BOTANY EXCEL 1. Symbiotic nitrogen fixers Bacteria Root nodules of leguminous plants Root nodules of non-leguminous plants – Casurina and Alder. 2. Non-symbiotic nitrogen fixers 1. Blue green algae 2. Yeast 3. Bacteria 4. Areobic bacteria 5. Anaerobic bacteria 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Nostoc, Gloeocapsa. Rhodotorula Aerobacter aerogence, Bacillus, Klebsiella. Acetobactor. Non photosynthetic Clostridium Photosynthetic Rhodospirillum. ARBIDOPSIS The model organism for plant study. It has the advantages of small size, small genome, small life cycle etc. AQUAPORINS Proteins that permits water to cross plasma membrane. STRAGLERS Plants start life as epiphytes but send roots. Eg. Ficus. LOMASOMES Structures similar to Mesosomes. These are found in Fungi and higher plants. Lomasomes are formed by the infolding of plasma membrane. CRYPTOCHROME Light receptor in Cryptogams or non flowering plants. Absorbs blue light and long wavelength UV rays. SAFFRON Obtained from the style and stigma of Crocus plant. GREAT BANYAN TREE Grows in EBG Sibpur. Anastral mitosis is found in Higher plants. Aquatic plant in which petiole helps in floating is Eichornia. Basal placentation is found in the family Compositae. The simple mechanical tissue devoid of Lignin is Collenchyma. Genetic material of Cyanophage is DNA. Mycoplasma differs from virus because it has both DNA and RNA. Nostoc occurs as Endophyte in Cycas, Azolloa, Anthoceros etc. Spirogyra is called “ Pond Scum “. ORGANIC FUNGICIDES Agrosan GN, Ceresan, Thiram, Ziram. Agrosan and Ceresan are Organo mercuric compounds remains as Dithio carbamates. Great Irish Potato famine occurred in 1945 due to the fungus Phytophthora. 1 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. Bengal famine occurred in 1942 due to Leaf spot disease of Rice infected by Helminthosporium oryzae. Alga showing best origin and evolution of sex is the Red alga. Rauwolfia serpentina belongs to the family Apocynaceae. Movement of pollen tube is Thigmotactic. Spring wood is the secondary xylem with tracheids and vessels with wide lumen. Tyloses are balloon like ingrowths in tracheids and vessels of heart wood from parenchyma. INTERESTING PLANTS 1. Wolffia 2. Zostera 3. Butter wort 4. Water flea trap 5. Monophyllea 6. Tallest grass 7. Raphia viniflora 8. Cyanodon 9. Amorphophalus 10. SACS Smallest angiosperm. Marine angiosperm. Pingnicula. It is insectivorous plant. Aldrovanda. It is insectivorous plant. A plant with single leaf. Bamboo. Plant with longest leaf. Evergreen grass. Also called Doob grass. Largest Indian Inflorescence. S-allyl cystine sulphoxide. Anti diabetic material found in Garlic. 2 BOTANY EXCEL 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. GENETICS RESTRICTION MODIFICATION SYSTEM This system protect the bacteria from invading foreign DNA. DESIRABLE CHARACTERS OF CLONING DNA It should have 1. Replication site 2. one or more restriction endonuclease sites or more drug resistant sites. Eukaryotic genes may not function in bacteria because of the inability to excise introns. DNA finger printing involves VTNR loci. Puromycin is the antibiotic that inhibits translation in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. AGAROSE GEL ELECTROPHORESIS – AGE It uses Ethidium bromide to visualize DNA. Multiple cloning sites allows flexibility for restriction enzymes. COSMID Lambda phage used as plasmid. It contains Cos site. Radio isotope to detect proteins is 35 S PCR uses Taq polymerase enzyme because it can withstand high temperature. The enzyme is obtained from Thermophilus bacteria found in Hot springs. Bacterial chromosome is Negatively Super coiled. Cryptic Plasmids do not carry any detectable functions. Highly repetitive sequence of DNA is found near Centromere and Telomere. PRIBNOW BOX Sequence found in the –10 position of the promoter of E.coli. It contains