Dr Frank Homer - The University of Scranton

2003-04 Committee List
Academic Policy Council (APC)
Charge: Makes recommendations to the Provost on academic policies and programs.
Dr. Beth Barnett
Ms. Mary Kay Aston
Dr. Kathleen Davis
Dr. Vincent Carilli
Mr. Jerome DeSanto
Ms. Robyn Dickinson
Dr. Joseph Dreisbach
Dr. Mary Engel
Dr. Frank Homer
Dr. Ronald Johnson
Mr. Charles Kratz
Dr. James Pallante
Dr. Duncan Perry
Mr. Joseph Roback
Rev. John J. Shea, S.J.
Dr. Jem Spectar
Ms. Helen Stager
Ms. Anne Marie Stamford
Affirmative Action Advisory Committee
Ms. Jo Ann Usry
Membership to be announced in December 2003
Board of Trustees Facilities Committee
Charge: Makes recommendations to the Board of Trustees on matters related to
facilities. The charge of the faculty resource members on the committee is to provide
information when requested to do so by the Trustees.
Jerry J. Weinberger, Esq.
Mr. Robert Bednar
Ms. Jeanne Bovard
Louis DeNaples, M.D.
Mr. Thomas Karam
George Lynett, Esq.
Frank McDonnell, Esq.
Mr. Carl J. Kuehner
Hon. Don Sherwood
University Personnel Assigned:
Mr. Martin Langan
Chief Liaison
Mr. Jerome DeSanto
Ms. Patricia Vaccaro
University Council Representative
Dr. Robert Waldeck
Faculty Senate Representative
Mr. Dan Nelson
1st VP Student Government
Ms. Judy Insogna
Recording Secretary
2003-04 Committee List
Others Invited to Attend:
Mr. David Christiansen
Dr. Beth Barnett
Mr. Dave Wilson
Mr. Austin Burke
Dr. Vince Carilli
Mr. David Hawk
Mr. James Devers
Board of Trustees Academic Affairs Committee
Charge: Make recommendations to the Board of Trustees on academic affairs issues.
The charge of the faculty resource members on the committee is to provide
information when requested to do so by the Trustees.
Donna Carroll, Ed.D.
Ms. Jeanne Bovard
Margaret Condron, Ph.D.
Rev. Gerald P. Fogarty, S.J.
Rev. Otto Hentz, S.J.
Rev. Michael C. McFarland, S.J.
Rev. Arthur Madigan, S.J.
University Personnel Assigned:
Dr. Beth Barnett
Chief Liaison
Dr. Daniel West
University Council Representative
Dr. Frank Homer
President, Faculty Senate
Ms. Sarah Shenton
Junior Class Representative
Mrs. Anne Marie Stamford
Recording Secretary
Board of Trustees Enrollment Management Committee
Charge: Makes recommendations to the Board of Trustees on enrollment
management issues. The charge of the faculty resource members on the committee is
to provide information when requested to do so by the Trustees.
Margaret Condron, Ph.D.
Msgr. Joseph Bambera
Donna Caroll, Ed.D.
Louis DeNaples, M.D.
Ms. Mary Beth Farrell
Rev. Herbert Keller, S.J.
Rev. Arthur Madigan
R. Barrett Noone, M.D.
Dr. Karen Pennington
Hon Don Sherwood
University Personnel Assigned:
Mr. Joseph Roback
Chief Liaison
Dr. Beth Barnett
Ms. Susan Patten
University Council Representative
2003-04 Committee List
Dr. Ivan Shibley
Mr. Ron Spalletta
Ms. Mary Kay Aston
Faculty Senate Representative
Commuter Student Representative
Recording Secretary
Board of Trustees Institutional Advancement Committee
Charge: Make recommendations to the Board of Trustees on advancement issues.
The charge of the faculty resource members on the committee is to provide
information when requested to do so by the Trustees.
Ms. Mary Beth Farrell
Msgr. Joseph Bambera
Mr. Robert Bednar
Mr. Jack Brennan
Mr. Thomas Karam
Mr. Carl J. Kuehner
Mr. Carl J. Lisman
Jerry J. Weinberger, Esq.
University Personnel Assigned:
Mr. Paul Strunk
Chief Liaison
Dr. Gerald Biberman
University Council Representative
Mr. Bryan Murtaugh
Student Representative
Mr. John Appleton
Alumni Representative
Mrs. Rosemary Lavelle
Recording Secretary
Board of Trustees Mission & Identity Committee
Charge: Makes recommendations to the Board of Trustees on mission and identity
issues. The charge of the faculty resource members on the committee is to provide
information when requested to do so by the Trustees.
Rev. Joseph Novak, S. J.
Rev. George Aschenbrenner, S.J.
Rev. Gerald Fogarty, S.J.
Mrs. Michele Gilfillan
Rev. Otto Hentz, S.J.
Patricia Moran, Esq.
University Personnel Assigned:
Rev. Terrence Toland, S.J.
Chief Liaison
Rev. John J. Shea, S.J.
Dr. E. Springs Steele
Dr. Gary Mattingly
University Council Representative
Mr. Jack Beidler
Faculty Senate Representative
Mr. Kevin McCabe
Senior Class Vice President
Ms. Joanne Gambacorda
Recording Secretary
2003-04 Committee List
Board on Rank and Tenure
Charge: The function of the Board on Rank and Tenure is to recommend to the
President that tenure and/or promotion in rank be given or denied to a particular
member of the faculty
Dr. Beth Barnett
Lori Ann Bruch
Dr. Harold Baillie
Dr. W. Andrew Berger
Dr. Dona Carpenter
Dr. Frank Corcione
Dr. Jody DeRitter
Dr. Roy Domenico
Dr. Lee Ann Eschbach
Dr. Marian Farrell
Dr. Edmund Kosmahl
Dr. Murli Rajan
Campus Center Committee
Charge: To assist in the programming phase in the construction and renovation of
the Gunster Student Center.
Dr. Vincent Carilli
Dr Reuban Rodriguez
Dr Frank Homer
Rev. Phil Florio
Ms. Anitra Yusinski
Mr. Ted Zayac
Mr. Don Drasba
Mr. Marty Langan
Mr. Jim Devers
Mr. Dave Wilson
Mr. Mark Murphy
Student Members TBA
Campus Climate Study Group
Charge: To Facilitate the administration of a campus climate study.
