Safety in Wood, Metal and Plastics Technology in Victorian Government Schools Report of the Safety in Technology Panel For the Department of Education in Victoria -i- Published by Human Resources Division Department of Education Ground Floor, 2 Treasury Place, East Melbourne, Victoria, 3002 September 2006 © State of Victoria (Department of Education) 2006 The copyright in this document is owned by the State of Victoria (Department of Education). No part may be reproduced by any process except in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright Act 1968. An educational institution situated in Australia which is not conducted for profit, or a body responsible for administering such an institution, may copy and communicate the materials for the educational purposes of the institution or body. If the document is copied in its entirety, this copyright notice must remain on the copy. If part of the document is copied, the source must be attributed. All other use requires permission. Authorised by the Department of Education, 2 Treasury Place, East Melbourne, Victoria 3002. Printed by [name and address of printer] ISBN/ISSN [number] Acknowledgements Appendix 3 contains material produced by the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority, Australia. Students and teachers should consult the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority website for more information This material is copyright and cannot be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the VCAA. - ii - About this document This report of the Safety in Technology Panel reviews occupational health and safety in the secondary school Technology area particularly where activities focus on wood, metal and plastic. The report is specifically directed to Victorian State Government Schools although it is written in a manner so that recommendations can be easily adapted to private sector schools and schools in other education jurisdictions. Safety in Technology Panel Members: Don Burns Manager, School Infrastructure Unit, DoE (Chair) Murray Alpen Leading Teacher, Technology, Ballarat Secondary College Terry Bennett Principal, Wantirna Secondary College Kylie Campbell Senior Project Officer, Employee Health Unit, DoE David Fletcher Technology Education Association of Victoria Representative, Huntingtower School Andrew Ius Chief Executive Officer, Victorian Institute of Teaching Kathy Liley Manager (Special Projects) Victorian Institute of Teaching Paul O’Halloran Project Manager, Employee Health Unit, DoE Bob Pearson Team Leader, Noel Arnold and Associates Mark Phillips Team Leader, WorkSafe Victoria Lorraine Tran Project Manager, Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority Administration Officer, Employee Health Unit, DoE Priska Wyrsch - iii - CONTENTS 1. Executive Summary .................................................................................................. 1 2. Panel recommendations............................................................................................ 2 3. Background to Safety in Technology Panel ............................................................ 7 3.1. Safety in Technology Panel Terms of Reference .............................................. 7 4. Background to Safety in Technology ...................................................................... 7 4.1. Wood, metal and plastics Technology in Victorian industry ............................. 8 4.2. Wood metal and plastics Technology in Victorian education ........................... 8 4.3. The nature of work in wood metal and plastics Technology ............................. 8 4.4. Description of injuries arising from Technology areas – student and staff trends ................................................................................................................ 10 5. Legislative and Policy Context for Safety in Technology .................................... 12 5.1. Occupational Health and Safety Act, Regulations, Codes of Practice and Standards .......................................................................................................... 12 5.2. Current Department of Education resources supporting safety in Technology 13 5.3. Interstate comparisons of safety in wood metal and plastics Technology ....... 14 6. Background to Risk Controls ................................................................................ 16 6.1. Occupational Health and Safety risk management process and Technology .. 16 6.2. Establishing the context ................................................................................... 16 6.3. Identifying Occupational Health and Safety risk ............................................. 16 6.4. Analysing and evaluating Occupational Health and Safety risk in Technology areas ............................................................................................. 16 6.5. Treating risks ................................................................................................... 17 6.6. Reviewing Department of Education controls ................................................. 18 7. .. Eliminating and Reducing Risks in Wood, Metal and Plastic Technology in Department of Education ....................................................................................... 19 7.1. Curriculum design ............................................................................................ 19 7.2. Curriculum provision and minimum OHS standards....................................... 22 7.3. Work system design ......................................................................................... 23 7.4. Materials preparation – minimising risk exposure........................................... 23 7.5. Storage and ergonomic work flows ................................................................. 24 - iv - 7.6. Physical environment including plant and equipment design and layout ........ 25 7.7. Restrictions on use of certain machine processes ............................................ 26 7.8. Plant and equipment use and maintenance ..................................................... 32 7.9. Protective apparel............................................................................................. 32 7.10. Capability to operate plant and machinery ...................................................... 33 8. Appendices ............................................................................................................... 35 Appendix 1: Description of injuries arising from Technology areas – student and staff trends ................................................................................................................. 35 1. Standardised WorkCover claims for machinery-related injury 2000 – 2005 ............... 35 2. WorkCover plant injuries by injury type ........................................................................ 36 3. ... WorkCover plant injuries by injury agency .................................................................... 37 4. WorkCover plant injuries by day of the week ................................................................. 38 5. WorkCover plant injuries age of claimant v. age of Technology teachers .................... 39 6. CASES incident data - plant injuries by severity ............................................................ 40 7. CASES incident data - plant injuries by injury description ........................................... 41 8. CASES incident data - plant injuries by accident description ....................................... 42 9. CASES incident data - plant injuries by accident location ............................................. 43 10. CASES incident data - breakdown of curriculum specific injuries ............................... 44 11. CASES incident data - breakdown of student injuries by machine types ..................... 45 12. CASES incident data - breakdown of student injuries severity by activity .................. 46 13. CASES incident data - breakdown of injury description by severity ............................ 47 Appendix 2: Acts, Regulations, Codes of Practice and Standards relevant to Technology areas ...................................................................................................... 48 Appendix 3: References to Safety in the Technology Curriculum documents (excludes Information and Communications Technology) ....................................... 50 -v- 1. Executive Summary The Safety in Technology Panel was established by the Department of Education (DoE) in January 2006 to review occupational health and safety in the secondary school Technology area. This report makes recommendations to reduce injury risk associated with Technology staff and students using plant and machinery in wood metal and plastics. The report provides: a. an analysis of Technology curriculum b. the nature of work and work flows in Technology c. a review of student and staff injuries d. a review of interstate health and safety risk controls in Technology education e. a gap analysis of current Technology risk controls in Victorian public education. -1- 2. Panel Recommendations 2.1. Curriculum Design There is a need for: DoE/Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) to review points of access linking curriculum support materials in Technology to the relevant Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Management Systems information available via DoE’s website and Physical Resources Management System (PRMS) OHS module. Plant specific information such as protective apparel, guarding and safety instructions should be displayed adjacent to all items of plant. Plant specific display sheets should be readily accessible for download from the DoE Health, Safety and Wellbeing (HSW) web-site. DoE to develop and implement a joint communication strategy with VCAA, Technical Education Association of Victoria (TEAV), Australian Education Union (AEU) and other key stakeholders to ensure the key linkages are integrated into local curriculum planning by teachers and project design and implementation by students. 2.2. Curriculum provision and minimum OHS standards There is a need to: Ensure all Technology programs in wood, metal and plastics meet minimum OHS standards mandated by OHS legislation. Develop criteria to enable schools to self-assess their Technology programs in wood, metal and plastics against the minimum OHS requirements and ensure control strategies are implemented so Technology work areas are as safe as practicable. Ensure all school communities are serviced by educational facilities with Technology areas that meet minimum OHS and design standards. -2- 2.3. Work system design There is a need to: Review the overall approach to OHS management in schools and, in particular, how the OHS management system is applied in Technology areas. Clarify the responsibilities of and relationships between the schools OHS management team including the OHS management nominee, the OHS representative and the leadership team and staff in the Technology area. Ensure training and development enables shared OHS and risk management knowledge to be implemented across the Technology area with effective participation of staff and students in the OHS risk management cycle. Ensure the local OHS risk management program is effectively supported by the school OHS management team, external OHS consultancy support, external OHS audits and OHS website and online information. 2.4. Materials Preparation – minimising risk exposure It is recommended that opportunities to reduce or eliminate wood preparation in Technology areas be actively pursued as an effective means of risk elimination. Alternatives to wood preparation include: purchasing materials ready to use by the students ensuring students are guided in the selection of materials, safer work processes and product design so that the need for hazardous preparation tasks by the teacher is minimised transferring the wood preparation process to students. (This only applies to those cases where the teacher is required to prepare materials for all students using hazardous materials over a long period of time with a high risk piece of plant (i.e. Cutting lengths of wood with a bench saw). Consideration should be given to students preparing their own individual materials using a less risky piece of equipment (i.e. Hand saw). This would enable a safer and shorter duration manual process replacing longer duration hazardous preparation by the teacher.) -3- 2.5. Storage and ergonomic work flows There is a need to: Ensure the design and layout of Technology areas fully accommodate the functional needs of operators and the required work flows of materials into and through the workplace. Ensure the Technology leadership teams with the support of the school’s OHS management nominee and health and safety representative (HSR) review material purchase, delivery, storage, use and disposal in existing Technology areas and ensure action plans for short, medium and long term re-engineering of the work flows are developed. Ensure agreed action plans for implementing safer workplace design, work systems and work processes are adequately resourced and implemented in a timely manner. Ensure improved support materials are developed by DoE (School Infrastructure and Employee Health Units) and its OHS provider to facilitate school assessment of work flows and storage areas. 2.6. Physical environment including plant and equipment design and layout There is a need to: Develop minimum design standards covering items of plant and machinery in Technology areas applicable to both materials preparation, storage and student use areas. Ensure the standards accommodate OHS risks associated with Technology design and layout, work flows and the range of OHS risks including machinery risks, manual handling risks, noise, chemical and air-borne contaminants. A training and information strategy to familiarise architects, consultants and school principals in the use of the new standards should be developed and implemented. -4- 2.7. Restrictions on use of certain machine processes Higher risk, higher demand activities with fewer risk controls place more intensive demands on the operator. This means machinery use will need to be differentiated according to the level of residual risk associated with use of the machinery. There is a need to: prohibit inherently unsafe machinery processes which rely entirely on operator skill and leave an unacceptable level of residual risk. restrict work processes which provide some pathway controls but still rely on a high level of operator skill and knowledge to ensure risks are reduced, so far as practicable. Restricted use processes will require one-to one supervision. ensure standard safety provisions are in place for work processes which do not require high skill levels or alternatively do not have the means or capacity to cause a high impact injury. Ensure students access and use of machinery always occurs with adequate teacher supervision. 