Lifetime Health Calendar (3) November 2009 - Mrs. Sherrell Day 19 – November 3/4 (Tuesday/Wednesday) Due: Carbohydrate tracking & Warm up Set #2 Goal Project Evaluation assigned – due Nov. 10th/12th Lecture/notes: Food Label Requirements Interpreting Food Labels WS…due at the end of period Day 20 – November 5/9 (Thursday/Monday) No school Friday, November 6th – 1st qtr. Grade day Lecture/notes: Breakfast, Diet, Exercise Nutritious Samples planning (and homework!) Day 1 – November 10/12 (Tuesday/Thursday) No school Wednesday, November 11th – Veteran’s Day Due: Goal Project Evaluation (Evaluation essay, tracking calendar and rough drafts) & nutritious food sampling contribution Assemble Nutrition Packets Nutrition Review…TEST NEXT CLASS Nutritious Foods Sampling Day 2 – November 13/16 (Friday/Monday) Due: Nutrition Packet Nutrition Test Day 3 – November 17/18 (Tuesday/Wednesday) Introduce New Unit: Human Growth & Development Read: “Adolescence is a Time of Change”. Focus questions due at the end of the period Day 4 – November 19/20 (Thursday/Friday) Lecture Notes: Male and Female Reproductive Systems – diagrams and vocabulary Endocrine System review – read article and answer questions (with time) Day 5 – November 23/24 (Monday/Tuesday) Lecture Notes: Prenatal Development (from conception to birth), Effects of alcohol and other drugs on a developing fetus (Conception/F.A.S. D) Day 6 – November 25/30 (Wednesday/Monday) Pregnancy Options: Adoption/Abortion/Keeping the baby Notes on Teenage Pregnancy – Problems and disadvantages associated with all three options Parent Interview Project – Part 1 (due next class) Happy Turkey Day! Thanksgiving Vacation – November 26th & 27th Lifetime Health Calendar (4) December 2009 - Mrs. Sherrell Day 7 – December 1/2 (Tuesday/Wednesday) Due: Parent Interview Part 1 Lecture/notes: Contraception (birth control); the role of contraception in preventing disease and pregnancy, methods explained, stats given FOCUS = Abstinence is the best method of contraception and disease control! Day 8 – December 3/4 (Thursday/Friday) Parent Interview Project Part 2 (due EOP) STIs (Sexually Transmitted Infections aka STDs and VD) Lecture/notes: The problems associated with STIs, how to avoid, facts and stats WS – “Sexually Transmitted Diseases” – read article and answer questions Day 9 – December 7/8 (Monday/Tuesday) HIV/AIDS: Day 1 Lecture /notes: Facts, stats and review of disease Day 10 – December 9/10 (Wednesday/Thursday) HIV/AIDS: Day 2 Lecture/notes: Know the facts…cut the risks Introduction to effective refusal skills and problem solving methods Day 11 – December 11/14 (Friday/Monday) Parent Interview Project Part 3 (due Dec. 9/10) HIV/AIDS: Day 3 Lecture/notes: Abstinence facts and stats Role-play scenarios to practice refusal skills Day 12 – December 15/16 (Tuesday/Wednesday) HIV/AIDS: Day 4 Lecture/notes: Correct use of a condom can reduce risk of disease Day 13 – December 17/18 (Thursday/Friday) Due: Parent Interview and Reflection (Part 1, 2 and 3) Assemble Human Growth and Development Packet Human Growth and Development Review Day 14 – January 4/5 (Monday/Tuesday) DUE: Human Growth and Development Packet TEST: Human Growth and Development and HIV/AIDS Day 15 – January 6/7 (Wednesday/Thursday) Introduce new unit: Alcohol and other Drugs Gateway drugs, the physiology of addiction, Developmental Assets, magical thinking and the law VIDEO: “The Immortality Myth” Day 16 – January 8/11 (Friday/Monday) Tobacco Notes: cigarettes, chew, second-hand smoke, advertising, resistance skills VIDEO: “Truth or Dare about Smoking” Day 17 – January 12/13 (Tuesday/Wednesday) Final essay assigned – Due: January 12/13 Lecture/notes: Alcohol: includes Rule of 5’s, levels of use VIDEO: “Truth or Dare about Drinking” Day 18 – January 14/15 (Tuesday/Wednesday) No School Monday, January 18th - Martin Luther King Day Due: Alcohol and other Drugs Packet (returned at end of class) Lecture/notes: Steroids VIDEO: “A Body to Die for: The Aaron Henry Story” Day 18 – January 19/20 (Tuesday/Wednesday) Due: Final essay assignment Lecture/notes: Alcohol – includes rule of 5’s, levels of use VIDEO: “ Truth or Dare about Drinking” Assemble Alcohol and other Drugs Packets – Due: next class Begin preparations for the final Day 20 – January 22/25 (Thursday/Friday) Review day - In class review of concepts, facts, etc. to prepare for final exam Day 21 – January 26/27/28 (Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday) FINAL EXAM - ALL STUDENTS MUST ATTEND THE DAY OF THE FINAL! Due: Final Folder/Packet including Wellness, Mental Health, Nutrition, Human Growth and Development and Alcohol and Other Drug Packets Bring: a positive attitude 2 - #2 pencils (scantron test) 1 – good eraser study materials for your “next” final or a book (you can’t leave early) a water bottle Good luck during finals! Best wishes for a successful second semester!