5th Grade Eligible Content Lesson Plans Week 3, Day 1 Topic Title Number of Minutes Materials Materials: QuickWrites PPT Projector Lined Paper QuickWrite Stamp Chart Timer Stamper QuickWrite Maximizing Learning Challenge QuickWrite “Build the Alphabet” 10 10 Materials Projector Maximizing Learning Challenges PPT Assessing and Scoring the Maximizing Learning Challenges handout (for reference) Maximizing Learning Challenge Team Tally (for assessing and scoring) Example/Description Directions/Introduction to QuickWrites (5 min): Distribute one piece of lined paper per student. Project “QuickWrites” PPT Distribute Quick Write Stamp Chart and read aloud the “Quick Write Quota” slide to explain what QuickWrites are and the incentive plan for completing the daily QuickWrite to campers. Writing (5 min): Advance to the next slide, “QuickWrite #11,” read aloud, and give campers 5 minutes to complete. The teacher and camp coordinators should circulate around the room and begin stamping campers’ QuickWrite Stamp Chart. Be sure to check and stamp QuickWrites each day to increase student motivation to receive the incentive at the end of the week. When the time is up, you can call on a few campers to share their responses. When finished, ask campers to put their QuickWrite and Stamp Chart in their SDA Binder. Remind them they will continue to use this paper for future QuickWrites and supply new paper to campers when needed. Note: Maximizing Learning Challenges will require staff members to prepare materials and determine how teams will be established ahead of time in order prepare materials and have enough time to complete the challenges in the allotted time on the lesson plan. Directions: Explain to campers they are going to participate in their third Maximizing Learning Challenge. Remind campers how these challenges are opportunities to “grow their brains,” that they will require them to be creative when deciding their plan of action, and that to be successful in completing the challenge, they must communicate and cooperate with one another. Recall Maximizing Learning Challenge (continued) Eligible Content “Build the Alphabet” (continued) Text Organization: Cause/Effect Intro & Activity 25 “Build the Alphabet” materials (one set of each of these items per team): o 2 straws o 5 paper clips o 10 toothpicks o 1 clothespin o 1 12-in. square of aluminum foil o 1 12-in. length of string o 5 recycled plastic lids o 3 rubber bands o Scissors Timer Materials “Getting Your House In Order” PPT “Getting Your House In Order” Guided Notes (campers) and Answer Key (teacher) Cause/Effect Article, “Yaaaawwwwnn! Are You Sleep-Deprived?” (campers) and Key (teacher) Cause and Effect Graphic Organizer #1 (campers) their feelings after completing the first challenge as a way to remember what worked well and what didn’t work well. Assign campers to their teams. Tell them to elect a team leader. Project the Maximizing Learning Challenge PPT. Read through the slides for “Build the Alphabet” – clearly emphasizing the directions and what the campers can and cannot do. After you read the directions slide, make sure campers understand the task, distribute the materials to the groups, set the timer for the time allotted, then advance to the next slide, “Ready, Set, Go,” and let the campers begin. Advancing to the next slide will display the directions again for the campers. Teacher and Camp Coordinators should monitor campers as they progress through the challenge, keeping an eye out for any potential conflicts amongst teammates and recording points on the Team Tally. Advance to the next slide “So, How’d It Go?” to display during the reflection/closing of the activity. Ask campers to reflect on the experience, focusing especially on how they went about tackling the challenge (creativity), how well they cooperated with one another, and how important communication was to completing the challenge successfully. (Refer to the Assessing and Scoring handout for more questions to provoke discussion, if necessary). Share the results of the Team Tally and reward campers with Promise Dollars. Directions: Project Get Your House In Order PPT starting at the “Cause and Effect” slide and have campers take out the Get Your House In Order Notes from their SDA Binder. Hook (2-5 min): “Excuses, Excuses!” Explain that campers are going to use the Hot Potato sharing strategy to play a quick game called “Excuses, Excuses!” Display and read aloud, “Situation #1,” give everyone a few seconds to think of possible answers, and then toss a ball to camper. Camper who catches the ball gives an answer then tosses ball to Eligible Content (continued) Text Organization: Cause/Effect Intro & Activity (continued) Projector Beach Ball (or something similar) another camper who gives a new answer. When ball is