2.8. Plant and equipment use and maintenance There is a need for: Schools to review the adequacy of all items of plant in Technology areas against the applicable standard for design, guarding, extraction, noise and other hazard controls. Any gaps in controls must be addressed so that all plant meets minimum standards. The plant to be decommissioned where plant cannot be modified to achieve standard safety performance. 2.9. Protective apparel There is a need to: Ensure students and staff do not work within the area of plant without wearing the required protective apparel including eye, ear, foot and face protection. Ensure a written instruction outlining the use of protective apparel is communicated to all staff and students. -5- 2.10. Capability to operate plant and machinery There is a need to: Review OHS knowledge and skill criteria required for the use of machinery by students. Undertake a program of student testing which covers basic OHS knowledge followed by a machine trial test. Ensure testing includes a more general assessment by the teacher of the student’s maturity and functional capacity before admitting a student to the testing program. Design and implement a process for teacher training in the student certification process. Implement a short course for teachers in the safe operation of wood and metal machinery. Establish a mandatory testing regime for all teachers supervising students in wood and metal machinery use. Record and verify plant and machinery use and supervision competencies via a competency ticket held by teachers and students. Schools should maintain a register of student and staff competencies in plant and machinery use and supervision. Explore how minimum OHS professional certification standards for teaching in Technology are linked to the overall teaching standards framework auspiced by the Victorian Institute of Teaching (VIT). This will need to be initiated by DoE raising this issue with VIT. -6- 3. Background to Safety in Technology Panel 3.1. Safety in Technology Panel Terms of Reference 3.1.1. The Safety in Technology Panel was established by DoE in January 2006 to review occupational health and safety in the secondary school Technology area having regard to: Hazard and risk profiles in secondary school Technology areas DoE’s current relevant policy support material and resources Learning goals and curriculum direction relevant to the Technology key learning area An assessment of current OHS risk management practices in secondary school Technology areas. 3.1.2. The Panel was established in response to concerns that plant and machinery used in wood, metal and plastics Technology areas have the capacity to cause serious injury to students and staff. Plant includes any machinery, equipment, appliance, implement or tool. Injuries due to the use of Technology plant (e.g. power tools and hand tools) account for 2.7 per cent of all DoE WorkCover standard claims. These injuries are more likely to be associated with serious debilitating injury including finger and hand amputations. 3.1.3. Section 21 2(a) of the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 (OHS Act 2004) requires employers to provide and maintain plant or systems of work that are, so far as is reasonably practicable, safe and without risks to health. The Occupational Health and Safety (Plant) Regulations 1995 (OHS (Plant) Regulations 1995) further outline how employers must meet this duty. 3.1.4. In 2004-2005, WorkSafe Victoria inspectors undertook 1021 visits to 350 schools as part of Project 941. Results from this project indicated plant and equipment were the most commonly cited areas of OHS noncompliance. -7- 4. Background to Safety in Technology 4.1. Wood metal and plastics Technology in Victorian industry 4.1.1. Technology training and, in particular, training in wood metal and plastics technologies is strategically important to Victoria’s industry base and supports the education and business goals of the Victorian Government’s ‘Growing Victoria Together’ strategy . Industries which rely heavily on people skilled in wood, metal and plastics technologies account for 32 per cent of employment in regional Victoria. This skill base is spread across a number of industries including manufacturing (14 per cent), agriculture, forestry and fishing (11 per cent) and construction (7 per cent). (ABS Census 2001). 4.2. Wood metal and plastics technology in Victorian education 4.2.1. The main focus of Technology education in Victoria is gaining knowledge, skills and appropriate behaviours in design, planning, and producing projects. The degree of sophistication of skills in using tools and equipment is expected to develop through the learning continuum from the early years of schooling to senior secondary years, when students decide on pathways to work, further education and training. Embedded into Technology education curriculum is knowledge of safety, both in the use of tools, equipment and machines (where appropriate) and safety related to the products students make, use and evaluate. 4.3. The nature of work in wood metal and plastics Technology 4.3.1. Technology education provides students with the knowledge and skills to enable them to create products that solve problems or meet defined needs. Students use a range of equipment, materials, energy, system components and data to design and produce their solutions. Schools are expected to include ‘Design, Creativity and Technology’ as one of the domains of learning within the Victorian Essential Learning Standards. 4.3.2. The tools, equipment, materials and chemicals that students use in Technology may be hazardous. If we are to understand the background to the injury and risk profile associated with wood, metal and plastics Technology, it is useful to consider the nature of work undertaken by staff and students in Technology. Two approaches will help clarify this: a. a breakdown of a typical flow of materials handling tasks associated with Technology (Figure 4.1) b. a breakdown of the design and production stages associated with student project work in Technology. (Figure 4.2) -8- 4.3.3. The breakdown of tasks focuses on how materials are moved, stored and processed from arrival to through to disposal. The material flowchart provides an opportunity to identify, assess and control health and safety risks encountered at each stage of the process. Risk control is usually more effective when undertaken early at the purchasing stage rather than having to manage material handling or storage hazards later in the process. Figure 4.1: Work flow materials handling storage and disposal Vehicle transporting materials accesses the Technology storage area Materials are transferred from the vehicle to the storage racks Staff and students access material for preparation and project use Wood and other materials are worked by student in a series of stages until product completion Work projects are stored and/or taken home by students Waste is cleaned up, extracted and disposed of. -9- 4.3.4. The design and production process focuses more on the development and implementation of the student project itself. Risks are generally controlled more effectively at the design and selection stages rather than during project production. Figure 4.2: Risk management at all stages of design and production Design stage Concept formation Foreseeable risks at all future stages of process identified and assessed. Material selection Production method Material hazards identified; materials selected to minimise material risks. Establishing Production system Production hazards Identified; processes re-engineered to minimise production risks. Building and testing prototype Production process and scale model or prototype monitored to reveal any unforeseen risks. Make modifications to minimise risks. Production, distribution and use Production System in operation Plant, materials, and production systems safety controls established at design stage monitored and maintained throughout production. Any emerging risks reviewed and changes made to design and production stages as required. Production distribution Risk management systems provided and maintained for product storage, handling and transport; waste concept plans modified to eliminate and mitigate identified risks. Product Used by Client Hazards associated with end use anticipated and risks minimised at the design stage. Where possible product use monitored and unforeseen risks addressed. End-of -product life including disposal or recycling also considered. 4.4. Description of injuries arising from Technology areas – student and staff trends 4.4.1. Appendix One summarises WorkCover claim trends for plant related injuries and CASES incident data for student plant related injuries. 4.4.2. WorkCover claims DoE had 157 plant-related WorkCover claims out of a total of 5714 standard claims received during the 6 year sample period (2000-2005) representing 2.7 per cent of all standard claims. Lacerations, deafness and sprains and strains were the most common injury types. Injuries were most often sustained while cutting or sawing, using other power equipment or making contact with timber. The most common day of the week for injury was Wednesday followed by Friday. 4.4.3. WorkCover claim data associated with machinery and plant were broken down by accident description and machinery description, activity, injury severity, injury agency and injury type. - 10 - 4.4.4. The number of machinery related claims declined in 2005 compared with the two previous years. Plant injury claims peaked in 2001 (38) and fell to 13 claims in 2005. Fifty to 59-year-olds are the highest frequency age group represented in the injury data followed by the under 18 work experience group. When these figures are compared with the age distribution of Technology teachers derived from DoE’s biennial survey ‘Forecasting Teacher Demand by Subject Area’ then over-sixty-year-olds are disproportionately represented in the accident claim data. 4.4.5. Student injuries Student injuries associated with plant and equipment use were extracted from the Computerised Administrative Software Environment (CASES) incident database 1995–2005 including accident location, curriculum area, machinery type, activity and injury description. 4.4.6. Injuries were most often sustained while in arts associated mainly with lino blade cuts and ‘misbehaviour’. 4.4.7. Machinery injuries include a larger proportion of severe injuries requiring a hospital visit than injuries associated with hand tool use. 4.4.8. Machinery injuries comprise a small minority of the student injuries on the database however they are more likely to result in partial or complete amputations than injuries related to other activities. 4.4.9. In summary plant related injuries for both students and staff do not represent a large proportion of the total injury profile for DoE schools but they are more likely to result in serious injury impacts including maiming and amputation when they do occur. - 11 - 5. Legislative and Policy Context for Safety in Technology 5.1. Occupational Health and Safety Act, Regulations, Codes of Practice and Standards 5.1.1. 5.1.2. Under the employer duties, Sections 21 and 23 of the OHS Act 2004 require DoE and its schools to provide, so far as is reasonably practicable, an environment that is healthy and safe for all staff, students and other people in schools and other DoE workplaces. Compliance with the Act includes requirements to eliminate risks or, if elimination is not reasonably practicable, to reduce risks so far as is reasonably practicable. A number of Regulations and Codes of Practice arise from this Act. In relation to machinery, the OHS (Plant) Regulations 1995 require employers to assess, and control risks associated with plant and machinery. 5.1.3. The Occupational Health and Safety (Noise) Regulations 1992 require employers to assess student and staff exposure to noise and to take measures to control noise to minimise any risk to health and safety. 5.1.4. The Occupational Health and Safety (Manual Handling) Regulations 1999 require employers to assess any manual handling tasks likely to be a risk and to implement control procedures for tasks assessed as being a risk. The regulations apply to any physical activity using force, whether it be working on a computer, accessing metal in a storage area or cleaning waste materials from a classroom floor. 