IT Project Plan Template Version 0.3

Project Plan
< Insert Project Name >
PROJECT PLAN (Palani ‘o e Poloseki)
[Hingoa ‘o e Poloseki]
[Company/Community Name]
[Hingoa ‘o e Kautaha/Kolo]
[Contact Information]
[Ngaahi tu’asila telefoni mo e email ki he fetu’utaki]
Project Plan
< Insert Project Name >
Business/Community Group Profile: Fotunga ‘o e Pisinisi / Kulupu
Name of
Group: (Hingoa ‘o e
Kautaha /Kulupu
Business Activity:
(Pisinisi ‘oku fakahoko)
Ownership Structure:
(Founga pule’i ‘o e
Years of Operation:
(Ta’u e fiha ‘a e
fakahoko ‘o e Pisinisi)
Number of Employees:
(Tokolahi ‘o e kau
Annual Turnover: (Lahi
‘o e Pa’anga ‘oku ma’u
Business Address:
(Tu’asila ‘o e Pisinisi)
Business experiences
including in current
business activity/sector:
(Ngaahi taukei
fakapisinisi ‘o kau ai ‘a
e pisinisi na’e fakahoko
pea mo e sekitoa)
[what type of business activities has your company/community been involved
with in the past; highlight the key successes][Ko e ha e ngaahi ngaue fakapisinisi ne fakahoko ho’o kautaha / kulupu fakakolo ‘i he kuohili pea ko e ha ‘a
e ngaahi ola lelei na’e ma’u mei ai]
Description of key
currently offered:
(Fakamatala ‘o e
ngaahi koloa/sevesi oku
lolotonga tuku atu /
[what are the key products/services offered by your company/community group
at this time][Ko e ha ‘a e ngaahi koloa pe sevesi oku lolotonga tuku atu mei
ho’o kautaha / kulupu fakakolo]
Estimated value of
investment in business /
community group to
date: (Fakafuofua ‘o e
mahu’inga ‘o e pa’anga
kuo inivesi ki ho’o
pisinisi / kulupu
fakakolo ‘o a’u mai ki
he lolotonga ni)
[Provide estimated investment amount and describe investment
made][Fakafuofua’i mai ‘a e lahi ‘o e pa’anga na’e inivesi pea ko e ha ‘a e
me’a na’e inivesi kiai]
Current Market
[Explain who your target market/customers are; your marketing strategy; any
Project Plan
< Insert Project Name >
Analysis: (Ko e
‘analaiso ‘o e maketi
lolotonga )
estimated market growth over the next three years][Fakamatala mai ‘a e
maketi/kasitoma oku ke taketi ki ai; ko ho’o palani fakamaketi;ko e ha e
fakafuofua ‘a e tupu e ma’u ‘i he ta’u hono tolu ka hoko mai]
Future Prospects: (Ko e
ha ho’o amanaki ki he
[Any future plans to diversify products/services and target market? Describe
these plans, why diversify, and tentative timeline for implementation of these
plans][‘Oku iai ha fakakaukau ke toe fakalahi ‘o e koloa/sevesi pea mo e
maketi oku ke taketi kiai? Fakamatala mai ‘a e ngaahi palani ko eni, ‘a e
‘uhinga hono fakalahi, pea mo e vahevahe koia ‘a e taimi e fiema’u ke fakahoko
ai ‘a e ngaahi palani ko eni]
Keys to business
success: (Ko e ngaahi
me’a tefito ki he ola
lelei ‘a e Pisinisi)
[This is where you sell your business by indicating the measures that you
believe your business/community group has that will make it a successful
investment/business operation][Ko e founga eni ‘oku ke tu’uaki ai ho’o pisinisi
‘aki hono fakamahino mai ‘a e ngaahi founga ‘oku ke tui ‘oku ma’u ‘e ho’o
