Deputy Garrison Commander SO1 Garrison Management Team

Deputy Garrison Commander
SO1 Garrison Management Team
Headquarters Larkhill Garrison, Bldg 362
Royal Artillery Barracks, Larkhill, SALISBURY SP4 8QT
U V1 25 Apr 07 Pdrive
Reference: Larkhill /Garrison/LCP/
See Distribution
Date: 22 Oct 12
LCP Attendees
Capt Hewitt
WO1(RSM) Watson
WO2 Fox
WO2(WSM) Kynaston
WO2 Soulsby
Sgt Cartwright
Sgt Hastings
Sgt Sui
Sgt Whitworth
Cpl Dobson
Bdr Thurgood
Bdr Wise
L/Bdr Clark
Pte Cox
Lt Col Le Feuvre
Mr Nelson
Lt Col Allott
Lt Col Palmer
Maj Evans
WO1(GSM) Welch
WO2 Thynne
Mr Vince Avery
Mr Dean Gibb
Miss Emma Link
Mrs Carol Morris
PCSO Luke Woodward
Cllr Wright
Col Winchester
Padre Bloxam-Rose
Maj Logan
PC Balshaw
Mrs Harper
Mrs Marchment
Cllr Wright
32 Regt RA
32 Regt RA
HQ TNB Garrison
32 Regt RA
32 Regt RA
14 Regt RA
19 Regt RA
14 Regt RA
14 Regt RA
14 Regt RA
14 Regt RA
19 Regt RA
14 Regt RA
14 Regt RA
Attendees (12 + 28 = 40 Total)
D Gar Comd/SO1 GMT
UWO 14 Regt RA
CO 14 Regt RA
CO 32 Regt RA
19 Regt RA UWO
32 Regt RA UWWO
Larkhill's CDW
Wilts Police
Durrington Council
Garrison Padre
DCOS 43(Wessex)Bde
Wilts County Council
Gnr Eccleston
Gnr Marosa
Gnr Waslin
Mrs Baily
Mrs Calver
Mrs Cartwright
Mrs Cox
H K Drumm
Mrs Fox
Mrs Gornys
Mrs Jennings
Mrs Jones
Mrs Murphy
Representing UWO
Garrison Comd
14 Regt RA
19 Regt RA
14 Regt RA
HQ TNB Garrison
Subject and Decision
1. Welcome and Introduction. The Vice Chairman welcomed all present
and explained the purpose of the meeting and how it ties in with the Larkhill
Community Partnership (LCP) Stakeholders’ Meeting. A copy of the Larkhill
Garrison Community Action Plan (CAP) was made available and attendees
were invited to raise any issues they thought were missing or had concerns
about. Lt Co Allott CO 14 Regt RA addressed the meeting at the beginning,
stating that he had seen some significant improvements during his time in
Larkhill, and thanked all personnel involved in achieving these successes.
2. Record of Decisions (RoDs) of the Previous Meeting. The Record of
Decisions (RoDs) from the previous meeting was made available to
attendees. The RoDs were agreed as a true record by Maj Bowman and
seconded by Cpl Dobbs. The Chairman stated that outstanding points
would be raised during the meeting.
3. Actions From Last Meeting. Actions discussed from previous RoDs
were as follows:
a. Confirmation that parking on the grass or pavement is not illegal
unless by doing so prevents access to Fire Hydrants or obstructs
b. A speed camera, and a speed indication device have been procured
and is in action across the Garrison.
Afternote: A volunteer came forward to assist with operating the Speed
gun. Sgt Cartwright of 24 Bty/14 Regt RA is thanked for volunteering
and should now make contact with the SO3 Tpt (WO2 Shipton) and
MDP (PC Balshaw) for further details on how he can support the
c. Abatement for the 2012 Garrison Pantomime, the 'Regimental
Slipper' has been authorised and supported by a £500 grant from the 43
Bde Welfare Fund as a one off.
d. A recent agreement sees dog fouling culprits (owners) being liable to
a fixed penalty of £75. The Chair has agreed to provide the signage for
Larkhill Garrison. Residents are encouraged to report offenders.
4. Communication of Information. Mr Alan Nelson stated that personnel
could record their interest in volunteering for local activities by completing
the form that will from now be provided at all future residents' meetings.
Similarly, personnel with individual housing issues or any concerns can
record their details on a form provided. Such concerns will be addressed by
the LCP Committee and/or individual UWOs - please provide contact
details on the form so queries can be followed up.
5. Open Forum and Feedback. The Open Forum and Feedback was
addressed by working through the CAP key headings, with actions as
a. Community Safety.
(1) Reported Crime. PCSO Woodward addressed the
meeting. Following Anti-Social Behaviour at Friendship Park
Chair/MDP Police
Sgt Cartwright
SO3 Tpt
Panto Committee
LCP Chair
Subject and Decision
there have been increased police patrols. An Anti-Social
Behaviour Warning Letter has also been issued following
problems on the Packway.
