Minutes Term 3 Week 3 - Cronulla South Public School

Cronulla South Public School
Parents & Citizens Association Meeting
Wednesday 30th July 2014 Term 3, Week 3
Meeting Open 7pm
Attendance: Jennie Rogers, Jessica Balding, Bridgitte Logan, Sally Bourke, Annette Wein, Mark Curtis, Mark Thorpe, Wendy Keeene,
Leanne Starkey, Kylie Nolan, Mary Zdjelar, Birgit Van der Hocht, Linda Bowker, Brendan Cantlon, Emily Thomson, Kath Ansell, Rayna
Toman, Des Kathestides, Marietta Buikema
Apologies: Ilana Crowe, Kristen Angus, Steve Heesh, Vanessa Jones, Brooke Jones, Sheila Alexander
Minutes from last meeting: All present accepted previous minutes from June 18th 2014 and Mark Thorpe signed them off.
Business arising from previous minutes:
 Building fund – covered in President’s report.
 2014 Business Plan. Covered in president’s report. This has been finalised and is on the schools website
under the P & C.
 LOTE – this is still ongoing whether other children can attend. Mrs Wein provided a copy of the LOTE user
agreement for the P & C records.
 Green team update – Covered in sub-committee report
Insurance renewal – covered in President’s report
Constitution received from P & C Federation – covered in President’s report
Nomination form for the P & C Federation – covered in President’s report.
Executive and Sub-Committee Reports:
 Mark expanded on the constitution received from the P & C Federation. Explained that issues within the
Federation led the education minister to stop funding which meant it now has an administrator involved.
They have put new constitution in place and need to establish a new board. This board will be made up of
current members. Cronulla South P & C is registered to vote in southern city therefore we can vote in
December. The federation has also asked for people who would like to nominate to be part of this. To
nominate the person must be both a parent of a child at school and also a member of a local P & C. Jennie
Rogers has paperwork if anyone wants to nominate. Federation has a useful website and we have
received the current newsletter from administrator.
The P&C were successful in winning a $3,000 grant for the Green Team. Steve Heesh ran the grant
application with significant input from Mr Jarmon and Wendy Keen from the green team. Thank you and
congratulations to all who were involved. Mr Jarmon and the green team will now run the project and we
hope to have the upgrade of garden by the sea completed early next term.
Mark Thorpe proposed that the Grants committee team members are Annette Wein (Relieving
Principal), Mark Thorpe (President), Jennie Rogers (secretary) and Steve Heesh. Mark Curtis seconded,
all voted in favour. Steve Heesh will prepare a charter for Grants subcommittee.
The grants team has submitted an application for the Community Building Partnerships Grant offered by
the State Government. In consultation with the school we have applied for funding artificial turf for two
areas on the northern site and soft fall under the play area on the northern site. The grant application is
for approximately $42,000 being half the cost of the project with the school funding the other half.
Mark is looking for someone to help with the partnerships portfolio. This role would work with Mark to
liaise with local clubs and business in correlation with the school on appropriate affiliation.
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Mark has started this by visiting with Jess Goddard, Group Manager Community, at Cronulla Sharks Rugby
Leagues Club; Jess was a former student at CSPS. The club is keen to be involved with our school. They
have many activities available for schools including:
o Tackle Bullying - players can speak to students about bullying.
o Rugby League Reads - players can be involved in encouraging students to read and there are some
league based books available as a resource.
o Eat Well Play Well Stay Well
o Backyard League - players teach kids how to play a version of the game over a period of weeks.
o Player Appearances at our events.
There is a programme called ‘Sharks for the shire”, schools are able to purchase bulk tickets for $10.00 per
ticket for a specific game and then they can be resold at the school to families for a particular price. This
maybe a good fundraiser and could be considered.
The Building Fund which was particularly focused with promotion to the end of June 2014, raised $6,710.
The P & C committee would like to thank all families who contributed to the Building Fund. It was again
acknowledged that the only thing this money could actually be spent on was the COLA on the southern
It was raised that this amount was less than in previous years, acknowledged that the family participation
rate was down from 33% to 25% this year. Discussion ensued around marketing of the building fund for
the future. Topics discussed:
o Promoting building fund donations throughout the year but this must be at different times to
school fees
o Promoting what the building fund will be used on in the future and market this
o Suggestions getting children to contribute with artwork
o Physical/sell concept is better than actually just asking for donations
o Market an achievable amount based on quotes and needs
o Intertwine this with the plan for longer term plans
Mark Thorpe, Mrs Wein and Marietta to liaise together to continue to work on this.
Rayna Toman has drafted the CSPS Parents and Citizens’ Association Building Fund Purposes and Uses
Policy. This policy was distributed via email on Tuesday evening and was also tabled at the meeting. The
policy is the constituent document that formally sets out the reason for which the fund exists and operates
and provides important guidance on the uses of the Building Fund, in particular to ensure the integrity of
the tax deductibility of donations to the fund. Mark proposed that this Policy be adopted by the P&C.
Kylie Nolan seconded, all voted in favour.
Mark Thorpe proposed that a payment of approximately $7,000 from the Building Fund be combined
with previous fund raising to fund the $20,000 commitment we have made towards the southern site
COLA which is now complete and in accordance with the Building Fund Purposes and Uses policy the
CSPS P&C confirm that the disbursement of funds from the building fund to pay for the COLA on the
northern side is an allowable disbursement under the terms of the constituent documents of the CSPS
Building fund. This proposal was seconded by Mary Zdjelar. All were in favour. A cheque will be
presented to the school in the next week.
Mary thanked Mark and Rayna for all the work they had done on this document.