Ms. Jo Ann Usry, Chair
Dr. Beth Barnett
Ms. Robyn Dickinson
Dr. Marian Farrell
Ms. Regina Bennett
Ms. Susan Jones
Mr. Darrell Frederick
Mr. Gary Zampano
2003-04 Committee List
Campus Ministry Council
Charge: To involve varied members of the University Community in the planning
and implementing of campus ministry related programs.
Rev. Phil Florio, S.J. (Chair)
Dr. Gretchen Van Dyke
Dr. Susan Mathews
Dr. Michael Sulzinski
Mr. Zim Lawhon
Ms. Theresa Burke
Ms. Geri Botyrius
Adam Rosinski
Grace Alfano
Melissa Lainowski
Scott Leuchten
Irene Alfred
Michael Wong
CAS Dean's Conference
Charge: The CAS Dean's Conference is the advisory, consultative group to the dean
of the College
Dr. Joseph Dreisbach
Dr. James Buchanan
Ms. Gina Butler
LTC. Mark Carmody
Dr. Leonard Champney
Prof. Joseph Cimini
Dr. Michael DeMichele
Dr. Jones DeRitter
Dr. Darla Germeroth
Dr. Irene Goll
Dr. Michael Hardisky
Dr. Jakub Jasinski
Dr. David Marx
Dr. Linda Ledford-Miller
Prof. Richard Plishka
Dr. William Rowe
Ms. Noreen Schofield
Dr. Robert Spalletta
Dr. E. Springs Steele
Prof. Edward Warner
Dr. Gloria Wenze
2003-04 Committee List
Chairperson Survey Revision Group
Charge: To review and revise the instrument used for the annual evaluation of
Anne Marie Stamford
Darla Germeroth
John McInerney
Joseph Fusaro
Frank Corcione
CCC - Faculty Senate Working Group
Charge: Develop student learning outcome goals for the University general
education program. Provide a report to the Provost by September 2003 for review by
APC and Faculty Senate
Dr. Brian Benestad
Dr. Leonard Champney
Dr. Trudy Dickneider
Dr. Moses Ikiugu
Dr. Edmund Kosmahl
Dr. Iodanis Petsas
Dr. Bonnie Thomas-Sharksnas
Code of Responsible Computing Taskforce
Charge: Review and Re-write the Code of Responsible Computing for Faculty and
Ms. Gail Bontrager
Ms. Abigail Byman
Mr. Bob Curley
Ms. Kim Hepler
Mr. Paul Jackowitz
Ms. Lorraine Mancuso
Prof. Elizabeth Moylan
Dr. Kevin Nordberg
Prof. Iordanis Petsas
Dr. Jem Spectar
Ms. Jo Ann Usry
Committee for Global Education
Charge: To discuss pertinent campus policies/procedures/practices and make
recommendations with regard to enhancing the international character of the
institution and nurturing a culture committed to global education.
Dr. Jem Spectar, Chair
Dr. Robert Parsons
2003-04 Committee List
Dr. Susan Trussler
Dr. Tata Mbugua
Ms. Regina Bennett
Ms. Dianne Posegate
Ms. Maggie Parsons
Mr. Jay Blazes
Mr. Michael Simons
Committee on the Status of Women
Charge: To promote gender equality throughout all areas of the University
community, assist the administration in identifying the concerns of women at the
University that need study, recommend to the appropriate administrative offices ways
to address the concerns of women at the University, communicate and collaborate
with other committees and organizations to provide support, advocacy and
information regarding women’s issues, and raise awareness through communication
with the University community regarding behaviors, actions, issues, policies, and
procedures that impact the status of women.
Dr. Marian Farrell
Ms. Jo Ann Usry
Ms. Regina Bennett
Ms. Susan Jones
Ms. Susan Bradley
Ms. Brenda Brewer
Ms. Elizabeth Kuhns
Dr. Jan Kelly
Ms. Cathy Mazzei
Ms. Helen Stager
Rev. Ron McKinney, S.J.
Ms. Mary Ellen Pichiarello
Ms. Liz Randol
Ms. Sara Shoener
Ms. Roseann Morgan
Ms. Kimberly McManus
Noelle Arico
Committee on University Image and Promotion (CUIP)
Charge: To develop integrated marketing plan
Mr. Gerald Zaboski
Mr. Edward Steinmetz
Dr. Beth Barnett
Mr. Jerome DeSanto
Rev. Scott R. Pilarz, S.J.
Mr. Paul Strunk
Dr. Cynthia Cann
Dr. Michael DeMichele
2003-04 Committee List
Dr. Patricia Harrington
Operational Work Team:
Duncan Perry
Kathy Davis
Joseph Roback
Catherine Marshall
James Goonan
Edward Steinmetz
Stanley Zygmunt
Gerry Zaboski
Conference Committee on Curriculum (CCC)
Charge: The CCC is responsible for implementation and oversight of the University
General Education Program
Dr. Joseph Dreisbach
Dr. Leonard Champney
Dr. Ying Chen
Dr. Kathleen Davis
Dr. Trudy Dickneider
Dr. Ronald Johnson
Dr. Lawrence Kennedy
Dr. Edmund Kosmahl
Dr. James Pallante
CPS Dean's Conference
Charge: To consult with the Dean in the discharge of his/her responsibilities in
regard to the development and improvement of the programs of study within the
school or college.
Dr. James Pallante
Alexia Antoniades
Student Rep.
Ms. Lisa Burns
Dr. Elizabeth Ciaravino
Dr. Linda Desmond
Ms. Jean Marie Devlin
Student Rep.
Ms. Sara Gausz
Student Rep.
David Hair
Dr. Renee Hakim
Dr. Patricia Harrington
Lillian Kayal
Student Rep.
Ms. Jennifer Kreider
Student Rep.
Dr. Deborah Lo
Ms. Gina Manuele
Student Rep.
Dr. Oliver Morgan
Dr. Larry Morton
Dr. Eric Plumer
2003-04 Committee List
Ms. Dianne Posegate
Dr. Carol Reinson
Dr. John Sanko
Ms. Michelle Salvemini
Mr. Robert Spinelli
Dr. Ann Marie Toloczko
Dr. William Wallick
Dr. Rhonda Waskiewicz
Dr. Daniel West
Dr. Gloria Wenze
Dr. Gary Wodder
Student Rep.