the sequence 5’ TAA TTA 3’. Splicing of pre mRNA occurs in the nucleus. DNA absorbs radiation at 260 nm. Shot Gun approach is used to make Genomic Library. Hydrolysis of nucleotide yields Phosphoric acid. SPLICEOSOMES Complex of Sn RNA, Protein, Pre – mRNA . Found in prokaryotes to splice pre- Mrna. Non coding eukaryotic DNA includes Introns, Pseudogenes and Specer DNA. Granular component of Nucleolus represents incomplete Ribosomes. Isotopes used to study Semiconservative replication of DNA are N14 and N15. Transcription in bacteria occurs in the cytoplasm or cytosol. Transposones are the mobile genes found in prokaryotes and eukaryote. These are also called Dancing genes, Jumping genes etc. Histones are basic proteins associated with DNA. These are similar between species. Histones are rich in Lysine and Arginine which gives the basic nature to histones. Amount of DNA found in egg cell is 20 pg and that of somatic cell during G2 stage is 80 pg. PALINDROME SEQUENCE Symmetrical sequences of nucleotides base pairs in DNA that read the same on each strand from 5’ to 3’ direction. 3 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. RIFAMPICIN The antibiotic used in Tuberculosis. It is the product of soil Steptomyces. Rifampicin inhibit the RNA polymerase ( beta unit ) preventing the transcription in bacteria. Mycobacterium causing TB is only sensitive to Rifampicin. SIGMA FACTOR It is the 5th protein unit present in the RNA polymerase of prokaryotes that initiate transcription by binding the promoter site. ALPHA AMANITIN The toxin produced by the Mushroom Amanita. It inhibits RNA polymerase II in eukaryotes and inhibits mRNA synthesis. Amanita poisoning causes liver failure, so that new enzymes cannot be synthesized after the degradation of enzymes by the liver. ENHANCERS These are gene specific sequences that positively affect transcription. RIBOZYMES These are RNAs acting as enzymes. Ribonuclease P or Rnase P is a true catalyst. It contains both RNA and Protein components. After the discovery of Ribozymes in 1980s, Evolution is considered as the “ RNA World “. According to this concept RNA not DNA was the first nucleic acid formed and RNA initiated the formation of DNA. RHO FACTOR It is a hexameric protein with RNA dependent ATPase activity. FRAGILE X SYNDROME It the most common type of mental retardation caused by a mutation in the X chromosome gene concerned with the translation of mRNA during brain development. TATA BOX Conserved sequences present upstream from the mRNA start site in the DNA. It is centered about 25 bp upstream from the transcription unit. AA TATA A TATA Box TT CAAT BOX Found upstream not as highly conserved as TATA Box. T GG CAAT CT C BETA THALASSEMIA It is caused by a mutation in the Beta globin chain that interferes intron removal from mRNA. INOSINIC ACID A fragment anticodon nucleotide. It is the nucleotide of Hypoxanthine which pairs with U,C or A during Wobbling. MISSENCE MUTATION Arise from a base change that causes incorporation of a different AA in the encoded protein. The most important one is that change A to U in either GAA or UAG codon for 4 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. Glutamate. Eg. Haemoglobin C disease. The Glutamic acid in the 6th position of beta chain is replaced by Lysine. NON SENSE MUTATION Results in premature termination of transcription and formation of truncated protein. Eg. Thalassemia. THALASSEMIA It is caused by the inability of alpha and beta chains of haemoglobin to associate during the formation of hemoglobin. Thalassemia appears not in foetus because there is no beta chain in foetal hemoglobin. SANGER PROCEDURE DNA sequencing based on the random termination of a DNA chain during enzymatic synthesis. RT-PCR Reverse Transcriptase PCR. Alternate method of PCR to construct c DNA library using Reverse transcriptase enzyme. CHROMOSOME WALKING