5.1.5. The Plant, Noise and Manual Handling Regulations are supported by codes of practice. The OHS Act 2004 provides for codes of practice to provide practical guidance to employers and others with obligations under the Act. Codes can be used as evidence of contravention or failure to comply with a provision of the Act or regulations under the Act. Other OHS regulations and codes of practice relevant to Technology areas are listed in Appendix Two. A complete list of the OHS legislation can be accessed via 5.1.6. The Australian Standard ‘Safety and Health and Workrooms of Educational Establishments’ (AS 1485-1983) sets out recommendations related to the safety and health of all persons engaged in operations or activities in workrooms of educational establishments. It deals in general with: administration and general requirements environmental factors equipment in general use including a range of plant and machinery in wood, metal and plastics Technology areas. - 12 - 5.2. Current Department of Education resources supporting safety in Technology 5.2.1. DoE has provided a range of policy guidance and direct support to schools to assist in preventing and managing OHS risk in Technology areas including: Policy in the Victorian Government Schools Reference Guide Executive Memorandum 2000/015 Student Safety in Wood and Metal Technology CD-ROM covering curriculum guidance through the Student Safety Guidelines – Technology CD-ROM covering Guide to Setting and Guarding Machinery to distributed as part of the Noel Arnold and Associates audit 5.2.2. Building Quality Standards Handbook 2003 covering OHS design issues in Technology OHS school audits and help line support provided by DoE’s contracted OHS provider Funding support for OHS short course training in Technology allocated to regions annually Technology checklists and guidance through DoE’s HSW and Safety School website. This website is also the single access point for above resources. A full list of links and contacts for DoE support is at 5.3. Interstate comparisons of safety in wood metal and plastics Technology 5.3.1. As part of the Safety in Technology Panel report, a research survey was conducted into the OHS practices used in Technology by Department of Education settings in other Australian states. 5.3.2. The survey covered various elements of safety standards, procedures, polices and common practices across state government education settings. The survey included requests for information on documented guidelines and written procedures, curriculum design, work systems, social environment, protective apparel, instruction and accreditation and restricted equipment. 5.3.3. Survey responses were received from Queensland (QLD), South Australia (SA), Western Australia (WA), Tasmania (TAS) and the Australian Capital Territory (ACT). New South Wales and Northern Territory did not respond to the survey. - 13 - 5.3.4. Of the states surveyed all have a set of written procedures or guidelines in place, with varying levels of specificity and advice on OHS matters in Technology. Some states had curriculum design guidelines which included OHS components (ACT, SA, WA and Victoria) whilst some did not. Victoria has Technology related curriculum guidelines that refer to OHS at key points. Of the other states surveyed the ACT appeared to lead the way with essential OHS learning for students included in curriculum design. 5.3.5. Very few states, including Victoria have a teacher training and accreditation program to ensure Technology teachers have the appropriate level of skills and capability to use plant and machinery and instruct students in their safe use. ACT and SA have specialist training for teachers in OHS in Technology and are leading the way in this area. Most states included a hazard identification and risk management approach to work systems and include advice on noise, dust and lighting requirements. SA, ACT and TAS use a risk management approach to assess appropriate class sizes, work systems and supervision requirements where most other states including Victoria provide only generic advice on these matters. 5.3.6. In general, despite DoE (Victoria) having a set of guidelines for hazard identification and risk management in Design and Technology areas, there are some health and safety matters that are not addressed adequately in Victorian Government schools. These are: Student competency and assessment - There are no specific requirements for students to demonstrate competency in operating plant and machinery safely. Teacher training and accreditation - There are no specific requirements for teacher training and accreditation to ensure teachers are safely using plant and machinery - There is also no mechanism for schools to check whether teachers have the experience and training in Technology areas to teach the class in a safe manner. Risk management process and documentation of the process - Although there are general guidelines on risk management there is no requirement to formally conduct a risk assessment on new or altered plant or machinery when introduced into the classroom. Design and layout of Technology areas - There are no specific risk management processes to follow to asses the risks of the design and layout of the Technology environment. Personal protective equipment (PPE) allocation - 14 - - There are no specific guidelines on the allocation and the requirements to use PPE supplied to students and teachers. 5.3.7. DoE (Victoria) provide advice on minimum OHS compliance advice through the ‘Building Quality Standards Handbook’ and the ‘Student Safety Guidelines for Technology’ however the application of these into a practical Technology setting is varied and appears to be inconsistent across Victorian Government Schools. There is no system available to schools to identify hazards, implement controls and record these in a consistent manner across all Victorian Government schools. 5.3.8. In summary, the most potential for improvement in OHS in Technology in Victorian Government Schools are in the areas of curriculum design, risk management, teacher and student skill and capability development and management of the social environment. Despite this, Victoria have produced some good practice guidelines and tools for OHS in Technology and the use of the prohibited list of equipment is considered good practice. - 15 - 6. Background to Risk Controls 6.1. Occupational Heath and Safety risk management process and Technology 6.1.1. An effective risk management process is the backbone to achieving a healthy and safe work environment in Technology. Risk management forms the basis of the OHS legislative compliance requirements applicable to schools. 6.1.2. According to Australian Standard AS 4360 2004 ‘Risk Management’ the risk management process involves the following steps: establishing the context identifying risks analysing risks evaluating risks treating risks monitoring and reviewing all the steps in the process. 6.2. Establishing the context 6.2.1. Establishing the context defines the basic parameters within which risks must be managed and sets the scope for the rest of the risk management process. In Technology areas, it needs to be determined who has responsibilities for coordinating the local identification and assessment of risks, implementing agreed risk controls and who is part of the team for managing OHS risks in the Technology area. Establishing the context also involves clarifying communication and consultation processes at various stages of the risk management process including relations with the school’s OHS management nominee, the elected OHS representatives and deputy representative, local staff and Technology area students. 6.3. Identifying Occupational Health and Safety risk 6.3.1. The aim is to generate a comprehensive list of sources of OHS risks. Hazard alert registers, incident reports anecdotal feedback, area inspections are all useful sources of OHS risk information. 6.4. Analysing and evaluating Occupational Health and Safety risk in Technology areas 6.4.1. Risk analysis is about developing an understanding of the risk. Risk analysis includes assessing the likelihood of OHS risks occurring and their potential impact on health and safety if they do occur. Risk - 16 - analysis means taking together all the sources of risk information, likelihood and consequences and building an understanding of the story behind risks in the Technology area. This understanding will place the OHS risk management team in a better position to build a clear picture of practicable OHS risk control options and develop and implement risk control action plans. 6.5. Treating risks 6.5.1. The OHS Act 2004 requires persons with OHS duties to eliminate risks to health and safety so far as is reasonably practicable; and if it is not reasonably practicable to eliminate risks to health and safety, to reduce those risks so far as is reasonably practicable. 6.5.2. Within Technology areas health and safety risks cover a wide range of potential hazards including hazards associated with use of plant, materials handling, physical environment and the psychosocial environment. In this report the focus is on plant hazards. In treating plant risks, the OHS (Plant) Regulations require the following hierarchy of risk control to be applied: 6.5.3. Eliminate or reduce the risk by adopting safer systems of work alternative processes etc Reduce the risk exposure by substituting safer plant and equipment Applying engineering controls Isolating plant through guarding etc Plant use and maintenance Protective apparel Training In Technology the following areas provide options for effective OHS risk control: Curriculum design and provision Work system design including storage and ergonomic work flows Materials preparation Physical environment Social environment - 17 - Plant and equipment design and layout Plant and equipment use and maintenance Protective apparel Capability – staff and students. 6.6. Reviewing Department of Education controls 6.6.1. Using the interstate comparisons above as a basis, risk controls currently employed by DoE were reviewed and the following recommendations made to ensure any potential gaps are comprehensively addressed. This approach should ensure effective risk control options are available to DoE to reduce health and safety risks and ensure OHS legislative compliance is achieved particularly with respect to plant in wood, metal and plastics Technology. - 18 - 7. Eliminating and Reducing Risks in Wood, Metal and Plastic Technology in Department of Education 7.1. Curriculum design 7.1.1. The Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) is responsible for developing curriculum for Victorian schools. 7.1.2. School-based curriculum design and planning based on VCAA curriculum provide a unique opportunity for reducing many Technology risks ‘at source’. Curriculum designers can ensure teachers minimise OHS risk exposure while at the same time optimising teaching and learning opportunities for teachers and students. 7.1.3. VCAA curriculum documents include: 7.1.4. 7.1.5. Years Prep to 10 Victorian Essential Learning Standards (VELS). (The Standards is being phased in over the next three years and replaces the Curriculum and Standards Framework (CSF)) Senior secondary curriculum Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE), Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL), Vocational Education and Training (VET) and Apprenticeships in Schools programs. Appendix Three provides a summary of the specific references to safety in the range of courses involving training in the use of wood, metal and plastics. The courses covered in Appendix Three include: CSF II Technology Key Learning Area The Victorian Essential Learning Standards VCE Design and Technology (accreditation period concludes 31 December 2006) VCE Systems and Technology (accreditation period concludes 31 December 2006) New VCE Study Designs – (VCE Design and Technology (accreditation period 1 January 2007– 2011 and VCE Systems Engineering (accreditation period 1 January 2007– 2010) VCAA curriculum documents are not detailed, specific syllabi; they provide the framework on which schools at the local level, develop curriculum and assessment. These curriculum documents provide generally appropriate references to OHS compliance requirements and risk management advice. - 19 - 7.1.6. In addition, DoE through its website provides additional detailed resources and documentation to address risk management and safety compliance requirements associated with the safe design and implementation of curriculum in Technology. 7.1.7. What is less clear is whether Technology teachers and students have access to the relevant detailed safety information when they need it – at that point in time when they are designing projects, selecting materials and work processes and actually implementing project work. 7.1.8. There is a need to improve access for teachers and students so that the relevant OHS information is available to them at the time when it is needed. (As an example if a student is planning to use Medium Density Fibre-board (MDF) materials to produce a cabinet, they will need to have ready access to the relevant safety information available on MDF material hazards, hazards associated with methods of cutting and finishing MDF products and hazards and controls associated with the relevant items of machinery being considered in the project.) 7.1.9. Figure 7.1 provides an example of how web based HSW information specific to an item of plant - in this case a pedestal grinder - should be available for downloading, printing and placing adjacent to the item of plant. - 20 - Figure 7.1: Example of ‘just-in-time’ information – Pedestal Grinder Display Sheet Copies of this sheet must be displayed near all PEDESTAL GRINDERS WARNINGS Do not operate this machine unless the stones are in good condition and the work-rests are properly set. FOR INFORMATION ON: •Maintenance schedules •Safety testing •Safe work practices and •Commissioning and decommissioning Do not operate this machine unless the eye-shields are in good condition and in position. Ensure that any water containers are placed away from the grinder's switch gear. See GUARDING PROTECTIVE APPAREL HEARING AND EYE PROTECTION MUST BE WORN IN THIS AREA ENCLOSED LEATHER SHOES IS THE MINIMUM SAFETY REQUIREMENT. Clearance should not exceed one mm Access and linkages between curriculum planning and OHS information There is a need for: DoE/VCAA to review points of access linking curriculum support materials in Technology to the relevant OHS Management Systems information available via DoE’s website and PRMS OHS module. Plant specific information such as protective apparel, guarding and safety instructions should be displayed adjacent to all items of plant. Plant specific display sheets should be readily accessible for download from the DoE HSW web-site. DoE to develop and implement a joint communication strategy with VCAA, TEAV, AEU and other key stakeholders to ensure the key linkages are integrated into local curriculum planning by teachers and project design and implementation by students. - 21 - 7.2. Curriculum provision and minimum OHS standards 7.2.1. The Victorian OHS Act 2004 and associated regulations set the minimum OHS requirements. Under Section 21(1) of the OHS Act 2004, DoE as an employer is obliged, so far as is reasonably practicable, to provide and maintain for employees a working environment that is safe and without risks to health. This obligation, in part, requires DoE to provide or maintain plant or systems of work in Technology areas that are, so far as is reasonably practicable, safe and without risks to health. 