GLE 309 Culminating Activity Assignment

Name: ________________________________________
Part 1 Brochure Due Date:
Part 2 Resume and Interview Due Date:
Part 3 Reflection & Justification Due Date:
Date : __________________________________
This Culminating Activity will be worth 30% of your final mark for this course. You will apply and utilize
all that you learned from this course into this assignment. There will be 3 parts for this Culminating Activity:
Part 1: “How To Find The Right Career For You” brochure: 10%
 You will create a 6-panel brochure that will help young people who are seeking full-time employment
for the very first time
 It must provide effective strategies/tips to them on what they can and should do in order to obtain
 You may include self-assessments (refer to your folder)
 Provide names of agencies/places that will assist in employment opportunities and assistance (e.g.,
Woodgreen Employment Centre, YMCA, etc.)
 Tips on how to write effective resumes and cover letter
 This brochure will have 6 panels and must include all of the above (one panel should be a cover page
for the course code, your name, teacher’s name)
Part 2: Creative Resume and Interview: 10%
 Choose a career that reflects your educational pathway, interest and personal characteristics
 Create a “made up” resume of you in 10 years. The resume should accurately reflect your education,
training, certification, awards, achievements, skills and employment. (*See Creative Resume Profile
handout to use as a template)
 Create a realistic and good copy of a resume that will be used for an actual job interview
 Job Interview with the teacher (you must come prepared, dressed and ready for a real job interview)
Part 3: Reflection: 10%
 Write a one page reflection on what you learned about careers and yourself this year. Things to think
about in your reflection:
o Do I know what I would like to study after high school? Will I pursue apprenticeship, a
workplace, or go to college or university?
o What have I learned about my strengths and needs as a student? As an individual? Do I have
good habits and skills?
o What are things that I need to improve?
o What have I learned this year?
o What are my goals for next year?
o Am I ready for the next stage of my life after high school?