caught camper has only 5 seconds to answer and toss the ball, so think quickly! Move on to “Situation #2” when campers no longer have any answers and play again. Cause/Effect Intro Notes (10-12 min): Explain that “Excuses, Excuses!” is an example of cause and effect. The situations gave the effect (the result) and campers came up with the cause (the reason). For example: o Cause: The dog ate my backpack. Effect: I couldn’t finish my homework. o Cause: I ate a big lunch. Effect: I’m not hungry for dinner Continue to work through the PowerPoint as campers complete the Guided Notes for the Cause/Effect section. Cause/Effect Practice: Distribute the Cause/Effect Article, ““Yaaaawwwwnn! Are You Sleep-Deprived?” First, read the entire article, then go back to the sections, “Food, Clothing, Shelter… and Sleep” and “More Consequences (Yawn!)” to identify the cause (sleep deprivation) and its effects (numerous – refer to the key). Model reading the text, highlighting Cause and Effect key words, drawing a box around the cause and a circle around the effect(s). Campers should follow along with the teacher. Distribute the Cause/Effect Graphic Organizer #1. Explain to campers that sometimes it is helpful to use a graphic organizer when reading non-fiction articles as a way to keep track of important details. Campers should complete the Graphic Organizer independently by filling in the cause and choosing just three effects. As an alternative, campers can illustrate the cause and effects. When finished, campers can return their notes and copy of the article to their SDA binder. Collect the graphic organizer and consider displaying campers’ work around the room. Word Warriors Vocabulary— Word Warriors Set #2 Definitions 20 Nutrition Education McDonald’s: Are You Lovin’ It, Or is it Supersizing You? 15 Word Warriors Set #2 Project Word Warrior Set #2PPT Definitions Distribute Word Warrior Set #2 Definitions. Word Warriors Set #2 PPT For each word: Word Warriors Set #2 Word o Pronounce word and read definition Wall Words and Definitions o Have campers fill in the blanks in the sample sentence. (staff member should post after all words have been introduced) Class set of “McDonalds: Are Ask campers if they like to eat fast food. Have a brief discussion You Lovin’ it, or is it about what makes it appealing to them and their families. Supersizing You? Worksheet Hand out the McDonald’s Activity. Explain to campers that calories come from carbohydrates, protein, and fat within food. Too many calories from any particular group can be bad for you, and eating more calories than your body needs is how people gain weight. Give campers at least 10 minutes to complete the activity. Ask campers: o What did you find out about your favorite meals? o Were they within the recommended daily intake guide? o How did you make healthier meal choices? Optional take home; Ask campers to look up the movie “Super Size Me” on Wikipedia. Find out what Morgan Spurlock did for 30 days at McDonalds, and how much weight he gained from the experiment. Anyone who comes back the next day with the correct answer will earn 2 Promise Dollars. (Answer: Spurlock dined at McDonald's restaurants three times per day, eating every item on the chain's menu. He would always choose to "super-size" his meal if he was offered by a McDonald's employee. He gained 24.5 lbs) Materials: Beach Ball (or something similar) Closing Closing 5 Review the text organization strategy learned today, Cause and Effect, with campers: Say: What is another word for “cause”? (reason) What is another word for “effect”? (result) Now I’m going to say two causes and you tell me the effect: I got at least a 2.5 grade point average. Closing (continued) Closing (continued) I attended school 90% of the school year. What effect will happen for me? (I will earn the Pittsburgh Promise money / $10,000! With any remaining time, play another game of Hot Potato with the campers. Try to call on all of the campers as a means of formative assessment. Reward correct answers with Promise Dollars. Feel free to create your own Cause/Effect scenarios oruse the examples below: Cause Statements: (ask campers to give effects) 1. Dad forgot to pay attention to the food cooking on the barbeque. 2. Dizzy Dora forgot to add sugar to the lemonade. 3. Joe wasn't paying attention and drank a big mouthful of sour milk. 4. The paint can tumbled off the ladder. 5. The fireman turned on the hose. Effect Statements: (ask campers to give causes) 1. Dad forgot to pay attention to the food cooking on the barbeque. 2. Dizzy Dora forgot to add sugar to the lemonade. 3. Joe wasn't paying attention and drank a big mouthful of sour milk. 4. The paint can tumbled off the ladder. 