COAHOMA COMMUNITY COLLEGE ASSOCIATE DEGREE NURSING PROGRAM NUR 1117 - NURSING FUNDAMENTALS FALL 2012 INSTRUCTOR: Mrs. Debbie Wilson MSN, RN OFFICE HOURS: Tues-Fri 1:00 – 4:00 PM PHONE: 662-621-4253 CLASS /CLINICAL TIMES: Per Topical Outline OFFICE: Allied Health Building #106 E-MAIL: Co-Instructor: Mr. Charles R. Smith MSN, RN OFFICE HOURS: Tues-Fri 1:00 – 4:00 PM Phone: 662-621-4254 CLASS / CLINICAL TIMES: Per Topical Outline OFFICE: Allied Health Building #105 E-MAIL: Course Description: This course provides a foundation for all subsequent nursing courses. It is an introduction to nursing with an emphasis on normal, basic human needs, the nursing process, therapeutic communication, and clinical skills. Nursing procedures are taught with demonstration of competency in the learning laboratory. Credits: 7 credit hours (5 in theory and 2 in clinical and lab practice). Prerequisites: BIO 2513/2511, BIO 2523/2521, BIO 2923/2921, NUR 1011. Textbook(s) and Material(s): Required: Cooper, K. (2013). Virtual clinical excursions- general hospital for potter, perry, stockert, and hall: fundamentals of nursing. Maryland Heights, MO: Elsevier. Knippa,A., Sommer,S., Ball,B., Churchill,L., Elkins,C., Janowski,M....Brant,S. (2010) Fundamentals for nursing review module (7.0 ed.). Leawood, KS. Assessment Technologies Institute, LLC. Potter, P. & Perry, A. (2013). Clinical companion for fundamentals of nursing: just the facts, (8th ed.). St. Louis, Missouri: Elsevier Potter, P. & Perry, A. (2013). Fundamentals of nursing, (8th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier. Recommended: Hodgson, B & Kizior, R. (2009). Saunders nursing drug handbook. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier-Saunders. Manning, L, & Rayfield, S. (2010) Nursing made insanely easy (5th ed.). Duluth, GA: I CAN Publishing®, Inc. Manning, L., & Rayfield, S. (2010) Pharmacology made insanely easy (3rd ed.). Duluth, GA: I CAN publish, Inc. Manning, L, & Rayfield, S (2010) NCLEX-RN 101 (7th ed.). Dahlonega, GA, I CAN Publishing®. Inc. Manning, L.S., Herman, J., & Zager, L.R., (2010) The Eight-step approach to student clinical success. Duluth, GA: I CAN publish, Inc. Sparks, S. & Taylor, C. (2005). Nursing diagnosis pocket guide, (7th ed.). Philadelphia, Pa: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. NUR 1117 Fundamentals of Nursing Student Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to do the following: Provider Role: 1. Begin to utilize the nursing process for assessment and critical thinking in the provision of nursing care that meets the psychosocial and cultural needs of adult clients. 2. Identify the teaching needs of clients to promote health and prevent illness. 3. Begin to implement basic therapeutic communication and documentation skills. Manager Role: 1. Identify environmental hazards that may pose a risk to client’s safety as well as demonstrate the ability to safely administer medications to adult clients. 2. Demonstrate basic client care with emphasis on evidence based interventions to ensure safety 3. Recognize and report abnormal client care assessment findings. Profession Role: 1. Recognize foundation for accountability and principles of ethical decision- making in self-directed learning and in nursing actions based on accepted standards of nursing care. 2. Work cooperatively with peers to clarify and develop the professional role. 3. Identify ways to advocate for clients to ensure quality nursing care. Classroom and Clinical Policies and Procedures: See for classroom and clinical policies sections I-XII and Appendix A. Non-Discrimination/Disability Policy Coahoma Community College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities. The institution has designated a Section 504/ADA/Title IX Coordinator. To address inquiries regarding the nonâdiscrimination policies, please contact the Office of Academic Affairs for more information at 662-621-4127. Instructional Techniques: Lecture to include: Power Point Presentations and Audiovisuals Group Discussion Critical Thinking Exercises Role-Play Computer Assisted Learning Handouts / Reading Assignments Reflective Journaling Demonstration Method(s) of Evaluation: Theory: 1. Tests: Multiple Choice – select all that apply, True / False, or alternative format questions 2. Formative assessments – pre and post lecture quizzes, class assignments, and learning activities provided by the instructor. Skills Lab: 