education - Active Learning Lab

Utah State University
Huntsman School of Business
3515 Old Main Hill
Logan, Utah 84341-3515
Assistant Professor, Accounting and MIS, Utah State University, Logan UT
Assistant Professor, Accounting, Pepperdine University, Malibu CA
Visiting Assistant Professor, Accounting, Boise State University, Boise ID
2012 – Present
2010 – 2012
Ph.D. – Management Information Systems, 2008
GPA: 3.8/4.0
University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona
Dissertation topic: An Examination of Work Practices and Tool Use in High Risk Environments
(Advisor: Suzanne Weisband)
Minor: Cognitive Science
Masters of Accounting, 2009
University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona
Emphasis: Management Information Systems and Audit
GPA: 3.9/4.0
Bachelor of Science – Business Information Systems, 2001
Utah State University, Logan, Utah
USU Scholar of the Year, College of Business Valedictorian, Summa Cum Laude graduate,
BIS (now MIS) Outstanding Student of the Year
GPA: 4.0/4.0
Associate of Arts and Sciences – Accounting, 1999
Associate of Arts and Sciences – Computer Information Systems, 1999
Ricks College, Rexburg, Idaho
Spori Scholar, Summer Convocation Speaker, CIS Outstanding Student of the Year
GPA: 4.0/4.0
GPA: 4.0/4.0
Information Systems Impacts
Accounting Information Systems
Knowledge Management Systems
Cost Accounting
Accounting Information Systems
Managerial Accounting
Cost Accounting
Business Intelligence and Analytics
1. Lee, K., S. Miller, N.F. Velasquez, C. Wann (2013). “The Effects of Investor Bias and Gender on Portfolio
Performance and Risk,” International Journal of Business and Finance Research.
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2. Velasquez, N.F., H. Newman**, S. Miller (2012). “The Impact of a Secondary Market on a Consumer's
Intention to Buy New Video Games,” Review of Business Information Systems 16(3).
3. Velasquez, N.F., J. Wilkerson, M. Misch (2011). “Using “off-topic” presentations to engage students and
create a sense of community in the classroom.” Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education 3(2): 97106.
4. Lenchner, J., D. Rosu, N. F. Velasquez, et al (2009). "A Service Delivery Platform for Server Management
Services.” IBM Journal of Research and Development 53(6): paper 2.
5. Olsen, D.H, O. Yatsenko, N. Forsgren (2002). “Enhancing Database Integrity and Process Automation
Through Smart Triggers." Issues in Information Systems 3(1): 490-496.
6. Olsen, D.H. and N. Forsgren (2002). “A General E-Commerce Data Model for Strategic Advantage:
Mapping Site Structure to Site Visit Behavior." The Review of Business Information Systems 6(1): 17-24.
7. Olsen, D.H., J.J. Johnson, M. Hacking, N. Forsgren (2001). “Municipal Information Systems: Current
Practices and Issues." Issues in Information Systems 2(1): 350-356.
8. Olsen, D.H. and N. Forsgren (2001). “GEM: A General E-Commerce Data Model for Strategic Advantage."
Issues in Information Systems 2(1): 343-349.
1. Velasquez, N.F., R. Sabherwal, A. Durcikova (2013). “The Effects of Business Intelligence Features on
Internal and Competitive Advantage.” American Accounting Association Information Systems Midyear
Meeting 2013, Ft. Lauderdale, FL.
2. Velasquez, N.F., R. Sabherwal, A. Durcikova (2012). “The Effects of Business Intelligence Features on
Internal and Competitive Advantage: A Resource-Based View.” 4th Annual Pre-ICIS Workshop on
Accounting Information Systems 2012, Orlando, FL.
3. Wang, X., N.F. Velasquez, P. Clay (2012). “Knowledge Contribution in Server Management: Antecedents
and Consequences of Different Types of Motivation.” Western Decision Sciences Institute (WDSI) 2012,
Big Island, HI.
o Paper named “Best Student Paper.”
