suggested program of study for ab - University of South Carolina Aiken

Pre-Pharmacy – Three Year Program (can convert to Chem. Major after 2 yrs)
with AMTH 111 Placement
2011 catalog and later
First Year
Fall Semester
AEGL 101
ACHM 111
ABIO 121
AMTH 111
AFCI 101
(General Chem. I) (4)____
(Biology I)1
(Pre-Calc. I)2
(Critical Inquiry)
15 credit hours
Spring Semester
AEGL 102
ACHM 112
ABIO 232
AMTH 112
APSY 101
(Comp and Lit) (3)____
(General II)
17 credit hours
Second Year
Fall Semester
ACHM 331
(Org Chem I)
ACHM 331L (Org. I Lab)
APHY 201/211 (Physics I)
AMTH 122/141 (Calculus)*
ASTA 201
14/15 credit hours
Spring Semester
ACHM 332
APHY 202/212
AMTH 142
ABIO 242
(Org ChemII)
(Org. Lab II)
(Physics II)
16 credit hours
Third Year
Fall Semester
ABIO 122
(Biology II)1,5
AHST _____ (History)
APHL 311/211 (Ethics/Moral Issues) (3)____
Humanities or Social Science
Spring Semester
ABIO 250/330
ACOM 241
(Public Speaking)
AECO 221 or 222 (Economics)
Humanities or Social Science
13 credit hours
13 credit hours
Student who follow this program of study will have completed all of the prerequisite courses for the 3
most common Pharmacy Schools our students attend; USC, Presbyterian College, and South University.
Most students apply to all 3 schools. Please refer to the checklist for school specific requirements.
1-The biology courses (ABIO 121, 122, 232, and 242) are frequently take during summer sessions to avoid taking 3
lab courses in the same semester. Students who obtain their pre-pharmacy requirements at USC Aiken will
have earned four credit hours for the lab components of physics and anatomy/physiology courses beyond the
minimum requested by the College of Pharmacy. (These are not elective credit hours.)
2 – ACHM 111 requires completion of, placement beyond, or co-registration with AMTH 111
3 – APHY 201 requires completion of AMTH 112 or 122. APHY 211 requires completion of AMTH 141.
4– AMTH 142 is a requirement for Chemistry majors and a pre-requisite for ACHM 541. Students who have chosen
a different major can replace AMTH 142 with another requirement or General Ed course of 4 credits or two 3
credit courses.
5 – Presbyterian prefers BIOL 302 or 350 but any of BIOL 122, 302, 340, 350,360, 365 may be taken.
*Students who are considering a possible 4 year degree if they do not enter Pharmacy School after their junior year
should take AMTH 111/112/141 to keep their major options open.
 For those who plan to earn a USC Aiken degree prior to pharmacy school, the above courses do fit well into most
majors on campus and many of the courses will satisfy USC Aiken’s General Education requirements.
 The chemistry, physics, and math courses listed have prerequisites and need to be taken in sequence as listed. The
physiology course (ABIO 242) has prerequisites but the other biology courses (ABIO 121, 122, 232) do not and
may be taken in any order.
 Many students now plan at the beginning of their careers at USC Aiken to complete the pre-pharmacy curriculum
in three years in parallel with courses taken for a major. Some students opt to complete a bachelor’s degree at
USC Aiken before proceeding to a pharmacy school. This program allows the choice of chemistry or biology
major at the end of the second year.
(June 2013 Revised)