1. Observation 2. Skills Validation Clinical Setting: 1. Observation 2. Clinical evaluation sheet 3. Daily Clinical Worksheet 4. Care Plan Grade Scale: Grading Scale for Associate Degree Nursing Program Grade Scale Quality Points A-Excellent 93-100 4.0 B-Good 85-2 3.0 C-Average 77-84 2.0 D-Poor 70-76 1.0 F-Failure 69 or Below 0.0 I-Incomplete 0.0 W-Withdrawal 0.0 Z-Unassigned grade 0.0 CR: This grade will be assigned when the student successfully completes program-specific requirements for advancement to the Associate Degree Nursing program. Associate Degree Nursing Program courses require a letter grade of “C” (minimum 77%). Failure to attain these score will prevent the student from progressing to the next scheduled semester. Course Grading System: NUR 1117 is a blended course composed of a theory component and a clinical component. Students must earn a 77% or “C” in the theory component of the course and have satisfactory performance in the clinical components of the course to earn credit for the course. Formative assessments will be conducted throughout the course at the instructor’s discretion which will constitute the daily average. The daily average consists of the average of formative assessments given by the instructor. The points received for the daily average will be added to the lowest unit test. The point system is as follows: A = 5 points, B = 3 points and C = 1 point. Types of formative assessments include pre and post lecture quizzes, class assignments, and learning activities provided by the instructor. Theory: 5 Unit Test - 90% of course grade 1 Comprehensive Final – 10% of course grade Assessment Technologies Institute ®. LLC ( ATI) Resources: The Associate Degree Nursing program utilizes ATI resources to enhance learning and to provide a means for evaluation of student comprehension of content and concepts presented in the nursing curriculum classes. An orientation to the utilization of ATI resources will be given to the students at the beginning of the semester. Resources include practice tests, proctored tests, and tutorials relevant to the content and concepts taught within each class of the nursing curriculum. Completion of course practice tests A and B is required for the student to be allowed to take the proctored course test at the end of the semester. Students will receive points added to the NUR 1117 Fundamentals of Nursing final exam based on the level achieved on the Proctored ATI Fundamentals of Nursing Test. The point system is as follows: Level 3 = 5 points, Level 2 = 3 points, and level 1 = 1 point. In addition to the ATI Proctored Fundamentals of Nursing test students will also take the ATI Community Nursing Proctored Test. The ATI Community Nursing Proctored Test does not generate points. The student is responsible for keeping a notebook containing printed information related to results on practice tests, proctored tests, tutorials, and focused review materials developed to address deficiencies identified by practice and proctored tests. This notebook is to accompany the student when meeting with their advisor for academic counseling. A minimum of three (3) academic counseling sessions will be scheduled to occur at the beginning, at midterm and end of the semester. It is the student’s responsibility to schedule additional counseling sessions with their advisor as needed. Students who do not make a 77% on a unit exam will be expected to make an appointment with their advisor within one week for assessment. Clinical: Skills Validation/ Head to Toe Assessment: Students will be assessed (checked off) on specific skills throughout the semester and must obtain a (S) satisfactory on the skill prior to performing in the clinical setting. Students will have (3) opportunities to be checked off on specific skills. If the student requires a third check off another instructor will be assigned to the student. After the third unsuccessful attempt the student will receive an (U) unsatisfactory for the skill. Three unsatisfactory attempts at checking off on a particular skill will result in failure of the course. Clinical Evaluation Tool: Each student will be evaluated daily on specific behaviors in the clinical area. Behaviors will be scored (S) satisfactory or (U) unsatisfactory. Three (3) (U) unsatisfactory behaviors or repeating an (U) unsatisfactory behavior will result in failure of the course. Course Grading Worksheet: Associate Degree Nursing Coahoma