Technique to define gene arrangement in long stretches of DNA. The sequences are verified one by one just like walking over the road. PAW FINGER PRINTING Technique used to fingerprint animal DNA other than human DNA. FOOT PRINTING Technique used in DNA sequencing in which the histone binding sites of DNA that donot accept DNAase are identified. It is used to identify protein binding sites of DNA. ANTI-SENSE RNA Non coding mRNA which do not translate protein used in genetic engineering. It is produced by reversing the coding sequences of DNA. This technique was used to produce genetically engineered Tomato. One of the gene sequence coding the fruit ripening in tomato was introduced in the transgenic tomato in the reverse order. So that one gene produced the fruit ripening protein normally and the reversed gene failed to produce the protein because it transcribed an anti-sense mRNA. This delayed fruit ripening. 5 BOTANY EXCEL 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Geoplaynology Latro palynology Nemec phenomenon Megasporangium Funicle Chalaza Study of Fossil pollens. Study of pollens in Criminology and Medical aspects. Nemec in 1898 found out pollen grain embryosac in Hyacinthus. It is the Ovule. It is the stalk of the Ovule It is the basal part of the Ovule. Types of Ovules 1. Unitegmic 2. Bitegmic Single integument 2 integuments 3. Atemic 4. Crassinucellate 5. Tenui nucellate 6. Orthotropous / Atropous 7. Anatropous 8. Hemianatropous 9. Camylotropous 10. Amphitrophous No integument Well developed nucellus Nucellus absent Errect type ovule 11. Circinotropous 8. PLANT EMBRYOLOGY Inverted ovule Transverse ovule Curved ovule Embryosac curved into horse shoe shape Ovule turns 360 degree Gamopetalae, Compositae, Solanaceae. Polypetalae, Cruciferae, Malvaceae, Cucurbitaceae. Loranthaceae, Santalaceae. Monocot, Malvaceae. Solanaceae, Compositae, Cucurbitaceae. Polygonaceae, Piperaceae. 82% of families. Ranunculaceae, Leguminosae. Caryophyllaceae, Leguminosae. Papaveraceae, Butomaleae. Opuntia. Development 1. Outer primary parietal cell form Nucellus and inner primary sporogenous cell form Megaspore mother cell. 2. Mother cell divide by meiosis and linear tetrad of 4 mehaspore forms. Lower one near the Chalaza becomes functional. 3. Functional megaspore divide Mititically ( 3 divisions ) 4. The mature embryosac at the time of fertilization is Monosporic – 7 celled and 8 nucleate. 5. 3 nuclei form Egg apparatus, 3 nuclei near Micropyle form Definitive nucleus and the remaining 2 fertilize to form Definitive nucleus. 6. This is called Polygonus type embryosac. It was discovered in Polygonum by Stransburger. 7. Geitonomy Is the transfer of pollen from one flower to another of same plant. It is genetically self pollination 8. Xenogamy Is the transfer of pollen from one plant to another of a related allied species. 6 9. Cleistogamy Is the condition in which the flower never opens. Egs. Oxalis, Viola, Impatiens, Commelina, Arachis. 10. Monoecious Maize, Caster, Coconut. 11. Dioecious Papaya, Asparagus, Spinach, Datepalm. 12. Dicogamy Bisexual – male and female parts develop at different times. 13. Protandry Androecium mature first. Cotton, Marigold, Impatiens, Saxifraga. 14. Protogyny Gynoecium mature first. Aristolochia, Bajra. 15. Herkogamy Physical barrier between male and female parts. Gynostegium disc in Calotropis. 16. Self sterility Radish, Petunia. 9. Mode of entrance of pollen tube into ovule 1. Porogamy 2. Chalazogamy 3. Merogamy through micropyle. through Chalaza. through integument. 10. Double fertilization 11. 