7.2.2. In reviewing safety risks affecting Technology, there are opportunities to manage and control risk in each of the following areas: guidance in curriculum design and implementation work area design the design, use and maintenance of machinery work systems protective apparel training, supervision and competency in the use of plant and machinery for staff and students. 7.2.3. DoE cannot delegate its accountability for compliance with OHS legislation. However principals have been delegated the responsibility for managing schools in a manner that is safe and healthy so far as is reasonably practicable. To achieve minimum compliance with OHS legislation and section 21 (1) of the OHS Act 2004 in particular, schools offering Technology in wood, metal or plastics need to systematically assess opportunities for risk control in all of the above areas and implement effective controls so far as practicable. 7.2.4. There is a need to: Ensure all Technology programs in wood, metal and plastics meet minimum OHS standards mandated by OHS legislation. Develop criteria to enable schools to self-assess their Technology programs in wood, metal and plastics against the minimum OHS requirements and ensure control strategies are implemented so Technology work areas are as safe as practicable. Review the adequacy of Technology curriculum provision at a district level to ensure all school communities are serviced by Technology areas that meet minimum OHS and design standards. - 22 - 7.3. Work system design 7.3.1. The WorkSafe Project 941 which involved 1021 visits to schools by inspectors and OHS Audits by DoE’s contracted provider over the past three years indicate significant variation in the level of integration of OHS risk management into Technology areas. 7.3.2. There is a need to: Review the overall approach to OHS management in schools and, in particular, how the OHS management system is applied in Technology areas. Clarify the responsibilities of and relationships between the schools’ OHS management team including the OHS management nominee, the OHS representative and the leadership team and staff in the Technology area. Ensure training and development enables shared OHS and risk management knowledge to be implemented across the Technology area with effective participation of staff and students in the OHS risk management cycle. Ensure the local OHS risk management program is effectively supported by the school OHS management team, external OHS consultancy support, external OHS audits and OHS website and online information. 7.4. Materials Preparation – minimising risk exposure 7.4.1. Section 20 of the Act requires employers and others with duties under the Act to eliminate risks to health and safety so far as is reasonably practicable. In Technology areas there are a number of functions where elimination or at least risk reduction is practicable. 7.4.2. Most Technology areas have a room or area dedicated to materials preparation particularly cutting and thicknessing of wood. These operations provide secondary support to the primary operation of student project design and practice. 7.4.3. Wood preparation areas are normally set aside as staff-only areas because of the high level hazard associated with the use of the plant involved. Even if 30 per cent of preparation exposure is eliminated this represents a 30 per cent reduction in noise and dust exposure as well as a 30 per cent reduction in injury risk from plant. Economic assessment indicates the increased cost associated with purchasing prepared materials is more than compensated by freeing up teaching staff for high priority activities. - 23 - 7.4.4. It is recommended that opportunities to reduce or eliminate wood preparation in Technology areas be actively pursued as an effective means of risk elimination. 7.4.5. Alternatives to wood preparation include: purchasing materials ready to use by the students ensuring students are guided in the selection of materials, safer work processes and product design so that the need for hazardous preparation tasks by the teacher is minimised and transferring the wood preparation process to students. (This only applies to those cases where the teacher is required to prepare materials for all students using hazardous materials over a long period of time with a high risk piece of plant (i.e. Cutting lengths of wood with a bench saw). Consideration should be given to students preparing their own individual materials using a less risky piece of equipment (i.e. Hand saw). This would enable a safer and shorter duration manual process replacing longer duration hazardous preparation by the teacher. ) 7.5. Storage and ergonomic work flows 7.5.1. 7.5.2. The Technology area involves teachers in the preparation of work, materials and program support for students to engage in the various stages of product design, development and implementation. These functions require the students and teachers to effectively and efficiently manage the sequence of material access, storage and production work not unlike the requirements of a commercial workshop. As an example a typical workflow sequence for wood materials in a Technology area might include: vehicle transporting wood accesses the Technology wood storage area wood is transferred from the vehicle to the storage racks staff and students access wood for materials preparation and project use wood and other materials are worked by student in a series of stages until product completion work projects are stored and/or taken home by students waste is cleaned up, extracted and disposed of. To minimise the health and safety risk associated with poor movement, storage and disposal of materials it is important that good ergonomic principles are systematically applied to work flows in the - 24 - Technology area. The design layout and work systems need to eliminate and reduce risks at each stage of the process. 7.5.3. 7.5.4. Good ergonomic design principles are more likely to achieve compliance with OHS legislation. Some good ergonomically inspired improvements to work flows include: eliminating hazardous steps in the work flow process where practicable e.g. purchasing timber ready for student use eliminates teacher wood preparation time using mechanical aids such as trolleys and fork-lifts modifying a process to fit human dimensions and capacities e.g. storing at torso height heavier or commonly accessed items suitable for manual handling designing layout of storage and access to reduce turns and travel distances undertaking regular storage audits to ensure waste and redundant materials are removed e.g. disposing of abandoned student projects frees up space for safer access. There is a need to: Ensure the design and layout of Technology areas fully accommodate the functional needs of operators and the required work flows of materials into and through the workplace. Ensure the Technology leadership teams with the support of the school’s OHS management nominee and health and safety representative review material purchase, delivery, storage, use and disposal in existing Technology areas and ensure action plans for short, medium and long term re-engineering of the work flows are developed. Ensure agreed action plans for implementing safer workplace design, work systems and work processes are adequately resourced and implemented in a timely manner. Ensure improved support materials are developed by DoE (School Infrastructure and Employee Health Units) and its OHS provider to facilitate school assessment of work flows and storage areas. 7.6. Physical environment including plant and equipment design and layout 7.6.1. In the 1970s and 1980s, the Ministry of Education’s ‘Facilities Guidelines’ were developed to provide direction to architects and builders regarding the minimum requirements for layouts required to accommodate and support the range of functions undertaken in a - 25 - school. The ‘Guidelines’ included detailed advice for the design of Technology areas. 7.6.2. In the mid-1990s, the then state government introduced governance changes in public schools in support of its ‘Schools of the Future’ initiative. This initiative was designed to enhance local school management and accountability and reduce prescriptive policy requirements. As part of these changes the ‘Facilities Guidelines’ were no longer applicable as policy instruments. Responsibility for the design of Technology areas rested with the consultant architect under advice from the school principal and school council. 7.6.3. The removal of the ‘Guidelines’ did not alter the minimum health and safety requirements and building design standards which need to be implemented to ensure Technology areas are designed effectively. Architects need to source the appropriate standards and layouts and ensure they are incorporated into the design. Unfortunately the lack of specific guidance on minimum design standards consolidated into the one document inhibits the safe design of Technology areas. Section 28 of the OHS Act 2004 has provisions for designers of buildings and structures due to apply from July 2006. These provisions strengthen the liability of designers and architects for the safety of their building designs. 7.6.4. There is a need to: Develop minimum design standards covering items of plant and machinery in Technology areas applicable to both materials preparation, storage and student use areas. Ensure the standards accommodate OHS risks associated with Technology design and layout, work flows and the range of OHS risks including machinery risks, manual handling risks, noise, chemical and air-borne contaminants. A training and information strategy to familiarise architects, consultants and school principals in the use of the new standards should be developed and implemented. 7.7. Restrictions on use of certain machine processes 7.7.1. Review of the WorkCover accident data and CASES incident data for both students and staff indicate engagement in work processes which involve plant and machinery are associated with some high impact injuries including permanent maiming. 7.7.2. The high risk of serious injury derives from the potential for teachers and students to make physical contact with high energy sources such as blades, rotating saws and grinding wheels. - 26 - 7.7.3. 7.7.4. The actual risk may be reduced by limiting the potential contact between the energy source and the operator by: stabilising the machine stabilising the work object reducing the speed of the energy source increasing the distance between the operator and the work object increasing the distance between the work object and the high energy source using protective apparel. Figure 7.2 details how these risk controls apply between energy source and operator. The degree to which any of these risk controls apply in individual cases of machine or plant use will determine to what extent the machine process relies on the knowledge, skill, maturity and forbearance of the operator to avoid a high impact injury. Figure 7.2: Understanding risks to plant operators arising from plant operation Risk level Source of high kinetic energy presenting as high velocity (E.g. nail gun) or high rotational speeds (revs) (E.g. bench saw) The high energy source is manifest in a fast moving sharp or abrasive moving part of the plant or machinery (E.g. saw blade or grinding wheel) There are limited opportunities to stabilise the machine during machine operation (E.g. some hand-held power tools) Machine function requires work object to be in contact with the source of high kinetic energy (E.g. gearing down) There are limited opportunities to isolate the machine operation from the operator (E.g. guards, enclosures) Machine function requires operator to maintain contact with the work object during machine operation (E.g. use of push sticks) There are limited opportunities to stabilise the work object during machine operation (E.g. use of clamps, vice) The machine function relies entirely on operator skill, capacity and or maturity to avoid injury. (Consider features such as manual dexterity, hand eye coordination, strength and endurance of relevant muscle groups, tolerances to variation in operator technique) There is a significant residual risk of operator injury - 27 - 7.7.5. Higher risk, higher demand activities with fewer risk controls place more intensive demands on the operator. This means machinery use will need to be differentiated according to the level of residual risk associated with use of the machinery. 7.7.6. There is a need to: Prohibit machinery processes which rely entirely on operator skill and leave an unacceptable level of residual risk Restrict work processes which provide some pathway controls but still rely on a high level of operator skill and knowledge to ensure risks are reduced, so far as practicable. Restricted use processes will require one-to one supervision. Ensure standard safety provisions are in place for work processes which do not require high skill levels or alternatively do not have the means or capacity to cause a high impact injury. Ensure students access and use of machinery always occurs with adequate teacher supervision. 7.7.7. What does ‘Prohibited Use’ mean? ‘Prohibited Use’ means that machine work processes which cannot be undertaken without significant residual injury risk are not permitted to be used. Strictly speaking their use means the machine or work object or both are unstable, the operator is in close contact with a high energy dangerous source of energy and these risks cannot be adequately controlled by operator technique. An example is a hand held router used without a guide. No operator, teacher or student should be permitted to operate plant, equipment or machinery where they are deemed “prohibited use”. 