CPS Freshman Seminar Committee
Charge: To assist the CPS Dean's Office in the planning, developing,
implementation and assessment of the Freshman Seminar Experience.
Dr. Rhonda Waskiewicz
Anthony DeCarli
Linda Desmond
Mary Jane DiMattio
Dr. Marian Farrell
Dr. Marybeth Grant-Beuttler
Dr. Renee Hakim
Dr. Tim Hobbs
Ms. Diana Howe
Ms. Nancy Kolodziej
Bernard Krzan
Dr. Eric Matatics
Dr. Tata Mbugua
Dr. Kathleen Montgomery
Ms. Dianne Posegate
Carol Reinson
Ms. Patricia Vaccaro
Dr. David Wiley
Dr. Gary Wodder
Dr. Margarete Zalon
CPS Service Learning Liaison Committee
Charge: To work with the CPS Associate Dean to individually and collectively act as
a resource and provide CPS departments with information regarding service learning
initiatives, research, and programmatic opportunities for department, faculty and
Dr. Rhonda Waskiewicz
Dr. Curt Dixon
Dr. William Wallick
Dr. Renee Hakim
2003-04 Committee List
Ms. Cathy Mascelli
Dr. Tata Mbugua
Dr. Lori Bruch
Dr. Moses Ikiugu
Ms. Dianne Posegate
Dr. Paula Roe-Prior
Ms. Patricia Vaccaro
CTLE Advisory Group
Charge: Advise the CTLE Director with the ongoing planning of the Center
including annual goals and objectives, priorities, policies, and services.
Dr. Debra Busacco
Rev. Louis Bonacci, S.J.
Dr. Satya Chattopahyay
Dr. Liz Ciarvino
Prof. Katie Duke
Dr. Marian Farrell
Dr. Anthony Ferzola
Dr. Antoinette Glover
Dr. Patricia Gross
Prof. Betsey Moylan
Dr. Hong Hguyen
Dr. Peter Olden
Dr. William Rakauskas
Prof. Narda Tafuri
Ms. Maria Munez
DHC Dean's Conference
Charge: Discuss DHC related issues with various representatives form University
Dr. Kathleen V. Davis
Ms. Mary Kay Aston
Dr. Debra Busacco
Rev. Timothy Cadigan, S.J.
Dr. Dona Carpenter
Ms. Sharon Gallo
Ms. Barbara Gleason
Mr. Eugeniu Grigorescu
Dr. David Hall
Alternate rep CHS
Dr. Patricia Harrington
Dr. Liz Jacob
Prof. Peter Leininger
Dr. Robert McKeage
Prof. Linda Neyer
Dr. William Rakauskas
2003-04 Committee List
Dr. David Rusak
Dr. James Sidbury
Prof. Robert Spinelli
Dr. Dan West
Dr. Midori Yamanouchi
Mr. Gerald Zaboski
Ms. Dawn Lavelle
Student Government Representative
Due Process Committee
Charge: Per Faculty Handbook, this standing committee will concern itself only with
rank and tenure policy and will limit its investigation to matters of procedure. In
cases where the committee finds a procedural violation, it will suggest some
appropriate remedy.
Dr. Edward Scahill
Dr. Kathleen Dwyer
Dr. Ronald Johnson
Education for Justice Task Force
Charge: Audit existing programs related to Education for Justice; investigate
programs at other universities; establish a website; propose permanent strucre devoted
to education for justice; serve as a clearinghouse for information; identify and
promote opportunities for faculty, staff and students to engage in education for
Dr. Mary Anne Foley,
Mr. Anthony Giancatarino (CAS student – Justice Club President)
Dr. Patricia Harrington
Mr. John Kraybill-Greggo
Ms. Dawn Lavelle (DHC Student)
Ms. Christina Mardjokic (CAS Student)
Dr. Michael Mensah
Ms. Catherine Seymour
Ms. Patricia Vaccaro
Mr. Keith Williams (GRAD student)
Dr. Joseph Dreisbach (convener)
Enrollment Management Advisory Group
Charge: To advise members of the senior administration on policy issues related to
enrollment management.
Ms. Mary Kay Aston
Dr. Beth Barnett
Mr. William Burke
Dr. Cynthia Cann
Mr. David Christiansen
Mr. Kent Drake-Deese
2003-04 Committee List
Ms. Robyn Dickinson
Dr. Joseph Dreisbach
Dr. Ronald Johnson
Mr. Mark Kudrich
Dr. James Pallante
Mr. Paul Perhach
Dr. Duncan Perry
Mr. Joseph Roback
Dr. Reuban Rodriguez
Dr. Terry Sweeney
Mrs. Helen Stager
Dr. Ann Marie Toloczko
Ms. Jo Ann Usry
Mr. Gerald Zaboski
Mr. Robert Zelno
Faculty Affairs Council Executive Committee (FAC)
Charge: To represent the Faculty Affairs Council in its duty to improve the terms
and conditions of employment of the full-time faculty through the process of collective
Dr. David Black
Dr. Willis Conover
Dr. Michael Friedman
Contract Administration Officer
Dr. Linda Ledford-Miller
Dr. Gretchen Van Dyke
Grievance Officer
Faculty Development Board (FDB)
Charge: To review and approve proposals for faculty members conducting research
or curriculum development work in the summer and intersession terms.
Dr. Beth E. Barnett
Dr. Hal Baillie
Dr. Dr. Brian Carpenter
Dr. Mary Jane DiMattio
Dr. Katie Duke
Dr. Thomas Hogan
Dr. Tata Mbugua
Dr. Robert Parsons
Dr. Duncan Perry
Dr. Ann Pang White
Dr. Jem Spectar
Dr. Janice Voltzow
Faculty Handbook Committee (FHC)
Charge: Review the Faculty Handbook section of the Master Agreement
Dr. Beth Barnett
2003-04 Committee List
Dr. David Black
Ms. Abigail Byman
Dr. Ellen Casey
Dr. Kathleen Davis
Dr. Michael Friedman
Dr. Mary Jane Hanson
Dr. Jean Harris
Dr. Frank Homer
Dr. Ronald Johnson
Dr. Frank Jordan
Dr. James Pallante
Dr. Jem Spectar
Dr. Gretchen VanDyke
Ms. Anne Marie Stamford
Financial Management Committee (FMC)
Dr. Beth Barnett
Dr. Vincent Carilli
Mr. David Christiansen
Mr. Jerome DeSanto
Mr. Darrell Frederick
Mr. Martin Langan
Mr. John McNamara
Ms. Carol Radle
Fr. John Shea, S.J.
