Time : 3 Hours
Marks : 70
General Instructions :
(i) This paper consists of four sections – A, B, C and D.
Section – A contains 08 questions of 1 marks each.
Section – B contains 10 questions of 2 marks each.
Section – C contains 09 questions of 3 marks each.
Section – D contains 03 questions of 5 marks each.
(ii) All questions in section – A are compulsory. Section B, C, D have internal choice.
1. Man has double circulation. Name the two circulations.
2. Mention the enzymes which hydrolyse proteins in an acidic medium.
3. Name two groups of plants that bear archegonia.
4. Define phyllotaxy.
5. What is the cycle with diploid adult and gametic meiosis called?
6. Where are ETS enzymes located in the mitochondria?
7. Define the term telocentric.
8. Draw diagram of a conjoint closed vascular bundle.
9. Which one of the plant growth regulators would you use if you are asked to:
(a) Induce immediate stomatal closure in leaves?
(b) Quickly ripen a fruit?
(c) Promote nutrient mobilization?
(d) Induce parthenocarpy?
10. Define RQ. Calculate the value of RQ for tripalmitin which is used as substrate.
11. Draw diagram of eye showing:
(i) Cornea
(ii) Aqueous chamber
(iii) Retina
(iv) Blind spot.
12. In the table given below enter the correct taxonomic categories:
Phylum / Division
(i) Man
(ii) Mango 13. Distinguish anaphase of mitosis from anaphase I of meiosis.
14. What are porins? What role do they paly in diffusion?
15. Can all the four chambers of the human heart experience systole simultaneously? Explain.
Draw a standard ECG and label the different segments in it.
16. Mention the protein having quaternary structure. Name its polypeptide chains also.
17. Complete the sequence below:
Fatty acids and glycerol being insoluble first incorporated into small droplets called (1) ……………….
which move into the (2) …………………; they are reformed into small protein-coated fat globules
(3) ………………which are transported into (4) ……………………. in the villi.
18. Give the comparison between the anatomy of leaf in C3 and C4 plants. (Any two differences).
19. How are gases exchanged in alveoli? Explain with reference to partial pressure.
20. Write down the steps of conversion of atmospheric nitrogen to ammonia by nitrogenase enzyme.
How this enzyme is protected in leguminous plant root nodules?
21. (a) Draw floral diagram of a family commonly called as the ‘potato family’.
(b) Give the floral formula of Liliaceae.
(c) Give the symbols of actinomorphic and zygomorphic flowers.
22. A snake, a crocodile and a chameleon, all belongs to the same class of phylum Chordata. Name the
class and also write its two important features.
23. Explain the structure of DNA as given by Watson and Crick.
24. Which hormone disorder is responsible for the following?
(a) Diabetes mellitus
(b) Gigantism
(c) Cretinism
25. Discuss “The respiratory pathway is an amphibolic pathway”.
26. Both lysosomes and vacuoles are endomembrane structures, yet they differ in terms of their
functions. Comment.
27. Define the following:
(i) Synapsis
(ii) Synaptonemal complex
(iii) Bivalent
Why can cytokinesis not occur in plant cells the same way as it occurs in animal cells? Explain.
28. Describe the process of urine formation in mammals.
Explain different states of axon membrane during transmission of nerve impulse along a nerve fibre
(non-myelinated and myelinated).
29. Define photoperiodism. Explain with example the three categories of plants based on photoperiodism.
Name one hypothetical hormone which is supposed to induce flowering in plants.
Where does non-cyclic photophosphorylation take place? Describe the process. Why is the process
referred to as non-cyclic?
30. (i) Draw a labeled diagram of areolar connective tissue.
(ii) Where is it found in human body?
(iii) How does it differ from adipose tissue.
Explain the process of secondary growth in the stems of woody angiosperms with the help of schematic
diagrams. What is its significance?
Time : 3 Hours
General Instructions :
Marks: 70
(i) All questions are compulsory.
(ii) This question paper contains four Sections A, B, C and D. Section A
Contains 8 questions of 1 mark each. Section B is of 10 questions of 2 marks
each, Section C is of 9 questons of 3 marks each and Section D is of 3
questions of 5 marks each.
(iii) There is no overall choice. However, an internal choice has been
provided in one question of 2 marks, one question of 3 marks and all the
three questions of 5 marks weightage. A student has to attempt only one of
the alternatives in such questions.