5. The fireman turned on the hose. 5th Grade Eligible Content Lesson Plans Week 3, Day 2 Time Title Number of Minutes Materials Materials: QuickWrites PPT Projector Lined Paper QuickWrite Stamp Chart Timer Stamper QuickWrite QuickWrite 5 10 Classroom Culture Final Project Camper Tic-Tac-Toe Script Writing (Thinking about music and sounds) 25 9 chairs set up in 3 rows (similar to Tic Tac Toe board Sample SDA question sheet Script Organizer Sound Effects Planning Sound Effects Source Documentation (Handouts in packet) Example/Description Directions: Ask campers to take out their QuickWrite paper from yesterday. Project “QuickWrites” PPT, “QuickWrite #12” slide, read aloud, and give campers 5 minutes to complete. Circulate around the room and begin stamping campers’ charts. Be sure to check and stamp QuickWrites each day to increase student motivation to receive the incentive at the end of the week. When the time is up, you can call on a few campers to share their responses. When finished, ask campers to put their QuickWrite and Stamp Chart in their SDA Binder. Remind them they will continue to use this paper for future QuickWrites and supply new paper to campers when needed. Divide Campers into two teams: X's and O's. Teacher asks site-based SDA questions to alternating teams When team answers correctly one team member places themselves on the “board” First team to get three in a row wins promise dollars Repeat if time allows Objectives: CWBAT identify the characteristics of a Podcast script, write Podcast scripts, organize sound effects plan. Procedures: Final Project (continued) Script Writing (Thinking about music and sounds) (continued) Text Organization Text Organization Compare/Contrast Compare/Contrast Introduction Introduction & & Activity Activity 25 Materials “Getting Your House In Order” PPT “Getting Your House In Order” Guided Notes (campers) and Answer Key (teacher) Compare/Contrast Article, “Hurricanes Versus Tornadoes” (campers) and Key (teacher) Projector Post-It notes Construction Paper Warm-Up: Activity: PPT. Review selecting sound effects for Podcast. Go to PPS website and show students where they can go to get audio clips. Often sites that they will go to will be blocked. Remind students to write down the name of the clip and where they got it. Students work in teams. Closure: Do this on half sheets of paper. The purpose of this Exit Slip is to determine what students do and do not know about downloading clips. Prompt: Tell me three things you know about downloading clips. Are you familiar with recording music? What is one thing you still need to learn in order to complete this project? Directions: Project Get Your House In Order PPT starting at the “Compare/Contrast” slide and have campers take out their Get Your House In Order Notes from their SDA Binder. Hook: Spot the Difference (5 min) Project Get Your House In Order PPT. Tell campers that they’re going to play a game called “Spot the Difference.” Explain “Spot the Difference” directions: o Two pictures will appear on the screen, and at first glance they look identical, but they are actually slightly different. o Campers should look carefully at the pictures and try to find all of the differences. Staff member should mark differences with a dry erase marker or a Post-It (if not projecting on whiteboard) Compare/Contrast Intro (10 min) Continue to work through the PowerPoint as campers complete the Guided Notes for the Cause/Effect section. Explain that when campers played “Spot the Text Organization Text Organization Compare/Contrast Compare/Contrast Introduction Introduction & & Activity Activity (continued) (continued) Review Games Materials Board Games Board Games 15 Difference” they were doing a visual compare and contrast—they had to look at the pictures and determine what things were similar and what things were different. The compare/contrast text organization strategy is doing the same thing, but with words. Compare/Contrast Practice: Distribute Compare/Contrast Article, “Hurricanes Versus Tornadoes.” Model reading the article and highlight similarities in one green and differences in pink (use Post-Its if no whiteboard). Draw a Venn diagram on board or chart paper. Explain that Venn diagrams are graphic organizers used to compare and contrast topics. Explain that similarities are written in the overlapping space in the center and differences for each topic are written in their respective circles. Distribute Venn Diagram handout. Campers should fill in the Venn Diagram by writing the similarities and differences. As an alternate activity, or if time permits, campers can illustrate one similarity and one difference of hurricanes and tornadoes. o Distribute one piece of construction paper to campers and have them fold the paper in half. On one side of the construction paper, campers should illustrate the similarities of hurricanes (on the