Mr. Edward Steinmetz
Mr. Paul Strunk
Faculty Personnel Committee (FPC)
Dr. Beth E. Barnett
Mr. David Christiansen
Mr. Darrell Frederick
Dr. Kathleen Davis
Ms. Abigail Byman
Dr. Joseph Dreisbach
Dr. Ronald Johnson
Dr. James Pallante
Dr. Duncan Perry
Dr. Jem Spectar
Ms. Anne Marie Stamford
resource person
2003-04 Committee List
Faculty Research Committee
Charge: Serve in an advisory capacity to the Director of Research on issues of
research policy and procedures; review and approve applications for internal research
funding; review and make recommendations concerning sabbatical proposals; and
conduct investigations of scientific misconduct if warranted.
Dr. Duncan Perry
Ms. Eileen Callahan
Ex officio Non-voting
Dr. Dona Carpenter
Dr. Leonard Champney
Dr. Tom Collins
Dr. Roy Domenico
Kathleen Dwyer
Dr. Robyn Lawrence
Ms. Eloise Libassi
Ex officio non-voting
Dr. Robert McCloskey
Dr. John Sanko
Dr. Rose Sebastianelli
Mrs. Christine Zakzewski
Faculty Senate
Dr. Frank Homer
Dr. Beidler
Dr. J. Timothy Cannon
Prof. Stephen Casey
Dr. Cozza
Dr. Jody DeRitter
Dr. Mary Anne Foley
Dr. Len Gougeon
Dr. Timothy Hobbs
Dr. Thomas Hogan
Dr. Jordan
Dr. Prasadarao Kakumanu
Prof. Peter Leininger
Dr. Daniel Mahoney
Dr. Mensah
Dr. Kathleen Montgomery
Prof. Betsey Moylan
Dr. Parsons
Dr. Krzysztof Plotka
Dr. Carol Reinson
Dr. Roe-Prior
Dr. Shibley
Dr. Carole Slotterback
Dr. Robert Spalletta
Dr. Dan Townsend
Coordinator of Elections
2003-04 Committee List
Dr. Trussler
Dr. Waldeck
Dr. Joan Wasilewski
Dr. Whittaker
Dr. El-Habib Zanzana
Faculty Senate Executive Committee
Dr. Frank Homer
Dr. Jody DeRitter
Dr. Spalletta
Dr. Trussler
Dr. Waldeck
Dr. Whittaker
Dr. Joan Wasilewski
Prof. Betsey Moylan
Dr. Montgomery
Faculty Senate Academic Policy Committee
Charge: Prepares recommendations for consideration by the Faculty Senate on all
aspects of academic programs.
Dr. Jody DeRitter
Dr. Thomas Hogan
Prof. Leininger
Dr. Mensah
Dr. Parsons
Dr. Roe-Prior
Dr. Chris Plotka
Dr. Whittaker
Faculty Senate Academic Support Committee
Charge: Prepares recommendations for consideration by the Faculty Senate on all
aspects of support for academic programs.
Dr. Waldeck
Dr. Reinson
Dr. Len Gougeon
Dr. Beidler
Dr. Jordan
Dr. Carole Slotterback
Faculty Senate Ad Hoc Committee on Interdisciplinary Academic Program
Charge: To research the state of interdisciplinary programs here at the University, to
review the state of such programs at other institutions; to brief the Faculty Senate on
the state of interdisciplinary programs and propose what the University should do in
the future to develop and support such programs.
2003-04 Committee List
Dr. Josephine Dunn
Dr. Sharon Meagher
Dr. Carol Reinson
Dr. Robert Spalletta
Dr. Susan Trussler
Faculty Senate Curriculum Committee
Charge: Oversees and monitors the existing curriculum and any proposals for new
programs or changes in the curriculum. Prepares recommendations for consideration
by the Faculty Senate on all aspects of curriculum.
Dr. Robert Spalletta
Dr. Joan Wasilewski
Dr. Mahoney
Dr. Shibley
Dr. Mary Anne Foley
Dr. Cozza
Dr. Kakumanu
Dr. Habib Zanzana
Dr. Lisa Lesneski
Faculty Travel Committee
Charge: To support faculty travel to professional meetings, workshops &
professional development.
Dr. Beth Barnett
Dr. Brian Carpenter
Dr. Kathleen Davis
Dr. Joseph Dreisbach
Dr. David Friedrichs
Dr. Ronald Johnson
Dr. James Pallante
Dr. Duncan Perry
Dr. Jem Spectar
Freshman Year Experience Task Force Phase II
Charge: To review the first year using Performance Indicators (PI) provided by the
CIC Policy Center to appraise or assess the University’s level of achievement.
Dr. Jem Spectar
Dr. Jack Beidler
Rev. Timothy Cadigan, S.J.
Dr. Deborah Busacco
Dr. Liz Ciaravino
2003-04 Committee List
Dr. Brigid Frein
Dr. Bonnie Thomas-Sharksnas
Ms. Mary Kay Aston
Ms. Maggie Parsons
Fulbright Committee
Dr. Susan Trussler
Dr. David Black
Prof. John Hill
Dr. Linda Ledford-Miller
Dr. Joyce Hanks
Dr. Tata Mbugua
*Additional Language Specialist as needed for Interviews.
Graduate Dean's Conference
Charge: The purpose of the Graduate Dean's Conference is to serve as an advisory
board to the Graduate Dean and as a means of disseminating information to the
various departments that house graduate programs, to approve changes in graduate
curriculum, and to discuss and make decisions on Graduate School policy.