Community College NUR 1117 – Fall 2012 Course Grade Calculation Sheet Unit Tests #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 Grade Legal, Ethical, Professional, Nursing Process, Documentation, Vital Signs, Adult Client, Cultural/ Spiritual Safety/ Infection Control, Communication/ Teaching, Health/ Wellness, Basic Care Comfort Head to Toe Assessment, Pain, Pharmacology, Medication Administration Nutrition, Cardiac/ Circulation, Oxygenation, Neuro, Cognitive Mobility/ Immobility, Urinary/ Bowel, Death/Dying Unit Test Total Comprehensive Final Final Course Grade % 18% Points/ 100 18% 18% 18% 18% 90 % 10% Theory Component: Unit Tests _________________________ Final Exam _________________________ Total _________________________ Skills/ Clinical Component: Satisfactory ________________________ Unsatisfactory ________________________ Course Grade _________________________ Instructor :______________________________ Student:_______________________________ I Concur ______ I do not concur ____ Date: ____________________________ Date: ____________________________ Unit Objectives: Unit 1: Legal, Nursing Process, Documentation, Safety, Infection Control 1. Describe the basic legal responsibilities of a registered nurse as outlined by the MS State Board of Nursing 2. Identify basic client rights and responsibilities – to include HIPAA 3. Identify basic concepts of professionalism as it relates to the role of the registered nurse 4. Identify (5) steps of the nursing process and demonstrate basic understanding of each through discussion 5. Describe basic concepts and guidelines of nursing documentation 6. Identify safety risks specific to the adult client based on the aging process and interventions to prevent injury based on the adult client and aging process 7. Discuss importance of safety as it applies to client care in the acute care setting and in the home setting 8. Discuss principles of infection control, methods of applying infection control in the nursing practice and client infection control education. 9. Identify and discuss when to use Standard Precautions and 10. Identify and discuss when to use/ implement Transmission Based Precautions Unit 2: Vital Signs, Adult Client, Communication, Hygiene, Activity/ Exercise 1. Discuss appropriate method of assessing vital signs, identify normal/ abnormal ranges for vital signs in an adult, and demonstrate how to accurately document findings 2. Identify and discuss the normal physical, cognitive, and psychosocial changes in the adult age 18-64, 65-85 and ages 85 and older. 3. Identify healthy behaviors and health promotion/ maintenance recommendations specific to the adult client 4. Discuss significant features and therapeutic outcomes of the nurse- client relationship 5. Describe factors that can affect communication between a client and nurse and interventions to improve communication 6. Discuss qualities, behaviors, and communication techniques that affect professional communication ( positively and negatively) 7. Describe methods to promote or assist the adult client with basic care and comfort needs (Hygiene) 8. Describe how activity and exercise benefit physiological and psychological functioning of the adult client 9. Identify interventions for improving or maintaining activity tolerance. Unit 3: Client Teaching, Head to Toe Assessment, Nutrition/ Cultural Considerations, Medication Administration 1. Identify techniques and methods to use when teaching the adult client 2. Identify basic parts of a head to toe assessment of an adult client, essential skills needed to perform assessment, and factors related to safety and infection control the nurse should consider when doing a head to toe assessment on the adult client based on age and needs. 3. Identify physiological, psychological, and environmental factors that can affect the nutritional status of the adult client 4. Identify factors that can affect a clients nutritional intake and methods to improve a clients nutritional intake 5. Identify and demonstrate the procedure for initiating and maintaining enteral feedings 6. Discuss how culture and personal beliefs can affect a client’s diet 7. Identify methods of and demonstrate safe medication administration utilizing the 6 rights of medication administration – to include dosage calculations and documentation 8. Discuss age related changes that can affect the effectiveness of medication when taken by a client 9. Identify