7.7.8. What does ‘Restricted Use’ mean? ‘Restricted Use’ means that work processes provide opportunities for adequate risk controls to minimise risk so long as the necessary risk controls are executed in a consistent and reliable manner. The risks will only be reduced - so far as is practicable - if the operator is also able to apply the necessary skill, knowledge and maturity while operating the machine. ‘Restricted Use’ work processes require certification by DoE’s contracted OHS provider (Noel Arnold and Associates). Assessment for certification covers the specific items of plant, the immediate work environment, specific students and /or teachers certified to supervise the work. A detailed description of the certification process is at Appendix Three. 7.7.9. What are ‘Standard Safety Provisions’? The ‘Standard Safety Provisions’ apply to machine work processes that are inherently safer because either: there is no high energy source (e.g. hand tools) to begin with or - 28 - there are available sufficient risk controls to minimise residual injury risk and allow a greater margin for operator error. 7.7.10. The standard safety provisions include application of safe design of work places, plant, work processes, use of required protective apparel, instruction and training in safe application of the work process and adequate teacher supervision. 7.7.11. Table 7.1 details the proposed uses of machinery requiring prohibition or restricted access. Supervision of students when using any of the machines & tools on the list should be appropriate to the hazards posed by that use. TABLE 7.1: STUDENT USE OF RESTRICTED MACHINES AND OTHER POWERED EQUIPMENT (Ref: Section 4.2 & 4.2 of ‘Student Safety Guidelines – Technology’) Changes 1..1.1 Machine 1..1.2 Comments & Rationale Current Status Rip Saw (Table Saw, Bench Saw) Restricted No Change Band Saw Restricted No Change Buzzer (Surface Planer) Restricted No Change Thicknesser Restricted No Change Spindle Moulder Restricted No Change Docking Saw (Cross-Cut Saw, Radial Arm Saw) Restricted No Change - 29 - Subject to requirements of Plant Regs Could be used by certain students under certain circumstances after the school undertakes the Noel Arnold verification process. Exec Memo No. 2000/015 Vic Schools Ref Guide Student Safety Guidelines – Tech CD Subject to requirements of Plant Regs Could be used by certain students under certain circumstances after the school undertakes the Noel Arnold verification process. Exec Memo No. 2000/015 Vic Schools Ref Guide Student Safety Guidelines – Tech CD Subject to requirements of Plant Regs Could be used by certain students under certain circumstances after the school undertakes the Noel Arnold verification process. Exec Memo No. 2000/015 Vic Schools Ref Guide Student Safety Guidelines – Tech CD Subject to requirements of Plant Regs Could be used by certain students under certain circumstances after the school undertakes the Noel Arnold verification process. Exec Memo No. 2000/015 Vic Schools Ref Guide Student Safety Guidelines – Tech CD Subject to requirements of Plant Regs Could be used by certain students under certain circumstances after the school undertakes the Noel Arnold verification process. Exec Memo No. 2000/015 Vic Schools Ref Guide Student Safety Guidelines – Tech CD Subject to requirements of Plant Regs Could be used by certain students under certain circumstances after the school undertakes the Noel Arnold verification process. Exec Memo No. 2000/015 Power Wood Shaper Restricted No Change Guillotine Restricted No Change Wood Lathe Student Use No Change Metalworking Lathe Student Use No Change Dowling or Horizontal Drill Student Use No Change Drill Press (Pedestal or Bench) Student Use No Change Grinder (Pedestal or Bench) Student Use No Change Milling Machine Student Use No Change Router Table Student Use Needs to be on Restricted List Circular Saw Table Student Use Needs to be on Restricted List Triton Work-centre Student Use Needs to be on Restricted List when used, for example, as a circular saw or spindle moulder. Linisher (Belt & Disc Sander) Student Use No Change Cold Metal Drop Saw Student Use No Change - 30 - Vic Schools Ref Guide Student Safety Guidelines – Tech CD Portable, not subject to requirements of Plant Regs Could be used by certain students under certain circumstances after the school undertakes the Noel Arnold verification process. Exec Memo No. 2000/015 Vic Schools Ref Guide Student Safety Guidelines – Tech CD Foot powered, not considered as Plant under the Regs Could be used by certain students under certain circumstances after the school undertakes the Noel Arnold verification process. Exec Memo No. 2000/015 Vic Schools Ref Guide Student Safety Guidelines – Tech CD Subject to requirements of Plant Regs Students need to have the necessary knowledge and understanding of operational and safety procedures before being permitted to use this machine. Subject to requirements of Plant Regs Students need to have the necessary knowledge and understanding of operational and safety procedures before being permitted to use this machine. Subject to requirements of Plant Regs Students need to have the necessary knowledge and understanding of operational and safety procedures before being permitted to use this machine. Subject to requirements of Plant Regs Students need to have the necessary knowledge and understanding of operational and safety procedures before being permitted to use this machine. Subject to requirements of Plant Regs Students need to have the necessary knowledge and understanding of operational and safety procedures before being permitted to use this machine. Subject to requirements of Plant Regs Students need to have the necessary knowledge and understanding of operational and safety procedures before being permitted to use this machine. Subject to requirements of Plant Regs This machine is, in effect, a Spindle Moulder (Restricted) and should be treated as such. Subject to requirements of Plant Regs This machine is the same as a Table Saw (Restricted) and should be treated as such. Subject to requirements of Plant Regs If the machine is used as one of the Restricted machines then it is effectively that machine. However due to the Work centres versatility it has other, less hazardous, uses such as Finger Jointer and Dovetail Cutter. These uses should be considered as suitable for student use, subject to the students having the necessary knowledge and understanding of operational and safety procedures before being permitted to use the machine. Subject to requirements of Plant Regs Students need to have the necessary knowledge and understanding of operational and safety procedures before being permitted to use this machine. Subject to requirements of Plant Regs Students need to have the necessary knowledge and understanding of operational and safety procedures before being permitted to use this machine. Power Hacksaw Student Use No Change Subject to requirements of Plant Regs Students need to have the necessary knowledge and understanding of operational and safety procedures before being permitted to use this machine. Welding Student Use No Change Air Compressor (Compressed Air) Student Use Recommend only staff turn compressor on & off. Slide Compound Mitre Saw & Compound Mitre Saw Scroll Saw Student Use Needs to be on Restricted List Student Use No Change Circular Saw Student Use Needs to be on Restricted List Jig Saw Student Use No Change Biscuit Jointer Student Use No Change Reciprocating Saw Student Use Needs to be on Restricted List Plunge Router Student Use Needs to be on Restricted List Planer Student Use Needs to be on Restricted List Sanders (Belt & Orbital) Student Use No Change Not considered as Plant under the Regs. Students need to have the necessary knowledge and understanding of operational and safety procedures before being permitted to undertake all types of welding. Student use of compressed air should be limited to air tools, airbrushes, and spray guns only. Students need to have the necessary knowledge and understanding of operational and safety procedures before being permitted to use these tools. There should be no student access to air guns or nozzles due to the associated hazards of their use. Subject to requirements of Plant Regs Equipment similar in operation and function to Restricted machines Subject to requirements of Plant Regs Students need to have the necessary knowledge and understanding of operational and safety procedures before being permitted to use this machine. Portable Due to the torque at start-up this equipment is easy to misuse with potential serious consequences. Portable Students need to have the necessary knowledge and understanding of operational and safety procedures before being permitted to use this machine. Portable Students need to have the necessary knowledge and understanding of operational and safety procedures before being permitted to use this machine. Portable Due to the unguarded nature of the blade this equipment is easy to misuse with potential serious consequences. Portable Due to the torque at start-up and other factors this equipment is easy to misuse with potential serious consequences. Portable This equipment is easy to misuse with potential serious consequences. Portable Students need to have the necessary knowledge and understanding of operational and safety procedures before being permitted to use this machine. Power Drill Student Use No Change Portable Students need to have the necessary knowledge and understanding of operational and safety procedures before being permitted to use this machine. Angle Grinder Student Use No Change Cold Metal Saw Student Use No Change Portable Students need to have the necessary knowledge and understanding of operational and safety procedures before being permitted to use this machine. Portable Students need to have the necessary knowledge and understanding of operational and safety procedures before being permitted to use this machine. - 31 - 7.8. Plant and equipment use and maintenance 7.8.1. School Technology areas use a wide range of plant and machinery of varying designs and ages. The OHS (Plant) Regulations require employers to control plant risk preferably by eliminating the risk or substituting the item of plant. Other controls include engineering controls or isolating people from the plant. Safe guarding of plant and machinery commonly used in school Technology areas is detailed in ‘Guide to Setting and Guarding Machinery’ distributed to secondary schools by Noel Arnold and Associates. 7.8.2. Where plant or machinery is of such a design or age that suitable guarding is not possible, the plant should be modified to enable suitable guarding. If modification is not possible the plant must be decommissioned. Note: any modifications to plant or machinery requires a risk assessment to be undertaken to ensure that the modification does not pose an additional OHS risk. 7.8.3. There is a need for: Schools to review the adequacy of all items of plant in Technology areas against the applicable standard for design, guarding, extraction, noise and other hazard controls. Any gaps in controls must be addressed so that all plant meets minimum standards. The plant to be decommissioned where plant cannot be modified to achieve standard safety performance. 7.9. Protective apparel 7.9.1. The safe operation of plant and machinery will involve some residual safety risk even if all the necessary design, work systems and correct operating procedures are in place. In these cases no person should operate machinery without the appropriate personal protection. Protective apparel requirements for plant and machinery commonly used in Technology areas is detailed in ‘Guide to Setting and Guarding Machinery’ distributed to secondary schools by Noel Arnold and Associates. 7.9.2. There is a need to: Ensure students and staff do not work within the area of plant without wearing the required protective apparel including eye, ear, foot and face protection. Ensure a written instruction outlining the use of protective apparel is communicated to all staff and students. - 32 - 7.10. Capability to operate plant and machinery 7.10.1. The safe operation of machinery and plant will, in most cases, involve some residual risk even with safe design and work systems in place. In these cases ensuring the competency and capacity of the operator matches the demands of the machine and work process will be a critical means of reducing residual risk. 7.10.2. Competency requirements apply to both teaching staff and students. It is important that students and teachers can demonstrate the following competencies prior to being allowed to operate the machine. Knowledge of the machine and Competency in undertaking the required processes for safe machine operation. 