Dr. Duncan Perry, Chair
Dr. Christopher Baumann,
Ms. Regina Bennett,
Dr. Yaodong Bi,
Dr. Lori Bruch ,
Dr. Elizabeth Ciaravino,
Dr. Eileen Callahan,
Dr. Raymond Champagne,
Dr. Brigid Frein,
Dr. Charles Pinches,
Mr. James Goonan,
Dr. Mary Jane Hanson,
Dr. Riaz Hussain,
Dr. Deborah Eville Lo,
Ms. Constance McDonnell,
Dr. John McInerney,
Dr. Oliver Morgan,
Dr. Peter Olden,
Dr. Carol Reinson,
Mr. Reuban Rodriquez,
Dr. John Sanko,
Dr. Ivan Shibley,
Terri Freeman Smith
Faye Cuchara
2003-04 Committee List
GRASP Compliance Task Force
Charge: Prepare draft of a compliance program and plan for University grants,
research and sponsored programs. Work was completed in November 2002
Dr. Rebecca Beal
Mr. James Boyle
Atty. Abigail Byman
Ms. Eileen Callahan
Dr. J. Timothy Cannon
Dr. Kathleen Dwyer
Ms. Elaine Gayman
Renee Giovagnoli
Dr. Sharon Hudacek
Dr. David Marx
Ms. Margaret McNulty
Dr. Tabbi Miller
Dr. Duncan Perry
Ms. Diana Trygar
Mr. Paul Tweedy
Dr. Margarete Zalon
Hallmarks of Excellence Task Force
Charge: To review the First Year Experience Hallmarks of Excellence developed by
Dr. Jack Beidler
Dr. Brigid Frien
Ms. Cathy Seymour
Mrs. Bonnie Thomas-Sharksnas
Health Professions Evaluation Committee (HPEC)
Charge: The Health Professions Evaluation Committee interviews applicants to
doctoral-level health professions programs. Committee members work in teams to
interview applicants and, with the Director of Medical School Placement, prepare
letters of evaluation for each applicant.
Dr. Mary Engel
Dr. Harold Baillie
Dr. J. Timothy Cannon
Dr. Michael Cann
Dr. Dona Carpenter
Dr. Joseph Dreisbach
Dr. Mary Anne Foley
Dr. Paul F. Fahey
Dr. Timothy Foley
Dr. Darla Germeroth
Dr. Michael Hardisky
2003-04 Committee List
Dr. George R. Gomez
Dr. Thomas Hogan
Dr. Michael Hardisky
Dr. Sharon Hudacek
Fr. Ronald McKinney, S.J.
Dr. Kevin Nordberg
Dr. Robert Waldeck
Dr. Joan Wasilewski
Dr. Christine Zakzewski
Honors Council
Charge: The Honors Council serves as an advisory body to the Director of the
Honors Program. It must approve all major changes of policy and procedure. The
Honors Council is also responsible for selecting students to participate in the Honors
Program. This entails meeting with applicants and evaluating them in committee.
Dr. Ellen Casey
Dir. of Honors Program & Chair of Council
Dr. Galin Baril
Asst Dir of HP
Dr. Len Champney
Asst Dir of HP
Dr. Joseph Dreisbach
Ex officio
Dr. Anthony Ferzola
Dr. Renee Hakim
Dr. Dan Mahoney
Prof. Elizabeth Moylan
Dr. Timothy Foley
Dr. Lee Penyak
Dr. Loreen Wolfer
Asst Dir of HP
Information Resources Committee (IRC)
Charge: Advisory Committee to the Associate Provost for Information Resources on
a variety of significant IR issues.
Mr. Jerry DeSanto
Ms. Cheryl Boga
Mr. David Christiansen
Mr. James Franceschelli
Dr. Prasad Kakumanu
Mr. Charles Kratz
Lisa Lesneski
Dr. Robert McCloskey
Ms. Aileen McHale
Dr. Mathew Reavy
Rev. Richard Rousseau, S.J.
Ms. Bonnie Thomas-Sharksnas
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
2003-04 Committee List
Charge: Establish, implement policies, review & approve all research involving
animal subjects conducted at the University or under its sponsorship at another
location. Activities are conducted in accordance w/federal, state, & local regulations.
Dr. J. Timothy Cannon
Dr. Galen Baril
Statistical Consultant, non-voting
Ms. Eileen Callahan
Ex officio Non-voting
Dr. Keith Dorton, DVM
Dr. Timothy Foley
Dr. Gary Kwiecinski
Dr. David Marx
Mr. Tom McLane
Required by federal regulations
Dr. Duncan Perry
Ex officio Non-voting
Ms. Diana Trygar
Ex officio Non-voting
Dr. Harold W. Baillie
Dr. Christine Zakzewski
Institutional Biosafety Committee
Charge: Establish, implement policies, review and approve all research involving
recombinant DNA and other biosafety issues as deemed appropriate related to
research conducted at the University of Scranton or under its sponsorship at another
location. Activities are conducted in accordance with federal, state and local
Ms. Eileen Callahan
Ex officio Non-voting
Dr. Kathleen Dwyer
Dr. Peter Eden
External Rep. *required by federal regulations
Ms. Jo Ann Kraycer
Dr. Duncan Perry
Dr. James Slock
External Rep. *required by federal regulations
Dr. Michael Sulzinski
Ms. Diana Trygar
Dr. Joan Wasilewski
Institutional Review Board for the Protection of Human Subjects
Charge: Establish, implement policies, review and approve all research involving
human subjects conducted at the University of Scranton or under its sponsorship at
another location. Activities are conducted in accordance with federal state and local
regulations concerning safeguarding of the rights and welfare of human participants
in all research under its sponsorship.
Dr. Margarete Zalon
Dr. Galen Baril
Abigail Byman
Ex officio Non-voting
Ms. Eileen Callahan
Ex officio Non-voting
Dr. Deborah Eville Lo
Dr. Ann Pang-White
2003-04 Committee List
Dr. Duncan Perry
Dr. Nabil Tamini
Dr. Joe Vinson
Ms. Dolly Woody
Ex officio Non-voting
External Rep. (required by federal regulations)
IR Forum
Charge: Provide monthly presentations and discussions to the University
Community on various IR Issues.
Robyn Dickinson
Kim Hepler
Pauline Palko
Kevin Southard
Marise Garofalo
Fran Kranick
Margaret Hynosky
Luke Benedict
Eloise Libassi
Jo Ann Usry
Diane Wilson-Wren
Ted Zayac
Connie Wisdo
Sharon Grasso-Gallo
Darla Germeroth
Regina Bennett
Jason Langdon
Mirtha Wilczynski
Frank Gilmartin
Cathy Sanderson
Bill Buckley
KSOM Accreditation Steering Committee
Charge: To prepare material necessary for the KSOM report to AACSB prior to an
accreditation team visit in 2004-2005.