4. Lee, K., S. Miller, N.F. Velasquez, and C. Wann (2012). “The Effects of Investor Bias and Gender on
Portfolio Performance and Risk.” Global Conference on Business and Finance 2012, Honolulu, HI.
o Paper named “Best in Session,” Finance, Global Conference on Business and Finance.
o Project awarded “Outstanding Research,” Institute for Business and Finance Research (IBFR)
(given to top 10% of research papers across all IBFR conferences).
5. Ashmore, S., N.F. Velasquez, S. Demarie (2011). “Organizational Status: Effects on Implementation of
Usability Requirements.” Decision Sciences Institute (DSI) 2011, Boston, MA.
6. Velasquez, N.F., R. Sabherwal, A. Durcikova (2011). “Adoption of an Electronic Knowledge Repository: A
Feature-Based Approach.” Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) 2011, Kauai, HI.
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7. Velasquez, N.F., S.P. Weisband (2009). “System Administrators as Technician Brokers.” CHIMIT 2009,
Baltimore, MD.
8. Velasquez, N.F., A. Durcikova, R. Sabherwal (2009). “Studying Knowledge Management System Success
in System Administration.” HICSS 2009, Big Island, HI.
9. Velasquez, N.F., S.P. Weisband (2008). “Work Practices of System Administrators: Implications for Tool
Design.” Computer Human Interaction for the Management of Information Technology (CHIMIT) 2008,
San Diego, CA.
10. Velasquez, N.F., A. Durcikova (2008). “Sysadmins and the Need for Verification Information.” CHIMIT
2008, San Diego, CA.
11. Velasquez, N.F., S.P. Weisband, A. Durcikova (2008). “Designing Tools for System Administrators: An
Empirical Test of the Integrated User Satisfaction Model.” LISA 2008, San Diego, CA.
12. Twitchell, D.P, D. Biros, N. Forsgren, et al (2006). “Automated Determination of the Veracity of Interview
Statements from People of Interest to an Operational Security Force.” HICSS 2006, Koloa, Kauai, HI.
13. Forsgren, N., J.W. Wilkerson, et al. (2005). “Using Linguistic Analysis and Classification Techniques to
Identify Ingroup and Outgroup Messages in the Enron Email Corpus.” HICSS 2005, Waikaloa, Big Island,
14. Twitchell, D.P., N. Forsgren, J.F. Nunamaker. (2005). "Detecting Deception in Synchronous ComputerMediated Communication Using Speech Act Profiling." ISI 2005, Atlanta, GA.
15. Twitchell, D.P, N. Forsgren, et al. (2005). "Assessing the Veracity of Criminal Detainee Statements: A
Study of Real-World Data." ICIA 2005, McLean, VA.
16. Lin, M., C. Diller, N. Forsgren (2005). "Segmenting Lecture Videos by Topic: From Manual to Automated
Methods." AMCIS 2005, Omaha, NE.
1. “Factors Affecting Contributions to Knowledge Repositories: Insights from an Empirical Study based on
Cognitive Load Theory,” with A. Durcikova and R. Sabherwal. Paper under review.
2. “Assessing Information Quality and System Quality as Second-Order Constructs in the Integrated User
Satisfaction Model” with A. Durcikova, X. Wang, and P. Clay. Paper under review.
3. “EKR Use and Impacts: Integrating Role Theory and the Theory of Knowledge Reuse,” with R. Sabherwal
and A. Durcikova. Paper under review.
4. “Examining Profiles and Perceptions of the IS 2010 Model Curriculum Guidelines,” with R.J. Mills, K.J.
Fadel, and C.C. Bell. Paper under review.
5. “Encouraging Knowledge Sharing: The Role of Social Context and Differential Effects of Motivation Type,”
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with X. Wang and P. Clay, targeting Journal of Organizational Behavior. Paper under review.
6. “Stakeholder Status and the Effects on Product Usability,” with S. Ashmore. Paper under review.