12. It was discovered by Nawashchin in Lilium and Fritillaria. It is found in Angiosperms. Generative or True act of fertilization is the fusion of one male gamete with the egg. Pseudo or Vegetative fertilization is also called Triple fusion. It is the fusion of large male gamete with secondary nucleus to form a triploid cell. 7 BOTANY EXCEL FRUITS 1. SIMPLE FRUITS 1. Berry 2. Drupe 3. Hesperidium 4. Peop Solanaceae, Tomato Mango, Coconut Orange, Lemon. Water melon, Melon 2. DRY FRUITS A. Indehiscent 1. Caryopsis 2. Achene 3. Cypsela 4. Nut 5. Samara Wheat, Maize Helianthus, Mirabilis Compositae Cashewnut, Oak Hiptase, Acer B. Schizocarpic 1. Lomentum 2. Cremocarp 3. Regma Ground nut, Acasia Coriander, Fennel Caster C. Dehiscent 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Legume Follicle Liqna Capsule Pyxis Mustard Datura, Cotton Plantago 3. AGGREGATE FRUITS 1. Achene 2. Follicle 3. Drupe 4. Berry 5. Samaras Strawberry Milk weed ( Calotropis ) Rubus Custard apple Ailanthus 4. COMPOSITE FRUITS Sorosis Mulberry, Pineapple 8 BOTANY EXCEL 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. TAXONOMY AND SYSTEMATICS The term Taxonomy was introduced by De Candolle. Classical Taxonomy It is based on the species concept. Chemotaxonomy Estimates primary metabolites. Cytotaxonomy Classification based on the number and type of chromosomes. Neo ( New ) systematics Introduced by Julian Huxley. Holotype A specimen and the nomenclature type used by the author. Lectotype Specimen selected from original material for nomenclatural type when there is no Holotype. 8. Dynamic concept of species was proposed by Lamark. 9. Artificial classification Proposed by Pliny. 10. ICBN International Code of Botanical Nomenclature. 11. Taxon A group of similar and genetically related organisms. 12. Monophyletic taxon A group from which all other organisms descend. 13. Bentham and Hooker Made first natural classification of plants. 14. John Ray Introduced the term species. 15. Engler and Prantl Made first phylogenic classification of plants. 16. Father of bacteriology Robert Koch. 17. Monocarpic plants Plants flowering only once In their life. 18. Largest family Compositae. 19. Phylogenetic classification Introduced by Hutchinson. 20. Theophrastus First person made classification. 21. FAMILIES Plant Family 1. Gram 2. Cereals 3. Pulses 4. Potato 5. Mustard 6. Datura 7. Onion, Garlic 8. Capsicum 9. Butter cup family 10. Cotton Leguminosae Graminae Papilonaceae Solanaceae Cruciferae Solanaceae Liliaceae Solanaceae Ranunculaceae Malvaceae 9 22. Economically important plant families / plant products Plant / product Botanical name Family Morphology 1. Hemp Cannabis sativa Scitaminae Bast fibre 2. Jute Crochorus capsularis Tiliaceae Bast fibres 3. Sunn hemp Crotalaria juncea Papilonaceae Bast fibres 4. Bamboo Bambusa Graminae Stem 5. Sandal wood Santalam album Santalaceae Stem 6. Henna Lawsonia inermis Lythraceae Leaves 7. Turmeric Curcuma longa Zingiberaceae Rhizome 8. Saffron Crocus sativus Iridaceae Dried stigmas 9. Litmus Rocella tinctoria Lichen Thallus 10. Para rubber Hevea brasiliensis Euphorbiaceae Latex 11. Chewing gum Achras sapota Sapotaceae Latex 12. Asafoetida Ferula assafoetida Umbilliferae Resin from roots 13. Amber Pinus succinifera Gymnospermae Fossil resin 14. Turpentine Pinus palustris Gymnosprmae Stem resin 15. Canada balsam Abies balsamea Gymnosprmae Stem resin 16. Lemon grass oil Cymbopogon citrates Graminae Leaves 17. Lavender Lavandula officianalis Labiatae Flowers 18. Camphor Cinnamomum camphora Lauraceae Wood distilled 19. Eucalyptus Eucalyptus globules Myrtaceae All parts 20. Linseed oil Linum usitatissimum Linaceae Seed 21. Olive oil Olea europaea Oleaceae Fruits 22. Sugarcane Saccharum officinarum Graminae Stem 23. Sugar beet Beta vulgaris Chenopodiaceae Root 24. Tapioca Manihot utilissima Euphorbiceae Tuber 25. Quinine Cinchona calisaya Rubiaceae Bark 26. Belladona Atropa belladonna Solanaceae Roots 27. Opium Papaver somniferum Papaveraceae Latex from unripe capsules 28. Ergot Claviceps purpurea Ascomycetes Fruiting body 29. Tobacco Nicotiana tabacum Solanaceae Leaves 30. Betel Piper betel Piperaceae Leaves 