0340-FM-PPEAO0083 10/2013 COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION POLLUTION PREVENTION AND ENERGY ASSISTANCE OFFICE Alternative Fuels Incentive Grant Innovative Technology Scope of Work (Attachment D) (Please Type or Print Legibly) Date DEP Received: Reviewed By: Date DEP Reviewed: Date DEP Approved: 1. Project Name: 2. Grantee Name: 3. Primary Point of Contact: Name: Phone Number: E-mail: Secondary Point of Contact (must be provided): Name: Phone Number: 4. E-mail: Project Location: Enter Street Address: City: State: Zip Code + 4: Check If Multiple Locations – Please list all locations on separate sheet if necessary 5. Project Partners? (entities providing critical functions related to the completion of the project that are not a subcontractor) Yes No If yes, Please specify the name and contribution of the partner. Add more rows if needed. A. B. 6. Briefly describe the project; include specific grant goals / objectives: -1- 0340-FM-PPEAO0083 7. 10/2013 Milestone and Spending Schedule (add more rows if needed). Note: Do not leave blanks. Enter “NA” if not applicable. Enter “completed” and date completed if milestone has been completed and enter “0” under corresponding % of grant spent if milestone related costs are not part of grant. A. Project Milestones (Major tasks/sub-tasks) Please fill in all critical sub tasks, if applicable. Identify all applicable permits Project design Planned Completion Date Enter est. % of total grant spent at each milestone 1. 2. B. RFP or bid request released 1. 2. C. Contract awarded 1. 2. D. Equipment/fuel acquired, if applicable 1. 2. E. Equipment installed, if applicable, or project work completed 1. 2. F. System or building testing and commissioning 1. 2. G. Project completed and final report 1. 2. (Entries for % of total grant spent at each milestone must add up to 100%) 8. 100% List project deliverables to be tracked (i.e. reports, events, information that will be sent to DEP that will clearly demonstrate that an activity occurred). Include photos taken before, during, and after project implementation. Add more rows if needed. A. 30-Day Monthly Progress Reports (electronic) - due to Project Advisor by the fifth day of the following month. B. Final Report - due to Project Advisor within 30 days from the completion of the project. C. One-Year Follow-Up Report following the completion of the project - due one year after completion of the project. D. E. -2- 0340-FM-PPEAO0083 9. 10/2013 Disposition of Equipment If equipment will be purchased with grant funds, please describe plans for management of the equipment at project completion. Grantees may not dispose or convert property or equipment acquired under this grant for purposes other than the original project without the prior written approval of the Alternate Fuels Incentive Grant Program. 10. Estimated Energy Performance outcomes of the project(s) A. Energy and Fuel Savings as a result of project deployment. (Insert more rows if necessary) Specify Type liquid fuel saved Gals/yr solid fuel saved Tons/yr gaseous fuel saved Mcf/yr B. Energy and Fuel Generation as a result of project deployment (for production projects only) (Insert more rows if necessary) 11. 12. Quantity Specify Type Quantity liquid fuel generated Gals/yr solid fuel generated Tons/yr gaseous fuel generated Mcf/yr Estimated investment in economy from project budget. Enter “NA” if not applicable. Total of 11A and B should equal the total project cost. A. Dollars to be spent on goods (purchase of materials and equipment) $ B. Dollars to be spent on services (construction, design, research, planning, trainers etc.) $ Economic development benefits. Enter “NA” if not applicable. A. Savings to Pennsylvania consumers ($/yr) B. Value of contracts with PA suppliers or contractors. ($/yr) C. Energy Saving Equipment or Energy Generating Components (highlight all that apply): manufactured (for manufacturing projects only), sold or deployed in PA. (Insert more rows if necessary) Specify Type and who manufactured Units/components manufactured Units/components sold Units/components deployed -3- Quantity 0340-FM-PPEAO0083 13. 10/2013 Environmental Benefit Data: If applicable, provide the answers to the following statements in the format of a table. Add additional rows if necessary. Fill in all blanks. Enter NA if not applicable. (Insert more rows if necessary) Specify Type Quantity Air pollutant reduced PM lbs/yr Air pollutant reduced HC lbs/yr Air pollutant reduced CO lbs/yr Air pollutant reduced NOX lbs/yr Air pollutant reduced SO2 lbs/yr Air pollutant reduced CO2 lbs/yr Number of PA Citizens directly educated 14. persons/yr Estimated Job creation and retention Measures Jobs directly created – number of temporary and permanent jobs created by grant award funds and for how long (# years). Add more rows if needed. A. List Job (Full-time/part-time, temporary/permanent) Type (Describe) Jobs directly retained – number of jobs saved and supported by grant award funds and for how long (# years). Add more rows if needed. B. List Job (Full-time/part-time, temporary/permanent) 15. Duration (# years) Type (Describe) Duration (# years) Permits required to complete this project (also enter under each respective milestone/subtask in Item 7). Enter NA if not applicable. Add more rows if needed. Date obtained or to be obtained Type of Permit A. B. C. 16. Are any property easements or landowner agreements required? No Yes – Document(s) provided to Department Yes - mail Document(s) later If Yes – Document(s) were provided to Department, then please identify landowner(s) If agreement will be reached at a later date, then please submit landowner agreements at that time. -4- 0340-FM-PPEAO0083 17. 10/2013 Will subcontractors be used? Yes No If yes, specify the name of the subcontractor and the information requested below including the process by which they will be selected (e.g. bid, sole source, direct award, etc.). If not yet selected, under “Subcontractor” enter “TDB – will provide name and Federal ID # to DEP for approval prior to start of work", and describe the selection process. Add more rows if needed. Subcontractor Fed ID Process Selected A. B. C. D. 18. Project Budget: Grant Amount: $ Match Amount: $ Total Project Costs: $ -5-