7. “The Impacts of Knowledge Sharing, Knowledge Sourcing, Alternative Mechanisms, and Knowledge SelfEfficacy on Perceived Performance of Electronic Knowledge Repositories,” with R. Sabherwal and A.
Durcikova, targeting Strategic Management Journal. Data analyzed and paper outlined.
8. “The Effects of Technology Features and Individual Characteristics on the Use of Business Intelligence
Systems: A Cross-Organizational Study,” with R. Sabherwal and A. Durcikova, targeting MISQ. Data
analysis complete and paper outlined.
9. “Biases and Portfolio Management Behavior Profiles: An Empirical Taxonomy,” with J. Johnson, S. Miller,
and C. Wann, targeting Journal of Behavioral Finance. Data collection and analysis completed.
10. “The Effects of Business Intelligence on Internal and Competitive Advantage,” with A. Durcikova and R.
Sabherwal, targeting Accounting Organizations and Society. Conference paper complete; extension to
journal article underway.
11. “Verification Information and Technical Work,” with R.J. Mills and A. Durcikova. Conference paper
complete; extension to journal article underway.
12. “Impacts of Knowledge Sharing: A Longitudinal View,” with M. Subramani and R. Sabherwal. Data
collection complete and analysis underway.
13. “The Transfer of IT Trust and Computer Efficacy,” with Dave Wilson and Paul Clay. Conceptual work
complete; finalizing data collection sites now.
14. “A Game Theoretic Analysis of Cost Allocation in Academia,” with M. Dror and B. Thomason. Data
collection under way.
15. “The Impacts of Knowledge Seeking on Satisfaction and Learning: A Study in Healthcare,” with I. Reychav,
R. Sabherwal, R. Kumi. Research study designed and proposed.
16. “Accounting Information Systems Research: Influences and Impacts,” with B. Postlethwaite and K.
Hauser. Data collection underway.
1. Velasquez, N.F. (Nov 2006). “IBM System Storage DS8000: RAID Rebuild Performance Analysis.” IBM
2. Velasquez, N.F., L. LaFrese, C. Pratt, Y. Xu (Sept 2006). “IBM System Storage DS8000 Performance
Whitepaper: Including Power5+, Copy Services Enhancements, 4Gb Host Adapter Performance Results
and More." IBM Whitepaper.
1. Donie, B.J., A. Koster, N.F. Velasquez, “Encrypting Data in Volatile Memory,” Patent US 8,281,154 B2
Nicole Forsgren Velasquez, PhD
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*Many early papers published under Nicole Forsgren.
** Author was an undergraduate student.
Assistant Professor
2010 – 2012
Pepperdine University, Business Administration Division (Accounting)
Courses Taught: AC 225 Managerial Accounting, AC 313 Cost Analysis, AC 314 Accounting Information
Systems, GSBA1 199 Freshman Research Seminar
Overall **
Managerial Accounting
Fall 2011
Managerial Accounting
Spring 2011
Managerial Accountinga
Fall 2010
Accounting Information Systems
Spring 2011
Cost Analysis
Fall 2011
Cost Analysis
Fall 2010
Freshman Research Seminar
Fall 2011
*Teacher: The professor is an excellent teacher.
**Overall: Overall professor rating (prepared, clear and engaging, available to students, enthusiastic).
: Scores averaged across two sections.
Visiting Professor
Boise State University, Visiting Professor, Accountancy
Course Taught: ACCT 314 Cost Accounting (no quantitative summary available)
Teaching Assistant
University of Arizona, Accounting
Course: ACCT 461/561 Accounting Information Systems
- Developed material for student labs, focusing on REA modeling and implementation.
- Developed course materials and supporting homework.
- Conducted labs (for all students) and led tutorials for study sessions.
Graduate Instructor
University of Arizona, Management Information Systems
Course Taught: MIS 304 Using and Managing Information Technology
Teaching Effectiveness: 4.9/5.0
Teaching ratings relative to historical class mean:
Teaching effectiveness:; Course mean: 3.9/5.0
Instructor comparison (to prior): 4.8/5.0; Course mean: 3.9/5.0
Student treatment: 5.0/5.0; Course mean: 4.6/5.0
Awarded MIS Department Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor, 2007-2008.