31. Ganga and Bhang Cannabis sativa Utricaceae Ganja – female flower tops Bhang – leaves 32. Wheat Triticum vulgare Graminae Seed 33. Maize Zea mays Graminae Seed 34. Rice Oryza sativa Graminae Seed 35. Barley Hordeum vulgare Graminae Seed 36. Rye Secale cereale Graminae Seed 37. Oats Avena sativa Graminae Seed 10 38. Cashewnut Anacardium occidentale Anacardiaceae 39. Almond 40. Carrot 41. Raddish 42.Sweet potato 43. Potato 44. Onion 45. Garlic 46. Cauliflower Prunus amygdalus Dacus carota Rhaphanus sativus Ipomaea batatas Solanum tuberosum Allium cepa Allium sativum Brassica oleraceae botrytis Rosaceae Umbilliferae Cruciferae Convolvulaceae Solanaceae Liliaceae Liliaceae Cruciferae 47. Bottle guard 48. Snake guard 49. Boitter guard 50. Water melon 51. Tomato 52. Sweet orange 53. Sour orange 54. Lemon 55. Banana 56. Custard apple 57. Date 58. Guava 59. Mango 60. Papaya 61. Pineapple 62. Cinnamon 63. Clove 64. Coriander 65. Cardamom 66. Fenugreek 67. Coffee 68. Tea 69. Cocoa 70. Ground nut Lagenaria vulgaris Cucurbitaceae Trichosanthes anguina Cucurbitaceae Momordica charantia Cucurbitaceae Citrullus vulgaris Cucurbitaceae Lycopersicum esculentus Solanaceae Citrus sinensis Rutaceae Citrus aurantium Rutaceae Citrus limonia Rutaceae Musa sapientum Musaceae Annona squamosa Annonaceae Phoenix dactylifera Palmae Psidium guajava Myrtaceae Mangifera indica Anacardiaceae Carica papaya Caricaceae Ananas grantum Bromeliaceae Cinnamomum zeylanicum Lauraceae Egenia caryophyllata Myrtaceae Coriadrum sativum Umbilliferae Elettaria cardamomum Zingiberaceae Trigonella foenum graceum Papilionaceae Coffea arabica,C. robusta Rubiaceae Camellia sinensis Theaceae Theobroma cacao Sterculiaceae Arachis hypogea Papilionaceae 11 Pedicel and Cotyledons Seed Root Root Root Stem tuber Bulb Bulb Undeveloped inflorescence Pepo Pepo Pepo Pepo Berry Hesperidium Hesperidium Hesperidium Berry Aggregate berry Berry Berry Drupe Drupe Sorosis Bark Dried flower buds Cremocarps Seeds Seeds Berry Leaves Seeds Seed BOTANY EXCEL BIOMOLECULES CARBOHYDRATES 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 1.One molecule of glucose yield 2880kJmol energy. 2. Gum is a carbohydrate. 3. Formula of Glucose and Fructose is C6H12O6 4.Formula of Sucrose is C12H22O11 5. Formula of cellulose and Starch is ( C6H10O5 ) n 6. Formula of Rhamnose is C6H12O5 and that of Rhamnohexose is C7H4O6. 7. Monosaccharides - Glucose, Fructose. 8. Disaccharides - Sucrose, Maltose. 9. Polysaccharides - Starch, Cellulose, Glycogen, Chitin. 10. Reducing sugar - Glucose, Maltose, Lactose. Free aldehyde or Ketonic group reduce Fehling’s solution or Tollen’s solution to give a red precipitate. 11. Non-reducing sugar- Sucrose. Aldehyde or Ketonic group is bonded. 12.Alpha glucose and Beta glucose differs only in the orientation of two hydroxyl groups at C1. This carbon is called as Anomeric carbon or Anomer. Ripe grape contains about 20% glucose. Fructose is called as Grape sugar and it is the most sweetest sugar. Sucrose on hydrolysis with dilute acid gives Glucose and Fructose. Alpha – D – glucose has a specific rotation of + 112 degree. When glucose solution is allowed to stand, its rotation falls to +52.7 degree. Beta –D-glucose has the specific rotation of +19 which increases to + 52.7 degree. This phenomenon is called as Mutarotation. When Starch is digested by Diastase, it yields Maltose. Lactose is a reducing sugar and on digestion, it yields Glucose and Galactose. 