7.10.3. Teachers should be required to demonstrate skills required to competently supervise student operation of the machine including effective means of instructing and testing student competency on the item of plant or machinery. If teachers are required to maintain, repair or modify machinery, they must also demonstrate the skills required to competently perform them. 7.10.4. A competency ticket held by the individual would be a useful means for both students and staff to verify the operator and supervisor have the competencies to operate a range of plant and equipment. The school should also hold a register of student and staff competencies in parallel with the individual competency ticket. - 33 - 7.10.5. There is a need to: Review OHS knowledge and skill criteria required for the use of machinery by students. Undertake a program of student testing which covers basic OHS knowledge followed by a machine trial test. Ensure testing includes a more general assessment by the teacher of the student’s maturity and functional capacity before admitting a student to the testing program. Design and implement a process for teacher training in the student certification process. Implement a short course for teachers in the safe operation of wood and metal machinery. Establish a mandatory testing regime for all teachers supervising students in wood and metal machinery use. Record and verify plant and machinery use and supervision competencies via a competency ticket held by teachers and students. Schools should maintain a register of student and staff competencies in plant and machinery use and supervision. Explore how minimum OHS professional certification standards for teaching in Technology are linked to the overall teaching standards framework auspiced by Victorian Institute of Teaching (VIT). This will need to be initiated by DoE raising this issue with VIT. - 34 - Appendix One: Description of injuries arising from Technology areas – student and staff trends Standardised WorkCover claims for machinery-related injury 2000-2005 Graph One: WorkCover plant injuries by year Number of plant injury claims 40 35 Number of claims 30 25 20 Number of claims 15 10 5 0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Year claim received - 35 - 2005 0 n O or pe op n en Sp wou w n ra ou in d n nd s/ o s t -n t ra in Ba v o i ns ol ck am pa o f vin pu C g Tr in, on join tra ta D au st t io tu ts e u r a m si m a o n an at fne n a t in (n ic , b d a i c a ss am on d r m tr uis ja c p p Fo O u ta aum ing ent ut a , tio t re he tio m c a ig r n t n r f r n in ic), ush usc bo ac le c i l s d y tu lud um n g r i ba NE Tr ey e s, n g au e , no e n go, C m ea sc t e uc at r i ic , n lse le at atic Tr o w io am s a au h D m pu e , r e re n o is fe ta es c a tic c y la di tio p , sp str n d i ss e ai ifi la g, in n e ce cl . l rep d m of os ro en mu s S s t, p r scle u p of e ys. e ol s y r f ic ap e a ia b a se nd , d te l in ll ju eg n d en o n ry er s O at In th io NE ju er C n, rie sk h D s is ern Te i n to lo d ar ne Fo ca ia i n i se rv re tio as g e n ig aw s e ay s a Ne a nd n b od p a nd ck s p a pi y s rt o f u bc in na l ut , c th c or er a e m n eo vic d us u s alg cle ia Bu /te tiss C rn on ue n do s, cu ,n no n ss st ec te io r n u an Ca lsew AN ctu X r r d ot cin h er I ET e he om e G Y an El r in a cla gl in s e c tr io si sif ie tri a c n, tu c r a al Tr of d n ig bu ial sk ge i rn n i rf (n ju ry n M ing ot N ed er lig E ica , D C h l s u p Ep t nin ha u y ic g) M rp / tre ond n n us y cl e ed co lit is e n O st les tra th ra t c er in ick tu r O d is pu e (n O th e on n er as t he tra ctur r re e s um e sp o f a nd ira th a e un s No tic to e t ) ry p co ar a e c kno wn nd nd if ie it io m d ns a s in ju du to id rie s e to pro su ce ss b Pa sta in nce in s lim b er at io La c No. of claims Graph Two: WorkCover plant injuries by injury type Std Claims by injury type 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 Injury type - 36 - th er c O ut tin th er g, po sl ic w in er g, ed O s th eq Sa aw er in ui w po g pm n w m o en er r d ac ed tt h r e oo ss ine w or ls ry e d ks an tim ho d b ap p a pl er F M ia ec err nd nc ha ou wo H es r s a ni ca an ksit nd s e d ls aw he no eq s ui nar N p fe s, m ai r e r ls , s slic ous nt e cr m ew rs, e Ab s, gui tal ra llo n ut si tin ve s an es ,p la E db ni ng Ha lec olts tri ,c m ut me c d tin H r s, rills an g po ma d dr l w ills er lets O ed ,b th e ra to ce O rp ol ow th s G a er r nd in er O d po ed th er bit, ers w er ga po au ed rd D ge w ET en er k itc AC ed rs an h C H en d o sa ir ED w an utd cul s a M d o AC do or r sa e w m H s IN Ar es qui pm E tic c C O w e h e el R i di qui nt EQ sel ng pm s, U e e IP aw ls qu nt M EN , s ipm cr e T C ewd nt O r M i P ve Pl an ON rs in g EN T m ac S G h as in cy es W lin re de nc rs he Po L s, a sp we the s an r p ne res se rs ,s s oc ke ts O No. of claims Graph Three: WorkCover plant injuries by injury agency Standard Claims by injury agency 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Injury agency - 37 - Employee Unknown Volunteer Work Experience Grand Total Graph Four: WorkCover plant injuries by day of week Injuries by day of week 40 35 Number of injuries 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Number of plant injuries Day of week - 38 - Graph Five: WorkCover plant injuries age of claimant vs. age of Technology teachers - 39 - Extracts from the Student Injury Database (CASES) 1995 – 2004 Graph Six: CASES incident data plant injuries by severity Machine injuries by severity 70 60 Number of student injuries 50 First Aid (Returned to class) First Aid (Sent home) Doctors or Dental Treatment Hospital (Outpatient) Treatment Hospital (Inpatient) Admittance 40 30 20 10 0 Handtools Portable power tools Other machines Machine type - 40 - Graph Seven: CASES incident data plant injuries by injury description Machinery related injury description 80 60 50 Handtools Portable power tools Other machines 40 30 20 10 fy ) ks C ru ci Sp e O Br u th is he er ( s/ kn ta tio pu /A m sh in gs Bu r oc ns ld s /S ca ns /C ns tio ce ra La in s/ Sp ra i ut s ns 0 St ra Number of student injuries 70 Injury description - 41 - Graph Eight: CASES incident data plant injuries by accident description Machinery injuries by accident description 80 70 Number of student injuries 60 50 Hand tools Portable power tools 40 Other machinery 30 20 10 0 Slip Overexertion Collision Crushing Accident Description - 42 - Hit by moving object Other Graph Nine: CASES incident data plant injuries by accident location Machinery use by accident location 80 Number of student injuries 70 60 50 Handtools Portable power tools Other machines 40 30 20 10 0 Classroom general Chairs Stairs/steps Office administration Accident location - 43 - Graph Ten: CASES incident data – breakdown of curriculum specific injuries Breakdown of curriculum specific student injuries Arts 17% Science 6% Other 57% Technology studies 9% Phys ed 7% Home econ 4% - 44 - 223 student injuries related specifically to Technology Curriculum out of a total of 2526 curriculum specific injuries. (Note this figure does not reresent all student injuries which occurred on machines or in the Technology area.) Graph Eleven: CASES incident data – breakdown of student injuries by machine types Student machinery injuries Handtools 37% Other machines 45% Portable power tools 18% - 45 - Activity - 46 - on ta lC ct th Pe g in fy ) ci rs on Sp e er l ki ng Sk ip p er ( O th O by g, pi n W al ne ra 0.10 ta um ng ,J ni ge lt a 0.15 id en Ac c un R ar e As sa u g/ Pl ay gh tin t us e us e uc pm en ui lu m ric u eq ry le ed 0.25 Fi ur C e ne ic se n w ng ift i ,l ys Ve h /p h ac hi of fic M Kn o m ic al u in g nd l rts ha he C Sp o al si ng an u U M N ot proportion of hospital or doctor injuries Graph Twelve: CASES incident data – breakdown of student injuries severity by activity Student injury severity vs activity 0.30 26% of all student machinery injuries sent to doctor or hospital 0.20 Mean for all student injuries 0.05 0.00 Graph Thirteen: CASES incident data – breakdown of injury description by severity Injury description by severity 0.90 0.80 Mostly machinery related 0.60 First Aid (Returned to class) First Aid (Sent home) Hospital (Outpatient) Treatment Doctors or Dental Treatment Hospital (Inpatient) Admittance 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.10 Injury description - 47 - O th er ( Sp ec nj ur ie ify ) s s D en ta lI kn he s/ Br ui s Am sh in gs / oc k pu ta tio ns al ds s/ Sc C ru Bu rn C ut s er at io ns / /S p ra in s St La c ra in s tio n lo ca D is ac t ur e 0.00 Fr Proportion of injuries 0.70 Appendix Two Acts, Regulations, Codes of Practice and Standards relevant to Technology Areas Accident Compensation Regulations 2001 Accident Compensation Act 1985 Accident Compensation (WorkCover Insurance) Act 1993 Workers Compensation Act 1958 Accident Compensation (Occupational Health and Safety) Act 1996 Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 Occupational Health and Safety (Asbestos) Regulations 2003 Occupational Health and Safety (Certification of Plant Users and Operators) Regulations 1994 Occupational Health and Safety (Confined Spaces) Regulations 1996 Occupational Health and Safety (Entry Permits) Regulations 2005 Occupational Health and Safety (Hazardous Substances) Regulations 1999 Occupational Health and Safety (Incident Notification) Regulations 1997 Occupational Health and Safety (Issue Resolution) Regulations 1999 Occupational Health and Safety (Lead) Regulations 2000 Occupational Health and Safety (Major Hazard Facilities) Regulations 2000 Occupational Health and Safety (Manual Handling) Regulations 1999 Occupational Health and Safety (Mines) Regulations 2002 Occupational Health and Safety (Noise) Regulations 2004 Occupational Health and Safety (Plant) Regulations 1995 Occupational Health and Safety (Prevention of Falls) Regulations 2003 Dangerous Goods Storage and Handling (Code of Practice No.27, 2000) First Aid in the Workplace (Code of Practice No.18, 1995) Hazardous Substances (Code of Practice No. 24, 2000) Lead (Code of Practice No.26, 2000) Manual Handling (Code of Practice No.25, 2000) Plant (Code of Practice No.19, 1995) Provision of Occupational Health and Safety Information in Languages Other Than English (Code of Practice No.16, 1992) Workplaces (Code of Practice No. 3, 1988) General safety AS 1470-1986 Health and safety at work – Principles and practices AS 1485-1983 Safety and Health and Workrooms of Educational Establishments AS 4360 Risk Management Emergency procedures AS 3745 Emergency Control Organisation And Procedures For Buildings Environment AS/NZS 1269.1:1998 Occupational noise management – Measurement and assessment of noise emission and exposure AS/NZS 2243:1997 Safety in laboratories AS 2243.8-1992 Fume Cupboards AS 2243.9-1991 Recirculating Fume Cupboards AS 2982.1–1997 Laboratory Construction AS 1680.1-1990 Interior lighting – General principles and recommendations AS 1680.2.0-1990 Interior lighting – Recommendations for specific tasks and interiors AS/NZS 4114.1:1995 Spray painting booths – Design, construction and testing AS/NZS 4114.2:1995 Spray painting booths – Selection, installation and maintenance AS/NZS 4610.2:1999 Furniture – School and educational – Chairs – Strength, durability and stability AS/NZS 4610.3:1999 Furniture – School and educational – Tables and storage furniture – Strength, durability and stability DR 99418 Furniture – School and educational – Part 1: Functional, dimensional and marking requirements - 48 - Engineering and electrical safety AS 2030 Parts 1–4 Gas Cylinders AS 3112-1993 Approval and test specification – Plugs and Sockets AS 3191-1994 Approval and test specification – Electrical and Flexible Cords AS/NZS 3760: 2001 In-service safety inspection and testing of electrical equipment AS 4024.1-1996 Safe guarding of machinery – General Principles AS/NZ 3000: 2000 Electrical Installations (Australian/New Zealand Wiring rules). AS/NZ 3100: 2002 Approval and test specification – General requirements for electrical equipment Fire safety AS 1815.1 Use and Maintenance of Fire Extinguishers AS 2444-1995 Portable fire extinguishers and fire blankets – Selection and location AS/NZS 3504 Fire Blankets. First aid AS 1319 1994 Safety Signs for the Occupational Environment AS 2675-1983 Portable First Aid Kits for Use by Consumers Personal protective equipment AS/NZS 1270:1999 Acoustics – Hearing protectors AS 1336-1982 Recommended practices for eye protection in the industrial environment AS/NZS 1337-1992/ Amdt 1-1994 Eye protectors for industrial applications. AS/NZS 1338.1-1992/ Amdt 1-1994 Filters for eye protectors – Filters for protection against radiation generated in welding and allied operations AS/NZS 1715:1994 Selection, use and maintenance of respiratory protective devices AS/NZS 1716-1994 Respiratory protective devices AS/NZS 1801:1997 Occupational protective helmets AS/NZS 2161.2:1998 Occupational protective gloves – General requirements AS/NZS 2161.3:1998 Occupational protective gloves – Protection against mechanical risks AS/NZS 2161.4:1999 Occupational protective gloves – Protection against thermal risks (heat and fire) AS/NZS 2210 Occupational protective footwear Procedures AS 1627.5-1994 Metal finishing. Preparation and pre-treatment of surfaces. Pickling, descaling and oxide removal. - 49 - Appendix Three: References to Safety in the Technology Curriculum documents (excludes Information and Communications Technology) Collated by Lorraine Tran, Technology Curriculum Manager, Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) This document provides a summary audit of references to safety in Technology education curriculum documents used in Victoria. This summary was compiled in April 2006. For the purpose of auditing curriculum areas which are the focus of the Safety Committee, the materials and systems Technology areas are included. This audit does not include reference to units of competency taught in VET in Schools programs. Gaining appropriate knowledge, skills and behaviours in design, planning, production and evaluation broadly form the basis of Technology education. The degree of sophistication of skills in using tools and equipment is expected to develop through the learning continuum from the early years of schooling to senior secondary years, when students decide on pathways to work, further education and training. Embedded into Technology education curriculum is knowledge of safety, both in the use of tools, equipment and machines (where appropriate) and safety related to products students make, use and evaluate. P – 10 Curriculum Overview In 2006, schools are in a transition phase in terms of curriculum being taught. Some schools may be working to the CSF II curriculum, which has been in place since 2000. Last year, the Victorian Essential Learning Standards (VELS) were developed by the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority. Some schools will phase in implementation of the new curriculum from this year. There is an expectation that schools will report against all VELS standards in 2008. Curriculum and Standards Framework – Technology The CSFII defines six levels within the standards. These are: Level 1 – Preparatory Year Level 2 – Years 1 and 2 Level 3 – Years 3 and 4 Level 4 – Years 5 and 6 Level 5 – Years 7 and 8 Level 6 – Years 9 and 10. Each level contains a curriculum focus, learning outcomes and indicators. Extracts from the Technology CSFII that pertain to practical work in the strand of Materials and Movement (Levels 1 – 3) and Materials and Systems strands (Levels 4 – 6 and 6 extension) are reproduced below. Specific references to safety are highlighted. References to Safety in CSF II Technology KLA Level Curriculum focus Learning outcomes (shown in bold) and indicators 1 Students manipulate materials, with help at times, in order to produce simple products. They use limited tools and equipment in order to cut, join and shape materials. The tools and equipment may include: Generate ideas for and process materials to make simple products. This is evident when the student is able to: informally engage in the - 50 - Level Curriculum focus pencils and crayons a pair of safety scissors, a ruler, a cup clag glue, paste, a tape and plasticine paints and paintbrushes. Students discuss the need to have safe and responsible work practices, such as always walking in the room, and returning equipment to its correct storage place. They follow simple safety rules. They become aware of how important it is to know how to use tools and equipment correctly, such as the need to hold scissors properly and to use glues appropriately. 