Awarded Eller School of Management Dean’s Teaching Award, 2008.
Guest Lecturer
BYU-Idaho, Computer Information Technology
Guest lecture: CIT 203 Visual Programming (Lecture: Intro to HCI)
Guest lecture: CIT 310 OO Programming (Lecture: HCI and Usability)
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Guest lecture: CIT 350 Managing IT (Lecture: IT Issues for Managers)
Post-doctoral Research Associate
2008 – 2009
University of Arizona, Management Information Systems Department (Advisor: Alexandra Durcikova)
Research Projects: KMS success, integrating BI and KM, IT impacts
Research Intern
IBM T.J. Watson Research
Research Projects: Knowledge Management, IT Impacts
Research Assistant
2004 – 2005
University of Arizona, Management Information Systems Department (Advisor: Suzanne Weisband)
Research Projects: Virtual Teams, Leadership at a Distance
University of Arizona, Center for the Management of Information (Advisor: Jay Nunamaker)
Research Projects: Deception Detection, Linguistic Analysis, Meta-Analysis
Audit/Forensic Accounting Intern
R&A CPAs, Tucson, AZ
 Responsibilities: Assist with employee benefit plan audits and forensic accounting engagements.
Develop and refine initiative to measure client perceptions of firm service offerings and quality.
Enterprise Storage Hardware Test
IBM, Tucson, AZ
 Responsibilities: Conduct system level service test on DS8000 storage product, analyze user interface for
accuracy and usability. Drive cost savings effort, saving the division $40k/month in depreciation costs.
Performance Analyst
IBM, Tucson, AZ
 Responsibilities: Lead RAID rebuild performance efforts, write technical whitepapers, analyze enterprise
storage hardware performance, perform competitive analysis, conduct out of band performance testing.
2002, 2003-2004
TechnoSolutions Group, Honolulu, HI
 Responsibilities: programming (reports, financials, auditable systems, interactive and batch jobs) and
design on the AS/400 using RPG and CL. Systems included financial and auditable systems.
Senior Analyst
eWorld Enterprise Solutions, Honolulu, HI
 Responsibilities: program analysis, conceptual design, Lotus Notes development (including design and
programming of purchase order workflow system), Domino server administration, user documentation
and training. Systems included financial and auditable systems.
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Software Engineer
IBM, Tucson, AZ
 Responsibilities: system analysis and design, Lotus Notes database development, data modeling
1. General Conference Chair
2. General Conference Co-Chair
USENIX Women in Advanced Computing 2012, 2013
3. Past Chair, Workshop Chair, ACM CHIMIT 2011
4. Conference Program Committee
USENIX LISA 2009, 2011, 2012
Pre-ICIS HCI Workshop 2011
5. Reviewer
6. Association Membership
American Accounting Association (AAA)
Association for Information Systems (AIS)
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Decision Sciences Institute (DSI)
League of Professional System Administrators (LOPSA)
SAGE (USENIX special interest group for system administrators)
Consortium for the Science of Sociotechnical Systems (CSST)
7. Invited Panels/Presentations
 “Women in Tech: Recognizing and Leveraging Differences,” Silicon Valley Women in IT Leadership
Event, October 2011.
 “Communicating and Collaborating,” Silicon Valley Women in Tech Event, March 2011.
 Panel member, BYU-Idaho Business Summit, March 2008.
 “Succeeding in IS: Higher Education Strategies,” BYU-Idaho Business Summit, March 2008.
 Guest lecture (Intro to HCI): CIT 203 Visual Programming, BYU-Idaho, March 2008
 Guest lecture (HCI and Usability): CIT 310 Object-oriented Programming, BYU-Idaho, March 2008
 Guest lecture (IT Issues for Managers): CIT 350 Managing IT, BYU-Idaho, March 2008