basic safety precautions to teach to clients regarding medications Unit 4: Pain, Sleep, Mobility/ Immobility, Neuro/ Sensory 1. Identify and demonstrate the method of assessing pain in a client 2. Discuss how the aging process and cultural/ spiritual beliefs can affect a client’s pain or perception of pain. 3. Identify non-pharmacological methods of pain management 4. Identify and discuss age related changes that can affect a client’s ability to sleep and interventions to help promote sleep/ rest 5. Discuss causes of and effects of immobility on the adult client’s ability to perform activities of daily living, social interaction, lifestyle 6. Identify interventions to implement in the plan of care of the adult client with limited mobility. 7. Discuss age related changes that can alter/ affect the neuro system of the adult client 8. Identify methods to help prevent injury/ promote safety in a client with neurological or sensory deficits – to include home safety measures 9. Discuss age related neurological changes in the adult client 10. Identify methods to help prevent injury/ promote safety in a client based on changes in neuro function/ cognition Unit 5: Circulation/ Oxygenation, Urinary/ Bowel, Wounds, Death and Dying 1. Discuss age related changes in the adult client related to cardiac/ circulation, oxygenation/ respiratory systems 2. Identify interventions to help prevent injury/ promote safety in the adult client with circulation/ oxygenation deficits to include home safety measures 3. Identify age related changes in the adult that can affect urinary / bowel function 4. Discuss methods to assist the client to manage alterations in urinary / bowel function 5. Discuss the normal process of wound healing and difference between primary and secondary intention wound healing 6. Discuss complications of wound healing 7. Identify and demonstrate the correct method for changing a wound dressing (wet-to-dry) 8. Identify the nurse’s role when caring for a client experiencing loss, grief, or death 9. Recognize basic concepts related to hospice and palliative care 10. Discuss care of a client who has expired Clinical Learning Activities: Provider Role: 1. Ensures proper identification of client prior to providing care utilizing two methods to include the client with dementia 2. Complies with patient safety standards, standard precautions and infection control standards 3. Prepares and administers medication utilizing CCC medication administration protocol (po, enteral, topical, ophthalmic, otic, rectal) 4. Reports to the instructor any abnormal findings that may pose an actual or potential risk to client 5. Protects client from injury 6. Perform assessments accurately and safely 7. Identify teaching needs of the adult client to promote health and prevent illness 8. Demonstrates the appropriate use of body mechanics when lifting, transporting, or ambulating clients 9. Documentation is legible, accurate, and organized 10. Begins to utilize therapeutic communication techniques when communicating with clients 11. Actively participates in client care, maintenance of proper hygiene, promotion of comfort & rest, and assistance with ADL’s Manager Role: 1. Maintains confidentiality/privacy of client’s information and HIPAA compliance 2. Demonstrates use of basic time management skills to organize clinical day 3. Acknowledges and documents practice errors when appropriate 4. Follows facility policies/ procedures and CCC School of Nursing clinical policies 5. Seeks instructors supervision when appropriate 6. Performs clinical activities with minimal instructor prompting Member Role: 1. Provides care within the legal scope of practice 2. Practices in a manner consistent with the code of ethics for registered nurses 3. Identify situations that would require the nurse to act as a client advocate 4. Recognizes limitations of self and/or begin corrective measures at the earliest opportunity 5. Prepared for clinical - on time, in appropriate uniform with ID badge, and necessary equipment to perform nursing care 6. Participates in pre/post clinical conference learning activities 7. Works actively with other group members toward a common goal 8. Accepts constructive criticism and makes necessary changes in personal and professional behavior Clinical Expectations: See Coahoma Community College Student Handbook for Health Science Programs Appendix A Associate Degree Nursing Section 7: Clinical Practicum