left) and tornadoes (on the right), then illustrate the differences on the opposite side of the construction paper. If there are any games in which campers have not played, staff member should teach campers to play it. Explain the rules and allow them to play the game. Or, form centers and allow campers to choose the game they want to play in groups. Materials Chalkboard or Chart Paper Closing Closing 5 Review the text organization strategy learned today, Compare and Contrast, with campers: Say: What does it mean when you compare two or more things? What does it mean when you contrast two or more things? Draw a Venn Diagram on the board or chart paper and ask students to compare/contrast two music artists – use the examples below if needed: Jay-Z and Beyonce Nicki Minaj and Sean Kingston Taylor Swift and Kanye West Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera 5th Grade Eligible Content Lesson Plans Week 3, Day 3 Time QuickWrite Word Warriors Novel Activities Title QuickWrite Vocabulary Word Warriors Set #2 Activities Novel Activities Number of Minutes 5 20 15 Materials Materials: QuickWrites PPT Projector Lined Paper QuickWrite Stamp Chart Timer Stamper Picture This You’re the Star Tell a Tale Time Materials Novels Post-Its (to use as book marks) Novel Reading/Activity Logs 5th Grade Novel Activities (handout) Art supplies (for novel activities) Timer Example/Description Directions: Ask campers to take out their QuickWrite paper from yesterday. Project “QuickWrites” PPT, “QuickWrite #13” slide, read aloud, and give campers 5 minutes to complete. Circulate around the room and begin stamping campers’ charts. Be sure to check and stamp QuickWrites each day to increase student motivation to receive the incentive at the end of the week. When the time is up, you can call on a few campers to share their responses. When finished, ask campers to put their QuickWrite and Stamp Chart in their SDA Binder. Remind them they will continue to use this paper for future QuickWrites and supply new paper to campers when needed. *There are three Word Warriors, Set 2 activities to use throughout Set 2. (Refer to Word Warriors Section of binder for handouts.) *Teachers may chose to complete as a whole group or allow students to work individually or with a partner to complete. Distribute novels to campers and ask them to take out their Novel Reading/Activity Logs from their SDA Binder. Distribute the 5th Grade Novel Activities handout. Explain to campers that they have the option of either reading their novel or completing one of the Novel Activities that are listed on the handout. Keep in mind some of the activities require students to have read the majority, if not all, of their novel. Should campers decide to work on an activity, advise them to do so quietly, as other campers may be using the time to read. Novel Activities (continued) Novel Activities (continued) Script Organizer Sound Effects Planning Sound Effects Source Documentation (Handouts in packet) Final Project How to find music and sounds (PPS website) & uploading recordings 25 When the allotted time is up, have campers record their progress or activity on their logs, go around and stamp campers’ logs, then have them place it in their SDA binders, and return all materials to a designated area in the room for the novels. Ask campers to insert the Novel Activities handout in their SDA binder. It is suggested to allow campers some time to share their activities with the class, or that you post their work around the room. Objectives: CWBAT Locate and list sound sources. Procedures: Teacher will need to skim student responses from exit slips yesterday to help you determine your focus for today. You may need to go back and reteach some things about using clips and other areas where students need extra support. Warm-up: Use Post-its. Add to “Podcast Planning Wall.” Think/Pair/Share (post during share time). Prompt: Why is it important to document sources you use, even audio clips? Activity: Continue from previous day. Teacher should review rubric and do over-the-shoulder team checks to determine if students are in an appropriate place. If note, teacher may need to provide extra supports to teams that are behind. Closure: Rapid Response: What format is your team using? Why did you select this format? Teacher uses timer and sets it for 3-4 minutes. Students will select one team member to speak. If extra time ask students a follow-up question. How does this format help get your message across (motive)? Nutrition Education Eat This, Not That! 15 Closing Closing 5 Eat This Not That game sheets Tape 10 sheets of Astrobright Summer Dreamers Snack Attack Quick Recipe Scissors Materials Word Warrior vocabulary words Explain to campers that we need to be realistic and know that sometimes we are not going to eat all fruits and vegetables, we are going to snack. Camper’s will discuss and play the Eat This Not That! game for deciding the best snacks. Place the Eat This Not That! game around the room according to the instruction sheet. Give the campers time to go around the room and record their answers (in groups or individually). The camper(s) with the most correct answers win Promise Dollars As a take home, campers will receive the Summer Dreamers Snack Attack Quick Recipe Call on campers to review Word Warrior vocabulary – campers can provide a sentence, synonym, or antonym for each word learned so far. Reward correct responses with Promise Dollars. 