Dr. Rose Sebastianelli (co-chair)
Dr. Cyndee Cann (co-chair)
Dr. Mike Mensah
Dr. Kingsley Gnanendran
Dr. Ed Scahilll
Dr. Robyn Lawrence
Dr. Susan Trussler
Dr. Irene Goll
KSOM Dean's Conference
Charge: Please refer to Faculty Handbook
2003-04 Committee List
Dr. Ronald Johnson
Dr. Jerry Biberman
Dr. Satyajit Ghosh
Ms. Barbara Gleason
Dr. Ralph Grambo
Dr. Riaz Hussain
Dr. Prasad Kakumanu
Dr. Michael Mensah
Dr. Satya Prattipati
Dr. Susan Trussler
KSOM Systemic Change Committee
Dr. Rose Sebastianelli
Dr. Murli Rajan
Dr. Michael Mensah
Dr. Robert McKeage
Dr. Ronald Johnson
KSOM Undergraduate Curriculum Committee
Charge: Responsible for developing a proposal for revisions to the Undergraduate
business core.
Dr. Roxanne Johnson
Dr. Jerry Biberman
Dr. Ying Chien
Dr. Murli Rajan
Dr. Michael Mensah
Dr. Ed Scahill
Dr. S.P. Chattopadhyay
Dr. Nabil Tamimi
Dr. Ralph Grambo
Latin American Student Concentration Board
Dr. Lee Penyak
Prof. Stephen Casey
Dr. Robert Kocis
Dr. Linda Ledford-Miller
Dr. Kevin Nordberg
Dr. Robert Parsons
Dr. Janice Voltzow
Leahy Center for Faculty Research Committee
Charge: Determine awards granted for faculty development and research in Nursing,
Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy and related health care areas.
2003-04 Committee List
Dr. James Pallante
Dr. Lori Bruch
Dr. Ronald Deitrick
Dr. Tim Hobbs
Dr. Mary Jane Hanson
Dr. Carol Reinson
Dr. John Sanko
Dr. Rhonda Waskiewicz
Dr. Daniel West
Leahy Community Health Center Committee & Sub Committees
Charge: To work with the CPS Dean's office to plan, develop, initiate, coordinate,
and operate the activities and service of the Leahy Community Health Center.
Prof. Gerianne Barber
Dr. Dona Bauman
Dr. Mary Beth Grant-Beuttler
Ms. Eileen Callahan
Dr. Tom Collins
Dr. Curt Dixon
Dr. Marian Farrell
Mr. Darrell Frederick
Mr. Rod Gereda
Ms. Natalia Gomez
Dr. Elizabeth Jacob
Dr. James Pallante
Prof. Lori Pierangeli
Dr. Carol Reinson
Dr. William Wallick
Dr. Rhonda Waskiewicz
Dr. Daniel West
Library Advisory Committee
Charge: Serves as a resource to the Dean of the Library. The committee meets twice
each semester to review new products, such as databases and to give advise regarding
budget items and spending. Members of the Library staff share information regarding
new technology, equipment, and products. Committee members take the information
back to their respective departments.
Dr. Marian Farrell
Dr. Harold Baillie
Dr. Yaodong Bi
Dr. Lori Bruch
Dr. Maureen Carroll
Dr. Len Champney
Prof. Tracey Collins
Ms. Margaret Craft
2003-04 Committee List
Prof. Katie Duke
Dr. Josephine Dunn
Dr. Michael Dutko
Dr. Kathleen Dwyer
Dr. Timothy Foley
Prof. John Hill
Dr. Moses Ikiugu
Dr. Thomas Kamla
Dr. Christie Pugh Karpiak
Dr. Darla Germeroth
Dr. S. Kingsley Gnanendran
Ms. Clarie Hudson
Mr. Charles Kratz
Dr. Robyn Lawrence
Dr. Bob McCloskey
Mr. Timothy McVeigh
Prof. Betsy Moylan
Prof. Linda Neyer
Dr. Hong Nguyen
Dr. Masood Otarod
Dr. Eric Plumer
Dr. Bob Shaffern
Dr. Ivan Shibley
Ms. Bonnie Strohl
Prof. Narda Tafuri
Dr. Argyrios Varonides
Dr. William Wallick
Dr. Loreen Wolfer
Dr. John Zych
Matteo Ricci Society Advisory Board
Charge: Foster awareness of fellowship opportunities among our high-achieving
students. Individuals who direct programs that service such students were asked, by
the Director, to join the MSARB
Dr. Tim Cannon
Dr. Ellen Casey
Dr. Mary Engel (chair)
Dr. Tim Foley
Dr. Frank Homer
Ms. Connie McDonald
Dr. Bob McKeage
Rev. Ron McKinney
Ms. Dianne Posegate
Mr. Michael Simons
Dr. Susan Trussler
Dr. Gretchen VanDyke
2003-04 Committee List
MBA Advisory Committee
Charge: Responsible for oversight of the MBA program, Including continuous
review of the curriculum.
Membership for AY03-04 not finalized.
Nursing Alumni Council
Charge: NAC fosters the development of professional nurses through
communication intended to guide and support them. The goal is to advocate for the
University of Scranton by promoting a positive image of nursing. It unites with
fellow alumni to form a network from which the may all draw strength and guidance.
The Council supports and encourages the further enrichment and development of its
members. It honors distinguished students, faculty and alumni for their
accomplishments and contribution to health care.
Executive Committee:
Dr. Mary Jane DiMattio
Ms. Carol Rothenberger
Dr. Dona Carpenter
Dr. Margarete Zalon
Ms. Mary Theobald
Ms. Sue Heim
Ms. Mary Lawhon Triano
Ms. Ann Kutney
All Nursing Alumnae
Routing Committee
Charge: To handle routing requests to various governance bodies on campus
Rev. Scott Pilarz, S.J., Chairperson
Dr. Beth Barnett
Dr. Vincent Carilli
Dr. Francis Jordan, Chair, University Council
Dr. Frank Homer, President, Faculty Senate
Task Force on Diversity Action Plan
Charge: Using the diversity goals stated in the strategic plan, an action plan will be
developed that systematically addresses diversity initiatives in order to achieve
university-wide awareness, commitment and success..