22. Sweetness of sugars 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. Sucrose – 100 Glucose – 74 Fructose – 173 Galactose – 32 Maltose – 32 Lactose – 16 Pectin is a Polysaccharide. Starch contains Amylose and Amylopectin. Amylose is water soluble and contains about 200 glucose units linked by Glycosidic bonds. Amylopectin is insoluble in water and contains branched chains of glucose. Glycogen is called as Animal Starch and its structure is similar to that of Amylopectin. Cellulose is a linear polymer of Beta glucose units. Cellulose on nitration gives the Gun powder ( Cellulose nitrate ) which is used in explosives. Cellulose acetate is used in Photographic film and in Varnish. Rayons, Cellophane, Celluloid are made from Cellulose. Pectin is a polysaccharide found in the Fruit skin which is used to make jelly. Alginate, a polysaccharide obtained from Seaweeds. 12 34. Gum and Alginate are used as Stabilizers and Emulsifiers. LIPIDS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The term Lipid was coined by Bloor in 1943. Fatty acids contain terminal Carboxyl group. Acetic acid is a simple fatty acid and Stearic acid is a complex fatty acid. Fatty acids generally contains even number of carbon atoms – 14 – 24. Saturated fatty acids have single carbon bonds and Unsaturated fatty acids have more than one double bonds. 6. Mono Unsaturated Fatty Acids – MUFA – have only one double bond. 7. Poly Unsaturated Fatty Acids – PUFA – have more than one double bonds. 8. Most common MUFA is Oleic acid. 9. Unsaturated fatty acids have low melting points. 10. Fats and Oil are derived from Glycerol. 11.Fatty acids Unsaturated Saturated Palmitoleic acid Oleic acid Linoleic acid Linolenic acid Arachidonic acid Capric acid Lauric acid Myristic acid Palmitic acid Stearic acid Arachidic acid 12. Three fatty acids and one Glycerol are present in Triglyceride. 13. Tripalmitin is a Neutral fat containing 16 carbon Palmitic acid. 14. Tristearin is a neutral fat containing 18 Stearic acids. 15. Maximum number of double bonds in essential fatty acids is 4. 16. Richest source of PUFA is Vegetable oil. 17. Coconut oil contains minimum fatty acid content. 18. Sunflower oil is rich in Linoleic acid. 19. Mustard oil is the most Unsaturated one. 20. Prostaglandins are synthesized from Essential fatty acids. 21. Waxes are chemically inert and contain odd number of carbon atoms ( 25 – 35 ). They are the Oxygenated derivatives of Secondary Alcohol or Ketones. 22. Cholesterol palmitate is the Wax present in Blood. 23. Bee wax is a mixture of Palmitic acid and Myricyl acid. 24. Cephalin is the lipid present in Brain and Nerve membrane. 25. Steroids are 4 membered ring ( Phenanthrene ). 13 26.Cholesterol It is called as Animal Steroid. It is insoluble in water and forms bile salts. It is synthesized from Acetyl CoA or Acetate in Liver. Cholesterol is not a dietary essential substance. It is not found in plants. Cholesterol is minimum in vegetable oils. IMPORTANT LIPIDS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Diosgenin Ergosterol Terpenes Isoprenes Phytosterols Carotinoids Sterols Terpenes Phytol Lycopene Polyterpene Hardest wax Cutin and Suberin Cutin Suberin Steroid in Yam plant. Used as Anti fertility drug. Plant sterol. Converted into Vit.D by sunlight in animals. Five carbon compounds found in plants. Lipids from Vit.A, Coenzyme Q, Carotinoids etc. are formed. Plant sterols. Sigma sterol in Soyabean and Sitosterol in Wheat gram oil. Isoprenoids in plants containing 40 carbon atoms. Precursor of Vit.A. Essential for the growth and flowering in plants. Essential oils found in Camphor, Eukalyptus oil, Menthol etc. Terpenoid alcohol in Vit.A and Chlorophyll. Terpenoid pigment present in Tomato. Natural Rubber. Spermacetic wax of Whale. Lipids present in plant cell wall. Polymerised hydroxy fatty acid. Phellonic acid and Glycerol mixture.. Clinical importance of Lipids 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Tay Sach disease is due to excess Gangliosides. Arteriosclerosis is caused due to excess Cholesterol level. LDL - Low Density Lipoprotein. IDLs - Intermediate Density Lipoproteins. VLDLs – Very low Density Lipoproteins. HDLs - High Density Lipoproteins. Prominent in Blood. Tangier Disease - Disease caused by the deficiency of Alpha Lipoprotein. Apolipoprotein - Protein component of Lipoprotein. AMINO ACIDS 1. 