Insurance - P&C Association membership fees (paid by our P&C to the P&C Federation) and public liability
insurance premiums are due to be paid by 31 July. The executive has considered the many options
provided by the Federation for insurance and the decision was made to apply for the Standard Package
plus Directors and Officers Insurance cover. More information on insurance was tabled at the meeting in
the Membership and Insurance Guide. It was acknowledged that the decision was made to not include
cash fidelity insurance this year. Mark Thorpe, Mark Curtis, Jennie Rogers and Rayna Toman involved in
decision in consultation with Mrs Wein.
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2014 Business Plan – now published on the school website. Mark requested all members to read over the
Business plan. The Business Plan includes the new vision statement and priorities resulting from the
strategy meeting and endorsed at the last P&C meeting. Mark acknowledged that the committees are
tracking well against the priorities set including events committee formation, establishing charters,
providing post event reviews, emphasis on grant applications and community liaison. One exception being
the completion of the longer term big picture business plan. This will be addressed during terms 3 and 4
ready for the 2015 business plan.
Mark will liaise with school to pay commitments. Our largest commitment of $45,000 for improvements to
the southern site playground is still in the planning phase and we expect this to be significantly progressed
during term 3.
There is a P & C section of school website which documents can be uploaded as required.
Principals Report
 Good start to term but very busy
 COLA is finished and areas that needed repairing were attended at the same time – still need some final
 Trees were pruned and removed that were deemed dangerous.
 New notice boards in the K-2 classrooms
 Staff and children looking forward to Education week and book week celebrations tomorrow.
 Mr Jarmon co-ordinating the green team grant funding expenditure and usage.
 Explained why the northern area was being upgraded, with both artificial turf on the area directly out the
front of the school hall and down to the building and replacement of the bark around the play equipment
with soft fall. This will start soon, and once grant application outcome is known the grassed area on Ewos
parade will be replaced with artificial turf also as it is proved unsustainable.
 Athletics carnival is coming up
 Dancing programme is about to start – Curranulla date is set for 2/9/2014
 Lap-a-thon is on 14th August
 Application to ‘School spectacular’ was successful, this is open to 12 students from the red dance group.
 Canberra and snow excursion is on next week for Stage 3.
 Annette mentioned school email has an s in it! Important as Cronulla school is getting some emails. The
correct school email is cronullas-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au
Canteen Report
Jessica Balding presented the canteen report.
The canteen report included the results of a post event review on the Footy Fever day.
Footy fever day was well supported by the school community and raised approximately 700.00 for the day
which included lunch orders and gold coin donations. A good fundraiser but not much effort required (one
person able to collate the lunch orders and organize the day & then just need a normal canteen team of 3
volunteers). The children had a fun day in their footy/sporting clothes. Could be an event we plan each year –
would be good if it could be incorporated with a visit to the school by some sporting people or some organised
sporting activities on the day.
Rayna asked if the canteen could help with winners for 5c Friday. Five cent Fridays raised approximately
$800.00-$1000.00 for the term. Jessica will follow up with Rayna.
Events report
The Events Committee report was presented by Sally Bourke.
The first item was the results of a post event report on the Seahorse Cinema event.
Seahorse Cinema is a school event that the P&C assists with the food side of things. This year a cake stall was
added and sausages were not pre ordered. Sausages worked well but it was little busy for 20 minutes or so on
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the night. We were also fortunate to have some pies donated by Cronulla Pie Shop which the families seemed
to love. The cake stall was a great success with families donating lots of yummy goodies.
Changes were made based on feedback received from last year and this year collaboration between the school
and the P&C worked well. Numerous meetings with Kath Ansell and the Events committee assisted with
trouble shooting any problems that could arise. There was more time to organise this year’s event and were
better prepared as last year was the first year and we did not know what to expect.
All parents came together on the night and assisted when we had lots of people waiting for sausage
sandwiches. It was all hands on deck and was really nice that parents wanted to help make the night a success.
I think that parents felt a part of the planning process by making cakes and wanted to see them being sold on
the night.
The committee worked well together and eased the burden of having one events coordinator doing all the
This event was the first real event for the events committee and we feel that it went well. A profit of making
approximately $1600 was made, and the students and family had a fun night. If the school wants to do it again
next year we will gladly assist. Congratulations, great work.
Events coming up. Unfortunately, the council would not allow exclusive use of the Shelly Park rock pool for the
“Duck event”. While Gunamatta Park Pool was considered as an alternative, the Events Committee did not
believe this location would work so the event has been cancelled. Instead a raffle will still be held, with some
sort of sporting event. Updates to come.
Averandline - averandline.com.au are attending the school later in the year. They are photographers and
donate directly to the school part of the money they receive from orders. Families attend and get portraits
taken. Annette praised this has it has been done at other schools and been successful.
Green team
 Gardening and mulching back up on Friday.
 Wendy to liaise with Annette and school on progression of grant funding
 As weather warms up, more regular activities
 Bush tucker garden discussed but decision to wait for Mrs Tollis to return as she has lots of information about
 Grunch lunch is on 13/11/2014. This may be combined with wearing green, a gumboot or gnome garden. Gold
coin donations are made.
 Spring update focus on the Green team, Wendy to liaise with Kristen to write the article.
General Business
 Marietta presented new P & C logo, all in agreement to use it. Marietta will provide to those who require it.
 Des questioned how the developments for the northern side were going. Annette explained that the
commitment has been made to purchase playground equipment and that the school leaders were involved in
this decision. School is waiting for further quotes. Once received and decision made, this will progress.
Time & Date next meeting – Week 8, Term 3 3rd September
Meeting Closed 8.45
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