Standing Waves on a String (Power Amplifier) Waves and Sound: Standing wave properties DataStudio file: 50 Standing Waves.ds Equipment List Qty 1 1 1 2m 2m 2m 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Items PASCO 750 Interface Power Amplifier String Vibrator String Braided Cord, Yellow Elastic Cord Banana Plug Patch Cord Super Pulley Pulley Mounting Rod Universal Table Clamp Mass and Hanger Set “C” Clamp Balance Tape Measure Strobe (optional) Part Numbers CI-7500 CI-6552A WA-9857 SE-8050 ME-9876 SE-9409 SE-9750 or SE-9751 ME-9450 SA-9242 ME-9376B ME-9348 SE-7286 SE-8723 SE-8712 SF-9211 Introduction The purpose of this activity is to explore standing waves on a string and to determine how the speed of a wave in a vibrating string relates to various characteristics of the string such as length, linear density (mass per unit of length), tension, and frequency. Background Most vibrations of extended bodies such as the prongs of a tuning fork or the strings of a piano are standing waves. Standing waves (sometimes called stationary waves) are produced by the constructive and destructive interference of two traveling waves that have the same amplitude, wavelength, and speed but opposite directions. Standing waves can be created on a stretched string by sending waves from one end that travel the length of the string, reflect from the other end, and then interfere with the oncoming waves. The stretched string can have many frequencies that produce a standing wave pattern. Regions of maximum amplitude called antinodes and points that appear to ‘stand still’ called nodes characterize the standing wave pattern. For a stretched string, the fundamental frequency is the frequency at which the entire string vibrates up and down “as one piece”. At this frequency, the wavelength of the wave on the string is twice the length of the string, or 2 L (where L is the length of the string). If the frequency is adjusted so the same length of string vibrates with two antinodes separated by a node, the wavelength of the wave on the string is the same as the length of the string. If the standing wave pattern has three antinodes, the wavelength is two-thirds of the length of the string. For any wave, wave speed can be calculated from wavelength and frequency by v f where v is wave speed, is wavelength, and f is frequency. Predictions For a standing wave on a string, what is the relationship between the frequency and the number of segments in the pattern? What is the relationship between the fundamental frequency and the frequencies that produce standing wave patterns? Setup In the first part of this activity, explore the relationship between wavelength and frequency. In the second part, determine the relationship between wave speed and string density. The diagram shows the arrangement of the apparatus. Pulley String Vibrator String Hanging Mass Set up the equipment as shown in the picture. 1. Set up the PASCO 750 Interface and computer and start DataStudio. 2. Connect the Power Amplifier to Analog Channel A. Connect the power cord into the back of the Power Amplifier and plug it in. 3. Open the DataStudio file: 50 Standing Waves.ds. The DataStudio file has a Signal Generator window that controls the output of the Power Amplifier. 4. Clamp the String Vibrator and the pulley about 1.2 m apart. Tie one end of a 1.5 m piece of string to the blade on the String Vibrator. Put the string over the pulley and hang about 0.150 kg (150 g) from it. 5. Measure the distance from the knot where the string attaches to the vibrator to the top of the pulley. Record this distance as “L” (in the Lab Report section). Note that “L” is not the total length of the string, only the part of the string that vibrates. 6. Use two banana plug patch cords to connect the SIGNAL OUTPUT of the Power Amplifier to the String Vibrator. Part 1: Wavelength and Frequency Procedure 1. Click ‘Start’ in DataStudio. The output from the Power Amplifier starts automatically. about midway. Change the frequency increment in the Signal Generator to ‘1’ and adjust the frequency so that the string vibrates in one segment. Adjust the amplitude and frequency to obtain a large-amplitude wave, but also check the end of the vibrating blade. The point where the string attaches should be a node. Frequency increment. Adjust the frequency. 2. Record the fundamental frequency in the Lab Report section. 3. Adjust the frequency so the standing wave pattern has two segments (two antinodes with a node in the center). Record the new frequency. NOTE: As you adjust the frequency, you may also need to adjust the Amplitude so that the String Vibrator blade does not hit the housing. 4. Calculate the ratio of the two-segment frequency to the fundamental frequency and record the ratio. If a strobe light is available, use it to illuminate the vibrating string. Adjust the strobe’s frequency so it matches the String Vibrator’s frequency. 5. Use the equation for wave speed to calculate the wave speed of the one-segment standing wave. Record the wave speed in the Lab Report section. 6. Calculate the wave speed of the two-segment standing wave and record the calculation. 7. Adjust the frequency so the string vibrates in three segments (three antinodes). Record the frequency. Calculate the ratio of the three-segment frequency to the fundamental frequency and record the ratio. 8. Calculate the wave speed of the three-segment wave and record the calculation. Click ‘Stop’ to end data recording. Part 2: Wave Speed and String Density Background For any wave, speed is related to the wavelength and the frequency. For a wave on a string, the speed is also related to the tension, F, in the string, and the linear density, , where is the mass of the string divided by its length. In theory, the wave speed, v, is given by v F . For the standing wave on a string, the tension, F, is the weight of the hanging mass (mg). The formula for wave speed becomes v mg where m is the hanging mass. In this part of the activity you will adjust the frequency so that the wave pattern always has four segments. The length, L, of the string will equal two wavelengths (L = 2). Combining L = 2 and F = mg with v mg f2 and v = f gives the following: 4g m L2 where f is the driving frequency, g is the acceleration due to gravity, m is the hanging mass, is the linear density of the string, and L is the length of the vibrating part of the string. Procedure 1. Use the same setup as in Part 1, but hang about 0.050 kg (50 g) from the string over the pulley. Measure the distance from the knot on the vibrator blade to the top of the pulley and record this as L. 2. Measure and record the total hanging mass, including the mass hanger. 3. Click ‘Start’. Use the Signal Generator window to adjust the frequency of the Power Amplifier so the string vibrates with four segments. Record the frequency. 4. Add 50 g to the hanging mass and repeat steps 2 and 3 (measure and record total hanging mass; adjust and record the frequency). 5. Continue to add increments of 50 g to the hanging mass up to 250 g. Click ‘Stop’ to end data recording. Record your data in the Lab Report section. Analysis 1. Make a graph of frequency squared (f2) versus hanging mass, m. Use kilograms as the unit for mass. 2. Find the slope of the best-fit line for your data. As shown in the Background section, the slope of the f2 versus m graph is: slope 4g L2 3. Using the slope of the graph, calculate the linear density, , of the string. 4. Determine the actual linear density of the string by measuring the mass of a known length and dividing the mass by the length. (If you do not have a balance that can measure to 0.01 g, use several meters of the string.) 5. Compare the actual linear density to the measured linear density determined from the graph. Compute the percent difference: %diff measured actual X100% actual