won't fit the script. All the same, he is convinced that there are plenty of common truths
worth holding to the light.
You will find a number of free ebooks at this site in various formats also, such as pdf & doc, as well as
zip files, MOBI & PRC.
Jail and Prison Ministry Manual
John 1 to 11
John 12 to 21
Key Readings in Church History
Check out:
For books such as these:
The Wise Woman
------------------By George MacDonald
This novel is a feast for the imagination with profound insight
into character building. C.S. Lewis said, "I have never
concealed the fact that I regarded him as my master."
** Please note, I offer no guarantees on the working order of these shared resources and links!
A Christmas Carol
------------------by Charles Dickens
Ebenezer Scrooge and Tiny Tim and the Ghost of Christmas
past are found here.
And these:
John Wesley's Notes on the Old Testament
John Wesley's Notes on the New Testament
Look at the colored box on the bottom left, click on free pdf for copy of book: “He Loves Me”
Another one, titled “The Naked Church”
THE NAKED CHURCH is an invitation for believers to forsake superficial Christianity and discover
true intimacy with God. This compelling book will challenge you to look beyond the externals of
contemporary church life with its glittering buildings, extensive programs, beloved celebrities and
political muscle and find a relationship with God that will bring his powerful, life-changing presence
into everyday circumstances.
E. M. Bounds
The Deeper Christian Life
Possibilities of Prayer
The Necessity of Prayer
Power Through Prayer
Reality of Prayer
Prayer and Praying Men
Essentials of Prayer
DL Moody
Prevailing Prayer
Secret Power
find more at Scroll down to "M" for many sermons
Watchman Nee
The Normal Christian Life
The Normal Christian Church Life
Ministry to the Lord
The Principle of Praying Thrice
The Song of Songs
The Prayer Ministry of the Church
A Prayer For Revelation
The Worship That Draws Near
Find more at:
** Please note, I offer no guarantees on the working order of these shared resources and links!
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Faithful Women and Their Extraordinary God
Modern Christian women need an introduction to the intelligent, capable, godly women of the past. In
this new book, Noel Piper uses excerpts from letters and journals to add rich detail to the amazing
stories of five ordinary women who trusted in their extraordinary God as he led them to do great things
for his kingdom.
Finally Alive
What does the Bible teach about the miracle of rebirth? In this new book, John Piper explores Jesus'
peculiar command, "You must be born again."
Spiritual rebirth is precious and crucial. When Jesus said, “You must be born again,” he wasn't simply
sharing interesting information; he was directing us toward eternal life.
It is essential to know what God intends when he uses this language of being born again, so that we
may experience new birth and help others do the same.
Download this book (PDF)
Download the corresponding study guide (PDF)
Listen to, read, or watch the sermon series that inspired it.
** Please note, I offer no guarantees on the working order of these shared resources and links!
Velvet Steel
John Piper writes: “I put this collection together in the days immediately after writing a book on
marriage called This Momentary Marriage: A Parable of Permanence. This collection of poems
completes that book. What seemed to be missing there was the taste of my affections for Noël.” “In
fact, the point of that book was that covenant-keeping, not the affections of being 'in love', is the main
point of marriage. But I also emphasized that tough-minded covenant-keeping is the best soil for the
long-term flourishing of tender affections. Therefore, it seemed helpful that I give some tastes of what
those affections were like over the last 42 years.”
Find some great free Christian children’s books here:
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many streams of Christendom. (There is a $7 fee associated with this site)
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