(2) Security of Sheds and Property. There have been a
number of sheds broken into in the surrounding area. It is not
unlikely that this could occur in Larkhill. SFA occupants are
encouraged to increase their awareness and mark their
property. Wilts Police can assist with this.
(3) Domestic Violence. Wilts Police are trialling a new
scheme. This allows police to take action even if a victim
refuses to make a complaint. Posters will be delivered to all
residents in Larkhill.
Gar DComd
(4) Policing Priorities. The three policing priorities are: Youth
Anti-Social Behaviour, Vehicle Anti-Social Behaviour, and
b. Infrastructure and Housing.
(1) Insulation Programme. The programme will be
complete by the end of November 12, residents are
encouraged to participate. Attics are to be emptied prior to
work being commenced. Lone occupants may receive
assistance by contacting their UWO.
(2) Kitchen Refurbishments. Refurbishments to certain
addresses in Allanbrooke Road, Cocks Close, Douglas Browns
Road, Willoughby Road and Wilson Road will go ahead as
originally planned. Affected residents have been notified. Dates
are still to be confirmed, but there will be a planning meeting
prior to work commencing.
Afternote: A date for a central briefing has been agreed and
passed on to UWOs by DIO Ops Accn.
(3) Cornish House Upgrades. There are planned upgrades
to 50 houses in Allanbrooke Road, Bingham Road and Milne
Crescent. Occupants will be asked to move out at public
expense. A letter has been issued however it was very unclear
leaving numerous questions. Further information is to follow.
Afternote: The Vice Chair offered to brief affected residents
after the meeting. In addition, a central briefing evening has
been set up for Tue 23 Oct 12 at 1800 hrs in Sharp Hall, with
UWOs receiving a separate briefing that afternoon.
All affected
c. Transport and Highways.
(1) Road Safety. Wilts Police will be visiting local schools to
increase road safety awareness.
Wilts Police
(2) Village Gates. The new Gate Posts to be place at the
main entrances have arrived and will be erected soon. The
Subject and Decision
Garrison's SO3 Tpt is supporting Cllr Graham Wright with this
initiative with the aim of trying to get the gates erected before
the New Year. Hopefully the gates will act as a deterrent
against speeding!
Gar DComd
GMT's SO3 Tpt
(3) Signs. New 'Slow Children Crossing' signs have been
ordered and will be placed appropriately as soon as they
(4) Road Markings. There is more work to follow on Road
Markings and Pot Holes. MHS are coming up with a plan to
mark roads with the 20MPH speed restriction and signage is a
high priority that MHS are working on with the GMT and LCP.
(5) Speed Limit Signs. As above.
(6) Street Lighting. There will be a Street Lighting survey
carries out on 9 Oct 12, with a plan to rectify all faulty lights and
also come up with a workable solution/plan to allow easy
reporting for future faults.
d. Recreation and Leisure.
(1) Soft Play Facility. The new Soft Play facility is open and
has got off to a successful start. Larkhill residents are
encouraged to use the facility.
(2) Garrison Website. Residents are encouraged to make
use of the Garrison Website. Advertisers are required to assist
with running costs. Provision of this website, at the cost of
approximately £350 pa will be discussed at the next LCP
Stakeholders' Meeting if advertising revenue is insufficient to
cover costs.
(3) Friendship Park. Residents were encouraged to report
problems such as litter and damages at Friendship Park to
Afternote: The LCP, with MHS support, are addressing the
problems over the existing damage (much vandalism) with a
view to try and repair the damage with support from the play
park company that built Friendship Park but this situation
cannot continue, hence the requirement to address anti-social
(4) Skate Park. Local young people have expressed an
interest in having Skate Park. The Chairman suggested that
volunteers are organised with a view to initiating a plan. CDW
should lead but project volunteer(s) are required.
(5) Top Patch Play Park. Gar DComd has asked MHS to
inspect the existing Top Play Park with a view to making
improvements. In addition MHS have been requested to
consider a new park near the Durrington Football Field at the
old site of Mears and Mason House (currently being
LCP Chair
Subject and Decision
e. Community Services.
(1) HIVE. Unfortunately the Larkhill HIVE will not be reopened. This is as a result of AWS manpower cuts.
6. Community Development Worker. CDW gave an update on current
activities including:
Senior and Junior Youth Clubs.
Girls Choir.
Larkhill Lemurs (years 1-2).
Baby Group.
Mums and Tots.
Residential Weekend (years 3-6) 02 Nov 12.
Halloween Parties 31 Oct 12.
A programme was made available to all.
7. Layers of Larkhill Project. The Layers of Larkhill project is going very
well, despite poor community interest to date. Further information can be
viewed on the Layers of Larkhill stand alone website. Numerous WW2 and
Neolithic artefacts have been uncovered in the Larkhill area. Gar DComd
stated that the project would likely continue until June 13 and thanked
Julian Richards and DTC/Wilts Council for their support to date.