Jo Ann Usry, Chair
Darrell Frederick, Co-chair
Dr. G. Biberman
Dr. M. Farrell
Dr. G. Gomez
Joseph Roback
Debbie Buscaco
2003-04 Committee List
Sherman Wooden
Gemma Davis
Danielle O Connor (student)
Himedes V. Chica (student)
Cesar Visurrago (student)
Task Force on University Goals
Charge: To draft goal statements that will serve as overarching University Goals that
give purpose and direction to strategic initiatives, operational objectives and
assessment activities.
Dr. Rhonda Waskiewicz, Chair
Dr. John Beidler
Ms. Regina Bennett
Ms. Tracey Collins
Ms. Robyn Dickinson
Fr. Philip Florio, S.J.
Dr. Darla Germeroth
Mr. James Muniz
Dr. Reuben Rodriguez
Mr. Edward Steinmetz
Dr. William Wallick
University Assessment Task Force
Charge: The Task Force is charged with writing a comprehensive University
Assessment Plan by Dec 2004. During the course of developing the Plan, the Task
Force will provide support for an educational effort aimed at increasing the
knowledge, skill and attitudes of faculty and staff about the role that outcomes and
assessment have in promoting a learning-centered culture and ongoing institutional
effectiveness. Further, the Task Force and its forthcoming Assessment Plan will
promote the Commission on Higher Education, Middle Sates Region's revised
accreditation standards as specified in Characteristics of Excellence 2002.
James Boyle
Debra Busacco
Barbara Cozza
Joseph Curran
Robyn Dickinson
Marian Farrell
Brigid Frein
Peter Galbraith
Christie Karpiak
Charles Kratz
Hong Nguyen
Paul Percach
Duncan Perry
Rose Sebastianelli
2003-04 Committee List
Bonnie Sharksnas-Thomas
University Council
Dr. Frank Jordan
Mr. Timothy Gabrielli
Ms. Gemma Davis
Dr. Gary Mattingly
Ms. Pat Vaccaro
Rev. Scott R. Pilarz, S.J.
Dr. Beth Barnett
Dr. Vincent Carilli
Mr. David Christiansen
Dr. Joseph Dreisbach
Dr. Duncan Perry
Dr. Frank Homer
Dr. Frank Jordan
Dr. Lawrence Kennedy
Dr. Barbara Cozza
Dr. Tata Mbugua
Dr. Daniel West
Dr. Gary Mattingly
Prof. Joseph Cannon
Dr. Gerald Biberman
Dr. Andrew Berger
Dr. Kathleen Dwyer
Ms. Regina Bennett
Ms. Susan Patten
Ms. Pat Vaccaro
Ms. Mary Ann Maslar
Ms. Gemma Davis
Cpl. Cory Adams
Mr. Timothy Gabrielli
Mr. Thomas Braun
Ms. Christina Nasser
Mr. Benjamin Persett
Ms. Kristen Smith
Mr. John Major
Ms. Rebecca Rocco
Mr. Kevin Lanahan
Mr. Robert Zelno
Vice Chairperson
Administrative Representative
Administrative Representative
Administrative Representative
Administrative Representative
Administrative Representative
President, Faculty Senate
Faculty CAS
Faculty CAS
Faculty CPS
Faculty CPS
Faculty CPS
Faculty CPS
Faculty CPS
Faculty KSOM
Faculty Alternate
Faculty Alternate
Professional Staff
Professional Staff
Professional Staff
Clerical Staff
Clerical Staff
Physical Plant/Public Safety Staff
Student Government President (ex officio)
Undergraduate Day Student
Undergraduate Day Student
Undergraduate Day Student
Undergraduate Day Student
Dexter Hanley Student
Graduate School Student
Alumni Society Representative
Alumni Society Representative Alternate
University Council Academic Affairs Committee
Dr. Daniel West
2003-04 Committee List
Dr. Beth Barnett
Dr. Lawrence Kennedy
Ms. Kristen Smith
Ms. Regina Bennett
University Council Community Relations Committee
Dr. Gary Mattingly
Ms. Patricia Vaccaro
Dr. Duncan Perry
Ms. Christina Nasser
Cpl. Corey Adams
University Council Executive Committee
Dr. Frank Jordan
Dr. Gary Mattingly
Mr. Timothy Gabrielli
Ms. Patricia Vaccaro
Ms. Gemma Davis
University Council Facilities and Services
Ms. Susan Patten
Dr. Tata Mbugua
Dr. Joseph Dreisbach
Prof. Joseph Cannon
Mr. Thomas Braun
University Council Planning and Finance Committee
Dr. Gerald Biberman
Mr. David Christiansen
Dr. Frank Homer
Ms. Gemma Davis
Ms. John Major
University Council Student Life Committee
Mr. Benjamin Persett
Dr. Vincent Carilli
Dr. Barbara Cozza
Ms. Mary Ann Maslar
Ms. Rebecca Rocco
University Planning Committee (UPC)
2003-04 Committee List
Charge: The University Planning Committee (UPC) is an advisory committee to the
Vice President, Planning and Institutional Effectiveness. The UPC assists in the
preparation of the University’s five-year strategic plan, monitoring its
implementation, and recommending changes in goals and strategies to the President
and Administrators’ Conference. In addition, the UPC offers input to the
implementation of a University-wide strategic planning process, including the
integration of the annual planning, assessment and budgeting processes. (Est. 1997;
revised 2002).
Dr. Jerry Desanto
Dr. Lee Ann Eschbach
Dr. Beth E. Barnett
Dr. Jerry Biberman
Mr. Dan Nelson
Student Rep.
Dr. Vincent Carilli
Mr. David Christiansen
Ms. Robyn Dickinson
Dr. Joseph Dreisbach
Ms. Jo Ann Usry
Dr. Frank Homer
Mr. Edward Steinmetz
Dr. Susan Trussler
Dr. Rhonda Waskiewicz
University Review Board Members (URB)
Elizabeth Ali
Student Rep.
Sara AntognolI
Student Rep.
Jennifer Beck
Student Rep.
Ms. Regina Bennett
Professional Staff Rep
Mr. James Boyle
Professional Staff Rep
Mr. Ray Burd
Professional Staff Rep
Ms. Gina Butler
Professional Staff Rep
Kara Chipalowsky
Student Rep
Dr. Wayne Cunningham
Ms. Kim Curran
Professional Staff Rep
Mr. Paul Cutrufello
Professional Staff Rep
Dr. Roy Domenico
Ms. Marise Garofalo
Professional Staff Rep
Tina Marie George
Student Rep
Jessica Grizzanti
Student Rep.
