Family Tree ABRAHAM - St Demiana & St Athanasius


The Holy Bible

5 th

& 12 th

August 2001


1) There is a story about a European man who went on a journey to an African city. The African people

were known to be cannibals. The leader of the African people invited him to have something to eat

with them, and before they started to eat, the African leader opened the Bible and began to read from it.

When the European man saw this, he began to laugh, and said to him, “Do you still believe in the

Bible?” The African leader smiled and nodded at him. After they ate, the leader took the European man

To a room, and when the man saw what was in the room, he was terrified and afraid. The African

leader said to him, “If it had not been for the Bible I would have eaten you and hung your bones like

the skeleton in front of you, which we had eaten before.

For this reason, you are indebted to the Bible which you make fun of, with your life.

2) St John Chrysostom says: “If you are sorrowful, go into the depth of the Bible, as if you are a sick

person looking for medicine in the medicine cabinet. So you will find comfort from your pains, even if

it is worthless, or if it is the death of a friend, or prevents you from me.”

3) Christ is the Incarnated Word of God, “God within”. The Holy Bible is the written word of God that is

Spoken, “God without”.

Matt 22:29, John 5:39, Hosea 4:6, Isaiah 5:13, Job 36:12


The works of God with the people

“before” 

The works of God with the people


Contains 39 books, 929 Chapters



Contains 27 books, 260 Chapters

 5

The Books of Moses. “The old Law”.

From Genesis - Deuteronomy


“Historical Books”. Church of the Old


From Joshua – Esther

 5

“Poetic Books”. A message to the soul of


From Job to Song of Solomon

 4 Gospels. “The New Law”.

From Matthew - John.

 1

Acts of the Apostles. The Church of

the New Testament.

The Book of Acts

 14

Epistles of Paul.

From Romans – Hebrews

 5

“Major Prophets”.

From Isaiah – Daniel

 7

Epistles of the Catholicon.

From James to Jude.

 12 “Minor Prophets”.

From Hosea - Malachi

 1

Revelation of Jesus Christ. Prophecy.

about the future. 1) Judgement, 2) The

Second Coming, 3) Eternity

The Major and Minor Prophets are Epistles as a message to the

Prophecies about the Future (Christ) soul of mankind

+ The Holy Spirit is the link between the Old Testament and the New Testament


The Other 7 Books

The Protestant name (Apocrypha). The Catholic name (The second Books).

Tobit – 14 Chapters, comes after Nehemiah in the Bible – part of the “historical books”

Judith – 16 Chapters, comes after Tobit – a “Historical Book”

Esther (the completion) – Chapters 10 – 16

 Wisdom of Solomon – 19 Chapters – a “Poetic Book”. Comes after Song of Solomon in the Bible.

Jesus Son of Sirach – 51 Chapters – a “Poetic Book”. Comes after Wisdom of Sol.

Baruch – 6 Chapters – a “Major Prophet”. Comes after Lamentations. Baruch was a disciple of

Jeremiah (Jer 36:4)

Daniel (the completion) – Chapter 3, and 13 & 14. “Major Prophet”

1 Macabetes – 16 Chapters. Comes after Malachi. “Historical book”

2 Macabetes – 15 Chapters. Comes after 1 Macabetes. “Historical book”

The Holy Bible talks about Salvation and Christ. The Holy Bible is one unit, and contains 66 books, plus

The 7 other books .

+ It took 1600 years to write the Holy Bible. Genesis was written in 1491 BC, and Revelation was written

in approx 100 AD.

+ It was written by 40 different writers, from different cultures, backgrounds, and levels, eg: a) Kings – David, Solomon g) Youth - Jeremiah b) Shepherds – David, Moses h) Elders - Samuel c) Fishermen – John, Peter I) Unmarried Virgins – Jeremiah, Paul, John… d) Philosophers – Paul j) Married – Isaiah, David… e) Priests – Ezra, Ezekiel k) Doctors - Luke f) Farmers - Amos

* ALL were Jews except Luke, who was Greek.

The Bible is a very special book:


It is not a ‘historical’ book, but it records the important historical events. Eg, Creation, The Exodus,

The patriarchs, the Incarnation, The new church.


It is not a ‘Poetic’ book but in it’s depth it has all the emotions, eg Jeremiah, all the Hoes’ from the

Tasbeha are directly from the Bible.


It is not a ‘scientific’ book, but is correct with science, Isaiah 40:32, Ezekiel 37:7, 2 Peter 3:10.

4) It is the one book that you can read over and over, and always find a new depth and meaning.

Therefor it covers and satisfies all the emotions of the human and our depth, but, we cannot reach the depth of the Bible.


The Holy Bible

Deut 6:4-9, 27:10

1 Sam 3:9

John 5:39, 7:15

1 Cor 14:33

Psalms 1:2-3, 19:7-8, 47:7,

Eph 6:11-17

Psalms 105, 119:9-10

2 Tim 3:16-17

Prov 1:4, 18:10

Eccl 12:1

James 1:5

2 Pet 1:20-21, 3:10

Isaiah 5:13, 40: 22, 43:16

Jeremiah 15:16

Hosea 4:6

Matt 4:4,7,10, 22:29 & 37

Mark 12:29