8. Garrison Community Pantomime. Mrs Calver spoke about the
pantomime planned for Christmas (The Regimental Slipper). Volunteer
understudies are still required. The venue is now confirmed as Newcome
Hall. Tickets will cost £5 per adult and £2 for children. Shows will now be
held on 30 Nov 12 @ 1900, and 01/02 Dec 12 @ 1400. Tickets are
available from the Post Office.
9. Cleanliness (Areas).
a. Litter. Gar DComd and GSM spoke about the issue of litter and fly
tipping in Larkhill. The system of Street Wardens is working well.
There will be a Garrison Clean Up in Nov 12. Signs have been put up
to discourage Fly Tipping and appear to be working.
b. Bins. Bins at Top Play Park are broken. This is to be
c. Glass In Woods. There is a problem of broken glass in the wood
areas where children play. The Chairman requested that volunteers
come forward to form a group which could address this issue.
Afternote: A volunteer came forward after the meeting. Sgt
Cartwright of 24 Bty/14 Regt RA is thanked for volunteering to tackle
this issue and should now engage with MHS (Dean Gibb) and Cllr
Graham Wright over how best tackle this issue and move forward.
d. Friendship Park. The possibility of CCTV cameras being
installed is to be investigated.
Sgt Cartwright
Subject and Decision
Afternote: DComd has discussed this requirement with MDP (PC
Spot Balshaw) and requested a police survey to investigate the
possibility of having CCTV installed at the play park (from a legal
aspect). The LCP will then consider if it is a viable option based on
requesting independent quotations for provision of equipment and
subsequent installation. It was agreed that the monitoring screen and
recording equipment could be placed in the Police House on Wilson
Road. It would certainly be a deterrent, as has been proven by the
signage deterring fly tipping. Cpl Dobson of Fargo (GMT/RSA)
volunteered to take this issue on as Project Leader and is thanks for
his support. Cpl Dobson should now make contact with SO1 GMT to
take this initiative forward, which will require liaison with MDP/Wilts
Police, DTC and potential suppliers.
PC Balshaw
Cpl Dobson
10. Key Events. the following key Garrison events for the remainder of
2012 were discussed:
5 Nov 12 – Garrison Bonfire Night
11 Nov 12 – Remembrance Sunday
21 Nov 12 – RA Band 250th Anniversary Concert
30 Nov 12, 01/02 Dec 12 – Garrison Pantomime
15 Dec 12 – Larkhill Choral Society Concert
11. Any Other Business. There was no other business but the Garrison
DComd took the opportunity of updating the meeting on the significant
improvements that had occurred in and around the Garrison as a result of
this particular residents' meeting, with the support and effort of LCP
Stakeholders and other agencies. A personal thanks was given to all
Afternote: A follow on meeting/discussion took place over the Cornish
Houses as discussed and outlined in paragraph 5b(3) of these RoDs.
12. Arrangements for Next Meeting. The next meeting will be held in
Sharp Hall at 1800 on Tue 5 Feb 13. UWOs are asked to advertise the
next meeting well in advance and COs are asked to encourage attendance.
The Garrison website manager is asked to also advertise the next meeting,
which will be preceded by an LCP Stakeholders' Meeting in Jan 13.
{Original Signed via DII-F}
Sec for Chairman
Chmn - Cllr Wright for LCP Stakeholders' Meeting
D Gar Comd/SO1 GMT for LCP Stakeholders' Meeting
14 Regt RA fao CO, UWO, GSM and RSO for Garrison Website (less letterhead)
19 Regt RA fao OC ROG and UWO
32 Regt RA fao CO and UWO
GMT's SO3 Tpt
Larkhill Gar CDW
DIO Ops (Larkhill) – FAO Mr Vince Avery and Ms Sara Marchment
MHS (Larkhill) – FAO Mr Dean Gibb and the MHS Director of Services
MDP (PC Spot Balshaw)
PCSO Luke Woodward - Wilts Police
SSgt Calver 32 Regt RA (Panto)
Sgt Cartwright - 24 Bty RA/14 Regt RA - Volunteer (Speed Gun and Glass Issue Play Park)
Bdr Bowman 14 Regt RA (Panto)
Cpl Dobson - RSA's GMT Fargo ATO - Volunteer (CCTV Project Friendship Play Park)
HQ 43 Bde - fao DCOS and SO1 MCI
RHQ RA - fao Lt Col Astbury (for Regtl Col and RASM's info)
Gar Comd (Col RA Winchester)
Garrison Padre
Larkhill Primary School - Head Teacher
ADSL (fao GFD)
Notice Boards (All welfare centre buildings via UWOs) and file via GMT's E1 ISA