(iv) Wherever necessary, the diagrams should be neat and properly labelled.
1. Name a single membrane bound cell organelle which is rich in hydrolytic enzymes.
2. Arrange the following in the sequence in which you would find them in a plant starting from the
Pericycle, Epidermis, Pith, Endodermis, Cortex.
3. How many turns of Calvin cycle are required to generate one molecule of glucose?
4. Which hormone can be used to overcome the effect of apical dominance in plants?
5. Observe the given figure and identify the process (I) and (II).
6. Arrange the following taxonomical categories in a proper sequence:
Genus, order, family, species, phylum.
7. How many spermathecae are found in earthworm?
8. Write the value of Respiratory Quotient (R.Q.), when protein are respiratory substrates.
9. Bile juice has no digestive enzymes, yet it is important for digestion. Give reason.
10. Given below are the pairs of cell organelles and their functions. Which out of these is not a
matching pair and why?
(i) Mitochondria
: Produce cellular energy in the form of ATP
(ii) Golgi apparatus
: Site of formation of glycoproteins and glycolipids.
(iii) Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
: The major site for synthesis of lipid.
(iv) Centrosome
: Trap light energy for photosynthesis.
11. Name the stages of cell division at which the following events occur:
(i) Chromosomes cluster at opposite spindle poles.
(ii) Centromere splits and chromatids separate.
(iii) Chromosomes move to spindle equator.
(iv) Crossing over between non-sister chromatics takes place.
12. Explain the steps involved in formation of root nodules in leguminous plants.
Describe the steps of catalytic cycle of an enzyme action.
13. Name the type of placentation shown in the given figures (i) and (ii). Give one example of each type.
14. Why are deuteromycetes commonly known as imperfect fungi? Mention two characteristics of
mycelium of such fungi.
15. Fill up the blank spaces (a), (b), (c), and (d) in the table given below:
16. Why are Xylem and Phloem called complex tissue?
17. In old age, people often suffer from stiffness and inflammation in joints. What is this condition called?
What are the possible reasons for these symptoms?
18. How are the male and female gametophytes of pteridophytes and gymnosperms different from each
19. Which hormonal deficiency is responsible for the following:
(a) Diabetes mellitus
(c) Dwarfism?
Write one symptom for each also.
20. Observe the diagrams and answer the following questions:
(a) Are these types of guard cells observed in monocot or in dicot plants?
(b) Which of these shows a higher water content?
(c) Which element plays an important role in the opening and closing of stomata?
21. (a) Which phytohormone is also called as stress hormone? How does this hormone overcome
stress conditions?
(b) Name the phytohormone which is widely used to kill dicotyledonous weeds.
22. Write three differences between bone and cartilage.
23. Why is mitosis called equational division? Distinguish anaphase of mitosis from anaphase I of
24. Most dicotyledonous plants exhibit an increase in girth. Name such type of growth. Represent
this growth diagrammatically.
25. Explain the process of gaseous exchange between alveoli and blood during respiration.
26. What is reflex action? Draw a labeled diagram of reflex arc that operate when a person responds
in case of a Knee jerk.
How is an action potential achieved during impulse conduction through an axon? Explain.
27. Give the information about the following mineral nutrients in plants as asked against each:
(i) Sulphur: Any one amino acid in which it is present, effect of deficiency on flowers.
(ii) Manganese: Chemical form in which absorbed from the soil, the best defined function in
(iii) Calcium: Two Roles during cell division.
28. Why is Kreb’s cycle also called citric acid cycle? Explain the major steps of citric acid cycle.
Explain non-cyclic photophosphorylation in plants. Why is this process called so?
29. Who proposed the fluid mosaic of plasma membrane? Describe the fluid mosaic model of plasma
membrane with the help of labelled diagram.
What are proteins? How are proteins formed? Describe the primary, secondary and tertiary
structure of proteins.
30. (a) Draw a labeled diagram of a nephron showing blood vessels, duct and tubule.
(b) Name the organ where urea is produced in human body.
(c) Describe the process of urine formation in Kidney.
(a) Why is sino – atrial node (SAN) called as pacemaker of our heart?
(b) In our body blood circulation is called double circulation. Why?
(c) Draw a standard ECG and explain different segments in it.