2 Learning outcomes (shown in bold) and indicators phases of the technology process, individually or in groups generate ideas about materials to be used to make products use simple drawings to communicate ideas safely join common materials to make simple products demonstrate how the products work. Materials and movement Materials and movement To produce, students manipulate everyday materials in order to construct products. They use several joining methods, and discuss and test permanent and non-permanent joins. During the production process, students test their product-making refinements in order to rectify problems and improve the performance of the product. Develop simple products, and describe the products in relation to the original intention. This is evident when the student is able to: They start to relate processes to equipment through, for example: marking out, using pencils and chalk cutting, using scissors joining, using tape, glue, nails and pins. Students may use: measuring cups, cutting knives, beaters and spoons needle and thread, and scissors staplers, screw drivers, hand drills, coping saws and hammers string, nails and split pins as well as the tools and equipment listed at level 1. Students demonstrate more accuracy and control, and follow safe work practices when using tools and equipment. They will, for example, wash their hands after using materials, ensure that items, such as nails and split pins are stored safely and clean up work areas properly. - 51 - identify and engage in each phase of the technology process when solving problems test two materials for use in making products use a variety of simple methods to communicate ideas safely use limited tools and equipment to make products with moving parts describe the differences between original ideas and finished products. Level Curriculum focus Learning outcomes (shown in bold) and indicators 3 Materials and movement Materials and movement Students become familiar with manipulating a range of materials to produce solutions to problems. They are better able to choose appropriate tools and equipment and to use a variety of joining methods. They review and modify their plans and products when required, and sometimes modify their designs after they have made their products. The following tools and items of equipment may be used, as well as the ones listed at levels 1 and 2: square, handsaw, files, rasps, clamp, sandpaper and stencil scales and weights, jug, peeler, grater, whisk and food processor garnish. Students correctly and safely use a wider range of tools and equipment. They recognise how important it is to use equipment correctly, and continue to follow safe work practices. This may include: 4 Develop products safely using a variety of processes and evaluate with reference to the appropriateness of the materials used. This is evident when the student is able to: modify the sequence of the technology process phases in response to advice describe at least two simple systems in terms of materials, moving parts and how they work develop designs and plans for constructing products, some of which have moving parts select some appropriate tools and equipment and use a variety of joining techniques to safely construct products explain, in terms of their characteristics, how the materials used were appropriate for the products. holding a saw with its blade facing the floor carrying and passing tools safely. Materials Materials To produce, students safely apply skills and techniques to their work materials to meet the design brief’s requirements. They use suitable joining techniques and operate tools and equipment safely. They understand it is necessary to maintain tools and equipment and to take particular care when using electrical equipment. They modify their production techniques in order to improve the quality and presentation of the product and to minimise waste of materials, time and other resources. Prepare designs for products, organise and undertake a range of production processes and evaluate against the design specifications. This is evident when the student is able to: Students may use the following tools and items of equipment as well as the ones they used at preceding levels: measuring tapes, chinagraph pencils knives, looms, spanners, pliers dowel jigs, bench hooks, whisks, - 52 - vary, independently, the sequence of the technology process phases when making adjustments to the development of solutions use a variety of methods to communicate ideas about options for solutions to problems explain the selection of the preferred option in terms of function and aesthetics use a range of production processes and demonstrate safe work practices when Level Curriculum focus hand beaters, irons, icing tools glue guns, soldering irons, sewing machines. Learning outcomes (shown in bold) and indicators constructing products discuss how effectively the products address the design specifications. As they progressively use more tools and equipment, students recognise it is necessary to prepare for safely using the equipment; for example, they have to ensure that all loose clothing is removed or secured, wear fully enclosed shoes, wear appropriate protective clothing, and identify and report faulty tools and equipment. Systems Systems Students use a range of components, tools, equipment and materials in order to safely and correctly construct systems. They demonstrate safe work practices and understand it is necessary to maintain tools and equipment. Plan, construct and modify simple systems and report on their performance. This is evident when the student is able to: During this producing phase, they are more likely to modify their designs in order to improve the products’ quality and presentation. To produce, students use a variety of mechanical and electrical systems and components, such as pulleys and belts; levers and linkages; gears; cranks and sliders, electrical circuits, resistors, LEDS and motors. 5 Materials Students implement procedural plans in order to produce the product. They demonstrate more precision when manipulating and processing materials. They sometimes use equipment that is more sophisticated, and are able to identify some faults in tools and equipment. Materials Justify, develop and implement design ideas, using some complex equipment and processes, and evaluate the efficiency of the processes used. This is evident when the student is able to: Students use a range of tools and equipment, including some power tools vary, independently, the sequence of the technology process phases when making adjustments to the development of solutions describe the inputs, processes and outputs for two specific systems and how these affect design generate several ideas for two simple systems, using sketches, diagrams and flowcharts in order to communicate ideas plan and construct two systems using tools and equipment safely and correctly modify and improve two systems during the production process describe the performance of each system. - 53 - apply the technology process independently, in a sequential and non-sequential way explain some of the social and Level Curriculum focus Learning outcomes (shown in bold) and indicators and larger equipment. They use the following tools and items of equipment as well as the ones listed at preceding levels: tailor’s chalk, engineer’s chalk, scribers, marking knives, engineer’s squares food processors, mincers, wire cutters hand planes, chisels, files, metal folders, pipe benders, jeweller’s rollers, engravers, pedestal drills, sanders, moulds rivets, soldering irons, buffers, electric beaters, overlockers. Students are aware they are working with many potentially dangerous tools and items of equipment, and take specific precautions, including wearing safety equipment, such as a pair of goggles, a mask and a pair of ear muffs. They help maintain tools and equipment, for example, by changing a coping saw’s blades, and sharpening a knife’s blade. Systems To produce, students work with several types of systems and sometimes combine simple systems in order to assemble and build systems that are more complex. They use a range of components, specialised techniques and pieces of equipment in a safe way to construct and operate systems. They understand how they can control and manage specific systems by varying the inputs, and become more and more skilled in modifying the outputs. Students are aware they are working with many potentially dangerous tools and items of equipment, and take specific precautions, including wearing safety equipment when appropriate. Systems Justify, develop, implement and evaluate the preferred option with reference to function, performance, quality and safe use. This is evident when the student is able to: 6 environmental implications of using particular materials in specific products generate and justify design ideas and prepare detailed drawings and procedural plans for preferred options demonstrate increasing independence in the use of a range of tools, equipment and machines, including some complex equipment, to implement the preferred option take appropriate safety precautions when using tools, equipment and machines evaluate the efficiency of the processes used and suggest how they could be improved. apply the technology process independently, in a sequential and non-sequential way demonstrate the input, process and output of two systems use a range of methods to generate ideas for two systems solutions develop criteria for measuring the performance of each system use some specialised techniques to assemble the systems and follow safe and responsible work practices evaluate the systems against the performance criteria developed, describing function, performance, quality and safe use of the systems. Materials Materials To produce, students construct products, models and/or prototypes to specifications and standards. They use a range of Prepare detailed design proposals, make products using some complex equipment, and analyse the - 54 - Level Curriculum focus Learning outcomes (shown in bold) and indicators techniques and pieces of equipment, including the more sophisticated, to specified levels of accuracy and precision. This may involve computer-assisted machinery. effectiveness of the products with reference to specified criteria. Students regularly check their progress and modify designs when required. They use a greater range of tools, equipment and machines, including some specialised equipment, including: welding equipment a lathe, including a computer controlled lathe a vacuum former and thermo former. Students have developed a thorough knowledge and understanding of the safety requirements, both of the work area and of individual tools and pieces of equipment. They are progressively able to identify the cause of faults in tools and basic equipment, and attempt to take remedial action safely and responsibly. This is evident when the student is able to: select, apply and vary the sequence of the phases of the technology process to suit different problems use a variety of suitable techniques to generate a range of detailed design ideas test materials to determine their suitability for a specific purpose apply knowledge of factors that affect product design, such as function, aesthetics and cost work independently and safely, using a range of complex equipment to produce solutions analyse products with reference to specified criteria and explain the effectiveness of the products. Extension Develop innovative solutions to problems, and evaluate products using a variety of qualitative and quantitative methods. This is evident when the student is able to: select, apply and vary the sequence of the phases of the technology process to suit different problems develop innovative solutions for two design problems use a range of suitable graphics, as well as relevant technical language, to develop and communicate ideas independently select and safely use appropriate complex equipment in order to make products use qualitative and quantitative methods to judge the suitability of products for addressing problems. Systems Systems To produce, students construct and Prepare detailed designs and use - 55 - Level Curriculum focus Learning outcomes (shown in bold) and indicators operate products, models and/or prototypes to detailed specifications and standards. They safely use a range of appropriate specialised techniques and equipment to specified levels of accuracy and precision. They check their progress regularly and modify their design when required. They attempt to solve some faults in equipment and tools in a safe and responsible manner. They use time and resources economically, and minimise waste. specialised techniques to construct and operate complex systems, and evaluate the designs against community needs, circumstances and resources. This is evident when the student is able to: select, apply, and vary the sequence of the phase of the technology process to suit different problems generate detailed designs for a complex system, using some computer software construct a system using several specialised techniques and demonstrating accuracy and precision when using tools and equipment regularly test the performance of the system and modify as required explain how the system