Roberto Godreau
Student Rep.
John Gownly
Student Rep
Jason Huffsmith
Student Rep.
Mr. Alan Mazzei
Professional Staff Rep
Kelly McGuire
Student Rep.
2003-04 Committee List
Tim McVeigh
Bruce Moore
Terence Morley
Prof. Betsy Moylan
Mr. Jim Muniz
Dr. Mary Muscari
Jill Oliver
Dr. Masood Otarod
Ms. Maggie Parsons
Michael Pearson
Benjamin Persett
Scott Pachuta
Christopher Potacki
Dr. Matthew Reavy
Dr. Carole Reinson
Melissa Rupp
Ms. Cathy Seymour
Catherine Sheridan
Dr. Robert Spalletta
Katie Stroh
Barbara Tumelty
Dr. Joseph Wilson
Dr. Loreen Wolfer
Student Rep.
Student Rep.
Student Rep.
Professional Staff Rep
Student Rep.
Professional Staff Rep
Student Rep.
Student Rep.
Student Rep.
Student Rep.
Student Rep.
Professional Staff Rep
Student Rep.
Student Rep.
Student Rep.
The University of Scranton President's Business Council
Mr. Christopher M. Condron Chair
Mr. John D. Dionne
Vice Chair
Ms. Mary Beth Farrell
Vice Chair
Ms. Elizabeth A. Boyle
Executive Committee
Mr. John E. Brennan
Mr. Fames A. Caccavo
Mr. Joseph T. Doyle
Mr. William H. Finn
Mr. Thomas G. Hogan Jr.
Mr. Theodore Jadick
Mr. Thomas P. Lynch
Mr. S. Eric Marcheski
Ms. Linda S. McGowan
Dr. Robert L. McKeage
Mr. James F. Mullery Jr.
Mr. Thomas P. O'Brien
Rev. Scott R. Pilarz, S.J.
Mr. Peter P. Sicilian
Mr. Anthony P. Smurfit
Mr. Thomas J. Spoto
Mr. Robert K. Tuite
2003-04 Committee List
Mr. George Abi Zeid
Ms. Mary J. Andrews
Mr. Walter Bobbie
Mr. Scott A. Carmilani
Mr. Frank P. Clarke
Mr. Mark F. Degenhart
Mr. Frank J. Dubas
Mr. George F. Evans
Mr. Michael C. Fairbanks
Mrs. Leslie A. Galbraith
Ms. Karen E. Golding
Mr. Mark A. Hemenetz
Mr. Randy S. Hoffman
Peter F. Hurst Jr., Esq.
Mr. Edward J.T. Kenney
Mr. Michael G.S. Kondracki
Mr. Joseph K. Krivickas
Mr. Kenneth A. Lopian
Ms. Patricia Maleski
Mr. Leo V. Marzen
Mr. Michael C. Mauer
Mr. Robert G. McGroarty
Dr. Paul M. Montrone
Mr. James P. Moran
Patricia Moran, Esq.
Mr. William J. Morley
Ms. Jennifer A. Murphy
Mr. Robert G. Nesbit
Mr. Mark B. Nixon
Christopher M. Paparella, Esq.
Mr. James M. Papp
Mr. Francis J. Pearn
Mr. Martin V. Quinn
Mr. Gerard R. Roche
Mr. Jeffrey J. Scott
Patrick W. Shea, Esq.
Mr. Thomas J. Sullivan, Sr.
USCS Board of Directors
Charge: Subject to the provisions of the Articles of Incorporation and the ByLaws,
the business, affairs and assets of the Corporation shall be managed by the Board of
Mr. David Christiansen
Dr. Barbara Cozza
Mr. Jerome DeSanto
Mrs. Adrienne Horger
2003-04 Committee List
Dr. Linda Ledford Miller
Dr. James Pallante
Mr. Steven Weinberger
Mr. Vincent Rizzo
Mrs. Rose Mary A. Carter
USCS Development Committee
Charge: To consult with the USCS Board in matters related to
fundraising/development for the Campus School
Dr. Linda Ledford-Miller (chair)
Ms. Margaret McNulty
Dr. Vincent Rizzo
Ms. Mary Cognetti
Ms. Kathy Statsman
Mr. Jeff Haudenschield
Ms. Dottie Boswell
Mr. Charles Kratz
University of Scranton Campus School (USCS) Finance Committee
Mr. David E. Christiansen
Dr. James J. Pallante
Mr. Vincent Rizzo
Mr. Steve Weinberger
USCS Planning Committee
Charge: To consult with the USCS Board in matters related to strategic planning for
the Campus School.
Dr. Dona Bauman
Dr. Barbara Cozza
Dr. Anthony DeCarli
Ms. Adrienne Horger
Ms Jill Koczwara
Ms. Cathy Mascelli
Dr. James Pallante
Dr. Vincent Rizzo
Ms. Megan Wolfe
Ms. Deborah Zielinski
USCS Scholarship Committee
Charge: To consult with the USCS Board in identifying and awarding student
Dr. Barbara Cozza (chair)
Mr. Louis Guzzi
2003-04 Committee List
Dr. Vincent Rizzo
Dr. Janice Voltzow
Weinberg Judaic Studies Committee
Dr. Marc Shapiro
Dr. Scott Bader-Saye
Dr. Michael Dutko
Prof. David Friedrichs
Mr. Jerry Klein
Dr. William Rowe
Prof. Carl Schaffer
Ms. Bonnie Strohl
Workplace Safety Committee
Charge: Monitors safety issues on campus.
Ms. Diana Trygar
Mr. Tony Laboranti
Mr. Bill Hurst
Mr. Ray Gaylets
Mr. Todd Parry
Ms. Elsa Nelson
Mr. Thomas Savero
Mr. Jim Devers
Mr. Jim Gaffney
Mr. Martin Langan
Mr. Hugh Sentivan
Mr. Darrell Frederick
Mr. Tom Yablonski
Mr. Steve Fisk
Ms. Helene Helbring
Mr. Rich Pomager
Rep. from Murray Insurance
Rep. from Collegiate Risk Management, Inc.