5th Grade Eligible Content Lesson Plans Week 3, Day 4 Time QuickWrite Novel Activities Title QuickWrite Number of Minutes 5 Novel Activities 15 Materials Materials QuickWrites PPT Projector Lined Paper QuickWrite Stamp Chart Timer Stamper Materials Novels Post-Its (to use as book marks) Novel Reading/Activity Logs 5th Grade Novel Activities (handout) Art supplies (for novel activities) Timer Example/Description Directions: Ask campers to take out their QuickWrite paper from yesterday. Project “QuickWrites” PPT, “QuickWrite #4” slide, read aloud, and give campers 5 minutes to complete. Circulate around the room and begin stamping campers’ charts. Be sure to check and stamp QuickWrites each day to increase student motivation to receive the incentive at the end of the week. When the time is up, you can call on a few campers to share their responses. When finished, ask campers to put their QuickWrite and Stamp Chart in their SDA Binder. Remind them they will continue to use this paper for future QuickWrites and supply new paper to campers when needed. Distribute novels to campers and ask them to take out their Novel Reading/Activity Logs from their SDA Binder. Distribute the 5th Grade Novel Activities handout. Explain to campers that they have the option of either reading their novel or completing one of the Novel Activities that are listed on the handout. Keep in mind some of the activities require students to have read the majority, if not all, of their novel. Should campers decide to work on an activity, advise them to do so quietly, as other campers may be using the time to read. When the allotted time is up, have campers record their progress or activity on their logs, go around and stamp campers’ logs, then have them place it in their SDA binders, and return all materials to a designated area in the room for the novels. Novel Activities (continued) Novel Activities (continued) Review Games Inference Games BINGO Word Warriors Vocabulary Word Warriors Set #2 Final Activity Text Organization Inference and Point of View Exit Slip 35 Materials Inference BINGO boards (campers) Inference BINGO directions, answers, and clues(teacher) Chart paper/marker or chalkboard 15 10 Final Activity handout & key WW Tracker Materials Text Organization / Inference / POV Exit Slip (campers) and Answer Key (teacher) Ask campers to insert the Novel Activities handout in their SDA binder. It is suggested to allow campers some time to share their activities with the class, or that you post their work around the room. Directions: 1.) Distribute a blank Inference Bingo board to every camper. 2.) Provide campers with the list of (25) answers written on chart paper (or read aloud). 3.) Campers should write the answers onto the Bingo board, in any block they choose. (All answers will be used) 4.) When all campers have their boards ready, the teacher or Camp Coordinator can begin to read the clues out loud, each clue ending in a question. 5.) Campers should be able to infer the answer, find it on their Bingo Board, and draw an “X” over that square. 6.) First camper to correctly get a traditional Bingo (vertical, horizontal, diagonal) will win Promise Dollars (amount can be determined by the teacher or camp coordinator). 7.) The game can continue for more Bingos. Variations of the traditional Bingo lines may be used (outside picture frame, plus sign, inside picture frame, diamond, letter X, etc.) Review Set 2 Word Warriors Distribute Set 2 Final Activity Teachers and/or Coordinators grade Final Activity Campers color progress on Word Warrior Tracker Directions: Distribute the exit slip to campers to complete independently. You can decide whether to collect and check or have campers check each others’ work, however, be sure to collect and review in order to see how well students grasped the Eligible Content skills covered. Using the data gathered from the Exit Slip, the teacher and CC’s can place students into the proper group for the Differentiated Instruction center activities taking place during Week 4, Day 16. Reward campers with Promise Dollars. Closing Closing 5 Remind campers about the field trip tomorrow.