pisinisi / kulupu fakakolo, ‘a ia ‘e lele lelei ai ho’o inivesi pe ngaahi ngaue
Project Overview: Ngaahi fakamatala ki he Poloseki
Project Name: (Hingoa
‘o e Poloseki)
Project Objectives:
(Ngaahi taumu’a ‘o e
[Key objectives of the
project] [Ko e ha ‘a e
ngaahi taumu’a tefito ‘o
e Poloseki]
Deliverables to satisfy
project objectives: (Ko e
ngaahi me’a ‘oku fiemau
ke ola ai‘a e ngaahi
taumu’a ‘o e poloseki)
[How is your business
going to achieve the
objectives] [‘E anga fefe
‘a e maa’usia ho’o
ngaahi taumu’a]
Relationship of proposed
project to business
activity: (Ko e fekau’aki
‘o e Poloseki pea mo e
ngaahi ngaue
Project Plan
fakapisinisi ‘a ho’o
pisinisi / kulupu faakolo)
[How does the project fit
in with the overall
operation of your
business][Oku anga fefe
‘a e fengaue’aki ‘a e
poloseki pea mo e
founga fakalele ho’o
pisinisi fakakatoa]
Competitive advantage:
(Ko ho’o taukei he
[What makes your
project different from
others?][Ko e ha me’a
oku makehe ai ho’o
poloseki mei he toenga?]
Project contribution to
sustainable business
growth: (Ko e ha e
tokoni ‘a e poloseki ko
eni ki he tupulaki mo
tolonga ‘o e fakalele
ho’o pisinisi / kulupu
[How is this project
going to contribute to
the sustainable growth of
your business?] [‘E
anga fefe ‘a e tokoni ‘a e
poloseki ko eni ki he
tupulaki mo tolonga a
ho’o pisinisi?]
Risk Management
(Ngaahi founga hono
fakasi’isi’i ‘a e ngaahi
fakatu’utamaki ‘e hoko
ki ho’o pisinisi / kulupu
[Are there any foreseen
risks? How do you
propose to address
these?] [Ko e ha ha’o
fokotu’utu’u ke
fakafepaki ‘aki ‘a e
ngaahi fakatutamaki ko
eni e ala hoko ki ho’o
< Insert Project Name >
Project Plan
< Insert Project Name >
pisinisi / kulupu
Project Work Plan: Ko e Palani Ngaue ‘a e Poloseki
Work Activity: Ngaahi
Timeframe: Taimi ‘e
fakahoko ai.
Required Budget: Pa’anga
‘oku fiema’u.
Tentative Commencement: Timeframe: Ko e taimi fakaangaanga oku faka’amu ke kamata ai ‘a
e poloseki.
: _________________________________
Total Implementation Period: Ko e taimi fakakatoa ‘e fakahoko ai ‘a ho’o poloseki ko eni.
: _________________________________
Project Plan
< Insert Project Name >
Project Budget Allocation: Ko e ‘estimeti fakaangaanga ‘oku vahe’i ki he
Budget Item: Ko e ngaahi ‘estimeti
Required Grant
Funding: Ko e
pa’anga tokoni
‘oku fiema’u.
1. Eg.: Labour
Total Budget Project: Fakakatoa ‘o e estimeti fakaangaanga
Total Grant Request: Fakakatoa ‘o e pa’anga tokoni ‘oku kole
Budget Control Measures: Ngaahi
fakafuofua ke pule’i aki ‘a e ‘estimeti
[How is your business going to ensure effective
utilisation of funds to deliver project
objectives][‘E anga fefe hono fakapapau’i ho’o
pisnisi oku ngaue fakapotopoto aki‘a e pa’anga
tokoni ko eni ke a’usia ‘a e ngaahi taumu’a ‘o
e poloseki]
Submitted by (Fakahu ‘e) :_______________________________
Signature (Fakamo’oni) :___________________________
Position (Lakanga):_____________________________
Date (‘Aho):_________________________________
Total Estimated
Cost: Ko e
fakafuofua ‘o e