SFR Access External SFR registers will be used for communication between the micro-controller and the video pipeline. These external registers will be found in this block, where the microcontroller has read access and the pipeline will have write access. Interface Signals Signal Name clk reset Type Input Input Bits Description 1 System Clock 50 MHz 1 System Reset PIPE_DATAX PIPE_DATAY newframe Input Input Input 8 X coord. to be sent into micro-ctrl 8 Y coord. to be sent into micro-ctrl 1 Frame delimiter sfr_rd sfr_wr sfr_addr Input Input Input 1 micro-cntrl sfr read signal 1 micro-cntrl sfr write signal 8 micro-cntrl sfr address line SFR_INT SFR_DATA Output Output 1 interrupt signal to micro-cntrl 8 data line into micro-cntrl Functional Description When the pipeline has a new value for the x, y coordinates for communication to the master board, that information needs to get read into the micro-controller. Currently, once a newframe signal is received, this block will set an interrupt on the microcontroller. The interrupt routine will then attempt to access two external registers reading off the x, y coordinates. These registers (A9 and B9 respectively), are unused SFR registers. The micro-controller will interpret these reads as external SFR reads and will go outside the micro-controller to read the registers. This SFR_Access block is listening on the SFR bus for these requests and will put the correct data on the SFR_DATA_IN line where the micro-controller will complete the read. Interface Timing See Figure 1. Once a newframe delimiter is received from the pipeline, an interrupt is set on the micro-controller. The interrupt routine will attempt to read external SFR registers and this block will respond by putting the correct data on the SFR_DATA_IN line (micro-controller interface). Notice that the communication with the micro-controller needs to take into account the clock speed of the micro-controller at 12.5 MHz and this block’s 50 MHz clock. The DW8051 spec sheet at: Shows the timing for external SFR reads on the DW8051 (page 200). Figure 1. Timing Diagram for SFR_Access a. newframe is asserted, X and Y coordinates are registered internal to SFR_Access b. sfr_int is asserted, driving an interrupt routine in the micro-controller that will eventually read the external x,y coordinate SFR registers. sfr_int must be held high for 16 clock cycles to ensure that the much slower micro-controller sees the interrupt. c. the sfr_rd finally comes and the x-coordinate is grabbed first. d. the Y coordinate is put on the sfr_data line knowing that the next external SFR read will be to that register.