2. 3. Amino acids exists in the non polar and Zwitter ion forms. Zwitter ion that has both positive and negative charges is called as Innert Salt. Acidic amino acids Aspartic acid, Glutamic acid 14 4. 5. 6. Basic amino acids Lysine, Arginine, Histidine. Neutral amino acids Glycine Essential Amino acids Valine Leucine Isoleucine Phenylalanine Tryptophan Methionine Lysine Threonine Histidine Arginine Non essential Amino acids Alanine Serine Proline Glutamic acid Aspartic acid Tyrosine Cysteine Asparginine Glutamic acid Glycine 7. Magic 20 Amino acids are called as Magic 20. 8. Amino acids do not form part of protein are Ornithine, Citrulline, Cystine. 9. Sulphur containing Amino acids are Methionine, Cysteine, Cystine. 10. Simplest amino acid is Glycine. It has no asymmetrical carbon. 11. Derived Amino acids are formed from other amino acids by enzymatic reaction Eg. Cystine. 12. Alpha carbon - Central carbon atom of amino acid in which amino and carboxyl groups Are attached. 13. Alkyl amino acids - Possess alkyl side chains. Egs. Glycine, Alanine, Valine, Leucine, Isoleucine. 14. Aromatic amino acids – Phenylalanine, Tyrosine, Tryptophan. 15. Dibasic amino acids - Lysine, Arginine, Histidine. 16. Basic amino acids - R group contains Nitrogen – Lysine, Arginine. 17. Acidic amino acids - R group contains Carboxylic acid 18. Iso electric pH - pH at which amino acid becomes Neutral – in Zwitter ion form Symbol is pI. PROTEINS 1. Primary structure 2. Secondary structure 3. Tertiary structure 4. Quarternary structure 5. Native conformation 6. Structural Motifs 7. Chaperone protein 8. Salt Linkage 9. Protein Data Book - Polypeptide. - Local 3D folding of protein by covalent bondings. - Further folding of secondary structure. - Folding by non covalent linkages. - Natural conformation by unique arrangement of amino acids. - Peculiar combination of secondary structure of proteins. - Heat shock protein. Synthesized when temperature rises. - Electrostatic or Ionic linkage found in Proteins. - Structure of various proteins is studied using X-ray diffraction and stored in a data base. 15 10. NMR - is used to study the structure of proteins. 11. Methods to separate Proteins - Electrophoresis, Chromatography, HPLC, Affinity chromatography. 12. London Disperson Force and Vander waal force – Weakest of the non covalent force 13. Kerartin - found in Skin, Nail, Hair, Hoof. 14. Keratin - contains sulphur containing amino acids like Cystine. 15. Fibroin and Serecine - Silk proteins of Silk worm. 16. Globular proteins - Egg albumin, Haemoglobin, Enzymes, Insulin. 17. INSULIN Insulin is secreted by the Beta cells of Islets. It is the Hypoglycemic hormone reducing The high blood glucose level. In 1953, Frederic Sanger identified the amino acid Sequence of insulin. Insulin is a small protein containing 51 amino acids. 21 amino acids In the Alpha chain and 30 amino acids in the Beta chain. The two chains are linked by Disulphide ( S – S ) bonds. It is used in the treatment of Diabetics. Pig ( Porcine ) or Cow ( Bovine ) insulin are used for treatment. Genetically engineered Humulin is used nowadays. Modified Pig insulin is also used. The animal insulin may produce allergic responses in some persons. Banting and Best discovered Insulin. 18. Hemoglobin contains 574 amino acids. 19. Beta Pleated structure - Beta helix structure of proteins. 20. Right handed or Alpha helix - formed by hydrogen bonding between C= O and N-H groups of peptide bonds. 21. Forces making protein structure – Hydrogen bonds, Ionic bonds, Covalent bonds, Hydrophobic bonds. 22. Invertase - coverts Sucrose to Glucose and Fructose. 23. Enzymes act at - moderate temperature of – 310 K. 24. Streptokinase - Enzyme used to dissolve blood clot. 25. Albinism - caused by the deficiency of Tyrosinase enzyme. 16 17