addressed relevant community needs, circumstances and resources. Extension: Develop innovative solutions to complex systems problems and use qualitative and quantitative methods to evaluate performance. select, apply, and vary the sequence of the phases of the technology process to suit different problems develop innovative solutions for two complex systems problems use a range of methods to communicate ideas for a complex system independently choose and construct the preferred option using a range of specialised equipment use qualitative and quantitative methods to judge suitability and performance. Source: Board of Studies, Curriculum and Standards Framework, Technology (2000) - 56 - The Victorian Essential Learning Standards Design, Creativity and Technology domain This domain incorporates the use of tools, equipment and machines and can be seen as a pathway into VCE technology studies (including VCE Design and Technology and VCE Systems and Technology/VCE Systems Engineering) as well as a number of Vocational Education programs. In secondary schools, it is usually the same teachers who deliver programs in the CSF II Technology (Materials and Systems strands) and possibly Design, Creativity and Technology and VCE technology studies and possibly even VET programs, although in the VELS Design, Creativity and Technology domain is located in the Interdisciplinary strand. In the Introduction to the domain of Design, Creativity and Technology, is the following: Development of capability in this domain includes the ability to use, manage, assess and understand design, creativity, technology, and their relationship to innovation. In more details this includes…using tools, equipment, materials/ingredients and systems components safely and creatively to make quality products and/or systems. Design, Creativity and Technology includes three dimensions. The overview of the dimensions (Investigating and designing, Producing and Analysing and evaluating) the producing dimension includes: The Producing dimension involves students in the management of the production phase and includes the appropriate selection and safe manipulation and use of tools, equipment, materials/ingredients and components to carry out processes appropriate to the materials/ingredients or assembly of systems components to produce a quality product or technological system. The Victorian Essential Learning Standards defines six levels within the standards. These are: Level 1 – Preparatory Year Level 2 – Years 1 and 2 Level 3 – Years 3 and 4 Level 4 – Years 5 and 6 Level 5 – Years 7 and 8 Level 6 – Years 9 and 10. Each Level contains a Learning focus and Levels 3 – 6 contain standards. References to safety are shown in the following extracts from the standards. Level Learning focus Standards 1 ….Students develop skills in the safe use of basic tools and equipment, such as safety scissors, mixing bowls, cups and rulers, to cut, join, shape, mix and follow instructions to construct simple products or models based on their design ideas. Students follow a set of instructions and may begin to contribute to planning the main steps to make a product. They explain what they are making and which tools and equipment they are using. They safely use tools and equipment to separate, assemble, join and combine everyday materials/ingredients and systems components in a variety of ways. There are no standards at this 2 3 They develop skills in the use of a variety of simple production techniques, such as cutting, mixing, shaping, joining and assembling and a range of materials/ingredients to produce products, such as a healthy breakfast cereal and its packaging and simple systems; for example, a puppet with moving parts level. There are no standards at this level. Producing (dimension) At Level 3, students use their list of steps and are able to choose appropriate tools, equipment and techniques to alter and combine materials/ingredients and assemble - 57 - Level 4 5 6 Learning focus Standards (levers) or a pulley arrangement to lift a weight. Production techniques could include cutting with a saw or knife, weighing with scales, measuring with a jug, filing with a file or rasp, sandpapering, whisking and hand sewing with a needle and thread. Materials could include paper and cardboard, food ingredients, fabrics, wood, plants and soil or other growing media. They learn to use tools and equipment safely and hygienically, and with some accuracy, to alter and combine materials/ingredients and put together components to make a simple system with moving parts. Students learn to develop step-by-step plans for production and use a variety of production techniques, tools, materials/ingredients (for example, a template for marking a shape to be cut out of fabric or wood, a tape measure, pliers for bending metal wire, a hot-melt glue gun for joining wood or fabric, a hand beater for combining food ingredients, a clamp for holding materials/ingredients to a table, a try square for squaring a piece of wood, secateurs for trimming a plant, a peeler for removing apple skin) and systems components to make products safely. systems components. They use a variety of simple techniques/ processes and a range of materials/ingredients to safely and hygienically alter and combine materials/ingredients and put together components to make products and simple systems that have moving parts. They produce the product/system, using tools, equipment, machines and materials/ingredients safely and wear personal protective clothing and equipment if appropriate. Students develop a basic understanding of the risk assessment process. With direction, they choose and use increasingly complex production techniques and equipment; for example, a soldering iron, wire cutters, a food processor and electric beater, a hand plane, pedestal drill, overlocker, and report faults with tools and equipment. Producing (dimension) Students safely and efficiently construct products, models or prototypes to specifications and standards. They make decisions about safety precautions and wear personal protective clothing and equipment when necessary. Students further develop skills in using a range of techniques, equipment, tools, some of which are complex; for example, the lathe, computer-aided milling machine, and vacuum former. They also develop skills in using suitable Producing (dimension) At Level 4, students use their production plan and select and work safely with a variety of materials/ingredients and systems components to produce functional products and/or systems. They use a range of measuring, marking, joining/combining techniques to alter materials and finishing/presentation methods, and operate tools and equipment competently, showing consideration of safety and hygiene, and record their progress. At Level 5, students work safely/hygienically with a range of tools and equipment, including some which are complex, and manage materials/ingredients, components and processes to produce products and systems, taking full account of the appropriateness of their properties, characteristics or expected outputs in meeting requirements of design briefs. Producing (dimension) At Level 6, students implement a range of production processes accurately, consistently, safely/hygienically and responsibly, and select and use personal protective clothing and equipment when necessary. They produce products/systems using complex - 58 - Level Learning focus Standards materials/ingredients and/or systems components (or combine simple subsystems to produce more complex systems) to specified levels of accuracy and precision, and with consideration to risk assessment processes. They are encouraged to make adjustments to tools and equipment and carry out basic maintenance. They learn to use time and resources economically and try to minimise waste. tools, equipment, machines, materials/ingredients and/or systems components with precision. They clearly explain decisions about the suitability of materials/ingredients, systems components, energy requirements and production techniques based on their understanding of the properties and characteristics of materials/ingredients, and the inputs, processes and outputs of systems. The glossary for Design, Creativity and Technology contains the following definition: risk assessment: Process used to determine the likelihood that people may be exposed to injury, illness, or disease from any situation identified during the hazard identification process. A hazard is the potential to cause injury, illness or disease. Hazard identification is the process used to identify all possible situations where people may be exposed to injury, illness or disease. (The Victorian WorkSafe Website: Source: Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority, Victorian Essential Learning Standards (Revised December 2005) Design, Creativity and Technology domain. Victorian Certificate of Education Current VCE Study Designs The two VCE studies that are most related to the focus of the Safety Committee are VCE Design and Technology and VCE Systems and Technology. The accreditation period for these studies ends on 31 December 2006. These studies both contain the following statement in the introduction: SAFETY Achievement of the outcomes of this study may involve the handling of hazardous substances and/or the use of hazardous equipment. It is the responsibility of the school to ensure that duty of care is exercised in relation to the health and safety of all students undertaking the study. References to safety in the current study designs. VCE Design and Technology (In this study students generally use materials such as wood, metal, plastics, and textiles.) Aims: Acquire, extend and apply a range of practical skills related to design, safe use of tools, equipment and machines and develop an understanding of the processes used in manipulating materials. Unit 1 Area of study 3 Safe use of tools, equipment machines and material Outcome 3 On completion of this unit the students should be able to select and safely use tools, equipment and machines to make a functional product/s and evaluate its effectiveness. Key knowledge The safe and correct methods to process materials using tools, equipment and machines Key skill - 59 - Safely use and maintain tools, equipment and machines. Unit 2 Area of study 3 Appropriate tools, equipment and machines, and their safe and correct use. Outcome 3 Key knowledge Appropriate, correct and safe use of tools, equipment, machines. Key skills Select and safely use tools, equipment and machines to carry out a range of processes. Unit 3 Outcome 3 Key knowledge Relevant health and safety issues Key skills Safely and efficiently implement production activities to satisfy client requirements and to specified standards of quality. Unit 4 Outcome 3 Key skills Safely apply appropriate production skills to make a planned product. Source: Board of Studies, VCE Design and Technology Study Design (1999) VCE Systems and Technology (This includes mechanical, electrical/electronic systems.) Aims Develop safe, logical and efficient work practices Unit 1 Area of study 2 Safe working practices, including relevant health and safety regulations Outcome 2 On completion of this unit the student should be able to select and safely use tools, equipment and machines to make a functional system. Key knowledge Safe and correct use of appropriate tools, equipment machines and components Key skills Select and correctly/safely use tools, equipment and machines to undertake the processes of production Unit 2 Area of study 2 Safe working practices, including relevant health and safety regulations. Outcome 2 Key knowledge Safe and correct use of appropriate tools, equipment and machines Key skills Select and correctly/safely use tools, equipment and machines to undertake the processes of production Unit 3 Area of study 2 Safe working practices, including relevant health and safety regulations Outcome 2 Key knowledge Safe and correct use of appropriate tools, equipment and machines Key skills Select and correctly/safely use tools, equipment and machines to undertake the processes of production Unit 4 Area of study 2 - 60 - Safe working practices, including relevant health and safety regulations. Outcome 2 Key knowledge Select and correctly/safely use tools, equipment and machines to undertake the processes of production Source: Board of Studies, VCE Systems and Technology, 1999, New VCE Study Designs (to be implemented in 2007) VCE Design and Technology and VCE Systems and Technology were reviewed in 2005. The revised studies have recently been distributed to schools, for implementation in 2007. Both VCE Design and Technology (accreditation period Units 1 – 4: 2007 – 2011) and VCE Systems Engineering (accreditation period Units 1 – 4: 2007 – 2010) (which replaces Systems and Technology) contain the following: SAFETY This study may involve the handling of potentially hazardous substances and/or the use of potentially hazardous equipment. It is the responsibility of the school to ensure that duty of care is exercised in relation to the health and safety of all students undertaking the study. Teachers should refer to the Safety School website and Student safety Guidelines Technology (Department of Education & Training 2003) or subsequent publications. For information about risk assessment and risk management refer to the WorkSafe website Both VCE study designs contain reference in all four units of each study (for example in the key knowledge and key skills related to designing and producing a product or system) to ‘safe and efficient work practices’, ‘hazard identification, risk assessment and risk control’ and ‘safe and correct use and care of tools, equipment and machines’. The glossary in each study design includes a definition of risk assessment sourced from the Victorian WorkSafe website. In addition, the Design and Technology Study Design includes in the Advice for Teachers section under the heading Risk Management (page 45) a diagram to show how risk assessment must be considered in the design stage and through production, distribution and use of a product. This diagram was provided by Paul O’Halloran, Employee Health, Department of Education, Victoria. - 61 -